Insurance against an unfortunate fall. Insurance against an unfortunate fall and sickness Insurance against an unfortunate fall for one day

Be like a person, like to give great respect to your physical state, on some day, which is unlikely to be miraculous for a new one, you can throw yourself on a drug bed. Moreover, it is not possible for yourself, and for all your loved ones. And unfortunate depressions do not forget to inculcate the most addictive people in a healthy way of life.

It’s a pity that such emergency situations do not only dramatically change the best way of life, but become the cause of great, even unplanned windfalls.


The method of insurance in the event of an unfortunate fall, which can be brought to the so-called special insurance and financial support in the period of recovery after injury, or during the hour of unaccompanied severe illness.

Be it a hromadain (also - an insurer), according to Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 48 "Insurance"), I have the right to insure in case of an unfortunate weather or sickness to myself, or be it another person.

As it seems, there is a trivale of rejoicing, and at the same time, there is more work to be done through disability; Timely insurance in the event of an unfortunate turn of events, that ailment allows the financial catastrophe to disappear, caused by an unsustainable second-hand practice.

Insurance payments for the insurance policy in case of unfortunate events help pay for the necessary medical treatment, and can also be directed to further rehabilitation.

The most common risk insurance:

  • total loss of practicality due to the establishment of a higher degree of disability;
  • chastkovy vtratseszdatnosti, to what extent the injury caused by butt or an unfortunate slip on the job;
  • emergency hospitalization;
  • loss of professional practice;
  • sports injuries;
  • death after an unfortunate fall.

Payments for the policy are charged at the sight of:

  • renew the private insurance sum;
  • insurance support, otherwise it is assigned for the entire period of non-sales of additional winemaking;
  • recognition of supplementary pension (timchasova chi permanent).

Precisely sumi, the terms and trivality of payments lie in the minds of a specific insurance contract in the event of an unfortunate fall.

As far as legislation is concerned, you can lay down the skin of a big man like himself, and his loved ones. Legal individuals can also act as insurers, for example, spivrobitniki in their companies, uchniv shkіl or sportsmen.

Important! Don't pay for contracts:

  • as the cause of injuries or deaths became illegal for the most affected people;
  • at the time of navmisnogo zapodіyannya sobі kalіtstv or try self-destruction;
  • in case of injuries, the reason for them is the cherubanya of TK in a drunken look.

See that program

Insurance companies offer various options for life and health insurance. The most popular among them are:

  • Insurance of life and health of private persons. You can insure not only yourself. This kind of insurance also gives the opportunity to fight and about a member of this family or a close person. Rozmіr vyplat at the borders of the insurance sum, assigned to the contract, to lie down in the event of trivality, spend the cost of practice or the severity of the injuries.
  • Insurance of practicing companies. For bazhannyam laying the agreement of the robot, the insurance protection of the practitioners of this organization can be healthy. However, the company may be tempted to issue an insurance policy for its employees only in case of unfortunate events, taking away the hour of wearing their service shoes by them, but not in the wrong minds, but on the other hand (often this kind of insurance is done). Also, insurance can be extended for an hour straight to the job. Such voluntary collective life insurance in the event of an unfortunate fall and ailments is most likely to be more viable for robots and allows you to escape the ship's calls.
  • Insurance of the citizens, as they pay loans. The presence of the insurance policy to allow the employer to pay the bank if necessary, if necessary, pay the bank. And at the time of death of the insured individual for the reason specified in the contract, all credit goiters are taken by the insurance company on themselves, by themselves zvilnivshi in the form of a financial tractor and yogo spadkoєmtsiv.

Children's insurance

As you can see, a child does not know how to correctly predict the consequences of his or her accidents. And the high level of activity, powerful for a young age, leads to the fact that schoolchildren and young lads recover from injuries in a higher situation much more often, lower people with a living dosvіdom.

Physical individuals can take out insurance for a child in the event of an unfortunate fall (illness) - її fathers and closest relatives.

An individual insurance policy is issued for a child.

