Request a form for a statement about income about mine and goiter. Dovіdka about income, vitrati, about the main state service

A statement about income, vitrati, about mine and goiter of a mine character - the document, which is filled in and submitted by persons, if they claim to replace plantings, to renew for some kind of transmission of insane obligations Goiter of the main character of tsikh osіb, їх podruzhzhya and children, yakі did not reach full age. With such settlements, plant legislators and vikonavchos of various equal authorities. Vіdomostі podayutsya okremo per person, as a replacement for the settlement of the sovereign service, yogo / її squad / person, as well as incompetent children.

Starting from the 1st of September 2015, the approval is submitted for a new form, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23.06.2014. No. 460 "On the confirmation of the form of statements about income, debits, mines and goiter related to the nature of mines and the introduction of changes to the current assets of the President of the Russian Federation." Zgіdno z vishchezgadanim Decree, now the form of finalization is shown by a wider range of information. For example, now it is necessary to indicate the number and series of the passport, the date of issue and name of the authority that saw it. These data are indicated as a person, as if I claim to be a substitute for a state servant, and as a member of this family.

Zvіtny period, for which the income of the state service is assigned and a member of this family, є calendar rіk (from 1 day to 31 th day). Income є nadkhodzhennya, otrimani bіlya RF, and navit її intermii, z rahuvannyam helped for children, alimony, pensions, other social payments, and navit subsidies for the income of living, vodsotkіv for contributions. Vіdomostі about indestructibility, scho belong to individuals or members of the її sіm'ї, now it is also the responsibility to include documents, yakі є legal p_dstavoy for yogo pribannya. Information about transport security, which belongs to the sovereign service or members of this family, is to blame for the model of transport security and rіk yogo release.

We are also adding data on the distribution of “Information about financial settlements in banks and other credit institutions”, in which now we should assign a total amount of income for the winter period in these weathers, if they outweigh the high income of the civil service and other squads (druzhini) period and two fates to change the youma. In such a time, to the finish line, a hero is added about the rush of cats for rahunki for a long period of time.

The vkazіvka v_domosity about goiter and the description of the main character also recognized the change. So I added “Inshy goiter” is now called “Terms of goiter” due to financial nature”, in which way information about goiter is explained, like a government service member or members of this sim'ї are in front of the third persons of the camp on a public date, I 'yazan' transfers 500,000 rubles.

The conclusion is made up of six divisions, it is written in a special way, as if claiming to be a substitute for a state serviceman, or as a substitute, signed by him in a special way, as well as a special one, as if he had received a conclusion. When Mopovennі Document Svetva, Vivcii іNKrutsіyu, osskіlki Thermin Calling Corigilant Dones to the document Focusing 3 mіsyatsіv up to 1 zgіdz z 3 mіsyatsіv up to 1 zgіdz z'dznya 2014 № 453 "About the receiving zmіn to acts of the President of Rosiyuskoji federation".

What is the right of the tax authority to request a statement about mine, what should the payer of taxes have to pay for the end of the tax reconciliation? Advice of the consultant: according to the opinion of the Ministry of Finance, the legislation does not specify the documents that the inspectorate has the right to claim (sheet dated 14.10.13 No. 03-06-06-01/42704). Therefore, the inspectors may have the right to request whether they are papers, navit as if their forms are not transferred by legislation. Dokladnіshe about tse marvel at the caresses: Inquiry of the coristuvacha: We gave the information at the time of the cob of the re-verification, at the same time we will wait at the time of the end of the re-verification.

So may.

Inspection at the hour of conducting a viznoi re-verification has the right to wait in the organization whether documents (copies of documents), if they are worth the period that is being revised, and the organization of the goiter must be given. Whom the inspectorate has the right, but may also be vimagati in the counterparty of the organization. Moreover, it is clear to the point. 6 p. 1 art. 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the IFTS may have the right to conduct an inventory of the lane.

It’s easier for him to file an argument safely, less to bring to the tax authority or court the inadequacy of filing such an argument.

The inspectors can attract the organization to the authority to submit the necessary documents. The organization can be fined 200 rubles. for skin failure to submit a document (). And to the vidpovіdalny svіvrobіtnik of the organization, zokrema, її kerіvnik, I threaten a penny punishment at the sight of 300 to 500 krb. (Part 3, Article 15.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
Therefore, the organization should give inspections of all relevant documents with the necessary information about the reasons for the validity of them.


From the recommendations of Oleg Horoshy, Head of the Department of Tax and Tariff Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of Russia
How to submit documents for the help of reverifiers in case of a taxable reverberation

In addition, the re-verification is carried out for the purpose of the inspection, which is re-verified by the right to request documents in a written form and be aware of them in the inspectorate (in case of a re-verification, they can request the organization of the court as the original, so a copy of the document).

In addition, in vinyatkovyh vpadkah, independently during the month of the viznoi reverification (on the territory of the organization or for local inspections), reverification can be carried out for examination of documents (copies, and originals) and recognition. See paragraph 12 of Article 89 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

To request documents, the reverifiers can be sent to the organization, if the form is approved (clause 1, article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

We can help but have appointments:

  • the basis for the retrieval of documents (article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • term, introduction of the organization for submission of documents;
  • information about the documents that are required (their type, name, requisites, period, until such a stench is seen);
  • on the outside, that shortened name of the perverted organization, її IPN, checkpoint;
  • type and period of re-verification, at the hour when documents are required (for example, the re-verification date for the income tax for 2009 r_k).

You can transfer the visa to the organization of the inspection in the following ways:

  • give a special receipt to a legitimate and trusted representative of the organization (on paper);
  • send the communication via telecom channels (in electronic form) clearly to the Order, confirmed.

Even though it is impossible to transfer it by any means, the inspectorate may have the right to send it with a recommended sheet by post. In this case, if the submission of documents is necessary, it is necessary to cancel the organization after the completion of six working days from the date of submission of the recommended sheet.

This procedure is subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 93, paragraph 4 of article 31, paragraph 6 of article 6.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Situation: how can inspection at the borders of the visual tax re-verification of the documents, which were previously issued at the borders of the front visual (office) re-verification

For the solemn rule, the organization does not need to re-submit documents before the inspection, which had already been transferred at the borders of the frontal sightings (office) re-verifications and tax monitoring. Ale іz th rule є blame.

You can re-apply documents for tax inspection in the following cases:

  • the organization submitted the original documents to the inspection, which they then turned back;
  • The inspectorate spent earlier submitting documents at the link with force majeure conditions (for example, back, later).

Such peculiarities of transferring at paragraph 5 of article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the need for any documents regardless of the dates of their initial filing before the inspection.

Rows of vikonannya vymog іnspektsії

We can't wait to submit documents in the organization of crops for a period of 10 working days from the beginning of the deadline (paragraph 1, clause 3, article 93, clause 6, article 6.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The term starts from the coming day over the day of the actual withdrawal of vimogi (clause 2, article 6.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The Inspectorate can send a link to electronically via telecommunication channels. In this case, the appointment of a 10-day term, introduced for the preparation of that submission of documents, may be special.

The omission of a six-day term, introduced for the purpose of forcing a receipt, can cause serious consequences. After 10 working days, as a six-day term, if the receipt of nothing has been corrected, the inspectorate has the right to block the bank account of the organization (subparagraph 2, paragraph 3, article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Organizations, like goiters, submitting taxes under the TCS, may not respond to the need in electronic format. Without taking into account the type of organization of the electronic receipt about the reception of the tax, the inspectorate will send the ticket on a paper nose. Tse vyplivaє s the provisions of paragraphs and the Order, confirmed by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on February 17, 2011. No. ММВ-7-2/168. In this case, a 10-day term, introduction to the submission of documents, followed by recovery from the next day after the arrival of paper's wife. If so, the inspectorate sent Paperer's letter to the letter, the date of the due date to the organization is respected the sixth day from the moment the recommended sheet was issued (clause 4, article 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Respect: nevikonannya (nevchasne vykonannya) in order to submit documents at the borders of a viznoi reverification є right-handed ( , ), for which a tax was transferred and an administrative vodpovidalnist. In addition, the inspection can carry out examination of documents (clause 4, article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Continuation of the term of submission of documents

As the organization is too late to realize that it is not possible to submit the necessary documents in a 10-day term (for example, through a large number of documents requested by the inspection), you can turn around for further information. For this stretch of the day, coming after the day of taking away the possibility of submitting documents, the organization should send letters of notification about the reasons until the inspection, through which it is not possible to transfer the documents from the insertion of the term. Crimean factors, in the following, it is necessary to indicate a specific term, in which organization I can vikonatically. Proceed in paragraph 2, paragraph 3 of Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

On the basis of such information, the supervisor of the inspector (yogi intercessor) may continue the term of submission of documents, or advise the clerk, about the guilt of the decision. The form of such a decision was approved by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 8, 2015. No. ММВ-7-2/189. The decision may be praised by the stretch of two working days from the day of the omission of the inspection of information on the organization. Tse vyplivaє іz sukupnostі provision of paragraph 3 paragraph 3 of article 93 and paragraph 6 of article 6.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The decision on the continuation of the term of submission of documents (advice for the sale) can be transferred to the organization via telecommunication channels in accordance with the Order, approved by the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on February 17, 2011 No. ММВ-7-2/169.

Golovbuh for the sake of: іnspektsіya may not be satisfied with the organization of the organization while continuing the term of submission of documents (vіdpovisti vіdmova or ignore it). If the inspection attracts the organization to failure due to untimely submission of documents, then the court may recognize such an order or help with the help of the furnishing or the furnishing, which excludes the fault of the organization from the right-handed. For such a result, pay a fine for late submission of documents, transfers of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, but it can be changed to a lesser extent lower or not included.

Methods for submitting documents

Documents, requesting an inspection for an hour of a viznoy tax re-verification, organization of a tax filing:

  • on paper (for copies or originals, it is stale, as it is indicated for others);
  • in an electronic view (like documents that are stored in an organization, stored in an electronic view after the installed formats).

Paper copies

If the organization submits copies of papers, they must be certified in the prescribed manner. It is necessary to write on the copy, which confirms the validity of the original document:

  • the word "Virno";
  • plant the name of the individual, as a copy, її special signature and decryption of the signature (initials and nickname);
  • date of certification and other.

A friend for the certification of copies of the organization may have the right to choose independently (for example, the main friend of the organization).

This procedure was set forth in paragraph 3.26 of GOST R 6.30-2003, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia on March 3, 2003. No. 65-st.

When submitting rich historical documents, the organization can submit either a copy of the skin arkush, or the entire stitched document as a whole. The firmware document is guilty of the following violations:

  • the text and other elements of the document (for example, dates, resolutions) are read freely;
  • under the hour of reading the document is not expanded (does not collapse);
  • all arches near documents are numbered;
  • at the beginning of the writing, the number of arches of the document was assigned.

Head account for the sake of: like documents, like a vimagala іnspektsіya, are served on paper noses, hand them over for an inventory (act), we will store them with two conciliators.

In the inventory (act) recheck all documents that are submitted to the inspectorate, from the assigned requisites and the number of archives they have. Dodatkovo state that you yourself are transmitting: copies or original documents.

One copy of the description (act) is attached to the documents that are submitted to the inspectorate. Take the other copy with the inspection stamp (postal certificate) and the date of withdrawal of the documents in the inspection (postal certificate) from you. If you blame the super-checks (for example, when you send documents to the inspection or by the postal service), then the description (act) with the badge of the tax inspection (postal service) will be proof of the full submission of the documents on time.

Situation: how can an inspection during a viznoi tax reconciliation require that the organization submit notarized copies of documents

I can't.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation protects inspections of vimagati from organizing notarized copies of documents, as it is not yet transferred by Russian legislation (paragraph 2, clause 2, article 93 of the PC RF). The rule is to be of a formal character and if there are any documents that are required at the hour of a viznoi re-verification, so is the amount of documents that are required from other sources (for example, when documents are required for a specific purpose outside the scope of the tax re-verification (clause 93.1 of Art. ) RF)).

Documents, such as an inspection may request for an hour of visa tax re-verification, do not require a notarization. Therefore, such a copy of the inspection cannot be used.

