How is the payment from alimony paid for? Who will cover the cost of alimony? How to assign a sum of alimony.

Alimentary fencing - tse sum, which is settled in the absence of penny payments for alimony from the side of the goiter of an individual, or private payments for the singing period. This period may last an hour:

  1. Until you are a child.
  2. Up to an increase in the income of a large person, as required, to a value that exceeds the subsistence minimum. After the number of vins (won) vide from the category of osib that you require.
  3. After the recognition of disability from a large person, that recognition of yoga (її) by a special person.

This means that more or less often non-payment of alimony will be accumulated, and the burden will increase, the docks will not come, described in the list above. Ale navіt p_slya, as z'yavlyaetsya da nі obstavini, borg is not annulled and can be tied with a primus borzhnik.

Alimenty can be based on the submission of 3 documents below:

  1. Alimentary favor, certified by a notary.
  2. Vykonavchiy list, otrimaniya on the court decision, as if on the father Bulo imposed alimentary goiter.
  3. Judgment order of the magistrate about the demand for alimony.

For the validity of one of these documents, the law is defended by vimagati alimony and, apparently, virakhovuvati, how much can a non-payer and for any term. Russian legislation establishes an ambiguous rule, as it sounds like this: if an alimony payer does not vikon his obligations voluntarily, then the alimony holder is not guilty of paying the sum of yoga borg on his own, but the need to bring a document that gives the right to collect alimony, to obtain alimony borzhnik. About those, how to pay for the alimony of the courts, attach the methods of the stench of vikoristovuyut, and in what way you can insult those who praised them about the rozrahunok, read on.

Reasons for blaming the fence for alimony

Oskіlki two sides of the alimentary goiter, as a rule, by Russian citizens and may have equal rights, the legislator having secured such a situation, so that the aggressor does not have an unfair advantage in front of the alimentary, and between them achieve a balance of interests. Therefore, for the bailiff, it is of great importance that the sum of the alimony borg can be the fact that for what reasons did the borg blame? What is the fault of the alimony payer?

If the fault is, and if it has a navmisny character, then the non-payer, the crime of the total repayment of the alimentary borg, may be subject to administrative as well as criminal liability. Well, you can’t blame it, because it’s hated, then the poor alimentary through the court can reach a reduction in the size of the fence, or an increase in the payment of the borg. Below in the table there are 2 lists of reasons, on the basis of which qualifications are given for non-payers of alimony.

Cause with mental guilt Cause with hateful guilt
  1. The carelessness of an unpractical alimentary stands on the appearance on the stock exchange in the center of employment.
  2. Underestimation of the amount of daily income by way of illegal housekeeping with a kerіvnitstvom organіzatsії, in a way that is a non-payer, that part of the salary “at the envelope” is taken away, or untruthful statements about earnings are made before the tax return.
  3. Be sure to tell about the uniqueness of contacts from the bailiffs and the alimentary guard on the side of the barman. It is possible, for example, to swindle in the face of the order and order of the bailiff;
  4. Do your work for the day, what to bring income, without good reasons.
  5. Vіdsutnіst alimony payments without good reasons.
  6. Changing the place of work or living without informing about the bailiff.
  • Dії tretih osіb, z blame yakikh alimentary help did not reach the addressee. For example, the pardon of a banking spivrobitnik, a kind of order of pennies, an accountant's pardon, the amount of alimony payment.
  • Illegal actions of the bailiff, for example, take pennies from the payer, so that they can be turned into the account of the alimentary officer.
  • Force majeure - be it the situation, like the payer can not be repaired (viisky diy; accidents at power plants, roads and other technical objects; spontaneous dashing).
  • Znahodzhennya at the v'yaznitsa, de at the borzhnik z not to lie down for no reason, there is no possibility of pracsyuvati.
  • The sickness of the alimentary, as if he was thirsty for the sight of the expensive exaltation of that (or) trivial in-patient hospitalization.
  • Disability 1 hour 2 groups.
  • Heavily ill close relatives of the alimentary payer.

The method of rozrahunka zaborgovannostі z alimentіv

The courts ordered to stop 3 methods for raising alimentary expenses. Zastosovuvani them ways to lie in the vіd vіdpovіdі such questions:

  1. Chi pratsyuє alimentnik officially?
  2. What is the principle behind alimenti? How do you look like a solid sumi?

The results of the rozrahunka are to be drawn up at the decision, as to bring to the attention of the parties of the alimentary goiter. If so, the party may prohibit the methods of pidrakhunku chi otrimanoї sumi borg, won't have the right to file administrative appeals to the district court and oskarzhiti razrakhunok.

On the basis of statements about income

This technique zastosovuetsya in 2 ways:

  1. A non-payer of official pracevlashtovaniya, maє zaregistrovaniya business or stand on the guise of the employment service (alіmenti in this case are taken from help for unemployment).
  2. The borzhnik has documents that confirm the fact that he can earn money. For example, it’s possible to write a letter from a bank account, agree to an order for non-violence (a borzhnik speaks as a renter), a tax declaration.

How do such vipadkas have a bailiff virakhovanism? Let's analyze the process on the lower butt.

The non-payer has 2 children, who did not reach the full age, a salary of 60,000 rubles, was officially paid to him during the period when the alimony goiter was completed, and 6 months of non-payment of alimony. According to the Family Code, if the father has 2 minor children, then he pays one third of his income for them. In this rank, the total sum of alimony is 60,000/3 = 20,000 rubles. The total amount of the cost is 20,000 rubles. x 6 months = 120,000 rubles

On the basis of the average salary

  1. Bozhnik is unemployed, but not to stand in the guise of an employment service.
  2. The alimentary has no documents that confirm the fact that you can earn money.

What is the job of this guy? How to pay alimony, how does a borzhnik not work? In the case of rozrahunka, add the values ​​of the average salary in Russia, as the bula was established by the Federal Statistics Service during the period of the scribble.

