Functions of the varoliy bridge. Varoliev mist - the main interrelation between the bridges of the brain Transverse view of the bridge

Varoliev mist (pons) - the establishment of the central nervous system, which is located in the middle between the middle and middle brains. Conductive bundles pass through the new one in the upper veins of the brain and before them, arteries and veins. At the bridge of Varoli there are nuclei - the centers of the cranial nerves, which act as chewing ruhi. Vin also takes care of the sensitivity of the skin of the face, the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose for the ribs of the nostrils in the new trigeminal nerve. I'm happy to see how to carry out the functions. Tsei vіddіl in honor of the Bolognese anatomist Constanzo Varolіy. The article has information about varicose veins, future and function of enlightenment, as well as symptoms of depression.

Budova bridge

Mist (pons) - part of the posterior brain. Tsei vіddіl є roll-like structure and become a stovbur. To be located in front of the cerebellum, to prodovzhennyam of the middle brain and to pass at the dovgastia.

Vіdokremleniy vіd sredny medulla mіscem, zvіdki vіdkhodit nerve IV pari, scho іnervuє block m'yaz eye. Mezhі z dovgim cerebellum is made by cerebellar husbands and transverse furrow.

Mist - a roller, which makes a furrow, in which nerves pass, which cares for the sensitivity of the individual (p'yata pair), that basilar artery, which cares for the posterior brain.

On the back surface of the bridge, the upper part of the burial is ripped, which is called a rhomboid fossa. Above the brain husbands, which are bordered by її, there are colliculi facials - facial pagorbi. From above, in the face of the humpbacks, the middle of the day is spread out, on the side of which there is a black flame, which serves as an alarm and avenges rich norepinephrine nerve endings.

Conductive paths - tovstі nerve fibers stretch from the bridge to the cerebellum, satisfying the handles of the bridge and the lower cerebellum.

Varolієv mіst is made up of tires, in which the accumulation of gray speech lies - the center of the cranial nerves, and the foundations that avenge the passageways. In this order, at the upper part there are centers, from which the vestibulo-rural, facial, tripartite and nerves that lead in come out. From the leading paths there are medial and lateral loops. Also, in pokryshtsi, a part of the reticular formation in the warehouse of 6 nuclei, including gigantoclitin. They also have structures that are similar to hearing - the core of the olive and the trapezium-like body.

The basis of the pons varolius includes paths that go from measles to the upper pons, the dorsal and dorsal cord (near the pyramidal tract), and the cerebellum. Blood supply is provided by the arteries of the vertebrobasilar basin.

Bridge functions

Varoliev place, functions:

  1. Safeguarding the control over body movements.
  2. Sprynyattya camps of people in the open.
  3. Sensitivity of the movable papillae, skin of the face, mucous membrane of the nose, conjunctiva of the eyes.
  4. Mіmіka and control over her.
  5. The act of accepting zhzhi (sleep vision, chewing and forging).
  6. Hearing.

Mist vykonuє іntegryuyuchu funktіu - zabezpechuє dvuhstoronіy zv'yazok mizh cortex of the brain and pіdlyagayut utvodennya. Fibers go to the spinal cord, cerebellum and douglas medulla. It is within reach for the passage through the new upper and lower corticospinal, corticobulbar pathways.

In addition, there are centers in the bridge, from which to take the cob of the cranial nerve. The stench is strong for forging, chewing, sensitive shkir.

P'yata pair - three parts of the nerve, which will secure the tension of the m'yaziv of the soft bottom, the tympanum. Zavdyaki di ї tsikh nervіv zdіysnyuєtsya act of chewing. The sensitive center of the V pari receives pain and tactile impulses and sensory signals from the receptors of the skull bone.

Introduce the nerves to sweep away the ruhov (efferent) fibers, causing the turn of the eye of the name.

Mіst vіdpovіdalny fіdpoіdalny fіmіku lyudiny, scho scho in nоmu znaydayutsya the nucleus of the facial nerve, scho vengeance sensitive, vegetative and ruhovі fibres. Safely spriynyattya relish, transmitting information from my papillae. Regulates sleepiness, innervation of the podschelepny and subtongue slips. The ends of sensitive fibers take in information importantly about the sour relish, perebuvayuchi on the tip of the tongue.

