How to call the disinfector of the sanitary and epidemiological station there is no medical knowledge. You are here: “Disinfector” and “Medical Disinfector”: what is similar to that vidminnist? How can you get into the profession of disinfector

Posadova instruction of a medical disinfector [name of organization, undertaking]

This settlement instruction has been expanded and approved in accordance with the provisions of other regulatory acts that regulate the labor law in the Russian Federation.

1. Light position

1.1. A medical disinfector is included in the category of fahivtsiv from the middle professional level.

1.2. A person is assigned to the planting of a medical disinfector, so that he can fall in the category of payment:

Middle (povna) global education and individual training for at least 3 months without presentation could reach work experience;

Secondary medical education without presentation could not be less than 2 years of work experience, or middle (secondary) central education and work experience for the profile of at least 2 years.

1.3. A medical disinfector is assigned to the landing and is assigned to it by the head doctor (director) to be installed and ordered without intermediary [write in the need].

1.4. The medical disinfector is guilty of nobility:

Regulatory and methodological documents that determine the order and rules for carrying out disinfection work;

Allowed to stop disinfection, sterilization;

The nomenclature and norms of vitrati dezpreparativ, wash their savings and transportation;

wash the operation of disinfection control;

Rules for zastosuvannya zasobіv _indivіdualnogo zahistu and nadanny first aid in case of illness;

Legislation about labor and the protection of labor;

rules of internal labor order;

Rules and norms for the protection of practice, safety techniques, virobnichos sanitary and anti-burning;

- [Enter required].

2. Landing shoes

Medical disinfector:

2.1. Vikonu work with disinfection, disinsection and deratization.

2.2. Preparation of disinfection products, preparations, baits, inventory, equipment for carrying out disinfection and deratization work.

2.3. Revіryaє yakіst vykonanої dezіnfektsії i deratizatsії.

2.4. Dorimuetsya the rules of safe robotics with shkidlivimi speeches for the hour of vikonannyh disinfection and deratization robots.

2.5. Prepares documentation for all disinfection work.

2.6. [Enter required].

3. Rights

A medical disinfector may:

3.1. Submit to the sight of your uninterrupted curiosity propositions to feed your activity.

3.2. Take into account the fahivtsiv establish the information necessary for the implementation of their activities.

3.3. Vimagati, in the form of ker_vnitstva, install the spriyannia at the vikonnі of your garden shoes.

3.4. [Enter required].

4. Vidpovidalnost

Medical disinfector vіdpovіdaє:

4.1. For not properly vikonnannya chi nevikonannya of their posadov's shoes, handing over the correct posadovuyu instructions, at the boundaries, appointed by the labor legislation of Ukraine.

4.2. For law enforcement, skoєnі at the process of zdіysnennya ієї єї dіyalnostі, - at the boundaries, appointed by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

4.3. For subdivision of material conflicts - at the borders, appointed by chinny labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. [Enter required].

Posadov's instruction was broken down to [name, number and date of the document].

Ker_vnik structural subdivision

[initials, nickname]


[date of the month rіk]


Head of legal department

[initials, nickname]


[date of the month rіk]

Known from the instruction:

[initials, nickname]


[date of the month rіk]

Good afternoon.

Vіdpovіdno until Decree to the Cabinet of Ministers of the SRSR dated 26.01.1991 N 10 (ed. Vіd 02.10.1991) “On the approval of the Lists of vacancies, jobs, professions, plantings and indications that give the right to pension benefits”XXXIII. There are no more professional professions in your profession. As a rule, the PFR is enforced at pre-strokovіy pensions and it is necessary for you to bring through the court that during the last working hour in the spring period, the bula was connected with blasting and strong speeches, the class of health is not lower than the third, like giving an unacceptable blow to a healthy worker. її the work took place in the minds of the smart and important minds of the workers, employment with some gives the right to a pension for a century (for old age) on a pilgov mind.

