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Great classical composers: list of the greatest
The 20th century is usually celebrated as an hour of great gains, which marked the lives of people who lost their lives and who lay down their lives. However, the main idea is that the world of music at this time did not create anything new, but...
The image and characteristics of the Colonel at the ball and after the ball in the account of Leo Tolstoy’s “After Ball”
The remarkable life and creativity of the great Russian writer and thinker Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy are consistent moral jokes. What is the rightful importance of people, as they are ranked before other people and those who have been taken into hiding...
Zirka Dossier: Venedikt Erofeev
Venedikt Vasilyovich Erofeev (24 May 1938 – 11 May 1990) – Russian writer, author of the prose poem “Moscow – Pivni”. Born in the town of Zapolyarny, Murmansk region. Virus near Kirovskaya metro station, on the evening of the Kola Peninsula. 1946 rock...
Soloist of the group
12 selection of chords Biography - a German musical group oriented towards danceable and energetic music. The group is known in many countries of the world, including many English texts (with a few exceptions) so...
Presentation from literature
Alexander Sergeyovich Griboyedov (1795-1829) Childhood. Oleksandr Sergeyovich was born on the 4th (15th) of his family, which belonged to an old noble family. The boy's fathers grew rich. The stench was faint in 3 provinces, villages in which in 1998...
Nicholas Hoult commented on the appeal'єднання з Дженніфер Лоуренс на зйомках «Темного Фенікса» Акторська кар'єра Ніколаса Холта
Nicholas Hoult is a British actor who has stolen his fame from Hollywood. Today's work schedule is scheduled for 6 projects per day. It’s easy for directors to price him for his money and change his mind from anyone...
Image about'єму на площині
To quickly see the presentation from the front, create your own Google account and go to the new one: Captions for slides: Vanishing points Basics of linear perspectiveEnter. Front...
Preparing for the Russian language Feel like you're alive
Well done, all the kids. If anyone in his creative mind shows a rich vocabulary, he will always make good propositions and competently express his thoughts. I'm glad to see new nicknames on "Po4em4kah". I check for Rashtu.
Characteristics of Aunt Larina
In the novel “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin managed to present all the different aspects of life in modern Russia, to depict the Russian marriage “at one of the most important moments of its development”, to create typical images of Onegin and Len anyone in particular...
Johann Sebastian Bach create Sebastian Bach
Bach Johann Sebastian, whose biography arouses the interest of many music lovers, becoming one of the greatest composers in our entire history. In addition, he was a Viconavian, a virtuoso organist and a talented teacher. In this...