Caloric content of wheat borosno whole grain. Chemical warehouse and food price

Boroshno is a product that is used in the process of milling fresh grains (wheat, wheat) and legumes (peas, soybeans). Vaughn takes an important place in eating people. Boroshno widely zastosovuyt for confectionery, pasta and other galuzy grub industry. Yaka flour?

See the wheat boar

Vaughn turns from the most ancient cereal, known from the world. It is impossible to reveal the cuisine of the peoples of the planet without wheat boar. Іsnuyut different varieties of wheat. To the naivіdomіshih one can bring: m'yaku, hard that dwarf. Varieties of wheat boroshn:

  • vischogo gatunka;
  • 1st katunka;
  • 2nd katunka.

In the higher variety, there is more cellular tissue and parts of the husk of the skin grain. She will come out soft and dirty, ale, in the thought of nutritionists, absolutely branded. The products of the borough pickling process do not stimulate intestinal peristalsis. They give the body a lot of calories, but they also provide a minimum amount of vitamins. Virobi, prepared from a boroshna of a high-rise rod, do not bring any kind of bark to the body.

Yaka kharchova tsіnst boroshn wheat In 100 g 334 kcal. The product has proteins (10.3 g), fats (1.10 g) and carbohydrates (68.9 g).

The first grade of boroshna is less than the size of the grains. Vaughn has a yellow color. Vipіchka with her stale more, lower of a higher grade, she is elastic and has a wonderful aroma. Її often change from another variety for the selection of varieties, which have a rich vitamin warehouse.

What is the value of the grub boar? 100 g of the product contains: proteins (11.1 g), fats (1.5 g) and carbohydrates (67.8 g). Calorie content is 329 kcal.

Another variety of boroshna may be especially perevagi, and yogo should be used for brewing bread and confectionery products. The color scheme is light gray, inkoli and brown. Wipekti biscuit from such a boroshna does not come out, but milk, waffles, dumplings come out just wonderful. If you want to be unable to boast of whiteness and writing, then whites, vitamins and mineral speech are located in the warehouse of a great number of people.

For a long time, such products are not stale, they have a special aroma and a wonderful taste. The pribіchniki of the right eating, those people, like chasing after their own vaga, moved from the vіpіchka of the greater katunka to the bark of the boar from the boar of the other gatunka.

What kind of chemical warehouse is that grub value good? The product contains: proteins (11.7 g), carbohydrates (63.7 g) and fats (1.81 g). The calorie content of flour of the 2nd grade becomes 324 kcal.

You see the boroshna breeze with the step of harvesting bread grains. Іsnuyut:

  1. Krupchatka does not look like varietal in any way, in which case all shells are also removed. Razmіri particles 0.5 mm.
  2. The trellis is bogged down, vibrating from uncleaned grains of wheat with hangings. They have impersonal vitamins, minerals and cells. The most brutal part of the reworking hour is seen.
  3. Whole-grain flour is made from uncultivated Volodya with great bark for health, an ale marne for the preparation of boron grains.
  4. Peeling borosno viroblyaetsya іz zvnіshnіh hulls of wheat.

They have few carbohydrates, and a large number of them have a warehouse of vitamins and cellular tissue.

Peculiarities of the wheat borosh virobnizstva are characterized by different characteristics, which signify the dietary and gastronomic power of the product.

Dominance of wheat boroshn

The product is rich in many carbohydrates, as well as fats and proteins.

Yakі kharchova tsіnіst that khіmіchny warehouse boroshna? Vaughn bagat on grub fiber, і є, in pіvnіnі z іnshimi types of product, starchy.

To the warehouse of wheat boroshn enter:

  • Magnesium, potassium. The stench boosts the myocardium, the work of the heart is the vessel.
  • phosphorus. The element will paint the brain.
  • Calcium and serum suppress estrogen levels, prevent the development of osteoporosis and inflammation of the ligaments.
  • Mid. Allows the body to show serious psychological advances.
  • Zinc. Safeguarding the reinstatement of the skinny curve.
  • Molybdenum. Take part in the regeneration of liver tissue and nirok.

Together with vitamins, mineral speech activates the tissues of the respiratory tract and protein metabolism, calms the nerves, and protects the development of the stone ailment.

What is the energy value of boroshno grub? Rough sorts of vengeance of the cellular tissue, thereby saturating the improvement of intestinal peristalsis and reversing the vinification of the processes of rot in the organs of the intestinal tract.

Zavdyaki khіmіchnomu warehouse that kharchovoї tsіnnostі wheat boroshn tsey ingredient is widely vykoristovuєє in prigotuvanny vipіchki. It is obvious that there is a sense of melancholy in the high energy value. Dietologists do not recommend including a large amount of food in the diet for people who are inclined to obesity. Її in the carbohydrates of the building to the vikidu neimovіrnoї kіlkostі energy, yak you can spend less busy with sports. For the daily activity, the calories are added. There is an aggravation of the processes of exchange of speeches, an increase in the number of tsukra on the blood. As a result, change of mind is blamed for the development of circulatory diabetes and hypertension.

Yak kharchov's value of the boroshn of the naivish gatunka? Won to finish the calorie. To the main characteristics of borosna, one can add superficiality to gluten, which causes allergic reactions in the body.

Korist that Skoda wheat borosna

An important indicator that characterizes the boroshna variety, it contains gluten. This criterion is determined by the quantity of whites of dewy growth, as if to saturate the streak of particles during mixing. For the human body, there is a large amount of gluten in the head of the herbal system.

Yak kharchov's value of the boroshn of the naivish gatunka? Won maє raznu calorie content fallow in the sort. For fearful people and ailments for blood-diabetes, a lot of boron sprouts are contraindicated.

Bread from peeled or whole-grain boroshna may have positive power and may be included in the diet. Vіn є dzherelom strength. Bread can provide people with all the necessary energy resources. Therefore, the cultivation of wheat boroshn is necessary as one of the ways to get rid of the calories necessary for life, and also gives the opportunity to prepare a miracle drink.

Life is borosno

What is the food value of a boar? The product is zherelom of brown speeches and vitamins, it was the basis of eating in Russia. Proteins and carbohydrates provide energy to the body.

Kharchova value of borosna per 100 g: proteins (8.9 g), carbohydrates (61.8) g and fat (1.7 g). They also have mineral speech and vitamins:

  • calcium takes part in the activity of the nervous system and the sprit of the skeleton;
  • potassium helps to transmit nerve impulses;
  • pour that magnesium positively into the heart of that judge;
  • phosphorus ensures the normal formation of bones and cartilage;
  • vitamin B1 supports the nervous system and metabolism in the body;
  • vitamin B2 improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and has a positive effect on reproductive function.

In the months, during the day, the sun is warm, the bread is necessary for the normal life of the body. Useful for people who suffer from anemia or impaired metabolism. Irrespective of the positive vibe, the bread is not recommended for people with high levels of acidity.

What is the food value of a boar? Її calorie content 100 g more expensive 298 kcal.

Up to the varieties of life borosh, one can see peklovan, shiyane, trellis and borough of life peeled. The stench of vіdminnostі vіdminnostі in the steps of the pomelu and instead of the hanging particles.

Peklevane borosno vіdnositsya until the thinnest pomelo. Її wink for making gingerbread, pirіzhkіv and іn. From a blue boroshna, you can expect a low calorie content. Vaughn to take revenge on the minimum quantity of grub fibers. Kharchov's value of borosna peeled: proteins (8.9 g), fats (1.7 g) and carbohydrates (60.2 g). She will stop for the brewing of bread. It is not necessary to peel off the wheat. Such bread is especially fragrant and brown.

