Secret archives of the KGB about UFO. Three mystical mysteries from the secret archives of the KGB Journal of secret archives read online

Today, with the restructuring of the state security service, a lot of papers from secret archives are being consumed by the public. Understandably, no one dares to naively believe in those that show people the documents in the first place: maybe everything is more importantly covered under the cover of a secret place.
However, even with the help of the statements, one can take into account the approximate statements about the inquiries that were made under the authority of the Sovereign Security Committee.

Portable nuclear weapon

Back in 1997, General Oleksandr Lebid, in one of his chaotic interviews, let slip that the special services could build about a hundred portable nuclear devices, which would burn one kiloton of skin. Literally two days later, the Swan, in the presence of his words, was seen, writing off everything for that reason. Prote, professor of physics Oleksiy Yablokov confirmed the existence of such outbuildings. Zgіdno z otrimanimi vіd ny dannymi, in the middle of the 70's, the more kerіvnitstvo of the KDB stopped the development of nuclear charges for carrying out terrorist operations. Moreover, there were reports about the presence of similar outbuildings in the United States.

Operation "Flute"

The special services of the Radyansk Union often called at the biological defense department. Zgidno with deaky tributes, the first signs of biological streaks were tested on the Germans near Stalingrad - the opponent was infected with scurry. In the 90s, microbiologist Kanatzhan Alibekov, who emigrated to the United States, spoke about the secret operation of the KDB "Flute", as part of which new psychotropic drugs were tested. Alibekov insisted that the KDB organization planned to provoke a conflict from the United States and unleash a biological war.

blue folder

Be a hulk of the Radyansk Union knowing for sure: there is no god, no devil, no more foolish fools. At the same time, be it the reports of eyewitnesses about UFOs, they dragged them to the special department of the KDB, they were documented in detail. In 1967, a prominent physicist, mathematician and ufologist Felix Siegel appeared on television. The second group of the scientist at the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic was dismissed by the order of the beast, the prote zbrani sleddniki materials were violated to the KDB. Here they were promoted to the so-called "Blue folder", the head of the Chekist, Yuri Andropov, became the curator.

On March 13, 1954, the security guards were sent to the warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, a new department was formed: the Committee of State Security of the CCCP - KDB. The new structure saw a rise, operative-rozshukovoy diyalnistyu and a guard derzhkordon. The Crimean head of the KDB was responsible for the security of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with information that was responsible for the security of the state. The concept is broader, what to say: under the new fall and the special life of dissidents, the destruction of unknown flying objects.

Revealing the truth from guesswork, recognizing disinformation, recognized for the "controlled turn", today it may be impossible. Also, if you don’t believe in the truth of the secret secrets and mysteries of the archives of the KDB - the special right of the skin.

Ninish security officers, yakі worked in the structure in the period of її rozkvіtu, who with a smile, who with razdratuvannym vіdmahuєtsya: no secret investigations were carried out, nothing was paranormal. And yet, as if it were another closed organization that may have succumbed to the lot of people, the KDB did not go far away from the mystification.

The activity of the committee was overgrown with a bit of legends, and the development of them did not give the power to inspire the private declassification of archives. Tim more, that the archives of the large KDB recognized a serious cleansing in the middle of the 50s. Until then, the flurry of secrecy, which began in 1991-1992, gradually went into decline, and now the publicity of data has been going on and at a somewhat unfailing pace.

Hitler: having died, why did you lie?

Superchki about the circumstances of Hitler's death are not heard from May 1945. Who instigated self-destruction in the bunker, who revealed the body of a twin in the bunker? What became of the Fuhrer's remains?

At the fierce fate of 1962, the Central Archives of the Soviet Socialist Republic (the current Sovereign Archives of the Russian Federation) was transferred to the collection of trophy documents of the Other World. And together with them - fragments of the skull and the armrest of the sofa with traces of blood.

Vasil Khristoforov, Head of the Department of Registration and Archival Funds of the FSB, told Interfax, the remains were found on the hour of investigation of the circumstances of the appearance of the large Reich President Nimechchini in 1946. The forensic medical examination found the frequently charred remains identified as fragments of thyme cysts and potile cysts of a grown-up person. In the act dated 8 May 1945, it says: shreds of the skull were revealed, "it is possible that they fell into the corpse, pierced with yams on 5 May 1945".

