Like the companions of the earth's dovkol fly. Why geostationary satellites do not fall to the ground? Orbits of piece satellites in the Earth

Chi chomus companions do not fall? The satellite's orbit is in a delicate balance between inertia and gravity. The force of gravity uninterruptedly attracts the satellite to the Earth, even as the inertia of the satellite pragmatically lifts it straight. Yakby did not have the force of gravity, the inertia of the companion ruled yoga right out of the earth's orbit in outer space. However, at the skin point of the orbit, the gravitational force holds the companion on a leash.

In order to reach the equal balance between the inertia and the force of gravity, the companion is guilty of the mother’s clearly defined swedness. As if flying over it quickly, inertia gives the force of importance and the satellite leaves the orbit. (Accounting for the so-called other space mobility, which allows the satellite to enter the earth orbit, plays an important role in the launch of interplanetary space stations.) As the satellite collapses over it properly, gravity will overcome the fight against the Earth. It happened in 1979 when the American orbital station Skyleb began to decrease as a result of the support of the upper spheres of the earth's atmosphere. Having drank gravity at the bay, the station of nevdovz fell into the Earth.

Shvidkіst ta vіdstan

The shards of the earth's gravity are weaker in height, the speed, the need for a satellite in orbit, change with the height above the sea level. Engineers can calculate how fast and how high a satellite is guilty of wrapping up in orbit. For example, a geostationary satellite, roaming over that point on the earth's surface, is responsible for making one revolution in 24 years (which corresponds to an hour of one revolution of the Earth on its axis) at a height of 357 kilometers.

Force of gravity and inertia

Balancing the companion between the force of gravity and inertia can be overwhelmed by wrapping vantage on tying to the new wind. The inertia of the vantage should not be moved to the center of the wrap, just like the tightness of the skein, the role of gravitation will play the role, and the vantage will be mitigated in a circular orbit. As a way to cut the coil, the pitch is to fly along a straight trajectory perpendicular to the radius of its orbit.

It’s possible that the satellites in the orbit of the Earth are the simplest, the most obvious, the same as in the whole world. Zreshtoy, Month to hang in the sky already over chotiri millions of rocks and there is nothing supernatural in yoga. And yet, we ourselves launch satellites into the Earth’s orbit, the stench stays there for less than a dozen or dozens of rocks, and then re-enters the atmosphere and burns, or falls into the ocean and to the ground.

Moreover, if you look at the natural satellites on other planets, all the stinks are significantly lower, lower anthropogenic satellites that wrap around the earth. The International Space Station (ISS), for example, is flying around the Earth with 90 pieces of skin, at that hour, like our Moon, it needs close to the moon. Navit satellites, as they know close to their planets - on the planet Io near Jupiter, the tides of force that warm up the light and rise with volcanic catastrophes - stably trim on their orbits.

Io, as it turns out, to be left in the orbit of Jupiter for the entire term of the life of the Sonyach system, and the axis of the ISS, so as not to get used to the annual entries, will be in its orbit less than 20 years. The same share is fair to all satellites present in low earth orbit: for an hour, when the century comes, may all the lower satellites see the Earth and burn. The most (on the station of the ISS with its 431 ton carriage) fall at the sight of the great ulamkiv on land and near the water.

Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Why should our companions give a damn about the laws of Einstein, Newton and Kepler and why don't they want to reach a stable orbit permanently? It appears that there is a low factor that calls for an orbital noise.

This, perhaps, is the most important effect, which is also the reason why satellites in low Earth orbit are unstable. Other satellites - like geostationary satellites - can go out of orbit, but not so fast. We called into space everything that is more than 100 kilometers away: more than the Karman line. Ale, be it a destination between the cosmos, de repair the cosmos and the atmosphere of the planet will end, be attracted by the ear. In fact, parts of the atmosphere stretch far and high, just the space of their stacks is less. The zreshtoy space falls - lower than a microgram per cubic centimeter, then a nanogram, then a picogram - and even more powerfully can be called space. Ale atoms of the atmosphere can be present even for thousands of kilometers, if satellites collide with these atoms, the stench expends momentum and swells. Therefore, satellites in low Earth orbit are unstable.

Pieces of sleepy wind

The sun constantly vibrates the flow of high-energy particles, the richest protons, and also the electron nuclei of helium, as they stick together, so that they strike. Zіtknennya, with their blackness, change the impulse of the companions, from which they zіshtovhuyut, and step by step they are uplifting. After a sufficient hour, the orbits begin to break down. Although not the main reason for the satellites’ departure from the orbit to the NGO, for satellites farther away it may be more important, shards of stench are approaching, and at the same time atmospheric pressure is growing.