The trellis is borosno with a coarse broom. There is a lot of movement of hundreds of viscous particles. With the addition of wheat boroshn, the trellis zastosovuetsya otrimanna deyakih varieties of bread. For a lot of cellular fabrics, you can see the product. The trellis is boroughly 3 times larger than the brown tongues, the wheat is lower. Її include in eating with constipation, elevated cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis.

Вівсяне borosno

V_doma as a dietary product from ancient times. Produced from mature grains. At the boroshni there is a lot of lively speeches. The warehouse contains essential amino acids (tyrosine, choline), rich in calcium and mineral salts, as well as a rare element - silicon.

Rich in richly offensive microelements and vitamins: saline, magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamins PP, E and A, group B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid).

Іsnuyet so raznovidi vyvsyanoy boroshn:

  1. Oatmeal. After special processing, the sprouted grains are detailed.
  2. Traditionally, borosno dribbling pomelo.

Before positive powers, it is boroshnya to take this:

  • Regulation of fat metabolism.
  • To avenge protein, which takes part in the regeneration of rich types of tissue.
  • It is easy to get used to and normalize the work of the herbal system.
  • Spray stable robotic liver.
  • Improving the activity of the nervous system.
  • Viroblya serotonin, which infuse people's mood.

Yaka flour? Її bring to high-calorie products, which can lead to supernatural mass of the body. Kharchova value 100 g of boar boar should be made: proteins (13 g), fats (6.8 g) and carbohydrates (64.9 g). Healthy calorie content 369 kcal. Vivsyan borosno zastosovuєtsya for vipikannya. The most popular virib from her is vivsyané pechevo.

Kukurudziane borosno

A product of long ago, getting used to the Indian peoples. Borosno prepared from grains of licorice corn. We have a warehouse of gluten, and її people can live, if they do not tolerate gluten.

Boroshno іz kukurudzi buvaє:

  • the great broom, which wins in dietology;
  • medium pomelo, from which bread is baked;
  • dribnogo pomelu - beaten for the bottom dough and puddings.

Colors of corn product:

  1. Blakitne borosno may have a licorice relish and bluish or violet tint.
  2. Chervone borosno may have a special relish. Stay in Spain for the preparation of polenta.
  3. Zhovte bored the greatest breadth of the world.
  4. The beer is well prepared with a variety of corn, which grows in Africa in the United States.

Yaka kharchova tsіnіst corn boar? Before the warehouse, the product includes a large amount of carbohydrates (up to 76% of the warehouse). Klitkovina allows you to see the growth of virobs from corn boar. Vaughn is poor on amino acids and tryptophan. To її warehouse enter the great number of micro-macroelements. Rich in boron vitamins: riboflavin, thiamin, niacin and other.

The positive powers of the corn boar can be seen:

  • normalization of the work of the intestinal duct;
  • may have good zhovchogіnі power;
  • spryaє prevention of hypertension;
  • zastosovuetsya as a component of anti-aging masks for face.

People who are suffering from blood pharynx, are fighting to live in the hedgehog horribly, so as not to aggravate the problem.

rice flour

In most vipadkiv, the cereal culture is stagnant for living in the hedgehog, that preparation is boar. Kharchov's value of rice boroshn to become: proteins (6 g), fats (1.42 g) and carbohydrates (80 g).

Viroblyayyat її іz grains with a path of broom. The following types of rice borosh are distinguished: white rice boroshno and whole grains.

The first variety of the product has a white color and a light consistency. It has a lot of starch and daily gluten.

Whole grains are borosno prepared from grains, cleaned from the outer shell. Vaughn has a dark color and pea flare.

Until її warehouse does not include gluten, then it will be zastosovuєtsya for a child's eating and victorious in the dietary menu. Rich rice with offensive components:

  • vitamins B, E and PP;
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, salt, zinc, selenium);
  • fatty acids;
  • cellular tissue.

The measles of the rice boar field is attacked:

  1. I will paint the work of the heart m'yaza.
  2. Reinforcing forces and charging energy.
  3. Normalizes the work of the organs of the intestinal tract.
  4. To lie down to natural antidepressants.
  5. It protects against stressful situations and the sloppy influx of the navkolishny middle.
  6. Decrease the level of glucose in the blood.
  7. Accelerate the process of metabolism in the body.

Rice is not good for people to live in, as they suffer from constipation. The value of life is great, because it is gaining weight, that people, who can earn a lot of kilograms, are not recommended to live in life.

Linen borosno

Grain culture has been victorious for a long time by our ancestors. Linen borosno come out as a result of a pomelo nasіnnya s far from fat. Vaughn does not have such a wide breadth, like wheat and life, but zastosovuetsya in the system of healthy eating.

Kharcheva value of boletus beetroot to become: proteins (36 g), fats (10 g) and carbohydrates (9 g). Healthy calorie content 270 kcal.

To the warehouse of lyan flour enter:

  • vitamin B1, B6, B2 and folic acid;
  • mineral speech (potassium, zinc, magnesium);
  • fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • Russian squirrels.

Speech is used to cleanse the body from shkidlivih speech and slag.

Flaxen borosto zastosovuetsya as a preventive measure:

  1. With ailments of the heart, that vessel.
  2. In case of pathology of the respiratory organs (cough, difficult breathing).
  3. In case of infection of the sechostatic system.

Physicians vvazhayut, scho s borosna guilt included in the diet for a healthy woman's body. The flour is positively poured into the plate with a protracted vacancy. Vіdmіnno vplyvaє that shkіri is hairy on the camp.

Soyve borosno

The product may be particularly popular with vegetarian eaters. to go out on a path to fill in the soy, the cake and the sprat. Get out of the industrial scale.

Kharchov's value of soybean borosh to become: proteins (48.9 g), fats (1 g) and carbohydrates (21.7 g).

Іsnuyet so її raznovidi:

  • not defatted to come out of soy beans;
  • napіvnezhirena, scho viroblyayetsya from beans, cake and sprat;
  • nezhirena come out of the cake or sprat.

Enter the soybean boar warehouse:

  1. Vitamins B, E, PP, beta-carotene, provitamin A.
  2. Mineral speech (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, salt).
  3. Kharchov fibers.

The positive powers of soybean boar can be seen:

  • purification of blood from high cholesterol;
  • improvement of fat metabolism and decrease in the constriction of the vagina;
  • purification from toxins and shkіdlivih speeches.

Soverely live people who are allergic to animal protein. It’s better to replace proteins with vegetarians, even if the stench is more likely to be introduced into the diet of meat, fish and dairy products.

Irrespective of positive authority, soverely you can lead such a shkodi:

  1. It negatively affects the human endocrine system.
  2. Calling shvidka to the old organism.
  3. Destruction of cerebral blood flow.
  4. The greater vacancy of the wiki day, both in the early and in the later terms of vacancy.
  5. To bring people and women to infertility.

Accepting a decision about the survival of the soybean boar, next to protect the positive and negative power.

How to take it right

The product is needed for the preparation of various herbs. Boroshno may be the secrets of how to save money in the minds of the home.

The product is best stored in dry applications at temperatures ranging from 5 to 20 degrees. In this manner, flour can save its power for 12-18 months.

Take care to save the product from spices and spices, as well as what kind of tea. Boroshno maє zdatnіst easily absorb third-party odors, becoming unsuitable for distant cooking.

