The road of death and anomalous zones on the roads. Anomalous roads around the world Anomalous place on the highway

An article about mystical upheavals and ignorant podії on Russian roads. Primari, geopathogenic zones too. Naprikintsi statti - tsikave video about ghosts on the road.

Change of stats:

The world has a lot of mysterious, anomalous places, most of them visit Russia. It's crazy, to know about them, to speak and write, so smart people bypass them. But what work, like a mystical territory and an automobile highway, on what kind of paths do they follow, that logic does not follow, and terrible catastrophes? What is true on the Russian roads Panuє mysticism, why did you think of a drink of water?

Chi іsnuyut roads of death

The celebrations of similar paranormal missions, in order with other missions, were carried out by long-term graduates of different lands. Obviously, it is low autoshlyakhіv "calling" accidents, breakdowns and deaths of people more often than not, even on other highways. Here the phenomenon manifests itself more strongly, if the waters literally physically feel the atmosphere, to crush, and watch out for unreasonable phenomena. As a rule, the value of tectonic fractures and geopathic zones, which can be calculated for deformed trees, fuzzy growths and numerical ravines, is usually taken into account. People take the energy of such a place, which pours into the pulse, vice, reaction and that zir. Everything is to lead to fatal pardons and violent accidents.

Shocking statistics prove that in the last ten years people died in road accidents, like in bloody wars. Which of them are vipadkiv, called anomalies?

Litkarinsky mayors

The village of the forest road near the village of Pekhorka took over 40 human lives for the rest of the ten years. Ignorance of those who have always been miraculously laid down by asphalt and the days of being viginivs, tsya equal, like an arrow, a route to induce heat on the waters.

Eyewitnesses, yakі survived after accidents, stverdzhuyut, that the cause of the catastrophe was the rapt fog, the loss of visibility and control, and also the image of people who stood on the road or vzdovzh it. The second svіdok bachiv low vgnikіv, scho spread over the crosses and tombstones, set on a riddle about the victims of an accident.

Unacceptable statistics and numerical newspaper notes turned the respect of the current governor, which, by taking a turn, took the situation into his own hands. We ordered to re-lay the asphalt and equip the village of the kilkom with police officers who were “lying”. The results did not confuse the long-term checks - the death rate did not rise at all, it proteously decreased. Ale...

The scientific group completed a 5-meter whirlwind, which is located not far from the traces, which were made by one of the city's residents. The first age was estimated in the range from 150 to 1000 years, and the pits found in the middle of the pit, cleaned in the alluvial modern smittya, appeared as parts of a massive rich-toned body. In this manner, the successors do not replicate the mystical version of the Rachunks. Nezrazumili podії can be seen in the wake of the fact that the route, by the will of the share, will pass through the meteoritic zone, having poured in what it looks like a rich century. Zvіdsi and climatic anomalies, and vtrata kerovannosti and navit bachennya.

Naro-Fominsky "Flying Dutchman"

In other lands, frontal shields with the inscriptions “Anomalous Zone” do not shock anyone, and the first axis is still the same in Russia, which is on the M-3 highway, calling for an unacceptable third at the water and passengers. Moreover, the number of billboards stretch back to the evil three kilometers - from 66 to 69, - ale and uzdovzh them.

DIBDR does not comment on the rapt migration to the ditch of vintage trucks, terrible accidents during the banal change of rows of cars. Ale naytsіkavіshe, scho all yak one zvinuvachuyut in the future, like a white sedan, scho materials on the highway, nache z nіzvіdki.

Something that sounds in all inaccuracies is the lack of illumination on the road, but there were many accidents during the daytime. Well, the old-timers sang on budivelnikov, they designed a popular route just above the old tsvintar.

Yaka іstorіya є spravzhnyoy, z'yasuvati smoothly. Ale unique warnings about anomalies abi de do not spread.

Geopathogenic Kazan

The beautiful old-fashioned place does not boast of any number of lights, no underground crossings, no expansion of highways. For example, accidents happen almost every day on the Mamadsky highway.

The motorway, which is called the local residents of the “old Kazanskaya”, was roztashovan on the outskirts of Kazan, passing through itself 30,000 cars a day. The road is regularly widened, ending with a handy rozvyazkoy, and all the same, bikers break on it, galma is driven by the trucks, all kinds of bodies attack other cars. Chomus itself tract is the leader for the number of rapt breakdowns.

Why is there a riddle of the Mamadsky tract? Here the versions also differ. From one side, the wine crosses the river of Knox, whose channel, smoothly, sticks with a geological fault.

Another version, obviously, is tied with a ring. Aboriginal people have no doubts that the mayors of Samosyrivsky Tsvintar are overwhelmed by the destruction of peace and revenge on motorists. Naigirshe - all the evidence about UFOs obov'yazkovo stick around the wicked road. Ignorant flying objects, similar to the classic UFO spheres, circle over a number of villages, and then go straight to the same path.

Ale, for what reason, the problems of Kazantsiv will not end. The Siberian tract is no less unsafe for water and pedestrians. Dіlyanka from Iskri to Pionerska Street is famous for traffic jams, accidents and stingy road traffic. Tse everything can be called on technical features and low water culture. But if the car is quickly stopped in the middle of the road, or, on the other hand, a galma is driven by the tram, through which it enters the car flow - there are no logical explanations.

This anomaly did not dawn on either the representatives of the DIBDR or the successors. Stop all the time planning to take up special accessories and finish the leather stuff, until the stench just calls out to the fullness of all the participants in the movement in the mystical territory.

And the axis for the Kazan walkers in the most terrible place is the passage through the railway station of the veterinary institute. If you want to repair the way, you can do it in a few seconds, the road is straight and even there, the train can be seen from afar, but still people die here because of an enviable regularity.

