Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Association of Self-Regulatory Organization "Bryansk Regional Association of Designers Changes at Federal Law 340 VID 03.08

Last week, for the help of our St. Petersburg expert on the new Federal Law No. 340-FZ dated April 3, 2018 "On the introduction of amendments to the Local Code of the Russian Federation and the legislative acts of the Russian Federation". The emphasis is on those that this chergovy normative act of power will give a headache and SROs, and National Social Security. Let's wake up. Offensive publications called out the great interest of professional knowledge, and the smut - rich food, as they continue to go to the editorial office. A group of our volunteer experts from two capitals has been opportune to give advice on how to feed the readers of the site on the drafting of the norms of the new law. And today we are opening the publication of the opinions of our experts.

FOOD. What period is the SRO responsible for bringing its documents up to the standards of Federal Law No. 340-FZ?

VІDPOVID. Federal Law No. 340-FZ dated April 3, 2018 did not establish a transitional period. This document was completed with the date of publication - 4 September 2018.

Vrakhovuchi, that the norms of the Federal law actually transfer the introduction of changes to the establishing and internal documents of the SRO, as well as the introduction of changes to the sub-legislative regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, there are a few possible options for the SRO:

A) making changes for one stage:

  • the holding of formal meetings of members of the SRO and the meeting of a permanent and collegial body after the onset of ceremonies under the laws and regulations and the preparation for the improvement of their projects and documents of the SRO;
b) making changes up to two stages:
  • preparation and introduction of amendments to the documents of the SRO with the approval of the Federal Law No. 340-FZ;
  • preparation and introduction of amendments to the documents of the SRO with the improvement of the legal normative acts.
FOOD. From what period can SROs have the right to accept, before their members, osib, how to apply for contracts in a row, no more naming of objects of capital life?

VIEW. Vіdpovіdno to Chastain 1 stattі 55.6 RF Mіstobudіvnogo Code, the members of the self-regulatory organіzatsії mozhut Buti priynyatі Yurydychna person (in addition chislі іnozemna Yurydychna person) that іndivіdualny pіdpriєmets for Minds vіdpovіdnostі such Yurydychna osіb that іndivіdualnih pіdpriєmtsіv vimogam, vstanovlenim samoregulіvnoyu organіzatsієyu to svoїh chlenіv, that splat such persons in full obsyazі vneskіv from the compensation fund (compensation fund) self-regulatory organization, as not otherwise established by this article.

Federal Law No. 340-ФЗ punishes SROs to establish voluntary contributions to their members, so that they can apply for contracts in a row more than znesennya objects of capital life, as well as to increase the contribution to the compensation fund for the provision of contracted goiter in the face of a simple rіvnya.

Vihodyachi of vischevikladenogo, SRO Got right in priymati svoї member of Yurydychna osіb abo іndivіdualnih pіdpriєmtsіv, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut for contracts pіdryadu tіlki znesennya ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, pіslya of acceptance she dialed chinnostі vіdpovіdnimi vnutrіshnіmi documents SRO scho visuvayut vimogi to osіb, SSMSC zdіysnyuyut for contracts in a row, there are no more objects. capital life

FOOD. Chi є okremim the right to znesennya objects of capital life, how can the SRO give its members?

VIEW. Article 55.8 of the Mistobudivny Code of the Russian Federation has been practically amended by Federal Law No. 340-FZ, starting from the change in the name of the article itself. Now Article 55.8 is called as follows: “The right of a member of a self-regulatory organization to review engineering work, to supervise the preparation of project documentation, life, reconstruction, overhaul, depreciation objects of capital life”.

Also amended up to part 1 of Article 55.8 of the Local Code of the Russian Federation:

"one. Individual undertaking that a legal person may have the right to oversee engineering work, supervise the preparation of project documentation, life, reconstruction, overhaul , Znesennia objects of capital life under a contract for the construction of engineering works, preparation of project documentation, under a contract for a life work contract, for a contract for a contract for a deduction, Ukladenim іz zabudovnikom, tehnіchnim zamovnikom, special, vіdpovіdalnoyu for ekspluatatsіyu budіvlі, sporudi, abo regіonalnim operator for minds scho Taqiy іndivіdualny pіdpriєmets abo such Yurydychna person Je member vіdpovіdno to a self-regulatory organіzatsії in the Branch іnzhenernih vishukuvan, arhіtekturno-budіvelnogo proektuvannya, budіvnitstva, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition objects of capital life, as otherwise not established by this Code”.

At once, about those, part 12 of article 55.16 of the Mistobudivny Code of the Russian Federation is supplemented with a new paragraph, which introduces an additional contribution to the compensation fund for the exodus of shkod:

“6) one hundred thousand karboventsiv in times, as a member of a self-regulatory organization, plans to remove the object of capital life, not to interfere with life, the reconstruction of the object of capital life (simple organization of self-regulation”).

Also, in paragraph 1, the words are added: “1) one hundred thousand rubles in time, as a member of a self-regulatory organization planning to build life, reconstruction capital life (given in terms of the third part - life), the number of which for one contract does not exceed sixty million rubles (the first income of a member of a self-regulatory organization)”.

As can be seen from the amended paragraph 1, the depreciation of the capital building object and the warehouse right to the building and reconstruction of the capital building object, at the same time, the person is also building the building and/or reconstruction of the capital building object.

Visove zitzovyovka norms for Osisb, Yaki Zdіysnuyutnyy Budіvniktva, the right to Pіdryad's contract for Znosnenna Znosu, stolen, especially for a screwdriver, a technician zamnik, especially, sporifi, ABO (OKRIM) right, like the SRO nadaє its member.

VIII EDITORIAL. In the next hour, we will continue the publication of the opinions of our volunteer experts. And we check for new food according to Federal Law No. 340-FZ.

Your ZanoStroy.RF

for the sake of the year, spend the anniversary - divided the IV Law,

Gromadyan, yakі may z kakihsya reasons for the right to a pension in connection with labor and other supportive activities, social pensions are restored (divided by the VIII Law). Such a pension can be recognized in the case of a replacement for a labor pension (for the benefit of the one who went after it).

Article 4

For example, living in the Russian Federation, the citizens of the other allied republics, foreign citizens and individuals without the community may have the right to receive pensions on foreign bases with the citizens of the Russian Federation, which is not otherwise transferred by the Law or contract.

Article 5. Right to choose a pension

Citizens, who may at once have the right to different sovereign pensions, are assigned to pay one of them, on their choice.

The right to withdraw two pensions is given:

a) citizens who became disabled as a result of war injuries (the Law), participants in the Great Veteran War (subparagraphs "a" - "g" and the Federal Law "On Veterans"), who became disabled as a result of severe illness, labor caliber for other reasons ( vinyatok osіb, the disability of those came after their illegal activities). You can restore a pension for old age (or for the service of life) and a pension for disability;

b) to the widows of military servicemen, who perished during the hour of war with Finland, the Great Vitchiznian war, the war with Japan, as they did not enter into new hats. You can get a pension for old age (otherwise a pension for disability, for life service, social) and a pension for spending a year's life - for a dead person.

c) vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv dad, SSMSC were vіyskovu service on zaklik, zagiblih (died) in perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo died vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї Service (vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death came vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv vnaslіdok їh protipravnih Act reasonably).

An old-age pension (pension for disability, for life service, social pension) can be restored, and a pension for a year's worth of spending a year (to the Law). At the same time, the pension for the year ahead is restored for the skin care of the dead (dead) military service.

Article 6. Retirement for pension

Citizens can apply for a pension, if only after vindication of the right to it, without subsistence, whether it be a term, and independently, according to their nature, take an hour of retribution.

Article 7

In connection with the increase in wages in the country's pensions, they charge for the calculation and increase in the way of the pensioner's individual coefficient for the increase of such minds:

a) Іndivіdalny Kyufіtsієnt Pensіoner is visited by the shih of Multname Rosemiru Pensії in VіdSotki, Shaho to get sideways in the trivosti of the work experience, on the middle of a middle-aidial surgery for the standings perigod, from a particular commission, to the middle of the same perigament.

The setting of the average monthly income of a pensioner to the average monthly salary in the country is set as a way under the average monthly income of a pensioner for the entire period to the average monthly salary in the country for the same period.

When viznachennі іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї to pay in kraїnі vrahovuєtsya rozmіrі have no hope 1.2 Square od pіdstavi priznachennya pensії for vinyatkom vipadkіv viznachennya іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera personages, SSMSC prozhivayut in areas Kraynoї Pіvnochі abo at mіstsevostyah, to prirіvnyanih districts of Krayny Pivnochi.

When viznachennі іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera personages, SSMSC prozhivayut in areas Kraynoї Pіvnochі abo in mіstsevostyah, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі have yakih rіshennyami organіv State Vladi CPCP abo Federal organіv State Vladi vstanovleno rayonnі koefіtsієnti to zarobіtnoї pay, vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera to serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї pay the country is insured at such sizes:

not needed 1.4 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who work up to wages, a district coefficient for rozmіrі is set to 1.5;

not needed 1.7 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who, before the wages of workers, a regional coefficient for rozmіrі vіd 1.5 to 1.8;

not needed 1.9 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who, before the wages of workers, a district coefficient for rozmіrі vid 1.8 is set.

With this, as established by different district coefficients to wages, with a designated individual coefficient of a pensioner, a coefficient to wages is insured, which is also the case in this region for non-employees and workers in the galley service.

Ladies, pensіya Yakima priznachena vіdpovіdno to Chastain pershoї stattі 14 Law, if viїzdі of rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі that mіstsevostey, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі on Nove postіyne Location of residing zberіgaєtsya rozmіr pensії, obchisleny іz zastosuvannyam vіdpovіdnogo vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera to serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї plateau the country, assigned in the paragraph to the fourth point.

Pensіoneram for vinyatkom osіb, zaznachenih in abzatsі dev'yatomu tsogo item when viїzdі of rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі that mіstsevostey, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі on Nove postіyne Location of residing obchislennya pensіy Provadia іz zastosuvannyam іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera, viznachenogo of urahuvannyam representation serednomіsyachnogo serednomіsyachnoї wages in the country that do not exceed the world 1.2.

b) if an individual coefficient is assigned to a pensioner, it is necessary to pay for the calendar period of work, military service, and provisional to her service, transfer, and paragraph "g" of article 92 of the Law, as well as the period of work "to labor tax" to be included "e" Article 92 Law. With some part of the other article 16, the Law does not stop.

The increase in the pension for old age, recognized for the total work experience (by the Law) is equal or greater;

c) an increase in the recognition of pensions in connection with the increase in wages in the country to be carried out on the basis of 1 fierce, 1 grass, 1 sickle and 1 leaf fall.

To increase the pension, the individual coefficient of the pensioner is zastosovuetsya up to the average monthly salary payment in the country for the period from 1st day to 31st birch, which means that the increase will be spent from 1st day of the month; from 1 qvіtnya to 30 chervnya, as a rule, the increase is carried out from 1 serpnya; from 1 lime to 30 spring, yakscho zbіlshennya weed from 1 leaf fall; from 1 calf to 31 breasts of the front rock, as a way to get through from 1 fierce offensive rock.

In the same order, the amount of the newly assigned or repaid pension is determined on the bases established by the Law;

d) the amount of the pension, the charges are applicable up to the tax rate, in all cases it cannot be less than the minimum amount of the pension established by the Law;

e) the increase in pensions, charges are applicable up to the level of the statute, exchanged with the maximum amount established by the Law, not subject to change;

e) mіnіmalny rozmіr pensії for starіstyu (statte 17 Law) that vіdpovіdno mіnіmalnі rozmіri іnshih vidіv pensіy pіdvischuyutsya in line peredbachenі paragraph "c" tsієї stattі at tsomu Novi mіnіmalny rozmіr pensії viznachaєtsya Shlyakhov multiplication chinnogo mіnіmalnogo rozmіru pensії on іndeks zrostannya serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї pay at the edge of the vіdpovіdny quarter. However, in all cases, the minimum amount of pension for old age cannot be lower for the amount, transferred to Article 17 of the Law;

h) to a pensioner who has been paid for a job, the calculation of that increase in pension is valid up to the statutory duty to be carried out from the 1st day of the month following it, for which the pensioner has pinned the appointed work.

SEREEDNOMAZYAYCHNA SERVICE fee in Krajnі for Periodi, Zondani at the point "In" Tsієї Statti, hardening by the Siberian Federal District of Rosіyskoi, for the applied of the leader Committee of Rosіyskoi Federation for statistics not pіznіsh 15, 15 kvіtni, 15 lipnya is the 15 ovtendy.

In quiet situations, if the pension is calculated, the calculation is up to the level of the statute, if it does not reach the limit, transferred by other norms to the Law, the pensioner has the right to choose the calculation of the pension without zastosuvannya individual coefficient.

The increase in pensions, calculated according to the norms of the Law without zastosuvannya іndivіdualnoi kofіtsієnt, go through the line, before paragraph "c" tsієї stattі, the way of indexation vіdpovіdno up to the growth of the average salary in the country.

Article 8. Bonuses for the payment of pensions

Financing of the payment of pensions, recognized according to the law, is funded by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the expenses of insurance contributions of robotic workers, the bulk of the population and allocations from the federal budget. When introduced to this Law, changes and additions that require an increase in the amount of money spent on the payment of pensions, the federal law is charged with the financial security of the additional amount of money.

c) for disabled people of the 1st group beyond the dawn: for people - at the reach of 50 years and with a total work experience of not less than 15 years and for women - at the reach of 40 years and with a total work experience of at least 10 years;

d) to the bulky people, we are ill with hypophyseal nanism (liliputam), and disproportionate dwarfs: for people - at the age of 45 years and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, for women - at the age of 40 years and with a total work experience of at least 15 years.

Article 12

Pension at the link with special minds is restored:

a) cholovіkov - pіsl smelting 50 rokiv і zіkamam - pіsl smelting 45 rokіv, Yakscho voni Vonpovyvyuly pledged not me 21 rokiv і 7 rokіv 6 mіsyatsіv on pіmber robots, on robots Zi Shk_dlivimi Umov Pratska Ta in gharii shops that їx 20 and 15 years.

Citizens who can have at least half the experience on underground robots, on robots with poor minds working in hot shops, a pension is assigned from the change in age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for one penny for the skin of such robots to people and women;

b) for men - after attainment of 55 years and for women - after attainment of 50 years, for example, the stench worked effectively on robots with important minds, at least 12 years, 6 months, and 10 years, and may have a significant work experience, designations.

Citizens who can have less than half of the experience on robots with important minds of work, a pension is assigned from the change in age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for one rok for one skin two years and six months for such robots for men and for skin two roki for women;

c) women - after reaching 50 years, as if the stench was promoted as tractor drivers-machinists in the agricultural state, other galleys of the people's state, as well as drivers of budding, road and vintage-rozvantazhuvalnyh machines not less than 15 years of work Law;

d) women - after attaining 50 years, even though the stench worked at least 20 years in the textile industry on robots with increased intensity and gravity.

d) cholovіkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 55 rokіv, zhіnkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 50 rokіv, Yakscho stink pratsyuvali vіdpovіdno not less then 12 rokіv 6 months at i 10 rokіv yak robochі lokomotivnі brigade that pratsіvniki okremih kategorіy, SSMSC bezposeredno zdіysnyuyut company profile transported that zabezpechuyut BEZPEKA Ruhu on zalіznichnomu transportі and subways (for the list of professions and towns), as well as driving vintage cars without intermediary in the technological process in mines, mines, rosettes and ore quarries on vivienne vugillya, slate, rudi, breed and may have a deep work experience, designations for statistics 10 Law;

f) men - within the reach of 55 years, women - within the reach of 50 years, even though they worked for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years in expeditions, parties, paddocks, and in brigades without middle-duration field surveyors -geodesic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forestry and rozvіduvalnyh robots and may have an extensive work experience, appointments in Article 10 of the Law.

During this period of work without intermission in the sex minds from the beginning until the end, they are paid for the work, less than the time - for the actual work, and on seasonal work - up to Article 94 of the Law;

g) cholovikov - p_sl smelting 55 rokiv, zhіnkam - pіsl smelting 50 rokіv, Yakschko Vonya Pepsyuva Vіdpovіv's not menesh 12 Rockіv 6 mіsyatsіv і 10 Rockіv Yak Robіtnikov, Maistra (in the same Number of Starshі) Speed-free on L_Soszagotivs Ta LіSosPLAVI, Inspirations (for the list of professions, posad and virobnitstv), that may have a deep work experience, appointments in Article 10 of the Law;

h) for men - after attainment of 55 years, for women - after attainment of 50 years, if the stench worked at least 20 and 15 years as mechanics (dockery-mechanizers) of complex teams on bridging and robbing robots at ports and may work Article 10 of the Law;

і) cholovikov - Після голонення 55 Rockіv, zhіnkam - pіsl smelting 50 rokіv, Yakschko Vonya Potzyuvali Vіdpovido not me 21 Rockіv 6 mіsyatsіv і 10 rokіv 6 mіsyatsіv І 10 Rockіv at the Plaskatlada on the vessels of Moruski, R_chkovo fleet that fleet of Ribno-Domisovosti (Kirm shipychy the water area of ​​the port, service-additional, rose, primisky and internal success) and may have an extensive work experience, appointments under Article 10 of the Law;

K) Cholovіkov - Pisl Movement 55 Rockіv Ta Zhіnkaam - Pisl Movement 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya Potsevali Yak Water Company, Tolleybusіv, tram on regular Mishkaya passenger routes Non-Messa Vіdpovy-20TA TA 15 Rock_ Majut Zhanki labor experience, the evaluation of Statti 10 law;

l) cholovikov І zіkamam - pіsl smelting 40 rokіv, Yakscho Voni postіino perforated with rolled cars in professional Avarino-Ektvalny services, professioned Avarino-outer-rolled formuances (for Poshika Posa supra-extreme situations;

m) chivovikov - by Оголенні 55 Rockіv, Zhіnkam - by Miscellennі 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya Buli Town in the robots zkudzhenniy zak Rob_Thniki Ta Services Installations, Shah Vymballin Krimіnalnі Запись свигаді росбульння вісі (behind the list Robіt i profession );

o) cholovіkam that zhіnkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 50 rokіv, Yakscho stink propratsyuvali not less then 25 rokіv on Posada State protipozhezhnoї service Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh ref Rosіyskoї Federatsії (pozhezhnoї receptionists Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh right, protipozhezhnih that avarіyno-ryatuvalnih services Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh right) peredbachenih perelіkom operational Posad Sovereign Anti-Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Lists of senior jobs (professions and settlements), for the improvement of which pensions are established at a reduced pension rate, are confirmed in order, which is appointed by the Order of the Russian Federation for the weather with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Article 13

Labor activities with special minds are practiced in the following order:

to the work, repaid in paragraph "b", - the work, assigned in paragraphs "e", "e", "g" and "i";

to the work repaid in paragraph "i", - the work assigned in paragraphs "b", "e", "f", "g";

Article 14

Pensіya in Zvnocheka's robot on the edge of Pіvnocha stand up: Cholovіki - Після голонення 55 Rockіv і zіninkam - by izhenenenі 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya rocked not me more than 15 calendar rock_s from the areas of destroying Півночі сbo Extreme pivnochi, that may have a deep work experience of at least 25 and 20 years.

Gromadyans, yakі worked yak near the districts of the Krayny Pivnoch, and in the cities, equated to the districts of the Krayny Pivnoch, the pension is restored for 15 calendar years of work on the Krayny Pivnoch. With this skin, the calendar day of work in the months, equated to the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, nine months of work are carried out in the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch.

Gromadyans, yakі propratsyuval in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi not less than 7 years 6 months, the pension is assigned from the change of age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for four months for the last calendar month of work in these regions. When working in the cities, which are close to the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, as well as in these places and the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, a rule is established, established by a part of another section of the statute.

Prior to work at the Last Pivnochi, labor activity is assigned to Article 12 of the Law.

The transfer of districts in the Kraynoi Pivnochi and towns, equated to the districts in the Kraynoi Pivnochi, is confirmed by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Article 15

Citizens who have reached the pension age, assigned by Article 10 of the Law, do not have a full lifetime of work experience for recognition of a pension, transferred by that Article itself, a pension is established for incomplete work experience, which is not less than five years.

Article 16. Pension allowance

The pension is established at the amount of 55 thousand rubles of earnings (divided by the VII Law) and, moreover, one hundred dollars of earnings for the last year of the total work experience, which exceeds the amount necessary for the recognition of a pension (Article 10 of the Law).

When a recognized pension is valid until the Law and the Law on the increase in income for one hundred years of earnings, it is also carried out for the skin of a new work period of special work experience necessary for the establishment of a pension.

The amount of the pension, calculated according to the ordered order, cannot exceed 75 thousand rubles of earnings.

Article 17. Minimum amount of pension

The minimum amount of the pension with a total work experience, equal to the necessary recognition of a new pension, is set lower than the amount established by federal law.

Article 18. Maximum amount of pension

Maximum Rosemіr Pensії with a tanning labor experience, Shah Dorіvnyuє Nekhіdny for acknowledged Penseni, to stand up on the RІVNI TRUHOH MINIMALINE ROMMIRIV PENSІSI (PRESH PERSH OF STATE 17), and PENSІSI, recognized as a robot to Zi Shkіdlivimi, the robot of Garychi workshops (paragraph "a" of article 12 of the Law), - three and a half times.

The amount of pensions (part of the first statute) is increased by one hundred thousand per year of total work experience over the required pension recognition, but not more than 20 thousand rubles.

Article 19

The increase in pensions with a non-permanent work experience is proportional to the actual length of service, based on a full pension, which is established for the length of service for men of 25 years and women of 20 years (the Law).