As well as insurers - an organization (legal entity), for example, a global lighting school, a children's club or a sports section, most often put together a collective insurance agreement for a group of children.

Main insurance drops:

  • taking away a child's injury;
  • a serious illness was diagnosed (so called - critically ill);
  • aggravation after jubilation;
  • disability;
  • death of the insured child.

For the insurance premium, the fathers are paid a song sum, or the insurance sum is paid (deposit according to the contract).

Sports and insurance against unfortunate events

The risk of avoiding a serious injury in people who regularly go in for sports, is greater, lower in quiet, who can do the most ranked gymnastics. Zvichayno, toil at the sight of sports, associated with serious physical challenges. Grass in chess chi checkers on the professional level is clearly not up to injury-safe sports.

Insurance companies most often promote the insurance of professional athletes for the entire hour of their participation in sports (including the road to the city of magic). You can insure during the period of intensive training. For sportsmen-amateurs the most important is the provision of an insurance policy, as they are engaged in injury-free, and especially extreme sports.

Agreement on the insurance of athletes in transferring the promotion of coefficients that lie ahead of the traumatic nature of the sport, as well as the regularity of improvement and training.

It should be noted that the insurance premium for a high policy can be advised that the injury was taken away on the extra charge or for an hour to take extreme types of physical activity.

Insurance in the event of an unfortunate event and the policy of VHI

Dosit often stray insurance in case of illness (unfortunate fall) from a voluntary medical insurance policy. The main features of these various types of special insurance:

  • for the presence of a medical insurance policy, one is provided (paid) for the extraneous necessary and low medical services;
  • under the insurance contract in the event of an unfortunate accident or illness, insurance (penny) premiums are paid for if the insured person has an illness or an injury.

Insurance against an infrequent accident is the main reason for the support of the most insured and/or other close people for the accident of the singing conditions. Won is issued on a voluntary basis, based on the improvement of income and skill to professional risks. See polysiv - collective, individual, family, children, sports and tourist. About insurance against unfortunate events, see the statistics.


Individual insurance

Individual policies can be issued in the following forms:

  1. Povna insurance- it will expand on all periods of the professional and private life of a person under the hour of the contract.
  2. Private insurance- a guarantee of payment of air tickets is only hoped for during the singing period (for example, for an hour of a tourist trip across the cordon).
  3. - it is issued as an addition to package and combined policies, so that you do not give a charge for the necessary risks.

Individual insurance for infrequent accidents is the most popular type of packages that are voluntarily issued in the UK.

Group (collective) - insurance of workers in the event of unfortunate accidents at work

Corporate and collective insurance of workers is rebuying at the zone of social viability of the organization. Make out this sound only for great companies, as if to give their practitioners that recognition from the supporters of equal prestige. Also, the presence of such policies is necessary, as the professional sphere of activity of practitioners is associated with significant risks.

Mayzhe all current unsafe virobnitstva draw up for their spіvrobіtnikіv kolektivnі policy zakhistu vіd infrequent vipadkіv.

Group insurance guarantees the financial support of the practitioners and yoga sim'ї at the time of the hour and again spend the practicality. Tariffs for collective policies are lower, lower for individual policies.


This kind of policy is expanded at the same time by all members of this family. This presence guarantees you and your loved ones the maximum level of security, the payment of a penny compensation in the event of a current insurance situation at full liability. The main ones are death, serious injuries and calistva. Under one policy, you can be insured for an unmeasured number of relatives of age 1-70 years.

Family insurance for infrequent accidents - the whole policy for the whole family.

Child - life insurance and healthy child

Child insurance is necessary for your children, regardless of age, and especially for you. She guarantees full compensation for the cost of restoring the health of the child, as she suffered from an infrequent breakdown. At the time of laying down the contract, you may have a date of 1 to 17 dates.

An insurance claimant under a child policy for 24 years for doba or for an hour of rebuking in a pre-school, school.