You walk, like you can easily turn over the damned place, swear at the sight of disorientation, as if you are standing at the uninterrupted closeness to the transition. What is it that pours into people, zmushyuyuchi ruined by the expanse, and navіt throwing themselves on the train?

Everything that was far away to tell the last anomalies, the binding until the 14th and 18th, on which more falls fall. What happened on the zaliznitsi in the date, it is not known, that vcheni simply recommend at the appointed days shukati іnshі slyakhi.

Well, come on, on the streets of Chistopolsky, staying in the swamps, there are up to two dozen accidents per day, which among the global statistics seems to be a stingy figure. The road has recently been repaired and widened, it can be correctly designed to cut, but the number of victims does not decrease. Kazantsy seem that in the ancient world for everyday life, they chose something carefully thought out. Most often they asked for a favor, which, after special prayers, showed the right place with hot energy. At the same time, you don’t have to choose, because such terrible anomalies are trapped by being on the negative plots of the earth, roads and other buds.

presidential track

In the midst of Muscovites, the old-timers are no longer aware of the dead zone in the very center of the capital;

On the Kutuzovsky Prospekt near the turn to Minsk, regular traffic accidents end with a fatal result. Moreover, looking at the skin of a specific mood, the following, eyewitnesses and doctors gasped at the specifics of the case:

  • a family of 5 people went on a "Niva" to the center of Moscow, if a "Gazelle" crashed into them from a smoky swarm. Blame for an accident on a stolen car, driving to the Moscow region and slinging a foreign car on an expensive road. That one "formed itself" and began to follow the "Gazelle", as at the same time it crashed into the "ZIL" and, in the face of the blow, flew the same "Niva". Two members of this family died on the mission, suffering from severe injuries;
  • about the 4th year of the wound on an empty road, the foreign brand raptly spent keruvannya, stumbled with the “simka”, and that in its line “streaked” with the picking machine. At the result, with hard waters on a straight line, the road for the presence of ice and other crossings - chotiri victims.

I similar vipadkіv recorded rich pavement, scho pravohorontsі turned back to the historians and vchenih for explanations. You dug up a lot of archival data, but did not know the records about the burial or the treasures. Moscow had a lot of people near the church and monastery territory, and the sovereign Peter I himself ordered not to want people in the middle of the city.

There is only one more fact that you can tie to the mysticism of Kutuzovsky Prospekt - if there were great slaughterhouses here. Maybe, the very shelter of the creatures, what to get into the ground, calling out the motor-driven steps on the highway?

Ulyanivska perished valley

If unreasonable accidents began on the Saransk-Ulyanovsk highway, caused by a second orientation of water, a rapt wind gap and hearing, confusion and a stupor, archaeologists once again confirmed the fact of an ancient burial. The archives talk about the Muslim tsvintar, which until 1960 was omnipresent and found near did not lead the way. Ale, in the Radyansk hours, they respected such an unreasonable marna vitrata of expensive territories, zvintar was lifted from the ground and a highway was laid.

After a number of accidents, there was a non-standard solution for the church DIBDR - to consecrate the grave. The abbot of the church, passing all the way, sprinkling a meter of leather with holy water and reading prayers. Chi dopomozhe such a zahid - show the hour.

Sakhalin magnetic road

The anomalies of such distant regions are not so widely known to the public, but the stench is not less pronounced. So, the waters that go along the Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotsk highway, at some moment start to recover, the dumb wheels stick to the road. Breaking all the laws of physics and reasoning on the descent of the car, they are quickly improved, and on the descent they are broken.

The vcheni, who arrived at the place of their journey, made death and revealed the magnetic background movements, which cannot be recognized without further investigation.

How to save motorists and pedestrians from mystical goodies? What about the development of special forward signs to promote the danger in the unsafe area? Chi get the clergy for the relief of evil spirits? Or is it smarter to go to the everyday life of the tracks, not laying them on the bones of the dead people? Do you fight the roads of death, do you just accept the manifestation of mysticism on the roads of Russia? Ask the impersonal, you can give me just an hour.

Video about ghosts on the road:

The survivors of anomalous and paranormal phenomena in the whole world more and more often pay respect to the ignorant phenomenon of the “road of death”. Conducted research in Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany and other lands to bring the obvious river. On the highways, there are a lot of car dealerships of roads, on some number of road traffic accidents (road accidents) for an hour, hundreds of times, the average statistical indicator is outweighed. Qi mistsya are called geopathogenic, otherwise. On some plots, the anomaly appears strong, on others - weak. Such zones are found near tectonic breaks with genera of brown copalins, white high-voltage power lines.

Yes, yakі mozhut aktivіzuvatisya and subside stalely in the hour to doby or pore rock. It has been brought to light that all man-made tunnels, pits, pipelines are thinly spaced, laid on unfriendly plots, sharply influence the negative energy. Іsnuyut sing signs, which are the appearance of anomalous plots. The number of bright trees is great, the growth is reduced, the tree is unnaturally curved.

At the waters, yakі opilis on such bays of the bay, the damage in the organism is on the molecular, protein, clitin level. The pulse rate, arterial pressure may change significantly, it may be necessary to induce a nerve vision. The waters are suddenly soaked, their reaction is dulled, and the agility of the dawn. As a result - pardons for kerm and accidents. According to the statistics, the number of people who perished on the highways of our planet can be compared with the costs in bloody wars.