The incomplete gravitational field of the Earth

Yakby the Earth did not have an atmosphere, like Mercury had a Moon, how could our satellites be left in orbit forever? Nі, navіt yakbi mi tidied up the sleepy wind. Therefore, the Earth - like all planets - is not a point mass, but rather a structure with an inconstant gravitational field. The whole field is changing in the world of that, like satellites wrap around the planet, waving at the tidal forces on them. The closer the satellite is to the Earth, the greater the influx of these forces.

Gravitational injection of the solution of the Sonyach system

Evidently, the Earth, having ceased to be a completely isolated system, has a single gravitational force, like embedding satellites, people on the Earth itself. H, M_syats, Sun and all other planets, comets, asteroids and even more scatter the deposit at the sight of gravitational forces, like rozshtovhuyut orbits. Navit yakbi The Earth would be an ideal point - let's say, it would squeeze at the black dir, which does not wrap around, - without an atmosphere, and the satellites would be 100% protected from the sleepy wind, and the satellites would gradually start to fall in a spiral into the center of the Earth. The stench would be left in orbit earlier, the Sun itself would fall, but the system would not be ideally stable; the orbits of the satellites were destroyed b.

Relativistic effects

Newton's laws - and Keplerian orbits - are the only thing that signifies the movement of celestial bodies. The same force that shatters the orbit of Mercury on the 43rd century, causes the orbits to collapse for the rahunok of gravitational winds. Schwidkіt Cyozhnaya Claimed Neimovіrno Mala for weak Gravіtakіynyi Pol_v (on the zrazoki, Scho Mi I knew in Sonyachnіyi Systems) і for the great villages: there are 10 150 Rockіv, and the land of Speralі descended to Sotzia, and the footnight of the Orb_tsyych softener see what. Ale tsya force є і є inevitable legacy of the global theory of water content, effectively manifesting itself on the nearest satellites of the planet.

Everything is not just spilled into our creations by satellites, but also by natural satellites, as we know in the orbit of other worlds. Phobos, the closest month to Mars, for example, we will tear apart the tidal forces and spiral down into the atmosphere of the Chervonoy planet. Regardless of the presence of the atmosphere, as it becomes only 1/140 of the earth's, the atmosphere of Mars is great and diffuse, and, moreover, Mars does not protect against the sleepy wind (on the view of the Earth from the її magnetic field). Identity through tens of millions of rokiv Phobos mustache. You can get away, but it won’t be soon, but it’s less than 1% at the same time, a kind of Sonyachna system is already in use.

But the closest satellite of Jupiter is not є Іo: tse Metis, for mythology, the first squad of Zeus. Closer Io є chotiri are small satellites, from which Metis are closest - only 0.8 radius of Jupiter from the atmosphere of the planet. What is caused by Jupiter's broken orbits? with an orbital distance of 128,000 kilometers, Metis is aware of significant tidal forces, as they carry the distance for convergence in a spiral of that month to Jupiter.

As an example of what happens, if you overcome the tidal forces, you can consider the comet Shoemaker - Levi 9 and її zatknennya with Jupiter in 1994 rotation, after that, as it was torn apart by tidal forces. Such is the share of all companions, as if to go in a spiral to their native world.

Pojdnannya vsіh tsikh factors rob whether-what companion is fundamentally unstable. Vrakhovyuchi sufficient time and the presence of other stabilizing effects, absolutely all orbits will be destroyed. Zreshtoy, all orbits are unstable, but deyak - unstable for others.

The Earth, as if it were a cosmic body, may have a gravitational field and entrust the expansion of an orbit, on which bodies of that object of various sizes can be found. Most often, under them, they toil on the shore of the Moon and that international space station. The first to walk in its own free orbit, and the ISS - in a low earth orbit. I have a sprinkling of orbits, as if they are among themselves, they are airborne in the distance from the Earth, which is directly wrapping around the planet.

Orbits of piece satellites in the Earth

On this day, the closest space on the earth's surface has impersonal objects, like the results of human activity. There are only a few satellites that serve to secure the connection, however, there was little cosmic smittya. One of the most famous piece satellites on the Earth is the International Space Station.

ShSZ are collapsing behind three main orbits: equatorial (geostationary), polar and frail. The first one is to lie near the equatorial stake, the other one is strictly perpendicular, and the third one is between them.

geosynchronous orbit

The name of this trajectory is connected with it, what is the body, what is collapsing on them; The geostationary orbit is the last point of the geosynchronous orbit, which lies on the same plane as the earth's equator.

