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History of the song
There was only one living artist, A little house and canvases. And he loved the actress, The one who loved the books. He then sold his box, Sold the paintings and blood for all the pennies, buying a whole sea of ​​books. rozuma? Yak prodovzhennya...
The era of romanticism in mysticism
Examination essay Topic: “Romanticism as a direct result of mysticism.” Vikonala student 11 "B" class ZSh No. 3 Boyprav Ganna Vikladach of world artistic culture Butsu T. N. M. Brest 2002 r. 1. Entry 2.
The occupation of the top people will remain'яного віку
What is “Kamyan hundred”, you know. These are skins, brood, a toilet at the far end of the furnace, rock paintings instead of comics and thirsty value: today you eat a mammoth, and tomorrow you have an appetite for a bite of a sabertooth...
Classicism presentation before the lesson from the Moscow Chemical Conservatory (grade 11) on the topic Presentation on the topic of aesthetics to classicism
To get a first look at the presentation, create your own Google account and go to the new one: Captions for the slides: Directly in mysticism Directly in mysticismClassicism...
Description of the painting by Fyodor Reshetnikov “Boys”
The artist F. P. Reshetnikov loved to write paintings on children’s themes, which he blamed even during the hours of the Great German War. Often on guard for...
Painting by Reshetnikov
Boys The painting “Boys”, like most of the paintings by F.P. Reshetnikova, dedicated to children. This is one of the most poetic works of the artist. In the center of the picture are the boys who rose on the floors of a large overhead booth. Eh...
How to place Bazarov before Fathers?
The novel “Fathers and Children” by Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev, written already in the distant nineteenth century, is deprived of relevance and reasonableness to the modern reader, and even in this work a lack of important and main themes is revealed.
“Analysis of Hugo’s novel “The Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris” The author’s position in the creation of the Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris
Hugo’s ballads, such as “King John’s Tournament”, “The Burgrave’s Bath”, “The Legend of the Nun”, “The Fairy”, etc., have many signs of national and historical coloring.
MY SITE AFORISM.RU - LITERARY SITE OF GENNADY VOLOVOV This new collection includes the best authors of current Russian literature, aphorisms, anecdotes. For the first time on a single portal, a collection of the most talented creators...
Anna Netrebko - biography, information, special features of life
Nashchadkova's Cossack, with a house of gypsy blood. Do you realize how vibukhone is not safe to eat? Hanna is extremely emotional, sometimes brusque and always straightforward. In the language you can screw up the mіtsnі vyslovlyuvannya, and the choice...