Protection of children includes dislocations, fractures, damage to internal organs and soft tissues, injuries, injuries and other signs of an unfortunate fall, even to a lethal result. The policy can be issued for any term - for a river for a permanent defense or for 10 days for an hour of travel to the camp.

Sportive - how to insure a person against unfortunate events in sports

The policy of voluntary insurance against infrequent accidents is necessary for a skin professional athlete, it is possible to save money for an hour, pennies and strength in case of current insurance depression (and the insurance premiums for the sphere are included in the spheres of promotion of injury prevention, early on early in life on ob'yazkovo). Vіn pokryvaє all types of injuries, health and disability, as well as death in the future to take up sports. The term dії - vіd 1 to roku.

Issuing a policy for one day is the most economical proposition for athletes. Also, insurance can be robbed of any other term - for example, an hour of sports camps.

Special travel insurance in case of death

Most package tours abroad also include insurance, but rather specify the moment.

Features of contracts for voluntary insurance against unfortunate events

To take out insurance against infrequent trips, you will need to return to the UK with a passport and write an application. Obov'yazkovo to clarify information about the exchange rate according to the policy - it can be expanded on the age, health status of the applicant, transfer of insurance premiums. The terms dії can also be different:

  • pіd hour perebuvannya on the robotі;
  • tsіlodobovo;
  • pіd hour perebuvannya at school and child sections.

An hour for the policy - from one day. In most cases, insurance is issued for one time, but it does not mean that you cannot choose any other option.

Insurers, if they plan to put a contract for a million sums, the UK can ask you to submit additional documents, passports. Basically, the value of corporate clients.

The date of recruitment of rank is indicated in the contract, call the insurance to start the next day after paying the deposit. The deposit for a voluntary policy is 0.12-10% and is determined individually according to the set of risks. E

As a result of an infrequent mishap, one day I got a drop, prescribed at the contract, and paid for the skin cream.

Mustaches of fear, which are covered by the contract, are obligatorily owed, clearly spelled out. The main options, as we have already written above, are the time's unpracticality, disability and death. Compensation can be applied in the following forms:

  • preparation, or by bank order, like an insurance sum, a part (the sum is prescribed at the contract);
  • dopomoga insurance;
  • pension;
  • I'll get the winegrower.

The form of payments is also prescribed in the contract and the insurance nature of the injury. So, at the time of death, compensation is paid one-time, and in case of current disability, more is transferred.



In the wake of unfortunate vipadkіv - the main way to defend for the new time of spending time on the occasion, death. Insurance is issued in the UK, it can be individual, group, child, sports, tourist, family. Vartist policy to lie down in the width of the cover.

The main method of such insurance is to help with financial hardships associated with private or new expenses to work. Companies that are engaged in this type of activity give material support to the client himself, as well as to the closest relatives if necessary.

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Tse shvidko that bezkoshtovno!

R_novidi insurance against illness and unfortunate conditions

Insurance is available in two forms:

  1. Z special initiatives.
  2. At the boundaries of group volition.

At first glance, the Insurer insures himself or another person with his own initiative, paying all contributions independently. And in another place, the organization is crying and insuring its practitioners. Diya contract can do the same thing, and can be separated by a schedule of work.

Up to this kind of vіdnosin vdayutsya companies, scho carry a total social viability or organization with the risk of injury that is not safe. The group nature of the insurance ensures the laborious support of the practitioners in case of an ailment of an unfortunate turn of events, and allows the admission to reduce the cost of wages.

It should be noted that collective tariffs are significantly lower due to their special nature.

Insurance fluctuations


  1. Otrimannya shkodi healthy after an unfortunate loss - dislocations of suglobivs, fractures of the bones and the cystic apparatus, wounded wounds, opiki lean.
  2. Destroyed by chemical speeches and roslins (do not include bacteria salmonellosis, dysentery and other types of poisons of a toxic nature).
  3. Tick-borne encephalitis or poliomyelitis infection.
  4. Vagity posture of uterine character and pathological character, which led to the loss of reproduction in women.
  5. The deadly result is in the form of overexposure more than insured depressions, and also in the form of strangulation in the connection with the ingress of a third-party body into the respiratory system, over-the-world cooling, or through the current anaphylactic-type shock.