23200000XXXIII. INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONS issued 23200000-1754b Practitioners who work without interruption against microorganism 1 - 2 groups of non-safety

ConsultantPlus: note. Worrying about food, which is worthy of the pilot pension security of practitioners, that work without intermediary work with microorganism 1 - 2 groups of nebezpeka, div. sheet of the Ministry of Practice of the Russian Federation issued 04.02.1998N 644-AT.
23200000-1754b Pratsivniki, yakі without intermediary kill robots with microorganism 1 - 2 groups of nebezpeka

dated February 4, 1998 N 644-AT
Practitioners working with microorganisms

The Ministry of Practice of Russia, looking at once from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, provides nutrition to the pilot pension security of practitioners employed by robots with microorganisms.
Vidpovіdno up to dignified legislation by the right to pension security under List N 2 (section XXIII, pіdrozdіl 5) workers and facsimiles, as employed on robots with microorganism 1 - 3 groups of unsafety (pathogenicity) in susceptibility for pathogens of drugs.
Robots with microorganisms of 1 - 2 groups of transferring are also in divisions XXIII and XXXIII "Zalny professions" up to Lists N N 1 and 2. When the rights of practitioners on the pension are recognized, it is necessary to remember the same for these divisions of the List.
As shown by the study of this food control by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Sanitary Rules for the Safety of Work with Microorganisms (SP 1.2.011-94), approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, the robot with microorganism 1 - 2 groups of insecurity is established number of scientific and recent ones) that you could think for a long time to be able to take care of the safety of work and allow you to work with such biological material.
Vykladeny, the right to pension security for the divisions of Lists NN 1 and 2 "Healthy professions" can be covered by practitioners employed with microorganism 1 - 2 groups of non-safety (pathogenicity) as in laboratories and number of scientifically advanced institutes). The pension according to the List N 1 is assigned for the mind, as it is documented by the bodies of health care management and the sanitary service, and the employment of practitioners with microorganisms of the 1st group, against which there are no effective means of prevention and treatment.

1.1 Tsya posadova іnstruktsіya determines the functional bandage, rights and viability of the disinfector.

1.2 The disinfector is included in the category of specialists.

1.3 The disinfector is assigned to planting and is ordered to plant in the prescribed manner by the labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4 Reciprocate for planting:


Direct order

Install the kerivnik


Dodatkove suborder


Viddaє order


Pracіvnik replace

Person, as appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise


The practitioner is replacing

  1. Qualification of help before disinfection:



Professional and technical


dosvid work

Not less than 1 rock



recognition, you see the authority of the speeches, which are zastosovuyutsya for disinfection, disinsection, deodorization and deratization;

ways to capture and expand disinfection chambers;

come in special and public security for the hour of the work carried out for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;

signs of breaking that rule of first aid; safety rules for working with otrutochemicals;





Dodatkovі vimogi


  1. Documents that regulate the activity of the disinfector

3.1 Old documents:

Legislators and normative acts that stand in the way of victorious work.

3.2 Internal documents:

Statute of the enterprise, Punishment and order of the director of the enterprise (certifier of the civil defense); Regulations on pіdrozdіl, Posadov's instructions for the disinfector, Rules for the internal labor order.

  1. Posadovі obov'yazki disinfector

4.1. Disinfection (negative or weakening pathogenic microorganism or carrying infection, infection) and to carry out deodorization of clothes, speeches of home living, possession, cars, sirovini, nap_vfabrikatіv, transport zasobіv, territory, spores, households. physical, chemical, biological and combination methods.

4.2. Carry out disinfection (recovery and prevention of the growth of shkidlivy coma), deratization and deodorization (removal of squints, mice and pollen shkidnikiv-gryzuniv-shkidnikiv) with hand-scrubbed chemical speeches.

4.3. Lifting the objects that are processed to the disinfection chamber, captivating and vivantaging them.

4.4. Ready and zastosovuє otrutokhimіkati and іnshі speech for disinfection, disinsection and deratization.

4.5. Priymaє, vede shape, sberigaє that kind of otrutokhіmіkati and produktovannya vіdpovіdno vіdpovіdno to іmоg іnstruktsіy.

