Geographical regionalization. District Vanity Day and day of economic district

Dekilka rokіv that I vyrіshila move from Siberia closer to the sea. Vibіr having fallen on the place Krasnodar. In Krasnodar, I have never had a good time, and naturally there are no small thoughts about how to settle down. Having looked at the map of the place, I scribbled faceless geometric shapes of different colors with comedy names - FMR, YMR, Yenka. I began to see the peculiarities of the skin area and showed that the area was a hoarse and even brown process. I began to stare into the essence of yoga, and I turned to the glossaries and geographic journals.

What is the district

A long time ago, people realized that for the wedding of the great whole yoga, it is necessary to distribute it in different warehouses. The district, in fact, divided the territory into zones for the same signs, the main ones:
  • natural;
  • historical;
  • economical.

In the given hour, the expanses of Russia are divided into 12 economic regions, the largest one is Dalekoskhidny, the smallest - Kaliningrad.

With their formation, the unity of climatic, land, water resources in the region, the development of infrastructure, the camp of labor reserves, and the re-importance of the main galleys of the state governments.

The physical and geographical zoning of regions is based on natural characteristics. The Russian region has the following zones:

  • Skhidnoevropeyska rіvnina;
  • Pivnichny Caucasus;
  • Ural;
  • Western Siberia;
  • Distant skhіd and іn.

Main methods of regionalization

Membership of the territory may be privateі wild, the sameі let's catch.
Private- rozpodіl expanse vhodyachi s odnієї characteristic risi. For example, lіsoroslinne, transport.
Zahalne- Razbittya for the marriage of the same pokazniki. For example, physical-geographically substantiated, the basis of which lies in geographically roztashuvannya, geologically budova, relief, features of waters.
One day- unification of regions, without free spaces between cordons. The butt can be the physical and geographical map itself.
Vuzlov- seeing the centers of awareness of any processes from the regions adjacent to them. For example - vuzol promissory.

Applied value of geographical area

In Russia, scientific research is systematized for the administrative-territorial subdivision of the beginning of the 18th century. The development of the regions, seen by the various showcases, is extremely useful and even more important for the development of the economy, and the improvement in the quality of life of people from the skin of the well-taken mass. This method is an effective way to improve the intergaluze balance of viability and survival between regions. It is important to re-evaluate the value of the resource for the analysis and evaluation of natural resources, their rational and efficient selection.
The axis of such a vіdomostі I have gained, zalshaєєєєєє spodіvatisa, that the descriptions of the method in the future with other economic approaches will still help us to advance the economy of our country and life.

For the help of this video lesson, everyone is willing to take a look at the announcement about the topic “Regionalization of the territory of Russia”. I can learn how to learn, in which regions and districts our country is divided. Then the teacher will give a short description of the territorial division of the practice.

Rice. 3. Population density map

Area - Tse teritory, scho vіdrіznyaєtsya іnshih features pohodzhennia, nature, population of that state.

Rice. 4. Map of the physical and geographical area

The district of the territory is named after one sign private.For example, the result of a private district will be the creation of a map of the size of the population of Russia.

Zahalne districting is based on the sequence of a kіlkoh sign. For example, the physical-geographical regionalization of Russia. The districts are seen behind the bag as a sign: the peculiarities of the geographical distribution, geological life and relief, climate, internal waters are thin.

Rice. 5. Uniform districting

A district that embraces the entire territory of the country, if there are no free spaces between the seen regions, call similar. For example, administrative-territorial subdivision or physical-geographical regionalization. As a rule, the skin of a great region (macroregion) can be subdivided into other subdivisions, yak, at one’s own side, one can subdivide into other subdivisions.

Rice. 6. Zoni vlivu smіtєspalyuvalnyh zavodіv

A number of similar districts in geography zastosovuyut vuzlove zoning.

The backbone is seen as the centers (cores of concentration) of natural, ecological, social and economic and other processes, and then they are marked as heavy to these cores of the territory.

The complex regionalization of the territory is determined by the quality of the sign. Natural-Georce Regioni, we have been visible to ultra-geographic particletes of the territory, іziko-geographer in the field of the territory of the territory, іsvnnya, Galyuzi Spetsіlіzatsії, Roselnyja, Poverty, Rosezischennya Misst Tu Silsky, Social-Ekonichny, the Ecologic Minds of Lyubsia.

List of references


  1. Mitna E.A. Geography of Russia: the state of the region: Grade 9: Assistant for teachers of the lighting installations. - M: Ventana-Graf, 2011.
  2. Fromberg A.E. Economic and social geography. - 2011. - 416 p.
  3. Atlas of economic geography, grade 9. - Bustard, 2012.
  4. Geography. The entire course of the school program is in diagrams and tables. - 2007. - 127 p.
  5. Geography. Dovіdnik schoolboy Order. Mayorova T.O. - 1996. - 576 p.
  6. Crib sheet of economic geography. Schoolchildren, applicants. - 2003. - 96 p.