We will analyze the method of pidrakhonka with a butt. Obov'azana person may 2 small children, officially not working, she did not pay alimony 6 months 2017. at the period of daily work. According to the data of the statistics service, the average salary in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 35,845 rubles. For the morning of 2 children, one third of the average salary is drawn. In this rank, the sum of money that pays for alimony costs 35,845 rubles. / 3 \u003d 11948, 33 rubles. Povna sum zaborgovonosti dorіvnyuє 11948, 33 rubles. x 6 months = 71689.99 rubles

Third technique

Tsya technique zastosovuetsya, if:

  1. Alimentary support for children was paid for with a solid sum.
  2. The party, as you know, what to put, zastosovuyuchi methods of rozrakhunka, described above, significantly destroyed the right-bearer and interesi with his rozrakhunkom, went to court with an oskazhennya order to appoint the sum of the alimentary borg.

Judge chime in with the helpers of the hulks and change the fussing, or call us to annul її, if:

  • The applicant is not practical due to his frail age or disability, that cannot be covered.
  • The applicant may be on the death of other children, a squad, unsuitable fathers. Through those who have to try to embarrass themselves, they lose their bones, if they don’t exceed the subsistence minimum, there’s nothing for them to cover up.

How to spoil the borg in my vipad? Let's assume that for the alimentary 2 small children, the bindings of the bond to pay for them 15,000 krb. schomisyatsya and 6 months of prostrochennya viplat. Todi povna suma borg to become 15,000 rubles. x 6 months = 90,000 rubles

Rosrahunok forfeit on alimony

Forfeit - tse peace on the side, as it was laid for the vikonannya of any kind of goiter. Vaughn zastosovuєtsya in order to schob alimentary pragniv vchasno that in full obyazі vykonuvati svoї obov'yazki for the contract. If you don’t kill one of them through the power of wine, then you’ll pay off the goiter for the punishment of the alimony-mongering an additional sum of pennies.

What kind of penalty increase is allowed by law? It is necessary to lay down the type of document, on the basis of which an alimentary supplement is required.

Alimentary favor Ship decision
The amount of the penalty is charged by the parties and is closed by the favor. The parties can argue about winning a replacement for the penalty of other sanctions, for example:
  • The specific amount of the fine, which is aggravated by the skin month of non-payment.
  • Obov'yazok transfer alimentooderzhuvach appointed in favor of mine.
In addition, the described more sanctions can be imposed at once with a penalty.
The legislator has fixed the amount of fines of 0.5% at the Family Code. Penalty is calculated in the amount of extra stitching of alimony and per leather stitching day. As a supplementary guarantee of an alimentary order, it is given the right to collect money from a non-payer from a part of the debt collection, as if they were covered by the sum of the contracted penalty.

The rozrakhunka peni is also taken care of by court officers. In order to control your work and secure yourself for spending your money, you can use the alimony penalty calculator by going over to sim pleats.

The order of indexation of the billing of alimony

The current economy is weak to a negative inflow of inflation, in the wake of which it is necessary to increase the pennies and, consequently, the increase in prices for services and goods. It’s worth bringing it to the point that for the same amount of pennies after the end of skin rock, you can buy less goods and services, lower on the cob of rock.

Aliments are included in the category of dovgostrokovyh viplats, and also, they are known as skin fate. In order to eliminate the hefty consequences of inflation, they came up with a tool called indexation, tobto. increase in the amount of payments in proportion to the amount of inflation.

Mind, for any possible indexation, indicated in the tables.

Wash indexation Legal comment
Payment of alimony from a firm sum for the decisions of the court for notarial favor. Cheer, scho, for the sake of may buti minds about indexation. In another moment, you won’t get stuck. Indexation does not zastosovuєtsya to alimentіv, vyaguvanim yak vіdsotok vіd іd the income of the alimentary, scatter in times of zbіlshennya chi zmenshenya аlimentіv tied up to the size of the salary of the goiter of the yazany individual.
Vіdsotok іndeksії to lie down vіd vіdsotka, which will increase the subsistence minimum for children. For the calculation of the indexed sum of alimony, the sum of the subsistence minimum in the region of residence of the non-refundable alimony sum is fixed. If the region has established a child subsistence minimum, then the amount of the federal child subsistence minimum will be fixed for the amount of the federal child subsistence minimum. It is necessary to protect that the legislation is defending and lowering the amount of alimony in case of a decrease in the subsistence minimum.

The family code puts obov'yazyok іndexuvatі alimenti on:

  1. A robot giving an alimentary payer (a state, an organization or an individual enterprise).
  2. The bailiff, who led the Vikonavche provadzhennya.

Indexation is carried out in the same way up to the offensive formula:

ALI \u003d (AL / SPM) x NPM, de

ALI - indexed alimentary assistance,

AL - alimony before indexation,

SPM - the old subsistence minimum for a child of the second category of citizens,

NPM is a new subsistence minimum for a child of the second category of the population.

We demonstrate how the indexation of alimony on the butt is calculated. Zobov'yazana person pays 8000 rubles. alimony for a child. The old subsistence minimum was set at 9,500 rubles, and the new one was raised to 10,000 rubles. In this manner, the amount of indexed alimony becomes (8,000 rubles / 9,500 rubles) x 10,000 rubles. = 8421.05 rub.

Sometimes such situations occur, if the bailiff does not carry out indexation on his own. In such cases, the alimony-supporter may have the right to turn to them because of the application and demand to index the alimony payment. Srazok declare about the indexation, which is superseded before the service of the bailiffs, you can look over. Srazok declare about іndexatsiyu, scho nadsilâєєєєєєєєєєцю аліманник, you can zavantazhit for sim posilannyam.