When sickly not equal to zero and zero eccentricity, the companion, when cautious from the Earth, shows a stretch of doby in the sky.

The first satellite in geosynchronous orbit is the American Syncom-2, sighted on it in 1963. Today, in some ways, the placement of satellites in geosynchronous orbit is carried through those that the launch vehicle cannot put them in geostationary orbit.

geostationary orbit

This trajectory can be given the name of those reasons, which, regardless of the current situation, the object that is known to it, is overwhelmed by the static surface of the earth. The place, where the object is known, is called the stopping point.

Satellites placed into such an orbit often broadcast satellite TV broadcasts, oscillating static allows you to straighten the antenna with it and it takes a while to hear the call.

The height of the satellites’ position in the geostationary orbit is 35786 kilometers. Shards of all stinks are located directly above the equator, for the purpose of identifying the position, only the meridian is called, for example, 180.0 E Intelsat 18 or 172.0 E Eutelsat 172A.

The approximate radius of the orbit is about 42164 km, the radius is about 265,000 km, and the orbital speed is about 3.07 km/s.

High elliptical orbit

Such a trajectory is called a high elliptical orbit, the height of which at the perigee is less at the perigee, lower at the apogee. The sighting of companions in such orbits is of little importance. For example, one such system can be sufficiently serviced by all Russia, or, apparently, a group of powers with an equal total area. In addition, VEO systems at high latitudes are functional, low geostationary satellites. And the cost of placing a satellite in a high elliptical orbit is about 1.8 times cheaper.

Great examples of systems that work on VEO:

  • Space observatories launched by NASA and ESA.
  • Satellite radio Sirius XM Radio.
  • Satellite link Meridian, -Z and -ZK, Bliskavka-1T.
  • Satellite GPS correction system.

Low earth orbit

This is one of the lowest orbits, yak in the fallow land in different environments, it can have an altitude of 160-2000 km, and the average period is, apparently, 88-127 hvilin. The only vipadkom, if the NGO was done up by piloted space vehicles - the Apollo program with the landing of American astronauts for a month.

Most of the vicarious infections, or earlier vicarious satellites, were put into low Earth orbit. For the reasons in this zone, the main part of the cosmic smitta has been sorted out at once. Optimal orbital speed for satellites, who transfer to NGO, in the average road is 7.8 km/s.

Apply piece satellites to NGO:

  • International space station (400 km).
  • Telecommunication satellites of various systems and networks.
  • Rozvіduvalnі aparati and companions-probes.

There is a large number of cosmic dreams in orbit - the main modern problem of all cosmic industry. Today's situation is such that the number of different objects on the NGO is increasing. And tse, in his heart, lead to the destruction of that adoption in orbit even more fragments and details. Pesimistic forecasts to be sure that the launches of the domino principle can make people more able to explore outer space.

Low reference orbit

It is customary to name that orbit to the apparatus as a low reference, as if transferring the change to the bad, the heights of other things change. If the apparatus is not able to move and not to make maneuvers, this orbit is called low earth orbit.

It’s clear that Russian and American ballistics build their height in a different way, because the first ones are grounded on an elliptical model of the Earth, and others on a spherical one. Through the chain, the difference is not only at the height, but at the position of the perigee and the apogee.

“A person is guilty of rising above the Earth - into the atmosphere that for її mezhі - just like that, I’m more sensible of the world, I’m alive.”

Socrates zrobiv ce guarding a century before people successfully put the object into the earth's orbit. And yet, the ancient Greek philosopher, he thinks, understands, how much you can appreciate the view from space, although you don’t know how to reach it.

Who understands - about those, how to bring the object "into the atmosphere and beyond the borders" - had a chance to doty, docks Isaac Newton did not publish his famous experiment with a harmonic core in 1729 roci. It looks like this:

Show that you placed the garmat on the top of the mountain and shot it horizontally. The harmonic core will rise in price parallel to the surface of the Earth for an hour, but it is allowed to give up the force of gravity and fall to the Earth. Now show that you continue to add gunpowder to the garmat. With additional vibrations, the core of the mandruvatime was far and wide, the docks were not in the fall. Give the gunpowder a little bit and give the core the correct acceleration, and it will constantly fly near the planet, always falling in the gravitational field, but never reaching the earth.

In the future of 1957, the Radyansky Soyuz came to fruition, confirming Newton's guess by launching Sputnik-1 - the first piece satellite in Earth's orbit. It initiated the space race and the numerical launches of objects, which were supposed to fly around the Earth and other planets of the Sonyach system. Since the launch of Sputnik, the leaders of the country, the land of the United States, Russia and China, have launched over 3,000 satellites into space. Deyakі z zroblenih people ob'єktiv, for example the ISS, are great. Others vіdmіnno vіdminno vіschayutsya near a small screen. Zavdyaki companions we need forecasts of the weather, we marvel at the TV set, we sit on the Internet and on the phone. Navit tі companions, the work of such mi is not familiar and not bachimo, good to serve at the fury of the military.