The legality of this position is confirmed by the sheet of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 7, 2009. No. 03-04-05-01/886.

Situation: it is possible in the course of a visa tax reconciliation to apply for an inspector’s appointment with a photocopy of the check of the CCP, as the original of the documents (information on the new one has become unread)

So you can.

Actual models of cash registers draw checks, ink on some of them blooms after the hour (such a problem is caused by thermal checks). To that in which case it is necessary to work copies of such checks. Sign a copy of the signature of the certifier (another approved individual) and the seal of the organization. From the first sight, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, and the tax authorities (sheets of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 3, 2007, No. 03-03-06 / 1/209 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow, dated 26 March 2006 / No. 20-12 56636).

From the appointed, you can make a non-standard vysnovka, which the organization has the right to submit a certified photocopy of the CCP check to the inspector’s office at the borders of the visa tax re-verification, as well as the original check of the vitsviv.

Vidpovidalnist for non-conforming inspections

Situation: how can the inspectorate penalize the organization for not submitting the lines of documents under the hour of viznoi reverification. The organization may matter the reason for the untimely vikonannya

Yes, you can.

Podatkova іnspektsіya may have the right to attract the organization to the vіdpovіdalnosti for failure to submit documents from the introduction of legislation lines (). However, in case of failure to submit documents in due time, the inspectorate is guilty of defending the presence of softening conditions (clause 4, article 112 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and the conditions that include the fault of the organization (clause 2 of article 111 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The alteration of the relief of the circumstances is cited at paragraph 1 of Article 112 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the alteration of the conditions that exclude guilt is at clause 1 of Article 111 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Having offended others, the inspectorate or the court may recognize as mitigating (which include fault) and other conditions that are not directly designated in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (subparagraph 3, paragraph 1, article 112, subparagraph 4, paragraph 1, article 111 of the Tax Code RF).

For the presence of circumstances that exclude guilt, the organization is liable for tax liability (clause 2, article 111 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). For the sake of clarity, if you want to help a little, set the penalty for a fine, but there may be less than a minimum reduction (clause 3, article 114 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Arbitration practice confirms the legitimacy of such an approach. So, when examining inquiries about the untimely submission of documents for inspection, the judges significantly reduce the amount of penalties for the presence of such circumstances:

  • The inspectorate requested a large collection of documents from the organization (div., for example, appointed by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on 22 September 2009, No. BAC-12510/09, on 31 September 2009, No. BAC-11530/09, decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District, dated 7 April 2009 roku m. /2009 , dated March 9, 2007 No. А13-2248/2006-28, Moscow District dated September 12, 2009 No. КА-А40/12811-08-P, Uralsky District issued April 9, 20 F09-2289/08- C2,). And with praise from the 2nd worm 2015. No. A13-5629/2014 The Arbitration Court of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny District filed a complaint that the inspection on the submission of documents and the additional organization of the documents were not correct. The organization was able to report that the preparation of copies of the requested documents would cost close to 2 million rubles, but more than five years went by in the inspection of these materials. The inspectorate is not able to get to know the documents on the spot, so it could be recognized as such that it does not serve the purposes and authorities of the tax authorities and violates the rights of the payer of taxes;
  • the organization submitted documents with a slight delay (div., for example, appointed by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 22 September 2009 No. VAC-12510/09 m. -P, Pivnichno-Zakhidny district, dated November 19, 2007, No. А05-5779/2007, dated April 13, 2007, No. А26-8965/2006-23);
  • The inspection was not satisfied with the organization of the continuation of the term for submitting documents (div., for example, the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Pivnichno-Zakhidny District on July 29, 2009, No. A05-1221/2009, the Volga-Vyatka District on April 30, 2007, No. A29-86 ). In case of such a deed, the judge is aware that such a situation is inflamed and unbearable to attract the organization to the point of failure (div., for example, the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Zahidno-Siberian District on April 5, 2011 No. A45-12306 / 2010);
  • an accountant in the organization (for example, if the accountant has applied for a job, but the new accountant has not yet been accepted for work) (div., for example, praised the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District on July 8, 2008, No. KA-A41 / 9303-08).

Irrespective of those that, in a number of court decisions, there are about cameral tax re-verifications, visnoviye can attract the organization to the deadline for late submission of documents, they can be blocked and up to the visa re-verifications (Art., Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Situation: chi mozhe podatkova іnspektsіya attract organіzаtsіyu to vіdpovіdalnostі for nevykonannya vmogi shkodo podavlennі dokumentіv. Cannot provide details of documents, as the organization may submit

So, maybe, as information, it is assigned to you, allowing you to signify, as the very documents necessary for tax inspection.

For example, it is important to remember that it is folded correctly, since the following information is assigned to it:
- Names of requested documents (contracts, invoices, consignment notes, etc.);
- the period of time for which the documents were submitted;
- Counterparty, on the basis of any supply of documents;
- Support for the storage of the wimoga (within the framework of any re-verification of the required documents).

If the signs of the filing of documents are formulated vaguely and the organization cannot be determined, which it is necessary to show, then it is not possible to get it to the point of evidence for nevikonannya, and the taxpayer’s tax inspection is impossible.

Slid vrakhovuvat, scho suggest specific details of documents (for example, dates, numbers) that number of inspections is not required. They cannot change information about the structure and about the intensity of document management between organizations, and also, they cannot show similar information among others.
Blame to become vipadki, if the inspection is low ability to establish the exact details of the documents (for example, when conducting an audit of the contracting party of the organization), but the stench is not indicated. In such situations, the organization, as if it did not vimogi, is not attracted to the point of view.

The legitimacy of such an approach is confirmed by arbitration practice (div., for example, decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of April 8, 2008 No. 15333/07, FAS of the Zahidno-Siberian District of November 29, 2013, 2009 No. F09-8408 / 09-C2).

Situation: chi mozhe podatkova іnspektsіya fine organіzatsiyu for nevykonannya could not submit documents. We can supply the documents, so that we can’t wait until the visa re-verification to be carried out.

I can't.

In the course of a viznoi reverification, the reverification may have the right to display documents related to the charges and the payment of taxes. In case of appointment of documents, the guilty mother is without delay before the re-verification to be carried out. That's why the stench is due to the stosuvatis of quiet tributes, which are three times a re-verification, and it is carried out until the periods that are re-verified. Tse vyplivaє іz sukupnosti provisions of paragraph 12 of article 89 i).

Situation: how can the inspectorate pull the organization to the point of failure to submit documents for the most part of the visual review. The organization cannot submit documents for objective reasons

If the organization cannot submit documents for objective reasons (for example, the stench was spent on the next hour later and it was confirmed by an official confirmation), then the organization should be blamed for the lack of assistance in submitting documents. Otzhe, attract її to vydpovidalnosti for the Tax Code of the Russian Federation inspection can not.

In arbitration practice, apply judicial decisions that confirm the legitimacy of such a visnovka. So, the inspectorate has no right to attract the organization to the full extent for failure to submit documents to help, if:

  • the documents were received at no later than an hour later (div., for example, appointed by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2007 No. 13416/07, FAS decreed the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Zahidno-Siberian District dated September 21, 2008 No. Ф04-450 / 2008 (1059-А67 ) fourteen)).

Golovbuh for the sake of: as soon as the hour of the viїznoї rechecking, reverifying the submission of documents, which the organization cannot, take it to the inspectorate.

You can do it in the same order, which is the organization of victors, as it is not possible to do it in time for inspection of the submission of documents (paragraph 2, paragraph 3, article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Dodatkovo before informing about the impossibility of the timely vykonannya, add copies of the documents, as to confirm the reason for the existence of the required documents (for example, a statement about the possibility of a fire or an act of examination of the documents by the following authorities).

Safe filing before the inspection

“… At the same time, our company has a vizna reverification for 2011–2012. The Crimean first inspectors made a final statement about mine, like a mistress of the camp on December 1, 2013. Aleksey fate podkіvtsі do not revise, and the hardened form of proofs is not. Chi can mi file a dovidku? .. "

- from the sheet of the head accountant Olga Verinoya, Orenburg

Olga, we care that it is safer to file a proof.

At the thought of the Ministry of Finance, the legislation does not specify the documents that the inspectorate may have the right to claim (sheet dated 14.10.13 No. 03-06-06-01/42704). Therefore, the inspectors may have the right to request whether they are papers, navit as if their forms are not transferred by legislation.

Behind the strict rule, the inspectors have no right to wimagati documents, if they do not lie until the period that they are being checked. Ale stinks may have the right to conduct an inventory of the lane (subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). And you can only work out the date of the cob of re-verification. That is why he needs a proof about assets, in order to see the actual presence of objects from the given appearance. If you do not file a dovidka, then the inspectors can fine the company for 200 rubles for article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Confirm tse courts. In your region, the court practice of similar superechok did not develop, but the judges of other districts substantiate inspectors (appreciation of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District in 09.09.13 No. A40-149427 / 12-140-1074).

It is possible to lay down an opinion about mine in a free form. They need to change the name of the assets, but if it is necessary, that is their variety.

Kirilo Ilyin, expert "UNP"

  • Custom form


Danі Methodical recommendations razroblenі z roz'yasnennya okremih situatsіy, scho vykayut when zapovnennі dovіdok about income, vytrati, about mine and goiter's cause of mine nature, mayut recommendatory character and not є normative legal act.

Vіdpovіdno to paragraph 25 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2013. № 309 "On come in schodo realіzatsії okremih provisions of the Federal law" About protidіyu koruptsії "Mіnіsterstvo pratsі that sotsіalnogo Zahist Rosіyskoї Federatsії zdіysnyuє nadannya konsultativnoї that metodichnoї Relief from realіzatsії vimog federal zakonіv, regulations aktіv President Rosіyskoї Federatsії that Uryadov Rosіyskoї Federatsії about protidіyu koruptsії and it is also encouraged to see methodological recommendations and other instructive and methodological materials from these nutrition.

At the link with paragraph 2 of section 4 of the minutes of the meeting of the Presidium for the sake of the Presidential Russian Federation to prevent corruption on April 24, 2015. No. 47 by the Federal Distribution Authorities, the authorities of the Alliance, the authorities of the Mishtsev Selfvian, the authorities of Corporates (Kompanii), the Funds of the Ontine Organizatsiyiyam, the Wings of Rosіyskoy Federation, Vozkitzіyiyi, Winquennya Zadanniyov, Savitani to federal authorities , entrusted with the implementation of the legislation on anti-corruption, cheruvatisya by the Ministry of the Russian Federation with methodological recommendations and other instructive and methodological materials.

I. Submission of statements about income, spending, about mine and goiter related to mine character

Submission of statements about income, wages, about mine and goiter of a mine nature - about a legally recognized individual transferred by anti-corruption legislation Russian Federation.

Individuals, goiters to present information about income, vitrati, about mine and goiter of a mine character

1. Vіdomostі about income, vitrati, about the mine and goiter of the mine character are given by individuals, like replacing the plantings, zdіysnennya renovating for some kind of burden for oneself obov'yazok represent such a vіdomosti (dalі - sluzhovets (pratsіvnik)), and itself:

1) persons who replace the state estates of the Russian Federation, state estates of the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal estates;

2) sovereign and municipal services that replace plantations, included in the lists, approved by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

3) Pricіvniki of the corporate enterprises (Kompanіya), Pensіyny Foundation Rosіyskoiiii, the Foundation of the Social Insurance of Rosіyskoi Federation, the Federal Foundation of the Oboko Certificate Medical Executivenya, the All-Russian Organizatsiyiyiyiyiy Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal Law of the Federal Law of the Federal Law of the Federal Law be approved by the President of the Russian Federation of the Federation or by the Council of the Russian Federation, that plant, included before the transfers, approved by the normative acts of the funds, local normative acts of the organizations;

4) persons who replace members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and others of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, included before the transfer approved by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

5) by the practitioners of organizations, created before the end of the day, put before the federal state bodies, replacing the okremі planting workers from the labor contract with these organizations, included in the lists, approved by the federal state bodies.