Not a lot of people know what may be in the very center of Moscow, on the “presidential route”, which the powerful men of Russia pass through today, such a “dead zone”. At first glance, everything can be done by a maiden. Prote statistics of road accidents and certificates of practitioners DIBDR deprive more power, lower reports. "" - this is how the local traffic workers call the small village of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, not far from the turn to Minskaya Street. The very same accidents happen out of lakayuchy regularity, and even more skin from them - with a deadly result. Two kilometers of Kutuzovsky Prospekt (between 8th and 9th) became fatal for them. 2003 - 16 accidents were registered here, 25 people died in them. Already one number of figures bent. Ale really becomes n_yakovo, if you understand the specific mood of the skin. Zhakhlivi accidents that take away people's lives, they blame, in fact, for nothing.

11th sickle - it became fatal for this Muscovite, who went to his "Niva" to the center of the capital. At the car, around the water, there was a yogo squad, mother-in-law, 23rd river donka and 8th river syn. Raptom from the zustric smuga, a "gazelle" flew at them. However, this accident, having blown the cilium lansyug, it would have been given, vypadkovy pody. Along Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the gazelle raced to the Moscow Region. Yak potim z'yasuvali, the bula was stolen. Perebudovuyuchis in the next row, water "gazelle" hooked to the front slope of the "Toyota". Vodіy іnomarky becoming honking and rushing back behind the faker. The one, namagayuchisya vіdіrvatisya i vkti, zіtknuvsya z vantage ZІLom and vyletіv smogu zustrіchnogo rush. And here the Niva slumped in the back. The driver of the passenger car and that mother-in-law died in the misery, otherwise may have serious injuries. Vikradach "gazelles" vtіk z mіstsya traffic accident and voicing at the rozshuk.

2 spring - an accident, the certificates are not called otherwise, like mysticism. About the 4th night, the rich and rich Kutuzovsky Prospekt is practically empty. Yakі pokhmurі, nezrozumіlі zbіgi obstavi zmusili zustritis here three cars! The cleaning machine and the "Simka" were straight at the bik center, the "Mercedes" crashed into the region. The foreign car itself raptovo flew into the winter swamp. Here it sticks with the “symbol”, turns over and, for inertia, “knows” the picking machine. Pієї zієї avії - death chotirioh young people.

2004 rіk, 16 fierce - in one mile here to throw chotiri individuals. Descriptions of the tragedy may have one important situation: the blame for accidents on the road was true. There are too many such mystical accidents on this branch of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Wait a minute, there’s no point here, for the fact that the “presidential highway” has been well cleared and there are no sledgehammers here.

Pravokhorontsі - these people, yakі, according to their kind of activity, can be not zabobonnymi and mistrustful. The reason for such terrible stench cannot be explained. Narazi pravokhorontsі turned back to the historians and kraєznavtsіv, schob you poked around in the labyrinths to make a zachіpku. Walk around the neighborhood a little bit, sho sting on the city of buv tsvintar, tsvintar. In the archives, they didn’t know what. The authoritative expert-Kraeznavets A. Saladin described the impersonal stature of the tsvintars on the cob of the last century. Ancient Moscow had no such hoards. People were entrusted with orders from churches, temples, on the teres of monasteries. Under the hour of terrible epidemics, a large number of Muscovites perished. having seen the decree: "Dead human bodies, crime of noble people, do not want the middle of the city."

So the flowers began to appear near Moscow. Kutuzovsky Prospekt, having been called the Smolensk Road in the past, before moving forward, there was a sprinkling of forces, they had their own flowers. Ale one fact vcheni zatsіkavili. In the archives, they knew that on one side of the modern Kutuzovsky Prospekt, the battles of thinness were beaten for the old hours. Misce is already not a radio. Could it be that this environment created that mysterious halo of the presence of death, blood in this zone near Poklonnaya Gori?

Near the Ulyanovsk region ufologists and survivors of anomalous zones came to help the medical workers. The federal highway Saransk-Ulyanovsk may have a lot of traffic, where accidents are regularly escorted. Many vodіїv cannot explain what happened. Some people seem to think that kermo has driven them, others - that it has become nasty in the morning, others guess that they fell into an unreasonable stupor. Studies by ufologists confirmed the presence of an anomalous zone here. The old-timers say that the road was paved with an old tsvintar, with which the graves of the ancestors looked like the earth.

The glory of the "failed city" was deserved by one more plot along the road. Tse part of the circle from the village of Mirniy to the turn to the regional center of Cherdakli and the exit from the highway near the beak of the Hollow. There are two kinds of accidents here. Spivrobitnik of Ulyanovsk DIBDR A.Karpeev selected the entire archives of the accident. More often than not, the waters vibrate in the midst of the stormy rush, although there are no deep springs, sharp ups and downs in this dilyantsi. And road accidents are trapleyayutsya z neіdvorotnoyu postіynistyu. The local Meshkants called the place “the valley of death”.

Dekilka rokіv that Ulyanovsk archaeologists carried out excavations in these places. The legend was confirmed: an ancient burial was revealed on the road. In the archives, they revealed that the old provincial highway turned into a Muslim tsvintar. In the 1960s, the fates were taken into account that it was at the forefront of transport success, the city was "proved" and an asphalt road was laid. Post-accidents with human casualties led the local authorities of the DIBDR to an extraordinary decision. On the way out, the rector of the holy church, Father Mikolaj, consecrated the way of death. On the onboard UAZ, the father sprinkled the Cherdaklinskaya highway with holy water meter by meter. Through the skin of a hundred meters the car hummed and Father Mikolaj recited his prayers.

It has its own and near the Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk region, on the Korsakiv highway. Tse dilyanka from Khristoforivka to the ridge "Viddalena". The local population call it the "dead zone"; Here, with gentle regularity, people wear the wheels of cars. Servants of the law dorimuyutsya their version - the requirement to dotrimuvatsya traffic rules. Well, the old-timers are pushing on their own: nothing can be done in the hoarding treasuries.