Obviously, the launch and operation of the satellites caused problems. Today, with over 1,000 working companions in orbit around the earth, our nearest space region has become a great, lower place in peak time. Add up to what non-working possessions, zanedbani companions, parts of the hardware security and fragments in vibukhiv chi zіtknen, which reminds heaven at once from brown possessions. Tse orbіtalne smіttya, about like we accumulated a lot of rich rocks and become a serious threat to the satellites, like in the given hour they circle around the Earth, as well as for the future piloting and non-piloting launches.

In this article, we are filled with the intestines of the great companion and zazirnemo in yoga eyes, so that you can see our planet, about the likes of Socrates and Newton could not even dream. Ale, let's talk more about it, the lower satellite is blowing up in the sight of other celestial objects.

- tse whether it be some object, some kind of crumbling curve around the planet. Month is the natural satellite of the Earth, it also instructed the Earth to know faceless satellites, crushed by the hands of people, so to speak, piecemeal. The way, as a follower of a satellite, the same orbit, sometimes takes the form of a stake.

To understand why the companions collapse in such a rank, we are to blame for our friend Newton. Letting it go, that the force of gravity exists between the two, be like objects in the All-world. Yakby tsієї no strength, companions, who fly near the planet, continued their movement with one swidkistyu that in one straight line - in a straight line. Tsya is straight - the inertial path of the satellite, which, however, is balanced by strong gravitational pulls, straight to the center of the planet.

At other times, the satellite's orbit looks like an ellipse, splashing around, like passing around two points, like a focus. In this way, you practice your own lawfulness, so that the planets are planted in one of the focuses. As a result, pure force is applied to the satellite, not to pass evenly along the entire path, the speed of the satellite is constantly changing. Vin collapses quickly, if you are closer to the planet - at the point of perigee (do not stray from perihelion), and more, if you are far away from the planet - at the point of apogee.

Companions buy different forms and rozmіrіv i vykonuyut nayriznomanіtnіshі zavdannya.

  • Meteorological satellites help meteorologists to predict the weather or whatever happens with it at the same time. Geostationary Operational Ecological Satellite (GOES) is a handheld buttstock. The satellites start to turn on the cameras to show the Earth's weather.
  • Satellites allow calls to be relayed through the satellite. The most important feature of the satellite is the communication - transponder - radio, as if it takes one single frequency, and then we strengthen it and transmit it back to Earth at a different frequency. The satellite will ring out hundreds of thousands of transponders. Communication satellites are, as a rule, geosynchronous (about the same time).
  • TV satellites transmit TV signals from one point to another (by analogy with satellites, a call).
  • Science satellites, like the Hubble Space Telescope, win all types of science missions. The stinks watch over everything - from the sleepy patches to gamma-rays.
  • Navigation satellites help aircraft and sail ships. GPS NAVSTAR and GLONASS satellites are true representatives.
  • Ryatuval satellites react to dashing signals.
  • Companions guarding the Earth indicate changes in temperature up to crying caps. The largest view is the Landsat series.

Viysk satellites are also rebuying in orbit, but most of their robots are filled with mystery. The stench can relay encrypted messages, watch out for nuclear strikes, relay the enemy, warn about missile launches, listen to land radio, monitor radar detection and mapping.

When the companions were guilty?

Possibly, Newton, in his fantasies and launching satellites, but first of all, they truly accomplished this feat, an hour passed. One of the first visionaries was the science fiction writer Arthur Clarke. In 1945, Roci Clark allowed that the satellite could be placed in orbit in such a way that it would collapse in the same direction and with the same swedishness as the Earth. So the names of geostationary satellites can be victorious for calling.

Vcheni did not razumili Clark - until 4 August 1957. Today, the Radiansky Soyuz launched "Sputnik-1", the first piece satellite into the Earth's orbit. “Sputnik” is 58 centimeters in diameter, having 83 kilograms and 83 kilograms of weight in the shape of a bag. Although it was a miraculous achievement, the spy of the "Sputnik" was miserable for today's worlds:

  • thermometer
  • battery
  • radio transmitter
  • gas-like nitrogen, which is under the pressure of the middle satellite

On the outer side of the Sputnik, two pin antennas were transmitted at a short-range frequency higher and lower than the lowest standard (27 MHz). Watch stations on Earth picked up a radio signal and confirmed that the critical satellite survived the launch and successfully navigated its course around our planet. A month later, the Radiansky Soyuz launched into orbit Suputnik-2. The middle capsules are the dog Laika.