2. Vіdomosti about income, about the mine and the goiter of the mine character are inspired by the hromada, who claims to be a substitute (hereinafter - the hromadyan):

1) sovereign plantation of the Russian Federation, state plantation of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal plantation;

2) be-yakіy posadі sovereignї service (scho to go to the service);

3) plant a municipal service included in the lists approved by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

4) Plant at Reigning korporatsіyah (kompanіyah) Pensіynomu fondі Rosіyskoї Federatsії, Fondі sotsіalnogo strahuvannya Rosіyskoї Federatsії, Federal fondі obov'yazkovogo medichnogo strahuvannya, іnshih organіzatsіyah, stvoryuvanih Rosіyskoyu Federatsієyu on pіdstavі federal zakonіv, priznachennya to yak that zvіlnennya od yakoї zdіysnyuєtsya Rosіyskoї President Federation or by the Order of the Russian Federation, that plant, included before transfers, approved by normative acts of funds, local normative acts of organizations;

5) appoint a member of the Radiation of Directors for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, appoint a member of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, included before the transfer, approval by the Council of Directors for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

6) okremoi plant vihodyachi z labor contract organizations, sdvoryuvanih before vikonannya zavdan, placed before the federal state authorities, included before the transfer, approved by the federal state authorities.

3. Information about incomes, about mines, and crops of a mine nature is also presented as a federal state serviceman, who replaces the tenure of the state service, is not transferred by the change of the settlements, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2009. No. 557 "On the confirmation of the transfer of the settlements of the federal state service, in the event of substitution of any federal state servicemen, goiter, submit statements about their income, about mine and goiter, as well as reports about income, about mine and goiter, about the mine character of their podruzhzha (druzhina) of those incompetent children, "and claiming to be appointed to the state service to this state body, transferring it by hand.

Obov'yazkov_st vіdomosti

4. In the power of anti-corruption legislation, there is no transfer of the service (practice) service to the obligatory filing of the obligation to file income statements, payments, about the mine and the goiter of the mine character (give - the duty), including admission, admission without saving a penny morning, admission to look after a child and others passed by the legislation of the permit), during the period of timchasovoj non-procedure, or in the latter period, the non-conservation of garden shoes.

In case of impossibility to pay the bill, the stench is especially charged with mail until 24 years of the rest of the day of the term of the task

5. In times of impossibility to file a report, it is recommended that a special service (practitioner) send them to the sovereign authority, the authority of the self-regulation, the organization of the mail order. Vіdomostі, nadіslanі through the organization of the postal link, vvazhayutsya filing at the lines, as if the buildings were in the organization of the postal link until the 24th anniversary of the rest of the day, the line designated in these Methodological Recommendations.

Terms of submission of statements

6. Citizens submit statements upon submission of documents for re-importance for the tenure, recognized or accepted for the settlement (before being recognized for the settlement, at once with the main package of documents).

7. Servicemen (physicians) shall submit the vouchers with such a term:

1) later than 1 quarter of the next day (President of the Russian Federation, members of the Council of the Russian Federation, Secretary for the Security of the Russian Federation, federal state servicemen of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation);

2) pіznіsh, 30 sq. , creations of violations of federal laws, organizations, creations before victorious orders, placed before the federal state authorities, and others.).

8. Vіdomostі can be filed by a serviceman (practitioner) at any time, starting from the 1st day of fate, coming after the dawn.

9. It is not recommended to submit the filing of statements before Friday, especially at the time of the scheduled three-hour service (practice worker), for example, when the service is replenished, or the release.

10. If the remaining day of the line of submission of statements is on a non-working day, then the statements are submitted on the remaining working day. On a non-working day, vidomosti are charged for additional postal communication with dotrimanny minds assigned to these Methodological Recommendations.


11. Vіdomosti are served okremo:

1) how to serve (practice),

2) shodo yogo squads (squads),

3) some kind of dermal careless child (practitioner).

For example, a service worker (practitioner), who can have a team of two incomplete children, goiters and taxes, give chotir dovidki about income, vitrati, about mine and goiter and mine’s character - all about yourself and on the skin member of this. It is not allowed to submit statements for two or more children (for example, two children of minor age) in one child.

12. Zvіtny period and zvіtna date of submission of statements, installed for the hromaday and sluzhbovtsіv (practitioners), different:

1) the hulk represents:

a) reports about their income, income of the squad (friends) and non-expiring children, taken for a calendar day (from 1 day to 31 breasts), which are forwarded to the deadline for submitting documents;

b) information about mine, what to lay down for you, yoga squads (druzhina) and children of no age on the right of power, information about bank accounts in banks and other credit organizations, valuable papers, submission of documents (on the due date);

2) a service worker (practitioner) represents:

a) statements about their income and vitrati, income that vitrati podruzhzha (druzhina) and not full-time children taken for a calendar (starry) day (from 1 day to 31 breasts), which before the fate of the filing of statements;

b) information about mine, what to lay down for you, yoga squads (druzhina) and inexperienced children on the right of power, information about rahunki in banks and other credit organizations, valuable papers, about goiter of the mine nature camp at the end of the summer period (31st of the month) , which before the fate of the submission of statements).

Substitute for a specific date as the basis for submitting statements

13. The serviceman (practitioner) is guilty of nadat vіdomosti, as if camping on 31 breasts of starry rock:

1) the posad occupied by him was included before the final turn of the posad, and the serviceman (practitioner) himself, having replaced the assigned posad;

2) timchasovo replaced by him the settlement of the bula is included before the final transfer of the settlement.

14. The serviceman (practitioner) does not give information, as if the names of the appointments for the settlement, are included before the final transfer of the settlements, otherwise I will change the settlement after the 31st day of the starry fate.

15. Transfer of service to a higher sovereign body from 1 September to 1 (30) April 2017. not foreseeing the obligation to pay the tax to the state authority, in which case, replacing the settlement on December 31, 2016.

16. Really departored by Prazіvnik Kilkoja Posad in Odniy Organizatsії (internal SumySnitvno, Tobto Podzіvnik Uklash Works Personnel About Viconnai in Vіlniy Vіd Basic Roboti Hour Other Robotovzia), Deposit, Introduces Introduction Introduction, then such a pracіvnik zapovnyuetsya one dovіdka іz zaznachennyam boh posad.

Pratsіvnik, such a substitute plant in various organizations, substitutes for such burdens for themselves, submit a report, submit 2 conclusions

When zovnіshnomu sumіsnitstvі (pratsіvnikom way labor dogovіr about vikonannya at vіlny od osnovnoї robot hour іnshoї regulyarnoї oplachuvanoї robot in іnshogo robotodavtsya) pratsіvnik, yaky zamіschaє planted in rіznih organіzatsіyah, zamіschennya yakih Tyagny behind him obov'yazok predstavlyati vіdomostі, podaє in tsі organіzatsії Dvi dovіdki (zapovnyuyutsya okremo for skin planting). The number of dovіdok schodo members sim'ї do not change.

Appointment of the number of osib (members of the family), which need to be filed

17. Vіdomostі about income, vitrati, about the mine and goiter of the mine character are given from the improvement of the family camp, in which the hunker, serviceman (practitioner) has changed on the morning of the date.


18. When submitting statements about the squad (squad) following the provisions of Articles 10 "Laying the boat" and 25 "The moment of attaching the boat when it is opened" of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

19. Vіdpovіdno up to statti 10 pravonichiy and obov'yazki vynikayut from the day of state registration of speech code of the organization of recording acts of hromadyansky camp.

Example 1: a service worker (practitioner) submits statements in 2017 (for 2016)

Example 2: a hulk at the spring of 2017 submits to the rock some documents to be submitted for admission to the planting. Sunny date є 1st of September 2017


21. Shlyub, which is opened in court order, is attached from the day of gaining legal force to the decisions of the court about the opening of the ship (and not on the day such a decision is taken).

Example 3: a service worker (practitioner) submits a report from 2017 rotation (for the stellar 2016)

Example 4: a hulk at the spring of 2017 submits to the rock some documents to be submitted for admission to the planting. Sunny date є 1st of September 2017

Incomplete children

22. Article 60 of the Constitution of Ukraine establishes that citizens of Ukraine can independently exercise their rights and obligations for 18 years. In this rank, the child is vvazhaetsya povnolіtnіm at the age of 18 years.

23. When submitting certificates of children of minor age, they should be protected, that a person is respected such that she has reached the singing century, the coming day after the day of the people.

Example 5: a service worker (practitioner) submits reports from 2017 rotations (for the stellar 2016)

Example 6: the hulk submits at the spring of 2016 the fate of the recognition to the settlement. Sunny date - 1 September 2016

24. As a servant (practitioner) as a guardian (pikluvalnik), adopting an incompetent child, then they pay tribute to these children.

25. As a squad (person) serving (practitioner) as a guardian (pickluvalnik), adopting an incompetent child, then it is recommended that taxes be paid.

26. Vіdomostі schodo nepnolіtnіh іdіt, yakі live zі zі sluzhbovtsy (pratsіvnik) razі, yakshcho sluzhovtsy (pratsіvnik) not pozbavleniy batkіvskih rights, podayutsya in the prescribed manner.

Recommended if you are unable to file a fee for another member of your family

27. In case of impossibility of objective reasons for filing statements about income, witrati, about mine and goiter, the nature of the mine squad (team), their irrelevant children in the service (practitioner) should be turned out from the application, before paragraph three "b" Clause 2 Registering about the order of Rosіyskoy the President of the Russian Federation for the President of Rosіyskoji, Scho dotdidії yo-domago, Shaho, dotrimannya Vimoga to the services (Posyovo) Zaughnninki Osіb, Yaki, Deputy, Polandі Posyi Rosіyskii Federal District, Okharemi Posadiy, the population of the population, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the Federation of February 25, 2011 № 233 "About deyakі power organіzatsії dіyalnostі prezidії For when Prezidentovі Rosіyskoї Federatsії of protidії koruptsії" paragraphs tretіm pіdpunktu "b" of paragraph 16 of the Regulations about komіsії of dotrimannya vimog th to sluzhbovoї povedіnki federal Reigning sluzhbovtsіv that vregulyuvannya konflіktu іnteresіv, zatverdzhenogo Presidential Decree Rosіyskoї Federatsії dated April 1, 2010 No. 821 "About the commissions for the provision of money to the service behavior of the federal state servicemen and the regulation of the conflict of interests."

For the impossibility of filing a bill for a team (team) and / or children with disabilities, an application is filed

28. The application may be sent before the end of the line, inserted for submission by the serviceman (practitioner) of the statements.

The application is submitted (table No. 4):

In the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for food against corruption persons who replace the state estates of the Russian Federation, plant the federal state service, plant with state corporations (companies), other organizations, created on the basis of federal laws, or plant on the basis of an employment contract in organizations, established by them in front of the state powers , recognized as such by the President of the Russian Federation, other persons who replace the state estates of the Russian Federation, in a different order, established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation
The Department of State Service and Personnel of the Order of the Russian Federation persons who replace the seats of the federal state service, sit in state corporations (companies), other organizations, created on the basis of federal laws, or put on the basis of an employment contract in organizations, created for victorious heads, placed before recognized federal bodies, such Order of the Russian Federation
At the introduction of the personnel service of the federal state agency for the prevention of corruption and other offenses of law (as it has not been transferred by a regulatory legal act to the federal state agency, we will register in accordance with the established procedure) persons who replace the estates of the federal state service, included before the relocations, established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and the estates on the basis of a labor contract in organizations, creating for vikonanny zavdan, placed before the federal state bodies (for which are appointed by the President of Ukraine or the Council of Ukraine)
At the expense of prevention of corruption and other offenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Fund for Obligatory Medical Insurance, a state corporation (company), with a legislative, federal organization individuals who replace the plantations, included before the transfers, established by the normative acts of funds, local normative acts of state corporations (companies) and other organizations, created on the basis of federal laws
At pіdrozdіl z prevention of corruption and other offenses for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation individuals who borrow land, included before the transfer, approved by the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

29. For servicemen (practitioners), the right to submit a statement about the impossibility of filing a statement about their income, spending, about mine and goiter of a mine character is not transferred by legislation.

30. For citizens, the right to send a statement about the impossibility of filing statements for themselves, friends (friends) or minor children is not transferred by law.