When buying a product from a paper bag, for further savings, it is necessary to place it in another container. It is easy to lay out borosho in the glass and metal containers with lids. Deyakі gentlemen save її in linen little bags.

It was bought well for a few months, so that the sourness would die, or flowers would appear, it would be necessary to dry it, rotting it in a thin ball on the arch paper.

It is important to protect the product if it appears in new clods, such as bugs, boron bugs and others. The stench can eat half of the flour, and reshtu zapsuvati with the products of life. In such a mood, the product must be asked and folded into linen bags.

In order to zapobіgannya appearing in the borows of clods, you can plant a watchmaker. Phytoncides, which roam in the new, indulge them, do not overwhelm the product.

Boroshno is a product that a gentleman cannot do without. From it you can cook impersonal sprouts, like you would like for an everyday, so Christmas table. There are a lot of different varieties and can see their positive and negative powers, so the person herself is victorious.


1. Classification of boroshn

2. Factories that shape the yak_st borosna

3. Chemical warehouse boroshna

4. Evaluation of roughness

5. Wash that term saving boroshna

Boroshn classification

Boroshno is a powder-like product, which is taken as a result of grain refinement with modifications or without modification of shells. Boroshno pod_lyayayat to see, type and commodity varieties.

The type of boroshna is distinguished by culture, for which it is viroblen. The main thing is that wheat and life are borosho. Boroshno of special recognition - vicarious, rice, Greek, pea - vicorist in kharchoconcentrate industry; borosno swells - for the preparation of custard varieties of bread.

Wheat is borosno, fallow, as a recognition, it is served on a bakery, pasta, and a wild recognition. Borosno wheat, which is grown with soft wheat or with additional 20% of durum wheat (durum), is recognized for the production of bakery, boroshny confectionery and culinary preparations, as well as for sale at retail trade markets. Boroshne wheat, which is brewed from durum wheat (durum), is recognized for brewing pasta.

Z zhita otrimuyut borosno khlibopekarske. It is good to dilute the soybean in the form of fat on non-fat, non-fat and non-fat.

Boroshno pod_lyayat on commodity grades. The borosh variety is fallow due to the fact that the anatomical part of the grain is consumed in the same quantity in the boroshno during the harvesting process. Wheat bakery borosno viroblyayetsya six commercial grades: extra, high, grits, first, other, trellis. The life of a bakery is borosno - three varieties: blue, peeled and trellis; barley - two varieties: blueberry and trellis; corn - three varieties: fine pomelo, great pomelo, trellis type. The soviet borosno is independent of the mixed fat and is divided into two commodity grades: cherry and first.

Wheat borosno zagalchennya subdivided into types of fallow types of size, whiteness or mass fraction of gray gluten: M 45-23; M 55-23; M 75-23; M 100-25; M 125-20; M 145-23; MK 55-23; MK 75-23.

borosna harvesting

The quality of the boron is deposited in the quality of the grain, which is processed, and the technology of harvesting. The process of sifting consists of two stages - pre-preparation and non-intermediate grinding (pomelo) of grain.

Borosh technology


See pomeliv grain

Borosh technology

Sieves at the rozsіvі raztashovanі in the horizontal plane, sometimes with a small fringe. When the product is processed, the particles that are left on the sieve are gathering And what about passing through the open sieve pass

On the preparatory stage carry out the cleaning of grain masi from houses, hydrothermal processing of grain - GTO (carried out only at varietal pulverizations), storage of grinding sum (change of batch of different grades). TRP of grain or yogo air conditioning in cured grain, thermal processing of masi, related. As a result of such processing, the bonds between the husks and the endosperm of the grain are weakened, the elasticity of the hulls is increased, the borough mills and the bread-baking power of the grain are improved. TRP can be hot (40-50 0 С) or cold (at room temperature). The grain is lived under the hour of preparation until the broomstick is given over to cold conditioning through the lower temperature of gelatinization to starch.

Before the grain is added to grinding, it is carried out the control of its density: it is determined instead of brown and shkidlivih houses, organic houses (mostly sprouted grain, grains of other crops), instead of gray gluten and water content.

Grinded grains on a borosno folded in the course of grinding (crushing) and processing of products grinding. Crushing is carried out on roller versts with a corrugated, short or smooth surface. After the skin roller verst, a separation is established (a set of sieves of different sizes, sieved one by one) for sorting the product by grinding according to the size of the particles. Roller versat at once from the rise of the system, as if it were torn or grinded. The frayed system (rollers make a corrugated surface) is designed for crushing grain into grains. The milling system (rollers with a smooth surface) is recognized for the production of boron.

Grinding (milling) is used to call the sukupnіst povyazanyh between themselves in the next sequence of operations from the processing of grain into borosno. Pray for one-time and repeat.

In case of a one-time grinding, it is necessary to remove it in one pass through the machine, which is ground. The yield of boroshna is low - trellis wheat or life with a yield of 95-96.5%.

In the case of repeated grinding for cutting, the boar grain or crushed products are repeatedly passed through the grinding machine.

Foldable repeating broom, which is called varietal, is formed by passing grain through grinding machines, sorting products and grinding and enriching, and then grinding grains on various grinding systems. At the first stage, with varietal brooms, try to remove the minimum number of borosna. Grinding products are sorted by size and width, enriched on screens, blowing through. As a result, the advancing fractions prevail: the grain is pure (white), which is formed from the endosperm; krupka strokata (sprouts), small pieces of husk and endosperm; dunsti - larger pieces for borosno, ale dribnish for grains; borosno.

Finer grains for fineness from the central part of the endosperm are ground, possessing a large number of varieties. Grains from the peripheral parts of the endosperm are thicker for fineness, they are ground, possessing boro of lower grades (1st and 2nd). Rows of grains are re-crushed, re-sieved and removed crushed products are ground into boroughs.

For the confectionery industry, it is generally used with a reduced amount of protein (8-10%), it is more important to choose different types of fractions. High-protein fractions of vicarious for the enrichment of the baker's boar.

Macaroni is borosno otrimuyut when grinding hard or soft high-grade wheat with a second-grade or single-grade pomelo. Macaroni borosno buvaє vischogo (krupka) and 1st (drink) grades.

Peculiarities of the harvesting of the bog boar. The grain of the zhita is more thin and more similar to wheat, it is similar to the greater part of the husks and the aleurone ball, as if it were wisely tied to the endosperm. When crushing the grains of the zhita, the sprouts become more important. They are sorted only coarsely and milled on milling systems for the skin fraction okremo. With a second-class pomelo, it is necessary to trim the lightness and peeling, and with a single-grade pomelo, either a bianche or a peeling.

Chemical warehouse boroshna

Chemical warehouse of wheat bakery boar,

% for dry speech

79,5 – 66,0

12,5 – 15,0

Carotenoids B 3 B 6 B 9 H R B 1 B 2 PP E
2,1 – 9,5
1,8 – 4,0
0,8 – 2,0

– starch – tsukor – lipidi

P, K, Ca, Fe, Mg

– cellular tissue, pentozani – protein – ash

Note. The first digits indicate the largest variety, the other - the variety of trellis

To the warehouse of the boroshna enter those chemistries of speech, but to the warehouse of grain, prote spіvvіdnoshnja їx in boroshni deshcho іnshe. The chemical warehouse of the boroshna is to be deposited in the warehouse of grain, from which it is prepared, that kind of її grade. When tasting boroshna, it is necessary to redistribute the main parts of the grain for different fractions of the pomelo, and in addition, the parts of the grain that in the same quantity should be consumed from that chi іnsh grade, the fallow chemical warehouse is borosna. Borosno different varieties, made from the same grain, maє different chemical warehouse. The higher variety is boroshna, the smaller one is to be found in other cells, ash, water- and salt-soluble proteins, fat, and tobto. speech, yakim rich shells, germ and aleuronic ball of grain. Qi parts of the grain with the selection of the largest varieties of borosna are seen. Chim the lower grade is boroshna, tim won’t be closer to the grain behind his chemical warehouse. The chemical warehouse of the trellis boroshna may be opened in the grain warehouse.