"Documentary materials with the results of the re-investigation were collected from the right under the symbolic name "Mif". of the past century, they became available to a wide audience," the agency's spokesman said.

Those who lost their way to the top of the Nazi elite and didn’t go to the archives of the KDB, didn’t know how calm they were: the brushes were repeatedly reburied, and on June 13, 1970, Andropov ordered the destruction of Hitler’s remains, Brown and Goebbels’ friends. So the plan of the secret approach "Archive" was created by the forces of the operational group of the Special Department of the KDB of the 3rd Army of the DSVG. Bulo folded two acts. In the rest, it says: "The remains of the remains were destroyed by the path of their bedrooms on fires in the wasteland in the area of ​​​​the town of Shenebek for 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains were burned out, at once from the corners of the city to the popil, taken and taken to the Biderits river."

It is important to say that Andropov was cursing, giving such an order. More for everything, being afraid - and not without reason - that the successors of the fascist regime will be found in the future, and the place of honor of the ideologist of the dictatorship will become the place of pilgrimage.

Prior to the speech, in 2002, Americans voted that X-ray marks were taken from the dentist, SS Oberführer Hugo Blaschke. Zvirka with fragments found in the archives of the Russian Federation once again confirmed the correctness of the elements of Hitler's crack.

Ale, unimportantly, it would have been better, proved indisputably, the version about those that the Führer was far away from leaving Nіmechchina, occupied by the Ryansk troops, did not give calm and modern successors. Joking yogo, as a rule, in Patagonia. True, Argentina, after the Other Svitova, gave an armchair to the rich Nazis, as they tried to escape justice. There were signs that Hitler, along with other incumbents, appeared here in 1947. To believe with force: the official radio of the fascist Nimechchini of that memorable day voiced about the death of the Fuhrer in the nervous struggle against Bolshevism.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov put the first fact of Hitler's self-destruction as the summation. A month later, after the win, he said: "The situation is even more mysterious. We did not know the identified corpse of Hitler. I can’t say anything firmly about Hitler’s share. Tse Bulo 10 worms. And the body was found on the 5th of May, an act of spreading dates on the 8th of May. Why did the news about the body of the Fuhrer being corrected less than a month later?

The official version of Russian historians is as follows: on April 30, 1945, Hitler and his squad Eva Braun laid hands on themselves, taking potassium cyanide. For witnesses, the Fuhrer shot himself. Before the speech, with the spread in the empty mouth, it was revealed that it was hard to speak the version of the otrutoy.

Unknown flying objects

Anton Pervushin, in his author's research, leads one showy story that characterizes the setting of the KDB to the phenomenon. The writer and assistant to the head of the committee Igor Sinitsin, who worked with Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979, loves to tell the story of his hour.

"As if looking at the foreign press, I drank on a series of articles about unknown flying objects - UFOs ... I dictated the stenographers of my Russian motto from them and, at the same time, I lost my head over the magazines. "Vin raptom poking out of the drawers of the writing desk like a thin folder. Papa leaned back on the report of one of the officers of the 3rd department, that of the military counter-intelligence," Sinitsin said.

The whole information given to Andropov could become the plot of a sci-fi film: an officer, being on a night fishing trip with his friends, having realized that one of the stars approached the Earth, that she wore the shape of a lethal apparatus. The navigator eye-to-eye assessed the scope of the object: diameter - about 50 meters, height - about five hundred meters above the sea level.

"Vin bobbing, as if from the center of the UFO, two yaskarevs appeared. One of the exchanges stood vertically to the surface of the water and stared into it. The second promin, first a searchlight, searched the expanse of waters to the side of the chin. seconds, the window went out. At the same time, another, vertical window went out of it, "- quoting the additional information of the counter-explorer Sinitsin.

For years and years, these materials were used up all the way to Kirilenok, and over the years they were lost in the archives. Skeptics of the KDB's interest in the problem of UFOs are about to reach the point where they are interested in the problem of UFOs: they look like it's all right, but it's true that the materials in the archives are potentially insignificant.