II. Completion of conclusions about income, vitrati, about mine and goiter related to the mine character

31. The form of the statement about income, payment, about mine and goiter of a mine nature was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on 23 March 2014. No. 460 "On the confirmation of the form of statements about income, bills, about the mine and goiter of the mine nature and the introduction of changes to certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the statement) .

32. Hand-written completion of transferring and independent filling on a personal computer (with multiple text editors) or other other outbuildings with a further endorsement with a special signature on the title side of the leather bow. In case of any follow-up control, the validity of the form, which is to be filled, to the authentic text of the addendum to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23 March 2014. No. 460.

33. In case of completion of the finalization of the special software "Dovidki BK" (hereinafter referred to as the SPO "Dovidki BK"), posted on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation and on the Federal Portal of the State Administration and Management Personnel, we will leave a special list with a signature.

34. In case of additional information about the presence of quiet hours of other announcements, the words "nі", "nі" or a dash can be added.

Title arcush

35. At the time of completing the title page of the finalization, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

1) a nickname, named after the father of a bulky man, a servant (practitioner), who represents the information, is appointed (to the nominal, ancestral, ancestral authority) in full, without a quick notice to the document, which is recognized by the person. Like a member of this family, yogo nickname, named after the father, who are shown without intermediary after the reassurance of the type of native zv'yazkiv, to be brought to the family vіdmіnka. A nickname, im'ya, according to the father, that they say behind the words "about myno, what to lie down", to be directed to the dacha vіdminka.

If a child of an incomplete age is given, if she did not reach the 14th century, then on the title page of the supplement after the confirmation of the type of birthplace, the name of the passport is indicated as a name, name, according to the father’s child, the birth certificate, the number of the birth certificate, people, the date of seeing that body, which saw the certificate.

For dovіdok, scho zapovnyayutsya s vikoristannyam SPO "Dovіdki BC" nickname, іm'ya that by father's bulk, service (practitioner) and member of this sim'ї are appointed only to the nazivny vіdmіnku.

A nickname, I’m the one according to my father’s orders, without delay

2) the date of nationality (birthday) must be indicated clearly before it is recorded in the document certifying the person;

3) the place of service (work) that settlement, which is being occupied (occupied), is required to be ordered before the order for recognition of that service contract (employment contract). In times, as if during the period of filing the name of the plant, what is being replaced (borrowed) has changed, then the planting is indicated, substituted (borrowed) 31 breasts of the starry rock. When completed by a gromad, who does not work for the established order, who claims to fill a vacant plant, the county's place of service (work) is assigned:

4) for the obviousness of a small area of ​​work on the title page, the main area of ​​work is indicated, that is. organization, who has a work book. When a special settlement is ordered, as if replacing a municipal settlement on an inconsistent basis, a municipal settlement is appointed;

5) Addresses Mіsci Reyosstricії okuzuyu on the date of the Date Dovіktka on the pіdtstі's post in the passportі ABO Documenti, Shahko Pіdtrejєuє Reyosstaniya for Misztsy (Namanuvannya Sub'KTA Rosіyskoji, District, Moscow index). For the presence of the temporal registration, the addresses are indicated at the temples. Timchasov (for a passport) is charged for the post-sustainability of post-registration. As a servant (practitioner), a community member, a member of this family, they do not live at the address of the place of registration, the addresses of actual residence are assigned to the arms.

For dovіdok, scho zapovnyayutsya s vikoristannyam SPO "Dovіdki BC", it is recommended to enter the insurance number of an individual special account (SNILZ).

Section 1. Income Statements

36. Under the MODOVNIY CSO Ridge Dovіluktka not Slіd Keruvatiya ZM_STON "DOKHID", prominence in Stattі 41 of the Sub Product Code of Rosіysko Federation, osskіlki z Methods Naddaniy Vіdovy "income" Rosezhyuzhuzhi Be-Yaki Storshovі Non-commercial service (Pricivnik), Muddyanina, Yoj Druzhini ( retinue), inexperienced children in a prepared or unprepared form, who had a small amount of income during the high period Otrimany, including those who work for the main labor, are charged without virahuvannya tax on the income of physical osib.

Under the "income" it is possible to understand whether it's a penny's need for a prepared or unprepared form, which is small for a sunny period

Dokhid for the main job

37. In this row, income is assigned, which is taken away by a serviceman (practitioner) from that sovereign body (organization), in which wine he replaces the planting during the period of submission of bills. Vkazіvku pіdlyagaє zagalna sum of income, scho to be paid by the dovidtsi No. 2-PDFO, which is seen for the job of service (work) (column 5.1 "Zagalna sum of income").

38. At the time, as a substitute for the state plantation, entered the state (municipal) service, worked in the organization in the midst of the golden period (change of the main job of work), income, deductions for the next month of service (work), stating the income "іn ". When the column "type of income" is assigned to the front job.

Peculiarities of the filling of the division with the okremi categories of osib

39. Submission of records of any individual registered as an individual enterprise, as a stasis of special tax regimes:

1) when the taxation system is stagnant, the amount of the income delivered is indicated as "income" as "income";

2) in case of zastosuvanni simple taxation system (USN):

if the object of taxation is "income", then as "income" the amount of deduction of income for the tax period (tax base) is indicated, as it is used to file a tax return for a tax, which is paid at the link due to the CSP;

as an object of taxation - "income, change by the amount of income", then as "income" it is shown the amount of income deducted for the tax period, as if applying for a tax return for a tax, which is paid at the link with the taxation of the simplified tax system.

In case of whom the serviceman (practitioner) can give an explanation on the essence of income in the form of subprincipal activity, taken away by him or by members of yoga sіm'ї, that add them to finalization.

40. When filling in a special division, as if replacing a municipal planting on a non-permanent basis, income is charged for the main job.

Dokhіd in pedagogical and scientific activities

41. In this row, the amount of income in the form of pedagogical activity (the amount of income that is paid from the documents No. 2-PDFO, which was paid for the salary of the salary) and income in the form of scientific activity (income, deducted for the results of laying down contracts for the education of the NDDKR and the payment of services for them) are assigned to this row in the gallery of intellectual activity, in the publication of articles, in the beginning references and monographs, in the absence of copyrights and other summative rights, etc.).

42. Yakschko Pedagoghna Abo Naukova Diyalnіst Bula Dyalnіsty for the basics of Misztsa Roboty (Narrin, Brasina Services (Pricivnika), Vyaddanin Aboy himself Gromadanin at Zvіtniy Perigodі GRAYSYAVYAKII), then Vіdomostі about Otrimіvі Vіd do not give it sacrifice the main field of work", and not in the column "Dokhіd in pedagogical and scientific activities".

Income for other creative activities

43. Danish row is evaluated by the sum income, twisted at the areas of Creative Diyalnosti (techno, art, art, Publikistiki (techo), Shaho, turn on the Dohіd Vіd Creativeness of the Lіterature Creativity (~ Publіkatsії), photorobіt for a friend, creativity of the architecturi (video, TV and films), musical creations, royalties for the fate of zyomkah toshcho.

44. Give money to candidates in rows 2, 3 sums, take away grants from those who hope for the promotion of science and education, culture and science in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation in the name of international organizations, in the sight of international (those foreign) awards of science that technique, literature and art, enlightenment, culture, too.

Income from deposits with banks and other credit institutions

45. In this row, it is indicated the total amount of income, deducted (earned) in the summer period from looking at the money for any deposits (rachunks) in banks and other credit organizations, regardless of the type of that currency, as well as income from deposits (rachunkiv) , closed at the stellar period. Slid vrakhovuvati termіn contribution and periodicity narahuvannya for him vіdsotkіv.

46. ​​Notices about the presence of bank accounts and deposits are charged at the 4th notice "Reports about accounts at banks and other credit institutions".

I would like to pay special attention to the following collection of documents related to deposits (rachunks) at the bank or other credit organization, closed from the star date to the due date

47. Income deducted from foreign currencies is reported in rubles at the exchange rate to the Bank of Russia on the date of deducting income.

48. The date of withdrawal of income from deposits in banks in foreign currencies is the day to pay the income, or the first day of reimbursement (capitalization), the day of the repayment of income from the second drive of the service (practitioner) from the third hand.

49. Information about official exchange rates for a given date, which are set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, available on the official website of the Bank of Russia at the address: base/daily.aspx.

In case of non-one-time withdrawal of income from deposits in foreign currencies for the summer period, income is secured by the sum of withdrawal of income transferred from the ruble at the exchange rate established by the Bank of Russia, on the skin date of their withdrawal.

51. Special respect should be given to the collection of documents related to deposits (rachunks) at the bank of another credit institution, closed during the period from the stellar date to the date of submission of statements. At the same time, at the beginning of the 31st day of the stellar rock, the accounts were opened, but at the time of closing the account, the credit institution can issue such a settlement at the given information.

Income from valuable papers and frequent participation in commercial organizations

52. In this row, the amount of income from valuable papers and the frequent participation in commercial organizations, including those with a voluntary investment fund, which includes:

1) dividends taken away by a serviceman (practitioner), a member of this family - a shareholder (participant) in the form of an organization in case of distribution of a surplus, which is forfeited after a contribution (among those who have a view of the privileged shares), for shares), shares (parts) shareholder (participant), in proportion to the shares of shareholders (participants) of the statutory (stock) capital of the organization;

2) income from transactions with valuable papers, including income from the redemption of saving certificates, which is reflected in the amount of the sum of the financial result. Zero negative income (zero negative financial result) is not indicated for the income. The prices of papers themselves are indicated in the 5th report of the "Information about the prices of papers" (at the same time, I have become a service member (practitioner), a member of the Yogo Sim'ї Mav taki papers).

Zero and negative income from operations with valuable papers is not shown in the accounts

More income

53. In this row, incomes are assigned, if they were not shown in rows 1-5 of the finish.

So, for example, a number of other incomes can be assigned:

1) pension;

2) pay extra to pensions, which are paid according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Information about the amount of surcharges can be taken from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the pension fund, or in the bodies of the social defense of the subject of the Russian Federation;

3) all kinds of help (additional help with timchasovoi unpracticality, with connection with vagity and canopies, one-time help for women, as they became on the look at medical installations at an early term of pregnancy, one-time help with people's children, additional help for the funeral of that іn.), because these payments were not included until the completion of 2-PDFO, which is seen in the service (work);

4) state certificate for maternal (family) capital (like in the midst of the period, the certificate or the first part of the sale);

5) sumi, dependent children like alimony, pensions, help (given money is indicated in the income of one of the fathers). In times, as assigned sums, they pay for additional repayment of money for a bank account, a payment for an incomplete child, then such amounts are paid for an additional child for an incomplete child at the column "Income banks and other credit organizations "advice");

6) scholarship;

7) Disposable subsidіya on pridbannya zhitlovogo primіschennya (y razі Yakscho at zvіtnomu perіodі Costa pererahovanі of rahunku № 40302 on rakhunok vendors) that INSHI analogіchnі viplati, napriklad groshovі Costa, otrimanі participant nakopichuvalno-іpotechnoї sistemi zhitlovogo zabezpechennya vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, abo otrimanі at viglyadі razovoї sotsіalnoї pay the redemption of a part of the vartostі budіvnitsva chi pridbannya zhitla (as in the midst of the summer period of the second drive of the serviceman (practitioner) of the yogo person (friends) refinanced the cost of tsієї to pay);

8) income earned from a lease of a leased or other unbreakable lane, transportation costs, including income earned from a lane transferred to trust management (trust);

9) income from the sale of a non-destructive lane, transport costs of that lane, including the sale of a designated lane to members of this or other relatives. If so, it is recommended to indicate the type and address of the sold non-destructive lane, the type and brand of the sold transport vehicle (in addition, at the time of arranging the cost of the old transport vehicle with the vartist when buying a new one under trade-in agreements. For example, serviceman (practitioner), member of the having added a new car for 900.0 thousand rubles to a well-known employee in a car dealership, while in the course of buying a car dealership, having assessed the presence of a service (practitioner), a member of this family, an old car for 300.0 thousand rubles, and having paid this amount as a deposit when buying a new car, which was lost, a service worker (practitioner), a member of this family, having paid the car dealership, the amount of 300.0 thousand rubles, ";