It can be argued that insurance companies have secured themselves as much as possible in the form of shakhraiv, but all the same, individuals are left alone, as if they were peacefully responsible for their own injuries or if they are bad, in order to take the payment.

In order to bring such people to clean water, if necessary, the organization may have the right to carry out a thorough investigation of the situation, after which a verdict on payment of insurance is due. The sum is not taken away and tі, who at the moment of the insured mood will be like some type of sp'yanіnnya.

For whom is insurance of this type obov'yazkovim?

Insurance for unfortunate cases 2 types:

  1. Obov'yazykovy type.
  2. Dobrovіlnogo.

Who is applying for language insurance:

  • Viysk;
  • spіvrobіtniki law enforcement agencies and courts;
  • practitioners of the MHC are also rich in categories with a rise in risk;

In the event of a current insurance situation, payments can be one-time or monthly, as an additional help through the timing of non-sales, or for additional payment of expenses that are recognized for the rehabilitation of the insured.

Costs are paid from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and the tariffication is to be classified as an injured, regional tax and is established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Viplati provaditsya zv'yazku zі vtratoj zdatnosti to pratsi timchasovogo chi povnogo character, as well as through the death of the victim.

Insurance of a voluntary type may be subject to an independent choice of an insurance company, the amount of insurance, the terms of the contract and the transfer of risks, which the client wants to issue. The laying down of the contract will be carried out on the basis of the application, and not necessarily before the legislator's will.

Insurance period and tariff scale


  1. Health insurance.
  2. For the period of a working day, that hour spent on a transfer from home to work back.
  3. Only for the labor year.
  4. For a singing interval of an hour (for example, for an hour of training).

The insurance contract can fit for a period from one day to a few years. With individual insurance, the most popular term is 1 рік. The practice of laying down this kind of vіdnosin by stretching a mustache life is still insufficiently explored.

Lines, from which insurance starts mother strength, is indicated in the document, as a tradition, on the next day after paying the contribution - the amount of insurance becomes 0.12 to 10% of the amount of insurance.

Vіdsotok to fall in vіd lіku rizikіv. Possibility to include in the list of support for 24 years, be it the planet Earth, be a person at home, on a trip or in training.

In the case of insured events, if the insured event occurs at the same time for two categories, payments are made according to the skin okremo in full obsya.

The first option of issuing the policy, but also the other, lesser variant - the wine is issued for a specific period and is most often initiated by companies, so that they can increase their financial capacity to a minimum. Come in, scho vydbulisya pose for an hour, or pose by the zone of coverage of insurance, do not spend for paying.

Tariff schedule

The amount of insurance is the main subject of the contract. Її the insurer can designate your own individually, fallow in terms of money and costs.

The tariff is set by the organization and deposited according to the transfer of included risks - the more points, the more deposits. Call for more than 10% of insurance sums.

Chinniki, what to add to the obligatory deposit:

  1. Professional activity of the client- The robot is more risky, the higher tariff.
  2. Lifestyle and Hobі. For example, a person loves to rise in price with exotic lands, or he or she dabbles in an unsafe extreme kind of sports activity, which raises the bet.
  3. Vikova category of a gromadyan- up to the old children that vіdsotok vіdsotok.
  4. Sublog affiliation- At cholovіkіv after they reach 40 years of risk, they will increase.
  5. Fallow in the presence of a healthy client. People with serious ailments have high blood pressure.
  6. History of insurance. Vaughn seems to be without a dog. What better way to pay for the insurance, the more money you can get from the company, the more you look at the people’s skils, take care of yourself and don’t get lost in the risks.
  7. Number of those willing to insure- Tariffs are lower for complex propositions.
  8. Terms of practice– to its permanent clients after the termination of the term of insurance with a further re- or continuation of the terms of the contract. In such situations, organizations give discounts to a large sum of money.
  9. Transfer of information about the documents of risks- what is more, then the higher the art of the policy.
  10. You can pay contributions for three schemes- One-time, randomly, after the end of the quarter or schomisyatsya.

