Siri concept. Classification and assortment of cheeses

It is possible to determine the number of types of cheese, yakі can be grouped or classified according to such criteria as the viability of the vitrimka, the structure, the method of preparation, instead of fat, the milk of creatures, the country or the region of walking thinly.

Methods, which are most often or traditionally vicorous, lie in the vіd vіstu vologi, as far as they sound until the fat and vitreous, or ripening.

Criteria can be varied or used in combinations, but no single method can be universal. Nearly 500 different variants have been seen by the International Dairy Federation, over 400 identifications of Walter and Hargrove, over 500 Burkhalter and over 1000 Sandine and Elliker. Deyakі tried bulo zrobleno, shchob rationalize the classification of sirіv; the scheme was proponated by Pieter Walstra, who vindicated the primary and secondary cobs in the course of the vologmist, and Walter and Hargrove urged the classifier for the virobnitstva method. The rest of the scheme was formed as a result of 18 types, which were then grouped together instead of water.

New, sirovatkovі and vityagnut syrnі siri.

The main factor of classification of cich produktіv є vіk. New syri without adding preservatives can be charged for treatment days.

For these simple products, milk is burnt and dried, with little other processing. Apply include syrah, Romanian syrah, nechatel (model for American-style syrah) and fresh syrah from goat's milk. So low and pasty, with soft relish.

Sirovatkovi syri are fresh products prepared from syrovatka, which will still be taken, in the process of brewing other syrubs. For example, Corsican broccio, Italian ricotta, Romanian ricotta, walnut mizifra, Cypriot anari and Norwegian brunost. Brochio is mostly seen in a fresh look, as the main ingredient of Corsican cuisine, but you can also know it in a savory form.

Traditional siri pasta filata, like mozzarella, is also taken to the category of fresh varieties. Fresh cheese is stretched and mixed by hot water, to make a ball of mozzarella, like in the spring of Italy, it will sound for 5 years after cooking. It is saved in roses, and wines can easily be managed in other countries, wines can be brought to the whole world through stagnation in birds.

Other firms fresh siri include panir and queso blanco.

For water: soft, hard

The classification of sirіv for vmіstom vologa chi hardness is widened, but practically it is inaccurate. The cordon between "soft", "smelly", "hard" and "hard" cheeses is sufficient, and a lot of types of these products are crushed in soft or hard variants. Chinniki, in the form of a deposit of zhorstkіst, tse vmіst vologi, yak to deposit in a vice and a bag of wines, and in an hour, passing by.


Nap_vm'yaki syri and їх subgroup. The monastic siri may be high in water and, as a rule, soft in relish. Deyakі good vіdomі varieties include: khavartі, münster and por salu.

Medium hard

Siri, which vary by structure from soft to hard. Turn on Siri in the Swiss style, so like emmental and gruier. The same bacteria that create dirki in syria, also infuse their aromatization and spicy relish. Other sings of firm siri include: gouda, edam, yarlsberg, kantal and kashkaval. Siri tsikh vidіv іdealnіnі for melting, it is often served on toast for swedish snacks or simple straves.

Hard or Hard

Hard siri can lower the moisture of the lower soft siri. The stench is packed at the form under the great vise and vitrimayut thrive hour, lower m'yaki siri. Siri, yakі klіsifіkuyutsya, yakі srednno і і і іѕtіuyut include sound: cheddar, scho wine near the village of Cheddar in England, but at the same time vikoristovuєє as zagalny term for such types of sіrіv, varianty іmіtuyutsya around the world and are sold all the time. Cheddar is one of the family of hard sir or hard sir (including Cheshire and Gloucester), whose syr is cut, carefully heated, folded and mixed to the desired shape. Sir flask and monterey jack are similar, ale m'yakish siri; Rinse their syrah until it is compressed, removing the acidity and calcium. Similarly, sir should be polished when preparing Dutch siriv for food ta gouda.

Solid siri - “dramatic siri”, like parmesan and pecorino romanno - to make it firmly strengthened in great form and vitrimania from many months to many years.

Podil with milk

Deyakі siri podіlyayutsya on the type of milk, which vikoristovuєtsya at vyrobnitstvі or for adding fat to milk, like vikoristovuyutsya for their preparation. In that hour, the majority of those products that are sold in the world are produced from cow's milk, richly the country in the world is also produced from goat's and sheep's milk. Examples: Roquefort (which is produced in France) and Pecorino Romano (which is available in Italy) from sheep's milk. One farm in Sweden also produces moose milk. Some products are sold in the same name, but they are prepared from the milk of different creatures - feta siri, for example, sire from sheep's milk in Greece and add cow's milk to another place.


Establish three main categories of siri, in which the presence of flowers is an important feature: soft sichuzhnі siri, rozsilnі siri and black siri.

M'yaki sichuzhni

M'yakі ripened siri mend hardness and lightly mend bіlіti, but after an hour, the call and in the middle of the blossoms. The flower can be a velvety touch, such as Penicillium candida or Penicillium camemberti, which makes the lamb white pick and sprays a smooth, flowing or sticky texture and more intense aroma of these cheeses for an hour. Bree and camembert nayvіdomіshi z tsikh sirіv, vygotovlyayutsya, allowing bіlої tsvіlі growth on the outer side of the soft syrіv protyag dekilkoh days or tyzhnіv. Siri made from goat's milk is often dressed up in this order, sometimes with white puffy and sometimes with black.


Rossilnі syri m'yakі by character and ripen seryedinі similarly to those with white pіsnyavay. Ale stinks are processed in a different way. Rossіlnі syri periodically harden in rozchinі salty water rozsіlі and tsvіl nazhuєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє include beer, wine, cognac and spices, scho rob їх the surface of the class of Brevibacterium linens (red-zhovtogaryachimakami bacteria), yaknіyy give with shatter hard, savory pickle like syrah. Rossile siri can be soft (limburger), hard or hard (appenzeler). These bacteria can be mothers singing on Siri, they just matured in watery minds, like Camembert. The process requires regular polishing, especially in the early stages of breeding, so that it can be done with the laborious opposite methods of harvesting.

Siri, who ripen in the wild

Some varieties of siri are also like siri, which ripen in a brood, ripen in a variety of bacteria or fungi, call Brevibacterium linens, Debaryomyces hansenii and Geotrichum candidum, which sound give them a strong aroma, like a little ripe syr. In some cases, old sirs are smeared with young sires to transfer microorganism. Bagato, but not all the colors of the Siri may have an erysipelatous or orange color of the call. On the vіdmіnu vіd іnshih rosolnyh sirіv, rinsing wіth thе growth оf bazhanіkh bakterіy аbо fungi and fоr bіgає thе growth оf non-brown flowers. We'll kill the sire with the butt, which ripens in the brud, є münster and por salyu.


So called blakitnі siri were created by splitting them for help Penicillium roqueforti or Penicillium glaucum. Tse fight, poke, stink, like earlier, in the form of a free sir, and you could give more penetration into the maturing block of the syr for additional probing of the streaked channels with gobs, through the yak, the flower develops in the middle of the syr. Flower growth in the middle of the day. Tsі siri mаyut clear black veins, through yakі їm they gave such a name, and often a good aroma. The flower color is pale green to dark blue, and can be accompanied by a white and solid brown form. This texture can be soft or hard. Deyakі z nayvіdіhіh sіrіv tsоgo type mаyut іvіy vlasny vіdmіnniy kolіr, relish, texture and aroma. For example, Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Stilton.


Rosemary or marinated siri ripen at rosemary in a hermetic or non-permeable container. This process gives them a garnu of mitsnist, pereskodzhaє growth of bacteria to instill in speky lands. Rossile siri can be soft or hard, varying in taste and color and relish, it looks like vicarious milk; wanting all the stench without a pick, and sound for the relish of pure, salty and sour, if fresh, develop a song of piquancy with the hour, and more of a white color. Variants of salted varieties include feta, halloumi, siren and teleme, brinzi variant. Rozsilnі siri є the main type of siru viroblenyh and vzhivanih on the Near Skhodі and the middle-earth areas.


Melting cheese is made from traditional cheeses and emulsifying salts, often with the addition of milk, salt, preservatives and grub barvniks. Yogo texture is thin and melts evenly. The stench is sold in packs and narrated in front, or not narrated in dekilkoh options. The stench is also available in spray cans in some countries.

I'm going to show you a video about homemade cheese for 9.5 khvilin

I also preach to marvel at the comedy video

There is no unified classification of sirs in light oratory. In different lands, siri with the same names are vibrated, but they differ in cooking technology. The basis of the classification of goods is based on us before the life of power of a mature sir - the structure of the same look, the chemical warehouse, the organoleptic indications and the savings.

Table 3

Classification of solid seashells

Name the type of group Indicators of the quality and technological features of the systems Naming loved ones for the sake of siriv
Siri Type Swiss It is more plastic, the baby is great, spicy, slightly licorice relish and delicate aroma. Features of the technology: high-temperature processing of sulfur; stronger that glimmering presuvannya; Kirka Vita Swiss, Altai, Radyansky, Gruyere
Siri Type Dutch Quite plastic, slightly lamke, relish and aroma of gostri, slightly sour; the feed is covered with arafin sum. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening Dutch, Yaroslavl, Stepovy, Poshekhonsky, Danbo, Finbo, Mochetto
Siri Type Cheddar Virogeneous sour relish; more plastic; little baby in the daytime; low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening. Vitrimuetsya sirn masa before molding the head at a temperature of 30-32 ° C Cheddar, Chester, Leicester, Zlato, Vitosha
Siri type Russian Sour relish; thinly lower, more plastic; babies are even, eyes of irregular shape; the pick is covered with paraffin or with polymer slick. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening Russian
Siri type Latvian Say siri. Taste and smell of gostrі slіgra amіachnі; the consistency is low, the little ones are dry. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and ripening. Dozrevayut siri with mucus on kіrtsі Latvian, Pikantny, Telzit, Brik

For її prepared milk is burnt with the help of sichuzhny ferment. Under the hour of fermentation of sour-milk sirіv, milk is burned under the influence of lactic acid.

Most of the brewing of the crafts of the sires lie down to the sea, at the hour of preparation of such milk, it burns under the influx of lactic acid.

The basis for the classification of solid siruchen syrіv can be: the type of the main syrovina, the method of churning milk, which takes part in the selection of microflora syrup, the main indicators of the chemical warehouse and important features of technology.

1.By type of main syrovine :

· Fermented from cow's milk;

· Virobluvani z goat's milk.

2. Type of milk spitting give specific features to the sir. In syrorobstvo vikoristovuyut chotiri tipi gortannya milk: sichuzhne, acid, sichuno-acid, thermoacid.

3. Siri sichuzhnі podіlyayat:

· Solid;

· Rozsilnі;

· M'yaki.

The best tastes of power are siri, which avenge 45-50% of fat in dry speech. It is clear that food can be eaten in the rest of the world in different countries, great respect is given to the problem of reducing fat in Syria. A simple decrease in the place of fat results in a decrease in organoleptic indicators, and also a decrease in the competitiveness of cheeses in the food market. Ways to solve the problem - modification of technology (increased moisture content of cheeses, victoria substitutes or imitations of fat, changes in the warehouse of starter cultures). Part of the fat of milk can be replaced by growing fats, which lowers instead of cholesterol in milk

5. Fallow view of masi heads divide them into two groups: big and small.

6. Fallow, depending on the temperature of another heating, instead of water, the type of wandering, the nature of the baby, the relish and the aroma of solid sichuzhni siri, divide into subclasses:

Siri, which are heated with a high temperature (more than 50 C) of another heating;

Siri, which are heated with a low temperature (30-42 C) of another heating;

· syri self-pressing (hard) with a low temperature of another heating, which is suspected for the participation of microflora of sulfuric mucus;

· siri, which are consumed with a low temperature of another heating and a high level of milk fermentation.