10) earn money for labor contracts for scurry. If so, it is recommended to indicate the name of that legal address of the organization, according to which income was taken;

11) money taken from the sight of hundreds of dollars when redeeming the saving certificates, as the stink is not indicated in the row "Income from valuable papers and frequent participation in commercial organizations";

12) winegrowers under civil law agreements, as such income is not specified in row 2 of the division of the finalization. If so, it is recommended to indicate the name of that legal address of the organization, according to which income was taken;

13) income, deducted from the pipelines, power transmission lines (LEP), fiber optic and (or) wireless communication lines, other communication costs, including computer networks , the relevant objects must be entered at the branch 3.1 "Nerukhome mine" at the row "Inshe nerukhome mine");

14) vіdsotki for borgo goiter;

15) koshti, taking away from the order the gift of succession;

16) vodshkoduvannya shkodi, zapodiyanoї kalіtstvom or other ushkodzhennyam zdorov'ya;

17) pay, pay for death (death), pay for declines;

18) insurance premiums in case of current insurance debt, in addition to the amount of insurance premiums for the deposit (deposits), other charges due to this, you will have to pay, for example, a penalty for the stitching of the windfall of the goiter when you pay the insurance premium;

19) Viplati, Vip'azyanі Zi Zіlnennyam (compensation for Nevikoristan Vіdpustka, Sumy Viplate SEREEDNІХ MІSYACHNYY ZAROTICTKIV, VIKHIDNU NETOVOGUE, VIPLATI FOR LINIA FODON OF THE SOCIAL INSTRUMENT OF ROSІYSKOY FEDERY SYSTEKO), Some of the Yakschko Danі Viplati did not incorporate to Dovіkt 2-PDF for Miszts services (robots);

20) koshti, otrimani as a benign help for the purchase of liqueurs, payment for medical services and other purposes. Just as for them to take the rahunok on the im'ya sluzhbovtsya (practitioner), yogo squad or an incompetent child, then the information about the rahunok is also necessary to show the 4 dovodki;

21) SUMI PRAUNY ABOUT TA (ABO) Members of ~ SIMY, Kolichnim Podskіvnikam, Yaki starred from the ZVDNIKO, Zikiva to Pensіju for Invіdnіsty Abo for Staristy, Іnvalіdam Vartosti Put_yvok, Scho to buy, and Torzvyatskyi Put_yvok for children, who did not reach the full age, for different types of ready-made cats, the replacement of vouchers without a false tribute to the fame of their victories and ings;

22) compensatory payments to the service (practitioner) of the druzhina (druzhina) (for example, an unpractical worker, as a guardian of a disabled person, an old man);

23) winning from lotteries, sweepstakes, contests and other games;

24) income of members of trade union organizations, deductions from these trade union organizations;

25) income from the sale of the lane, deducting the payment. At the same time, the results of pedagogical and scientific activities were superseded by the force, income was assigned to row 2 of the division of 1 completion, the results of other creative activity - to row 3 of the assigned division of improvement;

26) wine-growing, otriman under the zdіysnі opіki or pіkluvannya on vіdplatnіy osnovі;

27) income deducted by an individual entrepreneur (assigned in accordance with the accounting (financial) level or in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations);

28) pennies of payment, withdrawn when awarded with honorary diplomas and awards of federal state bodies, state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal offices, bodies of self-regulation, as not included before the completion of 2-PDFO, taken off for the main services (workers);

29) pennies of money from unprepared forms, which were supposed to be payment for services or goods;

30) koshti, paid for vikonannya of the sovereign chi of the community obov'yazkіv (for example, to jurors, members of electoral commissions and іn.);

31) income, deductions for contracts for the assignment of rights to help on the objects of indestructibility that will be;

32) other similar payments.

54. The form of completion did not transfer the order of goods, services, taken from the natural form.

55. Due to the improvement of the goals of anti-corruption legislation, row 6 of "Your income" does not include statements about cats, which are worth the cost of blowing witrats incurred by a serviceman (practitioner), his squad (squad), an incompetent child, including:

1) sluzhdovami vіdryadzhennyami;

2) with payment for travel and transportation of luggage until the date of entry of the ticket back, in that number there are hopes for persons who work and live near the regions of Kraynoy Pivnoch and those who were born before them;

3) with the compensation of vitrates due to moving to a different city at the time of rotation and (or) transfer to another body, as well as to hiring (sub-hiring) a living accommodation by a service worker, recognized in the order of rotation to the body, moving to the body Russian Federation;

4) with the payment of a salary and (or) a provider of a natural provision, as well as a payment of a fee for the replacement of that provision;

5) with the receipt of professional documents for the vykonanny of service (garden) shoes;

6) with the payment of communal services and other services, hiring a living accommodation;

7) from the payments made by the father for the provision of pre-school education;

8) for the execution of a notarized power of attorney, postal vouchers, vouchers for paying for the services of a representative (to be issued for the decisions of the court);

9) іz vіdshkoduvannyam vіtrat іn іdvіschennya profesіyіy іvnya;

10) with the transfer of funds between their bank accounts, as well as with the deposit of funds on their bank account before the withdrawal of funds from another, for example, salary account;

11) with the transfer of funds between bank accountants to make friends and disabled children;

12) with the return of penny koshtіv for the contract of purchase and sale, which was not seen.

Also, statements about cats, withdrawals are not indicated:

13) at the sight of social, lane taxable watering;

14) for the sale of various gift certificates (cards) issued by trade enterprises;

15) like bonus balls ("cashback service"), bonuses on accumulative discount cards awarded by banks and other organizations for their services, including those that look like pennies;

16) as a return of the tax for the additional payment of money, paid for when making purchases abroad, for Tax-free checks;

17) like a wine city to donors for the building of shelter, її components (that help others) for the mind of a paid task;

18) like credits, pos. If the sum of the loan, the position is more expensive, or more than 500,000 rubles, then the need for the financial nature of the application in the distribution of 6.2 dovidki.

The form of completion did not transfer the listing of goods, services, withdrawal from the natural form

Rozdіl 2. Vіdomosti about stained glass

56. Tsej razdіl dovіdki zapovnієєtsya vpadku, yakshcho in zvіtnі period sluzhinotsy (pratsіvnik), yogo druzhina (druzhina) and nepovnіnіmi dіtmi vpchinennymi pravochiny (please) schodo pridbannya land їlyanka, іnshoy ob'єkta nerukhomomіtsі, transport (often) participation, shares in the statutory (storage) capitals of organizations), that amount is such a favor, or the total amount of the given benefits outweighs the gross income of this individual and the її squad (squad) for three remaining rocks, which will change the starry period. For example, when submitting reports in 2017, roci are reported about the land, filed in 2016 roci.

Vіdomosti about vitrati only zapovnyayutsya only at the vіpadku, as if the sum of the favors outweigh the wild income of the individual and the її druzhina (druzhina) for 3 remaining rocks, which will change the stellar period

57. Gromadyany, yakі enter the service (robot), razdіl "Vіdomostі pro vitrati" not zapovnyuyut.

58. When rozrokhunka zagalnogo income sluzhbovtsya (pratsіvnika) that yoga team (team) podsumuuyutsya income, otrimani them for three calendar years, scho handed over to the rock vchinennya right. For example, when submitting statements about the services, made in 2016, the income of the service (practitioner) of that yogo team (team), taken from 2013, 2014 and 2015 years, is added. Duplicate duchіd cage (Pricіvnik) Taja Druzhini (Druzhina) Okrakhovsu Very-unanimous Vіda Posadi, Shcho Zakovsya Him, Scho Holoch Rockіv, and Torzor North Miszia Interesting Holding Services, Zdіysnennya Labor Dyalnosti (at the territory of Rosіyskoi Federation, for Cordon). The income of an unpaid child is not insured during the rozrahunka of the gross income.

59. At a glance, as if the reports about witrati are submitted, for example, for 2016. that camp on December 31, 2016 a service worker (practitioner) has no longer changed with a slave, then the rozrahunok of a sum of gross income is no longer dependent on the income of a service worker (practitioner). At the same time, dzherelo otrimannya koshtiv, for the rahunok of such pridbano mine, at the end of the day, there may be appointments of the income of a large squad of servants (practitioners), non-full-time children. On this confirmation, you can look at the proofs of friends, older children, who seemed to be a service worker (practitioner) during the period of rebuking with a girl (for 2013, 2014, 2015).

60. Award for the provision of the object of a non-destructive lane of expenses, given by the state (for example, a one-time subsidy for the provision of housing accommodation, expenses, obtained by a participant in the accumulative-loan system of the housing security of military services), vodomosti about vitrati (because you know that the favor is charged at the end of the stellar period, that sum please, or the total sum of the tax pleas is overwhelmed by the income of the service (practitioner) and that yogo squad (team) for three remaining rocks to change the blamed right).

61. Tsey rasdіl does not zapovnyuetsya in such situations:

1) for the existence of legal requirements for submitting statements about vitrati (for example, it was granted mine or mine rights, which were not transferred by the Federal Law of December 3, 2012, No. 230-FZ);

2) a land lot, another object of non-violence, transport zasib, price of paper, shares (part of a share, a share in the statutory (stored) capital of an organization) to get a bank on the basis of free land (reduction, gift). In this case, it’s always necessary to check in the relevant divisions of the finalization;

3) a certificate of the state registration of the right to a non-royal mine was taken away without laying down the land of a land plot (for example, building a living house on a land plot).

62. When filling in the column "Type of a pridbany lane", for example, a land plot is assigned for the maintenance of a special auxiliary, dacha state, city, gardening, individual garage or individual living life. For the object of a non-destructive lane, it is recommended to indicate the right place (address) that area. For a transport document, it is recommended to indicate the type of brand, model of the vehicle document, and preparation. For valuable papers, it is recommended to indicate the type of valuable paper, information about the person (for legal entities - name, organizational and legal form, miscalculation).


next to designate the name of the dzherel possession of the cost and obsyag otrimanago income for skin іz dzherel.

1) income for the main job of a robotic service (practitioner), yoga team (team);

2) income from other activities permitted by law;

3) income from deposits with banks and other credit organizations;

4) accumulated for the front rock;

5) recession;

8) mortgage;

9) other credit goiter;

10) income from the sale of lane;

11) income from the building of the lane at the hiring;

12) a one-time subsidy for the provision of living accommodation and other similar payments, for example, money taken away by a participant in the accumulative and mortgage system of housing provision of military services;

13) the cost of maternal (family) capital;

14) other types of income.

65. If you are a service worker (practitioner), you can specify the circumstances of the deprivation of income and the deprivation of the amount of money from a free form. For example, for income in the form of other paid activities (the main work area of ​​the Crimea), organizations can be appointed, de person worked for the madness; for the convent, a person may be appointed, as if the bula was taken away; for a mortgage, an organization may be appointed, under which a mortgage agreement has been laid down, and the details of such an agreement.

66. In the column "Submit a pridbannya lane" requisites of a certificate about the state registration of the right of power on a non-ruhoma mine and / or a registration number of an entry in the Unified State Register of Rights on a non-ruhoma mine that pleases him (EDRP) are assigned. Also, the name of the details of the document is required, which is the basis for the establishment of the right to power on the ground (contract of purchase and sale, agreement of the mini, decision of the court and other). At the time of filing another lane (for example, transport security, valuable papers) - the name and details of the document, which is a legal basis for vindication of the right of power. A copy of the document is added to the approval.

67. Features of filling the division "Vidomosti about stained glass":

In case of laying down a number of contracts for participation in the share life in the summer period, the total amount paid for all contracts is paid

1) giving an unruly lane for additional participation in the share life. Information about the object of the share life, which is laid down in the agreement on participation in the share life, is shown in the reports about the debt at the time, as if the sum was paid in the summer period for the appointed contract, the sum of money is transferred to the total income of the service of the (practitioner) for the three remaining squads rocky, scho to change the skin please.

Under the hour of laying in the middle of the day, if there are contracts for participation in the share life, the total amount paid for by all the contracts is paid.