4.6. Pereviryaє spravnіst zaobіv zahistu: protigazіv, special clothes, equipment too. that gotuє їх to zastosuvannya.

  1. Disinfector's rights

Disinfector may:

5.1. Familiarize yourself with the projects of solving business enterprises that are worthy of this activity.

5.2. Bring to the sight of the curiosity the propositions of a well-done work, tied from the transmission of the instruction to the shoes.

5.3. At the borders of your competence, tell your uninterrupted clerk about all the manifestations in the process of your activity of a shortfall and make propositions about your adoption.

5.4. Inquire especially for the instructions of your non-intermediate clerk to the clerks of the subsidiaries and specialists, information and documents necessary for the collection of their posadov's shoes.

5.5. Vimagati, in the case of kerіvnitstvа pripriєmstva priyannі vіkonnі svoїh posadovy obov'yazkіv i prіv.

  1. Disinfector range

Disinfector vіdpovіdaє:

6.1. For not properly vikonannya chi nevykonannya their posadovyh obov'yazkіv, handed over by tsієyu posadovoi ієєyu - at the boundaries, appointed by the chinnym labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For lawfulness, skoєni at the process of carrying out one's activities - at the borders, appointed by the official administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For subdivision of material conflicts - at the borders, appointed by chinny labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Wash the hands of the disinfector

The mode of operation of the disinfector is determined according to the Rules of internal labor order, established at the enterprise.

  1. Wash your mind to pay

Umovi payment for the disinfector's work is charged according to the Regulations on the payment of work to the staff.

9 Final provisions

9.1 Tsya Posadov's instructions are stored at two accomplices, one of them is taken from the Company, the other - from the practitioner.

9.2 Manager, Obov'yazki, Rights and Vidpovidalnist can be clarified later to change the Structure, Supervisor and Functions of the structural support and work area.

9.3 Changes and additions to the tsієї Posadovoї іnstruktsії be made by order of the general director of the enterprise.

Ker_vnik structural subdivision


(nickname, initials)


Head of legal department


(nickname, initials)


Known from the instruction:


(nickname, initials)


Vіdpovidaє vomogam document - "DOVIDNIK kvalіfikatsiynyh charac- teristics of professions pracіvnіkiv. Issue 78. Health protection. ) 2011 R. N 121 dated February 14, 2012)", which was approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated March 29, 2002. N 117. Concession by the Ministry of Practice and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The status of the document is "dead".

Before moving to the landing instructions

0.1. The document is gaining certitude from the moment of confirmation.

0.2. Document code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Weather document: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic re-verification of this document is carried out at intervals so as not to exceed 3 years.

1. Light position

1.1. Settlement "Disinfector" to lie down to the category "Robitniki".

1.2. Qualifications of the high school - basic basic secondary education, training in courses or in the workplace. Without vimog until the experience of robots.

1.3. You know that stasis in the activity:
- Normative documents that regulate the organization of disinfection control;
- rights, obov'yazki and vіdpovidalnіst disinfector;
- principles, see and methods of disinfection, disinfestation, deratization and sterilization;
- disinfection, disinfection and deratization diseases, the rules for granting first medical assistance in case of damage by them;
- methods for assessing the quality of carrying out disinfection, disinfection, deratization and sterilization visits;
- Rules for the protection of practice.

1.4. The disinfector is assigned to the plant and is ordered to plant by the order of the organization (undertaking / installation).

1.5. The disinfector is ordered without interruption _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The disinfector is operated by robot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The disinfector for the hour of daytime is replaced by a special one, recognized in the established order, as it gains legal rights and bears the responsibility for the proper care of laying on it.

2. Characteristics of work, zavdannya and planting shoes

2.1. Practice under the supervision of an instructor-disinfector.

2.2. Ready to achieve disinfection ability to carry out disinfection in the fires of infectious diseases and other areas.