Signs of shock

Viddil brain pons exercise control over their functions in case of stroke of the arteries of the vertebrobasilar basin, injuries, including those with canopies. It is also affected by the mist in oncological stovbur infections of the brain, amyloidosis, ischemia,.

Symptoms of damage to the pons include:

  1. The loss of sensitiveness of the skin.
  2. Confusion, nystagmus.
  3. Twins in the eyes.
  4. Movements - damage, paralysis of the body, tremor.
  5. Movie discord.
  6. Khropinnya.

The pontine cerebrovascular disease includes five major clinical syndromes:

  1. Raymond Sestan.
  2. Brisso-Sikara.
  3. Miyar-Gubler.
  4. Fovil.
  5. Gasparin.

Stovburov centrifuge is affected by Sestan-Raymond syndrome. Moreover, the activity of the m'yaza is broken, which opens the eye of the name and is innervated by the VI couple.

Gasparin's syndrome includes disorder of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th cranial nerves. Hearing is damaged, sir on the injured side, damage to the conductivity of the other.

Miyar-Gübler syndrome is characterized by paralysis of m'yaziv from one side - the wound.

Brissot-Sicara symptom complex is seen in the conduction dysfunction from the protigella side and spasm of the facial ulcers. The person under qomu is asymmetric.

Fovil's syndrome is caused by skewness and paralysis of mimic lesions on the side of the lesion. From the other side - the loss of sensitivity and hemiparesis of the face.


The place is an important part of the nervous system, which ensures the control of the body in the open space in order from the cerebellum, hearing, sensitivity of disguise, gusto, relish, acceptance. Porazka yogo cause to disability.

Varolієv mist - an element of the central nervous system, rotting between the middle and middle brain.

In organisms, they have two roles: to carry out (to ensure the transmission of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the brain) and to be happy (to ensure the good work of other structures). I took off my name in honor of the famous anatomist Constanzo Varoliy.

Varolієv mіst folds from the lining (upper part), in which there are nuclei from 5 to 8 pairs of cranial nerves, the stench is represented by a gray speech, and the base (lower part) to avenge the passageways.

The anatomy of the bridge also includes the following structures:

  • reticular formation - a large neuron network and accumulation of nuclei that control the activity of the nervous system;
  • guiding paths at the sight of sweating nerve cords that connect with the cerebellum.

Behind the evocative signs of the wines, sweat is guessed, attached to the brain to the stovbur, and behind the brain. At the bottom of the wines, cross at the front of the deep brain, and the beast between the middle ones.

Varoliev took his cob in the place during the period of embryonic development from diamond-shaped michur. In the process of differentiation, the veins are subdivided into the posterior and middle brain.

A brain is formed from the hindbrain. The nuclei of the craniocerebral nerves of the scapula grow on their own in the deep brain, and with the development of the fetus, after the people of the stink, they change their place of expansion, moving around the city.

The structure of the position of the Turkish saddle is given in the new people's child. Up to 8 years old, the nerve fibers are covered with a membrane of myelin.

What are the functions of the wine?

Order, for yakі vіdpovіdaє varoliєv mіst:

  • control of vykonannya tsilespryamovanih ruhiv;
  • regulates the space orientation of the body;
  • take care of the sensitiveness of the skin of the face, the mucous membranes of the face for mimicry, scent;
  • ensure the function of chewing, forging, dreaming;
  • take part in the formation of insane reflexes, for example, in the breath and vidiha (the function of regulation of the breath);
  • take part in the mechanisms of sleep. Apparently, the reticular formation of the back in the phases of sleep apnea and sleep. There are links between it and the limbic-hypothalamic structures. When the rest is awakened, the galvanization of the structures of the reticular formation occurs, and for the lack of sleep, the stench is suddenly activated.
  • taking part in the regulation of vestibular function, conducting analysis of vestibular subdivisions;
  • in the new expansion of the centers of the nerves, which are seen behind the hand of the eyes at the different sides, the tension of the soft fibers of the soft bottom, the functions of the tympanum and other.