  1. Gladky Yu.M., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic geography of Russia: Pdruchnik - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 752 p.: il.
  2. Rodionova I.A. Primary help from geography. Economic geography of Russia. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189 p.
  3. Smetanin S. I., Konotop M. V. History of black metallurgy in Russia. - M: Paleotype, 2002.
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: A handbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: il., cart.: kol. incl.

Electronic lighting resources

  1. Primary multimedia guide 1 C Osvetnya collection Geography of Russia. Statehood of that region 9 class
  2. Primary multimedia guide “Lessons of geography of Cyril and Methodius. Grade 9"

Practical work: "Designated to the rank of the state of economic regions."

The first-order cities are the districts, from which the district may be without middle boundaries. The cities of a different order are the districts, which are divided into the same district by one district. The third - two, the fourth - three toshcho.


Assign the rank of state to the district with other regions of Russia and write the result in the table. State the first order with the number 1, the second order - 2 then. For the skin area, take away indications of the state. Submit the sum up to the column "Steps of state". Chim is a lesser showcase, tim is a vigіdnіshe roztashovanі tsey district in the system of districts.


European Pivnich

Pivnichny Zahid




Volga region




Схід. Siberia

distant skhid

State of the arts



Pivnichny Zahid



European Day

Volga region








Uniform districting. It is directed to the search of the same districts. Similar objects can be combined into one group in two ways - they are combined in two ways - inductive and deductive.

Combining similar for one or the other dekilkom with signs of the territory allows to see synthetic districts; which type of district is called "downstairs area". Vіn vikoristovuєtsya for vyvchennya geographic raznomanіnostі schodo small outside the territory. The district "from below" starts with the choice of indicators, for which there is a vision, demarcation and understanding of the districts.

At "district to the beast"(Vidіlennya analytical districts), which is carried out on the great territories, at the scale of all the Earth's backcountry grounds and the presence of regions is accepted a priori. The manager of the due date is given to the choice of a sign that most of the time the delimitation of the districts is taken away from them.

The objects of homogeneous regionalization in economic geography are the units of the administrative-territorial division, which are used to publish averaged statistical data. Under the hour of carrying out professional studies, absolute indicators are "recognised" from the improvement of the area of ​​territorial units and the number of population.

With a homogeneous district, the districts can be seen as one sign ( one-character district), and for dekіlkoma signs (bagatooznakove zoning). If we are conducting a single-sign area, then sound one option for conducting a cordon.

If it is a sign of the area of ​​the sprat, then the options for placing the cordons can be the sprat. It is permissible to stand in front of the doslednik for the task of cultivating an area of ​​ecological disaster. It is possible to carry out zoning along the zarudnennya of the waters; Cordoni district, seen from the zabrudnennya waters, singly just do not fall between the borders of the districts zabrudnennya gruntiv and growing ill. Where will be the epicenter of the ecological disaster? And here is the vicorist method of multi-sign districting.

“Yakist” of the district, i.e., the appearance of the sighted area, we set the goals of the great world to lie in the selection of the most representative displays. On their basis, that matrix of statistical data is analyzed. Often vikoristovuetsya so called Moul's technique, for example, a series of cards for the territory is formed, which are developed, between regions, seen for one sign, after which they are “imposed” on the base. There, where the borders zbіgayutsya, you can see a richly significant area. The protection of the great number of signs and indications of the comfortable vision of the districts, to which the significa- tions for the area of ​​the transitional zone are declared.

Vuzlov (or functionally) district transmitting the vision of the districts of fallow land in the light of the intensity of the state links in the middle of them. Vono influences the spheres inflow of places, transport hubs, enterprises. The skin vuzlovy area is the core, all signs of that phenomenon are clearly manifested. The intensity of the phenomenon decreases from the core to the periphery.

Mezhі district roztashovani there, de pokazniki nabuvayut minimum value. Therefore, there is no such thing as holding a cordon cordon at the demarcation of functional districts: the characteristics of the district can be pardoned.

Principles of regionalization. The most important principle under the hour is the accomplishment of practical regionalization of yoga uninterruptedness, then the skin object is obov'yazkovo guilty of being recognized to the same class, and in the city of districts it is not guilty of being "bіlih plyam". The system of districts may expand on objects of the same nature, That is, it is impossible to include in one scheme such fundamentally different objects, for example, creatures and rivers, land and sea, queens and cabbage ... and so on.

The area may be specific, Yaka signifies the number of signs and the number of districts that are seen. The right choice is a sign of the great peace to lay down the reliability of the final results. First, signs of guilt in showing the authority of the objects themselves; in a different way, among them it is important to vibrati the most succinct, for which follow the division of the territory. Pokazniki, which are victorious for the podіlu on more "high" equals, due to the mother are more important for the purposes of the district, lower signs, which are victorious on low equals.