Another anomalous zone is not far from Vestochka - on the road Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Okhotsk. Law on physics to say that on the descent the car is guilty of breaking up, and on the descent of the galm. Here everything seems to go right. The water seems to be blamed for the fact that the wheels stick strongly to the road surface. The investigators spent the necessary vimir at this mysterious place, and the stench showed the presence of magnetic decay. No one yet knows what it could be tied to, but those that are an anomaly here are a fact.

Anonymous geopathic zones near St. Petersburg region. For the tribute of Russian scientists, the stink is about one fifth of a part of the territory of the city. Ale "black record" of accidents give a few kilometers in the Murmansk highway. Here cars break up four times more often.

The statistics of traffic accidents on the roads of Belarus are overwhelmed. Spivrobitniki DAI Minsk region. the “roads of death” were kindly treated, de on the distance for one or two kilometers of the road there are more accidents, less stretching of the road. Axis only works from such unfriendly places:

Dilyanka between the villages of Papernya and Vishnevka on the route Minsk-Kalachy-Myadel with a not steep mountain. Here, for no good reason, cars just go to the ditch. The old-timers seem to think that the road here was literally inspired by human bones - earlier here buv tsvintar.

Particularly summarily famous is the motorway of the village of Privilne on the route Minsk-Mogilyov. I whole less than 3 kilometers of air. More than 10 accidents were registered here in two months. With this, they suffered not only water, but also walkers.

Another one of these "" is located between the city and for several kilometers along the Sloboda-Novosadi route. This plot is made up of small girok. Only in 2001, 7 people perished here, and accidents continue with a stingy posture. On the same highway, when going to Zhodino (between the 24th and 27th km), there were 10 fatal accidents. Aje the road here is equal, smooth, without steep slopes and descents. The "Belarusian business newspaper" was informed that the astrologer I.Kiryushin conducted a special investigation of these businessmen. Yak z'yasuvalosya, an anomalous zone with breaks stretching along the road for a few kilometers. Riven of negative energy here on a 10-point scale is more expensive than 10. And nearby there is a zvintar.

On the highway Minsk-Molodechno-Naroch there are "curses" of the 65th kilometer. The road is straight here. How can you explain why people die at a distance of 150 meters?

Not the best situation on the famous European highways and autobahns. Near the coast of Poland, not far from the Tarnova metro station, on a 7-kilometer distance of the road, road accidents regularly trap. Cars are running out of control, drifting into the winter smoky, rolling into a ditch for no ordinary reason. Basically, it’s not in your power to explain your actions. Not long ago, Polish doctors conducted an analysis of accidents, and the expertise was ordered to complete the enigmatic speeches. The very same on the highway near the waters, the blood pressure is sharply dropping, the rhythm of the heart activity is changing, the pulse of that breathing rhythm sometimes drops to zero. Everything is to bring to sour starvation that short-hour inclusion of information.

The Czech Republic has created a “fund of 88 kilometers”. Before an accident, the car of a prominent political fiend, O. Dubcek, was on this road. The "dead zone" is located on the Brno-Prague road. Until 1998, there were 395 accidents and 11 people lost their lives here.

The “road of death” is similar in Nimechchyna between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim. There were 73 accidents on one kilometer of the road during the remaining six years, in which over 200 people perished. Moreover, the dilyanka tsієї trace є absolutely straight.

In Switzerland, near the valley of the river, Mentul is stashed, so called "valley of death." The negative energy of the masses also leads to a large number of accidents.

The Frenchmen have a filthy glory for a roadway that passes through the Korsheni, belya Contarga. The road is located at the official station, accidents happen here more regularly.

"Land Bermuda tricutnik" - the name of the road stretching for a total of five kilometers on the freeway near Milan in Italy. There are the most accidents here, and unreasonable speeches are made with cars. For no apparent reason, they moved, that they were foolishly working, deaf, bursting tires, driving different systems.

I realized that accidents on the roads are trapping, maybe, from the very hour when people blamed the wheel. The reasons that come up with them can be rich. Ale, those who wander from gloomy statistics to die on highways, everything is clearer than ever, which is necessary to be seriously raised before the discussion about the anomalous zones of the Earth: a kind of cancerous swelling of our planet. Painful energy of geopathogenic zones affects everyone and everything. Those who traveled on autoshlyakhs were embarrassed by all the other people on the right track to their kind against the fight against an invisible enemy.

So, doctor of technical sciences G.A. This device can change the chemical power of gravitational particles and fix the visibility of plasma speech. Vіn nezamіnniy vyyavlennі geopathogenic chi anomalous zones. The microlaser will show, de particles of matter are distributed unevenly, de destruction of the gravitational field. In such places, a person sounds like a bad thing. Fakhіvtsі have developed special polymers, which correct the unfriendly field. Now water is enough to put such a polymer in the intestines, and self-perceived yogo commemoratively.

Particularly the emergency yards of automobile roads sing to give the exit to the surface of the earth wondrous energy, as if it were fixed with attachments. The best accessory was a drotyan frame - testing zasib for an hour looking for various anomalies. Vcheni already do not take any doubts about those that the energy of the Earth in such zones is demanding to be tested. In the rich countries of the world, report maps of anomalous zones are being compiled.

Outside the cordon, anomalous zones on the road are marked with forward signs. Slovak and Austria have vicorous outbuildings, which neutralize the windfall of such zones on the waters. In Poland, the village was protected from accidents by special protective shields.