7. Fallow in the warehouse of microflora siri can be divided into groups: sampling with less than mesophilic lactic acid bacteria; vikoristannyam mesophilic and thermophilic lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria; with vicarious flowers of mushrooms; from stagnation of microflora of the superficial mucus; with vicarious bifidobacteria (or acidophilus sticks); without indirect participation of microorganism (sirovatkovі, vershkovі).

We report on a group of solid sea breeze, stink shards are the topic of my course work.

Solid siri include:

· Siri hard, which are pressed with a high temperature of another heating. To tsієї groups belong to the type "Swiss": "Swiss", "Edem", "Radyansky", "Moscow", "Mіzhrechensky", "Capital", "Voronezsky", "Kubansky". Tsі siri recommend until snidanku that offense. From import syrіv to tsієї group you can include siru "Emmental" (Switzerland), "Gruyère", "Bosphorus", "Alpine" (Austria), "Jarlsberg" (Norway) (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Swiss sir

· Solid siri viroblyayutsya for the technology of the first type, but with even more ripe ripening (up to 1 year), after which they produce a strongly pronounced taste and smell. Terochni siri are recognized for areas with a spicy climate. Relish and aroma: hot, licorice, spicy, medium ripeness - slightly sour. The consistency is thicker, it is important to open up, to wink at a grated look. In fat - 45%, water - 30-38%, salt - 1-2%. Up to tsієї groups lie: "Hirsko-Altai", "Caucasian" of medium maturity and "Caucasian" of higher maturity, "Pivdenny parmesan", "Reggiana", "Grano-pedano" (Italy), "Sbrinz" (Switzerland), "Pekorino ". Siri kindly take care of the temperature increase; neither on the surface of the sir, nor at the inner empties is it possible to sweat the fat. (Malyunok 2)

Baby 2

· Siri hard, pressed with a low temperature of another heating (41-43 ° C), which are aired by setting a large cheese grain (5-8 mm). For the sirіv єєї group, a small weight is characteristic - 5-6 kg, the little ones are small, the consistency is plastic, it’s very lightly lamb when dying, the flavor is savory: hot, slightly sour, eyes 4-8 mm. The following group belongs to the “Dutch” type: “Dutch” (round, barred), “Kostromsky”, “Stepovy” (hospitable and salty), “Yaroslavsky”, “Uglitsky” (indicated by the movement of water 46-48% and its own empty baby - eyes of irregular kutastoi form, the shape of the bar is rectangular with a weight of 2-3 kg), as well as siri with a decrease in fat up to 30% - "Estonsky", "Lithuanian", "Pribaltiysky", "Minsk", "Poshekhonsky" ( in the form of a low cylinder, relish of syrrhium, sourness), "Stepovy", "Dnistrovskiy", "Stanislavskiy". From imports up to the whole group, you can import siri "Eddam", "Gouda" (Netherlands), "Danbo", "Goyus" (Denmark), "Finbo", "Marіbo", "Vierkant", "Cartano", "Luostari", Trappistsky, Oka, Turunmaa (Finland), Moravsky, Samsyu, Komte, Muchetto. Qi siri recommend yak seasoning to sheep herbs to snidanku (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Sir Goyus

Siri type "Dutch". More cih siriv mass fraction of fat to become 45%, and water - 44%, salt - 1.5% -3.5%. This group includes various siri, close to organoleptic power and technology and differ, most importantly, in the shape of the heads, and in the other cases, in the term of ripening. Low other heating is indicative of the nature of the ripening and the physical and chemical powers of the sir. Siri is brewed from pasteurized milk with vicarious starter cultures of lactic acid and flavor-forming bacteria. Through a low heating of the sirn, the grain does not dry out much, in others there is a rich amount of sirovatka, as a result of which the microflora is significantly larger, lower in sirahs of the "Swiss" type. The reason is the high speed of microbiological processes and the term of ripening up to 2 - 2.5 months. The “Dutch” sirs of power sour sourness through the greater amount of sourwort that is in them. Consistency is rather low, elastic. The little ones form a sock of average size, regular rounded shape. Like in all pressed cheeses, which are formed from the layer, the eyes are in the center of the head, there is no sign of them. A high amount of aromatic speeches in a mature syria with a mixture of herbal juices, to that sir, a high degree of conquest, a lot of jubilation and a dietic power (Fig. 4).

Malyunok 4

· Siri hard, pressed with a low temperature of another heating and high level of lactic acid fermentation. Cheddarization of syrnoy masi (vitrimation before molding at temperature is carried out with the method of increasing acidity. cheese type "Cheddar" (Malyunok5)

Figure 5. Sear hardy sea cheddar

Hard and strong siri - the most popular Russian purchase. The stench is the most high-calorie, with high fatness and a great amount of calcium. In the rest of the hour, the range of such sirіv on the Russian counter became the widest savor of flavor additives: add peas, nasіnnya kmina, pepper, honey and juices at the siri. Siri is being smoked, invisibly nuances are being introduced into the technology of their preparation.

Єfremіvskiy maslosirorobnyy kombinat virobljaє stі sichnі siri such brands as:

· Sichuzhny firmament "Knight".
Sir "Vityaz" - the pioneer of TMP - a new generation of sires. For the development of yoga technology, the Siberian Research Institute of Science and Technology became the laureate of the Altai Territory in the gallery of science and technology for 2002. BAT "Efremovskiy Butter and Oral Plant" was one of the first to start production and viroblyay yogo for 10 years. This technology has been developed on the basis of the possession of that technology by the “Russian” sir. (Malyunok 6)

Figure 6. Sir Knight

· Sichuzhny firmament "Pokrovsky".
BAT "Efremіvskiy maslosirorobniy kombinat" promotes one of the best hard sizhny syrіv on the Russian market - sir "Pokrovsky". Vіn vіdnositsya to a new group of sirіv, razroblennym Altaic vcheni, and in a short period of time, which took away well-deserved recognition and wide popularity among buyers in the rich regions of our country. This technology has been developed on the basis of the possession of that technology by the “Russian” sir. (Malyunok 7)

Figure 7. Sir Pokrovsky

· Sichuzhny firmament "Russian".
This is one of the most popular sirives in our country. Wines of creations at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oil and Syrup Production. Appearing on the shelves of shops on the cob of sixty years, Sir "Russian" won the sympathy of the people. (Malyunok 8)

Figure 8. Sir Russian

The Produktivka store has an assortment of solid seawater sirіv representations such as: "Swiss", "Russian", "Radyansky", "Dutch", "Yaroslavl",.

A wide range of products for the Russian food market delivers satisfaction to the needs of various population groups.



Chapter 1

    1. Classification of Siriv……………………………………………………...7

      Assortment of syrivs………………………………………………………..15

Chapter 2

2.1.Learn the savings of various types of sirіv…………………………………..23

2.2. Vimogi to the extent of various species of siriv……………………….….25

Chapter 3

3.1. Characteristics of the enterprise …..………………………………...............28

3.2. Especially, I could to the point of being able to save the serf in the Akbulak agricultural companionship …………………..……...28


List of vikoristanih dzherel……………………………………………...35

Additive A…………………………………………………………………....37

Addendum B………………………………………………………………………45

Addendum B………………………………………………………………………49


Dairy products play a role in the organization of proper eating pershochergov. It is necessary to bring the whole world to sire, the life value of which is enriched with a high concentration in milk protein and fat, indispensable amino acids, calcium salts and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the normal development of the human body.

Syr lie down to the most recent natural products, made by people. Sir was celebrated at the usual hour, like a product for a skin day, and like an accessory to a vishukana meal.Behind the legend, the African bedouins sir were blamed. Wandering through the desert, the stench poured milk into a wineskin made from sheep's coats. In the form of sinter, infusion of natural enzymes and lean rush, the milk turned into speech of marvelous-looking consistency, aloe vera relish. The message about such a vipadkove vіdkrittya suddenly widened with light, which at that time was not so great, and sir became beloved by the bald people and riches, and beadnyakіv in Greece, Rome, Egypt, Syria and other ancient powers.

Raznomanіtnіstіyu sortіv sir mi zavdyachuemo middle chants. The skin monastery had its own traditions of syrup making, which protected no less than the lower belongings of that order. Having bought especially strong syrah over the market, the Chentsy tried to repeat it at the vlasnian syrovarny; Sometimes it happened, sometimes, but the process brought about all the new and different products.

Sir is a full-fledged food product, ready to sleep, necessary for a balanced meal in any case

vice. Postiyne vzhivannya raznyh sortіv zabezpechu organism usima necessary living elements. The sir gets used to it like a clean looking, like an appetizer to wine and other drinks. Straw recipes often have a role of one of the storehouses.

WSiri is refreshed with a high content of proteins, milk fat, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. Siri is the most important source of biologically valuable protein. Proteins of syrup will be conquered by 98.5%.

Under the hour of ripening, the syru proteins are often split more simply from the semi-amino acids, which are necessary for the tissues of the human body. Less energy is spent on splitting in the human body, less splitting of milk proteins. To that sire sire will be conquered by good children and people with weakened etchings.

Milk fat in Syria, like in milk, is the leading rank in looking at small bags (sprat of microns in diameter), which also helps to digest it by the body. Protein in cheeses 18 to 25%, fat 19 to 30% and mineral salts 1.5 to 3.5%.

Sir is one of the most important vitamins A, E, B2 (riboflavin), 12 . From milk in milk may be more likely to pass vitamin A, approximately 20%, vitamins B and B 2 that in.

Differently see the sirіv in a different way, and add savory flavors of the prepared herbs. In salads, the dairy product stagnates as one of the balls and as an addition to the main components. For a grated one, the sir serve as an embellishment, savoring additions. To the fact that the sire can be especially hot melted and when it can not change the cobs of savory power, you can beat the hot herbs in the preparation. Add cheese to soup, pizza, meat, vegetables, pasta. The very popularity of this temple is rich in value to make the topic of this project relevant.

Meta: cultivating the classification of sir, minds saving that could be to the point of different types of sir


    Familiarize yourself with the classification of syria.

    Look at the Siriv.

    Take a look at the savings of various species of sir.

Object of follow-up: Sir.

Subject of study: classification of siriv

For further reference, the following literature was cited:Dilanyan Z.Kh."Cyrodilla"Drobisheva S.T."Theoretical planting of commodity knowledge of food products",Inikhov G.S.. "Biochemistry of milk and dairy products",Kolesnik A.A., Elizarova L.G. "Theoretical foundations of commodity knowledge of food products”,"Technology of Sir and Other Dairy Products",Lipatov N.M."Virobnitstvo sir".

Chapter 1

    1. Classification of siriv

Siri, the vibrations of our country are more diverse there (Appendix A, Fig. 1.1.). Siri are reviewed one by one for technological parameters, microbiological and biochemical processes, organoleptic indications, chemical warehouse, shape and mass.

The appearance of a majestic number of names is connected with historical, national and geographical features of the birth of syria in different lands and among different peoples.

Name the rich siriv to resemble the names of the locality, the de stinks were shaped forward (Yaroslavl, Biysk, Uglich, Altai, Poshekhonsky and other), as well as some other geographic names (Volzky, steppe, girsky and so on.).

Name four types of sires became similar to the names of the krai (Russian, German, Dutch, Swiss, Lithuanian and others.). In other syrias, stinks are associated with their shape, mass, color, or features of relish (white, black, lilliput, piquant, hostry and other).

The great number of names made it necessary to classify siriv (Appendix A, Table 1.1.).

Ninі іsnuіє kіlka іnі іnі vіznі vіznih klаsifіkatsіy, scho scho osnjaєєєєєєєєє yа raznоmіnіnіstіu аssortment, and і th zavdannya, yaki put sоbі rozrobniki.