2.3. Residual disinfection.

2.4. Disinfection of a variety of medical indications.

2.5. Sorting speeches for chamber disinfection.

2.6. Conduct sterilization of singing speeches and virobiv.

2.7. Signifies the degree of disinfection and sterilization.

2.8. Here is a look at the manifestation of pediculosis.

2.9. Prepare for pest control and deratization control.

2.10. Carry out disinfection and deratization visits to objects and determine the quality of their conduct.

2.11. Dotrimuєtsya rules of special and suspіlnoї security and protection of practice during the conduct of higher-named robots.

2.12. Constantly promotes professional riven.

2.13. You know, understanding and zastosovuє chinnі normative documents, scho suyuyutsya yogo activity.

2.14. She knows how to overcome normative acts about the protection of practice and the necessary middle ground, to improve the norms, methods and methods of taking a careless vikonnannya robit.

3. Rights

3.1. The disinfector may have the right to work for the sake of zabіgannya that usunennya vipadkіv whether or not damage or inconsistencies.

3.2. The disinfector has the right to waive all social guarantees provided by law.

3.3. The disinfector may have the right to spriyannya at the vikonnі svoїh posadovy ob'yazkіv and zdіysnenі rights.

3.4. The disinfector may have the right to use the creation of organizational and technical minds, necessary for the installation of garden shoes, and the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The disinfector has the right to be familiar with the draft documents of any activity.

3.6. The disinfector may have the right to take and take away documents, materials and information necessary for the inspection of his garden shoes and the order of the cleaning.

3.7. The disinfector has the right to advance his professional qualifications.

3.8. The disinfector has the right to tell about all the manifestations in the process of its activity, damage and inconsistency and to make propositions about how to get sick.

3.9. The disinfector may have the right to know the documents, which determine the rights and obov'yazki from planting, the criteria for assessing the quality of vikonnanny obov'yazkіv.

4. Vidpovidalnost

4.1. The disinfector carried responsibility for non-compliance or non-compliance with provisions on the order of the landowner's shoes and (or) non-compliance with their rights.

4.2. The disinfector carried responsibility for the lack of compliance with the rules of the internal labor order, the protection of work, safety equipment, hygienic sanitation and anti-burn protection.

4.3. The disinfector bears responsibility for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/establishment) that should be considered a commercial secret.

4.4. The disinfector complies with non-compliance, or improperly, it could not comply with internal regulatory documents in the organization (enterprise / establish) and the legal order of the ceramics.

4.5. The disinfector carried responsibility for the violation of law, shackled at the process of its activity, at the borders, established by official administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The disinfector bears the responsibility for subpoenaing material blockages in the organization (undertaking/installation) at the boundaries established by administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The disinfector is charged for illegally violating their service duties, as well as violating them for special purposes.

We take it from the legislation: “who”, “what”, “for some regulatory document”.

Even more often, we, the fahіvtsy profnavchanna, ask the food, what do we struggle to understand: disinfector and medical disinfector. It’s rich who can’t churn out the treasures between them. Let's take a look at food in the gallery to understand - what is considered to be "myths", and what is to the "reality" of legislation. But just who and for what do you say?

The terms that stand for disinfection activities (disinfection work), the development of the Internet is now being discussed in the mobile part of the information system. Let's try to systematize our knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation in part of the labor law, ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and enlightenment, with respect to the sensitive and speculative. And so it is self-significant in the light of the primary words "professiya", "posada", "qualification". It is often incomprehensible to blame through those who stray and understand, or it is enough to denigrate them.


Within the framework of the Unified Qualification Certificate of settlements of kerivniks, specialists and servicemen (hereinafter - EKS), we know "Qualifications of settlements of practitioners in the field of health care", yakі, order N 541n vіd April 23, 2010. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Let's take a closer look at the section I - "Zagalni ambush":

* In clause 2 "Qualification characteristics ... serve as the basis for the development of planting instructions, which should cover the specific translation of planting shoes' language with the improvement of the features of the practice of pracivnikiv medical organizations ».

Otzhe, who has documents about planting in organizations, which are submitted to the Ministry of Health Protection.