Modern science has brought that the anomalous zones are true. For a long time, people know about the presence of such “dead places”. A person would like to climb up to get home, as if it were so quiet, motorosh and scary. And if through such a month the roads of the highway pass, the stench will sound like an emergency. Our forefathers have always guarded the roztashuvannya of "dead places", being houses and paving the way. And in our time, it has become zvichny to install monuments, we will die at an accident right on the road on the road to death. And with skin rock їх the number is increasing. Our madmen have no time to think about such "dribnits" as anomalous zones on the roads. Alya we pay for the price of a dear price - human life.

Revision 7 review - from 1 to 7 (from 7 in total)


    Anomalous zones on the roads of Russia (and world in general), randomly take hundreds of human (and not only) lives. Zreshtoy, the anomalous zone was officially designated on the road.

    On the highway M-3, not far from Naro-Fominsk, now you can see a billboard with the inscription "Anomalous zone". Like the lands of Europe, similar writings are being written, then Russia is building up. Zgіdno with a billboard, the zone stretches from 66 to 69 kilometers, blowing out of Moscow. Signs can be seen from both sides of the plot.

    So far, there have been no comments from DIBDR, it was unreasonable that new anomalous zones on the roads appear. I don’t want to write off accidents now through the filthy camp of the road to anomalism. Varto indicates that the quality of the road is good at the destination. Truthfully, through the traffic light near Rassudovoy, there are often traffic jams near the city of Moscow.

    The most anomalous roads of Kazan.

    Accidents and catastrophes on these streets are more frequent, lower in other places. Do not help neither light of the sky, nor supplementary lines of traffic, nor underground passages. Blame the whole geopathogenic zone, upevneni dosledniki anomalous phenomena.

    The organization "Kazan-Kosmoposhuk" acted as the guide of "MK" from geopathogenic zones. Our tizhnevik has broken through the official statistics of the DIBDR and the opinions of motorists - and as a result, becoming the top 5 of the most geopathogenic villages of Tisyacholitnyo.

    The leader for accidents is Mamadsky Trakt - the main highway, roztashovana in the Radyansky district of the city, on the line from Kazan. Up to 30,000 vehicles pass through the highway today. The locals call yoga "the old Kazan road." Today, the road will end with a great rozvyazkoy, with which you can virulity on the pivnіchnu ob'їznu road (left-handed), in Pestrets (straight) and the chovninsky highway (right-handed). What a marvelous thing, the rest of the accidents can be seen there for as long as a leather day - although the road was recently repaired and widened to six smugs. That rozvyazka nachebto spryaє so that the cars would be de roz'hatisya.

    And not less than that: literally two days ago, a biker crashed on the Mamadsky Trakt. And in the fierce here, none of this or that, they drove a galma near Kamaz. Nez'yasovnі breakage tekhnika on tsіy dilyantsі - vzagali often a phenomenon. Last year, 7 people perished on the highway, 24 were injured. Unsafe traffic is also recognized in the MVS from the Republic of Tatarstan: on the highway there are a few unsafe workers, and especially they need to pick up the bus before the crossroads with Dorozhna Street, ahead of the authorities. What is the root of evil? Version of "Kazan-Kosmopoisk": the path, in the first place, crosses the Knox River, and, in a different way, pass the Samosir Tsvintar.

    Riverbeds often go along geological faults, the stars come out negative energy, gas. "Devil's mist" among the povіr'yakh vzagalі often tied to zvintarіv - so the dead nibito avenge the living for the violations of the calm. Another cicavi zbig: reports about UFOs, which are recorded by Kosmopoisk, are also often found by the star itself. Mysterious red spheres in the sky, like eyewitnesses, are circling over the settlements of Veliky ikla, Voznesinnya, Salmachi. І nezmіnno vіdlіtayut near the bіk Mamadsky tract. "In the rest of the hour at the valley of the Knox river, an influx of anomalous phenomena is expected," - the head of the organization Maria Petrova.

    The waters are consuming galma.

    One more unfavorable tract of Kazan is Siberian. Particularly unsafe for waters and pedestrians near Kosmoposhuk, a village from Iskri to Pionerska is brought in. Obviously, some of the traffic jams and traffic accidents at this dealership can be explained by the lack of traffic capacity of the road, and the low water culture. Only the axis of the accident itself here traplyayutsya night. І unreasonable breakdowns on the Siberian tract vistacha. For example, when a tram is rapt, a galma is used to ram a car that is stuck on rails. And the water itself, on its own dilyantsi, often rizikuyut, succumbing to unreasonable impulses. Version, how to explain the mist anomaly, "Kosmoposhuk" is not yet available. “In such situations, it is necessary to take serious accessories, go out and add a centimeter of leather - we still don’t have such opportunities. We can only let it go: there is a flame there, ”says Petrova.

    ... and walk - orientation at the hour and space

    Between the compressor plant and the veterinary institute, a number of paths converge: trams and buses are deployed, the order to pass the airway, and the bridges and bridges. Accidents are the most frequent manifestation for every city. Naygіrsha glory - bіlya transition through the kolіznі kolії. It would have been better, the slats here can be repaired in just a couple of seconds, the train can be seen and a little behind, but people here don’t care about orientation in the hour and space. And that's why it's too often to die here.

    The rest of the deep breath, becoming a fierce one - under the pulls, the veterinary institute's clerk drank. And pishohidny transition, vіdkritiy past autumn of the past fate, nіnі himself will demand the order - it was flooded with water, cracks appeared, repairs are being carried out at the same time. І smells are always unacceptable there, and the atmosphere. We provided information on this area - what could have been there earlier, but still did not know anything. A single zbіg, which we saw - tragedies there are born on the 14th and 18th of the month - moreover, not only an unfortunate fall, but self-destruction. And if the tragedies trap one by one, I create a special energy of the city, as if I attract misfortune to myself, ”comments Maria Petrova.