Transfer of documents for filing an application

The decision of the bailiff, to bring alimony bills to a vin, for evildoers, he has the right to swindle him like a styaguvach, and a borzhnik. March 3, 2015 the rules of oskarzhennya praised the bailiffs were changed. Now їх it is possible to reckon only with the rules of administrative judiciary. Yoga is characterized by the following features:

  1. Court, upovnovazhenim virishuvati spir, є district court, scho roztashovuєtsya for the miste znahodzhennya vіddіlu bailiffs, de pratsyuє bailiff, praised someone to be insulted positively.
  2. The applicant may have his order less than 10 decibels for the oskarzhennya from the moment of possession of the oskarzhuvanoy decision, or from the moment, if he is found out about the rozrahunok that violates his right. If on the right to become especially foldable for the court, then the head of the district court may have the right to one-time increase the term to 1 month. If the term was omitted for good reason, it may be updated. Before such reasons lay the applicant's ailments; vidmova at the sight of the scarf from the side of the bailiff, who had seen the challenged decree; reconditioning; military service; fate at the battlefields; force majeure surround.
  3. I will call the court at a glance for a total of 10 days, so that it will be reviewed at the moment of filing an application for an addendum to it to the office of the court.
  4. Before obov'yazku applicant include bringing the validity of the destruction of yoga rights and dotrimanny procedural terms of the filing of the application. The bailiff, with his chergoy, to bring the goiter, having seen the challenged decree, clearly to the legislature of Russia at the borders of his renewals, maw present the witness of such a decree.
  5. The non-appearance of the caller and the confirmation does not cause the court to conduct a review and to blame the decision.

For the preparation of the call, you can vicoristovuvat srazok declare, donations for sim possilannyam. Before I call, add the following:

  • The order of the bailiff, yak zaperechuєtsya pozyvachy.
  • Decree, on the basis of which it was rospochato vykonavche provadzhennya.
  • Be sure to prove that you can pardon the bailiff’s bailiff (receipts from the alimentary officer; about the bank account of the borzhnik; showing certificates; listing by e-mail, Skype, or in messengers).

If the result is not far off, the applicant can file an appeal to the highest judicial authority within 30 days from the moment, if the decision is ready to the final form. In times of success, the bailiff is guilty of protracting 30 days from the moment of seeing the decision in the residual form of vikonating the court decision.

Rozmir dermita

In order to file an administrative call for an oskarzhennya praised by the court bailiffs, it is necessary to pay 300 rubles.

On the right, it was looked at by the Teuchezsky District Court of the Republic of Adygea at the leaf fall of 2017.

Pozivaem Bulo vysunuto so vimogi before the court:

  1. Viznati, scho the ruling, was blamed on the vіdpovіdach, є unreliable, the shards of the rozrahunok borg were carried out on the basis of pardon statements.
  2. Anuluvati will decree that goiter'yazati bailiff to carry out a pererakunok.

Vіdpovіdach stating that the rozrahunok zrobyv correctly, and pozivach without submitting documents, yakі would confirm their own payment of alimony.

At the hour of the meeting, the judge announced:

  • Svіtovyj judgment, having accepted the decision about the contraction of alimony for the administrative officer, having praised that it is the responsibility of crying with a firm sum, which costs 2700 rubles, Shhomіsyatsya.
  • Vidpovidach having violated the rights of the applicant, scho vvazhav yogo fencing for іnshoy method of rozrahunka, and itself vyglyadі chastі vіd the salary of the applicant.
  • A large squad (strength officer) filed 2 applications with the court, in which it was appointed a different reconciliation to the borg of an administrative pozivach, which allows talking about those who don’t know about the remembrance of the borg.
  • Vidpovidach did not take to consideration the fact that the positive person gave you a bank statement in order to bring the fact of payment of alimony.
  • Pozivach can prove that having repaid the alimony for the salary, appointments to you by the bailiff.

These proofs appeared enough to prove that the evidence was proven, and on the right it was blamed on the meekness of the positive.

Legal Framework

Zakoni Articles
family code Article 113 describes the methods by which alimentary charges are defined.

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Obov'yazok zі pay alimentіv mozhe vinikati yak іz stowed voluntarily pleasing mіzh batkami chіtіnі, so і on pіdstavі аbо аbо аbо аbо аbо аbо аbо аbо а decision оf аlіnіnіnі аlimіon.

And those іnshe pіdstava can yak vykonuvatsya voluntarily, і buti vykonanim at the primus order through the service of the court bailiffs, renovating the zdіysnyuvaty over all the cases of law enforcement.

If the payer of alimony does not pay them on his own, the vykonavchy document (otherwise, please, that he can have such force) sends transfers to the bailiffs. For the presence of unpaid periods, it is necessary to carry out a debt collection for alimony and the sum, which was the result, will be tied up in full liability from the payer.

In some behaviors can you blame strife?

If the alimony is tightened, but the sheet is not transferred to the court, the borzhnik should know about the possibility of withdrawing the alimony for the period from the moment the decision was made to the court.

If at this time the father of the child pays the alimony independently, it is important to know how to document it, so as not to take away a significant borg for them.

It is also possible to blame the fouling in the valleys:

  • Tricks of paying wages for work, for which the payer is less able to pay, but yak and goiter to pay alimony;
  • vіdsutnіst postіy dzherel income;
  • Znakhodzhennya at rozshuku or for the lack of space of residence.

In our current states, the Borg is in charge of alimony, as they do not pay for accrual.

Who is going to be repaid?

Razrahunok zaborgovannosti for alimony zdijsnyuyut courts and put at times nevikonannya borzhnik laying her goiter.

In a number of ways, rozrahunok can be used in other settings:

  • The court - when alimony was tightened for the previous 3 years, as for qi periods, the income of the alimony payer was significantly charged, otherwise they were different;
  • The accounting department of the organization-robotic worker of the borzhnika is in the winds, as if the non-payment of alimony is due to their fault at the time of the delay in the salary payment, or other furnishings, which pull the light of the borg behind them.

In other cases, the bailiffs for alimony are ordered by the bailiffs at the borders of the open vikonavchy provadzhennya.

How to clear up the fence for alimony

The outrageous order of raising the bill of lading is determined by the appointed sum of payments, which are charged with payment, with a further folding of the sum of the sum of payments. After the completion of all the monthly payments, they are summed up and at the exit, the residual amount of the borg will come out.