At the leaf fall of 1969, Mayzhe, 60 years after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (which, in the opinion of some illustrious people, was not a stalker of the celestial body, but suffered an accident with a spaceship Soyuz), there was an announcement about another fall of an unknown object on the Radiation . Not far from the village of Berezovsky near the Sverdlovsk region, in the sky, a sprat of a shoal was marked, which shone, one of which began to grow tall, fell, then a strong vibe. For example, in the 1990s, smelting was slacked off at the order of the low ZMI, as if it did not take the work of the investigations and studies at the place of the transfer of the UFO fall in the Urals. Robots cherubala "a person, similar to the practitioner of the KDB."

"Our family was living in Sverdlovsk at that time, and my relatives worked in the regional party committee. They didn't know the truth about the incident. At Berezovsky, where they lived in us, everyone took the legend about the grain harvester for granted that vibrated." "Those who saw UFOs, chose not to expand. The disk was taken out, maybe, at the dark hour, finish it off, so that the previous reports could be hidden," the presenters guessed.

It is noteworthy that the ufologists themselves, people are on the back of their minds on those who believe in the history of UFOs, and the video recordings were criticized: the uniform of the Russian soldiers, their manner of trimming the armor, the cars that flash by the frame - all the same, they did not cry out to hire people from the enemy. True, the listing of one particular video recording does not mean that the adherents of the belief in UFOs are guided by their persecutions.

Volodymyr Azhazha, ufologist, acoustic engineer for lighting, saying this: "Which is the power to come, be it the reports of UFOs in the vastness, you need to think about it. in 1993, the Committee of State Security of the Russian Federation on a letter from the then president of the Ufological Association, pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, handed over to the UFO center about 1300 documents related to UFOs, which I admired.

Occult interests

In the 1920s and 1930s, the prominent Cheka / OGPU / NKVS (the leader of the KDB) Glib Bokiy, the one who created the laboratories for the distribution of drugs for the injection of arrests, choked on extrasensory paraphernalia and brought up the legendary Shambhala.

After yogo was shot in 1937, the folders with the results of the investigations were squandered to the secret archives of the KDB. After the death of Stalin, part of the documents were irrevocably spent, the decision was made at the support of the committee. Under Khrushchev, the robot was trival: America was praised a bit about the wines of biogenerators, mechanisms that control the messages that periodically reached overseas.

Okremo varto is a mystery of one object of the sawing respect of the Radyansk security forces - the leading mentalist Wolf Messing. Irrespective of those who are guilty of it myself, but later of his biographies, willingly shared intriguing reports about the hypnotist's visible vibes, the archives of the KDB did not save the annual documentary confirmation of the "miracles" created by Messing. Sokrema, neither in Radyansk, nor in German documents there is no information about those who Messinge vtik іz Nіmechchini after that, as if having transferred the fall to fascism, and Hitler acknowledged his head to the city. It is also impossible to confirm, or to ask data about those that Messing was especially stunned by Stalin and that, having reconsidered his viznachnі zdіbnostі, zmushyuyuchi vikonuvaty those chi іnshi zavdannya.

On the other hand, about Ninel Kulagino, as in 1968 the roci turned the respect of the law enforcement agencies with its extraordinary strengths, the tribute was saved. Zdіbnosti tsієї zhіnki (or їhnya vіdsutnіst?) dosi call out super girls: among lovers of the supernatural won't sway like a pershoprokhіdnik, and among those who are married brothers її reach they call out like a minimum of ironic grin.

For an hour, the video chronicle of quiet fates recorded, like Kulagina without the help of a hand, or whether it was some kind of attachment to wrap the compass needle, transferring small objects, like a sirnikova box. The woman was shaking for an hour of experimentation on the white at the back, and her pulse became 180 beats per whilin. The secret is її buv, nibito, for those who have an energy field of hands that are over the concentration of tested, objects could collapse, which are consumed up to the zone of yoga infusion.

So it seems that after the end of the Other World War, like a trophy to the Radian Union, having used a unique accessory, crushing for Hitler’s special orders: serving for astrological transmissions of the military-political character. The attachment was not correct, but the Radian engineers made it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk.

Knowing people told that Major General of the FSB Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996 he was the first intercessor of the head of the security service of the president and having taken away astrology and telekinesis for busy meals, he was famously "Nostradamus in uniform") .