In times, as paid for the contract (contracts), the sum does not exceed the total income of the service (practitioner) of that yogo squad (squad) for three remaining years, to redo the blamed right (please), information about the latest date of the financial goiter under the contract (contracts) of the share life pіdlyagaє vіdobrazhennyu in pіdrozdіlі 6.2 conclusions "Terms of goiter related to financial character". It doesn’t matter to anyone whether a credit agreement is drawn up with a bank or another credit organization for payment under a designated agreement.

In practice, there is a widening gap, if the period from the date of payment in full obsyasi penny koshtіv is valid before the share agreement before the signing by the parties of the transfer act of any other document on the transfer of the object of share life and the first state registration can become over time. ZIMOSTY ZOMOMOSTY ZOVKOVIY DATE DATE OF GOBOVNYY MAINNESS MINIAN DATE DATE OF THE PAYNOE BUDIVNIKTVA, SKIMA VIKOVIMY TO THE PAYSOVO TEVEL PERSONS VIKONANI COBOVAKA KOKOVENNYY SHO, SHO PІDLAGAєLA GRASTE, PІDLAGAYUT VіDrozda conclusions. After a special participant in the share life of the sovereign registration of the right to power on a non-ruhome mine, on the basis of an agreement on a share share, on the basis of a share agreement, a bill of ce mayno, they add to the statement at the parent 3.1 dovidki;

2) the arrival of an indestructible lane for watching participation in the cooperative. The obov'yazok presentation of information about vitrati vinikaє at times, as if the person had done to please (please) the order of an unbreakable lane for the contract of purchase and sale of a share (part of a share), the sum of which (such) transfers the income of the service (practitioner) of that yoga squad (squad) for the three rest of the rocks, to change the fate, to whom it is pleasing (please);

3) the provision of valuable papers. For one (skin) purpose, the purchase and sale of valuable papers should be taken into account, in the event that you blame the right of power on the official price of papers, and especially through a representative (broker) at the borders of the established exchange for the sum of the favors.

Rozdіl 3. Vіdomostі about mineno

Pidrozdil 3.1. neruhome maino

68. The concept of an indestructible lane is introduced by Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Vidpovidno to the assigned statute to unruly speeches (non-rukhome mine, non-rukhomist) one can see land plots, land plots, and everything that is properly connected with the earth, that is, the movement of them without unavoidable clashes, for example, it is impossible to admit that , objects of unfinished life. . By law, before unruly speeches, it can be introduced even more often (for example, Sverdlovin, power transmission lines, communication lines and other).

69. When zapovnennі tsgogo pіdrozdіl vykazuyutsya all objects neruhomostі, scho belong sluzhovtsyu (practitioner), a member of the family on the right of power, regardless of the fact, if the stench was pridbі, in some region of the Russian Federation or in a state.

The concept of an indestructible lane was introduced to Article 130 of the Civil Code of Ukraine

70. The person after the transfer of the right of the Volodin, but before the state registration of the right of power, by the legal ruler of the Main, on the basis of Article 305 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.

71. Vkazіvkoy also pіdlyagaє neruhoma mineno, otrimane in the order of fall (there was a certificate of the right to fall) or by decision of the court (nabulo chirp), the right to power on the yak was not registered in the established order (registration was not registered in Rosreestr).

72. A leather object of non-violence, for which the right of power is registered, it is indicated okremo (for example, two land plots, roztashovanі entrusted with one parkan, it is indicated at the dovіdtsi like two land plots, for example, a document about the right of power thin) .).

Completion of the graph "Looking at the name of the lane"

73. When the information about land plots is specified, the type of land plot (share, private plots) must be specified: for individual garage, living life, country house, garden, backyard, city and others. With whom:

1) a garden plot of land - a plot of land, allotted to a hulk or given to him for growing fruit, yagidny, sheep, chestnut or other agricultural crops and potatoes, as well as for planting;

2) Gorodnov Statewide dіlyanka - land dіlyanka, nada The Citizen abo pridbana him for viroschuvannya yagіdnih, ovochevih, Bashtaev abo іnshih sіlskogospodarskih cultures that kartoplі (s right abo non-Institution nekapіtalnoї zhitlovoї budіvlі that gospodarskih budіvel that sporud fallow od permissibility vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki, viznachenogo when zoning the territory);

3) a country house of land - a land lot given to a hulk or given to him with a method of restitution (with the right to build a living house without the right to register living in a new or a living house with the right to register living in a new one of the master's houses and spores, as well as with the right to build a living house without the right to register) , yagidnyh, ovochevyh, chestnut or other agricultural crops and potatoes).

74. Vіdpovіdno up to article 2 of the Federal law vіd 7 lipnya 2003r. No. 112-FZ "On Special Social Provisions of the State" under the Special Provisional Government of the Republic of Belarus, the form of non-receiving activity and the production and processing of agricultural products are considered. Under the circumstances, for the management of a special subsidiary state, a land lot can be established at the borders of a settlement (land plot) and a land plot beyond the borders of a cordon in a settlement (polova land plot). Prisadibna Statewide dіlyanka vikoristovuєtsya for virobnitstva sіlskogospodarskoї produktsії and takozh for budіvnitstva zhitlovogo budinku, virobnichih, pobutovih that іnshih budіvel, budіvel, sporud of dotrimannyam mіstobudіvnih reglamentіv, budіvelnih, ekologіchnih, sanіtarno-gіgієnіchnih, protipozhezhnih that іnshih rules that normativіv. Polov's land plot vikoristovuetsya exclusively for the selection of agricultural products without the right to call on this day and night.

75. Lands schodo dіlyanok pid іndivіdualne zhitlove budіvnitstvo slіd machi on uvazі scho ob'єktom іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva Je okremy zhitlovy Budinok of kіlkіstyu poverhіv not bіlshe nіzh three priznacheny to stay odnієї sіm'ї (3 Chastina stattі 48 Mіstobudіvnogo Code Rosіyskoї Federatsії) .

76. A land lot under a rich apartment house, as well as under above-ground or underground garage complexes, richly-top-topped zocrema, not pidlyagaє vkazіvtsі.

77. For the presence of the power of a living, dacha or garden booth, which is indicated in paragraph 2 of the second division, may be assigned a special land plot, for which it will be planted (for individual living, dacha or garden). Given a land lot fallow due to the existence of a registered right of authority to apply for distribution 3.1 "Mine, who is rebuying at the authority" or 6.1 "Mayno, who is rebuking at the coristuvan".

78. When filling in paragraph 3 "Apartments", it is necessary to enter statements about it, for example, a 2-room apartment.

79. Row 4 "Garages" shall contain information about the organization of the collection of vehicles - "garage", "machine-room" and others on the presentation of a certificate of registration of the right of authority (another legal document). A land lot, on a garage for a change, fallow in the presence of the registered right of authority to apply to the distributors 3.1 "Nerukhome mine" or 6.1 "Objects of an unruly mine, which are rebuying at the coristuvanni".

80. In the column "Type of moisture" the type of moisture on the mine (individual, double bed, double share) is assigned.

81. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible for persons to lie on the right of sleeping power, as if they were in power of two or more people. In case of this, it is possible to change from the spleen of moisture to the designated parts of the skin s of the spleen to the right of the moisture (share of moisture) or without the designation of such clumps (to the spleen of the moisture).

82. In case of zapovnnі dovіdki for svіlnoї vlasnostі dodatkovo zaznachivayutsya іnshі individuals, vlisnostі yih perebuє mineno (nickname, іm'ya that according to the father's physical individual or naming the organization). For share power, a part of an individual is indicated, reports about mine are hopeful.

83. The financial position (addresses) of a non-violent lane shall be assigned in accordance with legal documents.

Addresses of a non-violent lane must be specified in accordance with legal documents

84. As the ruler of the object of an indestructible lane is a physical person, then it is designated:

2) subject of the Russian Federation;

4) the place of another population point (village, settlement toshcho);

5) street (avenue, provulok toshcho);

6) the number of the booth (volodinnya, dilyanki), building (budіvlі), apartment.

85. If you don’t know how to stay behind the cordon, then it means:

1) the name of the state;

2) population point (another unit of the administrative-territorial division);

3) postal address.

86. The area of ​​the object of an indestructible lane is indicated on the submission of documents that establish the law. It is not necessary to lay down the service (practitioner) on the right of the residential area (without the appointment of a chasm) or the share of the authority, it seems to be the main area of ​​​​the given object, and not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe part.

87. Information about neruhome mine, which lie on the right sleeping private power in a rich apartment booth, do not pay attention to dovidtsi.

Zasnuvannya pridbannya that dzherela koshtiv

88. For the skin object of a non-destructive lane, requisites of a certificate about the state registration of the right to power on the non-permanent side of the site and/or the registration number of the entry in the Unified State Register of Rights on the non-permanent side of the site (SDRP) are assigned. Also, the name and details of the document are assigned, which is the basis for establishing the right to power on the ground (a contract of purchase and sale, a contract of a mini, a contract of gift, a certificate of the right to concession, a decision of the court that іn.).

89. At the same time, the right to neruhome may be viniklo until the recruitment of rank by the Federal Law of 21 March 1997. No. 122-FZ "On the state registration of rights to the neruhoma mine that pleases him", a certificate of the state registration of the right of power and / or an entry in the EDRP in the order established by the Law is not issued, then legally establishing documents are required that confirm the rights of the state of power (for example, the resolution of the Vikonkom city N on March 15, 1995, No. 1-345 / 95 about the transfer of the indestructible mine to the authorities and in.).

90. Obov'yazkovo be more correct, official name of documents with the necessary details, for example: Certificate of registration of rights 50 776723 dated 17 March 2010, Entry in the EDRP 50-50-23/092/2009069, vol.

91. Obov'yazok povidomlyat vіdomosti pro dzherelo koshtіv, for rahunok like pridbano mine, scho to be found outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation, expand only on osіb, assigned to part 1 of article 2 of the Federal Law of 7 January 2013. No. 79-ФЗ "About the fence for the okremіy categorіy" osіb vіdkrivatі tа mother rahunka (deposit), zberіgati koshti koshti and valuables in іnozemnyh banks, raztashovannyh outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation", and on the osіb, yakі replace (who borrow):

1) sovereign estates of the Russian Federation;

2) plant the first intercessor and intercessors of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

3) appoint members for the sake of directors for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

4) sovereign estates of subjects of the Russian Federation;

5) put the federal state service, recognized as such by the President of the Russian Federation, the Order of the Russian Federation or the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

6) plant intercessors in the ceremonies of the federal bodies of vikonavchos;

7) plant with state-owned corporations (companies), funds and other organizations created by the Russian Federation on the basis of federal laws, recognized as such by the President of the Russian Federation or the Council of the Russian Federation;

8) plant the heads of the municipal districts, the heads of the municipal districts, the heads of the other municipal offices, so that the heads of the municipal administrations, the heads of the municipal administrations will be crowned;

9) deputies in representative bodies of municipal districts and municipal districts, as a result of their replacement on a permanent basis;

10) making friends (befriending) those children of minor age, assigned to this point;

11) Posadi federal main services, planting of the Divine Divine Services Sub'KTIV ROSІYSKOZO FOLDIYI, Posadi in the Central Bank of Rosіyskoji of the Federal Maintenance of Corporations (Kompanii), Foundations of the All-Russia Organizatsiyi, Rosіyyskoy federated on Pіdtsti federated law_, Okaren Posadi at the Federal Law of the Labor Treaty in organіzatsіyah, stvoryuvanih for vikonannya zavdan assigned to the federal Reigning bodies zdіysnennya povnovazhen for yakimi peredbachaє fate in pіdgotovtsі rіshen scho torkayutsya power suverenіtetu that natsіonalnoї BEZPEKA Rosіyskoї Federatsії, that SSMSC vklyuchenі to perelіkіv, vstanovlenih vіdpovіdno regulations of the federal Reigning organіv, Reigning organіv subjects of the Russian Federation, regulatory acts for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, state-owned corporations (companies), funds and other organizations created by the Russian Federation based on federal laws (on friends (friends, friends) chenikh at tsomu pіdpunktі, vshcheznachenna zaborona poshiryuєєtsya);

Vіdomostі about vishchezgadana dzherelo vyobbrazhayutsya at dovіdtsі shorіchno, nezalezhno vіd roku pridbannya lane

12) others in cases, transferred by federal laws.