    “What a mind and life are dear to you ...

    ... get away from the peat sores!” - ahead of the classics of the detective genre with the words of one of his heroines. Dodamo for yourself: better trimatisya filed in the face of pain in the fire. Ale scho robiti, if in the swamps zabudovano tsiliy district? The Chistopolska street is missing from the list of geopathogenic zones of Kazan. The waters loved to roam there from the very moment the streets appeared. In 2012, the road was repaired and widened, and at the intersection with Amirkhan Avenue, a yard rose appeared. The axis of only the number of accidents has not changed: the rating of accidents in Chistopol is third. At the average for the production here, there are 18 to 22 accidents. Cars often change the speed, do not trim the distance, keep up. "Kazan-Kosmoposhuk" sack the reason for the filthy energy field of the Novo-Savinivsky district, the shards of wines from the swamps.

    More on the cob of the 1990s. It was noted that UFOs here move along the same routes and repeatedly duplicate the place of hovering and landing. “Earlier, our forefathers knew that the skin of the settlement was not an appendage for living. Mіstsya bulo rich and vibіr buv rich. The settlers were curious about the intuition, or they called out a chentsa, which showed what they were going to do. Now, however, there will often be budinok at the city in any free place, not analyzing what will be good for the bagmen. They will also be above karsts, underground rivers, above geological heterogeneities. If there is room for growth, then there will be no place to choose, ”- the survivors of the anomalies narrate.

    Enchantment center

    Power supply at "Kosmopoisk" called and crossed the street of Gorky-Tovstoy. There are a lot of accidents, people are talking about cars. “At this crossroads, one Muslim girl, at a religious ode, beat a woman to death. In my opinion, її condemned for two years. My friend also had an accident there. Vaughn was at nine, at the hour of the accident she hit her head on the slope, became tired, her foot went into the gas, and she flew right into the wall of the booth. Її hid it with a miracle. Wonderful place,” comments Maria Petrova. Zagal, behind її words, the whole center of Kazan is a faceless informational nasharuv, like you don’t always spit positively. Podії, scho vydbuvalsya if-nebudi have tsikh mіstsyah, and up to tsgogo vplyvayut on mіstsevih inhabitants.

    Anomalous roads of Moscow

    There are a lot of highways, on such accidents they trap more often, lower on other roads. The explanation for this is simple: a filthy look, a poor road, incorrectly installed road signs, etc. Prote, among the rich of these roads, these are the same, on such accidents they trap for no apparent reason. Any water, any traffic inspectors cannot give an explanation for the accident, which they blame for nothing, on the equal footing. During the month they took away the names of “anomalous zones” and began to classify them beyond the level of insecurity, which is marked by the appearance of winkiv and crossroads of the roads in Uzbekistan.

    Fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that the cause of unreasonable phenomena is not the ancient flowers of the primari, but the geomagnetic damage. So, the “road of death”, which went in the suburbs of Litkarino, after the turn from the Novoryazanskoye highway, went through the forest 4 km, in which there were traces of a fall of meteorites, yakі became, maybe, the cause of geomagnetic disturbances, after which waters hardened, on the road, primar or other objects, as they appear raptly and become the cause of an accident.

    Days of the anomalous zone of the Urals

    Curse of the Serivsky tract

    About the Serivsky tract, like about the "road of death", they started talking about the last fate after a motor accident involving the car of the ex-governor of the Sverdlovsk region Oleksandr Misharin, who stumbled "near the forehead" of the "Volga" resident of Kachkanar Yury Druzhin. After a number of accidents do not pass for a month, there was no traffic accident on the highway on the road. So the people of Sverdlovsk began to say that the Serivsky tract of curses. Versions about those who cursed themselves, however, dosit raznі. In the presence of secret sectarians, they performed crooked rites near the motorway (just recently, not far from Nizhny Tagil, human bones were found near the Serovsky tract) to the curse of the dead in the New Region: Curse "trasi death", "birch" practical trikutnik people ” (PHOTO, VIDEO) “Governor's” accident of jockey Yuriy Druzhin. It came to the point that last month the deadly road was sanctified - the Orthodox priests on the choli with the rector of the parish in the name of the Holy Reverend Seraphim of Sarov for the remembrance of the guards of the Derzhavtoinspektsii, served a prayer service for all those who valued the Serov tract, which was blessed by the saint. Let's face it, it didn't seem to curse the "road of death". Accept less for the rest of the month, there were two serious accidents.

    Berezivsky trikutnik

    The zone between Yekaterinburg and Berezovsky is anomalous, and they call it either “Berezovsky”, or “Sverdlovsk trikutnik”, known to amateurs of mysticism for a long time. Roztashovuєtsya out in the city from Koru to Novosverdlovsk thermal power plant and the road of the Kiltsevaya highway, and її name, as if unimportantly guessed, to look like the famous "Bermuda trikutnik". There are no dwelling houses in the Urals anomalous zone, mainly summer cottages, and, prote, Sverdlovsk residents constantly tell stories, one riddle about the place. It seems that in this region, “flying plates” were fired more than once and marvelous “blinking” fires, motor vehicles tell about the stunned, transparent silhouettes that spread over the road at night. Vіdpochivayuchi on the birch Shartash podeykuyuyut and about those that in the forest forest in the middle of the "Sverdlovsk trikutnik" and some tread stitches that stray pіshohodiv, yakі vzhdi produce up to one and the same mіstsya. For whom there is no explanation for these manifestations.