There were few legends about the approval of the Radian Chekists. Why didn’t they just call the spivrobitniks of the KDB - talking, lancers psi to the regime, building for the sake of a black star on shoulder straps to save the lives of a dozen people. Today, with the restructuring of the state security service, a lot of papers from secret archives are being consumed by the public. Understandably, no one dares to naively believe in those that show people the documents in the first place: maybe everything is more importantly covered under the cover of a secret place. However, even with the help of statements, one can take an approximate indication of what happened under the auspices of the Sovereign Security Committee.

Portable nuclear weapon

Back in 1997, General Oleksandr Lebid, in one of his chaotic interviews, let slip that the special services could build about a hundred portable nuclear devices, which would burn one kiloton of skin. Literally two days later, the Swan, in the presence of his words, was seen, writing off everything for that reason.

Prote, professor of physics Oleksiy Yablokov confirmed the existence of such outbuildings. Zgіdno z otrimanimi vіd ny dannymi, in the middle of the 70's, the more kerіvnitstvo of the KDB stopped the development of nuclear charges for carrying out terrorist operations. Moreover, there were reports about the presence of similar outbuildings in the United States.

Operation "Flute"

The special services of the Radyansk Union often called at the biological defense department. Zgidno with deaky tributes, the first signs of biological streaks were tested on the Germans near Stalingrad - the opponent was infected with scurry. In the 90s, microbiologist Kanatzhan Alibekov, who emigrated to the United States, spoke about the secret operation of the KDB "Flute", as part of which new psychotropic drugs were tested. Alibekov, stubbornly, nebikerivnitstv KDB planned to provoke a conflict in the United States and unleash a biological war.

On March 13, 1954, the security guards were sent to the warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR, a new department was formed: the Committee of State Security of the CCCP - KDB. The new structure saw a rise, operative-rozshukovoy diyalnistyu and a guard derzhkordon. The Crimean head of the KDB was responsible for the security of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union with information that was responsible for the security of the state. The concept is broader, what to say: under the new fall and the special life of dissidents, the destruction of unknown flying objects.

Revealing the truth from guesswork, recognizing disinformation, recognized for the "controlled turn", today it may be impossible. Also, if you don’t believe in the truth of the secret secrets and mysteries of the archives of the KDB - the special right of the skin.

Ninish security officers, yakі worked in the structure in the period of її rozkvіtu, who with a smile, who with razdratuvannym vіdmahuєtsya: no secret investigations were carried out, nothing was paranormal. And yet, as if it were another closed organization, as if it had poured into the lot of people, the KDB did not go far away from the mystification. The activity of the committee was overgrown with a bit of legends, and the development of them did not give the power to inspire the private declassification of archives. Tim more, that the archives of the large KDB recognized a serious cleansing in the middle of the 50s. Until then, the flurry of secrecy, which began in 1991-1992, gradually went into decline, and now the publicity of data has been going on and at a somewhat unfailing pace.

Hitler: having died, why did you lie?

Superchki do not smell out of the early 1945 rock. Who instigated self-destruction in the bunker, who revealed the body of a twin in the bunker? What became of the Fuhrer's remains?

At the fierce fate of 1962, the Central Archives of the Soviet Socialist Republic (the current Sovereign Archives of the Russian Federation) was transferred to the collection of trophy documents of the Other World. And together with them - fragments of the skull and the armrest of the sofa with traces of blood.

Vasil Khristoforov, head of the department of registration and archival funds of the FSB, discovered the remains of the bulge during the investigation of the circumstances of the appearance of the large Reich President Nimechchini in 1946. The forensic medical examination found the frequently charred remains identified as fragments of thyme cysts and potile cysts of a grown-up person. In the act dated 8 May 1945, it says: shreds of the skull were revealed, "it is possible that they fell into the corpse, pierced with yams on 5 May 1945".

"Documentary materials with the results of the re-investigation were collected from the right under the symbolic name "Mif". of the past century, they became available to a wide audience," the agency's spokesman said.