In early 1957, trying heartily to keep pace with their opponents of the cold war, American scientists tried to put a satellite into orbit at the same time as the planet Vanguard. Unfortunately, the rocket crashed and burned down at the stage of evil. On the next day, on September 31, 1958, the United States repeated the success of the SRSR, praising the plan of Wernher von Braun, which had hit the Explorer-1 satellite with a U.S. redstone. Explorer-1 nіs іnstrumenti dljavlennya kosіchіchnyh promenіv i vyavlіv vіd po od eksperimentа James van Allen z Iowa University, shcho cosmіchіchіhnіv more less, nizh ochіkuvalis. It brought to light two toroidal zones (named in honor of Van Allen), filled with charged particles, choked by the magnetic field of the Earth.

In the 60s, thanks to the successes of the successes, the companies began to develop and launch satellites. One of them was built by Hughes Aircraft at the same time as the star engineer Harold Rosen. Rosen, after cheering the team, embodied Clarke's idea - a companion for communications, placements in the Earth's orbit in such a rank that it could bring radio broadcasts from one month to the next. In 1961 NASA placed a contract with Hughes to induce a series of Syncom satellites (synchronous comms). At the end of 1963, Rosen's rock and yoga colleagues were pushed, like Syncom-2 flying into space and viyshov into a rough geosynchronous orbit. President Kennedy introduced a new system to speak with the Prime Minister of Nigeria in Africa. Nezabarom zletіv i Syncom-3, which is the right moment to broadcast a TV signal.

The era of companions has begun.

What is the difference between a companion and cosmic smite?

Technically, a satellite is a kind of object that wraps around the planet or a smaller celestial body. Astronomers classify the moons as natural satellites, and by stretching the rich rocks of the stink they compiled a list of hundreds of such objects that wrap around the planets and dwarf planets of our Sonyach system. For example, 67 months of Jupiter were dug up. I dosi .

Technogenic objects, like "Sputnik" and Explorer, can also be classified as satellites, shards of stink, like months, wrap around the planet. It's a pity that human activity has led to the fact that in the orbit of the Earth there was an impersonal commotion. All these frills and tricks are thrown like great rockets - they wrap around the planet on a high swedishness in a circular or elliptical way. In the case of a severely clouded person, such an object can be designated as a companion. Ale, astronomers, ring out, vvazhayut satellites of those objects, as if they were typing the core function. Ulamki metal and other moths are consumed in the category of orbital smittya.

Orbіtalne smіtya to come from bagatioh dzherel:

  • Vibuh rockets, which rob the most motlohu.
  • The astronaut relaxing his hand - like an astronaut repairing it in space, she misses the wrench, that injection for ever. The key is to go into orbit and fly with speed close to 10 km/s. If you drink wine with a person as a companion, the results can be catastrophic. Great objects, for the sake of the ISS, a great method for cosmic smite.
  • Forgotten items. Parts of launch containers, camera lens caps are thin.

NASA has launched a special satellite, called LDEF, to detect long-term effects in the face of space pollution. For six years, the satellite's instruments have registered close to 20,000 stars, and some of them have been called micrometeorites, and other orbital smitems. NASA science continues to analyze the LDEF data. And the axis of Japan is already a gigantic mesh for a fork of cosmic smittya.

What is in the middle of the great companion?

Companions acquire different forms and expand and conjure impersonal different functions, they are all, in principle, similar. Usi stinks can be a metal composite frame that body, like English engineers call a bus, and Russians call it a space platform. The space platform collects everything at once and makes sure that enough entries are made so that the instruments survive the launch.

All companions have life (sound sleepy batteries) and batteries. Arrays of solar batteries allow you to charge the batteries. The newest companions include and shower elements. The energy of the satellites is expensive and bordered on the edge. The nuclear elements of life sing for the strength of space probes to other planets.

All satellites have an on-board computer for control and monitoring of other systems. All have a radio antenna. As a minimum, most satellites may have radio transmitters and radio receivers, so the crew of the ground crew can request information about the camp of the satellite and follow him. A lot of companions allow a lot of different speeches: to change the orbit before reprogramming the computer system.

How and slid ochіkuvati, zіbrati all tsі systems together - not an easy task. There are three fates. Everything starts from the mission of the mission. The choice of parameters allows engineers to choose the tools they need and put them in the correct order. As soon as the specification is approved (and the budget), the companion’s folding is being started. You are in a clean room, in a sterile environment, which allows you to increase the required temperature and moisture, and protect your companion for an hour of expansion and storage.