Economic, technological, biological, syrovine and other characteristics of sires lie at the basis of the other classifications.

For the most simplistic one, all siri can be divided by three

Main categories: traditional, regional and traditional siri.

Siri can be seen before the traditional ones, the variety of such nabulo of wide breadth in rich lands. Typical representatives of such sirіv є ementalsky, gouda, cheddar. Їхні organoleptic characteristics and physical and chemical indications of the same independently in the country, in the yakіy buv vibrations sir. The name of such a cheese is associated with the peculiarities of relish, consistency and a little product.

For example, mental syr, vibrations in Switzerland, France, Russia, or be it another country, are to blame for the mother of expressions of licorice, spicy relish and smell, lower elastic consistency and little ones, which are formed from the great empty kulyastoy form. Emmental syr was born in the front alpine bows of Switzerland, which is often called Swiss. This technology has become a reminder of thinness for a three-year period near the mountains, a rich warehouse of herbs, providing a high milk yield with high organoleptic indications and a rich vitamin, mineral warehouse, with a high fat content and protein. The remoteness of the pastures from the settlements became the basis for the processing of milk in the mountains - this is how the whole sire was created. Vіn mає great rozmіri, trivaly terms of ripening, good to endure transport. Nadal, the variety of such sirs expanded in the rich lands. In Russia, there is a whole group of syrias of a similar type (Swiss, Radyansky, Girsky, Altai, Biysky). (Supplement A, Table 1.2.).

Holland is honored by the fatherland of Sir Gouda. On the basis of yoga, such syri was created, like Kostroma, Poshekhonsky, Dutch bars, Yaroslavl and other.

Siri lie before the regional ones, the virobnitstvo of some kind of near-taman borders of the great region. Cereal roquefort and camembert (France), Russian, Dutch round, brinza (Russia), parmesan (Italy), cheshire (England), svesiya (Sweden), tilsit (Nimechchina) and in.

The culinary habits of local syrivs, as a rule, are connected with the minds of living, eating habits and national characteristics of other groups of the population. Here you can see a rich variety of sirives, sirives with additives, sour-milk sirives. Until Mіsteviki Sir_yi Kraїnti Printed Vіdnosi Adigaisky, Vіdmіnіst regional sir_v vіd mіsteviki, scho z virobnyatvі regional symary to whiteliti specialist Kiryi Chi Reіonu, Todі mіsteseі Siri Zherіgayuti in sisian traditions. At the link with it, the Orenburz region has become a fatherland for rich nationalities who live on the territory of Russia, as a mіstsevі siri you can make siri, among the villages of the peoples of the Caucasus - Suluguni with spicy herbs, smoked Adigey sir, Cherkessky sir. Vodnocha call їх mіstsevimi for the Orenburz region we can force, shardsqi varieties of syrah can be prepared only from the milk of mіstsevih breeds of creatures.

The first vіtchiznyana merchandising and technological classification of sirіv bula was developed by O.M. Korolovim. Vіdpovіdno up to the commodity classificаtsії all syri are divided into five main blocks, skins from some representations of kіlkom groups. Zagalom in the classification included 18 groups of siriv. The technological classification of O.M. Koroleva also represents 18 groups of sirіv, including 15 groups of sirіv and three groups of fermented milk sirіv. For the creation of a classifica- tion, the author of the list of signs that characterize the standard of the syrovin, the technological regulations for the development of the ripening of the product. The main ones are: the stage of milk maturity, the method of throating, the temperature parameters of the processing of cheese grains, the modes of pressing, the method of activating the lactic acid process in the cheese mass, as well as washing the ripening of cheese.

Technological classification was proposed by I.B. Gisinim. It includes 450 variants of the sir and vicorist main technological displays, divided into two equals. Before the sign of the first order, one can see the nature of the milk gorge, the stages of its maturity, the temperature of the cheese grain in the period of its processing. Before a sign of a different order, it was given: wash the ripening of the sir (on the porch or in rose salt), the way to look after the sir during the period of yogo ripening, the modes of presuvannya that іn. Professor Z.Kh. Dilanyan propagated the classification of sirіv for the yakіsny warehouse of microflora, which takes the fate of their otrimani. Accordingly, to the point of classification, Syria is divided into three classes, as in their line they are divided into subclasses:

I class - Siberian siri.

1st subclass (solid siri) - siri, which ripen exclusively under the influx of lactic acid or lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria. Tse siri:

With high-temperature processing of cheese mass (pressing and self-pressing with cheddarization and melting of cheese mass);

With the low-temperature processing of Sirno Masi (presovanda; PRESENII WHO ABO MASI MASTERVENIA; Sirno-Masi to Formulavna; Syrnoshnovy Sirko, Sirnosi Masi; Breakrokovі; Samopresychі, Doszhivyut in Roisol Sirnovo; Z Cheddarizatsiyu Sirno Masi to Formuvna; Samopressive Siri, Remem;

2nd subclass (simply hard siri) self-pressing siri - siri, which ripen with a splash of lactic acid bacteria with a well-dissolved ball of mucus on the surface of the syrup, which gives the product a specific ammonia flavor;

3rd subclass (m'yaki siri) - tse siri:

Dozrivayut under infusion of lactic acid and meadow-fermenting bacteria of sulfuric mucus;

Dozrevayut under the influx of lactic acid bacteria of sulfuric mucus and microscopic fungi (flowers);

Dozreivayut under the influx of lactic acid bacteria and microscopic fungi (flowers).

II class - sour-milk siri.

1st subclass (fresh siri) - siri with short strings, which favor a fresh look;

2nd subclass (vitrimani siri) - sour milk siri,

piddanі trivalіshom dozrіvannu.

ІІІ class - reworked siri.

Siri, when used vicarious, they are like sirosh, and sour-milk siri. Won share:

on melting;

Waterskins, pots, in polymer swimmers.

The last of the physical and chemical studies and the theoretical background of the main processes of syrium production was the theory of their speciation and classification, proposed by Professor P.F. Krasheninim. As a sign of the species adopted by the author, the physical and chemical indications (the energy of the connection of water with sulfuric oil, the period of relaxation of sulfur, the mass fraction of water, the mass fraction of kitchen salt, the value of the active acidity of the sulfuric mask in the case of virobable tank and dosing), biological ) other microorganism) and technological indicators (size of sulfur grain). Vіdpovіdno to tsієї system all vіtchiznіnі sіchuzhnі syri razdelіnі іn fіyma podklasі:

1st - soft (Russian Camembert, dessert white, Smolensk, Kalinin, Doroguzky, Volzhanka, Shkilny);

2nd - napіvverdi (spicy, sussanіnskiy, roquefort, bukovinskiy, koprinskiy, spring, p'yatihirskiy);

3rd - hardness with a low temperature of another heating (Kostroma, Dutch bar and round, Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavl, Estonian, coal, steppe, Latvian and rose salt siri);

4th - hardness from a high level of lactic acid process (Russian, cheddar, Russian, Arman);

5th - hardness from the high temperature of another heating (Swiss, Altai, Radiansky, Kuban, Ukrainian, Biysky, Girsky).

Current classification in 1996 chanted A.V. Gudkov, S.A. Gudkov and V.M. Sergeyev. The authors vvazhayut, scho classification sirіv is guilty of grounding on quiet displays, yakі may have a virishal injection on organoleptic displays and the food value of the product.

Before such indications of stench, one can mention the type of the main syrovina, the method of swallowing milk, which takes part in the selection of syr microflora, indications of the chemical warehouse and important features of technology.

According to the type of main siri, siri is divided into natural ones, which are produced from cow's, sheep, goat, buffalo milk, that siri melting, the main syrovina for those is natural siri.

When fermenting syrіv vicorist, sichuzhne, acid, acid-sichuzhne and thermoacid syrovina sour. Methods of mayut important rozbіzhnosti and significantly infuse the warehouse and quality of the final preparation.

Among the varieties of various sirіv, the warehouse of microflora includes lactic acid and propionic acid bacteria, fungi, bifidobacteria, as well as the microflora of the superficial mucus.

From chemical indications, there are two criteria for classifying vicorism: instead of water and fat in Syria. Based on the analysis of biotechnological features, chemical warehouse, organoleptic indications and others, the authors divided Siri into a few classes, subclasses and groups.

The first class is to be made of hard sichuzhnі syri with less than 48% of water. The stinks are subdivided into five subclasses:

First class, terkovi;

Siri with a high temperature of another heating (over 50 about FROM);

Siri from the average temperature of another heating (vіd 46 to 50 about FROM);

Siri with a low temperature of another heating (vіd 36 to 42 about FROM);

Siri with a high level of lactic fermentation. This subclass is subdivided into two groups:

Siri from cheddarized syrnoy masi, without little ones;

Siri without cheddarized cheese masi, which makes babies of irregular, ungracious shape.

The other class is composed of solid siri, which are ripe for the participation of microflora of the superficial mucus and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, with 44 to 46% of the water in syria. Siri are molded in bulk, vibrated from self-pressing syrupy masi, hospitable ammonia relish and unmistakable wrong little ones.

Up to the third class of softness, mainly self-pressing of siri with water instead of 46 to 82%. The stinks are subdivided into the following subclasses:

Fresh sour-milk siri, which vibrate with a path of acidic or rennet-acid milk with vicarious lactic microflora without ripening; the group of dietic sirіv, which viroblyayutsya with lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria;

Siri mushrooms that vibrate with the participation of flowering mushrooms; stench is divided into two groups: with moldy on the surface and with moldy on the whole mass;

Slugs or siri that vibrate with the surface microflora

mucus and mold fungi;

Sirovatkovі siri, which vibrate with a path of thermo-acid sips of syrovin;

Vershkov's siri, which are vibrated by a path of cichu-acid milk churning with yogo concentration of water center or ultrafiltration methods.

The fourth class of presentations with rose-salted cheeses with mixed salt in 3 to 8% and water in 50 to 55%. They are subdivided into two subclasses:

Siri, which vibrates without cheddaring and melting sirnoi mass, which has a uniform, light lamb consistency;

Siri, which vibrate with cheddarization and melted sirnoy masi, which make a fibrous springy consistency.

In the fifth class, solid siri are included, with splashy and rosemary, which vibrate from sheep's milk.

The fresh, syrovatkovі and rozsilnі siri from goat's milk have risen to the sixth class.

The classification of fresh siri of the same class, which are viroblyayutsya from buffalo milk or sumish buffalo and cow's milk, is fading.

All listed systems of classification of sirіv allow you to see the most important elements of the technological process with the method of creating control systems for the quality of the product, as well as the creation of new types of sirіv. Іz zarubіzhnyh klassifіkatsіy sled to bring the classification included to the international standard. Vidpovidno to the tsієї clasifikatsії kozhen sir is characterized by three main indications: the mass fraction of vology in the non-fat sirnіy masі, the mass fraction of fat in the dry speech of the syrah and the minds of the ripening of the syrah.

Siri share: for the first show; for another indicator:

on the arch of the zhorstki (volog less than 51%); - high-fat (more than 60%


solids (vіd 49 to 56%); - Full fat (vіd 45 to 60%);

napivverdi (vіd 54 to 63%); - Napіvzhirnі (vіd 25 to 45%);

narcotics (vіd 61 to 69%); - Low-fat (from 10 to 25%);

soft (more than 67%); – low fat (less than 10%)

In the rest of the rocks, classifications appeared, the basis of which is to become biochemical, microbiological and physical-chemical processes, under the influence of which sir is molded.