The calculation of pensions in proportion to the actual experience is carried out in the following way: this pension is subdivided by the number of months of required length of service; the sum is to be multiplied by the number of months of actually actual experience (for which experience, the period of over 15 days is rounded up to the full month, and the period of up to 15 days inclusive is not covered).

The increase in pensions with a non-permanent length of service cannot be lower for a social pension (paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law).

Article 20

The pension is assigned on a do-it-yourself basis.

Article 21. Additions to pensions

Before retirement, the following allowances are established:

a) to keep an eye on a pensioner, as a person who is a disabled person of the 1st group, or he will require a permanent third-party watch (for help, at a glance) to lay a liqual mortgage or reach 80 years;

b) on non-practical benefits (Articles 50 - 53 of the Law), because they themselves do not take any pension. The allowance for non-working pensioners is paid to non-working pensioners;

c) participants of the Great War of War (subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans"), if they are not immediately deducted from the pension for old age, the disability pension.

The amount of allowances for watching a pensioner, even if he is a disabled person of the 1st group, or has reached the age of 80 years, until the increase in the amount of social pension, designated under paragraph "a" of Article 114 of the Law.

Rosemic surcharge on the dogbar behind Pensіioner, Yakscho Vіn will not leave Viku 80 Rockіv і, I will not need a post_yny-sided dogland (Dopmers, Visnand) for Visnik L_kuvalo Install, and Torzіoner Divniu's Skin Nepricate Utility, Romiro Social Pensiji, has been reviewed by item "B" Stattі 114 Law, and for non-practical utrimantsya - a disabled person of the ІІІ group - assigned to paragraph "c" of the article.

The allowance for participants in the Great War of the Witches, assigned at point "c" of the first section of the article, is established at the following rates:

a) if you have reached the age of 80 years, or as disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups - two minimum pensions for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

b) the number of participants in the Great War of the Witches - one of the minimum old-age pensions (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Article 22. Payment of pensions to working pensioners

For the work after the recognition of the pension, an allowance is established for the increase of 10 thousand rubles of the pension for skin surgery (12 last months of work), but not more than lower for three years of work. Such an allowance is established for the work after the beginning of chivalry by the Law of these people, who, continuing to work, mali the right to a pension, but they did not take it away. Looking at the extra charge, the total sum of the pension is not separated.

Pension, established for unemployed prestrokovo, pensioners who work, do not pay. If such hulks reach the pension age, for which the stink of gaining the right to a pension on the arrogant, plethoric bases, or at the link with the special minds of the workers, the payment of their pension will be carried out, obviously, to a part of the first state.

III. Disability pension

Article 23. Disability of that group

Invalidity is important for the damage to the health of a person with a stable disorder of the functions of the body, which should lead to a new or significant loss of professional practice, or the present difficulties in life. Three groups of disability can be seen from the lower stage.

Citizens, who have already spent the building to regular professional practice in the great minds, are restored to disability of the I group, as if the stench will require a constant third-party observation (additional help, observation), and the II group, as if the stench will not require such an inspection.

Gromadyans, who have spent the building up to regular professional practice, are restored to the III disability group.

Article 24

Disability, її group, reason, and if necessary, the hour will come, are appointed by the medical and labor expert commissions (VTEK), which are based on the position, as they are confirmed in order, which are designated by the Council of the Russian Federation.

Article 25

Disability of the I group is restored for two years, II and III groups - for one day.

The term will not be revised: for people over 60 years of age and women over 55 years of age, for people with disabilities with irreversible anatomical defects, and for other people with disabilities - for a change of illness, which will be confirmed in order, which is designated by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Article 27

Pensіya on pіdstavah, peredbachenih for vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv (vklyuchayuchi partizanіv Velikoї Vіtchiznyanoї that gromadyanskoї voєn and takozh Jung sinіv (vihovantsіv) polkіv) priznachaєtsya at nastannі іnvalіdnostі vnaslіdok vіyskovoї trauma (Act) abo zahvoryuvannya, otrimanogo pid hour vіyskovoї service (Act).

On equal bases with military servicemen, a pension is assigned to the persons of the chief and ordinary warehouse of internal affairs. When tsomu іnvalіdnіst scho came vnaslіdok wounding, kontuzії, kalіtstva, otrimanih at vikonannі sluzhbovih obov'yazkіv in organs vnutrіshnіh ref, prirіvnyuєtsya to іnvalіdnostі vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury, and іnvalіdnіst scho came vnaslіdok іnshih reasons scho mali Location in perіod prohodzhennya service of zaznachenih organs, - to the disabled after falling ill, taken away from the hour of the military service.

Article 28. Hour of the present disability

Article 26 of the Law, shall be established independently, if disability has come (before the beginning of labor duty (training) at the period of work (training), or after it has been attached to it), and on bases, assigned to Article 27 of the Law, service or later three months after the end of the military service, or after the last term, and after the military injury or illness, the end of the first hour of the military service.

Article 29

Disability pension due to labor qualification and occupational illness (Article 39 of the Law) is assigned independently in view of the trivality of the hard work experience.

Disability pension due to severe illness (by the Law) for people who have become disabled up to 20 years old, is also assigned independently due to the severity of severe work experience. In the author's vipads for acknowledged pensії according to the Іnvalіdnostі vnaslіddok of the tannaya Zhanvyuvannya, the needless percent experience per hour Nanastani іnvalіdnostі: Gromadanam Vіkomu up to 23 Rockіv - not me than one rock, and Vіtsі 23 Rocky і older - one rіk zb_lighnem yogo on Chotiri Mіsyatsi r_k vіku, starting from 23 years, but no more than 15 years.

When perehodі of pensії for іnvalіdnіstyu vnaslіdok labor kalіtstva, profesіynogo zahvoryuvannya, vіyskovoї injury abo zahvoryuvannya, otrimanogo in perіod vіyskovoї service on pensіyu for іnvalіdnіstyu vnaslіdok zagalnogo zahvoryuvannya neobhіdny seniority viznachaєtsya for vіkom hour Pochatkova vstanovlennya іnvalіdnostі. This rule zastosovuetsya, as a break in disability does not exceed 5 years.

Article 30

Citizens, yakі є іnvalіdym І and ІІ groups in the aftermath of the contagious illness, and do not have a full length of service for the recognition of a pension (by the Law), a pension is restored for a non-constrained convict's length of service.

Article 31

Pension (crime pension for disability due to military injuries) is established at the following rates: for disabled people of groups I and II - 75 thousand rubles, group III - 30 thousand rubles.

In quiet situations, if the pension cannot be calculated from earnings, it will be established at a firm rate, which is closer to the minimum rate of pension (Law).

Article 32. Minimum amount of pension

The disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups will be restored at the level of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law), and the disability pension of the 3rd group - at the level of 2/3 of the minimum pension.

Article 33. Maximum amount of pension

The maximum amount of pension for disability of the 1st and 2nd groups will be set equal to the maximum amount of pension for old age (part of the first article 18 of the Law), and the pension for disability of the 3rd group - the minimum amount of the first state (part of the pension).

The amount of the pension for disability of I and II groups (part of the first category of the statute) is increased by one hundred years for the skin of the last century of the total length of service over the amount necessary for the recognition of the pension for old age for the full length of service, but not more than 20 years of work.

Article 34

Disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups for non-recurring total work experience are deducted from the total disability pension in accordance with the procedure established by Article 19 of the Law. Її rozmіr cannot be lower for a social pension (paragraph "b" of article 114 of the Law).

Article 35

Disability pension due to military injury (Law) or illness taken away from the period of military service (Law) is assigned independently in the case of trivality of total military service, including military service.

On equal bases with military services, if they became disabled due to military injuries, pensions are restored:

gromadyanam number of robіtnikіv i sluzhbovtsіv vіdpovіdnih kategorіy, іnvalіdnіst yakih came from zv'yazku of wounding, kontuzієyu, kalіtstvom abo zahvoryuvannyam, otrimanimi in rayonі vіyskovih Act reasonably, on the frontline dіlyankah zalіznits on sporudzhennі Defense rubezhіv, vіyskovo-morskih bases that aerodromіv, that prirіvnyanim pension security to the military servicemen, depending on the special decisions of the Order of the SRSR;

hulks, who became disabled in connection with wounded, shell-shocked, calisthenic or ill, taken away during the period of rebuking from guilty battalions, platoons and corrals to defend the people;

to the hulks, we will call on the initial and re-checking gatherings, and as if they became disabled after injury, contusions or calistva, taking away the hour of service shoes' shoes during the passage of these gatherings.

Article 36

The disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups due to a military injury (the Law) is assigned at the maximum allowance, established by part of the first statute 18 of the Law, and the disability pension of the 3rd group due to a similar variety of reasons - for a different reason

Article 37. Pension for migrants from other countries

Radyansk hulks - migrants from other lands, who did not work in the Russian Federation or the SRSR, a pension is assigned:

a) due to disability due to labor qualifications, occupational illness, military injuries, taken away from the first hour of the Great Great War in the fight against the armies of the powers that were spent at the war camp in the SRSR, - independent of the length of service;

b) for disability due to severe illness - for the presence of severe work experience, necessary for a century for an hour of work (the Law).

Article 38. Additions to pensions

Before the pension for disability of the 1st and 2nd groups, allowances are restored, referred to in paragraphs "a", "b" and "c" of the first article 21 of the Law.

Before the pension for disability of the ІІІ group, an allowance is established, transferred by the Law.

Article 39

The invalidity of the worker, as if victorious at work, was assigned to the part of the first article 89 of the Law, it is respected such that it came after the labor age, as an unfortunate fall, which caused damage to health, becoming:

a) the hour of vykonannya labor obov'yazkіv (zokrema pіd hrіdryadzhen), and navіt pid hr skoєnnya be-yakikh dіy in the sphere of organization, even if without authorization of the administration (government of the kolgospu toshcho.);

b) at the cost of a job or a job;

c) on the territory of the organization, or in another place of work, for a working hour (including those established interruptions), for an hour, necessary for the ordering of the workforce, and a thin garment. before the cob or after the end of the work;

d) near the organization or another month of work and stretching the working hour, including the established breaks, as if the transfer there was not superficial to the rules of the internal labor order.

In addition, the disability of a hulk is considered such that it has come after the labor age, as an unfortunate fluctuation, which, having caused damage to health, becomes like this:

e) the first hour of passing the training (practice), or the carrying out of the initial studies (experiments) of the first hour of the training;

f) under the hour of vykonanny state obov'yazkіv, and navіt heads of radyansk chi hromada organizations, the activity of such superechit the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

g) under the hour of vikonanny gromadyanskogo ob'yazku z order of human life, protect power and law and order.

Article 40. Disability due to occupational illness

Disability is respected such that it has come after a professional illness, as if illness, which called out to you, is recognized by a professional. The list of professional illnesses is confirmed by the order that is appointed by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Article 41. Disability due to military injury

Іnvalіdnіst gromadyan, scho passed vіyskovu service, in addition chislі yak Jung sinіv (vihovantsіv) polkіv, vvazhaєtsya with such a scho came vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury, Yakscho Won Je naslіdkom wounding, kontuzії, kalіtstva, otrimanih at zahistі CPCP, Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo at vikonannі іnshih obov'yazkіv vіyskovoї service (service obov'yazkіv), chi ill, scho s perebuvannyam frontі.

Article 42

Іnvalіdnіst Vuddian, Yaki was held by Vіiskov service, in the number of Yak Jung, Sinіv (Vikovantsіv) Polkіv, to come in touch with such, Scho Naslіddok Zakhvoryuvnya, Reflammable in Perigod of Vіiskovo, Yakschko, became the head of Kalіzzv Vnaslіddok Nechadki Vipadka, not a re 'language of the military service (service). obov'yazkіv), or ill, not tied up with rebuking at the front.

Article 44

If the disability is more severe due to other reasons, the reason for the disability is attributed to the disability.

Article 45

The pension is established on the term for which the disability is assigned (to the Law).

Article 46

Under the hour of reviewing the disability group, the pension of the new rozmіrі is paid from the day the disability group is changed. If disability is not established, then the pension is paid until the end of the month, in which a review was carried out, but not until the day before which disability was established.

Article 47

If a hulk does not show up at the appointments of the terms for review by PTEC, then the payment of a pension is charged. It will be remembered from the day, if the hulk is again recognized as a disabled person. If you skip a line, re-examine the important reason for the introduction of the VTEC of disability for a minute, the pension is paid from the day for which the hulk was recognized as disabled. If, when re-examining, another disability group was installed (I’m looking for a lower one), then the pension is paid for the indications hour after the previous group.

Article 48

Previously, a disability pension was recognized after a severe illness, but from the day you signed it, you must pay through the end of the term, for which disability was established, no more than five years have passed. Renewal of a previously recognized disability pension due to other reasons is not defined by the term.

At the time of the current disability, the next time, interrupt the pension for disability, you can recognize (for the disability) on the high grounds.

Article 49. Payment of pensions to working pensioners

For working pensioners, the pension is paid at the full amount (without the allowance for benefits).

IV. Pension for the year ahead spend your year

Article 50

The right to a pension may be lost by non-practical members of the dead, as if they were trying to yogo utrimani (the Law). The fathers and widows (widows) of the hulks, who perished in the aftermath of military injuries, one of the fathers or the squad, the other member of the family, designated in paragraph "c" of the article, as well as the skin of the fathers of the military servicemen, for the deaths, served in (died) perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo died vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї service (vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death came vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv vnaslіdok їh protipravnih Act reasonably) pensіya priznachaєtsya Square od of chi stink perebuvali on utrimannі zagiblih (died).

The non-proprietary members of the sіm'ї are respected by:

a) children, brothers, sisters that onuks, who did not reach 18 years, and the older ones for this century, as if they became disabled until they reached 18 years, with whom brothers, sisters, those onuks - for the mind, because the stench does not think of practical fathers;

b) father, mother, cholovik (team, cholovik), if the stench reached 60 or 55 years (for example, people and women), or they were disabled;

c) one of the fathers, or a person, or a grandfather, a grandmother, a brother, or a sister, regardless of the age of practice, as a vin (won) taking care of the children, brothers, sisters, or the onuks of a dead yearling, they did not reach 14 years, and did not work ;

d) did that grandmother - for the presence of osib, yakі for the law of goiter yazanі їх utrimuvati;

e) the fathers of the deceased (died) military servicemen, who served in the military service on a call, as the stench reached 55 and 50 years (for example, men and women) (Law).

The fathers of that person died, because they didn’t change their minds, to earn the right to a pension, as if by the stink of the year they spent a lot of money for a foundation.

Article 51

Learned, retired at the age of 18 years and older, but not more than the age of 23 years old, may be entitled to a pension from the year before the completion of full-time training for full-time education in the educational establishments of all types and types of lighting installations of supplementary lighting.

Article 52

Let that stepmother earn the right to a pension like a father and a mother for a mind, as if they were waving, or they humiliated a dead stepson to a stepchild no less than five years old.

Pasinok and padchera may have the right to a pension like their own children.

Article 53

The members of this dead man are respected by such that they changed on yoga morning, as if the stinks were changing on yoga for a new morning, or they took off any help, as it was for them that the main source of help for foundation.

The members of this dead man, who helped him with the help of the constant and main dzherel of the koshtіv for the foundation, and even if they themselves took away a pension, may have the right to go to a pension from a year's worth of money.

Trimming the children of the dead fathers are being transferred and forcing evidence.

Article 54

Sims of the weightless day-to-day hulks are equated with the dead families, as the weightless day-time of the year-old is certified in the established order. For this family of military servicemen, who have experienced absence of the hour of the war days, they are compared to the family of those dead due to the military injury (to the Law).

Article 55

Irrelevant, yak may have the right to a pension (Law), save the right when they are adopted.

Article 56. Saving a pension upon entering a new school

The pension, recognized from the year before, wasted a year-old man - squads, is saved when entering a new school.

Article 57

Pensions are assigned to the solemn bases, as if the death of the one-year-old came as a result of the labor age, a professional chivalrous illness.

Article 58

Pension on support, established for the families of military servicemen (including those of partisans of the Great Civil War and the Great War), is assigned, as if the death of the birthday came after the military injury and illness, taken off during the hour of military service.

On equal bases from the sim's of the military servicemen, the pension is assigned to the sim's of the osib of the chief and the rank and file of the internal affairs bodies. Under Cwoom, the death of the yearvalnik, Shcho Naxlіdda Pozennynynya, Constuitsi, Kalіzzv, recorded in Vicannі services, Obovo bodies in the internal office bodies, shouldn for the deaths of Vnaslіddok Vіiskovo, and the death of Godvalnik, Scho Introduced the Introduction service at the appointed authorities, - until the death of the anniversary of the illness, taken away from the hour of the military service.

Article 58-1. Pension on bases, established for the fathers of the deceased (dead) military servicemen, who served in the military service on call

Pensіya on pіdstavah, vstanovlenih for batkіv zagiblih (died) vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, SSMSC were vіyskovu service on zaklik, priznachaєtsya, Yakscho zagibel (death) came in perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї service vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury (for vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv came) in the wake of their opposing actions).

Article 59

Pensіya on pisstavakh, zanomy in Stattі 57 law, to stand out unmodestful, if the deathwaller's death came, Stattі 58 on the law, Yakshko, the Death of Godvalnik came from Perigod Vіyskovo, ABO NOT Pіsnіsh, Triok Myskіv Pіsl, Abo pіznіshe tsgogo termіn, ale after the military trauma and illness, taken away under the hour of the military service.

Article 60

Pension from the year before spending a year's worker on the basis of labor qualifications and occupational illness is assigned independently in view of the year's work experience.

Pension from the year after spending the year after a bad illness is restored, as if the year before the day of death is a long work experience, which is necessary for the recognition of a disability pension (by the Law).

Article 61

Sim'yam gromadyan, yakі died after a savage ailment and not to waste a full length of service, sufficient for recognition of a pension (by the Law), a pension is awarded for a nepovny scorched work record of a year.

Article 62

Pensіya Z Nenodi Ground Girl (KRIM PENSІSI З Naked the Grounds of the Gervilnika Vnasіddok Vіiskovo's injuries of Ta Pensії zh Hedgly Pohi Gervalnik Batyki Wagbler (Perember) Vіiskovsk bobbovtsіv, Scho took place at the cliking service) to stand up at Rosemіr 30 Vіdsotk_vkіtka yearwalnik on the skin incraze. a child, yak spent both fathers, and a dead mother of her own - at the second increase in the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Article 63. Minimum amount of pension

Pensions, including those with an unrecorded work experience of a year-old, cannot be lower for a social pension, assigned in paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law, at the expense of a skin non-procedural member of the family.

Article 64. Maximum amount of pension

The maximum amount of the pension is set on the level of the minimum amount of the pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law) for a skin non-procedural member of the family, for the vineyard of the pension for children, for they spent both fathers, she died for single mothers (Zakonu) (died) military servicemen, yakі passed military service in response to the call (to the Law).

Article 65

The amount of pensions for the non-recurring work experience of a year-old is deducted (with a new pension) in accordance with the procedure established by Article 19 of the Law.

Article 66. Causes of death of a yearling

The death of a year-old man is respected such that it has come in the aftermath of a labor crisis, a professional illness, a military injury, an illness taken away during the period of military service, an infamous illness, as it has become a legacy of causes that are recognized, before, by the Law.

Article 67

Retirement for spending a year's anniversary due to a military injury or illness, taken away for an hour of military service, is assigned independently in view of the trivality of a year's work experience, a military service.

On equal support from the families of military servicemen, who perished as a result of a military injury, pensions are restored to their families, who were repaid by Article 35 of the Law, as they perished as a result of such an injury.

Article 68

A pension from the year before spending a year after a military injury is assigned at the maximum amount established by Article 64 of the Law.

Article 68-1. Spending a year's anniversary to the fathers of the dead (dead) military servicemen, who served in the military service on a call

Retirement for the year to spend the anniversary of the fathers of the dead (died) military servicemen, who served in the military service in response to the call (to the Law), the skin father is restored to three minimum pensions for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Article 69. Pension for the family of deceased pensioners

For the families of deceased pensioners, pensions are awarded at the outrageous ambush independently due to the annual work experience.

Sim'yam died pensioners, if they became disabled due to a military injury, the pension is assigned according to the rules established by the Law regardless of the cause of death of the pensioner.

Before the family of dead pensioners, one can see those sims, the one-year-old of them died in the period of retirement, or no later than five years after the payment of the pension.

Article 70. Additions to pensions

Before the pension, the following allowances are established: for keeping an eye on the pensioner - on the minds of those at the remittances, transferred to Article 21 of the Law; children with disabilities and children with disabilities of the 1st and 2nd groups, who have spent both fathers, as well as the appointed children of a deceased mother of their own - at the social pension, transferred by paragraph "a" of Article 114 of the Law.

Article 71. Period for which the pension is established

The pension is restored for the entire period, by the protyag of which a member of this dead person is respected by non-practices (to the Law).

Article 72

When changing the number of members of the family, who will be provided with a pension, the pension is reviewed for the number of members of the family, as if they may have the right to receive a pension.

The pension in the new expansion is due on the first day of the month following it, for whom the situation has come, which will cause a change in the expansion of the pension. With the current situation, which is to pull the payment of a pension, the payment of a pension is attached to the same term.

Article 73

For the children who have spent both fathers, that dead single mother, during the period of rebuking them, 50 thousand pensions are paid to the sovereign state, and 25 thousand rubles for other children.

In this order, a social pension is paid, it is installed for children, like they spent their fathers.

For the period of rebuying children from children's institutions on the basis of state security, between recognized and dependent until the pension is paid, children should be repaid to the rahunki of these institutions.

Article 74

For the help of any member of this family, a part of the pension is seen to be paid well. At the same time, a part of the pension for children, if they spent both fathers, that deceased mother of her own will be recognized by the death, established by Article 62 of the Law.