Possible pathologies and their diagnostics

The significance of the bridge can be estimated from the inflow of pathologies (syndromes) that control the normal functions of the body.

To the most widespread reasons that lead to disruption of your functioning, lie: mechanical trauma to the brain, sclerosis, stroke, cyst, swelling. In diagnosing pathologies, fahivtsy tend to rely on the manifestation of symptoms, which include syndromes.

Up to the widest їх are brought:

  1. Bonnie syndrome - accompanied by damage to the nuclei of the auditory and vestibular nerves. When this happens, the patient's head gets confused, hearing decreases, and trigeminal neuralgia can be blamed. Among the overt symptoms are weakness, gloom, and disturbed sleep.
  2. Syndrome of the "closed person" (ventral syndrome of the bridge) is a camp, in which one has the freedom and sensitivity, and yet the ability to speak is used again. The function of ham meats is saved. Clashing with soothing possibilities for the help of non-verbal gestures. I will change the signs that confirm the insufficiency of the blood-sucking artery: twins in the eyes, confusion, cunning walk.
  3. Raymond-Sestan syndrome (another name is the syndrome of oral injuries of the cerebrum) is the cause of the paralysis of m'yazyv, yak vydnannya for the ruh of the full-time apple on the middle of the wound. Etiology factors: atherosclerotic changes in brain vessels, swelling, ischemic stroke.
  4. Miyar's syndrome - Gubler - is manifested by paralysis of mimic lesions for lesions, at the same time, frequent paralysis on the protractile leg is indicated. There are ailments in case of pathologies on the bridge support. Spriyaє pathology zvuzhennya zvuzhennya vessels or microstroke, for example, yakscho cavernous angioma in this structure with distant lesions of the structures of the vascular system. Another cause could be neurosyphilis or diffuse glioma.
  5. Fauville's syndrome - damage to several elements of the facial and visual nerves. The pathology is manifested in the total paralysis of the mimic ulcers in the skewed eye. Often the cause of this development is an ischemic stroke, more puffy-like, inflamed.
  6. Syndrome of Gasperin's confusion due to pathology in the sphere of the pontine. In the case of a new one, the nuclei of a large number of nerves (facial, tripartite, anterior-rural nerve) are affected. In the place of localization of the pathological fossa on the proliferative side of the person, the person is aware of the disorder of sensitivity. The clinical picture has a squint, confusion, ataxia. Blame this camp for ischemia, puff, inflamed.
  7. Grenet's syndrome - damage to sensitivity with one-hour wounds of m'yazyv, as if it were for chewing, which is known on the afflicted bots. Hemihypesthesia is seen on the protile leg. Often the pathology can be caused by ischemic changes in the hilars of the posterior cerebral artery.
  8. Syndrome Brissot - Sicar - gestation is a sign of damage to the nucleus of the facial nerve with partial paralysis of the kinks. It is clinically manifested by spasm of the mimic muscles of m'yaziv veneer, to which peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve and hemiparesis come to the fore. Yogo viniknennya pov'yazane z ischemia and transferred infectious diseases.

Specify localization, age of injury, and other parameters of the pathological process to support modern methods of magnetic resonance imaging.

The spinal and cephalic cerebellum are independent structures, a prote in order for the stench to interact at once, one illumination is needed - Varoliev mist. This element of the central nervous system protrudes like a collector, with a good structure, which jointly articulates the head and spinal cord. That is why the light is called so - locality, in view of the fact that two key organs of the central and peripheral nervous system are involved. Varoliev place to enter to the structure of the posterior brain, to which the brain is added.


Varolyeva osvita is found on the basal surface of the brain. Tse i є roztashuvannya bridge near the brain.

Speaking about the inner life - the place is folded into a sting, dezashovuyutsya vlasnі core (skuppchennya). On the posterior part of the bridge lie the nuclei of 5, 6, 7 and 8 pairs of cranial nerves. Important budovaya, scho lie white bridge, vvazhetsya reticular formation. This complex is responsible for the energy activation of the greater distribution of elements of the brain. Also, I will become unsleepy for activating.