Those who lost their way to the top of the Nazi elite and didn’t go to the archives of the KDB, didn’t know how calm they were: the brushes were repeatedly reburied, and on June 13, 1970, Andropov ordered the destruction of Hitler’s remains, Brown and Goebbels’ friends. So the plan of the secret approach "Archive" was created by the forces of the operational group of the Special Department of the KDB of the 3rd Army of the DSVG. Bulo folded two acts. In the rest, it says: "The remains of the remains were destroyed by the path of their bedrooms on fires in the wasteland in the area of ​​​​the town of Shenebek for 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains were burned out, at once from the corners of the city to the popil, taken and taken to the Biderits river."

It is important to say that Andropov was cursing, giving such an order. More for everything, being afraid - and not without reason - that the successors of the fascist regime will be found in the future, and the place of honor of the ideologist of the dictatorship will become the place of pilgrimage.

Prior to the speech, in 2002, Americans voted that X-ray marks were taken from the dentist, SS Oberführer Hugo Blaschke. Zvirka with fragments found in the archives of the Russian Federation once again confirmed the correctness of the elements of Hitler's crack.

Ale, unimportantly, it would have been better, proved indisputably, the version about those that the Führer was far away from leaving Nіmechchina, occupied by the Ryansk troops, did not give calm and modern successors. Joking yogo, as a rule, in Patagonia. True, Argentina, after the Other Svitova, gave an armchair to the rich Nazis, as they tried to escape justice. There were signs that Hitler, along with other incumbents, appeared here in 1947. To believe with force: the official radio of the fascist Nimechchini of that memorable day voiced about the death of the Fuhrer in the nervous struggle against Bolshevism.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov put the first fact of Hitler's self-destruction as the summation. A month later, after the win, he said: "The situation is even more mysterious. We did not know the identified corpse of Hitler. I can’t say anything firmly about Hitler’s share. Tse Bulo 10 worms. And the body was found on the 5th of May, an act of spreading dates on the 8th of May. Why did the news about the body of the Fuhrer being corrected less than a month later?

The official version of Russian historians is as follows: on April 30, 1945, Hitler and his squad Eva Braun laid hands on themselves, taking potassium cyanide. For witnesses, the Fuhrer shot himself. Before the speech, with the spread in the empty mouth, it was revealed that it was hard to speak the version of the otrutoy.

Unknown flying objects

Anton Pervushin, in his author's research, leads one showy story that characterizes the setting of the KDB to the phenomenon. The writer and assistant to the head of the committee Igor Sinitsin, who worked with Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979, loves to tell the story of his hour.

"As if looking at the foreign press, I drank on a series of articles about unknown flying objects - UFOs ... I dictated the stenographers of my Russian motto from them and, at the same time, I lost my head over the magazines. "Vin raptom poking out of the drawers of the writing desk like a thin folder. Papa leaned back on the report of one of the officers of the 3rd department, that of the military counter-intelligence," Sinitsin said.

The whole information given to Andropov could become the plot of a sci-fi film: an officer, being on a night fishing trip with his friends, having realized that one of the stars approached the Earth, that she wore the shape of a lethal apparatus. The navigator eye-to-eye assessed the scope of the object: diameter - about 50 meters, height - about five hundred meters above the sea level.

"Vin bobbing, as if from the center of the UFO, two yaskarevs appeared. One of the exchanges stood vertically to the surface of the water and stared into it. The second promin, first a searchlight, searched the expanse of waters to the side of the chin. seconds, the window went out. At the same time, another, vertical window went out of it, "- quoting the additional information of the counter-explorer Sinitsin.

For years and years, these materials were used up all the way to Kirilenok, and over the years they were lost in the archives. Skeptics of the KDB's interest in the problem of UFOs are about to reach the point where they are interested in the problem of UFOs: they look like it's all right, but it's true that the materials in the archives are potentially insignificant.

At the leaf fall of 1969, Mayzhe, 60 years after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite (which, in the opinion of some illustrious people, was not a stalker of the celestial body, but suffered an accident with a spaceship Soyuz), there was an announcement about another fall of an unknown object on the Radiation . Not far from the village of Berezovsky near the Sverdlovsk region, in the sky, a sprat of a shoal was marked, which shone, one of which began to grow tall, fell, then a strong vibe. For example, in the 1990s, smelting was slacked off at the order of the low ZMI, as if it did not take the work of the investigations and studies at the place of the transfer of the UFO fall in the Urals. Robots cherubala "a person, similar to the practitioner of the KDB."