Part of the pension is seen from the first day of the month following it, who had a statement about the distribution of pensions.

Article 76. Payment of pensions to working pensioners

For working pensioners, the pension is paid in the amount of money.

V. Pensions for service

Article 77

The pension for the service of the fates is established at the link with the trival underground, other work with especially shky and important minds, as well as other professional activities.

Article 78

Madigani, chaselessness of the ones of the robucky day on the pіdembatis of the Vіdkritih G_rnichih robots (turns on the specialiest warehouse of gіrnichlyvalnye part) h Vidobuteku Vugіllya, Slate, Rudy Taji Coristers Kopalin Ta on Budіvniktvі Shakhta Ta Rudnik (behind the list of Robit Ta Profije, Scho , to earn the right to pension independently for a century, as stench worked on appointed robots for at least 25 years, and practitioners of conducting professions on these robots - tampons of cleaning viboy, walkers, vibіynik on vіdbіy hammers, machinists on such robotic viboyu machines less than 20 years.

Article 78-1. Um, scho signify the right to a pension for the service of a rock at a link with a robot on ships to the fleet of the fishing industry, the marine tare fleet

Retirement for communication with work on ships of the navy for the fishing industry for vidobutka, processing of ribeye and seafood, for the acceptance of finished products in the industry (depending on the nature of the work), as well as on other types of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet for an hour of service not less than 25 years, for women - 20 years.

Article 78-2. Think about the right to a pension for the service of life at the link with the work at the professional emergency repair services, professional emergency repair molding

Retirement at the link with a robotic guard at professional emergency repair services, professional emergency repair moldings (for relocation of the station and specialties, which are confirmed by the Order of the Russian Federation) can be established independently on the 15th day of service.

Article 79

Retirement at the link with the work at the litter and trial warehouse is established: for people with service not less than 25 years, for women - not less than 20 years; in case of lack of heavy work at the camp of health - for people with service not less than 20 years, for women - not less than 15 years.

Pensions at the link with work and management will be restored: for people - after reaching 55 years of age, and for a lifetime of work not less than 25 years, of which not less than 12 years of 6 months of work with direct management of public relations; women - after attainment of 50 years and for a lifetime of work experience less than 20 years, and at least 10 years of work for the direct management of the flights of the ships.

Pensіya S Z Z'IONCHOK WORK WORKING IN THE ISNEVENNO AND TECHNY WALLWAY WORLDS WOMEN: Cholovіki - Pisl Movement 55 Rockіv, with a tanning labor experience of Roboti in Tsivіlnіi Avіatsії no menesh 25 Rockіv, not a member of a member of the Rocky Schedule of the Schedule; for women - after reaching 50 years and for the total length of service in civil aviation less than 20 years, and at least 15 years from the uninterrupted service of the ships.

Article 80

Pensions in connection with pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children are established for services of at least 25 years.

Article 81

Retirement in connection with the splendid and other work for the protection of the health of the population is established for the services of at least 25 years in the rural area and in the settlements of the city type and not less than 30 years in the towns.

Article 82

Retirement at the link with creative work on the stage in theaters and other theatrical and visual organizations and collectives is established for services on 15, 20, 25 or 30 years depending on your character.

Article 83

Lists of eligible jobs (professions and settlements), for which a pension is awarded for service, and for necessary jobs, the rules for calculating service and recognizing pensions are approved by the Order of the Russian Federation for weather with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Article 84. Pension allowance

Pensions (krіm pensions for workers employed on underground and other maid jobs) are set at the rate of 55 to 75 wages. With the service, which is more expensive, the amount of the pension will be 55 thousand rubles; for the skin of the last river of service, I will need more wine for one hundred years of income. In case of service at a literal and literal-testing warehouse for people from 20 to 25 years old and for women from 15 to 20 years old (part of the first article 79 of the Law), the pension is changed by 2000 wages for leather work (incl. to re-service.

The amount of pensions for pilots-testers of the 1st class is increased by 10 thousand. For all types of pensions, the increase in pensions cannot exceed 75 thousand dollars of earnings. With any exchange, established by Article 86 of the Law, do not stagnate.

Retirement for workers employed on underground and other maid jobs (to the Law) is set at a surplus of 75 hryvnias of income.

Article 85. Minimum amount of pension

The minimum amount of the pension is calculated on the basis of the minimum amount of the pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

The amount of pension (a part of the first statute) is increased by one hundred per year for the skin of the latest special work experience (service) over the necessary recognition of a pension, but not more than 20 hundred per cent.

Article 86. Maximum amount of pension

The maximum pension amount is calculated on the level of the total maximum pension amount for old age (a part of the first article of Article 18 of the Law), and for civil aviation aviation on the level of three times with half of the minimum pension amount for old age.

The maximum amount of pension (a part of the first tax of the state) is increased by 1 new hundred for a second period of special work experience (service) over the necessary recognition of a pension, but not more than the lower by 20 thousand.

Article 86-1. Supplement to pension

Until the pension for the service of the roki, an allowance is established, transferred by paragraph "c" of the first article 21 of the Law.

Article 87. Payment of pensions to working pensioners

Pensions (krіm pensions for practitioners employed on underground and other maid jobs, as well as pensions recognized from the link with the pedagogical activity at schools and other institutions for children, and the pension recognized from the link with the medical health care 'I'm populated in the rural towns) and in the settlements of the mіsk type) pay for the minds of the overwork (service), for the improvement of which it was installed. For the rest of the work, the pension is paid in accordance with the procedure transferred to the first part of Article 22 of the Law.

Pension, recognized to practitioners, employed in underground and other maiden jobs, as well as pension, recognized in connection with pedagogical activity in schools and other institutions for children, that pension, recognized in connection with jubilant and health care work I am populated in rural towns and settlements of the mіsk type (statti 78 , , Law), in order, transferred to the first part of the article 22 of the Law, regardless of the nature of the work.

VI. Work experience and yogo literacy

Article 88

In order to improve the total work experience, that is, the total trivality of labor and other sustained work, assigned in this division of the Law, an old-age pension is established, and in case of disability, a pension for disability per year is established.

In order to improve the special work experience, to the total trivality of the singing labor activity (service), a pension for old age is established at the link with special minds to work (to the Law), to work on the Extreme Pivnoch (to the Law), as well as a pension for the service of the Vth Law (divided ) .

Article 89

Before the infamous work experience, it includes whether it is a robot, like a robot worker, serving (a hired robot until the establishment of the Radyansk government beyond the cordon), a member of the collective state or other cooperative organization; other work, like a worker, not being a worker, but a service worker, indulging in state social insurance; work (service) at the militarized defense, in the organs of the special connection of the abo ryatuvial part, regardless of their character; іndivіdualna truda dіyalnіst, zokrema y silske gospodarstvo.

The period of creative activity of members of the creative teams of the SRSR and the allied republics - writers, artists, composers, cinematographers, theatrical actors and others, as well as writers and artists, if they are not members of major creative teams, they are assigned to work. The experience of creative activity is calculated according to the order, which is determined by the Council of the Russian Federation.

Article 90

Service at skladі Zbroynih Forces Rosіyskoї Federatsії that іnshih stvorenih vіdpovіdno to zakonodavstva Rosіyskoї Federatsії vіyskovih formuvan, Ob'єdnanih Zbroynih Forces Spіvdruzhnostі Square Powers Zbroynih Forces kolishnogo CPCP in organs vnutrіshnіh right, zovnіshnoї rozvіdki organs, organs kontrrozvіdki Rosіyskoї Federatsії, mіnіsterstvah i vіdomstv, in some laws, the military service, the number of organs of the state security of the Russian Federation, as well as the organs of the state security and internal affairs of the large SRSR (among those in the period, if the organs were called in a different way), were transferred to partisan pens in the period of the Great Civilization viyni to be included before the infamous length of service on a par with the work, transferred from Article 89 of the Law.

Article 91

Pіdgotovka to profesіynoї dіyalnostі - navchannya in schools, schools that courses of pіdgotovki kadrіv, pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії that of perekvalіfіkatsії have serednіh spetsіalnih that vischih The Teaching mortgages perebuvannya in aspіranturі, doktoranturі, klіnіchnіy ordinaturі vklyuchaєtsya to zagalnogo seniority narіvnі of robots pererahovano stattі 89 Law.

Article 92

Before the infamous work experience, it is included in the same way as the work, assigned by Article 89 of the Law, such periods:

a) temporal incompetence, which developed during the period of work, that disability of the 1st and 2nd groups of calisthenics associated with virility, or occupational illness;

b) looking after a disabled person of the 1st group, a child with a disability, an old one, as if she would require a third-party watch over a visnovka of a mercenary mortgage;

c) the care of an unpractised mother for a skin child in a child up to three years and 70 days until her birth, and not more than 9 years in a dream;

d) accommodation of squads (cholovіkіv) of military servicemen, if they were to serve in military service for a contract, at once from cholovіkami (brigades) at the military, they could not practice for specialty at the link with the opportunity to work;

e) living behind the cordon squads (cholovіkіv) pracіvnіkіv radyanskih ustanov and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in a shack;

f) perebuvannya at the mistsyakh vyaznennya over the term, appointments pіd hour revisited right;

g) to pay additional help for unemployment, participation in paid community work and moving for employment service directions to another city and practice.

Article 92-1. Other periods to be included before the special work experience

With staundered Pensiya for Star_Sti, the Pratsі Vіdpovd to Stattі 12, the law of the hour of the Іnvalіdnostі і eta group of Onaslіdnostі І TA II Group Unaslіdtnostі і, a d'яз завина завирибнийству, Абовина обовиняя воривина зарідовное за роботво, Якійна заринановна

Article 93

Period, scho insured up to the length of service, indemnify for their actual trivality, for a vinnyatkiv, listed in article 94 of the Law, that special rules for calculating the service of rokiv (Law).

Article 94

In case of seniority, assigned in the,,, Law, the onset of work (service) periods are calculated in the following order:

the last navigational period on water transport, the last season in the organization of seasonal industry galleries - for the river of work. The change of the seasons of the season is confirmed by the order, which is designated by the Order of the Russian Federation.

at leper colonies and anti-plague establishments - at the subway rosemary;

at the military quarters, headquarters and installations, which enter the depot of the infantry army, at the partisan pens and yards during the period of combat operations, as well as the hour of worship at the military installations after military injuries (to the Law) - at the door;

at metro station Leningrad during the hour of the blockade (from 8 spring 1941 to 27 sichnya 1944) - at the potryyny rozmіrі;

under the hour of the Great Veteran War (from 22 chervnya, 1941 to 09 travny, 1945), for a wink work in areas that were paid off by the enemy, - at the root of the rose;

in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi and in the regions, equated to the districts of Kraynoi Pivnochi, - in one and a half roses;

military service on call - at the subway rosemary.

Gromadyan, unprimed attracted to criminal conviction, unprimed repressed and rehabilitated by a year of rehab, an hour of morning sickness, perebuvannya at the local authorities, and slandered to a lifetime of work experience at a third peace.

Article 95

Gromadyans, yakі lived in areas, timchaly paid off by the enemy during the period of the Great Witches war, and reached the day of occupation, or in the period of 16 years, until the total length of service, the whole hour of the period of their transfer from the capital of 16 years of the older countries, the states of the Soviet Union and also on the territories of the powers that were at the camp of the wars from the SRSR, the Crimean vipadkiv, if the stench in the appointments of the period they committed evil.

Gromadyans, yakі lived in the city of Leningrad in the period of the blockade (from 8 spring 1941 to 27 sichnya 1944), the period of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war to the scorched length of service at the dependent rozmіrі, krіm vipadkіv, if the stench in the appointments of the period was blamed,

Article 96. Proof of work experience

The length of service before registration as an insured person is subject to the Federal Law "On the individual (personification) appearance of the state pension insurance system", is established on the basis of documents that are seen in the established order by the state authorities and municipal authorities.

The length of service, after registration as an insured person, is established on the basis of statements of an individual (personalized) appearance.

Article 97

The work experience (crime work in okremi hromadyan), appointments at a part of the first statute 89 to the Law, you can install on the basis of showing two or more certificates, as documents about the labor activity spent at the connection with the natural disaster (earthworks, later, then ). n.) that it is impossible to vouch for them. In a few cases, it is allowed to establish the work experience for showing certificates when documents are used for other reasons (for example, in the wake of their poor savings, mindful poverty).

Article 98

In times, if foreign hulks or persons without hulkiness, those sims need a great amount of work experience for recognition of a pension, the work beyond the cordon is included up to such a length of service, as if no less than two-thirds of it falls on a job in the SRSR, even if it is not otherwise transferred by contract.

VII. Calculation of pensions from earnings

Article 99

Pensіya at the ZV'Inku's Labor Suspilly Corisino Dyalnіsty (law) is requisitioned for standing standards IZ SEREDNOMIABYAYA SERVICE, CRIM VIPADKIV MAKEMENT IS MAKE YOVAY VІDPOVYY MAY PLAMMІRI VUMUDYANAM, YAKIY STAY EXISTING ENVIRONMY, SIM'YAM SMUDADYAN, YAKI perished after such an injury (statt 36, to the Law), as well as to children, as they spent both fathers, that child died of their own mother (to the Law).

Gromadyans, such as a pension can be calculated from earnings, will be restored to hard sums, equal to the minimum amounts of annual pensions.

Article 100

Earnings for the calculation of pensions include all types of payments (income), deducted from the connection with the vicarial workers (service obligations), referred to Article 89 of the Law, on which insurance contributions are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

b) help with timchasovy unpracticality;

c) a scholarship that is paid for the period of study (to the Law).

Article 101. Estimation of the natural part of earnings

The natural part is valued at state-owned retail prices for the period, if the payment was made.

Article 102

SEREEDNOMIMIKY SURTATING COMPLETED PENSIMI WHERE (FOR THE BAZHNES OF TOM, HTO HTO FOR PENMSІюююYU): For 24 remains, Roboty (Services, CRIM ROYSIKOVO, OOO) Before the suts for Pensіюu Abo for Be Supernia 60 Misіv Roboti (Services) Spail Owl Society before retirement for retirement.

Three months, for which the average monthly income is paid, they are included (for the money, which is spent for a pension) for the last month of work at the beginning of the month, or on the first day of the month, that money is missing (wasted) in the Zv'yazka to Trioh Rockіv's dog, and the hour of robot hour, the sick of the Yaku Vadyanin Bouv Іnvalіd Aboy, Refiruvnaya VіdshKoduvanna Zbitkіv, the Kalіtsk residents of the Aboy sickle, are healthy, Zdіysnuvav Doglyad for Іnvalіd Abo , which will require a third-party watch over the visnovok of a likuval ї install. When every month is turned off, they are replaced by others, who will immediately overtake the chosen period, or they will immediately follow it.

Serednomіsyachny zarobіtok, viznacheny Chastain pershoї that Druha tsієї stattі for perіodi to reєstratsії yak insured person vіdpovіdno to the Federal law "About іndivіdualny (personіfіkovany) Obl_k in sistemі sovereign of the Pension strahuvannya" vstanovlyuєtsya on pіdstavі dokumentіv scho vidayutsya in the prescribed manner vіdpovіdnimi Reigning that munіtsipalnimi. bodies, organizations.

The average monthly income for the period after registration as an insured person is established on the basis of statements of an individual (personalized) appearance.

Article 103

The average monthly income for the periods assigned to the statute 102 of the Law, is paid by way of the total sum of the earnings for 24 months of work (service) and 60 months of work (service) depending on 24 and 60.

If the work is less than 24 months old, the average monthly income is paid off at the bottom of the total sum of earnings for the actual month's wages for the number of these months.

In case of retirement, if the period of work becomes less than one full calendar month, the pension is calculated based on the gross monthly income. Vіn is marked by an offensive rank: earnings for the entire working hour are divided by the number of working days and the sum is multiplied by the number of working days in a month, calculated in the average for the day (21.2 - with a five-day working day; 25.4 - with a six-day working day tyzhni). And here the salary, from which the pension is calculated, is impossible to overestimate the sum of two tariff rates (salaries) of this practitioner.

The order of zbіlshennya zarobіtku at zv'yazku z pіdvischennyam vartosti zhittya and zminami on іvnі nominalіnії payment pratsі established by law.

Article 104

Earnings of employees, as if they work in the okremy hromadas from their services, acceptances for the calculation of pensions, share the sum of the earnings of employees and service workers in the relevant professions and qualifications, hired from the state organizations for services in the organization of services

Members of the creative teams of the SRSR and the union republics, and other creative practitioners (part of the other article 89 of the Law), pensions are calculated on the basis of the bases established by the Act. At the same time, the average monthly income is deducted for two remaining calendar years before the retirement for retirement, or for five calendar years after the protracted labor activity before the retirement for retirement.

Article 105

Pensions for the Radiansk community - migrants from other lands, who did not work in the SRSR, are calculated from the average monthly income of workers and service workers in the relevant profession and qualifications in the SRSR for the hour of recognition of the pension.

Article 105-1. Calculation of pensions for the people who worked abroad

The average monthly income of the hromadas, who worked behind the cordon, cheered up on the outrageous bases for a vinyatka payment for the work behind the cordon. If we direct the workers to work before the establishment of a large SRSR and the Russian Federation outside the cordon or in international organizations, the average monthly salary for their bajans can be paid in accordance with the procedure referred to by article 105

The repayment of a pension is carried out at the request of a pensioner from earnings, for which the bula was recognized (reclaimed) earlier, or from earnings, as for a new recognition of a pension.

Article 107

The skin of the onset of the pererahunok should be carried out no earlier than the lower after 24 months of work after the front pererakunok.

Article 108

For the death of retired pensioners, the pension is calculated (for the money of the one who died for a pension) from that salary, from which the bula was calculated to the anniversary, or from the salary, which is charged according to the law.

Article 109

When transferring from one pension to another income, you will be charged with the hardships established by the Law. A pension for a new pension can also be calculated (for a pensioner's salary) from that salary, from which the pension was started, which was paid earlier.

Article 110. Pension increase

Rozmіr pensions, accruals according to the law, are subject to:

a) Heroes of the Radyancy Union, Heroes of Rosіysko Co. Tuhdyanamov, the Nagojeznima Order of Slavs Trio Stepnіv, - by 100 Vіdsotkіv Rosemiru Pensії, Alla not Mensen Nіzh on 200 VіdSotkіv Mіnіmal Roomіru Pensії for Staristiu (Party Person Stattі 17 Law), Heroes of Socialіstiki Pratsі - 50 100 hrs of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law);

b) to the champions of the Olympic Games - by 50 thousand rubles, and not less than 100 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

c) citizens awarded with the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees or with the Order "For the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Armed Forces of the SRSR" of three degrees - for 15 degrees;

Part of the first article 17


g) to the hulks (appointed at paragraph "e" of the statute), who worked for at least six months at the rock of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war (from 22 chervnya, 1941 to 9 January, 1945), including an hour of work in areas that were paid off by the enemy , or awarded with orders and medals of the SRSR for self-employment and helpless military service at the tilu at the rock of the Great Veteran War, - for 50 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law);

h) citizens who have been awarded the badge "Sack of the besieged Leningrad" (for the citation of the citizens, appointed at paragraphs "e", "g" of the statute), - 100 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

i) citizens who are not punished for political reasons and are rehabilitated for a year - by 50 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law).

k) іnvalіdam z datinism vnaslіtnnynynynya, contuzії Abo kalіzzvtva, d'яз и бивина и и инина Від ї ї их слідкий, Які от ї ї слідкий, Які ина ї салісью иністю, З інвідності аб З С Ндать труги трушиванника old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Article 111. Rules for calculating pension supplements.

Supplements to pensions, including the minimum and maximum, are accrued after they are raised up to Article 110 of the Law.

The pension from the allowances is not limited by the marginal sum.

For the presence in the family of two or more non-performing pensioners, the non-performing member of the family, who is re-buying on the shackled utriman, is insured for an allowance for more than one of the pensioners, on their choice.

Article 112

The minimum allowances for labor pensions and social pensions are deducted for citizens who live in areas where regional coefficients have been established up to the salary of employees and service workers, due to the stagnation of the wage coefficient for the entire period of living. In this region, as different coefficients have been established, a coefficient will be established, which in this region is for workers and servicemen of non-virobnic galuzeys.

In this order, the maximum amount of labor pensions is assigned to the appointed citizens.

Gromadyanam Yakimov pensіya priznachena vіdpovіdno to stattі 14 Act in areas Kraynoї Pіvnochі that mіstsevostyah, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі at viїzdі s Tsikh rayonіv that mіstsevostey on Nove postіyne Location accommodation, zberіgaєtsya rozmіr pensії, viznacheny pid hour її vstanovlennya of urahuvannyam vіdpovіdnogo District koefіtsієnta . If the boundary value of the regional coefficient, with the improvement of which, when appointing citizens from the districts in the Krainy Pivnochi and equal to them, the maximum value of the assigned pension, to become 1.5.

VIII. Social pensions

Article 113

Social pensions are established: for disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, including those with disabilities from childhood, as well as for the disabled of the 3rd group; children with disabilities; children up to 18 years old, yakі spent one or both fathers; bulky people, who reached 65 and 60 years old (depending on people and women).

Medical indications, in some children up to 18 years of age, are recognized as disabled, are confirmed in order, which is recognized by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Article 114

Social pension is established at the following levels:

a) disabled children of the 1st and 2nd groups, disabled people of the 1st group, children with disabilities, as well as children who have spent both fathers, that dead single mother - at the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

On the day of retirement for a pension, the day of filing an application with the necessary documents is considered. When submitting an application for that document, the date of its issuance is important in the afternoon.

In cases where not all the documents necessary for recognizing a pension have been submitted before the application, that you have applied for a pension, a rose is given, if the documents you can file additionally. If the stinks will be filed no later than three months from the day of the omission of the final rose, the day of the filing of the application is taken into account.