Zovni mist guess the roller and enter the warehouse of the stovbur brain. Back to the new lie the brain. Below, the place turns into, and the beast - into the middle. The peculiarities of the pons of the brain lie at the presence in the new cranial nerves and the impersonal pathways.

On the back surface of the structure, the structure is ruffled rhomboid fossa- It's a little bit buried. The upper part of the bridge is surrounded by brain ridges, which have facial humps, and more - a medial pedestal. Trohi on the side of the new one is a black flame. Tsya color illumination takes a part in rich emotional processes: anxiety, fear and fierceness.


Vivchivshi roztashuvannya that budovu bridge, Costanzo Varolіy putting nutrition about those, as a function of vikonu mіst near the brain. In the 16th century, for an hour of life, the equipment of European single laboratories did not allow for food supply. Prote recent investigations showed that Varoliev was responsible for the implementation of an impersonal task. And itself: sensory, conductor, reflex and rukhovy functions.

What to know in the new VIII couple craniocerebral nerves is the first analysis of the sounds that need to be called. This nerve also processes vestibular information to control the spread of the body in space (8).

manager facial nerve- Innervation of mimic m'yazіv guise of people. In addition, the axons of the 7th nerve are innervated by the lining of the fold, which is under the fissure. Axons also come in and move (7).

5th nerve- Tripartite. Before this day, the innervation of chewing m'yaziv, m'yazіv pіdnebіnnya enters. Sensitive hilts of this nerve transmit information to receptors in the skin, mucous membrane of the nose, superficial skin of the apple and teeth (5).

At the Varoliev bridge, a distribution center that activates vidihu center, which is found in the vascular structure of the lower - dovgastomy brain (10).

Symptoms of infection

The damage to the activity of the Varolev bridge is attributed to its everyday life and functions that are:

  • Zamorochennya. It can be more systemic - subjectively aware of the flurry of the most important objects in my case directly, and non-systemic - apparently take control of your body.
  • nystagmus- the forward movement of the apples of the eyes of the singer straight ahead. Tsya pathology can be accompanied by confusion and boredom.
  • Even though the area of ​​the nuclei is affected, the clinical picture shows the damage to these nuclei. For example, with a disorder of the facial nerve, a sick person has amimiya(Povna abo mlyava) - the essence of m'yazovoї force of facial m'yazіv. People, yakі mayut such a shock, mayut "kam'yana persona."

The cephalic and spinal cord are one of the independent structures in the human body, but not too many people know what is necessary for their normal functioning and mutual interaction with each other - Varoliev mist.

What is the consecration of Varoliev and what functions are victorious, all you can recognize from this article.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Varoliev mist - tse omission in the nervous system, like a rose in the middle of the middle and deep brain. The bundles of the upper ventricles of the brain, as well as the veins and arteries, stretch out suddenly. At the Varoliev bridge itself, the nuclei of the central nerves in the cranial brain are ripped, as if they are for the chewing function of the person. Krіm tsgogo vіn spryaє zabezpechennu sensibility of all individuals, as well as the mucous membranes of the eyes and sinuses. The illumination of two functions in the organism of a person: I will be happy and I will pass. Having omitted the name of the bridge, in honor of the Bolognese anatomist Constanzo Varoliy.

Budova varolієvoї osvіti

The light is ruffled on the surface of the brain.
How to mourn about the inner life of the bridge, to take revenge on one's own squandering of white speech, de and rotting the core of gray speech. In the posterior part of the illumination, the nuclei are spread, which are composed of 5,6,7, and 8 pairs of nerves. One of the most important buds on the bridge is the reticular formation. It wins a particularly important function, it wins for the activation of all influences that are more important.
The avenues are represented by perspiring nerve fibers, as if they suffocate the place from the cerebellum, soothing with it the strands of the cerebellum itself.

Nasichuє krov'yu Varolієv mіst artery vertebro-basilar basin.
Zovni vin is similar to a roller, which is attached to the stovbur of the brain. From the posterior side to the new attachment of the brain. At the lower part of the yogic part, there is a transition from the middle part of the brain, and from the upper part to the middle. The main characteristic features of the Varolian abode are those that in the new place are the mass of passageways and nerve endings near the brain.