For the rozrahunka, I will need to inform the bailiff about all the earnings of the borzhnik for the previous months. Tse allow the bailiffs to properly razrahuvat the borg bag.

The rozrahunok is taken as an official income for the labor of work, and you can see the salary, documented by the bailiffs: the rent of the lane, the income of IP, the work from the civil law contracts of one-time work, just a little.

Give the least problems to the courts, that one himself is a styaguvach, try it in the case, if the alimony is contracted from the fixation of a penny sum, which pays a large sum of money. For a repayment in any period, the calculation of the total monthly payment is taken and multiplied by the number of months, for which the payment was missed.

Apply rozrahunkiv

butt. The borzhnik is guilty of paying alimony from the sight of 7,533 rubles. On the 1st of March 2018, the fate of the alimony is not paid. On February 2, 2019, the styaguvach filed an application for a divorce settlement.

The bailiff to open the borg like this:

7533 rubles * 8 months = 60 264 rubles.

The very same amount of money happened to be paid to the borzhnik from the fixed rate of alimony.

Rozrahunok well zaborgovannosti with styagnennі alimentіv vvglyadі chastі vіd uсіkh income vglyadatim so.

Example 2: Ivanov's goiter to pay all kinds of earnings for three children. The official income of Ivanov, as an IP, schomisyatsya vіznyaєtsya, moreover, vin dodatkovo otrimu schokvartalny income from the building at the hiring of commercial non-violence. The amount of the main income is set for a tax return submitted to the Federal Tax Service for a monthly allowance.

The payment of alimony is not due from the fall of the leaves of 2018 and will be paid by the bailiff on April 5, 2019.

  • Listopad 2018: income from IP in 22340 rubles;
  • Breast year 2018: income from IP 27310 rubles;
  • Date of 2019: income from IP 15490 rubles + income from the building of the lane for rent in 15000 rubles;
  • Lutiy 2019 year: income from IP 9800 rubles;
  • Berezen 2019 year: income from IP at the expense of 16,700 rubles.

In the case of the assigned sum, it is necessary for the borzhnik to pay for the melancholy of inferior children, tobto 53,320 rubles.

Approximately so zdіysnyuєtsya razrakhannosti for alimony in the order. For sub-bags of rozrahunkovyh operations, the bailiff of the court to sing out all the praise, in a fix, the sum of the borg was inserted. With the help of a year, the rozmir of the fencing will take the morning out of the losses, or you will wind the path of the beast on the mine of the borzhnik.

It is not necessary to fight before the court with the help of the contraction of the borg - the whole borg has already been tightened, but add more technical rozrahunok sumi of the contraction.

Yakshcho borzhnik does not work

Pevni osoblivosti procedure rozrahonka borg for alimony matima, as a barber does not work.

There are two possible options for rozrahunka in this case:

  • When alimony is recognized for a solid sum, employment and income are actually not the same value for sumi borg; If the alimony is tied up in the chastkas, then the rozrahunok will be held for the average income in the region.

The procedure for raising the borg for alimony for the amount of official income looks like this.

butt. Ivanov does not pay child support for 2018 - the fierce fate of 2019 through the day of work. For the decisions of the court in the goiter, pay for ¼ of all types of earnings. At the center of employment on the appearance of wines without becoming, at the link with which they attached the borg workers from the average salary in the region. Increase the average salary to 27,845 rubles (for example).

Breast 2017: 27845 * 25% = 6961 rubles

September 2019: 27845 * 25% = 6961 rubles

Lyuty 2019: 27845 * 25% = 6961 rubles

At once, the total amount of money for the borg for alimony in the warehouse is 20,883 rubles.

With all the necessary additional minds for the impossibility of such a method, the rozrakhunka was not given over. Nadali, as it will be established, that the reason for non-payment of alimony was clearly important reasons (disability, severe illness, unfortunate depression), the payer can claim for.

Yakshcho borzhnik is officially unemployed

With the officially established status of a jobless person, who is rebuked by the CZN, the child support allowance is carried out with the real amount of additional help for unemployment.

IMPORTANT: If the alіmenti is set at a fixed sum, then if you have a full day of work with a payer at the cost of no equal value - the sum will be covered by a fixed amount.

When rozrahunku borg payer, goiter to pay alimony as a part of his earnings and as a change in the guise of the CZN and joke to the robot, take less than a sum of help.

Rozmir dopomogi for unemployment can become from 800 to 4900 rubles. Vykhodyachi z actually paid for help, will be insured і the size of the borg for alimony.

Statement about rozrahunok zaborgovannosti for alimony

The application to the address of the bailiffs about the closure of the collection is stored in a separate form, however, there may be a necessary minimum of information to ask the practitioners of the FSSP the identification of the variance.

Zokrema, in the application indicate the following:

  • Name of the structural subdivision of the FSSP and its address;
  • Name of the applicant at that address;
  • Zagalni vіdomosti about the right: from whom the alimony was tightened, from whom it was settled;
  • Vіdomosti about non-payment and the reasons;
  • Fuck off borg from the designated period;
  • Date, signature, documents.

The bailiffs do not file a complaint about the arrears of alimony for alimony. Translation of binding documents is daily, but it is recommended to add:

  • A copy of the applicant's passport;
  • A copy of the court decision;
  • A copy of the decree on the cob of vikonavchogo provadzhennya;
  • Documents proving the remaining payment for alimony and the next day of the next ones (warrior from the bank, completion of the robot).

Indications below can be slandered and for independent folding, or rather, consult with an informed lawyer about filling out that scoping document.

The law transfers the equal goiter of the fathers when they have their children, to bring on the stench of the separated ones. Ale, it is the fault of the court decision to pay alimony on the basis that the proponated money should be delivered to the owner’s address without interruption. The reason for the hiccup or the change in the installed payments can be different circumstances, in the face of financial difficulties, to trivialize your child. So from time to time the borg of schodo alimentiv is settled. How to razrahuvat the sum, I will lay down until the withdrawal, and also the amount of the penalty? It is recommended to get to know each other in more detail.