An application for the recognition of a pension is considered by the body of the social protection of the population no later than 10 days after the receipt of the required documents or the receipt of additional documents.

Article 119

The final pension is assigned earlier than the day of filing for it (Article 118 of the Law) in such cases:

old-age pension and pension for the service of the rokiv - from the day the work (service) was assigned, as if it were not more than a month after the day the work was done;

disability pension - from the day the disability was established, since the payment for it is not later than 12 months on that day;

a pension from the anniversary of spending the anniversary - from the day of the death of the anniversary, as if it were not later than 12 months from the day of the anniversary of death; in case of retirement for a pension later, it is assigned to the river earlier, lower was the penalty for it.

For all types of pensions, a pension is assigned no earlier than the day the entitlement to it is vindicated.

Article 120. General rules for paying pensions

The payment of the pension will be carried out for the current month. Delivery of that transfer of pensions is charged for the account of the state.

Article 121

The amount of the recognized pension is changed: in the case of a vindication of the right to її promotion - from the first day of the month following it, for which the pensioner has returned from the application for the promotion of the pension with the necessary documents; with the current conditions, which drag along the change in pensions, - from the first day of the month following it, for whom the conditions have come.

The transfer from one pension to the next is carried out on the first day of the month following it, for whom a valid application has been submitted with the required documents.

Article 122

Pensioners are not dependent on the recognition of that type of pension, if they live in the state or municipal stationary institutions of social services, they are paid 25 hundred rubles of recognized pension. During the time period of the pensioner's daily life, 75 thousand rubles of the recognized pension are paid according to the statutes. If so, for the period of timchasovoy daily life of a pensioner, a calendar period of one to three months is taken into account.

Yakschko at Pensіoner, I am also living in the Munitian Munitian Staters of the Munitian Social Service (for the Vinyatkom Persiodіv Timchasovo, otdannostivnya Pennsіoner in the commentations of rational), є Nezraztnіnі Смень сім'її, Які отрумина но оотримані, then Pensіya viplate 'ї - a quarter of the pension, two members of the family - a third of the pension, for three or more members of the family - half of the pension, for the pensioner himself - 25 thousand pensions.

The difference between the amount recognized and paid to the part of the first and other statutes of the pension is direct to the state or municipal stationary establishments of social services, where the pensioner lives. Appointed cats are zarakhovyvayutsya on rahunki tsikh installations on the basis of budgetary appropriations and direct to the change of their material and technical base and population of minds of living in them people of a frail age and disabled people in order, which are designated by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Article 123

The amount of the recognized pension, not withdrawn by the pensioner at the same time, is paid for the last hour, but not more than three years before the withdrawal for their withdrawal.

Sumy pensions, not withdrawn at the same time from the blame of the authorities, if they assign or pay a pension, they pay for a minute without an exchange of terms.

Article 124

For an hour of remission of the pensioner's will for a trial, the payment of the recognized pension is paid.

Article 125

Sumi pensions, like laying down a pensioner and an under-recovery in connection with his death, are paid to those who fall on slanderous bases.

To the members of this dead, yak to carry out the funeral, t y sumi weep until the fall.

x. Resolution of disputes over pension meals

Article 126

Organization, (gromadyanin) vіdpovіdaє for the veracity of statements, as in documents, vidani recognition and payment of pensions.

In the cases, if the data, which is missing in the documents, is incorrect and on their submission, the payment of pensions was charged, the organization of the supreme body of the social defense of the population of the zapodiyanu shkoda.

Article 127. Obov'yazki organization and pensioner. Їhnya vidpovіdalnіst

The organization of goiter should be reminded of the five-day term to the body, which pays a pension, the employment of a pensioner.

The pensioner needs to tell the authority, which is paying his pension, about the current situation, to pull after him the change in the amount of the pension, or to pay.

At the time of non-conforming appointments of obov'yazkiv and payment at the link with the cim of the sum of the sums of the pension, the organization and the pensioner must pay the senior body of the social protection of the population of the zapodiyanu shkoda.

Article 128

Sumi Pensіy, Nasmіru Viplacheni Pensіoner Vnaslіddok Yojo Zlotovnnya (subwitting Documentіv ІЗ Svіdomo in the wrong foundations, the inhibitory zmіn at the warehouse of SIM ', on Yaku Viplachuyu Pensіya from arrogant to the random of the yearvalnik Tuskomo), you can extend from Pensії to the authority, I am a Pensia. Rozmir utriman on this basis is not guilty of revisiting 20 hundred rubles of pension, which the pensioner should have to pay, over utrimannya on other bases. In all types of retirement, it is clear that before the legislation for a pensioner, no less than 50 hundred rubles of a dependent pension are saved.

At the time of payment of pensions, the debt that has been lost is arraigned in the court order.

Article 129. Argue about pension food

Superchki z food recognition and payment of pensions, utriman іz pensions, contraction of zayvo paid sums of pensions are the greatest organ of the social protection of the population. If a citizen (organization) is not suitable for the decisions adopted by this body, the dispute is allowed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation on civil judiciary.

XI. The procedure for the enforcement of chivalry to the Law "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation"

Article 130

Tsei law introduced in dіyu: at chastinі pensіy for іnvalіdіv vіyni that іnshih uchasnikіv vіyni (in addition chislі s number vіlnonaymanogo warehouse) sіmey zagiblih vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, gromadyan, neobґruntovano represovanih of polіtichnih motivіv that Zgoda reabіlіtovanih, mіnіmalnih rozmіrіv of labor pensіy, pensіy dіtyam orphans participants in the liquidation of accidents at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, social pensions, as well as in part of the norms that do not stop the reconciliation of pensions and the order of calculation of pensions and earnings (divided by the VII Law) - from the 1st birch of 1991; in the other part - from 1 September 1992, and before 1 January 1992. pensions are paid at the sum of no more than the minimum amount of the pension for old age, transferred by part of the first article 17 of the Law, with a minimum of supplements to them.

Article 131

Gromadyan, yakі mayut behind the minds that the norms of which Law have the right to a higher pension, the pension is assigned (pererahovuєtsya) according to the Law.

Pererakhunok pension to go through the documents, scho є at the pension right, based on the income from which the pension was calculated. The order of zbіlshennya zarobіtku at zv'yazku z pіdvischennyam vartosti zhittya and zminami on іvnі nominalіnії payment pratsі established by law.

If additional documents are submitted for an hour to a rehabilitator, a bill about earnings, if they comply with the law, then a repayment of a pension will be carried out with the improvement of such documents.

Article 132

When submitting additional documents, after the ceremoniality of the Act (about the length of service, earnings, etc.), to give the right to a further advancement of the previously recognized pension, the pension will be repaid again. In case of any change of pension, it will be carried out from the day of recruitment by the Law, but not more than 12 months (the month of submission of documents is excluded).

At the time of submission of significant documents after 1st April 1993. the pension is repaid on the basis of arrears, established by Article 121 of the Law.

Article 133. Saving before the established amount of pension

Citizens, who are recognized as pensions before the recruitment of rank by the Law, if they do not think beyond the minds of the norms of the Law, the right to a higher pension, they will be taken from the previously established limit, but not to the lower minimum pension for old age, established by this Law.

In the same order, a pension is paid, after the recruitment of chivalry is established by the Law for the minds and the norms of earlier ceremonial legislation.

Article 133-1. Included up to a special work experience, with the improvement of which a pension for old age is established, an hour works to give earlier the right to a pension on a pilgovyh mind

Hour of victories until September 1, 1992. underground work, work with shkіdlivy minds in hot shops, as well as other work with important minds in work, which should be given until September 1, 1992. the right to a pension on a light mind, to be secured up to a special length of service, for which a pension is assigned for old age on a par with robots, designated in paragraphs "a" and "b" of Article 12 of the Law.

Article 134

W 21 leaf fall 1990 bіlya rosіyskoї ї Federatsії zupinyaєє far away recognition of personal pensions.

Personal pensions, recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation until 21 leaf fall, 1990, are collected from 1 September 1992. Gromadyans, such pensions were established before they were paid, from 1 September 1992. pensions are established in accordance with stately legislation on the grounds for all other communities.

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The Ministry of Budіvnitstv published on the portal of normative acts a draft order on the approval of the forms of reconciliation, transferred by new norms to the Municipal Code (requested by the law "On making changes" dated 03 September 2018 No. 340-FZ (further - Federal Law No. 2018) for the objects of individual living life (IZhS) deputy permits for everyday life and for commissioning.

Zagal to introduce 7 forms of support:

  • About the planned life or the reconstruction of the ІЖС object or the garden booth.
  • About the vіdpovіdnіst parametrіv v Ієktu ІЖС аbо garden boudinka vіdstanovim vіdpovіdnіstі vіdposobnostі yogo rozmіshchennіa і аrе land plots.
  • About the impermissibility of the parameters of the ІЖС object or the garden booth, we will install the parameters and (or) the impermissibility of the placement of the ІЖС object or the garden booth.
  • About changing the parameters of the planned life and reconstructing the OIZHS and the garden booth.
  • About the end of everyday life or the reconstruction of the ІЖС object or a garden booth.
  • About the viability of the construction or reconstruction of the objects of the ІЖС or the garden booth, we can help legislate about the local activity.

About the unavailability of the reconstruction of the objects of the ІЖС or the garden booth, we can help legislate about the local activity.
Exchange of documents from the induced transfer to replace the procedure for the improvement of everyday life and the commissioning of an established house in operation.
It is significant that in the reports about the planned life and the end of life and the obov'yazkovy formula about those that the houses "are not intended for subdivision on independent objects of indestructibility." Substitute for the sake of information about the inconsistency may be inconsistency with the parameters of the object ІЖС, as introduced in the Central Committee of the Russian Federation by the law of Federal Law No. 340.

Article 51.1. Information about the planned life or reconstruction of the object of individual living life or garden house

1. W metoyu budіvnitstva abo rekonstruktsії ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku zabudovnik podaє on paperovomu nosії for Relief NKVD zvernennya to upovnovazhenih on vidachu dozvolіv on budіvnitstvo Federal Authority vikonavchoї Vladi, body vikonavchoї Vladi sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo body mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, among those through rich functional center, Abo nadsilaє to zaznachenih organіv for Relief Poshtova vіdpravlennya of povіdomlennyam about awarding abo єdinogo portal is the Reigning munіtsipalnih poslug Notification about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo abo rekonstruktsіyu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku Garden (Dali takozh - Notification about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo), scho mіstit takі vіdomostі :

1) name, name, according to the father (for the presence), the place of residence of the forgetful person, the details of the document stating the name of the person (for a physical person);

2) the name of that place of recognition of the forgetful person (for a legal entity), as well as the state registration number of the record about the state registration of a legal entity in the single state register of legal entities and the identification number of the payer of taxpayers, for a special reason, yakshchna;

3) cadastral number of the land plot (for її presence), addresses or description of the distribution of the land plot;

4) information about the right of a forgetful person to a land plot, as well as information about the existence of the rights of other rights to a land plot (for the existence of such rights);

5) information about the type of permitted land plot and the object of capital life (object of individual living life or garden house);

6) information about the planned parameters of the object of individual living life or a garden house, with the method of life or reconstruction of which notifications were submitted about the planned life, including about the access to the land between the land plots;

7) information about those that the object of individual living life or garden booths is not intended for a basement on independent objects of non-violence;

8) the postal address and (or) the address of the electronic mail for communication with the forgetful person;

9) the method of sending reminders to the forgetful person, referred to by paragraph 2 of part 7 and paragraph 3 of part 8 of the article.

2. The form of notification about the planned life is approved by the federal body of the victorious government, which functions in the development and implementation of the sovereign policy and legal regulation in the sphere of life, architecture, and municipality.

3. Before the announcement about the planned life, they add:

1) legal documents for a land lot in different countries, as the rights to it are not registered in the Unified State Register of Indestructibility;

2) a document confirming the renewal of the representative of the zabudovnik;

3) certification of the translation of Russian documents about the state registration of a legal entity, in accordance with the legislation of a foreign power in different countries, as a forgetful person of a foreign legal entity;

4) Describes zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku in razі, abo Yakscho budіvnitstvo rekonstruktsіya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden planuєtsya in furrows teritorії іstorichnogo settlements federal chi regіonalnogo value for vinyatkom vipadku, peredbachenogo Chastain 5 tsієї stattі . A description of the modern looking object of an individual living life or a garden booth includes a description in text form and a graphic description. Opis zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku in tekstovіy formі vklyuchaє vkazіvku on the parameters ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku, kolіrne rіshennya їh zovnіshnogo viglyadu, planovanі to vikoristannya budіvelnі materіali scho viznachayut zovnіshnіy viglyad ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo life or garden booth, as well as a description of other characteristics of the object of individual living life or garden booth, in addition to those established by the local regulations, as well as architectural solutions for the object of capital life. A graphic description and depiction of the external appearance of the object of an individual living life or a garden house, including the facades and configuration of the object of an individual living life or a garden house.

4. Documents (their copies or the information that is contained in them), designated in paragraph 1 of part 3 of the statute, are requested by the authorities designated in the paragraph of the first part of part 1 of the statute, with sovereign bodies, bodies of the local self-registration and subdivided state organs self-ordering organizations, at the disposal of which the assigned documents are known, at the lines of not more than three working days from the day of otrimannya notification about the planned life, as if the forgetful did not submit the assigned documents independently. For the intermediary requests of the bodies assigned in paragraph 1 of part 1 of the article of the article, documents (their copies or of the information that can be found in them), designated in paragraph 1 of part 3 of the article of the article, are given by the state bodies, the bodies of the militant self-regulation bodies of that state self-ordering by organizations, at the disposal of which there are assigned documents, at the lines of no more than three working days from the day of the withdrawal of the official interim request.

5. Zabudovnik Got right zdіysniti budіvnitstvo abo rekonstruktsіyu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku in furrows teritorії іstorichnogo settlements federal abo regіonalnogo vіdpovіdno values to model arhіtekturnogo rіshennya ob'єkta kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, zatverdzhenogo vіdpovіdno to Federal law od 2002 roku chervnya 25 N 73 -FZ "On objects of cultural decline (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" for this historical settlement. In this way, in the description of the planned life, it is indicated on such a typical architecture of the solution. Supplement to the description of the modern looking object of an individual living life or a garden house until the information about the planned life is not taken into account.

6. Some VіdStnosti in Pokomomlenі about the planned part of Budіvnitvnoshtvo, abstained by part 1 Tsієї Stattі, Abo Documentіv, stakes of paragraphs 2 - 4 part 3 Tsієї Stattі, Upovanovnіv at Vidoki Dosvivіv on Budіvnittvno federal body Vikonavkoїї Vlad, Vikonavo-Ukraine or the organ of self-regulation for a stretch of three working days from the day of the need to inform about the planned life, return to the forgetful person the documents that are being given up to the new one, without looking at the appointed reasons for the return. At this point, the information about the planned life is taken into account in an undirected way.


1) Conduct perevіrku vіdpovіdnostі zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden boundary parameters of what is permitted budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenim rules zemlekoristuvannya that Zabudova, dokumentatsієyu of planuvannya teritorії that obov'yazkovim vimogam to parametrіv ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenih CIM Code іnshimi Federal law on the date that chinnim nadhodzhennya Notification about planovane budіvnitstvo and takozh dopustimіst rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vіdpovіdno to permissibility vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki that obmezhennya, vstanovlenih vіdpovіdno to the land that other legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) napravlyaє zabudovniku way viznachenim him at povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo, Notification about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vstanovlenim parameters that dopustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі or we will inform you about the planned life of the parameters of the object of the individual living life or the garden house, we will install the parameters and (or) the inadmissibility of placing the object of the individual living life or the garden house on the land. Notification Form about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden budinki vstanovlenim parameters that (ABO) nepripustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі zatverdzhuyutsya federal bodies vikonavchoї Vladi scho zdіysnyuє funktsії from the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of everyday life, architecture, and local life.

8. abo Yakscho budіvnitstvo rekonstruktsіya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku planuєtsya in furrows teritorії іstorichnogo settlements federal abo regіonalnogo values that have povіdomlennі about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo not mіstitsya vkazіvka on typical arhіtekturne rіshennya, vіdpovіdno to yakogo planuєtsya budіvnitstvo abo rekonstruktsіya such an 'Facts of individual living life, or a garden house, upovnovazhenie on the type of permission for life, the federal body of the vikonavchoi government, the authority of the vikonavchoi government of the sub'єkta of the Russian Federation, or the body of the local self-regulation:

1) in the rows are not bіlshe nіzh three robochі dnі of the day nadhodzhennya tsogo Notification for vіdsutnostі pіdstav for Yogo Povernennya, peredbachenih Chastain 6 tsієї stattі, spryamovuє have to chislі of vikoristannyam єdinoї sistemi mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії that regіonalnih systems mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії scho pіdklyuchayutsya up Neї, appointment of information and additions of a new description of the modern look of the object of individual living life in the garden booth, the body of the vikonavchoї power of the subject of the Russian Federation, encouragement in the sphere of protection of cultural objects;

2) conduct perevіrku vіdpovіdnostі zaznachenih at tsomu povіdomlennі parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden boundary parameters of what is permitted budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenim rules zemlekoristuvannya that Zabudova, dokumentatsієyu of planuvannya teritorії that obov'yazkovim vimogam to parametrіv about ' Acts of capital life, established by the Code. , Іnshimi Federal Law on the date that chinnim nadhodzhennya tsogo Notification and takozh dopustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku vіdpovіdno to permissibility vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki that obmezhen, vstanovlenih vіdpovіdno to land that іnshogo zakonodavstva Rosіyskoї Federatsії that chinnih to date nadhodzhennya tsogo Notification ;

3) lines have not pіznіshe dvadtsyati robochem dnіv of the day nadhodzhennya tsogo Notification nadsilaє zabudovniku in sposіb, it viznacheny at tsomu povіdomlennі, peredbachene paragraph 2 Chastain 7 tsієї stattі Notification about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden budinku vstanovlenim parameter that dopustimіst rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі abo about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku vstanovlenim parameters that (ABO) nepripustimіst rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo life or a garden booth on a land lot.

9. Body of the Wocked Committee of the Queen of the Queen of Rosіysko & Communion in Galuzі Okoroni Ok'єtіv Cultural Spindlers, Located with Ten Robople Dn_v Z Day Saving Vydovannikov on Vidku Dosvivіv at Budivniktvo federal body of the ViconAVCHO Vlada Vikovakovo by Vladim mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya Notification about zaplanovane budіvnitstvі that peredbachenogo paragraph 4 Chastain 3 tsієї stattі inventory zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden rozglyadaє zaznacheny Opis zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku that spryamovuє garden, in addition chislі of vikoristannyam єdinoї sistemi between electronic interoperability and regional systems that are connected to it. mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії, Notification about vіdpovіdnіst abo nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenogo inventory zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єktu іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden about budinki subject receptionists іstorichnogo settlements that vimogam to arhіtekturnih rіshen ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenim mіstobudіvnim regulations stosovno teritorіalnoї Zoni, roztashovanoї in furrows teritorії іstorichnogo Settlement of federal chi regional significance. We have non-directional razі zaznacheny lines Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenogo inventory zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єktu іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku vkazanim subject receptionists іstorichnogo settlements that vimogam to arhіtekturnih rіshen ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva settlements that vimog to arhіtekturnih rіshen ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva.

10. Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vstanovlenim parameters that (ABO) nepripustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі nadsilaєtsya zabudovniku Lachey have vipadku, Yakscho:

1) zaznachenі in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametric ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku not vіdpovіdayut boundary parameters of what is permitted budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenim rules zemlekoristuvannya that Zabudova, dokumentatsієyu of planuvannya teritorії, abo obov'yazkovim vimogam to parametrіv objects of capital life, established by the Code, other federal laws and made on the date of the date of notification of planned life;

2) rozmіschennya zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku not dopuskaєtsya vіdpovіdno to vidіv permissibility vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki that (ABO) obmezhen, vstanovlenih vіdpovіdno to land that іnshogo zakonodavstva Rosіyskoї Federatsії chinnih that on the date of Notification about nadhodzhennya zaplanovane everyday life;

3) information about the planned life was given, or it was given a special one, as it is not a forgetful reminder of the right to a land lot;

4) in rows at zaznacheny chastinі 9 tsієї stattі, od body vikonavchoї Vladi sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії, upovnovazhenogo in the Branch receptionists ob'єktіv kulturnoї spadschini, nadіyshlo Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst inventory zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єktu іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden budinku subject receptionists historical settlement and vimog to the architectural solutions of the objects of capital life, established by the local regulations of the hundredth territorial zone, roztashovanoy at the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of federal chi regional significance.

11. In povіdomlennі about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vstanovlenim parameters that (ABO) nepripustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі povinnі utrimuvatisya OAO All pіdstavi direction zabudovniku this Notification s zaznachennyam poperednogo permissibility budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenih rules zemlekoristuvannya that Zabudova, dokumentatsієyu of planuvannya teritorії, abo obov'yazkovih vimog to parametrіv ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenih CIM Code іnshimi a federal law on the date dіyut nadhodzhennya Notification about the planned life and how not to indicate the parameters of the object of the individual living life or the garden booth, designated in the notice about the planned life, as well as in case of non-admission of the capacity of the accommodation of the object of the individual ualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі - vstanovleny view of what is permitted vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki, Vidi obmezhen vikoristannya zemelnoї dіlyanki, zgіdno of yakimi not dopuskaєtsya budіvnitstvo abo rekonstruktsіya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku, abo vіdomostі about those scho person, scho she filed or sent a notification about the planned life, not a forgetful letter to the caller about the rights to the land lot. In razі zabudovniku direction of the Notification on pіdstavі, peredbachenіy paragraph 4 Chastain 10 tsієї stattі, obov'yazkovim dodatkom to Demba Je Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst inventory zovnіshnogo viglyadu ob'єktu іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku subject receptionists іstorichnogo settlements that vimogam to arhіtekturnih rіshen. regulation of the hundredth territorial zone, roztashovanoy at the borders of the territory of the historical settlement of federal chi regional significance.