Carbohydrates. The main warehouse boroshna, like y in grain, є in carbohydrates. Head carbohydrate - starch- Store close to 70% borosh. Better yogo tim more, less vyhid boroshna, tobto. what is the highest variety, what is less in husks, aleurone ball and germ, in which starch is daily. So, as starch is the main speech, it is borough, so its building swells, gelatinizes, splits with enzymes, it already swells on the power of borosh.

Zhitnіy starch behind the dominance deshcho vіdіznyaєtsya in the form of wheat. If you have more grains, it is easier for hydrolysis and gelatinization. At the same time, the starch of the wheat boroshna more often sees the water when saving, which uplifts the stale grains.

Borosno revenge tsukru- monosaccharides (glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (maltose, sucrose) are more important. There is not a lot of sugar in boroshni, in wheat boron it is 0.2-1.0%, and in wheat boron it is 0.7-1.1%. Chim is the highest grade of boroshna, and less so for the new tsukrіv. Ale, unimportant to an insignificant place, the stench may be of an important technological significance, to that fermented by yeasts to carbon dioxide and alcohol in the first year of wandering, being the only life-giving source of yeasts.

Proteins. Squirrels are the most important warehouse part of the boar, shards in them to lay її grub value and appendage for brewing bread. Wheat is good for an average of 10-12 g of protein per 100 g of product. Wheat borosno high varieties (extra, high) should be less white, shards are formed from the middle parts of the endosperm. Most of the lower grades include grain rich in proteins, such as peripheral parts of endosperm, aleurone ball and germ.

Proteins, which are found in boroshni of different varieties, are non-fertile. The most gluten-forming proteins (gliadin and glutenin), which may have an important bakery value, can be found in muci of the 1st grade. In boroshni 2nd grade and wallpaper, there are more water- and salt-soluble proteins, which are more important in the peripheral parts of the grain, and less gluten-forming, lower boron 1st grade and higher grades.

Boroshna squirrels are of great technological importance in the preparation of dough and bread. The stars of their building swell the stench of fading the main amount of water during the test, playing the role of yoga enlightenment. With this, as a result of the gluten reduction, the wheat will come out springy, elastic and stretchy. Under the hour of vipіchka, the denaturation of the proteins begins to thrive, and it settles like a skeleton of a virobu, zavdyaki why it won't take shape.

Proteins of wheat boar due to their dominance are compared to wheat proteins, and instead of them trochs are lower (7-11 g per 100 g of the product). The living borosh has much more water-spraying whites. The squirrels of the bog of wheat can swell up quickly by the water, but with this gluten they are not satisfied.

Zhiri. In flour, yak and in grains, the amount of fat is negligible (1-2 g per 100 g of the product). In the warehouse of triglycerides, non-essential fatty acids are overwhelmed, so fats, when saved, are easily hydrolyzed, which directly adds to the acidity and taste of borosna, as well as to the power of gluten.

Mineral speeches. Different parts of the grains to replace the different amounts of mineral salts. So, in the endosperm grains of mineral elements are few (0.4-0.6%), and in the embryo and hulls there are significantly more (6-10%). The higher the boroshna variety, the less it consumes the finer parts of the grain, the richer in the mineral speech, the lower the ash content is boroshna. The ash content of boroshna is the main indicator that it indicates a commercial grade, ash for ash can be judged about the number of vis_vok.

Vitamins. Vmіst vіtaminіv also poov'azaniya іz boroshna variety. In higher varieties, the vitamins are significantly less, lower in the lower ones, so that the vitamins are missed, the head rank, in the germ of the aleurone ball. Boroshnya has vitamins of groups B, PP and E.

Fermenti. Enzyme, to enter the grain warehouse, go to the borough. Lower grades of boroshna have more enzymes; The activity of the enzymes of the borosh of the same variety is unequal and is deposited depending on the growth, harvesting and drying of grain, the conditioning regimen, the thriftiness of harvesting the borosh.

In the warehouse of enzymes, the technological significance of amylolitic (amilase) and proteolytic (proteinase) enzymes is important and important. The intensity, with which the arrangement of folding speeches is more simply under the influx of wet enzymes, is called autolytic activity. The autolytic activity of flour is an important indicator of baker's powers.

Rating of roughness

Examination of the quality of boroshna is carried out for organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators and indicators of safety.

Kolіr lie down in view of that sort of boroshna. The higher varieties of boroshna are light, and the lower varieties are dark, they have husk particles.

Taste is borosna can be powerful, receiving, weak expressions without crunchiness when rozzhovuvannі. Third party lubrication (hot, sour) are not allowed.

The smell of borosna is weak, specific. Wetness, musty and other third-party odors are not allowed.

Ash content is an indicator of the control of the variety of boroshna z virobnitstva. The more husk particles are consumed in flour, the more ash content.

The value of the broomstick characterizes the degree of grain refinement and that is added to the technological power of the grain. Overworldly great flour can lower the water-clay building. The process of approving the test of consolations, the bread comes out inaccurate. Like a boroughly superficially trimmed, bread comes out of insufficient obligatory and dry staleness. Optimum grain size is due to the thickness of the gluten and the size of the starch grains. Boroshno іz strong gluten can be deshcho dribnishim, nizh zі weak. From the point of view of the baker's authorities, it is bad, so there is little more than a particle of the same size.

Infection and zabrudnennost borosna are not allowed by shkіdniki. The flour of the implementation is not contaminated.

The quantity and quality of gray gluten is indicated only in wheat borage, and different varieties differ in the quantity of gluten. For boroshn vischogo gatunka - not less than 28%

Wheat boroshn gluten -

foldable highly hydrated complex,

Consists mainly of proteins: gliadin and glutenin

In Syrian gluten, the proportion of water becomes 64-70%.

Cream of water, whites of milk, a small amount of starch, zucru, lipids, mineral elements.

The brightness of the gluten is determined by the color and smell, elasticity and stretch. The gluten has a white or gray color, a weak, pleasant smell of boron, it is springy and elastic from an average stretch. According to the indications of the strength of gluten, divide it into three groups: I - springy, long or medium stretch; II - spiky springiness and short stretching or moderate springiness, short, medium long stretching; III - weak springiness, which stretches strongly, which sags when stretched, which expands under its own heaviness. Vіdpovіdno to vimog standard akіst gluten may be but not lower vіd group II.

The density of gluten can be installed with an additional accessory - vimiryuvacha gluten deformation ІDK-1, in a bag of gluten with a weight of 4 g for 30 seconds. The more the punch will fit into the gluten, the more the punch will be out for the yakistyu. The gluten of the 1st group of strength is strong; advanced group II: mitzna - 20-40 and weak - 80-100; Unsatisfactory III group: mіtsna 0-15 and weak 105-120 mental singles.