Lines of limitation for the fact of non-payment of alimony

Nutrition, connected with the payment of the morning, are regulated by the RF IC, to be more precise Art. 107 of that document. There are two ways, for the help of such friends, you can go ahead after separation: agreement or a court contract. As a matter of fact, between the fathers it was laid down for a letter, if the crops were damaged, the yazan would become a substitute for the ship's delivery.

Court practice shows that the reason for non-payment of alimony, which is always the case for unpaid cases, is separated by their finances. Behind some kind of life conditions, which are tied up with sickness or a twisted financial camp, their own recovery becomes unbearable. It’s not alone, if the accountant of the enterprise is sorry for the sumi, underestimating it.

Fallen due to the reasons for the adoption of the fence, which zastosovuєtsya, art. 107 and 113 SK, the term of call prescription. Zgіdno z vishchezaznachenimmi statty, utrimannya sumi, scho pіdlyagaє sjagnennyu, can be zdіysnenno at any hour until the child is full. It is allowed to recognize alimony as at the time of filing the application, and in the previous term, the separation of three fates.

Important! The statute of limitations does not apply, as the payment did not go through due to the fault of the debtor. As soon as the retinue svіdomo prihovuval their own misunderstanding, they can claim to pay "retroactively".

Even if there was a reason for the fence for alimony

Zagalny order narahuvannya borg

Sudovi put zdіysnyuyut razrahunok sumi zaborgovannosti dekіlkom in the following ways:

  • waivers from the subsistence minimum, installed on the federal chi regional level;
  • vіdpovіdno up to the average salary indicator;
  • as a part of income v_dpovidach.

The choice of methodology is an individual deposit in the recognized form of viplats. Let's talk about a few reports about those, as if you were assigned to pay for the borg from alimony. As if the court had praised the recognition of paying for a part of the income, before respect, the tribute would be accepted, given by the tax service, by the payer himself or by accounting. For the number of such reports, the cost of wages is determined by the adjustment of the average salary accepted at the moment. For vipadkіv, if there is a small amount of alimony, pay for the living wage, which is established in the regions.

Methods of rozrahunka of alimentary fencing

Vіdpovіdno up to FZ-229, alimony payments for children are charged, depending on the total income of the payment. Sound, for the obviousness of one child a quarter of the salary, but in two thirds. If a lot of families have three or more children left, then they have to spend half of their money on their mornings. For example, borghis from fees, the amount can reach 70%.

Rozrahunok for an average income

If you are able to confirm your income, put in the right to earn money by the scheme of the wage bill for the average salary. Let's take a look at the example of how to get rid of the amount of arrears of alimony from such a time. Judgment decided that the citizen of the goiter should pay 25% of the income as alimony. However, the vimoga did not vikonana and the zatrimka of viplats laid down 5 months. The average salary in the Russian Federation for acceptances for July 2017 is 36 thousand. 200 rub. A quarter of the assigned amount becomes 9 thousand. 50 crb. Tse will be the amount of monthly billing. Zagalna sum becomes 45 thousand. 250 rub.

Rozrahunok for the installation of a living minimum

Tsya technique zastosovuetsya to tykh vpadkіv, if you pay vyznachenі by the court or recognized by a firm sum. When a pidrakhinka borg vikoristovuetsya at the same time a show off in the region, which looks at each other quarterly. Narakhuvannya is also subject to indexation in a fallow way.

We will direct the example of such a rozrahunka. Admittedly, the court imposed a rozmir borg 1.5 subsistence minimum. Vіdpovidach uhilyavsya vіd 9 months. At the time of the transfer, the minimum income is equal to 9 thousand rubles. 957 rub. Vykhodyachi z th pokaznik, the amount of borg becomes 89 yew. 613 rub.

Rules for a rozrahunku borg for income

As a payer of official payments, but without paying for any reason, send the bill to the borg for the improvement of income. With whom, all possible statistics of earnings are insured:

  • salary;
  • admission;
  • social payments;
  • pensions;
  • premium;
  • winegrowers;
  • earnings of admission.

It’s necessary to lie, that you can’t help yourself with a jobless contract for alimony.

See you! From the well-earned bones to go to the treasury, so that the PDFO is paid. The amount that is lost is multiplied by the number of months.

Borg for alimony are paid deposited in accordance with the order of the contraction of payments

How to take alimony from a jobless

Most often, such a situation arises that the father does not practice that goiter so that you don’t pay the morning for the child. At the link with the cim, it’s understandable, as the fence for alimony is paid, as the barman does not work. In this way, the method of calculation for the sum of the average salary is also won, or in the case of a fixed amount. The minimum amount has the right to establish only a court. However, after that, as the payer starts again, the possessor can return from the application, showing him a larger amount of payments.

Batko, like a vikhovu child after separation, may be vimagati for a big man pennies for yogo morning. In case of any narahuvannya, there may be zdіysnenі z urakhuvannyam statute of limitations. So it’s possible, as if between the parties, there was a letter agreement about the morning of the child, and the person himself robbed whether or not try to take away penny dollars.

See you! Vіdpovіdach mozhe bring, scho vіn zdіysnyuvav vіn zdіysnyuvav vіn zdіysnyuva vіn zdіysnyuvav vіdіnіnіna nepnolіtny child all the whole hour, yakscho show cheques, or transfer.

Alimenti must be paid regardless of your employment status

Rozrahunok iz zaborgovannosti on alimony for the period add zdiyasnyuyut after the guilty verdict of the court. Rozmir pays the sum to the borg, until 0.5% of the penalty is added, which is the day of stitching. These include vykonavchi vitrati, which become 7% of the surplus payment.