12. Upovanovyatі at Vidoku Dosvivіv on Budivnitvo federal body of the ViconAVCHO Vlada Vikovakovo by Vladavkovo Vlada Voskti Rosіyskoiiii Aboy by the body of the Mishtsev's self-classroom at the line, originally in part 7 ABO clause 3 part 8 Tsієї Statti, Torzorovyuє, in the same number mіzhvіdomchogo Electonics vzaєmodії that regіonalnih systems mіzhvіdomchoї elektronnoї vzaєmodії scho pіdklyuchayutsya to neї, Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vstanovlenim parameters that (ABO) nepripustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden booth on the land lot:

1) to the authority of the vikonavchou government of the subject of the Russian Federation, upholding the zdiisnennya of the sovereign's budvel, at the time of the direction of the appointed notification on the substantiation, referred to by paragraph 1 of part 10 of article 10 of article;

2) at the federal body of vikonavchoї vlady, approvals for the establishment of the state land review, the authority of the municipal self-regulation, which is the zdіysnyuє municipal land control, at the time of the direction of the designated notification on the basis, before paragraph 2 or 3 of part 10 of Article 10;

3) to the body of the vikonavcho lordship of the subject of the Russian Federation, promotions in the sphere of protection of objects of cultural decline, at the time of the direction of the designated notification on the substantiation, before paragraph 4 of part 10 of Article 10.

13. Otrimannya zabudovnikom Notification about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about zaplanovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden vstanovlenim parameters that dopustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі od upovnovazhenih on vidachu dozvolіv on budіvnitstvo federal authority vikonavchoї Vladi, organ Vladi sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo body mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya abo nenapryamlennya zaznachenimi bodies in rows peredbacheny Chastain abo paragraph 7 3 8 tsієї stattі Chastain, Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden budinku we will establish the parameters that (or) the inadmissibility of placing the object of an individual living life, or a garden house on a land plot, is respected by the weather appointed by the bodies of life, or a reconstruction of an action ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku that daє right zabudovniku zdіysnyuvati budіvnitstvo abo rekonstruktsіyu ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku vіdpovіdno to parametrіv, zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo, protyagom rokіv ten days of such direction zabudovnikom Notification about planovane budіvnitstvo vіdpovіdno with part 1 tsієї statti. Tse right is saved when transferring rights to a land plot and an object of individual living life or garden houses, for a wink of vipadkiv, transferring paragraphs 1 - 3 of part 21.1 of article 51 of the Code. With this direct new information about the planned life is not needed.

14. razі zmіni parametrіv planovanogo budіvnitstva abo rekonstruktsії ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo budinku garden zabudovnik podaє abo spryamovuє ways zaznachenimi in chastinі 1 tsієї stattі, Notification about tse upovnovazhenі on vidachu dozvolіv on budіvnitstvo Federal Authority vikonavchoї Vladi, body vikonavchoї Vladi sub 'єkta of the Russian Federation of the Federation or the body of the local self-regulation from the designated changing parameters. The review of the appointed notice is valid up to parts 4-13 of the article. The form of the appointed improvement is confirmed by the federal body of the vikonavchoi government, which zdiisnyuє z viroblennia and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of everyday life, architecture, and living quarters.

15. razі otrimannya zabudovnikom Notification about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku vstanovlenim parameters that dopustimostі rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі od upovnovazhenih on vidachu dozvolіv on federal budіvnitstvo body vikonavchoї Vladi, organ vikonavchoї Vladi sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo body mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya abo omnidirectional zaznachenimi bodies in rows peredbacheny Chastain abo paragraph 7 3 8 tsієї stattі Chastain, Notification about nevіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih at about povіdomlennі planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva or a garden booth to be installed to the parameters that (or) the unacceptability of placing an object of an individual living life, or a garden booth on a land plot of a hut, a subdivision of a forgetful person with a toll, or a reference to the corresponding tannya of vstanovlenimi vimogami ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku, abo zbudovanih rekonstruyovanih vіdpovіdno to parametrіv, zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo have zv'yazku of viznannyam such ob'єktіv іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva garden abo budinku samovіlnoyu sporudoyu vnaslіdok nevіdpovіdnostі їh parametrіv budіvnitstva boundary parameters of what is permitted, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenim rules zemlekoristuvannya that Zabudova, dokumentatsієyu of planuvannya teritorії, abo obov'yazkovimi vimogami to parametrіv ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva, vstanovlenimi CIM Code іnshimi federal laws abo vnaslіdok nepripustimostі rozmіschennya such an 'acts of individual living life, or a garden house, it is open to the boundary, established by the land legislation of the Russian Federation and other legal acts on the date of the necessary notification about the planning of life, in general obyaz i pіdlyagayut vіdshkoduvannyu for rakhunok vіdpovіdno skarbnitsі Rosіyskoї Federatsії, skarbnitsі sub'єkta Rosіyskoї Federatsії, skarbnitsі munіtsipalnogo utvorennya for minds scho bude court vstanovleno delinquent posadovoї special organ State Vladi abo body mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, yaky sending zabudovniku Notification about vіdpovіdnіst zaznachenih in povіdomlennі about planovane budіvnitstvo parametrіv ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden budinku vstanovlenimi parameters that dopustimіstyu rozmіschennya ob'єkta іndivіdualnogo zhitlovogo budіvnitstva abo garden budinku on zemelnіy dіlyantsі abo not vikonuyuchogo obov'yazki for the y-direction lines peredbacheny Chastain abo paragraph 7 3 8 tsієї stattі Chastain, Notification about the inadmissibility of appointments in the information about the planned life of the parameters of the object of an individual living life or of a garden house or a garden booth on a land plot. »;

13) at point 5 of part 2.2 of article 52 the words "physical conditions, how to build life, reconstruction, overhaul of an individual living house, as well as" turn off;

14) at article 53:

a) part 1 after the words “project documentation” should be supplemented with the words “(in addition to the decisions and approaches, directing to the security of dotrimanny, it could be energy efficient and could equip the object of capital life with fittings in the form of vicorist energy resources)”;

b) supplement part 7.1 of such a change:

“7.1. Pіslya completion budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії ob'єkta kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva pіdpisuєtsya act scho pіdtverdzhuє vіdpovіdnіst parametrіv vіdpovіdno to zbudovanogo, rekonstruyovanogo ob'єkta kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva vimogam proektnoї dokumentatsії (in addition chislі rіshennyam that overhangs, spryamovanim on zabezpechennya dotrimannya vimog energetichnoї efektivnostі that vimog osnaschenostі about ' єkta kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva priladit oblіku vikoristovuvanih energetichnih resursіv), special, yak zdіysnyuє budіvnitstvo (singular, yak zdіysnyuє budіvnitstvo, that zabudovnikom abo tehnіchnim zamovnikom in razі zdіysnennya budіvnitstva, rekonstruktsії on pіdstavі contract budіvelnogo pіdryadu and takozh special, yak zdіysnyuє budіvelny control in razі zdіysnennya budіvelnogo control on the basis of the contract), for the sake of vipadkіv zdіysnennya budіvnitstvа, reconstruction of objects of individual living budіvnitstv, garden podіnіkіv.»;

c) in Part 8, the words "may be established by regulatory legal acts" shall be replaced by the words "established by the Order";

15) at article 54:

a) supplement part 1.1 of such a change:

“1.1. At Budіvniktvі, reconstruction of the Budіvniktva, not at the part of the parties of 1 Tsієї Statti, and Torozo's troops such, Robotiv Kapіtalny Budіvniktva, Roboti Zudivniktva, reconstruction 'act in exploitation), the state's buddіvelnyy sight is shown in the form of viznoї reverification only for the obviousness of the substations, transferred by subparagraph "b" to paragraph 2, subparagraph "b" or "c" to paragraph 3 of part 5 of the article, or to the beast in addition chislі іndivіdualnih pіdpriєmtsіv, Yurydychna osіb, Informácie od organіv State Vladi (Posadov osіb sovereign entity perspicuity) organіv mіstsevogo samovryaduvannya, zasobіv masovoї information The torn down when budіvnitstvі, rekonstruktsії ob'єktіv kapіtalnogo budіvnitstva not have zaznachenih chastinі 1 tsієї stattі, vstanovlenih by the rules of land cultivation and forgetting, documentation of the planning of the territory of the boundary parameters is allowed th life, reconstruction of objects of capital life or obov'yazkovyh could be up to the parameters of objects of capital life, established by the Code, other federal laws. The choice of designations for this part of the objects of capital everyday life of the sovereign everyday life is determined by the improvement of the features, inserted by the parts 6.1 and 6.2 of the article.»; c) in paragraph 1 of clause 3 of part 5 the words "at clause 1" shall be replaced by the words "at clause 2";

d) add parts 6.1 - 6.3 to such a change:

forfeited/no longer valid Editorial board 27.11.2001

RF LAW dated 20.11.90 N 340-I (as amended on 27.11.2001) "ABOUT POWER PENSIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION"

This Law establishes a single system of republican state pensions in the Russian Federation, ensures the stability of the attained level of pension security and promotion of the good work of workers in the world. The main criteria for the differentiation of minds and the norms of pension security are the results.

Benefits for pension security are: the attainment of a senior pension age, current disability, and for non-practical members of this year - yogo death; the basis of pension security for the okremy categories of workers is the trivale of the vocational professional activity.

This Law establishes labor and social pensions.

At the link with the labor that other suspіlno korisny diyalnіstyu, scho zarahovuєtsya up to the total length of service (Articles 89, 90, 91, 92 of the Law), the following pensions are assigned:

by old age (for a century) - divided by the II Law,

for disability - divided by the III Law,

for the sake of the year, spend the anniversary - divided the IV Law,

for the service of fate - divided the V Law.

Gromadyan, yakі may z kakihsya reasons for the right to a pension in connection with labor and other supportive activities, social pensions are restored (divided by the VIII Law). Such a pension can be recognized in the case of a replacement for a labor pension (for the benefit of the one who went after it).

For example, living in the Russian Federation, the citizens of the other allied republics, foreign citizens and individuals without the community may have the right to receive pensions on foreign bases with the citizens of the Russian Federation, which is not otherwise transferred by the Law or contract.

Citizens, who may at once have the right to different sovereign pensions, are assigned to pay one of them, on their choice.

The right to withdraw two pensions is given:

a) citizens who became disabled due to war injuries (Article 41 of the Law), participants in the Great Civil War (subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans"), they became disabled in the aftermath of a severe illness, labor problems and other reasons (because of the fault of others, the disability of those came as a result of their opposing actions). You can restore pensions for old age (or for the service of life) and pensions for disability;

B) to the widows of military servicemen, who perished during the hour of the war with Finland, the Great Vitchiznian war, the war with Japan, as they did not enter into new hats. You can install a pension for old age (pension for disability, for life service, social) and a pension for spending a year old - for a dead person;

c) vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv dad, SSMSC were vіyskovu service on zaklik, zagiblih (died) in perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo died vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї Service (vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death came vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv vnaslіdok їh protipravnih Act reasonably).

An old-age pension (pension for disability, for lifetime service, social pension) can be restored, and a pension for a year's worth of spending a year (Article 58.1 of the Law). At the same time, the pension for the year ahead is restored for the skin care of the dead (dead) military service.

Citizens can apply for a pension, if only after vindication of the right to it, without subsistence, whether it be a term, and independently, according to their nature, take an hour of retribution.

In connection with the increase in wages in the country's pensions, they charge for the calculation and increase in the way of the pensioner's individual coefficient for the increase of such minds:

a) Іndivіdalny Kyufіtsієnt Pensіoner is visited by the shih of Multname Rosemiru Pensії in VіdSotki, Shaho to get sideways in the trivosti of the work experience, on the middle of a middle-aidial surgery for the standings perigod, from a particular commission, to the middle of the same perigament.

The setting of the average monthly income of a pensioner to the average monthly salary in the country is set as a way under the average monthly income of a pensioner for the entire period to the average monthly salary in the country for the same period.

When viznachennі іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї to pay in kraїnі vrahovuєtsya rozmіrі have no hope 1.2 Square od pіdstavi priznachennya pensії for vinyatkom vipadkіv viznachennya іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera personages, SSMSC prozhivayut in areas Kraynoї Pіvnochі abo at mіstsevostyah, to prirіvnyanih districts of Krayny Pivnoch;

When viznachennі іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera personages, SSMSC prozhivayut in areas Kraynoї Pіvnochі abo in mіstsevostyah, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі have yakih rіshennyami organіv State Vladi CPCP abo Federal organіv State Vladi vstanovleno rayonnі koefіtsієnti to zarobіtnoї pay, vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera to serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї pay the country is insured at such sizes:

not needed 1.4 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who work up to wages, a district coefficient for rozmіrі is set to 1.5;

not needed 1.7 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who, before the wages of workers, a regional coefficient for rozmіrі vіd 1.5 to 1.8;

not needed 1.9 - for individuals who live in designated areas and towns, for those who, before the wages of workers, a district coefficient for rozmіrі vid 1.8 is set.

With this, as established by different district coefficients to wages, with a designated individual coefficient of a pensioner, a coefficient to wages is insured, which is also the case in this region for non-employees and workers in the galley service.

Ladies, pensіya Yakima priznachena vіdpovіdno to Chastain pershoї stattі 14 Law, if viїzdі of rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі that mіstsevostey, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі on Nove postіyne Location of residing zberіgaєtsya rozmіr pensії, obchisleny іz zastosuvannyam vіdpovіdnogo vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku pensіonera to serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї plateau the country, assigned in the paragraph to the fourth point.

Pensіoneram for vinyatkom osіb, zaznachenih in abzatsі dev'yatomu tsogo item when viїzdі of rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі that mіstsevostey, prirіvnyanih to rayonіv Kraynoї Pіvnochі on Nove postіyne Location of residing obchislennya pensіy Provadia іz zastosuvannyam іndivіdualnogo koefіtsієnta pensіonera, viznachenogo of urahuvannyam vіdnoshennya serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku average monthly salary in the country, which does not exceed the size of 1.2;

b) at the visnanі іndivіdual kdfіtsієnta pensіoner vіdpovyodey to Tsієї Statti End the calendar per_iodi roboti, Vіyskovo, by the states of 89, 90, the paragraph "f" Stattі 92 law, and Torozhe Periodska, Shaho, turn on the work a" and "e" Article 92 of the Law. With some part of the other article 16, the Law does not stop.

The increase in the pension for old age recognized for the total length of service (Article 10 of the Law) is equal or greater;

c) an increase in the recognition of pensions in connection with the increase in wages in the country to be carried out on a river - from 1 fierce, 1 grass, 1 sickle and 1 leaf fall.

To increase the pension, the individual coefficient of the pensioner is set up to the average monthly salary of the country for the period from 1st September to 31st of the month. how to spend money for 1 day; from 1 qvіtnya to 30 chervnya, as a rule, the increase is carried out from 1 serpnya; from 1 lime to 30 spring, yakscho zbіlshennya weed from 1 leaf fall; from 1 calf to 31 breasts of the front rock, as a way to get through from 1 fierce offensive rock.

In the same order, the amount of the newly assigned or repaid pension is determined on the bases established by the Law;

d) the amount of the pension, the charges are applicable up to the tax rate, in all cases it cannot be less than the minimum amount of the pension established by the Law;

e) the increase in pensions, charges are applicable up to the level of the statute, exchanged with the maximum amount established by the Law, not subject to change;

e) mіnіmalny rozmіr pensії for starіstyu (statte 17 Law) that vіdpovіdno mіnіmalnі rozmіri іnshih vidіv pensіy pіdvischuyutsya in line peredbachenі paragraph "c" tsієї stattі at tsomu Novi mіnіmalny rozmіr pensії viznachaєtsya Shlyakhov multiplication chinnogo mіnіmalnogo rozmіru pensії on іndeks zrostannya serednomіsyachnoї zarobіtnoї pay at the edge of the vіdpovіdny quarter. However, in all cases, the minimum amount of pension for old age cannot be lower for the amount, transferred to Article 17 of the Law;

g) Introducing chivalry.

h) to a pensioner who has been paid for a job, the calculation of that increase in pension is valid up to the statutory duty to be carried out from the 1st day of the month following it, for which the pensioner has pinned the appointed work.

SEREEDNOMAZYAYCHNA SERVICE fee in Krajnі for Periodi, Zondani at the point "In" Tsієї Statti, hardening by the Siberian Federal District of Rosіyskoi, for the applied of the leader Committee of Rosіyskoi Federation for statistics not pіznіsh 15, 15 kvіtni, 15 lipnya is the 15 ovtendy.

In quiet situations, if the pension is calculated, the calculation is up to the level of the statute, if it does not reach the limit, transferred by other norms to the Law, the pensioner has the right to choose the calculation of the pension without zastosuvannya individual coefficient.

The increase in pensions, calculated according to the norms of the Law without zastosuvannya іndivіdualnoi kofіtsієnt, go through the line, before paragraph "c" tsієї stattі, the way of indexation vіdpovіdno up to the growth of the average salary in the country.

Financing of the payment of pensions, recognized according to the law, is funded by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the expenses of insurance contributions of robotic workers, the bulk of the population and allocations from the federal budget. When introduced to this Law, changes and additions that require an increase in the amount of money spent on the payment of pensions, the federal law is charged with the financial security of the additional amount of money.

The payment of pensions transferred by the Law for military servicemen and those who are equal to them from the pension security of the population, their families, as well as social pensions are paid for the amount of money that is assigned to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Federal Budget.

The pension, which is paid according to the law, is not subject to taxation.


Pension on the bases is restored:

for individuals - after attaining 60 years and for a total work experience of at least 25 years;

for women - after reaching 55 years and for the total work experience less than 20 years.

Pensions on the basis of pilgrims are established by the following categories of citizens:

a) women who have given birth to five and more children and they have given them up to eight years of age, as well as mothers of disabled children, who have been given birth to the last century, - after reaching 50 years and with a total work experience of at least 15 years;

b) for the disabled of the state age and for other disabled persons, equal to them the pension security (Article 41 of the Law): for individuals - after reaching 55 years of age and for women - after reaching 50 years of age with a total work experience, assigned by the Law;

c) for disabled people of the 1st group beyond the dawn: for people - at the reach of 50 years and with a total work experience of not less than 15 years and for women - at the reach of 40 years and with a total work experience of at least 10 years;

d) to the bulky people, we are ill with hypophyseal nanism (liliputam), and disproportionate dwarfs: for people - at the age of 45 years and with a total work experience of at least 20 years, for women - at the age of 40 years and with a total work experience of at least 15 years.

Pension at the link with special minds is restored:

a) cholovіkov - pіsl smelting 50 rokiv і zіkamam - pіsl smelting 45 rokіv, Yakscho voni Vonpovyvyuly pledged not me 21 rokiv і 7 rokіv 6 mіsyatsіv on pіmber robots, on robots Zi Shk_dlivimi Umov Pratska Ta in gharii shops that їx 20 and 15 years.

Citizens who can have at least half the experience on underground robots, on robots with poor minds working in hot shops, a pension is assigned from the change in age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for one penny for the skin of such robots to people and women;

b) for men - after attainment of 55 years and for women - after attainment of 50 years, for example, the stench worked effectively on robots with important minds, at least 12 years, 6 months, and 10 years, and may have a significant work experience, designations.

Citizens, who can have at least half of the experience in robots with important minds of work, a pension is assigned from the change in age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for one rok for one skin two years and six months for such robots for men and for women for two years;

c) for women - after the reach of 50 years, as a result of the stench they were promoted as tractor drivers - machines in the agricultural state, and other galleys of the people's state, as well as the machines of everyday, road and vintage-rozvantazhuvalnyh machines not less than 15 years of work experience, Law;

d) women - after attaining 50 years, even though stinks worked at least 20 years in the textile industry on robots with increased intensity and gravity;

d) cholovіkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 55 rokіv, zhіnkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 50 rokіv, Yakscho stink pratsyuvali vіdpovіdno not less then 12 rokіv 6 months at i 10 rokіv yak robochі lokomotivnі brigade that pratsіvniki okremih kategorіy, SSMSC bezposeredno zdіysnyuyut company profile transported that zabezpechuyut BEZPEKA Ruhu on zalіznichnomu transportі and subways (for the list of professions and towns), as well as driving vintage cars without intermediary in the technological process in mines, mines, rosettes and ore quarries on vivienne vugillya, slate, rudi, breed and may have a deep work experience, designations for statistics 10 Law;

e) cholovkim - pіsl smelting 55 rokiv, zhіkam - pіsl smelting 50 rokіv, Yakscho Vonya Potseyvali Vіdpovidnye not Messa 12 Rockіv 6 mіsyatsіv ta 10 rokiv in Ekspaditsi, part_a, pens, on Dilnitsy TA in the brigades geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forestry and rozvіduvalnyh robots and may have an extensive work experience, appointments in stats 10 of the Law.