Piece companions, as a rule, are prepared for prayer. Active companies have developed modular satellites, so that designs, the selection of which allows you to install additional elements, depending on the specification. For example, the Boeing 601 companions had two basic modules - chassis for transporting the air support system, electronics and batteries; that recruitment of steward police for the protection of possessions. This modularity allows engineers to choose satellites not from scratch, but from prefabricated ones.

How are satellites launched into orbit?

Today, all satellites are launched into orbit on rockets. A lot of people to transport them to the vintage carriage.

For most launches of satellites, the launch of a rocket is carried straight uphill, which allows you to pass it through your ball of atmosphere and minimize the impact of the fire. In addition, as the rocket is golden, the mechanism for controlling the rocket is victorious and the inertial guidance system for the adjustment of the necessary adjustment of the rocket nozzle, in order to ensure the necessary fuel.

In addition, as the rocket comes out of the air at a height of about 193 kilometers, the navigation system releases small rackets, which is enough to flip the rocket in a horizontal position. After whom the companion is released. Small rockets are launched anew and secure the difference between the rocket and satellite.

Orbital speed and height

The rocket is obliged to gain speed of 40,320 kilometers per year, so that I will fly into the earth's gravity and fly into space. Space flight is significantly greater, lower satellite requirements in orbit. The stench is not unique to the earth's gravity, but to change the balance. Orbital mobility is the essence of mobility, it is necessary to support the balance between the gravitational gravity and the inertial movement of the satellite. The cost is approximately 27,359 kilometers per year at an altitude of 242 kilometers. Without gravity, inertia would take the satellite away from space. Navіt іz gravіtаtsієyu, like a satellite collapsing more quickly, yogo vіdnese into space. As the satellite collapses over it properly, gravity will pull it back to the Earth.

The orbital stability of the satellite lies in its height above the Earth. What is closer to the Earth, then more swidkist. At an altitude of 200 kilometers, the orbital speed becomes 27,400 kilometers per year. To support the orbit at an altitude of 35,786 kilometers, the satellite is responsible for making 11,300 kilometers per year. This orbital mobility allows satellites to work one flight about 24 years. Shards of the Earth also turn around for 24 years, the satellite at a height of 35,786 kilometers is located at the fixing position of the surface of the Earth. This position is called geostationary. The geostationary orbit is ideal for meteorological satellites and satellite calls.

Zagalom, the greater the orbit, the longer the satellite can be lost from the new one. At a low altitude, the companion is found in the earth's atmosphere, as I create an opir. On a great height there is no support, and a companion, like a month, can be in orbit for centuries.

Types of companions

On the ground, all satellites look alike - gleaming boxes or cylinders, embellished with wings from sleepy panels. Ale, in space and nezgrabnі machines are driven in a different way, fallow in trajectory, height and orientation. As a result, the classification of satellites is transformed into a folding one on the right. One of the approaches is the designation of the orbit of the device for the planet (sounds like the Earth). We guess that there are two main orbits: circular and elliptical. The active companions begin with an ellipse, and then enter a circular orbit. Others are collapsing along an elliptical path, which looks like an orbit "Bliskavka". Qi objects, as a rule, circle from pivnochі to pivdn through the poles of the Earth and complete the last oblіt for 12 years.

Polar-orbital satellites also pass through the poles with skin turnover, although their orbits are less elliptical. Polar orbits become obsolete with fixations near the cosmos, just as the Earth wraps around. As a result, most of the Earth will pass under the satellite in polar orbit. Shards of the polar orbit give the miracle of the planet's hoarseness, the stench of the victorious for mapping that photograph. Forecasters also rely on the global network of polar satellites, as they cover our sump for 12 years.

You can also classify satellites beyond their height above the earth's surface. Vykhodyachi s tsієї schemes, є three categories:

  • Low earth orbit (LEO) - LEO satellites occupy an area of ​​space from 180 to 2000 km above the Earth. Satellites, as they crash close to the Earth, are ideally suited for holding a watch, for military purposes and for collecting information about the weather.
  • Middle earth orbit (MEO) - satellites fly from 2000 to 36000 km above the Earth. GPS navigation satellites work well at this altitude. Orientation orbital speed - 13,900 km/year.
  • Geostationary (geosynchronous) orbit - geostationary satellites are collapsing near the Earth on high, which travels 36,000 km and the wind speed is like a planet. Therefore, satellites in this orbit will always be positioned until that very month on Earth. A lot of geostationary satellites fly by the equator, which gave rise to faceless "traffic jams" in this region of space. Kіlka hundreds of television, communications and weather satellites victorious geostationary orbit.