Between hub areas roztashovuyutsya there, to go to the authorities of the district of the district.

In order to reveal between two nodes, the nodal areas (rink zones) are vicorous gravity models.

As two market centers may be the same razmіri (for the number of population, for the total number of goods and services), then between the two spheres you will go through the middle of the century between them.

If the center is the center of the їх rinkovі zone of the nervous expansion, then the border will move from the bіk to the smaller center.

Let the places 1 and 2 be located on the road D12 one in one and may be the market zones M1 and M2. B2 - a turning point in another place:

One of the scientific methods is to say that for a deep investigation of any object, it is necessary to break, divide, divide more and more warehouses. By the same method, geographers and ekonomіsti pіd іn the complex vyvchennya great territorіy often koristuyutsya. The stench is just dilyat їх on okremi parts - districts.

What is districting? What do you see? What is the current regionalization of Russia? About everything, see our article.

What is districting?

Zoning is the sound of this term in English literature. Vtіm, the Americans themselves and vvazhayut "winners" of this method. Otzhe, what is the district? Do some galleys in those spheres of human activity become victorious?

Under the districts, it may be on the verge of rozpodil, whether it be the territory on the edge of the part, which one looks at one after the other signs. Vtіm, tse mozhe buti not only the territory of the land, but the waters of the sea and the ocean. Warehouse parts, held by the process, are named differently: districts (mostly), regions, microdistricts, zones, regions.

It is important that districting is the process, and the result of the division of the territory into districts. Under what circumstances, specific goals are set before him. The stench can be both practical and purely cognizant.

Today, the regionalization of the territory is widely recognized in various sciences and areas of practical activity of people: in geography, economics, landscape studies, urbanism, architecture, locality, interior design. This term wins out in selection. However, there you will carry in your own mind another zmist.

The essence of the meaning of the concept of "district"

Zim understanders often talk about it in everyday life. Districts can be living and working, official and unofficial, bedroom, industrial, recreational and financial and business.

The term itself has a French root (rayon). In the broadest meaning of the word district - tse mіstsevіst, which is seen among the other one dekіlkom signs. Іsnuyut іnshі vyznachennya tsgogo ponyattya. For example, one of them to say that the area is a place of space, to expand whether it is a diy or a phenomenon (natural, economical, social).

The region is one of the main units of the administrative-territorial structure of a number of world powers (mostly of a different order). Zocrema, yoga is seen in rich countries (in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and others).

Today, the term "district" is victorious in various scientific disciplines and spheres of human life, from botany to military law.

See that straight line

How do you see the area? Nasampered, it can be pіznavalnym chi constructive (rework). First of all, in the first case, the method of regionalization is stagnant with the method of research, development of mass, then in the other, with the method of developing the concept of rational variation of the potential of the territory.

The district can also be one-dimensional or ubiquitous, one-named or richly-identified. Have their own line, and signs, behind which the districts are seen, they can be seen behind the light, zavdannya, the zone of suffocation is thin.

Vihodyachi s a sign of the sight of the districts, it is necessary to see the district:

  • natural;
  • geographically;
  • more climatic;
  • demographic;
  • Viyskove;
  • economical;
  • recreational;
  • more touristy.

Golovnі azas of the territorial district

The scientific and practical method of territorial regionalization is based on three basic principles:

  • national;
  • administrative;
  • economical.

The national principle of the regionalization of the vrakhovu ethnic warehouse of the population on this chi іnshіy territory, their traditions and historically formed special features of the practice will be pobutu.

The administrative principle transfers the unity of the economic and political-administrative structure of the region to a particular region. With this help, the friendly minds of the independent development of the neighboring regions of the state are created.

p align="justify"> Nareshti, the economic principle of regionalization is considered whether the region is a warehouse part of a single state-owned complex of the country with a unique set of industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities.

The three principles are the main ones and the deepest knowledge. The stench is protected for all types of territorial districts.

The essence of the economic region

Economic districting - the whole process of seeing districts and zones of the country (region), in which it is shown to have done practical work, which is famous. The main meta of such a process is the creation of minds for the conduct of a rational socio-economic policy. In case of economic districting of the territory, it is important to protect a lot of factors. Nasampered, go about the genera of mineral and ash resources, climate minds, the birth rate of soils, demographic indicators.

Economical district storage of three equals. Tse:

  • macro day(View of the great economic zones);
  • mesoriven(Visitance of economic regions at the borders of one state or region);
  • microriver(Vision of industrial centers, complexes and institutions of state activity).

The essence of that type of geographic area

Geographical regionalization is the process of seeing more or less systems and complexes, as if they are revisiting their internal unity and a set of specific natural features.