During this period of work without intermission in the sex minds from the beginning until the end, they are paid for the work, less than the time - for the actual work, and on seasonal work - up to Article 94 of the Law;

g) cholovikov - p_sl smelting 55 rokiv, zhіnkam - pіsl smelting 50 rokіv, Yakschko Vonya Pepsyuva Vіdpovіv's not menesh 12 Rockіv 6 mіsyatsіv і 10 Rockіv Yak Robіtnikov, Maistra (in the same Number of Starshі) Speed-free on L_Soszagotivs Ta LіSosPLAVI, Inspirations (for the list of professions, posad and virobnitstv), that may have a deep work experience, appointments in Article 10 of the Law;

h) for men - after the achievement of 55 years, for women - after the achievement of 50 years, if the stench worked at least 20 and 15 years as mechanics (dockery - mechanics) of complex brigades on the assembly and expansion of robots for the ports and duties Article 10 of the Law;

і) cholovikov - Після голонення 55 Rockіv, zhіnkam - pіsl smelting 50 rokіv, Yakschko Vonya Potzyuvali Vіdpovido not me 21 Rockіv 6 mіsyatsіv і 10 rokіv 6 mіsyatsіv І 10 Rockіv at the Plaskatlada on the vessels of Moruski, R_chkovo fleet that fleet of Ribno-Domisovosti (Kirm shipychy the water area of ​​the port, service-additional, rose, primisky and internal success) and may have an extensive work experience, appointments under Article 10 of the Law;

K) Cholovіkov - Pisl Movement 55 Rockіv Ta Zhіnkaam - Pisl Movement 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya Potsevali Yak Water Company, Tolleybusіv, tram on regular Mishkaya passenger routes Non-Messa Vіdpovy-20TA TA 15 Rock_ Majut Zhanki labor experience, the evaluation of Statti 10 law;

l) cholovikov І zіkamam - pіsl smelting 40 rokіv, Yakscho Voni postіino perforated with rolled cars in professional Avarino-villainous services, professioned Avarino-Echativalnya formo supra-extreme situations;

m) chivovikov - by Оголенні 55 Rockіv, Zhіnkam - by Miscellennі 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya Buli Town in the robots zkudzhenniy zak Rob_Thniki Ta Services Installations, Shah Vymballin Krimіnalnі Запись свигаді росбульння вісі (behind the list Robіt i profession ) must be no less than 15 and 10 years old and may have a significant work experience, appointments under Article 10 of the Law;

o) cholovіkam that zhіnkam - pіslya dosyagnennya 50 rokіv, Yakscho stink propratsyuvali not less then 25 rokіv on Posada State protipozhezhnoї service Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh ref Rosіyskoї Federatsії (pozhezhnoї receptionists Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh right, protipozhezhnih that avarіyno-ryatuvalnih services Mіnіsterstva vnutrіshnіh right) peredbachenih perelіkom operational Posad Sovereign Anti-Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Lists of eligible jobs (professions and settlements), for the improvement of which pensions are established at a reduced pension rate, are confirmed in the order that is appointed by the Order of the Russian Federation for the weather with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Labor activity with special minds is carried out in an offensive order: to work, repaid in points "b" - "k", the work comes, assigned at point "a" to work, repaid in point "b", - work, assigned at points "e", "f", "g" and "i" to work, repaid in point "c", - work assigned to all points, except point "d" to work, repaid in point "g", - work , assigned to all points; to the work listed in paragraph "e", - the work, assigned to paragraphs "b", "f", "g" and "i" to the work listed in paragraph "e", - the work, assigned to points "b", "e", "g" and "i" to the work repaid in paragraph "g", - the work assigned in paragraphs "b", "e", "f" and "i" to the work repaid in paragraph "h" " ", - the robot is assigned at points "b", "c", "e", "f", "g", "i" and "k" to the work repaid in paragraph "i", - the robot is assigned at paragraphs "b", "e", "f", "g" to the work repaid in paragraph "k", - the work assigned to paragraphs "b", "c", "e", "f", "g " , "z" and "i".

Pensіya in Zvnocheka's robot on the edge of Pіvnocha stand up: Cholovіki - Після голонення 55 Rockіv і zіninkam - by izhenenenі 50 Rockіv, Yakscho Vonya rocked not me more than 15 calendar rock_s from the areas of destroying Півночі сbo Kraynyo Pivnochi, and may have a deep work experience of at least 25 and 20 years.

Gromadyans, yakі worked yak near the districts of the Krayny Pivnoch, and in the cities, equated to the districts of the Krayny Pivnoch, the pension is restored for 15 calendar years of work on the Krayny Pivnoch. With this skin, the calendar day of work in the months, equated to the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, nine months of work are carried out in the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch.

Gromadyans, yakі propratsyuval in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi not less than 7 years 6 months, the pension is assigned from the change of age, transferred to Article 10 of the Law, for four months for the last calendar month of work in these regions. When working in the cities, which are close to the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, as well as in these places and the regions of the Krayny Pivnoch, a rule is established, established by a part of another section of the statute.

Prior to work at the Last Pivnochi, labor activity is assigned to Article 12 of the Law.

The transfer of districts in Krayny Pivnochi and towns, equated to the districts in Krayny Pivnochi, is confirmed by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have reached the pension age, assigned by Article 10 of the Law, do not have a full lifetime of work experience for recognition of a pension, transferred by that Article itself, a pension is established for incomplete work experience, which is not less than five years.

The pension is established at the amount of 55 thousand rubles of earnings (divided by the VII Law) and, moreover, one hundred years of earnings for the skin of the last century of the total length of service, which exceeds the necessary recognition of the pension (Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the Law).

When a pension is recognized, it is valid up to Articles 12 and 14 of the Law of the increase in income for one hundred years of earnings, it is also charged for the skin of a newer special work experience over the period necessary for the establishment of a pension.

The amount of the pension, calculated according to the ordered order, cannot exceed 75 thousand rubles of earnings.

The minimum amount of the pension with a total work experience, equal to the necessary recognition of a new pension, is set lower than the amount established by federal law.

Maximum Rosemіr Pensії with a tanning labor experience, Shah Dorіvnyuє Nekhіdny for acknowledged Penseni, to stand up on the RІVNI TRUHOH MINIMALINE ROMMIRIV PENSІSI (PRESH PERSH OF STATE 17), and PENSІSI, recognized as a robot to Zi Shkіdlivimi, the robot of Garychi workshops (paragraph "a" of article 12 of the Law), - three and a half times.

The amount of pensions (part of the first statute) is increased by one hundred thousand per year of total work experience over the required pension recognition, but not more than 20 thousand rubles.

The amount of pensions in case of a non-permanent work experience is proportional to the actual length of service, depending on the total pension, which is established for the length of service for people of 25 years and women of 20 years (Article 10 of the Law).

The calculation of pensions in proportion to the actual experience is carried out in the following way: this pension is subdivided by the number of months of required length of service; the sum is to be multiplied by the number of months of actually actual experience (for which experience, the period of over 15 days is rounded up to the full month, and the period of up to 15 days inclusive is not covered).

The increase in pensions with a non-permanent length of service cannot be lower for a social pension (paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law).

The pension is assigned on a do-it-yourself basis.

Before retirement, the following allowances are established:

a) to keep an eye on a pensioner, as a person who is a disabled person of the 1st group, or he will require a permanent third-party watch (for help, at a glance) to lay a liqual mortgage or reach 80 years;

b) on non-practical benefits (Articles 50 - 53 of the Law), because they themselves do not take any pension. The allowance for non-working pensioners is paid to non-working pensioners;

C) participants in the Great War of War (subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans"), if they are not immediately deducted from the pension for old age, the disability pension.

The amount of allowances for watching a pensioner, even if he is a disabled person of the 1st group, or has reached the age of 80 years, until the increase in the amount of social pension, designated under paragraph "a" of Article 114 of the Law.

Rosemic surcharge on the dogbar behind Pensіioner, Yakscho Vіn will not leave Viku 80 Rockіv і, I will not need a post_yny-sided dogland (Dopmers, Visnand) for Visnik L_kuvalo Install, and Torzіoner Divniu's Skin Nepricate Utility, Romiro Social Pensiji, has been reviewed by item "B" Stattі 114 Law, and for non-practical utrimantsya - a disabled person of the ІІІ group - assigned to paragraph "c" of the article.

The allowance for participants in the Great War of the Witches, assigned at point "c" of the first section of the article, is established at the following rates:

a) if you have reached the age of 80 years, or as disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups - two minimum pensions for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

b) the number of participants in the Great War of the Witches - one of the minimum old-age pensions (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

For the work after the recognition of the pension, an allowance is established for the increase of 10 thousand rubles of the pension for skin surgery (12 last months of work), but not more than lower for three years of work. Such an allowance is established for the work after the beginning of chivalry by the Law of these people, who, continuing to work, mali the right to a pension, but they did not take it away. Looking at the extra charge, the total sum of the pension is not separated.

Pension, established for unemployed prestrokovo, pensioners who work, do not pay. If such hulks reach the pension age, for which the stink of gaining the right to a pension on the arrogant, plethoric bases, or at the link with the special minds of the workers, the payment of their pension will be carried out, obviously, to a part of the first state.


Invalidity is important for the damage to the health of a person with a stable disorder of the functions of the body, which should lead to a new or significant loss of professional practice, or the present difficulties in life. Three groups of disability can be seen from the lower stage.

Citizens, who have already spent the building to regular professional practice in the great minds, are restored to disability of the I group, as if the stench will require a constant third-party observation (additional help, observation), and the II group, as if the stench will not require such an inspection.

Citizens, who have spent the building to regular professional practice often, are restored to the III disability group.

Disability, її group, reason, and if necessary, the hour will come, are appointed by the medical and labor expert commissions (VTEK), which are based on the position, as they are confirmed in order, which are designated by the Council of the Russian Federation.

Disability of the I group is restored for two years, II and III groups - for one day. The term will not be revised: for people over 60 years of age and women over 55 years of age, for people with disabilities with irreversible anatomical defects, and for other people with disabilities - for a change of illness, which will be confirmed in order, which is designated by the Order of the Russian Federation.

The pension on the bases is restored at the time of current disability due to the reasons assigned to articles 39, 40, 43 of the Law.

Pensіya on pіdstavah, peredbachenih for vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv (vklyuchayuchi partizanіv Velikoї Vіtchiznyanoї that gromadyanskoї voєn and takozh Jung sinіv (vihovantsіv) polkіv) priznachaєtsya at nastannі іnvalіdnostі vnaslіdok vіyskovoї trauma (statte 41 Act) abo zahvoryuvannya, otrimanogo pid hour vіyskovoї Service (statte 4 Law).

On equal bases with military servicemen, a pension is assigned to the persons of the chief and ordinary warehouse of internal affairs. When tsomu іnvalіdnіst scho came vnaslіdok wounding, kontuzії, kalіtstva, otrimanih at vikonannі sluzhbovih obov'yazkіv in organs vnutrіshnіh ref, prirіvnyuєtsya to іnvalіdnostі vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury, and іnvalіdnіst scho came vnaslіdok іnshih reasons scho mali Location in perіod prohodzhennya service of zaznachenih organs, - to the disabled after falling ill, taken away from the hour of the military service.

Pensions on the basis of the statute 26 of the Law, are established independently, if the disability has come (up to the beginning of labor duty (training), in the period of work (training) or after the statute 27), and on the basis of the 27 Law, as if disability came during the period of the military service, or not later than three months after the release from the military service, or later for the whole term, or after the military injury, or the illness in the period of service, taken away

Disability pension due to labor qualifications and occupational illness (Articles 39, 40 of the Law) is assigned independently in view of the trivality of the hard work experience.

Pensions for disability due to severe illness (Article 43 of the Law) for people who have become disabled up to 20 years old, are also assigned independently in the case of trivality of severe work experience. In the author's vipads for acknowledged pensії according to the Іnvalіdnostі vnaslіddok of the tannaya Zhanvyuvannya, the needless percent experience per hour Nanastani іnvalіdnostі: Gromadanam Vіkomu up to 23 Rockіv - not me than one rock, and Vіtsі 23 Rocky і older - one rіk zb_lighnem yogo on Chotiri Mіsyatsi r_k vіku, starting from 23 years, but no more than 15 years.

When perehodі of pensії for іnvalіdnіstyu vnaslіdok labor kalіtstva, profesіynogo zahvoryuvannya, vіyskovoї injury abo zahvoryuvannya, otrimanogo in perіod vіyskovoї service on pensіyu for іnvalіdnіstyu vnaslіdok zagalnogo zahvoryuvannya neobhіdny seniority viznachaєtsya for vіkom hour Pochatkova vstanovlennya іnvalіdnostі. This rule zastosovuetsya, as a break in disability does not exceed 5 years.

Citizens, yakі є іnvalidami І and ІІ groups nasledok zagalnogo zahvoryuvannya that not mayut povnogo work experience for recognizing a pension (Article 29 of the Law), a pension is established for a non-povnogo zagalny work experience.

Pension (crime pension for disability due to military injuries) is established at the following rates: for disabled people of groups I and II - 75 thousand rubles, group III - 30 thousand rubles.

In quiet situations, if the pension cannot be calculated from earnings, it will be established at a firm level, which is equal to the minimum amount of the pension (Article 32 of the Law).

The disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups will be restored at the level of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law), and the disability pension of the 3rd group - at the level of 2/3 of the minimum pension.

The amount of the pension for disability of I and II groups (part of the first category of the statute) is increased by one hundred years for the skin of the last century of the total length of service over the amount necessary for the recognition of the pension for old age for the full length of service, but not more than 20 years of work.

The maximum amount of pension for disability of the 1st and 2nd groups will be set equal to the maximum amount of pension for old age (part of the first article 18 of the Law), and the pension for disability of the 3rd group - the minimum amount of the first state (part of the pension).

The amount of the pension for disability of I and II groups (part of the first category of the state) is increased by 1% for the skin of the first half of the total work experience over the necessary recognition of the pension for old age for the full length of service, but not more than 20 years of work.

Disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups for non-recurring total work experience are deducted from the total disability pension in accordance with the procedure established by Article 19 of the Law. Її rozmіr cannot be lower for a social pension (paragraph "b" of article 114 of the Law).

Disability pension due to military injury (Article 41 of the Law) or illness, taken away from the first hour of military service (Article 42 of the Law), is assigned independently in case of three years of military service, including military service.

On equal bases with military services, if they became disabled due to military injuries, pensions are restored:

gromadyanam number of robіtnikіv i sluzhbovtsіv vіdpovіdnih kategorіy, іnvalіdnіst yakih came from zv'yazku of wounding, kontuzієyu, kalіtstvom abo zahvoryuvannyam, otrimanimi in rayonі vіyskovih Act reasonably, on the frontline dіlyankah zalіznits on sporudzhennі Defense rubezhіv, vіyskovo-morskih bases that aerodromіv, that prirіvnyanim pension security to the military servicemen, depending on the special decisions of the Order of the SRSR;

hulks, who became disabled in connection with wounded, shell-shocked, calisthenic or ill, taken away during the period of rebuking from guilty battalions, platoons and corrals to defend the people;

to the hulks, we will call on the initial and re-checking gatherings, and as if they became disabled after injury, contusions or calistva, taking away the hour of service shoes' shoes during the passage of these gatherings.

The disability pension of the 1st and 2nd groups of inherited injuries (Article 41 of the Law) is assigned at the maximum allowance, established by part of the first statute of 18 of the Law, and the disability pension of the 3rd group is due to a specific reason

Radyansk hulks - migrants from other lands, who did not work in the Russian Federation or the SRSR, a pension is assigned:

a) due to disability due to labor qualifications, occupational illness, military injuries, taken away from the first hour of the Great Great War in the fight against the armies of the powers that were spent at the war camp in the SRSR, - independent of the length of service;

b) for disability due to severe illness - for the presence of severe work experience, necessary for a century for an hour of work (Article 29 of the Law).

(As amended by the Federal Law of January 14, 1997 N 19-FZ)

Before the pension for disability of the 1st and 2nd groups, allowances are restored, referred to in paragraphs "a", "b" and "c" of the first article 21 of the Law.

Before the pension for disability of the ІІІ group, an allowance is established, transferred by paragraph "c" of the first article 21 of the Law.

The invalidity of the worker, as if victorious at work, was assigned to the part of the first article 89 of the Law, it is respected such that it came after the labor age, as an unfortunate fall, which caused damage to health, becoming:

a) the hour of vykonannya labor obov'yazkіv (zokrema pіd hrіdryadzhen), and navіt pid hr skoєnnya be-yakikh dіy in the sphere of organization, even if without authorization of the administration (government of the kolgospu toshcho.);

b) at the cost of a job or a job;

c) on the territory of the organization, or in another place of work, for a working hour (including those established interruptions), for an hour, necessary for the ordering of the workforce, and a thin garment. before the cob or after the end of the work;

d) near the organization or another month of work and stretching the working hour, including the established breaks, as if the transfer there was not superficial to the rules of the internal labor order.

In addition, the disability of a hulk is considered such that it has come after the labor age, as an unfortunate fluctuation, which, having caused damage to health, becomes like this:

e) the first hour of passing the training (practice) and conducting the initial studies (experiments) the first hour of the training;

f) under the hour of vykonanny state obov'yazkіv, and navіt heads of radyansk chi hromada organizations, the activity of such superechit the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

g) under the hour of vikonanny gromadyanskogo ob'yazku z order of human life, protect power and law and order.

Disability is respected such that it has come after a professional illness, as if illness, which called out to you, is recognized by a professional.

The list of professional illnesses is confirmed by the order that is appointed by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Іnvalіdnіst gromadyan, scho passed vіyskovu service, in addition chislі yak Jung sinіv (vihovantsіv) polkіv, vvazhaєtsya with such a scho came vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury, Yakscho Won Je naslіdkom wounding, kontuzії, kalіtstva, otrimanih at zahistі CPCP, Rosіyskoї Federatsії abo at vikonannі іnshih obov'yazkіv vіyskovoї service (service obov'yazkіv), chi ill, scho s perebuvannyam frontі.

Іnvalіdnіst Vuddian, Yaki was held by Vіiskov service, in the number of Yak Jung, Sinіv (Vikovantsіv) Polkіv, to come in touch with such, Scho Naslіddok Zakhvoryuvnya, Reflammable in Perigod of Vіiskovo, Yakschko, became the head of Kalіzzv Vnaslіddok Nechadki Vipadka, not a re 'language of the military service (service). obov'yazkіv), or ill, not tied up with rebuking at the front.

Disability is respected in such a way that it has come after a severe illness, as it is not the last of the reasons assigned to articles 39, 40, 41, 42 of the Law.

If the disability is more severe due to other reasons, the reason for the disability is attributed to the disability.

The pension is established on the term for which the disability is assigned (Article 25 of the Law).

Under the hour of reviewing the disability group, the pension of the new rozmіrі is paid from the day the disability group is changed. If disability is not established, then the pension is paid until the end of the month, in which a review was carried out, but not until the day before which disability was established.

If a hulk does not show up at the appointments of the terms for review by PTEC, then the payment of a pension is charged. It will be remembered from the day, if the hulk is again recognized as a disabled person. If you skip a line, re-examine the important reason for the introduction of the VTEC of disability for a minute, the pension is paid from the day for which the hulk was recognized as disabled. If, when re-examining, another disability group was installed (I’m looking for a lower one), then the pension is paid for the indications hour after the previous group.

Previously, a disability pension was recognized after a severe illness, but from the day you signed it, you must pay through the end of the term, for which disability was established, no more than five years have passed. Renewal of a previously recognized disability pension due to other reasons is not defined by the term.

At the time of the current disability, the next time, interrupt the pension for disability, you can recognize (for the disability) on the high grounds.

For working pensioners, the pension is paid at the full amount (without the allowance for benefits).


The right to a pension is possible for non-practical members of the dead, as if they had changed for yoga utrimani (Article 53 of the Law). The fathers and widows (widows) of the hulks, who perished in the aftermath of military injuries, one of the fathers or the squad, the other member of the family, designated in paragraph "c" of the article, as well as the skin of the fathers of the military servicemen, for the deaths, served in (died) perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo died vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї service (vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death came vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv vnaslіdok їh protipravnih Act reasonably) pensіya priznachaєtsya Square od of chi stink perebuvali on utrimannі zagiblih (died).

The non-proprietary members of the sіm'ї are respected by:

a) children, brothers, sisters that onuks, if they did not reach 18 years old or older for this century, if they became disabled until reaching 18 years old, with whom brothers, sisters, that onuks - for the mind, because they don’t think of practical fathers;

b) father, mother, cholovik (team, cholovik), if the stench reached 60 or 55 years (for example, people and women) or disabled people;

c) one of the fathers, or a person, or a grandfather, a grandmother, a brother, or a sister, regardless of the age of practice, as a vin (won) taking care of the children, brothers, sisters, or the onuks of a dead yearling, they did not reach 14 years, and did not work ;

d) did that grandmother - for the presence of osib, yakі for the law of goiter yazanі їх utrimuvati;

e) the fathers of dead (died) military servicemen, who served in the military on a call, as the stench reached 55 and 50 years (as a person and a woman) (Article 58.1 of the Law).

The fathers of that person died, because they didn’t change their minds, to earn the right to a pension, as if by the stink of the year they spent a lot of money for a foundation.

Learned, retired at the age of 18 years and older, but not more than the age of 23 years old, may be entitled to a pension from the year before the completion of full-time training for full-time education in the educational establishments of all types and types of lighting installations of supplementary lighting.

Let that stepmother earn the right to a pension like a father and a mother for a mind, as if they were waving, or they humiliated a dead stepson to a stepchild no less than five years old.

Pasinok and padchera may have the right to a pension like their own children.

The members of this dead man are respected by such that they changed on yoga morning, as if the stinks were changing on yoga for a new morning, or they took off any help, as it was for them that the main source of help for foundation.

The members of this dead man, who helped him with the help of the constant and main dzherel of the koshtіv for the foundation, and even if they themselves took away a pension, may have the right to go to a pension from a year's worth of money.

Trimming the children of the dead fathers are being transferred and forcing evidence.

Sims of the weightless day-to-day hulks are equated with the dead families, as the weightless day-time of the year-old is certified in the established order. With the help of this family of military servicemen, if they were born without a hitch, they are compared to the families of those who died due to military injuries (Article 66 of the Law).