Tried trying out the global schemes for classifying sirіv okremo see soft siri, so the main thing is the use of soft sirіv in the form of solids in the active carrying out of the lactic acid process and the accumulated large amount of lactic acid. With the help of the method, in the production of soft cheeses, milk of an advanced stage of maturity is processed, the milk is churned at lower temperatures, and at a lower term, the sirn is processed without another heating at the temperature of milk churning.

With the improvement of the expanded line, it is necessary to sort out the range of products in the cheese room. On the basis of these works in 2003 breakout code national standard of the Russian Federation - GOST 52176-2003 “Products of butter extraction and syrup production. Terms and definitions."

1.2. Assortment of sirіv

Siri is taken away by the sips of milk and a distant thrashing of the taken-out clot, at the hour when you see a volog. The harvesting is completed with the molding of syrnoy masi and offensive salting

take away the heads of the sir. The specific power of the sir grows only after the trivial process of ripening in the sirni podvalah, it was created for the accumulation of savory and aromatic speeches in the sirni mass.

Solid siri is the largest group of sea sires. In maturation, they take the fate of lactic acid bacteria, and the development of aerobic microflora on the surface of the heads during the period of maturation is ignored. Qi syri vibrate from the stagnation of another heating and that primus pressure. Siri is covered with paraffin sum or polymer coatings.

The fallow type of technology, the peculiarities of maturation and organoleptic powers of firmness are grouped into Swiss-type siri, Dutch-type siri, Cheddar-type siri.

Siri of the Swiss type can be upgraded to solid sirosh syrіv from high-temperature processing of syrnoy mass. Traditional types of cheese - Swiss, Altai and Radyansky - are made from 50% fat, water - 42, salt - 1.5-2.5.

The peculiarities of the chemical warehouse and the organoleptic power of the sirіv tsієї group are connected with the high temperature of the other heating (58 ° С) (Addendum B, Tab.2.1.). When heated, the paracasein flow is strengthened, consuming rich water, sirn the grain is dried out the most, as a result of which the water content of the syr is reduced.

Microbiological processes in cheeses are improved, which signifies the terms of their ripening with a meaningful world.

The high temperature of another heating is between the species warehouse of microflora, adhering to the development of thermophilic lactic acid sticks. Before the warehouse of the starter enter lactic acid sticks and propionic acid bacteria.

In the sires of this group, with a full accumulated gas, they are rarely rotting, but the eyes are large. Ostova and propionic acid

they add a rich taste of syrup, and propion, moreover, gives it a spicy taste.

Swiss sir - the technology of preparing yoga bula is out of place in Switzerland, but the minds of the people were changed, and more salt was added to the cream. On the vіdmіnu z іnshih sirіv Swiss syrі vіroblyаyіy іz syroy milk, oskіlki vysokі vomogi to khіm_chny warehouse sirovini. Sir maє the form of a low cylinder with a slightly swollen bіchnoy surface weight of 50-100 kg.

Relish and smell of sirnes, trochs of licorice. consistency

yogo trohi is dry, but with it, the sir is easily dispersed in the mouth. The little ones are made up of great, regular-shaped eyes, widened at the center of the head, making it softer. Shkіra siru is short, golden yellow, thin, springy. The term of ripening for the standard is 6 months, but the maturity is significantly lower.

Syrah of the Dutch type can be seen to hard pressed syrіv with low-temperature processing of syrnoy mass. The majority of these sirives can be combined with fat 45%, vologists - 44%. This group includes various siri, close to organoleptic power and technology, and differs most importantly in the shape of the heads, and in some cases, in the term of ripening. Syrians of this type can be compared to other sirivs, low heating is different on the character of maturation and physical and chemical power of sirivs.

Siri is made from pasteurized milk with vicarious bacterial starter cultures, which are made up of acid-forming and aroma-forming bacteria. Lactic acid streptococci tolerate low temperatures of other heating (41-43 ° C) and are the main microflora of these viruses.

Through a low heating of the sirn, the grain does not dry out much, in others there is a lot of sirovatka, as a result of which the microflora is significantly larger, lower in sirahs of the Swiss type. Tse

cumulatively high speed of microbiological processes and the term of ripening up to 2-2.5 months. To the Dutch sirs of power, sour tasted through the great amount of sourwort, which is overflowing in them. Consistency is rather low, elastic. The little ones form a sock of medium size, regular rounded shape, centered at the center of the head.

Dutch sir buvaє round, slab big and slab maliy. Dutch round with a weight of 2-2.5 kg is added to full-fat cheeses (mass fraction of fat is 50%). Vm_st salt in the Dutch sirі dosit high - 2-3.5%. The Dutch bruskovy great syr is brewed with a weight of 5-6 kg, with 45% fat, the Dutch bruskovy maly-1.5-2 kg.

Cheddar-type cheeses can be made into hard pressed cheeses with low-temperature processing of cheese mass and a high level of lactic acid fermentation. The day of the process of scheduling, or the forward ripening of sulfuric masa before molding, goes into intensive increase in the acidity of sulfuric masa and adding lactic acid to milk protein.

The Russian sir is equal to the development of the lactic acid process, the type of bacterial cultures and the technology is approaching Cheddar, although chederization as an independent operation should not be carried out when the sir is developed. In yoga, the mass fraction of fat should be 50%, water - 43%, salt - 1.3-1.8%.

With the cultivation of Ukrainian syrup, friendly minds are created for the intensive development of lactic acid bacteria in syrniya masi at the first stages of processing. The main mass of the milk tsukru is already fermenting at the syrian bath, that for an hour of pressing the syru for a stretch of 16 years, and for the coming 2-3 days, the milk tsukr is brooding again.

An important value for the quality of the sir may be frequent salting at the grain, in the process of which the hydrophilic power of the protein is improved

the moisture content increases after the pressure is increased by 2-3%. Moreover, the advances in the water are taken at the advanced stages of processing, so that the lactic acid process proceeds with the necessary dryness and the sire comes out of high quality.

After a 20-hvilinnoy vitrimonka from the sill, the grain is served on a vibrating sieve;

The sir is pressed into the molds, salted with a stretch of 1-1.5 deb at rose salt and directed at the chamber for ripening.

The mature Russian sir has a good expression of the sirn, a slightly sour relish and aroma, a lower plastic consistency, a characteristic little thing, which is formed from an empty irregular, ungracious form.

The strong spirits are prepared for the technology of hard spirits, but with some changes, and the stench ripens for the kshtalt of soft spirits. The specific relish and aroma of the sirens are given by the sirens that are cultivated on the surface of the heads of the syrah. Syrіv tsієї group is characterized by a light ammonia taste and aroma, lower oily consistency, empty little ones.

Latvian cheese is shaped into a bar with a square base, weight 2-2.5 kg. Vіn vіdnositsya to self-pressing sirіv with low-temperature processing of syrnoї masa, but with a more mild vibrating mode. Another heating is carried out at 37-39 ° C, after frequent removal of the sirna masa, the syrn is poured into the form, the sir is self-pressed for 5-7 days.

For the Latvian syrah, like all sirives, molded in bulk, a characteristic empty baby is empty empty of irregular shape, scattered all over the head of the sir. Salt siri in rose salt or rub dry sill. Sob on the surface of the head there was a strong concentration, through the skin for two days the head was rubbed with moisture

mіtkalem. Too much salt is transferred from one head to the other. At the world, the penetration of salt into the middle of the heads, instead of її on the surface, changes, and for sufficient moisture, the minds are created for the development of sulfuric mucus. Vaughn appears on the 7th day after the salting and step by step tucks the sugary sticky ball on the surface of the syrup. Under the infusion of mucus, as it hydrolyzes white syrup, the physical state of syrnoy mass changes: it becomes lower, softer. In the process of ripening, ammonia is seen intensively. Dozrivannya ends with a stretch of 2 months. A sighted sir maє a thin streak, vkritu podsohlim sirny mucus reddish-brown color.

M'akі syri ripen not only under the influx of lactic acid bacteria, but also aerobic microflora: some kinds of flowers, which are specially cultivated, and bacteria of sulfuric mucus, which develop on the surface of the heads of syrup.

For most mild sirіv, it is typical for the development of vmіst vologiya, which mainly signifies a rich variety of features of the chemical warehouse and consistency of these sirіv, as well as the nature of ripening. To remove more high water content, the syrah does not vibrate another heating clot, do not stop the primus pressing, but the sirne is poured with the grain at once with the syrowort at the form, the de sir is pressed under the dewy masa. After self-preservation in sirah, there is more sirovatka and milk zucru, which causes biological processes during ripening to proceed more intensively. Due to the presence of a great commitment of microflora, which is typical for the group of sirives, the transformation of the late sucroses of milk - milk sucrose and casein - to the primary breakdown product - lactic acid and polypeptides, with which the maturation of m'yakh siriv is accelerated (30 days).

Roquefort having omitted the name of the Penecilium roquefort, which takes part in ripening and develops in the middle of the heads

sire. Sir maє the shape of a cylinder with a weight of 2.3-3 kg. Mass fraction of fat in nyomu 50%, water - 46%, salt 5%. This is one of the widest soft sirs.

Typical Roquefort is preparing their sheep's milk, but in the last hour in the rich countries they began to vibrate with cow's milk. The color of the syrah at times is yellow, and the smell, the power of the syrah of sheep's milk, has been spent.

Arguing tsvіlі bring milk before the cob of the virobnic cycle during the molding of the heads.

Adigey syrah, which can be brought to the group of soft sirіv, vibrates with thermoacid gortannі of milk, buttermilk, buttermilk. The specialty of the syrah "Adigeisky" syrup is the sour milk whiting (acidity 85-120%) for the sedimentation of milk protein.

In the midst of soft siri, roses of siri are signifi- cantly aired. The main influence of rose salt sirives is in the fact that the ripening of that far away, the saving of їх proceeds at rosol, and it is not necessary to succumb to the power of the sir. I will increase the brightness of the roses or may be at the end of the ripening period. Before them one can see brinza and Caucasian siri - Ossetian, Georgian, Lori, Limansky.

Brinza is mainly made from cow's milk. Milk is burnt from the infusion of lactic acid starter fermented with the enzyme chipepsin. After molding and self-pressing the breeze, use it at a concentration of 16-20% for salting and ripening. Cooked strength, penetrating the sirn masu, ignites the development of microflora, after which the lactic acid process proceeds insufficiently actively. Dairy zukor ferments regularly, a small amount of it appears in the breeze in 2-3 months.

A group of siri is coming - melting siri. Melted siri is brewed from natural mature sirіv, to which add dairy products, salts - melts, as well as various flavors of savory flavors. Prepared the sumish to give melting, so that I give the name to the names of Siri, and also to transform them.

The variety of smelting syrіv is more widely spread in Switzerland. Melted or siri may be able to win in pairs with natural ones, stench used to be taken care of, not overlooked when taking care, so as not to be able to pick a pick, may lower plastic consistency, more fragile in thinner minds.

The main syrovina for the production of smelting syrіv is sichuzhnі siri of all kinds, siri rosolnі, often brinza.

Melted siri is subdivided into six species groups: skibkovy, cowbass, pasta-like, licorice, siri until obidu and canned. The basis of the podіlu was laid: the type of the main syrovina, the smokiness features and the structure of the syrup dough.

Kovbasny smoked sir is brought to the group of syrіv smelted kovbasnі. Yogo is brewed from low-fat syrah and syrup of a fermented cheese (15 days), which is spun for melting, add also syrah, brinza, topsoil. Melted sulfuric masa reminiscent of shells from cellophane, parchment, smoked, chilled and waxed. Smoked zastosovuyut dimov, as well as rіdke іz zanurennym loaves syrah in the smokehouse homeland. The melting of the cow's siri is characterized by a specific smell and the taste of smoked meat.