"Our family was living in Sverdlovsk at that time, and my relatives worked in the regional party committee. They didn't know the truth about the incident. At Berezovsky, where they lived in us, everyone took the legend about the grain harvester for granted that vibrated." "Those who saw UFOs, chose not to expand. The disk was taken out, maybe, at the dark hour, finish it off, so that the previous reports could be hidden," the presenters guessed.

It is noteworthy that the ufologists themselves, people are on the back of their minds on those who believe in the history of UFOs, and the video recordings were criticized: the uniform of the Russian soldiers, their manner of trimming the armor, the cars that flash by the frame - all the same, they did not cry out to hire people from the enemy. True, the listing of one particular video recording does not mean that the adherents of the belief in UFOs are guided by their persecutions.

Volodymyr Azhazha, ufologist, acoustic engineer for lighting, saying this: "Which is the power to come, be it the reports of UFOs in the vastness, you need to think about it. in 1993, the Committee of State Security of the Russian Federation on a letter from the then president of the Ufological Association, pilot-cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, handed over to the UFO center about 1300 documents related to UFOs, which I admired.

Occult interests

In the 1920s and 1930s, the prominent Cheka / OGPU / NKVS (the leader of the KDB) Glib Bokiy, the one who created the laboratories for the distribution of drugs for the injection of arrests, choked on extrasensory paraphernalia and brought up the legendary Shambhala.

After yogo was shot in 1937, the folders with the results of the investigations were squandered to the secret archives of the KDB. After the death of Stalin, part of the documents were irrevocably spent, the decision was made at the support of the committee. Under Khrushchev, the robot was trival: America was praised a bit about the wines of biogenerators, mechanisms that control the messages that periodically reached overseas.

Okremo varto is a mystery of one object of the sawing respect of the Radyansk security forces - the leading mentalist Wolf Messing. Irrespective of those who are guilty of it myself, but later of his biographies, willingly shared intriguing reports about the hypnotist's visible vibes, the archives of the KDB did not save the annual documentary confirmation of the "miracles" created by Messing. Sokrema, neither in Radyansk, nor in German documents there is no information about those who Messinge vtik іz Nіmechchini after that, as if having transferred the fall to fascism, and Hitler acknowledged his head to the city. It is also impossible to confirm, or to ask data about those that Messing was especially stunned by Stalin and that, having reconsidered his viznachnі zdіbnostі, zmushyuyuchi vikonuvaty those chi іnshi zavdannya.

On the other hand, about Ninel Kulagino, as in 1968 the roci turned the respect of the law enforcement agencies with its extraordinary strengths, the tribute was saved. Zdіbnosti tsієї zhіnki (or їhnya vіdsutnіst?) dosi call out super girls: among lovers of the supernatural won't sway like a pershoprokhіdnik, and among those who are married brothers її reach they call out like a minimum of ironic grin. For an hour, the video chronicle of quiet fates recorded, like Kulagina without the help of a hand, or whether it was some kind of attachment to wrap the compass needle, transferring small objects, like a sirnikova box. The woman was shaking for an hour of experimentation on the white at the back, and her pulse became 180 beats per whilin. The secret is її buv, nibito, for those who have an energy field of hands that are over the concentration of tested, objects could collapse, which are consumed up to the zone of yoga infusion.

So it seems that after the end of the Other Light War, like a trophy to the Radyansky Union, having spent, crushing for Hitler’s special orders: serving for astrological transmissions of the military-political character. The attachment was not correct, but the Radian engineers made it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk. Knowing people told that Major General of the FSB Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996 he was the first intercessor of the head of the security service of the president and having taken away astrology and telekinesis for busy meals, he was famously "Nostradamus in uniform") .

For the stamp “secretly” to appear in truth, the powers need different reasons. The majority of such rights is a sovereign secret.
Ale, a lot of special archives of famous people become secret behind the bajans of the recession, so they don’t get into trouble, so that their ancestors looked in an unacceptable light.