I will take care of the child

The order of contraction of the borg is to lie down in the vіd tsgogo, like a wine having settled. On the substantiation of the vikonavchogo sheet, the SSP determines the income of the payer, after which, after the main place of work, it is necessary to inform about the need for contraction. As if the Borg had already settled down in the course of the vikonavchogo provadzhennya, the shards of the pennies were not repaid at once, but in a smaller amount, they turned around without a trace to the bailiff, who was busy with the right.

Vikonavtsі, for the money spent on the rahunka vіdpodacha, can impose an arrest on the mine with the method of further realization for the redemption of the borg. In addition, the non-payer obmuzhetsya at the right to a visa for the cordon. If the SSP does not live enough calls to ensure effective contraction, the winner will be sent to the magistrate's court, looming in the hands of documents from the appointed sumi borg. Come in by court to give you the opportunity to secure the removal of money. Rozmіr schomіsyachnyh viplats also can be zbіlsheno.


The objective impossibility of paying off the Borg for alimony can be the reason for the decrease in the amount of the total amount of debt and liquidation. Call the rozmir and pay change, as if the declared contraction is equal to the income of the payer. Ponad those, a hromadain may have the right to swear through the court rozmir utriman, as a sum has been appointed to signify to his material position.

In order to obtain a claim for a change in the contract, it is necessary to submit documentary evidence of the impossibility of the change of repayment to the borg. Before them dovodki about ailments, a warehouse of new sim'ї (yakshcho є sche children). The application is enforced before the court, which I will take a residual decision, as the parties cannot reach home. I will decide to hand over the bailiff, who is engaged in contractions. On the yoga stage, sumi borg will be held. The judge accepts before looking at it as a documentary confirmation, and as a confirmation of evidence.

The law passed obov'yazkove vykonannya zobov'yazan shchodo alimentiv. Їхнє nevikonannya tyagne for a primus constriction of borgіv. Come in and check out not only to the income of the bank assets of the payer, but also to the first lane. For evil non-payers Art. 157 KK delivering a suvorishe punishment, pov'yazane s liberated will.

At the hands of the legislators, they have to go through the gaps of the fencing for alimony. The procedure is based on the initiative of the taxpayer. It is important to know the order of the payment, suggest, terms and methods, as well as the nuances that add to the sum of payments.

Help rozrakhunka borg for alimony

Vіdpovіdno before legislation, alimony is paid in arrears in the form of wages or at a fixed rate. The minimum wage is fixed during indexation, the average wage in the Russian Federation is due to the impossibility of establishing the exact amount of income per hour of accumulated sum.

Type of average salary in the Russian Federation

On the basis of Art. 113 of the IC of the Russian Federation for the rozrahunka of the alimentary borg is victorious for the impossibility of determining the exact equal to the income of the borzhnik. For example, yakscho vin unofficially practicing, є unemployed, or without giving proofs about earnings.

What to rob the bailiff:

  1. Determine the value of the average income of the country for the period of non-payment, taking the official data of the statistical bodies.
  2. From the average salary for a leather month, you can see a few hundred for alimony.
  3. Usі results pіdlyagayut dodavannyu.

For example:

Pennies per child were not overprotected by the sich, fierce, birch and square. Data about income for the help of the bailiff was not presented. In accordance with the legislation, the FSSP spy worker zdijsniv razrahuvanok s rahuvannyam average earnings in the country per skin month:

Alimenti were assigned to the income in part, if the borzhnik was officially employed. Payments are charged 25%.

For a sum we become:

30053 x 25% = 7513.25 rubles.

Similar indications for the Republic of Moldova, Crimea, April:

32091 x 25% = 8022.75 rubles.

7513.25 + 7531.25 + 7513.25 + 8022.75 = 30562.5 rubles

In view of the sum of the average income, the region of the PDFO does not shrink. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya as a bright ostentatious and does not reflect the actual income of the borzhnik. Navіt yakscho vіn not buv for the whole period of earnings, tse do not svіlnyaє yogo vіd goitre.

Borrowing of alimony from hundreds of income

Vіdpovіdno to st. 81 of the IC of the Russian Federation, are contracted from payers at such rates:

The order of the bailiff to the rozrahunka is as follows:

  1. The value of the non-payer's earnings in the period of non-payment is shown. For whom, dovіdki іz іz аkcountії zamovlyayutsya ії ії for the work place.
  2. The amount of alimony for the skin of the month is restored from the salary with the exemption of the PDFO and other obov'yazykovyh payments.
  3. Withdrawal of the results and follow-up.

The bailiff does not carry out the indexation of fees at private wages. Tse rob an accountant vіdpovіdno before legislation.


Mavrikin S. V. without paying alimony for 4 months: in the summer, herbs, blacks and lindens. Naprikintsi linden, the colossal retinue waved to the bailiff for the rozrakhunka of the bills for one child.

How the fuck was carried out:

  1. Spіvrobіtnik FSSP by setting the salary per month and multiplying it by 25%.
  2. All the results were summed up.

30000 x 25% = 7500 rubles. - Borg for a ticket.

29586 x 25% = 7396.5 rubles. - borg for grass.

31324 x 25% = 7831 rubles. - Zaborgovanist for worms.

30193 x 25% = 7548.25 rubles. - For the lime.

7500 + 7396.5 + 7831 + 7548.25 = 30275.75 rubles - Zagalna value of zagovannosti.

Crim the main borg, you will have to pay the Vikonavsky fee - 7% of the sum of the fee. At the time we set 2119.30 krb., as if she did not voluntarily pay off the fencing of the term, the bailiff's injunctions.

With a solid penny sum

They are assigned if it is not possible to establish the exact amount of alimentary income. For calculation, add vikonu kіlka diy:

  1. Set the amount of alimony zgidno with an order, or else please.
  2. There is an indexation for months of non-payment, as in the region there is a PM for a child.
  3. Storing subtracted values.


According to the vikonavchy sheet, the person is guilty of paying 10,000 krb for alimony. on a child. Borg climbed for the serpen, the spring and the zhovten. The movement of the PM was carried out at the linden and the zhovtn, the rive became 11,053 and 11,500 per day. Kolishnіy rosemіr PM - 10099 rub. Alimony for months can be indexed and promoted.