Incomplete, yakі mayut the right to a pension (Article 50 of the Law), save the right for their adoption.

The pension, recognized from the year before, wasted a year-old man - squads, is saved when entering a new school.

Pensions are assigned to the solemn bases, as if the death of the one-year-old came as a result of the labor age, a professional chivalrous illness.

Pension on support, established for the families of military servicemen (including those of partisans of the Great Civil War and the Great War), is assigned, as if the death of the birthday came after the military injury and illness, taken off during the hour of military service.

On equal bases from the sim's of the military servicemen, the pension is assigned to the sim's of the osib of the chief and the rank and file of the internal affairs bodies. Under Cwoom, the death of the yearvalnik, Shcho Naxlіdda Pozennynynya, Constuitsi, Kalіzzv, recorded in Vicannі services, Obovo bodies in the internal office bodies, shouldn for the deaths of Vnaslіddok Vіiskovo, and the death of Godvalnik, Scho Introduced the Introduction service at the appointed authorities, - until the death of the anniversary of the illness, taken away from the hour of the military service.

Pensіya on pіdstavah, vstanovlenih for batkіv zagiblih (died) vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, SSMSC were vіyskovu service on zaklik, priznachaєtsya, Yakscho zagibel (death) came in perіod prohodzhennya vіyskovoї service abo pіslya zvіlnennya of vіyskovoї service vnaslіdok vіyskovoї injury (for vinyatkom vipadkіv, if death vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv came) in the wake of their opposing actions).

(As amended by the Federal Law of 01.06.99 N 110-FZ)

Pensіya on pisstavakh, zanomy in Stattі 57 law, to stand out unmodestful, if the deathwaller's death came, Stattі 58 on the law, Yakshko, the Death of Godvalnik came from Perigod Vіyskovo, ABO NOT Pіsnіsh, Triok Myskіv Pіsl, Abo pіznіshe tsgogo termіn, ale after the military trauma and illness, taken away under the hour of the military service.

Pension from the year before spending a year's worker on the basis of labor qualifications and occupational illness is assigned independently in view of the year's work experience.

Pension from the year before spending the year after a bad illness is restored, as if the year before the day of death is a long work experience, which is necessary for the recognition of a disability pension (Article 29 of the Law).

Sim'yam gromadyan, yakі died in the aftermath of infamous ill-health, and not to waste a full length of service sufficient for recognition of a pension (Article 29 of the Law), a pension is awarded for a non-repeated infamous length of service of a year.

Pensіya Z Nenodi Ground Girl (KRIM PENSІSI З Naked the Grounds of the Gervilnika Vnasіddok Vіiskovo's injuries of Ta Pensії zh Hedgly Pohi Gervalnik Batyki Wagbler (Perember) Vіiskovsk bobbovtsіv, Scho took place at the cliking service) to stand up at Rosemіr 30 Vіdsotk_vkіtka yearwalnik on the skin incraze. a child, yak spent both fathers, and a dead mother of her own - at the second increase in the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

Pensions, including those with an unrecorded work experience of a year-old, cannot be lower for a social pension, assigned in paragraph "b" of Article 114 of the Law, at the expense of a skin non-procedural member of the family.

The maximum amount of pension is set on the level of the minimum amount of pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law) for a skin non-procedural member of the family, for a small pension for children, if they spent both fathers, that died a single mother) (Article 62) the fathers of dead (died) military servicemen, yakі passed military service on a call (Article 68.1 of the Law).

The amount of pensions for the non-recurring work experience of a year-old is deducted (with a new pension) in accordance with the procedure established by Article 19 of the Law.

The death of a year-old is respected such that it has come in the aftermath of a labor crisis, occupational illness, military injury, illness taken away during the military service, a severe illness, as it has become a legacy of causes, assigned to the Law 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

Retirement for spending a year's anniversary due to a military injury or illness, taken away for an hour of military service, is assigned independently in view of the trivality of a year's work experience, a military service.

On equal support from the families of military servicemen, who perished as a result of a military injury, pensions are restored to their families, who were repaid by Article 35 of the Law, as they perished as a result of such an injury.

A pension from the year before spending a year after a military injury is assigned at the maximum amount established by Article 64 of the Law.

Retirement for the year to spend a year old to the fathers of dead (died) military servicemen, who served in the military on a call (article 58.1 of the Law), the skin father is restored to the three minimum pensions for old age (part of the first article of the Law).

For the families of deceased pensioners, pensions are awarded at the outrageous ambush independently due to the annual work experience.

Sim'yam died pensioners, if they became disabled due to military injury, the pension is assigned according to the rules established by Articles 67, 68 of the Law regardless of the cause of death of the pensioner.

Before the family of dead pensioners, one can see those sims, the one-year-old of them died in the period of retirement, or no later than five years after the payment of the pension.

Before the pension, the following allowances are established: for keeping an eye on the pensioner - on the minds of those at the remittances, transferred to Article 21 of the Law; children - disabled people and disabled people from children of the 1st and 2nd groups, who have spent both fathers, as well as those appointed to children of a dead mother of their own - at the expense of social pensions, referred to by paragraph "a" of Article 114 of the Law.

(As amended by the Federal Law of 04.08.94 N 12-FZ)

The pension is restored for the entire period, for the duration of which a member of this dead person is considered invalid (Article 50 of the Law).

When changing the number of members of the family, who will be provided with a pension, the pension is reviewed for the number of members of the family, as if they may have the right to receive a pension.

The pension in the new expansion is due on the first day of the month following it, for whom the situation has come, which will cause a change in the expansion of the pension. With the current situation, which is to pull the payment of a pension, the payment of a pension is attached to the same term.

For the children who have spent both fathers, that dead single mother, during the period of rebuking them, 50 thousand pensions are paid to the sovereign state, and 25 thousand rubles for other children.

In this order, a social pension is paid, it is installed for children, like they spent their fathers.

For the period of rebuying children from children's institutions on the basis of state security, between recognized and dependent until the pension is paid, children should be repaid to the rahunki of these institutions.

For the help of any member of this family, a part of the pension is seen to be paid well. At the same time, a part of the pension for children, if they spent both fathers, that deceased mother of her own will be recognized by the death, established by Article 62 of the Law.

Part of the pension is seen from the first day of the month following it, who had a statement about the distribution of pensions.

For members of this family, like a pension for a year's worth of years, it is established at the link with disability, the rules are expanded, transferred by articles 23 - 25, 47, 48 to the Law.

For working pensioners, the pension is paid in the amount of money.


The pension for the service of the fates is established at the link with the trival underground, other work with especially shky and important minds, as well as other professional activities.

Madigani, chaselessness of the ones of the robucky day on the pіdembatis of the Vіdkritih G_rnichih robots (turns on the specialiest warehouse of gіrnichlyvalnye part) h Vidobuteku Vugіllya, Slate, Rudy Taji Coristers Kopalin Ta on Budіvniktvі Shakhta Ta Rudnik (behind the list of Robit Ta Profije, Scho , to earn the right to pension independently for a century, as stench worked on appointed robots for at least 25 years, and practitioners of conducting professions on these robots - tampons of cleaning viboy, walkers, vibіynik on vіdbіy hammers, machinists on such robotic viboyu machines less than 20 years.

Retirement for communication with work on ships of the navy for the fishing industry for vidobutka, processing of ribeye and seafood, for the acceptance of finished products in the industry (depending on the nature of the work), as well as on other types of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing fleet for an hour of service not less than 25 years, for women - 20 years.

Retirement at the link with a robotic guard at professional emergency repair services, professional emergency and repair moldings (for relocation of the station and specialties, which are confirmed by the Order of the Russian Federation) can be established independently during a certain period of service.

Retirement at the link with the work at the litter and trial warehouse is established: for people with service not less than 25 years, for women - not less than 20 years; in case of lack of heavy work at the camp of health - for people with service not less than 20 years, for women - not less than 15 years.

Pensions at the link with work and management will be restored: for people - after reaching 55 years of age, and for a lifetime of work not less than 25 years, of which not less than 12 years of 6 months of work with direct management of public relations; women - after attainment of 50 years and for a lifetime of work experience less than 20 years, and at least 10 years of work for the direct management of the flights of the ships.

Pensіya S Z Z'IONCHOK WORK WORKING IN THE ISNEVENNO AND TECHNY WALLWAY WORLDS WOMEN: Cholovіki - Pisl Movement 55 Rockіv, with a tanning labor experience of Roboti in Tsivіlnіi Avіatsії no menesh 25 Rockіv, not a member of a member of the Rocky Schedule of the Schedule; for women - after reaching 50 years and for the total length of service in civil aviation less than 20 years, and at least 15 years from the uninterrupted service of the ships.

Pensions in connection with pedagogical activities in schools and other institutions for children are established for services of at least 25 years.

Retirement in connection with the splendid and other work for the protection of the health of the population is established for the services of at least 25 years in the rural area and in the settlements of the city type and not less than 30 years in the towns.

Retirement at the link with creative work on the stage in theaters and other theatrical and visual organizations and collectives is established for services on 15, 20, 25 or 30 years depending on your character.

Lists of eligible jobs (professions and settlements), for which a pension is awarded for service, and for necessary jobs, the rules for calculating service and recognizing pensions are approved by the Order of the Russian Federation for weather with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Pensions (krіm pensions for workers employed on underground and other maid jobs) are set at the rate of 55 to 75 wages. With the service, which is more expensive, the amount of the pension will be 55 thousand rubles; for the skin of the last river of service, I will need more wine for one hundred years of income. In case of service at a literal and literal-testing warehouse for people from 20 to 25 years old and for women from 15 to 20 years old (part of the first article 79 of the Law), the pension is changed by 2000 wages for leather work (incl. to re-service.

The amount of pensions for pilots - class I pilots is increased by 10 hundred square meters. For all types of pensions, the increase in pensions cannot exceed 75 thousand dollars of earnings. With any exchange, established by Article 86 of the Law, do not stagnate.

Pensions for workers employed on underground and other maid jobs (Article 78 of the Law) are established at a cost of 75 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of the pension is calculated on the basis of the minimum amount of the pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

The amount of pension (a part of the first statute) is increased by one hundred per year for the skin of the latest special work experience (service) over the necessary recognition of a pension, but not more than 20 hundred per cent.

The maximum pension amount is calculated on the level of the total maximum pension amount for old age (a part of the first article of Article 18 of the Law), and for civil aviation aviation on the level of three times with half of the minimum pension amount for old age.

The maximum amount of pension (a part of the first tax of the state) is increased by 1 new hundred for a second period of special work experience (service) over the necessary recognition of a pension, but not more than the lower by 20 thousand.

Until the pension for the service of the roki, an allowance is established, transferred by paragraph "c" of the first article 21 of the Law.

Pensions (krіm pensions for practitioners employed on underground and other maid jobs, as well as pensions recognized from the link with the pedagogical activity at schools and other institutions for children, and the pension recognized from the link with the medical health care 'I'm populated in the rural towns) and in the settlements of the mіsk type) pay for the minds of the overwork (service), for the improvement of which it was installed. For the rest of the work, the pension is paid in accordance with the procedure transferred to the first part of Article 22 of the Law.

Pension, recognized to practitioners, employed in underground and other maiden jobs, as well as pension, recognized in connection with pedagogical activity in schools and other institutions for children, that pension, recognized in connection with jubilant and health care work I am populated in rural townships and settlements of the mіsk type (stattes 78, 80, 81 of the Law), they pay for the order transferred by part of the first article 22 of the Law, regardless of the nature of the work.


In order to improve the total work experience, that is, the total trivality of labor and other sustained work, assigned in this division of the Law, an old-age pension is established, and in case of disability, a pension for disability per year is established.

In order to improve the special work experience, to the total trivality of the singing labor activity (service), a pension for old age is established for the connection with special minds of the worker (Article 12 of the Law), work at the Extreme Pivnoch (Article 14 of the Law), as well as a pension for service (divided V Law).

Before the infamous work experience, it includes whether it is a robot, like a robot worker, serving (a hired robot until the establishment of the Radyansk government beyond the cordon), a member of the collective state or other cooperative organization; other work, like a worker, not being a worker or a service worker, having supported state social insurance; work (service) at the militarized defense, in the organs of the special connection of the abo ryatuvial part, regardless of their character; іndivіdualna truda dіyalnіst, zokrema y silske gospodarstvo.

The period of creative activity of members of the creative teams of the SRSR and the allied republics - writers, artists, composers, cinematographers, theatrical actors and others, as well as writers and artists, if they are not members of major creative teams, they are assigned to work. The experience of creative activity is calculated according to the order, which is determined by the Council of the Russian Federation.

Service at skladі Zbroynih Forces Rosіyskoї Federatsії that іnshih stvorenih vіdpovіdno to zakonodavstva Rosіyskoї Federatsії vіyskovih formuvan, Ob'єdnanih Zbroynih Forces Spіvdruzhnostі Square Powers Zbroynih Forces kolishnogo CPCP in organs vnutrіshnіh right, zovnіshnoї rozvіdki organs, organs kontrrozvіdki Rosіyskoї Federatsії, mіnіsterstvah i vіdomstv, in some laws, the military service, the number of organs of the state security of the Russian Federation, as well as the organs of the state security and internal affairs of the large SRSR (among those in the period, if the organs were called in a different way), were transferred to partisan pens in the period of the Great Civilization viyni to be included before the infamous length of service on a par with the work, transferred from Article 89 of the Law.

Pіdgotovka to profesіynoї dіyalnostі - navchannya in schools, schools that courses of pіdgotovki kadrіv, pіdvischennya kvalіfіkatsії that of perekvalіfіkatsії have serednіh spetsіalnih that vischih The Teaching mortgages perebuvannya in aspіranturі, doktoranturі, klіnіchnіy ordinaturі vklyuchaєtsya to zagalnogo seniority narіvnі of robots pererahovano stattі 89 Law.

Before the infamous work experience, it is included in the same way as the work, assigned by Article 89 of the Law, such periods:

a) temporal incompetence, which developed during the period of work, that disability of the 1st and 2nd groups of calisthenics associated with virility, or occupational illness;

b) looking after a disabled person of the 1st group, a child with a disability, an old one, as if she would require a constant watch over a visnovka of a likuval mortgage;

c) the care of an unpractised mother for a skin child in a child up to three years and 70 days until her birth, and not more than 9 years in a dream;

d) accommodation of squads (cholovіkіv) of military servicemen, if they were to serve in military service for a contract, at once from cholovіkami (brigades) at the military, they could not practice for specialty at the link with the opportunity to work;

e) living behind the cordon squads (cholovіkіv) pracіvnіkіv radyanskih ustanov and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in a shack;

f) perebuvannya at the mistsyakh vyaznennya over the term, appointments pіd hour revisited right;

g) to pay additional help for unemployment, participation in paid community work and moving for employment service directions to another city and practice.

With staundered Pensiya for Star_Sti, the Pratsі Vіdpovd to Stattі 12, the law of the hour of the Іnvalіdnostі і eta group of Onaslіdnostі І TA II Group Unaslіdtnostі і, a d'яз завина завирибнийству, Абовина обовиняя воривина зарідовное за роботво, Якійна заринановна

The period to be insured up to the length of service, to be insured for their actual trivality, for a small amount of failures, listed in Article 94 of the Law, that special rules for calculating the service of lives (Article 83 of the Law).

In case of a work experience assigned under Articles 10, 11, 12, 29 of the Law, such periods of work (service) are calculated in accordance with the following order:

the last navigational period on water transport, the last season in organizations and organizations of seasonal industry galleries - for river work. Changes in seasonal work are confirmed in order, which are designated by the Order of the Russian Federation;

at leper colonies and anti-plague establishments - at the subway rosemary;

at military districts, headquarters and installations, which enter the depot of the infantry army, at partisan pens and pens during the period of combat operations, as well as the hour of visiting the likuvanni at the likuvalnye mortgages in the wake of military injuries (Article 41 of the Law) - to a different loss;

at metro station Leningrad during the hour of the blockade (from 8 spring 1941 to 27 sichnya 1944) - at the potryyny rozmіrі;

under the hour of the Great Veteran War (from 22 chervnya, 1941 to 09 tran 1945) for work in areas that were paid off by the enemy, - at the root of the rose;

in the regions of Kraynoi Pivnochi and in the regions, equated to the districts of Kraynoi Pivnochi, - in one and a half roses;

military service on call - at the subway rosemary.

Gromadyan, unprimed attracted to criminal conviction, unprimed repressed and rehabilitated by a year of rehab, an hour of morning sickness, perebuvannya at the local authorities, and slandered to a lifetime of work experience at a third peace.

Gromadyans, yakі lived in areas, timchaly paid off by the enemy during the period of the Great Witches war, and reached the day of occupation, or in the period of 16 years, until the total length of service, the whole hour of the period of their transfer from the capital of 16 years of the older countries, the states of the Soviet Union and also on the territory of the powers, as if they were staying at the camp of the war from the SRSR, the Crimea was vipadkiv, if the stench in the appointments of the period was malice.

Gromadyans, yakі lived in the city of Leningrad in the period of the blockade (from 8 spring 1941 to 27 sichnya 1944), the period of the Great Vitchiznyanoy war is secured up to the total length of service at the dependent rozmіrі, krіm vipadkіv, if the stench in the appointments of the period was blamed for evil.

The length of service before registration as an insured person is subject to the Federal Law "On the individual (personification) appearance of the state pension insurance system", is established on the basis of documents that are seen in the established order by the state authorities and municipal authorities.

The length of service, after registration as an insured person, is established on the basis of statements of an individual (personalized) appearance.

The work experience (crime work in okremi hromadyan), appointments at a part of the first statute 89 to the Law, you can install on the basis of showing two or more certificates, as documents about the labor activity spent at the connection with the natural disaster (earthworks, later, then ). n.) that it is impossible to vouch for them. In a few cases, it is allowed to establish the work experience for showing certificates when documents are used for other reasons (for example, in the wake of their poor savings, mindful poverty).

In my case, if foreign hulks or persons without hulkiness, those shims need a great amount of work experience for recognition of a pension, work beyond the cordon is included up to such a length of service, as if no less than two-thirds of it falls on a job in the SRSR, unless it is otherwise transferred by contract.


Pensіya at ZV'Inku's work with the work of that Іnshuyu silly Corius Dyalnіstyu (Statta 3 of the law) is to be received by the standing standards of the IZ SEREDNOMAZHYSKAYA, KRIM Vipadkіv acknowledged її in the Vіdpovy Maximum Rosemiri Gromadanam, Yaki became Іnvіdami at the Z'IMIMA Zhyudyan , as if they perished after such an injury (articles 36, 68 of the Law), as well as to children, as if they had spent both fathers, that child died of their own mother (article 62 of the Law).

Gromadyans, such as a pension can be calculated from earnings, will be restored to hard sums, equal to the minimum amounts of annual pensions.

Earnings for the calculation of pensions include all types of payments (income), deducted from the connection with the vicarial workers (service obligations), referred to Article 89 of the Law, on which insurance contributions are paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

You see the premiums, where the insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation do not count, are charged by the Order of the Russian Federation.

Before earnings for the calculation of pensions, the order of the payments, transferring the first part of the article, is also included:

a) a penny of security of military servicemen and osib, equal to them from pension security, which are paid for the period of service (Article 90 of the Law);

b) help with timchasovy unpracticality;

c) a scholarship that is paid for the period of training (Article 91 of the Law).

The in-kind part of the earnings is valued at state-owned retail prices for the period, if the payment was made.

SEREEDNOMIMIKY SURTATING COMPLETED PENSIMI WHERE (FOR THE BAZHNES OF TOM, HTO HTO FOR PENMSІюююYU): For 24 remains, Roboty (Services, CRIM ROYSIKOVO, OOO) Before the suts for Pensіюu Abo for Be Supernia 60 Misіv Roboti (Services) Spail Owl Society before retirement for retirement.

Three months, for which the average monthly income is paid, they are included (for the money, which is spent for a pension) for the last month of work at the beginning of the month, or on the first day of the month, that money is missing (wasted) in the Zv'yazka to Trioh Rockіv's dog, and the hour of robot hour, the sick of the Yaku Vadyanin Bouv Іnvalіd Aboy, Refiruvnaya VіdshKoduvanna Zbitkіv, the Kalіtsk residents of the Aboy sickle, are healthy, Zdіysnuvav Doglyad for Іnvalіd Abo , which will require a third-party watch over the visnovok of a likuval ї install. When every month is turned off, they are replaced by others, who will immediately overtake the chosen period, or they will immediately follow it.

Serednomіsyachny zarobіtok, viznacheny Chastain pershoї that Druha tsієї stattі for perіodi to reєstratsії yak insured person vіdpovіdno to the Federal law "About іndivіdualny (personіfіkovany) Obl_k in sistemі sovereign of the Pension strahuvannya" vstanovlyuєtsya on pіdstavі dokumentіv scho vidayutsya in the prescribed manner vіdpovіdnimi Reigning that munіtsipalnimi. bodies, organizations.

The average monthly income for the period after registration as an insured person is established on the basis of statements of an individual (personalized) appearance.

The average monthly income for the periods assigned to the statute 102 of the Law, is paid by way of the total sum of the earnings for 24 months of work (service) and 60 months of work (service) depending on 24 and 60.

If the work is less than 24 months old, the average monthly income is paid off at the bottom of the total sum of earnings for the actual month's wages for the number of these months.

In case of retirement, if the period of work becomes less than one full calendar month, the pension is calculated based on the gross monthly income. Vіn is marked by an offensive rank: earnings for the entire working hour are divided by the number of working days and the sum is multiplied by the number of working days in a month, calculated in the average for the day (21.2 - with a five-day working day; 25.4 - with a six-day working day tyzhni). And here the salary, from which the pension is calculated, is impossible to overestimate the sum of two tariff rates (salaries) of this practitioner.