    The third anomalous hole was revealed at a latitude of 70 degrees

    it became known about the fact of the third vicidu of the permafrost pores and the adoption of the virvi behind the Polar stake. All three "dirks" lie approximately at a latitude of 70 degrees. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Volodymyr Melnikov, a criologist with holy names, commented on the Nebuval natural phenomenon.
    Previously, we talked about two "yami" - on the Yamal and Gidan breeding islands. The third was known on the Taymir Pivostrov, near the Yenisei branch. Tse, behind the pіvnіchnymi worlds, not far from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Here the virva has shown itself at the end of the year 2012 on the way of the traditional reindeer migration to myslyvets Stanislav Yaptune. Strictly vertical opening with a diameter of chotiri meter shook the pershovіdkrivach with a deep depth. Vin, on the yogo perekonannya, lowering the vanage on a 100-meter motor, but did not reach the bottom.

    The second telling fact: the ground is spreading on a distance of up to 900 meters from the epicenter of the wiki. For povnyannya: on the Yamal Pivostrov the maximum mark is 120 meters, but here is the diameter of the majestic crater. Figuratively, apparently, Bovanenkov's battle from the earth flew an important harmonic core, and in the Yenisei - a gvintivka sack. Before the speech, about the mass of the twisted ground can be judged only by fresh traces. In the present summer they shaved, instead of ice in some syagaє 80 vіdsotkіv, mend intensively.

    Norilsk's experts have been aware of the marvelous undertaking recently. They discussed and found out: the illumination of the object is a mystery, the stink cannot be guessed. It is necessary to arrange an expedition.

    The director of the Institute of the Cryosphere of the Earth of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volodymyr Melnikov, was told about the Yamal “dirka”, if he had gone through the cordon. Vcheny, having comprehended the data transferred to him later, he could explain why such unacceptable tricks can be found on a few plots of permafrost.

    - In the polar latitudes, global warming is a factor of increased unsafety. The average temperature increased in the greater territory of the planet, the largest increase was recorded in the regions of the Russian Arctic. Tse does not mean what to melt the permafrost, it’s over the top. But, as a sign of stationary warning, at the peak of summer sintering near the upper ball, heat penetrates the soil more strongly than it does, and close to the surface of the frozen balls, the temperature often rises the same way. We were ahead, let's say, minus above Celsius, but it became minus three, - the academician explains the situation.

    Before the speech, 2012, anomalously high temperatures were recorded on Yamal.

    "Dirka" in Yamal could have appeared through swamp gas
    - In the freezer, the fish is hard, like a stone. To shift її at the refrigerator vіddіlennya - there will be rozm'akshitsya. So with the soil. There is a singing fluffiness, impersonal micropores increase at the rosemary. І axis to reveal: under an impenetrable earthly shell, a small amount of methane is found to reach a small depth. Vіn nahoditsya at the empty shepherd, under the vise, torn by name, but the permafrost yogo utrimuє. When the gas appears, expanding it, we begin to build our own paths uphill, and then, with the help of the city, we go out in line with the bagatometric krizhan comrade. Calling on everything, we have become witnesses to such a process itself,” Volodymyr Melnikov said.

    In the Arctic, nature's surprises, similar to the nature, are not to be blamed for surprises, naked wines. And guess what, in its hour in the Pechersk Sea, the expedition ship did not throw a lot of gas from the depths of the earth with a strong flood.

    Prote next to the nobility, de mortgage of methane “mini” and possible wikidi, and, if you can, ahead of them. Nasampered - on the Maidanchiks, they are getting ready to grow carbohydrate genera, at the places of laying pipelines, roads.

    According to the opinion of the Tyumen permafrost scientists, there, the infrastructure is already built (for example, on the Bovanenkivsky rodovishchi), the rapt methane wiki is hardly possible. Firstly, before the installation of engineering spores, the grunts were carefully twisted and "ticked" with drills. As if here they were buying up methane, they let yoga out, as if they were poking it out of bags. In another way, there is a constant monitoring of the soil, the soil, the chemical warehouse of the atmosphere is frozen, and the snow is driven.

    If there are no famous “yami” on the Yamal Pivostrov, then the autonomy squad is ready to professionally finance their next jobs. Virva on the breeding grounds of Gidan, better for everything, it’s also relatable to win.

    Before the speech, about the polar "yami" speak on the cob of a sickle in Yakutsk, participants of the international scientific conference "The role of permafrost ecosystems in the climate that changes."

On July 25, 1930, The New York Times reported on a marvelous turn when standing on the freeway in Saxony. At one hour on the road, the engines of 40 cars died out. This route is also famous for unreasonable accidents. We have built more of the most anomalous roads near the world.

1 . A lot of 40 cars on the motorway in Saxony fell silent at once and, unimpressed by all the times, the Vlasniks could not start them. Also, unstoppably (and tezh one hour) for a year, the engine was quickly earned. Good, yakbee on the highway, there were anomalies, caused only by a car breakdown. Ale tsya road is also seen by frequent accidents, which were due to unknown reasons. One of the remaining vipadkіv becoming in sіchnі 2012 rock. 25 cars were consumed in an accident, and neither ice nor fog on the highway at that hour was not expected. Vantazhivka wedged between two cars and the waters of these cars did not run into the caravans. One person perished, another troch suffered.