Before laying down the contract, you should carefully read the contract, and discuss all the nuances with the presence of a legally competent person.

Issuing an insurance policy

It’s best to work in a company that is engaged in this business, already rich in fate, which has a great base and a good reputation.

The amount can be paid, no matter how much, 3,000,000 rubles. in currencies - rubles, in US dollars and the single European currency. Payments are due within 10 days from the date of transfer of the necessary package of documents at the time of the insurance settlement.

You can issue a contract for a special application to the insurance company.

What for this next step:

  1. Submit a document confirming the person.
  2. Write an application to the insurance company.
  3. If necessary, submit documents that characterize the order to borrow, become healthy, and the lifestyle of the client, including before the contract.
  4. Put together a lot of risks to get insurance.
  5. Calculate the insurance amount.
  6. Loosen the insurance deposit and pay the yogo scheme.
  7. Pay.

If a person is staying at the zone of increased risk, then the organization may have the right to request additional documents, it also costs if the sum of insurance is calculated in millions of dollars.

The client can also confirm to the current authorities:

  1. Mati vikom from 18 to 65 years.
  2. Do not mother serious illnesses.
  3. Disability of the 1st and 2nd groups include the possibility of insurance.

We have to pay

To cancel the insurance, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the organization:

  1. Polis.
  2. Passport of any other person.
  3. Completion of the application form for an insurance claim.
  4. Dovіdkovu base confirms the nature of the zapodіyanoї shkodi z establish z nadannya medical assistance or the treatment of the victim.
  5. Finalization of the H-1 form in case of the current situation at work, or another act that confirms the current situation.
  6. A document of an approved official body in case of an accident, which establishes the fact of an unfortunate incident and that yogo nuance. If, as a result, we suffer a group of disabilities, then it is necessary to submit copies of the outpatient treatment card, the history of the illness and documents to bring the relationship between current insurance cases and assignments of disability.

In cases where the client died as a result of HP, it is necessary to bring the following documents:

  1. The original or I will notarize a copy of the death certificate.
  2. Dedication of an individual of decay - vigodonabuvach.
  3. The act of taking revenge on oneself for information about the cause of death of the insured.
  4. I received a certificate from the notary's office about the right to concession.

For investigation of the circumstances of death, medical experts can be used.

After the submission of the package of documents, payment may be received at 10 days' notice.

Pluses and minuses of insurance

Collective insurance

Positive sides:

  1. Changes in the number of calls to be made, otherwise the stench is paid for by insurance.
  2. Allowing you to cover the beat for the timely non-practical or having spent the quality of the building of the spivrobitnik.
  3. Covering part of the compensation for the time of the lethal result of the practitioner (and pay for the decline - vigodonabuvach).
  4. Spriyaє increase the quality of medical care.
  5. Zvajayuchi on the improvement of the quality of healthy spivrobitnikiv - increase their productivity.
  6. Add prestige to the company.
  7. Nepoganі podatkovі pіlgi.
  8. Financial viability is transferred to the insurance organization.


  1. It is important to choose a specific category of insurance, yakі pіdlyagayut insurance. Bring insurance to everyone, at your own expense.
  2. Zaboboni rich people for all kinds of insurance. Insurance is not relevant for self-sufficient deaths - they have no congestion in vigodonal shoes.

Individual insurance


  1. Financial support for an important life situation.
  2. Pokrittya vitrat, vitrachenih likuvannya chi rehabilitation.
  3. What is the cost of spending time and money on time? What allows you to adapt in the first hour.
  4. Increased obligatory credit limit.
  5. Material compensation for the death of the insured.


  1. Necessity of post-implementation.
  2. In the case of early insurance claims, it is necessary to collect documents that confirm the present insurance claim.
  3. The investigation carried out may be delayed longer, lower passed.
  4. High tariffs for children and young people.