The number of falls is normalized by the standard for a live boar. Tsey pokaznik characterizes the state of the carbohydrate-amylase complex of the wheat boar. The higher the autolytic activity, the smaller the number of falls: for boro with reduced activity - over 300 seconds, with increased activity - less than 150, normal - 150-300 seconds. Fallow in the variety of wheat borosh and in addition, some peripheral parts of the grain were consumed in borosh, the values ​​of the number of fall are kolivayutsya: for varietal wheat borosh - no less than 150-160 seconds, and for trellis - no less than 105 seconds.

Until the indications of safety, include toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides, as well as the guilt of exceeding admissible equalities.


Boroshno is a powder-like product, which is accepted as a result of grain refinement with the approval or without the approval of the whiskers,

Fallow in vicory syrovin (grain) boroshno divide into vidi: the main - wheat and zhytnє; other rows - barley, corn and soybean (they can vicorist in baked goods, but in small quantities); special recognition - vinsyan, rice, Greek, peas (wycortised in the concentrated industry); borosno swells (for the production of custard varieties of bread).

Fallow in the form of whole wheat borosno wheat is served at the baker's, pasta and stale recognition. Borosno wheat, which is grown with soft wheat or with the addition of 20% durum wheat (durum), is recognized for the production of bread, bakery products, boron confectionery and culinary products, as well as sale in retail stores. Boroshne wheat, which is brewed from durum wheat (durum), is recognized for brewing pasta.

Boroshno life viroblyaetsya only bakers. The soybeer is well distributed in the fallow in the form of fat: not fat-free, low-fat and low-fat.

For yak_styu, the flour is divided into commodity grades. The boroshna variety will fall due to the fact that part of the grain is consumed in a borough, tobto, due to the technology of grain processing. three varieties: blue, peeled and trellis, barley - two varieties: single-sort and trellis, corn - three varieties: fine pomelo, great pomelo and trellis.

Wheat borosno zagalchennya subdivided into types of fallow types of size, whiteness, or mass fraction of ash, mass fraction of gray gluten: M 45-23; M 55-23; M 75-23; M 100-25; M 125-20;

M 145-23; MK 55-23: MK 75-23.

Flour assortment

Wheat borosno

See the boar. Wheat borosno viroblyaetsya khlibopekarske, zagalnochennya that pasta. ..,:"

Wheat bakery borosno vibrate six varieties: extra, grain, vischa, persha, friend and trellis.

Boroshno different sorts can be different steps of detail and chemical warehouse. For lower grades of borosh, the quantity of vitamins, mineral elements is increased, and the proteins of albumin and globulin, avenging non-amino acids. Ale, in the lower grades of dark color, more will be conquered and the best bakers' perevagi will be born. The biggest calorie content can be borosno vischogo gatunka.

Boroshno extra consists of finely detailed particles of the central part of the endosperm, do not avenge the visives, may be a white color or a white with a creamy tint. Ash content - no more than 0.45%, quantity of "syroy gluten" - no less than 28%, falling number - no less than 185 s.

Borosno vischogo gatunka consists of finely trimmed particles, (average size of the clumps is 140 microns and less) of the central part of the endosperm, it is practically not possible to avoid the whiskers, may be a white color or a white with a creamy note. Ash content - more than 0 55%, amount of gray gluten - less than 28%, number of drops - less than 185s.

grain sprout from slop-like soft wheat with additional durum. They are large particles (200 ... 300 microns are composed of pure endosperm of the central particles of the grain. I look like particles of a coarse structure, a large co-1 | , ash content - less than 185s, number of falls - less than 185s.

Borosno the first gatunka the widest variety of borosna for bakery harvesting. Boroshnogo grade - finely trimmed particles (up to 160 microns) of all balls of endosper MA, 3 ... Ash content - not more than 0.75%, amount of gray gluten - not less . її 30%, the number of falls - not less than 185s.

Borosno another gatunka consists of heterogeneous particles of trimmed endosperm (30 to 20 microns), with a house of trimmed shells (visivkiv) up to 10%. As a result of the presence of hull particles, a large amount of gray blotches appear. Ash content rises to 1.25%, and instead of gluten, the amount of fall decreases to 25% and 160 sec.

Tapestry borosno come out with the trimming of the whole grain and remove up to 16% of the vines. Boroshno heterogeneous for the world. Kolіr - white with yellowish or sіruvatym with blotches with commemorative particles of grain shells. The amount of dry gluten is less than 20%, the falling number is less than 160c, and the ash content can be over 2%.

Wheat borosno fallow vіd whiteness or mass fraction of ash, mass fraction of gray gluten are divided into types: M 45-23; M 55-23; M 75-23; M 100-25; M 125-20; M 145-23 and size of pomelo: MK 55-23; MK 75-23. Letter "M" convoy start borosno with soft wheat, the letters "MK" - boroshno with soft wheat of the great broom. The first digits indicate the largest mass fraction of ash in the boroshni in pererakhunka on dry speech in vineyards multiplied by 100, and the other - the smallest mass fraction of gray gluten in boroshni in vineyards. Boroshno zagalnoe recognition v_dryznyaєtsya vіd khlibopakarskaya more low content of gluten (20...23%),

Boroshno for confectionery industry vibrate with a decrease in light protein(8...10%) that enter up to a group of boroshn of wheat scorching recognition. The amount of protein is regulated by re-spreading between varieties of boroshna under an hour of pomelo. Dribnishi factions flour is the richest with whites and wash less thinness fractions to avenge starch more. Otrimani vysokobіlkovі fraktsії vikoristovuyut for enrichment of baker's boroshn and other purposes, and low-yield fractions - for otrimanna boroshnja, scho vikoristovuєtsya in the confectionery industry.

Pasta wheat borosno three varieties are produced: the highest grade (groats), the first grade (drinks) and the other grade. Boroshno (semolina) and 1st (drink) grades of durum wheat, which is obtained as a result of these grindings, is due to vimogams GOST 12307 "Borosno with durum wheat (durum) for pasta grains", borosno 2nd grade - vimogams GOST 1643 varieties of hard wheat "Durum", and borosno with soft wheat (semolina) and 1 variety (drink) of soft wheat - vimogam GOST 12306 "Borosno of soft wheat for pasta".

Macaroni borosno v_dryznyaєtsya vіd khlibopekarskoy ї tim, scho vengeance rich protein and maє krupіchastu structure. The grains of large structures, not respecting the high volume of protein, greatly reduce the water-clay building. Glucoinin, which is avenged in it, is guilty of being good and is placed before the first or the other group. Boroshno with gluten of the third group of macaroni virobi is unacceptable, shards of siri virobi look German. .

Razreznyayut macaroni borosno from durum and vysokosklopodіbnoi m'yakoї wheat. Such a podіl was also accepted by the worldly practice (“ce-prayer” - from hard and “farina” - from soft wheat).

The best choice for making pasta is boroso from durum wheat grains. It is breathtaking with a creamy color of different varieties, fallow in the variety, with a coarse structure and a sloppy consistency of the particles, which they make. Large variety (gross) is composed of internal balls of endosperm and may be creamy with yellowish color, and large variety 1 - more importantly with parts of peripheral endosperm with a large-small amount of obolonkovy parts, pores ; color borosna I grade light-cream. A borosno of another variety is also characterized by a creamy color with a yellowish tinge.