2 . In the state of New Mexico, not far from Albuquerque, there is a highway, which the locals call "the road to nowhere." Beginning in 2000, only 17 people appeared without a trace behind official tributes, as if they were passing by her. The state police and the tourism department for a long time did not want to talk about the five-fifteen-kilometer-long highway, de taymniche lost a lot of water, and in deaky tides and the number of sіm'ї. And yet, without a hitch, the mystical occurrences of people have brought this situation to a critical point, and it is simply impossible to hide the facts. The road leads to the massif of San Mateo, de ending. As if there was a number of families from Chicago - the friends of Milla and Thomas Waldrug and their children - son Joe and daughter Lisa. The American woman wanted to spend less than a little bit on the road with her children, while a person reads a newspaper for a caviar filigree, but nothing more. A lot of scientists, scientists and psychics tried to guess the secrets of people's lives, but all of them tried to be marnimi, and the unfortunate road took away the "land Bermuda tricutnik".

3 . Bolivia also has an invisible road. Vaughn has long since gained filthy fame. Її was nicknamed "Devil's Road" ("Carreterra del Diablo"). As the occultists affirm, it is time to come to the month with frequent deaths and death of people and creatures. The route copes with heavy damage, especially at night. There, two cars are roaring up, the woods are often falling, and the visibility through the fog is bad. Until then, the road passes over the river. Indians say about this route: Whoever goes there, know your death. This place was respected cursed even before the Europeans landed here. At once "Devil's Road" є zvintar cars, їх do not tidy up. On this dealership, there is a lot of traffic, if only one accident with a fatal legacy.

4 . "Dear Satan" was nicknamed the highway in the state of Arkansas (USA), about which there are a number of legends. "Road of Satan", or else they call road No. 666, has long earned its own nasty reputation in the eyes of motorists, for the passage of which it is necessary to name a special number - "road No. 191". The route became famous for the number of accidents, regardless of those that on it do not have any unsafe turns, or folding roses. If z'yasuvannya the causes of accidents, one of the parapsychologists took over. Vin z'yasuvav: most of the accidents were the fault of the black limousine of the 30s, on the radiator of which there was a beautiful skull with tassels. Vodії began to call Yogo “Black primara”, shards of vines of Nemov ghosts appeared from nіzvіdki in a monthless night or in that rainy foggy weather. Victims of the "black primari" are most often the waters of large cars. The black limousine was littered with warnings, but it turned out that there were no registrations anywhere. The axis is exactly, similarly, the owner of the car is Satan himself.

5 . Shvidke Highway between Bremen and Bremerhaven was recognized in the spring of 1929. It was broader than the front road and was more safe and comfortable for shifting motorists. A good hour passed, and the same highway began to be called even more wondrous, and even the designated devil. On the right, in what had been a lot of unreasonable catastrophes in the past, and maybe all the stench was concentrated in the area of ​​​​the road sign “239 km”. Those waters, who were lucky enough to be left alive, told the police officers about wondrous stories. Mustaches in one voice repeated that, pod'yzhdzhayuchi to the sign, they felt that an invisible force was swearing by their car. It got to the point that on the 7th of spring 1930, nine cars overturned at the sign, and it happened on a dry highway in clear weather. German vcheni tried to explain that the cause of the tragedy was the electromagnetic influx of the underground road, but they did not have any evidence of the savageness of this version. Perhaps, the tragedies on this road can only be explained by mystical reasons. It’s true, varto bullo tidy up the ominous road sign and sprinkle the place with holy water, as if you didn’t understand the catastrophes, they clung to the wave of the enchanting wand.

Novinu vіredaguvav Elfin - 26-10-2013, 13:06

German roads have always been on the conscience; Let's think about those who could appear in Nimechchyna abnormal roads, nonsense. Nimechchina is not Russia; It’s even more amazing, if not more, those nine cars on one of the best autobahns just spilled over.

Behind the bags of investigation of this wondrous accident that happened in the 30s of the last century, an even more wondrous picture emerged. Napіvporozhnya route, on it to stand separating shvidkostі, yakі, to the speech, and at once porushuyut even seldom, and then there were no problems with zі shvidkosti. I axis of one day with a price that has become in one mile anomalous roads At the same time, nine cars were thrown into the ditch. No blow, no stumbling, no filthy minds.

The waters were healed with a marvel by one and the same: a haze appeared in front of the frontal slope, the water snarled, but nobody could leave the car. Moreover, people who did not know themselves, however, pointed out to those who had passed the sign of 239 km, the stench took away the manifest order to let the kermo and put their hands on their knees. All good remembered and those who stink vikonali tse. It is unrealistic to admit that all mass psychosis is unrealistic, it was so surprising that the coup of the machine was started in one month. For some reason they stumbled with wheels about an invisible fence. That accident took away the life of a couple, among them there was a bula and a child. Lіkar Kuntz, having admitted, what is the mass effect, but the axis is kim?

Then the government punished the wicked litter. A majestic tsvintar appeared under the asphalt, moreover, the flooring was old, which could hardly be identified. Understanding, they didn’t know about it, the Germans did the slaughter and that road was blocked. Tsvintar was carefully moved and buried in another place to lie down. Mayzha, for the most part, the road was calm, every accident, every tragedy. Ale z 2003 everything started back to back, abnormal road"came to life" and anew people began to die, moreover, I started to die again 239. Dosі vlad actively financed all the necessary work, vcheni vyvchili all the outskirts and ґrunt - everyday anomalies.

Prote, not long ago, the followers of the dais of the cicago visnovka, what is in this city anomalous roads pretending to be a portal. Such visnovkas are broken to what everyone seems to have suffered, that for a few milliseconds before the accident, the stench turns on and smells a voice, then it sounds like they’re getting bogged down in the yazke. And yet there is a thought that the relocations of the tsvintar - in the 16th century the tsvintars of the self-tapping pliers, and if it is true, then the remains were found in the 30s - only a part of the graves and, perhaps, the nebizhchik’s reshta so lie under the highway, sighing in peace.

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