92. Obov'yazok voіdomlyat vіdomosti pro dzherelo koshtіv, for rahunok such prihodbano neruhome mine, expands only as much as the lane, sho perebuvaє exclusively beyond the borders of the Russian Federation.

Vіdomostі about vishchevkazane dzherelo vіdobrazhayutsya dovіdtsі shorіchno, nezalezhno vіd roku pridbannya lane.

Pidrozdil 3.2.

93. Which trainees are asked to report about transport problems that they stay with the authorities, regardless of whether the stench was coming, in some region of the Russian Federation or in some state of registration. Transportation allowances, transferred to the court for trust, as stolen, at the outpost at the bank, are not eligible for operation, are taken from the registration form only, by the clerk of those who serve as a servant (practitioner), members of this family, also indicate the order.

Which parent is told about the transport security, which they stay with the authorities, regardless of the fact, if the stench was near the port, in which region the state is registered

94. Zmіna reєstratsіynih danih about vlasnika for skoєnimi land, spryamovanimi on vіdchuzhennya schodo zareєstrovanih the agriculture zasobіv, zdіysnyuєtsya on pіdstavі new vlasnika stated (paragraph 6 of the Rules of motor reєstratsії zasobіv that prichepіv to them in Derzhavnіy іnspektsії BEZPEKA road Ruhu Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh ref Rosіyskoї Federatsії, zatverdzhenih instructions to The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008, No. 1001 "On the procedure for registering transport facilities" (at the editorial office of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, dated April 7, 2013, No. 605).

95. As of late date, the transport fund was registered for a service (practitioner), a member of this family (appointed individuals were the head of the transport service), and a follow-up to this parent. Even though on the date of the transport bill it was already recognized that it was registered for my purchase, then in the update 3.2, it was not corrected. In case of a distribution of 1 additional income, the income from the sale of the transport security, zocrema, according to the "trade-in" scheme, should be taken into account.

96. Under the Mokenі graph "Miscean Restorsії" Outstanding Namuvannya Internal Owner's office, a kind of Zdіysniv Reyosstricіyni Vlіk Transportation, Final MO GIBDD TNERER № 2 GU MVS Rosії M. Moskvі, VDIBDD MMO MVS Rosії "Shalіnskiy", VDIDDD MMO MVS, 3 Vіd . MOTOTRER GIBDD UVS z CAO m. Moskvi toshcho. Assigned data are duly updated until the certificate of registration of the transport security.

97. By a similar approach, it is necessary to be vigilant in the case of the appointment of water, surface transport in the same subdivision.

98. Row 7 "Imshі transport zasobi" prіdlyagayut vkazіvtsі prikopi, zaregistrovanі in the established order.

Section 4. Information about bank accounts in banks and other credit institutions

99. At whom have been added, the information about all the accounts, which has been fixed on the exact date, is independent of the marks of their approval, including:

1) rahunki, on which there are bones that belong to the servant (practitioner), a member of this family (otherwise the right to lie on a given person), with whom the servant (practitioner), a member of this family is not a client of the bank (at including individual investment account);

3) rahunki, vodkritі at the period of іsnuvannya SRSR;

4) rahunki, vіdkritі on the repayment of the loan;

5) card holders of plastic cards, for example, various types of social cards (social card of a Muscovite, social card of a student, social card of a student), plastic cards for securing a pension, credit cards;

6) accounts (deposits) in foreign banks, roztashovannyh positions of the Russian Federation.

For the presence of coins (deposits) in foreign banks, roztashovannyh outside the boundaries of the territory of the Russian Federation, which are subject to closure, it is recommended to add a copy of the application, filed to the final commission, about the impossibility of vikonaty vimogy of the Federal Law on 20 January 13, 2013 No. 79-FZ.

At whom you have shared information about all the rahunki, announced the camp on the right date, regardless of the names of those who vouched for

100. For whom the statements about bank accounts in banks and other credit organizations, which are closed on the same date, are not required.

101. Do not apply to a special selection of rahunok, according to the Federal law of 12 chervnya 2002. No. 67-FZ "On the main guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in the referendum of the citizens of the Russian Federation".

102. For information about the cards of plastic cards, type in the end of the term for these cards (їх blocking), as the account of the card is not closed by a bank or by another credit institution for a letter of application of the card holder.

Sending information about the cards of plastic cards

103. Indications for which razdіlі dovіdki also inform about the presence of an unspecified metal rachunka (including the type of rachunka and metal, for which the vein has a vіdkritiy). Zneosobleny metalevy rakhunok - rakhunok scho vіdkrivayutsya Credit organіzatsієyu for oblіku dorogotsіnnih metalіv without zaznachennya іndivіdualnih Find our that zdіysnennya operatsіy schodo їh zaluchennya that rozmіschennya (paragraph 2.7 of the provisions about zdіysnennya Credit organіzatsіyami operatsіy of dorogotsіnnimi metals on teritorії Rosіyskoї Federatsії is the procedure for conducting bankіvskih operatsіy of dorogotsіnnimi metals , approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in 1 leaf fall 1996, No. 50).

104. The fermentation of grams of expensive metal in carbovants equivalent is used similarly to rahunka, decriminalized in foreign currency. The surplus on a non-delimited metal account is charged in rubles at the exchange rate to the Bank of Russia on a certain date.

105. Information about the appearance of prices on affinated expensive metal, which are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, placed on the official website: base new. These oblіkovі tsіni vikoristovuyutsya for the purpose of accounting oblіku in credit institutions.

106. Servicemen (practitioners), who are the clerks of salary cards, order them from each branch, in order to give the address of the bank or another credit institution, the type of currency of the account, the date of issue of the account and the excess on the card of the chest on the 31st Rahunok salary card, as a rule, accurate.

Credit cards, overdraft cards

107. For the presence of a credit card, the relevant data (name of the address to the bank or another credit organization, type of currency of the account, date of issue of the account) are assigned to the branch 4 and are submitted to the other person, on the basis of which the credit agreement has been drawn up. Vrahovyuchi, schoshti on the credit card reflect the goiter of the widowmaker before the credit institution, and not the amount for the account, the column "surplus for the account" must have zero "0".

108. Costs placed by a sack on a credit card and not "written off" by a bank or a credit institution before 31 December, or other important date in the account of apparent collection, are charged as a penny kosh, to lie with a sack, tobto. positive margin.

109. Similarly, statements about a card with an overdraft are displayed. As a cost of the overdraft fee, the surplus on this account will be zero "0" on the due date.

110. If the debt on a credit card or an overdraft is to be set at over 500,000 rubles, then the financial nature of the goiter, which is at the expense of the tax, it is necessary to indicate 6.2 additional documents in the letter.

Kind of currency rahunku

111. Type of bank accounts assigned by the Instruction to the Bank of Russia dated May 30, 2014 No. 153-І "On filing and closing bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits), deposit accounts".

112. Vidpovіdno to tsієї Instruktsiї to physical persons, such types of rachunkivs are indicated (Table No. 5):

Current rahunki Appeal to physical persons for performing operations that are not related to private practice
Vіdkrivayutsya vіdpovіdno bіzіchnymi i juridical persons for the appearance of penny koshtіv, scho razmіshchuyutsya in banks with the method of deprivation of income from viglyadі vіdsotkіv, sho narakhovuyutsya on the sum of rozmіschenih koshtіv
Rozrahunki rahunki They apply to legal entities, if they are not credit institutions, as well as to individual entrepreneurs or individuals, if they are engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, for the implementation of operations related to the practice of private business. Rosrakhunka accounts are submitted to representatives of credit institutions, as well as to non-commercial organizations for the implementation of operations related to the attainment of goals, for such non-commercial organizations of creation
Rakhunki for deposits (deposits) Vіdkrivayutsya dіyаlnіstyu s dіyаlnіstyu z dіyаlnіstyu s dіyаnіnіnya
Spetsіalnі bankіvskі rahunki, zokrema spetsіalnі bankіvskі rahunki bankіvskogo platіzhnogo agent bankіvskogo platіzhnogo subagent, platіzhnogo agent postachalnika, business bankіvsky rakhunok, klіringovy bankіvsky rakhunok, rakhunok garantіynogo Facility platіzhnoї system nomіnalny rakhunok, rakhunok eskrou, Zastavnyi rakhunok, spetsіalny bankіvsky rakhunok borzhnika Appeal to legal persons, physical persons, individual entrepreneurs, physical persons, if they are engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine for the purpose of transferring the type of operations to them
Depository accounts of courts, pіdrozdіlіv of the service of ship's bailiffs, law enforcement agencies, notaries Appeals are made to the courts, police officers, law enforcement agencies, notaries for the insurance of penny koshtiv, which are at the time of the order, when they are established by the legislation of Ukraine, and by the legislation of Ukraine established by the legislation of Ukraine

113. In order to obtain reliable information about the date of filing a bank account (another credit institution), the type of such card should be returned to the bank or other credit institution. Entering the date of issue (re-issue) of a plastic card is not allowed. Vipikov Vipisok Vipovik Zapovika Rahunkіv Ta Da Daltkiv to them to them ... The order of the line, Shahddnaya Vіdpovіdnimnaya Treaty, on the Penuine Navy in the Electronic Visigandi (behind the channels of the Channels of the ABO ABO) (paragraph 24, paragraph 2.1, part III letter III to the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 No. 385-P "On the rules for conducting accounting in credit institutions, distributions on the territory of the Russian Federation").

114. The surplus for the rahunka is indicated by the camp on the svіtnu date. For accounts in foreign currencies, the excess is charged in rubles at the exchange rate to the Bank of Russia on a given date. Information about the official exchange rates for a given date, which are set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is available on the official website of the Bank of Russia at the address: base/daily.aspx.

The surplus on the rahunka is indicated by the camp on the svіtnu date

115. The column "Amount of penny money that went to the rahunok" is filled only at the fall, as if the sum of the penny sum for the rahunok for the summer period is transferred to the gross income of the service (practitioner)

that yoga podruzhzhya (team) for the winter period and two frontal rocks. For example, when submitting statements in 2017, the total sum of pennies is assigned, which was supposed to go to the fair in 2016, which means that the total income of the service (practitioner) of that squad (team) for 2014, 2015 and 20. At this point, before finishing, a note is given about the cost of pennies for a rachunk for the summer period.

For this reason, in this column, add a special sign "Record of _____ No. added to the arch.".

For osіb, assigned to these Methodological Recommendations, in order to start working again in the future, for example, after the completion of the main initial mortgage, the column "The amount of pennies that went to the rahunok", often pіdlagaє zapovnennya zv'yazku with insignificant incomes in advance.

116. For settlements in foreign currencies, the sum is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on a specific date.

Liquidation of a credit institution

117. As a matter of fact, on the morning of the date, the bankruptcy trustee did not file an application for closing the debt to the bankruptcy trustee, and without taking notice of the closing of the debt, and also to the Unified State Register of Legal Objects, no entry was made about the registration of credit organization vvazhaєtsya close, then, reports about the new one are sent to the vkazіvkam from whom they have been divided.

118. The maintenance of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is controlled by the Federal Tax Service and the Territorial Authorities. At zv'yazku z tsim for otrimannya іnformatsії about making an entry to the designated register next to the Federal Tax Service or the territorial authority for a special visa.

119. At Tswoy Ridgelі did not get a richunky, vs'yazanі z payments for the postards of mob_lovka, Zhistlovo-Communalni, Vicarovannya, Distanian Bankіvsky, Novgorologist, Vіdomostі about fate at the program of the SPIVFіnananisian Pensії, Scho d_dpovyody to federal law of 30 kvіtn 2008 No. 56-FZ "On supplementary insurance contributions to the accumulative part of labor pensions and the state support for the formation of pension savings", as well as instructions on the placement of penny coins in various electronic payment systems, for example "Yandex pennies", "Qiwi hamanets" and іn.

Rozdіl 5. Information about paper prices

120. To whom the distribution is given, statements about the current prices of paper, part of the participation in the statutory capitals of commercial organizations and fondies. Income from recent valuable papers is assigned at section 1 "Reports on income" (row 5 "Income from valuable papers and frequent participation in commercial organizations").