Chotiri pari nerves diverge without the middle of the bridge:

  • trikovy;
  • visible;
  • facial;
  • auditory.

Molding in the prenatal period

Varoliev utvorennya begins to form in the embryonic period from a diamond-shaped michur. Mikhur, in the process of its ripening, that molding is also added to the dovgasty and back. In the molding process, the posterior brain gives the cob of the origin of the brain, and the bottom of that yogo wall becomes a storage bridge. The empty diamond-shaped michur will be scorched for a year.
The nuclei of the cranial nerves are at the stage of molding, rotting in the dovestey brain and less than an hour, the stench moves without a middle to the mist.

With the appearance of the light of mist, the little one has trochs growing wider than the back of the Turkish saddle. Only after 2-3 years, the wines begin to rise and cim to fix on the post-yoma place - the upper part of the skull.

At 8 births, the child begins to grow overgrown with myelin sheath of all spinal fibers.

VM functions

As it was said earlier, Varoliev is the place to take revenge on your own impersonal functions necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Functions Varolyeva lighting:

  • controlling the function of the goal-directing movements of the whole human body;
  • spriynyatya znakhodzhennya tіla at the expanse of that hour;
  • sensitivity to relish, furrows of the skin, as well as mucous membranes of nіs and ocular apples;
  • facial expressions;
  • vzhivannya їzhi: chewing, seeing a line of that forging;
  • conductor, through the yoga path to pass the nerve ending to the measles of the head, as well as the spinal cord; interactive.
  • according to the VM, there is an interrelationship between the anterior and posterior vertebrae of the brain;
  • soothing to the ear.

In the new one, the centrifuge, from which the craniocerebral nerves emerge. The stench itself is called for forging, chewing that spriynyatya sensitiveness shkir.
The nerves that go through the bridge, take away the rotten fibers from your own (safely turn the spectacle apples).

Lost nerves of the fifth parity are poured into the tension of the m'yazіv pіdnebіnnya, as well as the tympanic membrane in the empty auricle.

In Varoliyviy osviti, the nucleus of the facial nerve was ripped, as if it were for the rukhova, vegetative and sensitive function. Krym tsgogo vіd yogo normal functioning to lay the center of the dichal system of the dovegasy brain.

Pathologies of VM

Like any organ in the body of a human VM, it can also stop functioning and the cause of this becomes such an illness:

  • stroke of the arteries of the brain;
  • pink sclerosis;
  • head injury. Can be taken away from be-yakim vіtsі, from that number and pіd pologіv hour;
  • swelling (malicious and good-natured) in the brain.

For the main reasons that can provoke pathology of the brain, it is necessary to know the symptoms of such an injury:

  • violations of the process of forging and chewing;
  • loss of sensitivity of the skinny curves;
  • nudota that vomit;
  • - the hands of the eyes in one song directly, as a result of such breaks, one can often get confused in the head, even to the point of wasting money;
  • may double at night, with sharp turns of the head;
  • damage to the robotic rukhovoї system, paralysis of several parts of the body, m'yazіv or tremor in the hands;
  • in case of damage to the robotic facial nerves, in a sick person, there may be a slight increase in anemia, frequent anemia, and strength in the facial nerve;
  • damaged movies;
  • asthenia - a decrease in the strength of the m'yazovogo scurry, shvidka stomlyuvanist m'yazіv;
  • - The inconsistency between the heads of the wounded rush and the short-lived m'yaziv, for example, when walking, a person can significantly raise his legs, lower it is necessary, or else you can stumble about other bushes;
  • hropіnnya, then, if you didn’t worry about it earlier.


From the point of view of the article, it is possible to create such visnovkas that Varolyeva illumines the invisible part of the human body. Without this light, it is impossible to start and improve your functions, everyone looked like a brain.

Without the Varoliy bridge, a person would not be able to: eat, drink, walk, and receive the light of the day like that, like wine. For this, there are only visnovoks, the price of small illumination in the brain is very important and necessary for skin people and living life in the world.