Macaroni borosno with soft high-pitched wheat is freshly brewed with a pure white color from yellow or creamy shades, fallow in the variety. There is less protein and more starch to avenge with durum wheat pasta. Virobi from it appear white in color, less sloppy, but at the same time looking a little vіrobіv, viroblennyh durum wheat; and spozhivchі power of ready-made pasta virobiv is signifi- cantly higher

The richness is bad. Wheat borosno can be enriched with vitamins and / or mineral speeches according to the norms, hardened by the Ministry of Health of Russia, as well as bakery polypshuvachs, including dry gluten. Before the name of such a boroshna, one should add: “fortified”, “enriched with mineral speeches”, “enriched with vitamin and mineral sum”, “enriched with dry gluten” or other bakery polypshuvachs. For yak_styu zbagachene borosno owe to vimogams of a vіdpovіdny grade according to GOST R 52189-2003.

Fortification of wheat boroshna sprouts at a time when high borosh varieties do not avenge the necessary quantity of vitamins, so at the final stage of brewing, they can be supplemented with vitamins, R b.], V.], V. For high quality and first varieties, administer synthetic vitamins (mg/100 g):

b| - 0.4; Vz - 0.4; PP - 2.0. Vitamins should be administered in a complex manner, or only vitamin PP may be added. Vitamin-enriched boron is allowed to have a slight smell, powerful vitamin B | (Thiamin).

In the rozvinenyh lands, wheat sounds richly like vitamins b], Vd. niacin, and zalizom. In some countries, they give calcium. You can add vitamins A and O to the boroshno. Rivnі, scho dodayutsya in wheat. a lot of vitamins B], niacin and saliva are often equal to the amount consumed during pomelo, and vitamin B is added to the amount consumed during pomelo. Most of the developed western lands, as well as in the rich lands of Africa, Asia and Latin America, which are developing, are regulated by law for the enrichment of food products with vitamins and mineral elements. The quantity of vitamins is regulated by sovereign laws, it is indicated for individual packaging and strictly controlled by the authorities of the sovereign at a glance. So, for example, in the USA, 1974, and in Canada, 1978. be carried out on the basis of enrichment of the whole borosh, regardless of the variety, with a complex of micronutrients - vitamins b | spozhivannya tsikh speechov.

Life is vibrating only three varieties of bakery: blue, peeled and trellis.

The seedlings are borosno - finely trimmed portions of grain endosperm with a quantity of hulls 1...3%. Vaughn can be a white color from the cream or siruvate the colors. Ash content - no more than 0.75 %, number of falling - 160s. Obtain її more important than endosperm. Therefore, it is characterized by the highest content of starch and a remarkably low content of proteins, sugars, non-starch polysaccharides, fat and mineral speeches.

Peeling borosno heterogeneous in size due to the presence of tunic particles up to 15%, which can be seen with an invisible eye when assessing the color. The color scheme is grayish-white or grayish-creamy. Ash content - 1.45%, falling number - 150 s.

Tapestry - particles are heterogeneous in terms of size, removed when grinding all parts of the grain. Colir - gray with particles of shells of grain, ash content of the troch is more than 2%, the number of falls is 105 oz.

Viroblyayetsya borosno zhytnє khlibopekarske "Osoblivy" for TU 11-115-92. Won occupies an interim position between boroshny zhitnіm and peeling, viroblenim according to GOST, according to ash content (1.15%).

Life does not satisfy gluten, but more water is needed for the salt-spreading proteins in the amino acid warehouse. "

The gas-fueled building of the living borosh needs to mow the temple. Often, the activity of the enzyme amylase on the floor is high, which in the bread during the hour of the boil accumulates a large amount of dextrin through the hydrolysis of starch in the infusion, after which the m'yakush of the bread becomes sticky on the dot, folds, and is not elastic. Therefore, the quality of the life borosh is taken to be recognized as autolytic activity. As an autolytic activity of a living borough temple, the density is low. The autolytic activity of the living borosh (obijny) for the number of water-spreading speeches (in % on dry land is estimated as follows: reduced - up to 40; normal - 41...55; increased - 56...65; sharply increased - over 65. and rye o-wheat boroshna won't be more than 50%.

The waters were swallowed up by the building of a living borosh, more than wheat. This is explained in the place of life's bog mucus, as it swells well, like a great amount of water.

Soyve borosno

Sove borosno viroblyayut deodorized non-fat, non-fat, low-fat. Various types of soybean borosh are grown by the method of keeping and chemical storage, more importantly in the form of protein (syroy protein) and fat. The most important warehouse soyvoi is boroshna є proteins, which can be removed (in r on Pivden product);

36.5 - for non-fat people, 43.0 - for non-fat people, and 49.0 - for low fat people. Behind the amino acid warehouse, coy proteins are close to meat proteins, and, in terms of absorption, to milk casein. Quantity of water-spraying proteins reaches 87...90%. Paired with whites of evil. kav and peas, soy proteins can be more important than essential amino acids - lysine, leucine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, and a little methionine. Zmіst starch kolivaєtsya vіd 10 to 15 g per 10 g.

Non-fat sove borosno extract from the lightly saturated soy, as well as clean it in front, deodorize (steam and dry) to absorb the specific “bean” smell, eliminate the oxidation of lipids, water-cream the husks and grind the fineness finely. Deodorized full-fat soy flour contains at least 17% fat and 38% crude protein.

Napіvnezhirene soyve borosno take away from the cake, as a by-product when seeing soybean oil by the pressing method. Boroshtit 5-8% fat and not less than 43% crude protein. Boroshno soybean deodorized with fat can be presented in the soy protein product Soyushka (TU 92293-013-10126558-98) with a mass fraction of fat not more than 14%. Znezhirene soyve borosno Obtain from oilseed meal - a product that has been left behind after fermentation of fat by the extraction method. Boroshtit no more than 2% fat and 48% crude protein.

For the quality of the soybeen, all types are divided into two varieties - high and first fallow in the case of cellular tissue: 3.5 and 4.5% in non-fat, 4.5 and 5.0% - in the low-fat and low-fat varieties, and the high-fat for cherry and first varieties (Table 25).

Released sove borosno with renewed vmistomfat behind rahunok adding refined olії at a quantity of 1 to 15%, which reduces the amount of sawn oil to bring in the fat to the required quantity. Lecithinated Soybean Flour issued with additional

Line 3; 6 and 15% lecithin and vicory are used in the production of boron confectionery varieties. Lecithin improves the dispersion of borosna and | other ingredients at the warehouse of confectionery varieties.

vikoristovuyut sove borosno for various purposes: in bakeries for the promotion of grub value of bakery products.

Chemical warehouse boroshna cheating us in front of the grain warehouse, for a lot of money taken away. In boroshno to pass mayzhe all speeches, yakі є at zernі, kіlkіst і spіvvіdnoshnja їkh lie in the type of boroshna. It is the highest grade of borosna, there are more particles of pure endosperm in it, and there are fewer vines. Varieties of boroshna are kept in a chemical warehouse.

For the advanced variety of boroshna, it is more important in carbohydrates than starch. The number of other living things - proteins and fats, and mineral salts and cellular tissue is decreasing. This is explained by the fact that a large number of higher varieties are practically grown from pure endosperm, rich in starch: well, lower varieties can be avenged by a large number of whiskers, rich in cellulose, mineral salts, fats and proteins. Chim lower grade boroshna, Tim is the nearest її chemical warehouse to the grain warehouse. The trellis borosno behind the chemical warehouse may not be exposed to grain, the shards of it are grain, we will detail it practically without hanging. In such a rank, in low-grade borosh, there are different colors of speech, but the conquest is sometimes reduced through a significant amount of cotton; for example, in the trellis boroshni, it is close to 2%, and in the cherry variety - 0.1%. Larger varieties with brownish rivers, especially mineral salts and vitamins, but much better and easier to conquer.