Pidrozdil 5.1. Shares and other shares with commercial organizations and funds

121. Vіdpovіdno to the Federal Law of 22 April 1996 p. No. 39-FZ "About the market for valuable papers" action - ce emіsіyny tsіnniy papyr, which secures the rights of the yogo vlasnik (shareholder) to take part of the income of the joint-stock partnership from seeing the dividends, to the share of the management of the joint-stock partnership for the remaining part of the main liquidation. The action is the name of the valuable paper.

122. In grafі "Naymenuvannya that organіzatsіyno legal form organіzatsії" zaznachayutsya Povny abo skorochene ofіtsіyne naymenuvannya organіzatsії that її organіzatsіyno legal form (aktsіonerne tovaristvo, tovaristvo of obmezhenoyu vіdpovіdalnіstyu, tovaristvo, virobnichy cooperative fund-Selyanske fermerske Gospodarstwa that INSHI).

If a servant (practitioner) is the founder of an organization, then this information must also be presented.

As a servant (practitioner) is the founder of the organization, then it is also necessary to provide this information

123. The statutory capital is assigned from the founding documents of the organization by the state on a certain date. For statutory capital denominated in foreign currencies, statutory capital shall be assigned in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on a specific date. Information about the official exchange rates for a given date, which are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, posted on the official website: base/daily.aspx.

If the legislation does not transfer the formation of statutory capital, then "0 rub."

124. A part of the participation is expressed in hundreds of statutory capitals. For joint stock partnerships, the nominal number and number of shares are also required.

If the legislation does not transfer the formation of statutory capital, then "0 rub."

Pidrozdil 5.2. Other prices of papers

125. A share, a bill of exchange, a zastavna, an investment share of a unit investment fund, a bill of lading, a bond, a check, a savings certificate and other values ​​of papers, named in such a capacity in the law or recognized as such in the established order of the land issuers

Sovereign certificate for maternal (family) capital is not a valuable paper and does not apply to the parent 5.2.

126. All prices of papers for types (bonds, bills of exchange and others), for the share of shares assigned for the subscription 5.1.

Sovereign certificate for maternity capital is not a valuable paper and does not apply to the parent 5.2

127. In the column "Zahalna vartist" the zagalna vartist of valuable papers of the same kind appearing from the vartost of the pridbannya (as it cannot be distinguished - from the rink vartost and the nominal vartost) is assigned. For crops, denominated in foreign currencies, the price is set in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the given date. Information about the official exchange rates for a given date, which are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, posted on the official website: http://www. base/daily.aspx.

Part 6

Pidrozdil 6.1. Objects of an indestructible lane, which are rebuying at the koristuvannya

128. To whom the child is told to be unruhomaly (municipal, vіdomche, rented only), as if he was going to the timchasovoy coristuvannі (not at the vlasnostі) service (practitioner), yogo squad (team), non-repaired children, and also pіdnyаstavі koristur in fact, nadannya that іnshi).

129. When filling this trainee, it is necessary to instruct only those objects of a non-destructive lane, as in fact, they are rebuying with a corystuvannya sluzhbovtsya (practitioner) or with corystuvannya members of yoga sim'ї.

It is not necessary in the end of one of the friends to show all the objects of indestructibility, which they try with the power of another friend, as if the wines (won) really do not corrode with them.

At the rozdіlі 6 dovіdki it seems to be neruhoma mino, scho is going to work with the team of the hour service (practitioner), yogo squad (friends), incompetent children

130. Tsej pіdrozdіl zapovnyuєtsya in general order by these servicemen (practitioners), members of їх sіm'ї, yakі for the place of the passage of service or the place of work (for example, for the vydpovidnomu sub'єktі Russian Federatsії) mayutstratemchasovuyu.

131. In addition, the vkazіvkoy informs about living quarters (houses, apartment, room), non-living dwelling, land plot, and garage.

1) do not lie in the service (practitioner) of the members of yoga sim'ї on the right of authority, or on the right of hire, but in the same way with the service (practitioner), members of yogo sim'ї є registration (postiyna chi timchasova);

2) de sluzhbovets (practitioner), members of yoga sіm'ї actually live without laying down a lease agreement, free salary or hiring a social worker;

3) if they are engaged in a lease (hiring, renting) agreement;

4) borrowing under contracts for the employment of a social worker;

5) what is at the final stage of life and can be added to residence for recognition, but also for registration in order by the bodies of Rosreestr, tobto. without evidence of the right to power;

6) what to lay on the right of a dovіchnogo downgraded Volodіnnya land lot.

132. With whom is assigned the sacred area of ​​the object of the indestructible lane, which is being rebuked at the koristuvannya.

133. Information about the objects of the indestructible lane, which they change at the coristuvanni, is appointed by the camp on a good date.

134. The graph "Looking at the lane" shows the appearance of an indestructible lane (a land plot, a living house, a dacha, an apartment, a room, etc.).

135. In the column "Looking at that line of koristuvannya" the type of koristuvannya (rent, free of charge koristuvannya and in.) that line of koristuvannya is indicated.

136. In the column "Substantiation of the coronation" the substantiation of the reconciliation (agreement, in fact, the date and other), as well as the details (date, number) of the relevant agreement or act are indicated.

137. To whom the child does not seem to be unruly, as if it were in power, but it was already shown to the child 3.1. Likewise, they don’t give up to the kazіvtsі land plots, which are planted under rich apartment houses.

138. In times, as if the object of a non-violent lane is being rebuked by a private authority with a serviceman (practitioner) of that yogo squad, it is known about those who are a service member (practitioner) are koristuetsya with a frequent object of a non-violent lane, which lie on the right authority, yogo squad pіdrozdіl 6.1. not be entered.

With any given, part of the humidity may be fermented by the child 3.1. dovodok sluzhbovtsya (pratsіvnika) that yogo squad.

Pidrozdil 6.2. Terms goiter related to financial character

139. To whom the child is supposed to be charged on the date of the date of the term goiter of a financial nature for the amount of money, or the transfer of 500,000 rubles, by the creditor, or by the borzhnik, for such a service worker (practitioner), non-partisan), yogo squad (person).

140. The column "Zmіst goiter" indicates the nature of goiter (position, credit, etc.).

141. The column "Creditor (borzhnik)" indicates the other side of the goiter and the same legal camp

given to the goiter (the creditor or the borzhnik), his nickname, the name of the father (the name of the legal entity), the address.

For example,

1) as a serviceman (practitioner), one team (person) having taken a loan from Oshchadbank of Russia and as a borzhnik, then the column "Creditor (borzhnik)" indicates the other side of the goiter: creditor PAT "Sberbank of Russia";

2) as a serviceman (practitioner), yogo squad (person) having agreed on the position of penny koshtіv and є posikodavtsem, then the column "Creditor (borzhnik)" is given a nickname, name, according to the father's address of the borzhnik: borzhnik Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, m Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 8, apt. 1. Submitting a vindication of the goiter at the time of the agreement on the position of the appointed date of signing.

142. In the column "Substantiation of vindication" the substantiation of the vindication of the goiter, as well as the details (date, number) of the relevant act of the contract shall be indicated.

143. In the column "Sum of crops' payment / settlement of crops' settlement on the morning date" the sum of the main crops' settlement (without the amount of money) (tobto the sum of the loan, borg) is indicated, and the amount of the crops' settlement (which has become unpaid borg) by the camp on call the date. For crops, denominated in foreign currencies, the amount is assigned in rubles at the exchange rate to the Bank of Russia on the given date.

As soon as I call the date of the spread of goiter, becoming less than 500,000 rubles, such a goiter is not indicated in the end

Information about the official exchange rates for a given date, which are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, posted on the official website: http://www.cbr. en/currencybase/daily.aspx.

144. If, on the due date, the settlement of the goiter is less than 500,000 rubles, then such financial goiter is not required.

145. In the column "Clean up the crops" the interest rate of the crops is assigned, the pledge for the security of the crops is the lane, the guarantees and bail for the security of the crops.

146. Besides,

1) an agreement on a loan, including for the presence of a credit card individual with an available overdraft limit );

2) a financial lease agreement (leasing);

3) position agreement;

4) an agreement on financing for the entry of penny money;

5) goiter, pov'yazanі z ukladannya contract about the right of extortion;

6) goiter after the fall of shkodi (financial);

7) goiter under a bail agreement (at times, as soon as the date is called, the barman does not vykonu, but vykonu goiter is due before the creditor with an improper rank, and if the goiter is due from the guarantor);

8) goiter how to pay alimony (as if by calling the date of the amount of unpaid alimony, you will be able to pay more than 500,000 rubles);

9) the need to pay the rent for renting a residential or non-residential accommodation (as a matter of fact, on a fixed date, the sum of the unpaid rent will increase or transfer 500,000 rubles);

10) other goiters, including those imposed by decisions of the court.

147. Okremi vidi terminovih goiter'yazan financial character:

1) the fate of the share life of the object of indestructibility. Until the removal of the certificate about the state registration of the object of the share life, information about the date of the goiter on the date of the date of the share life is confirmed by the contract of the share life. It doesn’t matter to anyone whether a credit agreement is drawn up with a bank or another credit organization for payment under a designated agreement.

In practice, there is a widening gap, if the period from the date of payment in full obsyasi penny koshtіv is valid before the share agreement before the signing by the parties of the transfer act of any other document on the transfer of the object of share life and the first state registration can become over time. ZIMOSTY ZOVNIKI ZOVKOVY DATE DATE ZOKOVNYY MANAYNA WINDOVER DATE COMPANY FOR PAYEVOE SERVICE PERSONY STRONG PAYNOE BUDIVNIKTVA, Yakim Vіdpovy to the Paiovo Treaty Personal Zobov' Kaz'jnnya Shodo Spanking Potions Wartosti Apartments at Baguatar Budink Vikonani, Pіdlagut 6.2 suggestions. At the Czech Vipadku at Count 3 pіdrozdilіlu 6.2 Dovіktka, a friend of the side of the gobov'yaznnya: Borjnik, Namanuvannya of the Legal Oracle, Addresses of Organizatsії, on Yaku, Troyvyr Paiovoji Persian, ISSI CONSTRUCTION TO PRIVOVY PRIVOVY PERSONY SPIRY ROSEKONS to this column "Zmіst goiter" you can imagine that the cats were transferred to the obligator of the full obligation.

A similar procedure is expanded to suit the participation of the future object of indestructibility, for example, ZhBK, forward contracts for the sale and purchase and other forms of participation.

2) going for a mortgage from a different person gave a sum of credit to my friends. Vіdpovіdno up to paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of 16 April 1998. No. 102-FZ "On the mortgage (outpost of non-violence)" goiter, which is secured by the mortgage, can be named in the contract on the mortgage from the appointed yogo sumi, provide a vindication of that line of vikonannya. In quiet situations, if the goiter is based on any agreement, the parties to that agreement are to blame, the date of that place is laid down. In order to secure a mortgage, in order to pay off the debt in parts, the agreement on the mortgage is responsible for the terms (periodicity) of the payments that are made, or you know that they allow you to designate the payments.

In this manner, as in the loan agreement, on the grounds of the agreement on the mortgage, the amount of the loan was divided among the friends, joint borrowers, then in this order, the sum was cim contract. According to the loan agreement, the amount of the loan is not divided, the entire amount of the loan is to be given, and column 6 of the named subtractor is to indicate the co-borrowers.

Document overview

It has been clarified about the budget for filing statements of income, spending, mine and goiter for the mine character for 2016.

Introduced a list of osib, goiter to submit q data, assigned to submit the line of submission of statements. There is respect that, for the impossibility of paying taxes, the stench is especially enforced until the 24th day of the rest of the term of the assignment.

As a practical worker, you are planting in various organizations and replacing these settlements, you must submit obligatory obligations, submit 2 proofs.

A number of specialties (members of the family) were designated, which should be submitted. Descriptions of different situations, as in practice. The procedure for the impossibility of filing a tax on another member of the family is explained.

Recommendations were given on how to fill in the details about income, withdrawals, mines and goiter of a mining nature, including, with the help of special software "Documents of BK", posted on the official website of the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Portal of the State Service and Management Personnel.

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