How to fight indexation for lime:

(10,000/10,099) x 11,053 = 10,944.65

Serpen and spring - alimenti are invariable.

Zhovtni's sum is changing:

(10,944.65 / 11,053) x 11,500 = 11,387.27 rubles.

10944.65 + 10944.65 + 11387.27 = 33276.57 rubles - Zagalny rozmir borgovannosti.

Lipneva sum is not reimbursed (the won is paid). Won to serve as a signatory to the rozmir of the indexing of aliments in sickle and veres.

According to the minimum wage

Early for zayasuvannya zaborgovannosti vikoristovuvavsya. At the same time, this display does not zastosovuetsya. The deputy of the new topical: the vins are insured by the court under the hour of the rozrahunka and the payment to the fixed rozmіrі, and the bailiff - shodo іndexatsії.

The value of the minimum wage can only be paid if you pay a salary, so that you can get alimony for it. Apparently, prior to legislation, a robot seller has no right to pay less than the established minimum wage.

Indexation of alimony and borg after them

FSSP viroblyaetsya schokvartal, like a pidrakhunok sumi borg. Yakshcho ІL nadіyshov at the accountant from the very otrimuvacha, promotion may work as an accountant.

Here sprat kіlka krokіv:

  1. The old PM value is restored.
  2. Chi is not indexed alimony to be divided by the minimum amount.
  3. Subtracting the result determines the promotion coefficient. Vin is multiplied by the new indicator of PM.


For the judicial order, the payer is guilty of redeeming 8,000 rubles. PM at the time of recognition becoming 10,100 rubles., At the time of promotion - 10,700 rubles.

In times of contraction of alimony, in the case of hundreds of wages, indexation does not count. It is important that the promotion of the expansion of the world is realized at once from the greater income.

Borg for fixing payments pіdlyagaє іndeksuvannyu. For whom, the bailiff sets months of non-payment and the date of the indexation, establishes a moving coefficient. Otrimani sums are added up and taken up at the decision about the rozrahunok of the fence.

When will the rozrahunok see through?

Styaguvachu tse can be needed in such vipadkas:

  1. Bazhannya. Vіdpovіdno to st. 115 of the IC of the Russian Federation, the amount of fines to become 0.1% of the value of the main borg, appointed by the bailiff. For a penalty, poses are submitted to the court, on the right, in the framework of civil business.
  2. Bazhannya. Quite often, the amount of fencing is hundreds of thousands.

The bailiff can raise the cost of fencing with the help of his own initiative to strengthen the borzhnik of the sheet with the help of redemption. Tse є one of the іzhodіv, which vin can live in order to tighten the pennies.

The borzhnik praised if you need it, if you want wine, but you don’t know the amount of the borg.

Who to rob rozrahunok?

Here everything is deposited in the way of the alimony contraction:

  1. By . As a notarial agreement about the payment of alimony, the debtor can raise the bastard himself and present the letter to the clerk in order to pay off the debt. For the validity of the reaction, the document is given to the bailiff, the shards may have the force of a vykonavchy sheet (IL). After the destruction of the vikonavchogo provadzhennya (ІП) the goiter is entrusted to the new one.
  2. By . The document is drawn up on the basis of the decision of the court, which has gained rank, then it is transferred to the FSSP or the robot for the work of the payer. At the first stage, the borg is secured by the bailiff. If a copy of ІL is transferred to the accounting department, if you don’t get enough of the alimony, it is necessary to return the original to the FSSP. When transferring ІL by the bailiff himself to the organization of the rozrahunok, to rob wine: the payment of money through robotic delivery does not prevent the goiter from controlling one’s own alimony from the side of the FSSP spivrobitnik.

In this rank, for a peaceful regulation of the problem and the possessor, he can himself raise a rozrahunok and present it to the wrestler for the mind that the FSSP does not have. In other cases, it is only the bailiff who oversees the procedure.

How to win praise?

In order to get away, they praised the bailiff for the arrest, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. and give the bailiff, scho having awakened virobnitstvo.
  2. They applauded the finished product. The document is signed to the parties from the date of the day following the day of issuance.


For a stretch of 10 days, the bailiff to rob the rozrahunok that accepts a decision about the execution of the decree, as a year-long enforcement of the treasury and the payer.

The document should be written like this:

  • name of the FSSP;
  • PIB that bailiff’s settlement, like a robb of a rozrahunok;
  • period of gaining a borg, the average income of a borg; the amount of billing per skin month;
  • date of issue and signature of the bailiff.

How to submit an application?

There is no unified application form. The finished form can be requested at the request below and filled in independently for a reason:

In the OSB near metro station Magnitogorsk

m. Magnitogorsk, st. Lenina, 19

Stiaguvach: Valeriev O. N.

Addresses: m, Magnitogorsk, st. Livoberezhna, b.23

Phone: 8-951-147-32-39

about raising money for alimony

On April 1, 2017, the court bailiff Ignatiev M.V. I. on the morning of the incomplete Sidorova Є. I.

Alimenti was paid until April 1, 2017. After all, the payment didn’t go through. On the call Sidorov I. I. don't show up, get slacked off.

It is necessary to appoint a rosemary, the shards of a child do not take away the material loss from the 1st day of 2017 for the whole hour.
Z vishchevikladenogo, keruyuchis Art. 113 RF IC, art. 64.1 and Art. 102 FZ "About Vikonavche Provadzhennya",


Calculate the cost of alimony payments from Sidorov I. I. to the melancholy of the incomplete Sidorova. I. From 1st April 2017 to the present hour.

20.12.2017Signature of the contract

Chi can oskarzhiti praise? foundations

The styaguvach can slander the praise, as well as in respect, that the rozrahunok is wrong, or the income of the payer is unpaid. You need confirmation as documentation.