The most secret documents became in 1938

The fundamental change in the right to classify information became 1918, if it was organized by the Head Office of the Archival Right under the People's Commissariat of the RRFSR. Vidan Bonch-Brujevich brochure "Take care of the archives", spread through the "Vikna GROWTH" in accordance with all state regulations, de bulo, zokrema, regulation about the secrecy of singing information.

And in 1938, the management of all archival rights was transferred to the NKVS SRSR, as it classified the majestic array of information that there are tens of thousands of records. Since 1946, the government took away the name MVS SRSR, since 1995 - FSB.
Since 2016, all archives have been ordered without intermediary to the President of Russia.

Power up to the royal family

Until the end, the titles of famous Novoromanivsky archives of the Tsar's family have not been declassified, most of which was secretly classified by the large ceramics, and after the 90s, part of the archival documents were publicized. Tsikavo, that the robot of the archive itself was kept strictly confidential. And about this activity, one can only guess at the indirect documents of spivrobitnikiv: inscriptions, transfers, timesheets for the appearance of wages, special work of practitioners - the axis of which was left out of the work of the secret radyansk archive.

Ale listuvannya Mikoli Another that yoga squad of Oleksandri Fedorivna has not been revealed until the end. Palace materials that are exchanged between the court and ministries and departments during the first stench of the world are also not available.

Archives KDB

Most of the archives of the KDB are classified on this basis, that the operational and rozshukova activity of the rich agents in the dossi can run a school of counter-intelligence robots, reveal the methodology of their work. Some of the successful rights in the sphere of terrorism, espionage, smuggling are also mothballed.
It's worth asking for help, po'yazanih with intelligence and operational work in the GULAG camps.

Stalin's blues

From the archive of the President of the Russian Federation to the "Russian Sovereign Archive of Social and Political History" 1,700 certificates were transferred, formed in the 11th inventory of the Stalin Fund, of which about 200 certificates were classified as secret.

Chimaly interesting to represent the right Yezhov, Beriy, but the stench was published only in parts, and there is no more information on the right of the shooting of the enemies of the people.
Confirming that there are still a lot of documents to be declassified, is the fact that in 2015, at several meetings of the International Expert Commission on the declassification of documents under the governor of St.

Party archives - tezh at the "secret"

They were praised for the sake of the people's commissars, or praised for the sake of the ministers, the decision of the Politburo.
But most of the party archives are classified.

New archives and new secrets

The main tasks of the archive of the President of the Russian Federation, established in 1991, were the consolidation of documents from the large archive of the President of the SRSR Mikhail Gorbachev, and then the advancing period of the reign of Boris Yeltsin.
The Presidential Archives has close to 15 million different documents, and only a third of them, five million, are being exchanged every year with open access.

Secret special archives of Vlad, Visotsky, Solzhenitsyn

The specialties of the fonda of the Radyansk fiend Mikoli Rizhkov, Volodymyr Visotsky and Marini Vlady are closed for a wide spree.
It’s not like thinking that documents are classified as “secretly” only for the help of state officials. For example, the special fund of Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn, which is stored in the Russian State Archives of Literature and Mystery, is known to be on the secret deposit, which is fallen - the squad of the writer Nataliya Dmitrievna, especially virishu, to circulate documents. She motivated her decision by the fact that Solzhenitsyn’s verses are often mentioned in documents, as if they were not the same as the garni, but he didn’t want to, so that others knew about it.
In order to collect the materials of the following, for which Solzhenitsyn spent to the Gulag, it was necessary to take away two archives - the Ministry of Defense and the Lubyanka.

Schodo plan "secretiv"

Andriy Artizov, a curator of the Rosarkhiv, said in one of his interviews: “We have released documents that are secret to our national interests. Є plan of declassification. In order to praise the decision about the secrecy, you need three-chotiri experts on knowledge of foreign languages, the historical context, legislation on the sovereign mystery.

Special commission for the declassification

A special commission was created to open the secrets of the materials at the skin archive. Sound - from three osib, yak vyrishuvali, on yak pіdstavі prilyudnyuvat chi not prilyudnyuvat that other document.
Secret materials become insanely interesting for a wide range of researchers, but historians are ahead - the work with the archives on the right is thin and requires singing knowledge. The secret archival materials are especially valued. Access to them may not be rich - thousands of documents in the hours of the Russian Empire and the Radian Union are classified for various reasons.

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