Chapter 2

2.1.Keep the savings of different types of sirіv

With the main minds, dotrimannya kakikh zabezpechau nalezhne zberigannya syru є: sevna temperature and vіdnosna vіdnosna vologіst poіtrya; airborne lighting and ventilation; dotrimanya commodity susіdstva, zakrіplennya postіynyh mіsts for goods; the provision of material support for sanitary and hygienic visits, which will forestall the decline and the supply of goods. In addition, it is necessary to protect the sire from direct sleepy exchanges.

At the time of acceptance of the letter from the supplier, it is necessary to check the packaging, the good look, the quality of the product, as well as the term of conservation (the date of preparation is indicated on the sheets).

Sir tse lower product, zberіgannya kakogo vimagaє osoblivih minds.

In order to escape yoga, the sir is guilty of taking care at constant temperatures from 6 to 8 ° C, without sharp fluctuations in temperature and a constant water level of 90%. Above that, the temperature is low to save "drives in" the sir, and above that, the temple is high - the existing structure. So it is the water itself: it is too high to deform the sir, it is too low to bring it down to the yogic swede.

At the reception of the community eating, Siri should be ripe. Ale, in the process of saving in warehouses and in stores at the sires, changes are being made as a result of the development of microorganism on the syrup and the injection of physical factors on the structure of the sirah.

When saving, the brightness of the serum can be improved. The cream of which, in the distant harvest of ripe syrіv stench, can overripe and as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of products, the decay of whites will produce an overly spicy, and sometimes rancid relish.

When taken to lie on the surface of the virus, various types of flowers, yeasts, and rotten bacteria can develop. The adoption of erysipelas indicates the development of drіzhdzhіv. As a result of the selection of samples for the help of the probe, empty cracks are established, which open up for a good wind, in which flowers develop. When the syr is taken, the blooms bloom at a moisture content lower than 82%, and the development of microorganism in the transition is dry, which is why the surface of the sir_v pidsikhaє. When frozen, the acidity of the syrup decreases. After the deformation of the volog, it cannot be covered with sulfuric mass and when the syrup is broken, it looks like juice, the paraffin pickle sags, the consistency becomes wrinkled, the specific taste is weak. Destruction of the paraffin ball can be caused by a non-balance occasion with syrah. Sir, with a bare pick for the rahunok, the shrinkage is more spent in the vase, while saving it, and it helps to dim the microflora. Recycled siri, when saved, swells the defect - corrosion of the foil. On the back of the head are bright patches, then the stench darkens. Larger resistant to corrosion foil, covered with a ball of special lacquer Tin foil is less resistant to corrosion, lower aluminium.

In the first days of saving, the siri spend more at the vase, lower at the foot. When taken, as a rule, roses of siri are accumulated at the vase for the rahunok of moving water in them. Siri is also adored by comorny shkidniks. They save siri in wooden boxes and drums with nests. The skin packaging is placed in a single type and grade. Solid siri are saved at a temperature of -4 to 0 ° C and a moisture content of 85-90%.

The term for the conservation of various types of solid sirіv is col- lected within 10 months; soft fresh sour milk syrup should be saved for temperatures of 0-8°C:

soft mushrooms in bloom - at a temperature of 0-6 ° C and the moisture content is repeated 75-85% for five days from the day of release from the enterprise, slimakov - at a temperature of 10 ° C no more than 10 days, at a temperature of -5 to O ° С - no more than 1 min., Brestsky - 48 years, Dvinsky - 5 deb., Bilovezsky - 20 deb.

Roses of siri are taken from barrels in salted roses (16-18%) at a temperature not higher than 8 ° C: Brinza - 75 deb., Suluguni - 25 deb.

The melting of the system is due to conservation in a dry, well-ventilated place at a temperature of -4 to 0 ° C and a moisture content of no more than 90% or a temperature of 0 to 4 °C and a moisture content of 85%.

The term for saving sirіv skibkovyh and sibkovyh - up to 3 ms., pasty, licorice and sirіv to obid - no more than 30 db. (Supplement B, Table 2.2.).

2.2. Vimogi to the extent of various species of siriv

Yakіst sirіv vyznachayut for organoleptic and physical and chemical indications. The shape, rosemary, mass, splendid look, relish, smell, consistency, little ones, color of the dough, packaging and marking are visible to the organoleptic indications.

Before physical and chemical indications of viscosity lie such indications as acidity, amount of fat in dry speech, instead of water, instead of kitchen salt.

Yakіst sіrіv otsіnyuyut vіdpovіdno to vmog tehnіchіchnyh minds of state standards. Yakіst syru control over the chemical warehouse (instead of fat in dry speech, water and kitchen salt), as well as for organoleptic indications. Siri is guilty of mother relish and smell, the power of this type of sire, without outsiders

prismakiv. Consistency in all mass of syrup is elastic, homogeneous. At the rose, the sir is to blame for the mother of the little ones, which develops from the eyes more or less rounded or oval. The crust is thin, even, springy, without wrinkle and water.

Siri is rated for a 100-point system; skin indicator is given the following number of balls:

    Relish that smell ...... 45,

    Consistency ….25,


    Kolіr tіsta…………5,

    Angry look……10,

    Packaging and marking……...5.

Siri, if they took a score of less than 75 points, or behind the warehouse, which do not comply with the standard, they are not allowed to be sold.

The organoleptic evaluation of sirіv is carried out at a product temperature of +18...+2°С. On the back, look at the old looking head, long loaf or soft container, evaluate the shape of the head, mill of the pick, paraffin or polymer coating. Looking around the heads of the sire, they give respect to the sight of the sire, they reveal ushkodzhennya, cracks, evils, wells, plots of damage with flowering mushrooms. The minerality of the paraffin coating is due to a slight pressure on the surface of the sulfur. The ball of paraffin is to be covered with a thin one, without fillings and cracks, siri, which have lost their shape, damaged by splashing and cracks, which can be washed with a depth of 2-3 cm, are not allowed to be sold.

The baby syrah is checked over the stump, then cut the head and look at the surface of the rose, determining the type of the baby for a given species, the rozvinennost of the syrup, estimating the size, the shape of that rozmіr ochkіv or їх vіdsutnіst. The color of the cheese paste is set when looking at the wine glass of cheese on the probes or fresh

surface opening of the head.

The consistency of the syrah is overturned with a slight twisting of the wrinkled sirah. The consistency of a good syrup is low, it is elastic and oily. To the consistency of water, one can bring in a hard, rough, prickly, or remenistu consistency. When the relish and the smell of the syr are determined, respect for its purity, the presence of third-party prismakivs, viraznist, steps of hospitability and typicality.

The group of solid cheeses and the group of cheeses from sheep's milk are organoleptically evaluated according to a 100-point system. For indications of safety, siri owe evidence for equal amounts of toxic elements, mycotoxins and antibiotics, pesticides, radionuclides, and for microbiological indications, in addition to the Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products. With nedotrimanni tekhnologii virobnitstva sirіv and broken minds zberіgannya blaming wadi savor that smell.

Chapter 3

3.1. Brief description of the Akbulak agricultural life partnership

I did my pre-graduation practice at the Akbulak Agricultural Companionship. Akbulak rural community is the oldest and most authoritative enterprises of the community eating in the village of Akbulak. During its history, it has changed its name several times. Representatives of the older generation of the village talk about the "Niva" like a tea house. Nine enterprises are called distant. Until this hour, in the tradition of distant places, services to the population were lost. In addition, there are commemorative obidi, svyatkovі banquets. Assortment of long-distance insurance coverage for the average fast. The menu also includes different varieties of peppers (soup, borscht, borscht), other herbs (mashed potatoes with spicy meat, meatballs, pilaf, cabbage rolls, pasta brews with cheese and ing.), appetizers, vipichka, napoi. Akbulak village community is one of the largest enterprises of the village for the occupied area. At the far side there are two large, city halls. The brewing process of the technology of preparing herbs from far away is carried out at the hot shop. A workshop of subdivisions in the brewing zone, for which the cooks work for the rahunka, not zavazhayut one alone.

3.2. The peculiarities of the ability to save such minds to the sire in the Akbulaksky agricultural comradeship

Folding stews from syrah are among the most popular on the menu of today's public eating establishments. The menu of Akbulakskogo sіlskogo spozhivchogo partnership included first, other stravi іz sir and vip_chka z wokoristannym sir.

At my pre-graduation culinary practice at the distant Niva, I took part in the preparation of a classic cheese soup. Before starting to prepare the strain, I folded a technical and technological map and unraveled the syrovina, which is necessary for the preparation of syrup soup.

Techno-technological map for Sirny Soup


Technological process: the preparation of syrovin is carried out according to the state of the art until the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for the enterprises of the community catering with technological recommendations for the import

syrovini. The vegetables are being prepared. Cibula, carrots, selera are cut enough and pass. Add water to sautéed vegetables, boil potatoes until cooked. To add tops ta sir. Bring the soup to a boil and know.

Colour: light-yellow Zovnishhnіy look: without plіvki on the surface.

Consistency: homogeneous, without breasts. Taste and smell: salty in the world, warm in the world, lower, powerful sire and other components that enter the warehouse. Do not allow not a powerful, psyuchy, unacceptable smell and relish.

Behind the words of cooks far away one of the most popular soups from syrudirno-mushroom soup-puree (Additive, Fig. 3.2.). For yoga preparation, you don’t need a lot of sweat. I, under the guidance of my mentor, took up yoga preparations. Since then, due to the technology of preparation, I made a technical-technological map, unpacked the necessary amount of syrovin, prepared the necessary technological equipment, and reconsidered the obviousness of the brewing inventory, and proceeded to prepare the straw.

Techno-technological map for Sirno-mushroom soup-puree


Cooking technology: vegetables are cooked and fairly narizaemo. Tsibulyu, carrots are kindly passed, we add mushrooms, we cover 2-3 hvilini. We add potatoes and water, cook until ready. It is punched in a blender to a homogeneous consistency. We add strength, spices, tops,

boil 2-3 whilin.

Colour: light-yellow Sound appearance: without surfacing Consistency: uniform, without breasts. Taste and smell: salty in the world, warm in the world, lower, powerful sire and other components that enter the warehouse. Do not allow not a powerful, psyuchy, unacceptable smell and relish.

For saving, demonstrating and selling dairy products, enterprises are equipped with refrigeration equipment: selected refrigerating chambers, refrigerating cabinets, showcases, counters that are cooled.

In Akbulaksk, it is strong to buy such types of cheese: Russian, Gouda, Viola, Mozzarella, President, Poshekhonsky, Suluguni. Save siri in refrigerators and keep up to the standards for saving this type of product at a temperature that does not exceed +5 0 C. Siri is stored in the postal package.When laying the sirіv on the bank, a card is issued for the skin type of the sir, in which the following is assigned:

    type and name of the sire;

    terms of preparation and attachment to sire;

    date and hour of bookmarking;

    terms of end implementation.


Skibochka syrah is often an ingredient in a sandwich or a salad. Ale not varto apply the self-sufficient meaning of tsikh dairy pastries. By the stretch of bagatioh hundreds of roki sir is rightfully vvazhaetsya vishukami delicacy, varieties of what is really great quantity. Tse th became for me an incentive for choosing those to follow.

Before this graduation project, the meta was set:the development of the classification of siriv, the minds of saving that could be to the extent of different types of siriv.

For the implementation of the met, it is necessary to overcome the upcoming tasks:

    Familiarize yourself with the classification system of sir.

    Look at the Siriv.

    Vivchiti mind saving different kinds of syria.

    Familiarize yourself with the vimogami to the extent of different types of siriv.

    To analyze the pre-diploma practice in the Akbulakskoe s_lskomu s_lskomu suspense svіlstvі.