Life is not peredbachuvane - be it for a second with a skin person, everything that is worth it can be. It is important to cook buti until it's hot. The insurance policy in the event of an unfortunate change should not be able to overcome inaccuracies, but to secure financial protection, as if it were to become a stench.

Terms of insurance against unfortunate events

The minimum term of insurance in Absolut Insurance is 6 months, the maximum is 12 months. The latest policy can start no earlier than 5 days after the date of purchase. Tobto it is not possible to work in such a way that the insurance would start a day. Tse to fight in order to get away from Shakhrai schemes.

Sometimes insurance is bought for a short term, for example, to participate in the magic or a half hour trip to other parts of the world.

After the termination of the term of the old policy, you can issue a new insurance.

Pay at the time of the insurance premium

It is important to know that the payment is to be deposited according to the type of insurance premium. For example, the maximum payment can be taken away only at the present death, spend the penalty again, or for other grave consequences.

For withdrawal you need to pay:

  • tell the insurer about those that happened;
  • send to the insurance company documents that confirm;
  • pokati on rozglya declare;
  • withdraw the payment.

Where to get insurance against an unfortunate event?

There are two ways to buy: at the office of the insurance company or on our website. The first way is to transfer the trip to the nearest branch of the insurance company. At the same time, you might need a sprat of a year. Another way is simpler - you can go to the website of the insurance company from a computer or mobile phone, choose the appropriate option, fill out the form and pay the policy. Insurance should be sent to the email address. The entire procedure will take a small hour.

Before buying, it is important to check the name of the insurance company at the register of the Central Bank of Russia.

Why should I pay attention to the hour of choosing an insurance policy in case of an unfortunate weather?

First, for those that you insure. If you are involved in sports, it is important to include this option before the insurance policy. Without it, you may be forced to pay. If you often take away injuries, insure against bodily ears.

In a different way, before buying a policy, read the rules of insurance. You are responsible to clearly understand what you are paying pennies for and what you need to work with in the current insurance situation.

Thirdly, to exercise respect for the data of any insured individual. If you have mercy on one letter, then the insurer can pay for it. Read the policy carefully. Yakshcho є pardon - ask її correct. Tse not vimagatime pennies.

Why should the policy be deposited?

Type of such parameters:

  • vіk;
  • insurance term (the less, the cheaper insurance);
  • sum insured (the maximum payment in the event of an unfortunate weather);
  • engaging in sports and activities;
  • risks are insured (death, disability, tilesni ushkodzhennya - the less risks, the cheaper insurance).

What documents are required for registration

It is necessary to indicate PIB, date of nationality, series and passport number, renewal code, date of issuance of the document, place of nationality, home address, date on the first page of the policy (guessing, it cannot be earlier than in five days), e-mail and telephone.

Payment for insurance is due for an additional bank card Polis arrive at the specified email address. Yogo can be developed or easily saved in electronic form.

If you need insurance in case of unfortunate events?

Wait. No one knows what might happen. It is important to cook buti until it's hot. Insurance does not lie to you in case of unacceptability, but it can also protect you financially in case of problems that are caused. For example, if you break your hand out of negligence, then you might be able to spend some months at home. With a stretch of an hour, you can spend your salary. Tim, who has insurance, the insurance company will pay compensation for Skoda.

It’s better to buy insurance and live without benefits, don’t buy the policy and risk it today.

How to issue an insurance policy?

To purchase a policy for unfortunate payments, go to the calculator of the insurance company “Absolut Insurance”. Choose who will be insured: a man has grown up a child. Let's choose the insurance term (from 6 to 12 months), the sum insured (the maximum amount to be paid). If you are involved in sports or other activities (for example, you like to go to the water park), then indicate these options. Let's take risks, if you want to insure. Press the "Continue" button.

On the next step, you need to enter data about yourself, address and contacts. Payment to the policy is due for an additional bank card. The policy will be delivered to the email address.

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