I, nareshti, you can think about the companions of that sensi, de stinks “joking”. Most of the objects, sent to space for the rest of ten years, marvel at the earth. Tsі satellites mayut chambers that possess, as if building our light in different dozhinas, the wind of light, which allows you to enjoy the breathtaking view in the ultraviolet and infrachervonic tones of our planet. Few of the satellites turn their gaze to the open space, they watch for the stars, planets and galaxies, and also scan objects for asteroids and comets, which can strike the Earth.

Vіdomі companions

Until recently, satellites were deprived of exotic and top-secret accessories, which were important for military purposes for navigation and espionage. Now stench has become an invisible part of our everyday life. Zavdyaki їm mi know the weather forecast (hocha weather forecasters oh yak often have mercy). We marvel at the televisions and work with the Internet, and the troubles of the companions. GPS in our cars and smartphones allows you to reach the necessary place. Chi varto talk about the inestimable contribution of the Hubble telescope and the work of astronauts on the ISS?

Prote є right heroes of the orbit. Let's get to know them.

  1. Landsat satellites take pictures of the Earth from the beginning of the 1970s, and watch out for the record-breaking stench on the surface of the Earth. Landsat-1, in due time as ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellite), launched on March 23, 1972. There are two main instruments: a camera and a multispectral scanner, created by Hughes Aircraft Company, and building data recording in green, red, and two infrared spectra. Companion robbed the flooring of a chic image and entered the flooring of the successful, that a whole series was behind him. NASA launched the last Landsat-8 in the fierce 2013 rock. On this device, two sensors were flown, which guarded the Earth, Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor, which took rich spectral images of coastal regions, polar ice caps, islands and continents.
  2. Geostationary Exploitation Ecological Satellites (GOES) circle the Earth in a geostationary orbit, skinning for a fixed part of the Earth's backdrop. Tse allow companions to respectfully monitor the atmosphere and show changes in weather minds, as they can cause tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and thunderstorms. So satellites vikoristovuyutsya for assessing the amount of falling and accumulated snow, mitigating the degree of snow cover and reversing the sea and lake ice. Since 1974, 15 GOES satellites were put into orbit, and at the same time, only two GOES “Zakhid” and GOES “Skhid” satellites watch out for the weather.
  3. Jason-1 and Jason-2 played a key role in the pre-string analysis of the Earth's oceans. NASA launched Jason-1 in early 2001 to replace the NASA/CNES Topex/Poseidon satellite that had been flying over Earth since 1992. For the stretch of thirteen rocks, Jason-1, surmounting the raven of the sea, the speed of the wind and the height of the wind, hvil over 95% of the ice of the earth's oceans. NASA officially decommissioned Jason-1 on March 3, 2013. 2008 rock into the orbit of viishov Jason-2. There are no high-precision instruments that allow you to measure the distance from the satellite to the surface of the ocean with an accuracy of a few centimeters. These data, the crim value for oceanologists, give a great look at the behavior of light climatic patterns.

How many satellites are koshtuyut?

After the "Sputnik" and Explorer, the satellites became bigger and more foldable. Take, for example, TerreStar-1, a commercial satellite that can secure the transfer of mobile data from Pivnichniy America for smartphones and similar devices. Launches in 2009 of the TerreStar-1 roll amounted to 6910 kg. І being fully roared, roaring the 18-meter antenna and strained sleeper batteries with a wingspan of 32 meters.

The operation of such a folding machine will require a lot of resources, so historically only government departments and corporations with deep guts could go to the satellite business. Most of the satellite's varsity lies in the possession of transponders, computers and cameras. The most important meteorological satellite costs about 290 million dollars. Companion-spy gun costs 100 million dollars more. Give up to tsogo vartist utrimannya and repair of satellites. It is the company's responsibility to pay for the companion's smug just as the phone clerks pay for the telephone call. Cost sometimes more than 1.5 million dollars per river.

The second most important factor is the varity of the launch. The launch of one satellite into space can cost from 10 to 400 million dollars, fallow from the device. The Pegasus XL rocket can lift 443 kilograms into low Earth orbit for $13.5 million. The launch of an important companion to the vimagatime of greater podium power. An Ariane 5G rocket can put an 18,000-kilogram satellite into low orbit for $165 million.

Regardless of the vitrati riziki, connected with everyday life, the launch and operation of satellites, the deacons of the company zumili inspire a large business for this. For example, Boeing. In 2012, the company delivered about 10 satellites into space and took off more orders for this year, which brought it 32 billion dollars in revenue.