At the first one, the classification of sirs and їх x was examinedcharacteristic.It was possible to put me in the distance, that the systems are examined one by one for technological parameters, microbiological and biochemical processes, organoleptic indications, chemical storage, and the shape of that mass. There is a large number of different classification options in connection with cym. Economic, technological, biological, syrovine and other characteristics of sires lie at the basis of the other classifications. Vіdpovіdno up to the commodity classificаtsії all syri are divided into five main blocks, skins from some representations of kіlkom groups. Zagalom in the classification included 18 groups of siriv.

At the other part of the robot, the mind is looked at, saving that vimogi to the extent of different kinds of sir.For the preservation of the quality of the syrup, it is necessary

dotrimannya was able to save the minds of the fallow in the sight of the sir.

With the main minds, dotrimannya kakikh zabezpechu nelezhne zberigannya sira, є: sevna temperature and vіdnosna vologіst poіtrya; airborne lighting and ventilation; dotrimanya commodity susіdstva, zakrіplennya postіynyh mіsts for goods; ensuring the material availability of the sanitary and hygienic entry, which will forestall the recession and the supply of goods. In addition, it is necessary to protect the sire from direct sleepy exchanges. Umovy zberіgannya lie down in a specific type of sire. So, roses of siri are taken from barrels in salted roses (16-18%) at a temperature not higher than 8 ° C: Brinza - 75 deb., Suluguni - 25 deb; hard sirs save for normal temperatures from -4 to 0 °C with good water and moisture content of 85-90%.

The third section of the work presents a short description of the place of pre-diploma practice - Akbulak agricultural life partnership, analysis of pre-diploma practice, which describes the specifics of the work enterprise, the system of technological adjustment and manufacturing equipment.

In the course of the work on the tsim doslіdzhennyam and pіd h prozhennja vrobnichoї practice, I found out how different the classification of sirіv is.

I recognized that the siri take away the milk and the farther truncated cut of the taken clot, in the course of which one sees the volog. The processing is completed with the molding of syrnoy masi and the offensive salting of the heads of the syrah. Spetsifіchnі vlastivostі sire nabuvaє lishe pіslya trivalogo Process dozrіvannya in Sirny pіdvalah, de target of minds for nakopichennya in sirnіy masі Smakova i aromaticity veschestv.Tovarovednaya klasifіkatsіya sirіv buduєtsya of urahuvannyam mainly tehnologіchnih priyomіv obrobki i zgustku milk, i navіt nature dozrіvannya Ser, tobto. species warehouse of microorganism, which take part in ripening.

I was far away to tell you what toYakіst sіrіv otsіnyuyut vіdpovіdno to vmog tehnіchіchnyh minds of state standards. Yakіst syru control over the chemical warehouse (instead of fat in dry speech, water and kitchen salt), as well as for organoleptic indications. Siri is guilty of mother relish and smell, the power of the sight of the sire, without third-party smirks.

In addition, after an hour of passing before graduation practice, I realized how important it was, how much I could save up to the minds of saving syrіv and the quality of syrіv for preparing sour, savory culinary products. I was far away to take the fate of the prepared herbs from the serpent.classic cheese soupirno-mushroom soup-puree.

During the hour of passing the pre-diploma practice at the distant “Niva”, I became aware of the power of safety technology under the hour of work with technological possessions and manufacturing equipment. I returned my respect to those who are especially important in the case of the pre-trial technology of safety.

In this rank, I respect that the goals set before the project have been achieved.

List of vicorists dzherel

  1. GOST 32260-2013 Siri napіvverdi. Technical mind.

  2. GOST R 53379-2009 Siri soft. Technical mind.

  3. GOST 11041-88 Russian Sir. Technical mind.

  4. TU 10.02.847-90Siri m'yaki and rozsilnі without ripening. Technical mind.

    Bazarova V.I., Borovikova L.A. that in. Vivchennya of food products. - M.: Economy, 2000. - 269 p.

    Brozovsky D.I., Borisenko N.M.Fundamentals of commodity knowledge. - M.: Economy, 2008. - 203 p.

    Brusilovsky L.P. that in.Management of the processes of cultivation of microorganisms, starter cultures and fermented milk products. - M .: Easy that Kharchova promislovist, 2002. - 128 p.

    Gorbatova K.K.. Biochemistry of milk and dairy products. - M.: Kolos, 2007. - 288 p.

    Dilanyan Z.Kh.Sirodelia. - M.: Easy that Kharchova promislovist, 2004. - 280 p.

    Drobisheva S.T. that in. Theoretical planting of commodity knowledge of food products. - M.: Economy, 2006. - 292 p.

    Inikhov G.S.. Biochemistry of milk and dairy products. - M.: Kharchova promislovist, 1980. - 288 p.

    Kolesnik A.A., Elizarova L.G.Theoretical planting of commodity knowledge of food products. - M.: Economy, 1985. - 296 p.

    Kruglyakov G.M., Kruglyakova G.V.Merchandising of food products. - Rostov n / D: "Berezen", 2000. - 448 p.

    Krus G.M., Kuleshova I.M., Dunchenko N.I.Technology of syrup and other dairy products. - M.: Kolos, 2002. - 320 p.

    Kuyanov P.V.. Milk and milk products. - M .: Roslgospvidav, 2000. -

180 s.

    Lipatov N.M.Virobnitstvo Sir. - M.: Kharchova promislovist, 2003. - 271 p.

    Matyukhina Z.P., Ashcheulova S.P., Korolkova E.P.Kharchov products. - M.: Economy, 2007. - 225 p.

    Prokhorova N.G., Novikova A.M.Grocery, confectionery, gastronomy, dairy products, bakery products. - M.: Economy, 2009. - 207 p.

    Rostros N.K.Technology of milk and dairy products. - M.: Kharchova promislovist, 2000. - 192 p.

    Technology Sir: Dovіdnik / for ed.Shilera G.G.- M.: Easy that Kharchova promislovist, 2004. - 312 p.

    Technological foundations for the production and processing of products: Headmaster / Managers: prof. N.G. Makartsev, prof. L.V. Toporova, prof. A.V. Arkhipov; For red. V.I. Fisinina, N.G. Makartsev. - M: View of MDTU im. Bauman, 2003. - 808 p.

    Merchandising and organization of trade in food products/ Novikova A.M., Golubkina T.S., Nikiforova N.S., Prokof'eva S.A. -M.: ІRPO, 2000. - 480 p.

    Merchandising of food products/ Borovіkova L.A., Gerasimova V.A.ta іn - M.: Ekonomika, 2008. - 352 p.

Addendum A

Baby 1.1. See the sire that їх vikoristannya at kulinarії.

Table 1.1. Classification of Syrians.

Klasi. Subclasses. groupie


1. Solid stucco (water content 46%)

1.1. Terkovo

Other heating temperature over 50 about W, water content 37-40%. The little one is great, the relish is lightly licorice.

Hirsky terkovy, Caucasian terkovy, Parmesan, Grana (Italy), Sbrinz (Switzerland).

1.2. With a high temperature of another heating (more than 50 about H), water content 37-40%, propionic acid bacteria. The little one is great, the relish is lightly licorice.

Radyansky, Swiss, Swiss block, Biysky, Altai (Russia), Ekhmental (Switzerland), Grunter (Sweden), Apenseller (Switzerland), Beaufort (France), Alpine (Austria), Yarlsberg (Norway).

1.3. With the average temperature of another heating (46-50 about C), water content 40-43%, lactic and propionic acid bacteria. The little ones of the middle roses.

Hirsky, Ukrainian, Carpathian, Asiago (Italy), Fontina (Italy).

1.4. With a low temperature of another heating (36-42 about H), water content 42-46%. The little one is dry, the oval chi is wrong.

Dutch (round and bar), Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Stepovy, Estonsky, Uglitsky, Bukovinsky, Susaninsky (Russia), Edam ta Gauzo (Netherlands), Danbo, Finbo ta Maribo (Denmark), Turunmaa (Finland)

1.5. With a high level of lactic acid fermentation.

Cheddar, Cheshire, Leicester, Gloucester, Dunlop, Lancashire, Carfilly (England)

Continued tables 1.1.

3.1. Fresh sour milk.

Water content 57-82%, acidic and citric-acid swallowing of milk, not ripening.

Amateur, Moalі, Ostankinskiy, Clinkovy, Moldavian, Teahouse, Home sir, Cambridge, Cottage, Formage fri (Belgium).

3.1.1. dietary(with ocidophilic stick or bifidobacteria)

Aibolit, Slovyansky.

3.2. Mushroomsfor the participation of flowering mushrooms. Relish gostry, mushroom.

3.2.1. Flower on the surface. Ripens 7-14 deb.

Russian Camembert, White Dessert, Bri, Camembert, Carré de st, Neustatel, Shaurs (France).

Continued tables 1.1.

3.3. Slimakov's siri.

Water content 46-65%, with microflora of superficial mucus or flowering fungi. Relish is hospitable, amіyachny.

Dorogobuzky, Smolensky, Bri, Marol, Sem-Polen, Trapist (Poland).

3.4. Orphanage.

Swallowing thermoacid.

Adigeisky (Russia), Rikkota (Italy), Brupost (Norway).

3.5. Vershkov.

Water content 56-87%, citric-acid content. Concentration of milk using centrifugal and ultrafiltration methods.

Licorice, Fruity, Metelitsa, Cream (England).

4. Roses (with salt in 1 to 8%, water content 50-55%)

4.1. Without cheddarization and melting. Consistency is uniform, troch lamka.

Brinza, Georgian, Karachaivsky, Limansky, Ossetian, Far, Chanakh, White dessert (Bulgaria), Feta (Greece), Telemas (Romania).

4.2. With cheddarization and melting. The consistency is fibrous, springy.

Suluguni, Sharuvatii, Kachkaval (Bulgaria), Kaseri (Greece).

5. Eternal milk.

Solid with color, rose salt.


Table 1.2. Classification of cheeses of the main assortment.

Name the group that type.

Indicators of quality and technological features of the systems.

The name of those close to the power of the Syrians.




Siri type Swiss.

Solid Siberian siri.

It is more plastic, the baby is great, spicy, light, licorice relish and delicate aroma. Features of the technology: high-temperature processing of sulfur, stronger pressing, increased ripening temperature, pick of mites.

Swiss, Altai, Radyansky, Kuban, Moscow, Gfueyr, Samsyu, Komte.

Siri Type Dutch

Tisto plastic, troch lamke; relish and aroma of gostri, slightly sour; the kіrka is covered with paraffin sum or with polymer plіvkoy. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening.

Uglichny, Dutch, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Stepovy, Poshekhonsky, Estonsky, Edamsky, Danbo, Finbo, Muchetto, Luostari.

Siri Type Cheddar

Viral sourness, troch spice relish; more plastic, slightly awkward; little baby in the daytime; low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening. Vitrimuetsya sirn masa before molding the head for a temperature of 30-32 aboutZ.

Cheddar, Chester, Kolbi, Kanmal, Leicester, Zlato, Vitasha.

Continued table 1.2.




Siri type Russian

Taste of sourness; thin lower plastic; babies are even, eyes of irregular shape; the pick is covered with paraffin or with polymer slick. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and low temperature ripening.


Siri type Latvian

Say siri. Smak that smell of gostrі amіyachnі; the consistency is low, the little ones are dry. Low-temperature processing of sulfur grains and ripening. Dozrivayut siri with mucus on kіrtsі.

Latvian, Pikantny, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Rambinas, Tilsit, Brik.

Siri type Dorogobuzkogo

M'yaki sichuzhni siri. The relish is hospitable, the lower consistency. There is no other way to harvest sulfuric grain. Dozrivayut siri with mucus on kіrtsі.

Dorogobuzky, Medinsky, Dorozhny, Mislivsky, Kalininsky, Senmor, Mimbursky, Munster.