The order of zbіlshennya zarobіtku at zv'yazku z pіdvischennyam vartosti zhittya and zminami on іvnі nominalіnії payment pratsі established by law.

Earnings of employees, as if they work in the okremy hromadas from their services, acceptances for the calculation of pensions, share the sum of the earnings of employees and service workers in the relevant professions and qualifications, hired from the state organizations for services in the organization of services

Members of the creative teams of the SRSR and the union republics, and other creative practitioners (part of the other article 89 of the Law), pensions are calculated on the basis of the bases established by the Act. At the same time, the average monthly income is deducted for two remaining calendar years before the retirement for retirement, or for five calendar years after the protracted labor activity before the retirement for retirement.

Pensіya Radyans'ka gromadyanam - migrants of іnshih kraїn, SSMSC not pratsyuvali in CPCP, obchislyuєtsya іz serednomіsyachnogo zarobіtku robіtnikіv i sluzhbovtsіv vіdpovіdnoї profesії that kvalіfіkatsії in CPCP nabuv seniority, dostatnogo for vstanovlennya povnoї pensії, pensіya pererahovuєtsya Square od of skіlki hour proyshlo pіslya priznachennya pensії.

The repayment of a pension is carried out at the request of a pensioner from earnings, for which the bula was recognized (reclaimed) earlier, or from earnings, as for a new recognition of a pension.

Pensіonerm, Yaki Raspartsyuva Pisl Fans of Pensії No Menesh 24 Mizіvіv Zamya Zamiytkom, Pensіya I can redistribute (for іїkhnyyu I'd, Visit IZ Seredny-Mysterian Skriktka, Pіddrakhovanny for 24 Mіsyatsi Roboty Pospail Pisl, acknowledged Pensії, in order, increasing ages 102 that 103 law.

The skin of the onset of the pererahunok should be carried out no earlier than the lower after 24 months of work after the front pererakunok.

A) Heroes of the Radyancy Union, Heroes of Rosіysko Co. Tuhdyanamov, the Nagojeznima Order of Slavs Trio Stepnіv, - by 100 Vіdsotkіv Rosemiru Pensії, Alla not Mensen Nіzh on 200 VіdSotkіv Mіnіmal Roomіru Pensії for Staristiu (Party Person Stattі 17 Law), Heroes of Socialіstiki Pratsі - 50 100 hrs of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law);

B) to the champions of the Olympic Games - by 50 thousand rubles, and not less than 100 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

c) citizens awarded with the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees or with the Order "For the Service of the Batkivshchyna in the Armed Forces of the SRSR" of three degrees - for 15 degrees;

D) participants of the Great Veteran War (subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans") - by 100 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law);

e) to the hulks - many inconsequential battles of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of the primus primus, created by the Nazis and their allies during the period of another luminous war, - by 100 hundred square meters of the minimum pension for the old age (part of the old state);

e) to the hulks, who were not less than six months old in the military service in the period from 22 chervny 1941 to 3 spring 1945 part of the first article 17 of the Law);

g) to the hulks (appointed at paragraph "e" of the article), who spent at least six months at the time of the Great Vytchiznyana war (from 22 chervnya 1941 to 9 January 1945), including an hour of work in areas that were paid off by the enemy, and rewarded with orders and medals of the SRSR for samoviddanu pratsyu and helpless military service in the field near the rock of the Great Veteran War, - 50 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law). Promotion of pensions to the people who were born before 31 December 1931 inclusive, carry out without needing to prove the hour of work, assigned by Articles 96 and 97 of the Law;

h) citizens who have been awarded the badge "Sack of the besieged Leningrad" (for the citation of the citizens, appointed at paragraphs "e", "g" of the statute), - 100 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law);

i) citizens who are not punished for political reasons and are rehabilitated for a year - by 50 thousand rubles of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article of Article 17 of the Law);

K) Інвардама з в Внаслідок перенный, contuzії Abo kalіzzvtva, vyazhiznya zyiyi vіyni Velikovnya Vіtchiznyanji vіini Abo ї ї ї ілідкий, Які и ї ї слідкий, Які ина иняю загорісью, інвідністю сбо з заго протой труге-дружальника, - 100 Utrumanni, Employment less than one of the pensioners, on their choice.

The minimum allowances for labor pensions and social pensions are deducted for citizens who live in areas where regional coefficients have been established up to the salary of employees and service workers, due to the stagnation of the wage coefficient for the entire period of living. In this region, as different coefficients have been established, a coefficient will be established, which in this region is for workers and servicemen of non-virobnic galuzeys.

In this order, the maximum amount of labor pensions is assigned to the appointed citizens.

b) for disabled people of the II group (crime for disabled children), for children, for those who have spent one of their fathers, and for those who have grown up, for those who have reached 65 and 60 years of age (for people and women), - for the difference of 2/3 of the minimum pension for old age (the first part of the 17 Law);

c) for the disabled of the III group - at the amount of 1/2 of the minimum pension for old age (part of the first article 17 of the Law).

On the population, as a social pension is established at the link with disability, the rules are expanded, transferred by articles 23 - 25, 47, 48 to the Law.

Article 38 of the Law zastosovuetsya at a part of the surcharge for the supervision of a pension, recognized as disabled children of the 1st group, for children - disabled people.

(As amended by the Law of the Russian Federation in 15.01.93 N 4297-1)

On the day of retirement for a pension, the day of filing an application with the necessary documents is considered. When submitting documents to the post office, on the day before, the date of their issue is taken into account.

In cases where not all the documents necessary for recognizing a pension have been submitted before the application, that you have applied for a pension, a rose is given, if the documents you can file additionally. If the stinks will be filed no later than three months from the day of the omission of the final rose, the day of the filing of the application is taken into account.

An application for the recognition of a pension is considered by the body of the social protection of the population no later than 10 days after the receipt of the required documents or the receipt of additional documents.

The final pension is assigned earlier than the day of filing for it (Article 118 of the Law) in such cases:

old-age pension and pension for the service of the rokiv - from the day the work (service) was assigned, as if it were not more than a month after the day the work was done;

disability pension - from the day the disability was established, since the payment for it is not later than 12 months on that day;

a pension from the anniversary of spending the anniversary - from the day of the death of the anniversary, as if it were not later than 12 months from the day of the anniversary of death; in case of retirement for a pension later, it is assigned to the river earlier, lower was the penalty for it.

For all types of pensions, a pension is assigned no earlier than the day the entitlement to it is vindicated.

The payment of the pension will be carried out for the current month. Delivery of that transfer of pensions is charged for the account of the state.

if they live at the state-owned chi municipal stationary establishments of social services, they pay 25 thousand rubles of recognized pension.

During the time period of the pensioner's daily life, 75 thousand rubles of the recognized pension are paid according to the statutes. If so, for the period of timchasovoy daily life of a pensioner, a calendar period of one to three months is taken into account.

Yakschko at Pensіoner, I am also living in the Munitian Munitian Staters of the Munitian Social Service (for the Vinyatkom Persiodіv Timchasovo, otdannostivnya Pennsіoner in the commentations of rational), є Nezraztnіnі Смень сім'її, Які отрумина но оотримані, then Pensіya viplate 'ї - a quarter of the pension, two members of the family - a third of the pension, for three or more members of the family - half of the pension, for the pensioner himself - 25 thousand pensions.

for three fates before the beasts for their otrimans.

Sumy pensions, not withdrawn at the same time from the blame of the authorities, if they assign or pay a pension, they pay for a minute without an exchange of terms.

For an hour of remission of the pensioner's will for a trial, the payment of the recognized pension is paid.

Sumi pensions, like laying down a pensioner and an under-recovery in connection with his death, are paid to those who fall on slanderous bases.

To the members of this dead, yak to carry out the funeral, t y sumi weep until the fall.

X. VIVIDOVIDALNIST' ORGANIZATION I GROMADYAN. RESPONSIBLE FOR PENSION FOOD, the current situation is to drag along the change in the amount of pensions, or else you have to pay.

At the time of non-conforming appointments of obov'yazkiv and payment at the link with the cim of the sum of the sums of the pension, the organization and the pensioner must pay the senior body of the social protection of the population of the zapodiyanu shkoda.

Sumi Pensіy, Nasmіru Viplacheni Pensіoner Vnaslіddok Yojo Zlotovnnya (subwitting Documentіv ІЗ Svіdomo in the wrong foundations, the inhibitory zmіn at the warehouse of SIM ', on Yaku Viplachuyu Pensіya from arrogant to the random of the yearvalnik Tuskomo), you can extend from Pensії to the authority, I am a Pensia. Rozmir utriman on this basis is not guilty of revisiting 20 hundred rubles of pension, which the pensioner should have to pay, over utrimannya on other bases. All kinds of animals have

Tsei law introduced in dіyu: at chastinі pensіy for іnvalіdіv vіyni that іnshih uchasnikіv vіyni (in addition chislі s number vіlnonaymanogo warehouse) sіmey zagiblih vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv, gromadyan, neobґruntovano represovanih of polіtichnih motivіv that Zgoda reabіlіtovanih, mіnіmalnih rozmіrіv of labor pensіy, pensіy dіtyam orphans participants in the liquidation of accidents at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, social pensions, as well as in part of the norms that do not stop the reconciliation of pensions and the order of calculation of pensions and earnings (divided by the VII Law) - from the 1st birch of 1991; in the other part - from 1 January 1992, moreover, until 1 January 1992, pensions are paid at the sum of no more than the minimum amount of pension for old age, transferred in part to the first article 17 of the Law, with a little extra to them.

When submitting additional documents, after the ceremoniality of the Act (about the length of service, earnings, etc.), to give the right to a further advancement of the previously recognized pension, the pension will be repaid again. In case of any change of pension, it will be carried out from the day of recruitment by the Law, but not more than 12 months (the month of submission of documents is excluded).

At the time of submission of the assigned documents, after 1 April 1993, the pension is repaid on the basis of the legal bases established by Article 121 of the Law.

Citizens, who are recognized as pensions before the recruitment of rank by the Law, if they do not think beyond the minds of the norms of the Law, the right to a higher pension, they will be saved from the previously established limit, but not the lower minimum pension for old age, established by the Law.

In the same order, a pension is paid, after the recruitment of chivalry is established by the Law for the minds and the norms of earlier ceremonial legislation.

The hour of consecration until September 1, 1992, to the fate of underground workers, works with shkіdlivym minds of workers in hot shops, as well as other workers with important minds of workers, who give until September 1, 1992, the right to take away pensions on special worker minds, in the form of which a pension for old age is assigned on a par with robots, which are designated in paragraphs "a" and "b" of Article 12 of the Law.

On the site «Zakonbase» you will find the LAW of the Russian Federation dated 20.11.90 N 340-I (as amended on 27.11.2001) "ABOUT POWER PENSIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" in the latest version, in the same version. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of information.

Under any circumstances, the LAW of the Russian Federation of 20.11.90 N 340-I (ed. of 27.11.2001) "ABOUT POWER PENSIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATSІЇ" can be absolutely cost-free, as if it were, so with the head of the government.

What was signed about unruliness on 08/03/18?

Oleksiy Mazurov

Chotiri Federal Law with numbers 339-ФЗ, 340-ФЗ, 341-ФЗ and 342-ФЗ, which introduced changes to all Federal Laws about inviolability: Civil, Land, Local Codes, the Federal Law “On state registration of indestructibility” and related to them FZ. Change at the anonymous articles of the Federal Law, rich storinkovі, so we won’t obtyazhuvat the lower case, whether it’s numbers and letters of sub-points, let’s say the essence.

1. 339-FZ and 340-FZ

Dedicated to self-spores.

In total, three years ago, article 222 of the Civil Code on unauthorized disputes (FZ of July 13, 2015 No. 258-FZ), and Federal Law of August 3, 2018 No. , as well as to ask a new one directly.

At the same time, the state continues the inconsistency of its changes to self-sufficient disputes, starting from the preservation of the position about them in civil law.

Article 222 of the Civil Code on self-sufficiency appeared a day before the Mistobudivny Code, in the light of the law, and may be the provisions for the establishment of such an announcement, incl. independent. Although it is marvelous, dosi їх there didn’t flare up, 340-ФЗ їх at the new one. Ale 339-FZ, I may again change (not deal with) the provisions of civil law on self-sufficiency disputes.

The Power, on the one hand, with various legislators and numerous judicial decisions, will block the very right of self-government, on the right to self-sufficiency, their victoria, on the other side - take the provisions about them, that mind is legalized on the basis of the simple civil law, according to the simple civil law code Let's clear up the twists and turns of the new land and local terminology. Tsya inconsistency has now called for a position about one and the same - about self-arranged disputes - behind different federal laws, to ease not only their zastosuvannya, but th joke.

From the specific provisions of 339-FZ and 340-FZ, it is significant that:

  1. At article 222 of the Civil Code, it turned out that in 2015 the role of "usage" of everyday life, the existence of which is a self-sufficient sign of autonomy of everyday life. Good weather - like before, not specified. Less than two dozen uzgodzhuvachs were transferred to legislation at different times, at different places, at different stages of registration.
  2. It was not self-sufficient, but later, without raising the spore, created from the damaged borders of the land plot under it, as if “the master of this object did not know and could not know about the designation of the land plot, what to lay the land on.” Insanely, the price of ignorance is the subject of bringing and it is unlikely to be confirmed, as if the exchange for oblivion was officially published by a normative act, for example, the rules of land grafting were forgotten. Obviously, in this innovation, they are toiling at the disposal of the obmezhennya or the fence of everyday life in different zones with special vicarious territories (ZOUIT). In fact, in practice, there is an impersonal superechok, which is installed ZOUIT on a number of specific objects, as a matter of fact, as a proper body only. Now the spores of ZOUIT have more chances to lose their insignificance.
  3. There has been an increase in the number of organs of self-regulation of the organization of self-registration at the court order. Now the stench cannot afford the right to carry out self-sufficient life on the land plots of private vlasniks, “crime of vipadkiv, as a way of saving such life, I create a threat to the life and health of the people”; living quarters and garden houses; budіvlі, the rights to yaki registration in Rosreestrі. For the recognition of such self-sufficient buddies, a court decision is required. Derjuburnaand authorities, Srisnaganda, Nasninjandi, Isshtsevaya Derciana Domothanya for Misztsa Analyznna Self-Self-Society about NIA, and Tom - Zadroku Zokrema, Zmіni Zmіni, Zmіni Zmіni rules a decision about bringing an unauthorized dispute, or go to court about bringing an unauthorized dispute.
  4. The procedure for the exclusion of land plots from self-sufficient spores has been introduced. It is allowed to press “non-private”, incl. earlier forfeited, a land lot with an unauthorized spore through an auction, that obov'yazk to її a contribution to the tax on such a land lot.
  5. On the right, in the dispute about the adjudication of a self-sufficient dispute, “may be considered by the arbitration court of the first instance at the lines, but do not exceed one month from the day of the due date, file a claim before the arbitration court, including the term for preparation of the court before the court review, and the decision is accepted at the right.” A similar station was introduced before the TsPK. Before them, with the remaining fates, the judges of the poor took decisions about the rise of self-sufficient disputes. Now such a decision is in the minds of the vanity of the judges, and they have an hour to complete the situation on the right to make such a greater and more important.
  6. It is fixed that the body of registration of the rights to inviolability, as if the guilt was established by the court; The price of the innovation is especially important, the evidence of the so-called “legal examination of documents”, which was carried out by the registration authorities of the rights to inviolability, as it would be small to confirm the legality of the creation of disputes, incl. to protect її in the form of a toll, in practice, there was no significance, the shards of the registration of the future with the Rosreestre did not change the decisions about their rendition as self-sufficient, tobto. illegal, and trying to get money from the Rosreestr on sumi sums was unsuccessful in the courts.

The order of the provisions on self-sufficiency 340-FZ in the new fundamentally new provisions on individual housing and garden houses (further - ІЖС), zokrema:

New understanding of ІЖС. At the same time, the height of the ІЖС can be up to twenty meters. It is not designated that IZHS is recognized for living alone, but it is established that ІЖС is not designated for living on independent objects of indestructibility. The area of ​​ІЖС in meters is not specified.

ІЖС zvіlne vіd permission to work, and therefore, і vіd registration of DPZU and the scheme of planning organization of land plots, which is necessary earlier. Ale, with whom IzhS, was crushed by the subject of derzhbudnaglyad and not included in the self-identified spore. Deputy permission for the everyday life of the IZhS zaprovadzhennja rules for registration of information about the planning and initiation of the ІЖС, but with the help of the substations.

2. 341-FZ

Introduced fundamentally new rules about public services and distribution of linear objects on foreign land plots, zokrema. private vlasnikiv, without their knowledge from the lower rulers, as a linear object is needed for the needs of the public population and did not bring to impossibility that suttavoi twist of the amount of permitted vikoristanny of the land plot, zokrema:

  1. The provisions introduced by 341-FZ of the chapter of the Land Code on public servitude for linear objects are similar to the provisions of the chapter of the Land Code on the acquisition of land plots for public consumption of line objects, introduced by Federal Law No. 31.12.14 No. 499-FZ.
  2. The public hearing about the public easement has been addressed.
  3. A public easement on a land plot is respected by the establishment of the date of the introduction of information about it in the EDRN on the basis of a decision approved by the body about its establishment, and not a further date about a public easement between the legal authority of the land plot that special public.
  4. A public easement for a linear object in our land plots has become paid, rozmіr and zbitkіv in the form of such an easement to the legal owner of a land plot to pay for a rozrahunka.
  5. The style of the term was introduced on the court listing the public easement.
  6. Vymoga about the redemption of a land lot, superficially covered with a public easement, the right holder of a land lot has the right to present such an easement to the ruler, and not to the body that he has set up.

The possibility of the existence of linear objects on the category of land of a strong subdarskogo recognition without a prior transfer of a strong subdarskoy land plot to a different category of land was confirmed, as it was in the fall of 2016.

Also, 341-FZ, having established that the transfer of land plots for the placement of a lesser linear object of sovereign or municipal significance - not on the minds of a public servitude, but on other rights - means the transfer to the category of industrial land and a special recognition of recognition but about the introduction of such a land lot to the first category of land. The provisions on the issue of statute 11 341-FZ are extended to all categories of land, the category of land of settlements in that area, where such linear objects are not allowed to be placed.

3. 342-FZ

Assignments to the main ZOUIT: security, sanitary, protection and other similar zones. Ale є at 342-FZ and other things that are worth the money, innovation.

Dosі statutes about raznі vidi ZOUIT buli in dozens of normative acts іz weak zagalnennyam. 342-FZ cі zagalnennya zapravdiv.

Main innovations of 342-FZ:

  1. Vycherpno pererakhovanі vidi ZOUIT, before them the minimum distance to the main gas pipelines was lowered.
  2. If all the ZOUIT were requested to be able to put in place the dates of the entry of their cordons to the EDRN, and not later than 2022, the rules for bringing in the cordons to the EDRN to the ZOUIT and notification of the establishment of the ZOUIT by the law-enforcers, sawing land plots before them were reported.
  3. New rules for banning law enforcement officials from non-violence at the ZVZITu zvezku z їх installations, incl. at the time of the overlay on the land lot ZZVIT of different views.

Also, 342-FZ posture with a viscous іz ZOUIT:

  1. Having expanded the warehouse for the introduction of changes to the permit for everyday life.
  2. Having punished to bring to the Register of Cordons of the EDRN a change of the surplus of the allowed vikoristanny of the land plots, established by the rules of the zemlekoristuvannya that forget.

Assessing all the points of the Federal Law in a slanderous way, respecting the interests of various bodies (officials), but not private ones. Deyakі bills for the punishment of private osіb boulo vіdhileno.

Zokrema, yak i ranіshe, іsnuyut shirokі mozhlivostі viznannya budіvel samovіlnimi, ale not rozshiryuyutsya mozhlivostі budіvnitstva deyakih ob'єktіv on deyakih Statewide dіlyankah, napriklad, ІZHS on the land dіlyankah sіlskogospodarskogo priznachennya Selyanske Gospodarstwa, yak Bulo allowed until 2003 roku: neschodavno Derzhduma vіdhilila chergovy bill about tse. Expansion of support for the introduction of changes in the case allowed for everyday life and not to blame private forgetfulness.

The draft law was approved in 2014 to regulate the categories of lands with the transition to territorial planning, although in 2018, the documents of territorial planning were adopted in 2018. Saving a subdivision of lands in the category of subsistence and costly activities, incl. as a state, licenses, zokrema, supercorrosives have been seen.

Skasuvannya dozvolіv on budіvnitstvo ІZHS perevazhili "povіdomlennyam" yak on sutі Je not povіdomlennyam and declare about dozvіl buduvati ІZHS, oskіlki introduced pіdstavi for "upovnovazhenogo authority" in vіdpovіd on Takeo Notification vіdmoviti in budіvnitstvі ІZHS іz povіdomlennyam about tse to derzhbudnaglyadu that derzhzemnaglyadu, tobto. to the Rosreestru, so that the registration of the right of power to the ІЖС was not registered. They also addicted the IZHS to self-sufficiency in an accelerated (one month) judicial order.

Publine SERVITTUT for rosemistnya L_nіynyny Ob'єkta in editor 341-FZ meant, Shaho Merezhvі Abo Іnschі organіzatsії, Со со и и помініні Онінкині и реміньії), I can Schwidko, Besillyano for the Government of Land, Diliki "come" practical on - as a land plot, and її vlasnik happen to be separated from his plans for any other victorious or haggling / suing the "merezhka". At the same time, there were too few decisions to judge whether linear objects were considered as self-sufficient disputes.

Behind the linear object for the minds of the public easement, there will inevitably be a protective zone, tobto. ZOUIT, how to further fringe with your land plot, and beaten up in ZOUIT to bring it up.

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