Visnovok 1: Posad-tse service place, pov'yazane z vykonannyam singovyazkіv in the organization (enterprise), not a profession.

The robot supplier is fully aware of the normative documents on how the activity of the enterprise is determined independently, whether the worker is able to take the first place in the organization, or whether he has acquired his competence and the level of illumination for the education of the footwear. Qualification - the purpose of preparation for the preparation of the victory over the songs by the planting regulations of the function. Tse showing your professional excellence in the workplace.

For example, within the framework of this mandate and how to disinfect the activity, to squawk us, plant:

behind planting instructions in the establishments under the Ministry of Health, a zoologist and an entomologist "organizes preventive visits (deratization, disinsection).

Appointed help to qualification: the highest professional education for the specialty "Zoology", "Biology" without a work experience.

Bachimo, scho tsі spetsіalnostі to medicine can be done in the middle of the introduction, so the very same as the specialty "Chemist".

At the division of the IVth order - "Plant the young medical staff" we know one more tenement, which we discuss the areas of activity:

Instructor-disinfector The order has been overridden planter's shoes she can be seen with a vishchoy posadova special. Іnstruktor-dezіnfektor "Zdіysnyuє robot pid kerіvnitstvom lіkarya-dezіnfektologa, bіologa, zoologist, entomologa of Venue of dezіnfektsіynih, dezіnsektsіynih that deratizatsіynih zahodіv. Viznachaє obsyag, a technique that zasobi Venue of dezіnfektsії, dezіnsektsії that deratizatsії ob'єktіv".

They appear so help to qualification: middle professional education for the specialty "Medical-preventive on the right" and the certificate of a specialist for the specialty "Disinfection on the right" without presentation could lead to work experience.

Indeed, the applicant for such a settlement is guilty of the mother of medical education, which is directly stated in the regulatory act, which is being considered. It is also significant that, as of today, Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On education in the Russian Federation" understands the "certificate" as a document confirming qualifications is not passed.

The axis is now far away and up to medical disinfector. In which branch IV, in which rehabilitated, plant young medical personnel planter's shoes"Medical Disinfector" was assigned the functions of a doctor-disinfectologist, biologist, zoologist, entomologist, doctor-bacteriologist, doctor-virologist.

medical the disinfector is responsible for:

  • prepare disinfectants, preparations, baits, inventory, equipment, laboratory glassware, etc. for carrying out robotic disinfection, disinfection and deratization;
  • conduct "acceptance, appearance, collection and release of otrutochemіkіtіv and produktіvnі for prigotuvannya vіdpovіdno vіmogіnstruktsіy";
  • in due time to deliver after the completion of the work and non-staining disinfection of materials and materials in the prescribed manner;
  • revise the correctness and correctness of the defense: protigas, special clothes, and inventory;
  • zdiyasnyuvati come in at any time dotrimannya rules of safe work with shkіdlivimi speeches at vikonannі disinfection, disinsection and deratization robots;
  • draw up the primary oblique-zvіtnu documentation.

We respectfully marvelhelp to qualification:"Secondary professional education for the profile of professional work without presentation could be up to work experience, or middle (secondary) professional education for areas of professional activity for at least 3 months without presentation could be up to work experience."

І bachimo, porivnyano z vimogami to the qualification of "Instructor-disinfector", medical education is not directly stated.

Visnovok 2: In this rank, I’m going to start (really) enlightening you on the courses of the profession “Disinfector” (with a supplementary course for organizing organizations under the Ministry of Health for 3 months), you can successfully complete such a planting in a medical setting.

And if you pick up a settlement not in a medical mortgage, then you can take a course for the profession "Disinfector" more. Lines of instruction marvel


The profession "Disinfector" in the Zagalnorossiysk classifier of professions of workers, settlements of servicemen and tariff divisions (Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 26.12.1994 N 367) is under the code 11806 at issue 1 and is referred to "Professions, workers all the galleys of the people's statehood"(and not only for medical organizations), code for OKZ in the profession "Disinfector" 5139 - practitioners, who provide individual services, and practitioners of their native professions, who did not reach other groups.

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