Siri Type Diner

Relish and smell of gostri, piquant; the consistency is lower, smeared. Dozrivayut with mucus and flattened on the surface.

Snack bar, Smolensky, Amatorsky, Kulom'є, Senmarsilen.

Continued table 1.2.




Siri type Roquefort

Relish gostry, peppery; the consistency is lower, wrinkled; on the rosette in the middle of the head one can see green patches in the rosette of flowers (Roquefort) and there was a splash on the surface of the syrah (Camembert), just without glasses.

Roquefort, Russian, Camembert, Micella, Stilton, Brie, Valencia.

Siri unseen or fresh


Vershkovy, Cavovy, Chayny

Siri Rossolnі

Expanded siri.

Smak is more salty, sumish m'yaka. Siri ripen and harvested from roses.

Brinza, Kobiysky, Tushinsky, Georgian, vats, Adigeysky, Akavi, Hemus.

siri type sour milk

Sour milk siri.

Smak that aroma is strongly pronounced; the consistency is firm; spices are added to the cheese mass. Vykoristovuetsya only in a roasted look like a seasoning to other herbs.

Zeleny, Glarsky.

Siri is melted without any spices.

Pereroblenі (melted) siri.

Smak and smell, close to those typical for vyhіdnoї syrovina, the consistency is thin, trochy springy.

Kostroma, Nevsky, Vugilny, Vershkovy, Misky, Cheddar.

Continued table 1.2.




Syrah melted with spices and refills

Taste and smell of dodatkovo dodanih spices and reminiscent; the consistency is thin, the trochs are springy.

Before beer, Baltic, Osin, Neptune, Syr of melting with smoked meats.

Siri melting licorice (plastic)

The relish is licorice, with a pronounced relish and a reminiscent smell; the consistency is lower, homogeneous, slightly smeared. The sirne is silently built at the water.

Chocolate, Cavovium, Z peas, Kazka, M'yatny.

Siri canned

The syrn is melted and packed in a single jar and processed thermally.

Sterilization, Pasteurization, Pasteurization from a tavern.

Pasta-like siri

The consistency is thin, slick, oily.

Friendship, Khvilya, Summer, Roquefort, Sour-milk, Moscow, With parsley, Burshtin, Coral.

Siri melted to obidu

The consistency is plastic, slightly smeared. Siri kindly roam the waters without a siege.

Іz mushrooms, Іz tsibulei, Іz white mushrooms.

Addendum B

Table 2.1

Table 2.2. Terms of protection and defective systems.

The relish of a trifle of sourness, without third-party smacks and smells, a warm relish, a pale-yellow color, equal in all weight,

on kіrtsі poshkodzhennya

cancer of a pickaxe, ushkodzhennya by rodents, larvae of a syrnoї fly

Sir napіvverdiy sichuzhny "Dutch"

vіd – 4 to +4°С


Overworldly salty, hot relish, crying, paraffin easily sees through the pick and sips

The appearance of rotten wells, the rotting of the pick, the damage to the flower in the pidkirkovy ball,

Syr nap_vverdiy sichuzny "Pesto-Rosso"

vіd -4 to +4 °С


When narcissistic, the sir lamaetsya and cries, the blue color, the syrian sik, the pick, what came

Rozhevі plyami, crayfish kirk, ushkodzhennya rodents,


vіd +2 to +10°С


Blidiy color, weak aroma

from prismakom naphthoproducts and chemicals, from third-party inclusions, fermentation


vіd 0 to +4 °С


Surface cracking, saline prismak

Blowing the flower, hot relish

Continued table 2.2.

30 (for polymer packaging)

75 (for glass containers)

"Gumova" or hard consistency


vіd 0 to +8°С


Sour relish, thick, what to smear

Blue Sir, erysipelas, hitting flowers

President (melting sir)

vіd 0 to +4 °С


Empty relish, hard, belty consistency, pokrіvelnіst

too thin, fluffy, lumpy or too soft consistency; spills, irregular shape; hot, fluffy, miles, metalevy prismak; brudna that poor packaging.

Sir "Grouda"

vіd 0 to +4 °С


When narrated, the sir lamaetsya and screams. At the opening of the sir, there are unevenly ripped little ones, which are formed in an ugly form.

Siri, who have lost their form, are struck with a splash and make cracks with a depth of 2-3 cm.

Malyunok 2.1. Sirnoy fly larvae.


Baby 3.1. Sirny soup.

Baby 3.2. Wirno-mushroom soup puree.

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"Ural State Agricultural Academy"

Abstract on the topic:

“Hard Siberian siri. Classification and assortment»

Aleksiev E.A.

Yekaterinburg 2013


1. Solid sichuzhni siri

2. Classification and assortment of solid cigars


List of references


The problem of eating is one of the most important social problems. The life of a human being, healthy and that work is impossible without full health. According to the theory of balanced eating in the diet of a person, it is not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the necessary amount, but also speech, as essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals in the same proportions that are important for people. Dairy products play a role in the organization of proper eating pershochergov. It is necessary to bring the whole world to sire, the life value of which is enriched with a high concentration in milk protein and fat, indispensable amino acids, calcium salts and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the normal development of the human body. The main metadata of the work is to look at the assortment and factors that form the species and characteristics of solid sea sir.

1. Solid sichuzhni siri

Paired with other dairy products, sir may have more grub value, shards of revenge for the concentrated appearance of the total protein of the speech (about 25%) and milk fat (about 30%). The calorific value of 1 kg of syrup is up to 16800 kJ (4000 kcal) fallow in mixed fat and protein. In warehouses of syrup are rich in mineral resources, especially calcium, as well as water of fat-producing vitamins, which are synthesized by lactic acid microflora, which takes part in the ripening of sirіv. White speeches are easily conquered, the shards in the process of ripening stench are transformed into simple and easy to understand words. Conquered sire to spriyat yoga high relish of power.

Syr can be vikoristany not only as a high-life, ale and dietary product. The Institute of Eating of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation recommends consuming sir in the amount of 6.6 kg per person per river.

Otrimuyuyut sir with a path of gortannya of white milk, further processing of a clot with a method of yogo znevodnenya and a distant ripening of syrnoy masi. Behind the method of throating milk, siri and sour milk are distinguished. Most of the cultivated crafts of the sires lie down to the sichuan, at the hour of preparation of such milk is burned with the help of the sichuan ferment. Under the hour of fermentation of sour-milk sirіv, milk proteins are burned under the influence of lactic acid. Sour-milk siri vibrate in small kіlkostyakh, to them green syrah is brought.

Siberian Siberian fallows, due to technological features, are subdivided on hard, soft and strong.

The melting of the siri wins the way of the processing of the sea sires with the addition of salts - melters, refills, and other spices.

Solid siri - the largest group of siri, to which there are a lot of traditional species, for example, Swiss, Dutch and other. Solid syrіv is characterized by low water content and the most shrill consistency, which is caused by the primus pressure stoking during the technological process. For solid seaweed sirіv, it is better to choose the purest milk for bacterial use, with good technological powers, tobto. building up a big potik. Milk is normalized for fat and pasteurized, which excludes the possibility of a further development in the syria of disease-causing and third-party bacteria for milk. Then the milk is cooled to a temperature of 33°C, treated with yellow dewy farboa and introduced into a new range of calcium chloride.

2. Classification and range of solid cigars

The range of solid sea sirіv ninі become more than 40 names. Prote over 50% of the total number of syrіv, which are vibrating in our country, form Russian, Poshekhonsky and Dutch bars.

For rosemary and masa, siri are divided into great and tribni; to the great syrivs, the Swiss, Russian and other.

Fallow due to the peculiarities of relish, consistency, smallness and technology of solid syrah, they are divided into sprat groups: Swiss syrup group, Dutch syrup group, Cheddar syrup group, unified sirіv group.

Siri group of Swiss. To tsikh syriv lie Swiss, Altai, Radyansky, Carpathian, Kuban. Syrian cієї groups are vibrated with a high temperature (54-58 ° C) of another heating of the sulfuric mass and vicarious mesophilic and thermophilic bacterial cultures.

Swiss and Altai siri. Qi siri are made using the same technology from high-yielding raw milk. Features of the technology: stowing a high temperature of another heating (54-58 ° C), drying the grain (drilled grain with a size of about 3 mm), syrup for a month in a fermentation chamber at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, drying the term of ripening (vіd 4 to b mіs.) for temperatures of 10-12 °C. Zavdyaki vysokіy temperaturі other nagіvannya zabezpechuyutsya important mind for the development of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, including propionic acid. Propionic acid bacteria do not only ferment the zucra, but also convert lactic acid into propionic and octic acids with dissolved carbon dioxide and water. sir sichuzhny assortment milk

As a result of enzymatic processes that occur during the ripening of propionic acid fermentation, Swiss and Altai syri may have pronounced sirnia, slightly licorice (spicy) relish and smell. The consistency is uniform, lamellar, tied. The baby sirіv is folded into a round or oval shaped eye, the size is not less than 10 mm for the Swiss one and 5-10 mm for the Altai one. Siri is made in the form of a low cylinder with a weight of 50-100 kg (Swiss syr) and 12-18 kg (Altai syr). Mass fraction of fat in dry speech is 50%, water content is not more than 42%, salt is 1.5-2.0%. The term for the ripening of Swiss syrah is 6 months, Altai - 4 months.

Radyansky Sir produced from high-acid pasteurized milk according to technology, which is slightly influenced by the production of Swiss syrup.

In the case of heating, the rozmіr of sulfuric grain with a size of 3-4 mm is safe, the temperature of the other heating is 52-56 °С. Radyansky sir is molded from a layer, cut into bars of the same shape. The development of thermophilic streptococci, lactic acid bats and propionic acid bacteria infuse the solution with a pronounced sulfuric, slightly licorice (spicy) relish and smell. Quite plastic, homogeneous. Baby siru is made up of round or oval eyes with a size of 5-10 mm, evenly placed in all sizes. Behind the form of Radyansky Sir is a straight-cut bar, with a weight of 12-16 kg. The mass fraction of fat in dry speech is 50%, water of troch is more than 42%, salt is 1.2-1.8%. Trivality of ripening of Radyansky Sir - 3-4 months.

Carpathian Sir in the form of a low cylinder with a weight of up to 15 kg, the shortest term for ripening is 2 months.

Before the Swiss group, the Kuban, Ukrainian, Biysky, Emmentalsky (Swiss blocky), Girsky ones also lie. The qi siri are taken advantageously with fat 50 and 45%, salt, form and mass, and in trivalent terms of ripening (up to 5-6 months). Babies and organoleptic indications of these syrіv are characteristic of the sirіv of the Swiss group.

Siri Gurtu Dutch. Before the group, there is a large number of dry pressed cheeses with a low temperature of another heating. The most wide-ranging cheeses of the group are: Dutch round and bar, Kostroma, Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky, Estonsky, Stepovy, Uglichny, Bukovinsky, as well as low-fat cheeses of 20-30% (Baltic, Lithuanian, Minsky, Virusky Tai). When the syrups of the Dutch group stagnate, the temperature of the other heating of the sulfuric mass is 37-42 ° C (for fat ones) and 35-38 ° C or without another heating (for the syrups of reduced fat content). Rosemary of sulfur grain 5-8 mm.

Siri is made from pasteurized milk, vicarious starter cultures, cultures of lactic acid bacteria and aroma-forming streptococci. Siri tsієї groups ripen quickly and at veci 1 - 2.5 mіs. Mayut expressions of sirny relish that aroma. For skin syrup, the optimal amount of water is restored after presuvannya, salt and rye of lactic acid fermentation.