The chemical warehouse is borosna zumovlyuє її grub value and baker's power. The most important speeches are borosna - proteins and carbohydrates. Due to the quantity of whites and their powers, bakers’ perevagi lie and the quality of bread.

Bіlkіv fallow in the form of that variety in boroshnі mіstіtsya vіd 9 to 16%. In boroshni, higher varieties have less of them. This is explained by the fact that in the endosperm the proteins are distributed unevenly: more of them in the outer ball and less in the central part, for which the other varieties of borosna prevail. Borosno lower grades are richer in protein to the one that has an aleuronic ball and germ in it significant reserves of protein speeches.

The squirrels of the wheat boar behind the warehouse and with their powers rise in the squirrels of the wheat boar. Nearly half of the whites of wheat boar are separated by water and gluten is not satisfied, but for the food value the stench of wheat is for whites of wheat borosh, shards are rich in essential amino acids.

In carbohydrates, borosna - ce is important starch and cellular tissue. Between them there is a reverse fallow: from the advanced variety of borosh, it grows larger in starch, and the quantity of cellular tissue changes. The average in boroshni has close to 75% starch. Sugars in flour are not rich.

Fat in boroshni is no more than 2%, stench is easily oxidized and, when saved, it burns hot. Richer in fats are the lower grades of boroshna, the shards in the warehouse have more chasms of the aleurone ball and germ, in which fats are concentrated. In lipids, boron non-essential fatty acids occupy 74-81%, overtaking linoleic (52-65%), in related lipids, these acids are less. The fatty acid warehouse is of great importance for the characteristics of the bakery boars, as well as the change of yoga during the harvesting period.

The mineral speech of the borosna is represented by: phosphorus, calcium, saline, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, meaddy, zinc and other.

The mineral speech of borosna is represented by salts of phosphoric acid, as well as in the warehouse of organic compounds - protein, starch, phytin, phospholipids.

3 vitamins in boroshni є B1 (0.17-0.41) B2 (0.04-0.15), B6 ​​(0.17-0.55), PP (1.2-5.5 mg%) and E (2.57-5.50 mg%), as well as carotene in trellis boroshni 0.01, in 2nd grade boroshni 0.005 mg%). The other varieties of boroshna are rich in vitamins, to that, with a varietal pomelo, an aleuronic ball and germ are seen, in which the stench is seized.

Enzymes boroshna play a great role in mixing and brodinnі dough. Among the most important enzymes are amylase, which catalyze the breakdown of starch, proteases, which catalyze the breakdown of proteins.

25. Croupy. Assortment, kharchova value, quality expertise

26 Kukurudzyan Oliya. Kharchov's value. Vimogi to capacity, packaging, savings

The tables have organoleptic and physical and chemical indications of corn oil (GOST 8808-2000).

Table - Organoleptic characteristics of corn oil

Display name


Unrefined grade R

deodorizing grades D and P

non-deodorized grade SK


Clearance without a siege

Light clouding is allowed over the siege

Smell and taste

Odorless, relish of a special oil

The power of refined corn oli, without a third-party smell, taste and bitterness.

Powerful corn oil, no foreign smell

Kukurudzyana refined oliya can be clear, without a siege. IN Non-refining is allowed to be lightly clouded over the siege. Refined, deodorized, oliya is guilty, but is not distinguished for its taste and smell. Refined, not deodorized, that unrefined olії may have relish and smell, the power of corn olії, without foreign smell and taste, it is not guilty of bitterness.

Table - Physical and chemical indicators of corn oil

Display name

Characteristics of corn oli








Color number, mg iodine, troch more

Acid number, mg KOH/g, troch more

Mass fraction of lean houses, %, troch more


Mass fraction of phosphorus-rich speeches in pererahunka for stearo-oleolecithin, %, no more

Milo (yakіsna test)


not standardized

The temperature of the spalahu extractive oil, 0 C, not lower

peroxide number,

mmol 1/2 O/kg, more trochs

The term of attachment of corn oil (from the day of fermentation) sets the fermenter according to the fermentation scheme, the temperature of the harvest, the visibility of the packaging and the type of packaging material.

Borosno, scho otrimuetsya after milling wheat grains. With the widest view of the harrow.


In Russia, it is borosno classed vіdpovіdno up to the stage of processing into borosno with high, first and other grades, trellis and whole grain.

Wheat borosno vischogo gatunka, or "extra", exudes a white color, sometimes with a creamy tint, and the most important grains, which are not noticeable when rubbed with fingers. Її vicorist for the preparation of healthy biscuits, baked cupcakes, biscuits, cakes, thickened sauces. It’s worth it to avenge a little brown words for the body, it is not recommended for a healthy living.

Borosno the first gatunka to avenge a small amount of grain hulls and a rich amount of gluten, which ensures the dough, which is prepared from it, elasticity, simplification of the form, and greater versatility of terms for the preservation of ready-made samples. It is suitable for preparing pancakes, pies, shortbread, leafy, yeast dough, boron dressings and sauces.

Borosno another gatunka to cover up to 8% of the visives and are characterized by a dark color. Vaughn vikoristovuetsya for table white bread and unhealthy grains from the boar.

Tapestry borosno, or rather a coarse broom, swayed by a path of fine grains of wheat to heterogeneous large grains. When the germ is born, that shell of the grain is expelled.

Whole grain borosnoє as a result of pomelo of wheat grain without a forward cleaning of the husk and germs. From it they prepare the most beautiful kind of bread, as well as other varieties, as if to avenge the great amount of vitamins, minerals and cells.


100 g of the product has 328 kcal.


Wheat is good for carbohydrates, starch fibers, starch, proteins, fats, saccharides, ash, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, H, E, PP, as well as mineral elements: potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, calcium, salt, sodium, silicon, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, molybdenum, iodine, copper, fluorine, aluminium, cobalt, nickel.

The number of brown rechovins in boroshni changes fallowly according to the variety.


Wheat borosno vikoristovuetsya for the preparation of bakery products, cakes, ovens, mlintsiv, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, pasta, sauces, panuvannya and other.

Korisn_ authority

Products from wheat boron remind the body of energy, activate rozum activity, are beneficially indicated on the blood and nervous system.

shodo living

A great number of borosna can lead to an increase in vaga.

People who suffer from certain ailments of the organs of the mucosal-intestinal tract, varto should overcome the disease of the greater gatunka.

The chemical warehouse of the boroshna is to be deposited in the warehouse of grain, from which it is prepared, that kind of її grade. The higher the boroshna variety, the more starch is in the new one. Instead of other carbohydrates, and add fat, sols, whites and other speeches from lower grades, more boroshuetsya.

Let's take a look at the peculiarities of the kіlkysny and yakіsny warehouse of the borow. The stench is vychayut її grub value and baker's power.

Nitrogen and white speech. Boroshna nitrogenous speech it is important to add up to whites. Non-protein nitrogenous speech (amino acids, amides and others) can be found in a small amount (2-3% of the total amount of nitrogenous soils). The more you leave the boroshna, the more you rush into the nitrogenous speeches and non-protein nitrogen.