Possible companions

Mayzhe in fifty years after the launch of "Sputnik", satellites, like budgets, grow and mіtsnіyut. The United States, for example, spent more than 200 billion dollars on an ear of the Russian satellite program and now, regardless of everything, we have a fleet of old devices that are checking for their replacement. A lot of experts are afraid that the life of that roaring of the great companions simply cannot be used on a penny of payers. Decisions, as if we could turn everything upside down, private companies, for example SpaceX, are being abandoned, and others, which are clearly not a spritka of bureaucratic zastasti, like NASA, NRO and NOAA.

Another decision - the rapid expansion of the world and the folding of the companions. In 1999, the Caltech and Stanford University ceremonies are working on a new type of CubeSat satellite, which is based on 10-centimeter-wide blocks. Leather cube to replace ready-made components and can be combined with other cubes to increase efficiency and reduce profitability. The beginning of the standardization of design is the speed at which the creation of a skin satellite from scratch, one CubeSat can cost more than 100,000 dollars.

In April 2013, NASA broke a simple principle and three CubeSats based on commercial smartphones. The goal was to put the microsatellites into orbit for a short hour and to make a small number of contacts on the telephone. Now the agency is planning to spread a large number of such satellites.

Being great or small, companions of the future guilty mother can communicate effectively with ground stations. Historically, it turned out that NASA relied on radio frequency communications, but RF reached its boundary, the shards of wine will drink for great tension. In order to overcome this oversight, NASA scientists are developing a two-way communication system based on lasers instead of radio waves. On July 18, 2013, a laser transmission was first launched to transmit data from a month to the Earth (at a distance of 384,633 kilometers), which took away the record speed of transmission from 622 megabits per second.

Apparently, geostationary satellites hang unruly above the earth over one point. Why don't the stench fall? Is there no force of gravity at your height?


A geostationary piece satellite of the Earth is an apparatus, which collapses around the planet in a similar direction (in addition, in which the Earth itself wraps), in a circular equatorial orbit with a period of round, which finishes the period of its wrapping of the Earth.

In this rank, as if marveling from the Earth at a geostationary satellite, we must hang unruly on that same place. Through this unruliness and great height is close to 36,000 km, from where half of the surface of the Earth can be seen, satellites-relays for television, radio and communications are put into geostationary orbit.

Since the geostationary satellite hangs permanently over one and the same point on the surface of the Earth, it can sing the wrong visnovok, because on the geostationary satellite there is not a gravitational force to the Earth, but the gravitational force of the simplest in the Earth itself. Sounds like it's not. The very launch of satellites into geostationary orbit is protected by Newton's law of all-world gravity.

Geostationary satellites, like satellites, really fall to the Earth, but do not reach the surface. On them, there is a force of gravity to the Earth (gravitational force), direct to the center, and at the gate directly on the satellite, there is a direct force on the Earth (force of inertia), as if they are one of the same - the satellite does not fall on the Earth and not exactly so itself, like a cebro, which spins on its feet, stays in its orbit.

Yakby satellite zovsіm not collapsing, then having fallen to the Earth, it was heavy to it, but the satellites are collapsing, including geostationary (geostationary - with the apex swidkistyu, even the apex swidkost wrapping of the Earth, that is one turn per turn for kutova swidkіst is greater, so for the sake of the stench they will grow up around the Earth, the sprig of wrappers). Linear speed, which is reported to the satellite parallel to the surface of the Earth in case of non-intermediate placement into orbit, is large (in low Earth orbit - 8 kilometers per second, in geostationary orbit - 3 kilometers per second). If there was no earth, then a satellite with such a swirling flight would be in a straight line, but the earth’s presence will disturb the satellite falling on it under the force of gravity, bending the trajectory to the earth, but the surface of the earth is not flat, it is curved. On the skids the satellite approaches the surface of the Earth, on the stilts of the surface of the Earth the satellite’s z-pіd i, in such a rank, the satellite is constantly on the same height, collapsing along a closed trajectory. The companion is constantly falling, but he cannot fall.

Later, all the piece satellites of the Earth fall to the Earth, but - along a closed trajectory. Companions perebuvayut at the station of negligence, like a falling body (as the lift in the gloomy sky rises and falls more often, then people in the middle will be at the station of negligibility). The cosmonauts in the middle of the ISS are at the disadvantage not to those who in orbit do not have gravity to the Earth (there may be the same as it is on the surface of the Earth), but to the one that the ISS falls to the Earth forcibly - along a closed circular trajectory.

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