It was accepted to see a sprat of types of physical and geographical area. So, it can be butizonal (latitudinal) or azonal, complex or galuzevim. At the time of the galuze (component-by-component) districting, there was a mistiness behind the relief, climate, growing thinly.

The simplest part in the hierarchical system of the physical-geographical regionalization is the facies. This is the simplest form of any landscape, as it is planted in the boundaries of one biocoenosis, and it is reminiscent of the same geological life, water regime, microclimate and ground cover.

Current regionalization of Russia

The first trials to raion the territory of the country were carried out during the pre-revolutionary hours. However, the best example of this method in practice, becoming the so-called GOELRO plan 1921 (All-Union Plan for Electricity). Yoga was based on the principle of unity of the administrative and economic division of the state.

The current geographic regionalization of the vision of the borders of Russia with twelve physical and geographical regions. Their skin is seen as a uniform relief, similar to climatic and biogeographic characteristics. Edge chi axis:

  1. Russian rіvnina.
  2. Caucasus.
  3. Ural.
  4. Fennoscandia.
  5. Island Arctic.
  6. Western Siberia.
  7. Middle Siberia.
  8. Pivnichno-Skhidny Siberia.
  9. Koryaksko-Kamchatsko-Kurilskaya krajina.
  10. Baikal region.
  11. Altai-Sayan region.
  12. Amur-Sakhalinsk region.

The current economic region of the country also divided the territory of Russia into 12 economic regions. You must fight for the area and your specialization. Pererakhuyemo all tsі districts:

  • Central.
  • Central Black Earth.
  • Pivnichny.
  • Pivnichno-Zahidny.
  • Pivnіchnokavkazky.
  • Skhidnosibirsky.
  • Zahidnosibirsky.
  • far-reaching.
  • Povolzky.
  • Ural.
  • Volgo-V'yatsky.
  • Kaliningrad.


What is districting? This is the process of articulation, whether it be mass on parts (districts), which are seen by singing signs. Vyhodyachi z tsiley i zavdan, tsey process can be pіznavalnymi or constructive. Vykhodyachi z vnutrishny zmistu, it is accepted to see geographically, economically, demographically, climatically and otherwise.

- (zoning) The process of territorial division of various types of economic activity by the organs of state power in the midst of their presence is more important for the management of land cultivation. As a rule, living quarters are created for additional assistance, ... Politology Slovnik.

district bath- I'm sorry. rayon m. new. Rayonieren. new, official Administratively, the territorial subdivided the borders into districts. R. areas. Ush. 1939. Honor for the sign. Goal. rayon. Economic district of the country. The area is agroclimatic. BASS 1.… … Historical Dictionary Galicism Russian language

RAYONUVANNYA, districtvannya, pl. nі, povn. (Neol. Official). Administratively, the territorial subdivided the borders into districts. Regions of regions. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov. D.M. Ushakiv. 1935 1940 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

Zonuvannya Dictionary of Russian synonyms. zoning n., kіl near synonyms: 4 zoning (1) ... Glossary of synonyms

RAYONUVATI, riyu, ruesh; anniy; owls. і nesov., scho. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

Administrative-territorial. Until the fierce year of 1917, the territory of Petrograd in the administrative-police division was divided into 12 police districts (Admiralteyska, Oleksandro Nevska, Vasilivska, Viborzka, Kazanska, Kolomenska, Livarna ...). St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

English division into districts; new. Rayonierung; Gebietseinteilung. 1. I subdivided the territory of the krai into districts for singing signs (natural, economic, administrative policy, national, etc.). 2. Rozpodіl near the kremih areas. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology

AREA- sukupnіst dіy schodo vyavlennya teritorial ї diffrenіatsії ї і іntegratsії geography kolonokі аbo її ії dіlyanki, аs well аs natural аnd socially economic processes vzaєmodії suspіlstva і prirody. Ecological encyclopedic… Ecological vocabulary

district bath- the system of territorial division into districts. Note The signs, behind which the districts are seen, can be different in character, breadth of the mark, the method of the district. [RD 01.120.00 CTN 22806] Topics of main oil pipeline ... Dovіdnik technical translation

district bath- Seen according to the accepted criteria (both natural and anthropogenic) on the territory (water area) of the region in such a rank, so that at their boundaries the phenomenon was analyzed, or the process was to be done the same way, but it was notably blown up in the air ... Glossary of geography


  • Climatic regionalization of the territory of Russia. Poster,. Scale 1:6 000 000. Colored backgrounds on the map depict climate zones and types of climate. For okremih settlements - diagrams of river temperature overshoot and fall. Art.
  • Physico-geographical regionalization of the territory of Russia. Poster,. Scale 1:6 000 000. On the map, the colored backgrounds show the equal and mountainous landscapes, the numbers indicate the physical and geographical borders of that region. Sutsilny red line in Roman numerals.
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