Proteins of wheat boar. In boron, simple proteins-proteins are more important. Proteins of boroshna may have an offensive fractional warehouse (%): prolamins 35.6; glutelins 28.2; globulin 12.6; albumin 5.2. The average amount of protein speech in wheat boron is 13-16%, non-raw protein is 8.7%.

Gluten warehouse. Syrah gluten should be mixed with 30-35% of dry speech and 65-70% of water. Dry speech gluten is 80-85% composed of proteins and other borosna speech (lipids, carbohydrates and in), with some gliadin and glutenin enter into the reaction. Proteins of gluten cover about half of all lipids. 19 amino acids enter the warehouse of gluten protein. It is dominated by glutamic acid (about 39%), proline (14%) and leucine (8%). Gluten of different quality may have the same amino acid warehouse, aloe structure of molecules. The rheological power of gluten (springiness, elasticity, stretching) signifies the bread-baking capacity of wheat boar.

Proteins of wheat boar. Behind the amino acid warehouse and the power of the proteins of the wheat borosh, they are mixed with the proteins of the wheat borosh. Life is well avenged by rich water-spraying whites (about 36% of the total mass of white rivers) and salt-soluble (about 20%). The prolamin and glutelin fractions of wheat boar are significantly lower in weight, and gluten is not meted out in great minds. The zagalny vmіst of white speeches is lower in wheat boron, lower in wheat (10-14%). In special minds from the wheat boar, you can see the protein mass, which is guessed for the elasticity and stretching of gluten.

Carbohydrates. In the carbohydrate complex, borosna is more important than other polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, hemicellulose, pentosans). In a small amount, it is good to take zukropodіbnі polysaccharides (di- and trisaccharides) and simple zucru (glucose, fructose).

Krokhmal . Starch is the most important carbohydrate in borosh, which can be seen in grains with a size of 0.002 to 0.15 mm. Rosemary, form, building up to swelling and gelatinization of starch grains of various varieties for boroshna of various species. The size and volume of starch grains are added to the consistency of the dough, and the moisture content is added to the new zukru. Drіbnі and poshkodzhenі grain starch schvidshe saccharified in the process of preparing bread, nizh large and schіlnі grain.

Klitkovina . Cellulose (cellulose) is found in the peripheral parts of the grain, and therefore, in a great number of places, it is located near the borough of high exits. In the trellis boron, there is close to 2.3% of cellular tissue, and in the borage of wheat, viscose boletus is 0.1-0.15%. Klitkovina is not conquered by the body of a person, but the lowering of the food value is borosna. In okremih vipadkah high in the cellular tissue corysny, to which will speed up the peristalsis of the intestines.

Hemicellulose . These are polysaccharides that lie up to pentosans and hexosans. For physical and chemical powers, the stench occupies an interim position between starch and cellular tissue. The proteoorganism of humans does not conquer hemicelluloses. Wheat borosno in the fallow variety may vary in pentosans - the main storage part of hemicellulose.

In the boar of the greater katunka, 2.6% of the total amount of pentosans of grain is contained, and in the flour of the II gatunka - 25.5%. Pentozan is divided into retail and non-retail. Unresolved pentosan swells well in water, swells water, in a kilkost, which outweighs its mass 10 times.

Give different pentosans or carbohydrate mucus to give an arc of a viscous difference, like a splash of oxidizing agents to pass at the alkaline gels. Wheat borosno to sweep 1.8-2% of mucus, life - may be twice as much.

Lipidi. Fats and fat-like speech (lipoids) are called lipids. All lipids are inconsistent in water and retail in organic retailers.

Zhiri. Fats are collapsible esters of glycerol and high-molecular fatty acids. Wheat and wheat borosh of different varieties have 1-2% fat. Fat, like in boroshni, has a rare consistency. Vin is composed mainly of glycerides of non-essential fatty acids: oleic, linoleic (more importantly) and linolenic. The acidity may be high in the grub value, they are credited with vitamin power. Hydrolysis of fat for an hour is borosna and farther transformation of free fatty acids into acidity, relish is borosna on the power of gluten.

Lipoidi . Phosphatides, foldable esters of glycerin and fatty acids, which avenge phosphoric acid, are obtained from any nitrogenous substance before lipids.

Boroshnya contains 0.4-0.7% phosphatides, which lie down to the group of lecithins, in which the nitrogenous base is choline. Lecithin and other phosphatides are characterized by high food value and may be of great biological significance. The stench is easily digested with proteins (lipo-protein complexes), which play an important role in the life of the skin cells. Lecithins are hydrophilic coloids that swell well near water.

pigments. Carotenoids and chlorophyll can be seen before the pigments in fats. The color of carotenoid pigments is reddish yellow and orange, and chlorophyll is green. Carotenoids may be pro-vitamin power, so that the creatures in the creature's organism turn into vitamin A.

Mineral speeches. Borosno folds mainly from organic speeches and a small amount of mineral (ash). The mineral speech of the grain is surrounded by the head rank of the aleurone ball, the shells and the germ. The aleurone ball has a particularly rich mineral content. In the place of mineral speeches in the endosperm is small (0.3-0.5%) and moves from the center to the periphery, the ash content is an indication of the boroshna variety.

Most of the mineral resources of the borosh are composed of phosphorus (50%), potassium (30%), magnesium and calcium (15%).

In small bones, there are different microelements (copper, manganese, zinc, etc.). Vmіst zaliza 0.18-0.26%. Significant part of phosphorus (50-70%) is presented in phytin - (Ca - Mg - strong inositol phosphoric acid). The higher the boroshna variety, the lesser in the new place there are mineral rechovins.

Fermenti. In the grains of cereals, there are different enzymes, which are the main rank of the germ and peripheral parts of the grain. Looking back at the forest, high fermentation exits are more distant, lower, at low exits.

Enzyme activity in different batches is similar to one and the same variety. Won to lay aside the minds of growth, storage, drying regimes and conditioning of grain before grinding. Increased activity of enzymes was observed in borosh, harvested from immature, germinated, frost-bitten or infested with a bug-turtle grain. Drying of grain under a hard regimen reduces the activity of enzymes, while saving borosh (or grains) it also changes slightly.

Enzymes are less active due to the sufficient moisture content of the medium, therefore, when the borosna moisture content is 14.5%, the lower activity of the enzymes is even weaker. After mixing in finished products, enzymatic reactions begin, in which hydrolytic and oxidizing-oxidizing borosna enzymes take part. Hydrolytic enzymes (hydrolases) lay out the folds of the boron more simply hydrolysis products.

Borosno rough broom may have less absorption and energy value, but high biological value, they have more vitamins and mineral resources.

There are a lot of higher varieties with brownish rechovins, because the stench is found mainly in the hulls of the grain and the germ, like when you cut the boar, you can see it, but it will be easier to conquer it.

Boroshno 2-th gatunka otrimuyut z'yakih wheat. The color scheme is white and yellowish-sirim. Boroshnyaetsya in 8-10% of hulls, parts of borosna are larger, lower in the 1st grade, in size heterogeneous. Gluten content - not less than 25% ash content - not more than 1.25%. Vikoristovuyut borosno the 2nd katunka in the bread oven.

Boroshpalerne vygotovlyaetsya s soft wheat with single-grade milling without the help of visives. Excess flour - 96% Color grayish-white, gluten content - 20%, ash content, up to 2%. Vikoristovuetsya for vypikannya bread.

Por_vnyalny characteristic of kharchovoi tsіnnostі different varieties of borosna.

Kharchov's value is boroshn.

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