Siri groups of the Dutch combine practically the same organoleptic indications for relish and smell, which can be pronounced as sirny, slightly sour. The little ones are folded with eyes of a slightly flattened or non-grab shape, evenly ruffled throughout the mass. Siri is kinder on thin bows. The coat of the sirs is thin, without a thick ball of pidkirka. Quite plastic, troch lamke when folded. The surface of the seals is covered with paraffin alloys or packed at the slab.

The Dutch syr is round in shape, barred. In Finland, such a sire is born under the name Edamsky. dutch round the mass fraction of fat in dry speech is 50%, the moisture content is not more than 43%, the salt in mature cheese is 2-3%, the maturity of ripening is 2.5 ms. Sir maє kulyastu form with a diameter of 13-15 cm and weight 2-2.5 kg.

Dutch bar vіdіznyaєtsya vіd Dutch round masovoї frequent fat 45% and water troch more than 44%. Sir maє the shape of a rectangular bar with a weight of 2.5-6 kg.

The taste and smell of the Dutch syrup are sirny, darkened hostry, sour. Quite plastic, troch lamke when folded. The little siru is folded with round eyes, slightly flattened or graciously shaped, evenly spread throughout the mass of the sir. Dutch round cheese is packed in boxes with internal partitions, 20 pcs. at the box.

Kostroma Sir with a mass fraction of fat 45%, water - troch more than 44%, salt - 1.5-2.5%. The maturity of ripening is shortened to 1.5 months. Behind the form of Kostroma cheese is a low cylinder with a weight of 3.5-7.5 kg. Zrіly sir maє virazheny sirny, pomirno hostry relish and smell zі slightly sour or licorice prismak; Quite plastic, troch springier. The baby siru is folded with evenly widened round or oval eyes. Seeing siri is packed near papyras and placed near boxes of 2-4 heads.

Estonian Sir brewed from pasteurized milk from the infusion of activated bacterial starter and biological preparation (hydrolyzate), thus activating the ripening process up to 30 days. Adding to milk before swallowing a rare or dry hydrolyzate of sublimation drying activates ripening and maturity. Estonian Sir Vіkom 1 ms. vydpovidaє Dutch sir, scho ripens with a stretch of 2 mіs. The Estonian syr has a mass fraction of fat in dry speech 45%, the moisture content of the troch is more than 42%, salt 1.5-2.5%. At a glance, the Estonian syr is a tall cylinder weighing 2-3 kg. Relish and smell of syringes, trochs of sourness, light spices are allowed. The consistency of the syrup is plastic, homogeneous, the eyes are round or oval in shape. Paraffinated or covered with siri are packed in boxes of 10 heads.

To dry pressing syrivs Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky, Uglichny, Pivnichny, Stepovy, Bukovinsky are seen with a low temperature of another heating, as if they are reminiscent of the sour look of that mass, as well as sourdough, which forms the flavor of the syrah. Tsі siri mаut a similar baby, the maturity of maturation is 2-2.5 mіs.

Bukovinian, Novosibirsky, Susaninskiy siri rise to new species, which, as a rule, ripen for a month. Qi siri mayut bar or cylindrical shape, a small mass of 2-6 kg can be without a baby.

In the rest of the hour, the technology of new types of low-fat cheeses (20-30% fat content) was developed - Lithuanian, Baltic, Virusky, Minsk and other. Qi siri will eat a close chemical warehouse and organoleptic indications, however, the term of ripening is 1.5 mіs. In the case of 20-30% fat content, the temperature of another heating is reduced (32-37 ° C), salting is often carried out in grains and additionally salted in rose salt, molded in bulk.

Lithuanian sire with a mass fraction of fat 30%, the content of troch is more than 50%, salt in mature syrup is 2-3%. The form of siru yak is a rectangular bar with a weight of 2.5-6.0 kg. Relish and the smell of weak syringes, sourness, slight bitterness and weakly fodder smelt are allowed. Tisto schіlne or trohi lamke. The little one is sir nerіvnomіrniy, folded from the wrong, negrabnoї or schіlinnoy form; a baby is allowed.

Baltic Sir for a chemical warehouse, it is taken from the Lithuanian syrah with a mass fractional fat of 20%, advanced by the moisture content of a mature syrah of 55% and a form. The Baltic syr has a shape that looks like a low cylinder weighing 6-7 kg, however, organoleptic signs are characteristic of the Lithuanian syr.

Virusky Sir have a mass fraction of fat 30%, vologists - more than 51% troch, salt - 1.5-2.5%. The yoga form looks like a low cylinder with a weight of 12-18 kg or 5.5-11 kg. Assessing the normal appearance of the sirіv low fat content, it is necessary to insure that a slight deformation of the sir's head is allowed.

Minsk Sir with 30% fat, 48% water and 1.5 - 2.5% salt mature for 30 days. Form - straight bar, masa - 3 - 4 kg.

Solid Siberian siri Cheddar, Russian water is brought to sirіv from the rise of lactic acid fermentation. Qi siri, like siri looked at, are vibrated with a low temperature of another heating of the sirnoi mass (38-42 ° C). Technological process of directing on the accumulation of lactic acid, as it pours into the protein, forming sour, slightly spicy taste and smell.

Sir Cheddar has a mass fraction of fat in dry speech 50%, water - troch more than 40%, salt - 1.5-2.5%. When Cheddar is fermented, bacterial sourdough is formed, which is formed from cultures of lactic acid streptococci and lactic acid sticks.

The special technology of Cheddar sire is those that send the processed sirn masa to the molding machine, depress the layer, cut it into blocks and send it to the cheddarization. Cheddarization of syrnoy masi is carried out on special carriages at a normal temperature of 30-32 °C for a period of 1.5-2 years.

cheddarization the process of changing the sulfuric mass under the influx of lactic acid until it reaches the fibrous-spherical structure as a result of the increased lactic acid process is called.

The essence of cheddarization is due to the fact that under the influx of increased lactic acid fermentation (lactic acid) the protein is often added to the calcium, in the sulfuric mass accumulates monocalcium paracasein, and the excess lactic acid is mixed with calcium

As a result of such a process, the sirn masa becomes soft, melts with power, breaks down into thin, leaf-like balls. After the cheddarization of the sirn blocks, the blocks are trimmed, mixed from the sill, shaped, marked and pressed. Trivality of ripening syru - 3 mіs, moreover, the first 1-1.5 mіs. stinks ripen at normal temperatures of 10-14 °C; the final stage of ripening is carried out at a normal temperature of 8-10 °C.

Sir Cheddar rotates like large and small rectangular blocks weighing 16-22 kg and 2.5-4 kg. The spicy sir may have a peaceful expression of sirnia, a slightly sour relish and smell; it is more plastic, slightly smeared and clumsy. Babies at Cheddar are daily, but a small number of empty ones are allowed to appear. Pack the sir polymeric sheets under vacuum.

Russian Sir to be carried up to the sirіv sirіv sichnіh hard z pіdvishcheni r_vnem lactic fermentation. Mass fraction of fat in Russian cheese is 50%, water - more than 43%, salt - 1.3-1.8%. Vіdmіnі risi tekhnologiї polagayut schou scho schoro grain after another heating that chastkovoї salting vitrimyut close to 30 min. at a temperature of 40 ° C, which ensures a stronger lactic acid fermentation.

The salting of syru is often carried out, or else I will be at the grain. The sir is shaped with a sip, which zooms in on the empty little sir at the sight of torn eyes, evenly spread all over the mass. Behind the form, the Russian sir is released from a low cylinder, or a rectangular bar with slightly swollen beech surfaces. The cheese is coated with paraffin-polymer alloys or packed with polymer slabs. The mass of cylindrical syrah is 4.7-11 kg and that of slabs is 5-7.5 kg. Trivality of ripening 2-2.5 months. Russian sir zavdyaki spiced with lactic acid fermentation may have sirny expressions, slightly sour relish and smell. Quietly lower, more plastic, uniform in all masses; a little bit more is allowed. On the rose, the Russian sir can be rіvnomіrno rіvnоіrno rіvnоіrо oѕі іncorrect, not grafted and slit form. The adoption of such a little one is not due to ripening, but it is explained by the fact that the molding of sulfuric grain is forced with a reduced pressure of pressing.

Terochnі siri (Gorno-Altaisky, Caucasian) are brewed for the technology of the Swiss siru, ripen three times a day (180-350 days). Tsі siri mаyut shіlnu konsistії, good zberіgayutsya for podvishchenih temperatures. It is recommended to live them in a rubbed look.

A group of unified sirіv (50% fat replacement) - Yaroslavl, Kuban, Krasnodar. Siri draw the shape of a high cylinder, the height of the heads is approximately 3 times greater for the diameter. This form is the most convenient for ripening cheese and yoga implementation at the store. Yaroslavl (U) unified sir (vologs 42%) for taste, smell, consistency close to the siriv of the Dutch group.

Siri unified forms vibrate on streaming lines; A single, unified shape of the heads allows, on the very same property, to take a wide variety of names.

Napіvverdi sichuzhni siri

The signs of hard and soft sirs are mixed together, to that they are vibrated by the technology of hard sirivs, but with some kind of changes, and the stench ripens for a kshtalt of soft ones. For the sirіv tsієї grupi characteristic poddvišeni vmіst vologa zavdjaka zastosuvanny process samosuvannya sієє syroy grains in forms, lower consistency, hollow little and slightly sips of ammonia, which is utvoryuєєєє during cultivating on the heads of the syroy mucus, like spitting on the flax.

Latvian Sir(Smist water 48%, fat - 45%) maє the shape of a bar with a square base, mass yoga 2.2 - 2.5 kg. The top of the heads is dry, with traces of wiped flowers and mucus. Sir do not paraffin; heads are covered with parchment, factory marks are applied to the edge at two opposite folds of the canvas.

Pikantny, Nemunas, Kaunas, Klaipeda are brought to sirіv with a lower consistency and peacefully hospitable with relish. On the vіdmіnu vіd latvіyskogo syrah for saving in the world of hot relish tsі syri vіtsі paraffin and tsim residually pinch the mucus rosette; they are not subdivided into grades.

Piquant Sir mix 55% fat, 40% water, make the shape of a rectangular bar, weight yoga 3 - 4 kg. Zavdyaki to the fat mixed in, the consistency of this syrah is the most low.

Sir Nemunas made from 50% fat and 46% water. Syrah is given the shape of a low cylinder, masa yogo 1.5 - 2 kg.

Kaunas Sir reduced fat content (30%) and with the addition of water (53%) are found in the form of a low cylinder. The relish of yoga is slightly sour, with a slight smell of ammonia, sumish, like all cheeses have low fat content, and springy.

Klaipeda cheese should contain no less than 20% fat and no more than 56% water. Sir maє the form of a low cylinder, masa yogo 3.8 - 5 kg. Relish, smell, that consistency is the same, like in Kaunas siru.


Eating is one of the main minds of people, and the problem of eating is one of the main problems of human culture. The quantity, the quality, the assortment of the aging grub products, the regularity, like a virish rank, is poured into the human life in all manifestations.

Meta thogo abstract of the Vikonan.

In the course of the work carried out, the following vysnovki were broken:

1 syri is refreshed with a high content of proteins, milk fat, as well as mineral salts and vitamins. Siri is the most important dzherel of biologically valuable protein;

2 basis of classification of sirіv can be: type of main syrovina, method of milk churning, type of microflora syrup, main indications of chemical warehouse and important features of technology;

3 creams of the main syrovina, which is victorious when preparing sirіv, add also additional syrovina, which allows you to improve the taste and consistency, increase your life value;

4 the quality of the grapes without intermediary lie down in the technology of the production of the products, as well as in the quality of the syrovin, taken for the preparation of the cheeses.

List of references

1. Brilevskiy O.A. Merchandising of food products.

2. Bigunov V.A. Sir book. "Kharchova promislovist" 1974

Placed on


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