Among all systems of the body, the central nervous system sits in a special place. The head brain regulates all the functions that a person is endowed with. Zavdyaki youmu zdіysnyuєtsya vzaєmozv'yazok between robotic organs and systems. Without cerebral regulation, a person would be a living being. Zavdyaki coordinating activity of the central nervous system is collapsing, we say, we think that it’s very obvious imitations. The cephalic brain can be folded, skin s її warehousing for a single function. Prote all yogo structures provide the work of our body less in marriage. Particularly important utvorennyami, scho enter the warehouse of the central nervous system, є і varoliєviy mist. The very stink of revenge on the main vital centers (sudine, dychalny, cough, slozovidilny), and also give the cob of the greater cranial nerves.

Budova brain

The structural unit of the CNS is a neuron. The very client is responsible for receiving, processing and collecting information. The whole bunch of neurons and yogo growths - axons and dendrites. The stench will ensure the transmission of signals that the central nervous system has back to the organs. The cephalic brain is formed from the gray and first the neurons themselves are established, the other - the axons. The main structures of the brain are in the right), brain and stovbur. The first ones stand for the rosy zdіbnosti people, її memory, thought, wake. The cerebellum is necessary for coordinating hands, eyelids, and veins to ensure the ability to stand, walk, and pick up objects. Under it, Varoliyev mist is roztashovuetsya. Vіn є with a happy lankoy between dovgastim brain and brain.

Varoliev city: budova and functions

Mist is one of the parts of the posterior brain. Yogo dozhina is kolivaetsya in the borders of 2.4 to 2.6 cm. The main warehouses of the varoliy bridge are the upper and middle lower cerebellums, like the great passages. In front there is a basilar furrow, which is to take revenge on one's own arteries, to revive the head brain, and entrust the roztashovana mass to exit. The upper part of the bridge has the most cores (5, 6, 7, 8). At the base of the bridge there are low-lying roads: corticospinal, bulbar and bridge tracts.

Main functions of the body:

  1. Providnikova - nerve impulses pass through yoga kolіyah to the measles of the great pіvkul and spinal cord.
  2. Sensory function - to protect the veins of the anterior-rural and tripartite nerves. In the nuclei of the 8th pair of craniocerebral nerves, there is a collection of information about vestibular teasing.
  3. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya zavdjaki nuclei trichastogo nerve. Krym tsgogo, yogo sensitive part of otrimu _information from the receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth, the eye apple, part of the head and teeth. Qi signals along the fibers of the bridge are straight at the bark of the great pivkul.
  4. Integrative function ensures mutual communication between the anterior and posterior brains.
  5. Reflection of the brain.

Reticular formation of the bridge

The reticular formation is a cerebrated lace, stitched into the brain and is formed from nerve clitin and nuclei. It's practical for all the CNS and smoothly move from one to the next. The reticular formation of the pons varolii is pierced between the dovegastim and the middle brain. Її dovgі drostki - axons, utvoryuyut white speech and pass at the brain. In addition, along the fibers of the nerve cells of the bridge, signals can be transferred from the head back. The cream of this, the reticular formation transmits signals to the bark of the great pivkul, the dawn of which wakes up, or the dream of a person. The kernels, stashed in the middle part of the bridge, can be seen to the center of the cavity, stashed in a deep brain.

Reflex function of the bridge

The development of the central nervous system in response to certain subdivisions is called a reflex. With the butt of the butt, the appearance of the smoldering waters, waking up to sleep at the sound of soothing music, is too much. bud. Reflections of the brain can be smart and crazy. The first people are getting on with the process of life, they can be trained to make a fallow in the sight of our bajan. Others do not give evidence, the stench of pledges to the people and it is impossible to change them. Before them one can see chewing, forging, grabbing and other reflexes.

Yak mist vplyvaet viniknennya reflexiv

Zavdyaki that varolіv mist є warehousing part of chotiricholmіya, vіn maє vіdnoshennia to the development of auditory and static reflex. Zavdyaks to the rest of my health should take the body off the singing posture. In addition, vzaimodiyuchi from the middle brain, vin locks a significant part of the m'yazovyh reflexes.

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