Viroblyayetsya for nayavnosti pіdstav for zvіlnennya vіd splurge zaborgovannostі chastkovo аbo povnistyu:

  • hard financial situation in the period of non-payment;
  • sickness perebuvannya on likuvanni in hospitals.

Decree oskarzhuєtsya through the senior bailiff with a path of tribute skarga. The term for viewing becomes 30 calendar days. It is also allowed to be challenged through the court in the order of administrative business.

Vіdpovіdі а lawyer for food schodo rozrahunka zaborgovannosti for alimony

When rozrahunku іz serednої salary chі vіdnіmaєєt podnіmaє іz іz sumi?

Ні, the contribution of compensation from the average income of the Russian Federation in case of raising alimony is not paid.

What robiti, like the bailiff, having come to pardon?

Oscarzhiti praised through the senior bailiff or in court.

Where to find out about the average salary for the rozrakhunka of alimony for the unemployed?

Vіdomosti rozmіshchuyutsya on the official website of Rosstatistika or hope for a request.

Can you make all the rozrahunka after a full child?

So. On vіdminu vіd alimіnіv іn аn hour, thаt саn аgіnієєєє іn thе whole hour. The borzhnik can file a fuss about zastosuvannya lines of statute of limitations at the court, and then go ahead and pull the borg for the rest of the 3 rocks, so that I will call you to change the tribute.


For a rozrakhunka to a borg for alimony, it is necessary for the styaguvachevs to virushit to the bailiff. The decree is prepared for a period of 10 days and enforced by both parties. For contracting a penalty on the basis of the data, they praised a call for a statement before the court.

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Borrowing for alimony- the situation is known to millions of the hulks, as they wriggle children after separation. A lot of people are not in a hurry to pay pennies for the morning of a child. Another expanded situation is that the borzhnik pererakhovuy sumi, significantly less for that ostentatious person, which is shown to please or decide the court. What do I robiti otrimuvachu? How to rebuild, how many pennies the payer of the right goiter should be repaid? Chi vdasya reach justice? So!

Dobre tim sіm'yam, de panuє way that reasoning. Having made friends with the separated ones, or already went through the same procedure - another story. Especially, as in older people, there are sleepy, incomplete children. The old father cannot deprive his child without material assistance. The payment of alimony for such citizens is obov'yazkovoy umovoy, dotrimannya kakoї tse law. Other individuals, and as practice shows them to be greater, use all possible ways to get away with a penny payment.

The reasons, through which alimony cannot be obtained, are impersonal:

  • navmisne nevikonannya goiter (evil care in the case of payment of alimony);
  • there is no possibility to extinguish the borg with a penny to help the child through the cost of work, ailments, and other furnishing;
  • the accountant's accountant's pardoning the resurrection of an underestimation of the amount of alimony;
  • inaccessible financial resources are the bank details of the father, who is engaged in the care of a sleeping child;
  • dobrov_lna vіdmova vіd rekazіv from the side of the officer;
  • Other reasons.

Be it, privіd, there are more appointments, є pіdstavoy turn to the laws of the Family Code of Russia, the normative acts of the country, what is to be done, as well as the Federal Law “On Vikonavche Provodzhennya”. All rozrahunki zaborgovannosti, scho was formed, to lead the court bailiffs. One more option is an accounting business of an individual entrepreneur, a worker.

Methods of raising the cost of alimony

Ships assigned - fakhіvtsі, yakі lead to the right of the contraction of alimentіv. They spend all the necessary rozrahunki, as if they are standing for the financial support of an inferior individual. Vykonavshi mathematical operations, put mayut fold praise. This document is sent to the owner, the payer, and also for the work of the individual, like goiter, you have to pay pennies for the morning of the child, as it did not reach the 18th century.

It is clumsy to charge for alimony. The distribution of the “Bank of Vikonavchikh Provodzheni” on the website of the FFSP (Federal Service of Ship Bailiffs) allows you to know about the rozmir borg.

At what point the court bailiffs will not end. The stench can carry out revisions of alimentary payments in the coming periods. Alimenti narahovuє and bookkeeping of the sovereign chi commercial enterprise, for some official pracevlashtovaniya borzhnik.

Online calculator rozrahunku alimentіv:

The number of out-of-school children: 1
3 or more
The salary of another father: rub.


Withdrawal of PDFO from salary: So
Other income of another father: rub.


Peculiarities of raising the cost of alimony

Family Code of Russia and art. 102 of the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provodzhennya" with dzherelami, yakі dopomagayut calculate the amount of alimony. Ways to spread sprat. Some kind of vikoristovuvaty lie down due to the peculiarities of the situation, as it has developed between a tie and a payer.

  • for rozrahunka zastosovuetsya living wage minimum, scho dіє in the region;
  • for the calculation of the amount of alimony, the income of the payer is taken;
  • for the calculation of victories, the rіven of the average salary, the installations of the Uryad.

If alimony is assigned in a court order, the first option is zastosovuetsya. Vіn the same vikoristovuєtsya, if vіplata is installed at a fixed penny. For these vipads, the living minimum is taken as a basis, as it helps to determine the sum of the borg (the indicator changes to the quarter). Rozmіr alimentіv, like a payer of goiters and yazyatsya shomіsyatsya pereahovuvaty on melancholy of an incomplete individual, is counted in multiples up to the th value (to be insured against the particularity of the situation). The official income of the alimentary is not taken to respect.

The subsistence minimum is changing quarterly. At the time of the increase of the court's showing, the bailiffs should carry out the correction of the alimony. If the penny support of an incomplete child did not work out, then the rozmir should be paid for, looking at the rest of the value. As an alimentary worker, he repaid pennies on a regular basis, the sum is repaid when the subsistence minimum is changed.

So that everyone became aware, we could see the butt of the rosemary. From 01.01.13, the deduction of the amount of alimony at the amount of 1.5 PM (subsistence minimum). to become 6432 rubles. 00 kop. in the third quarter of the stream rock. The cost of spending money on alimentary payments looks like this: 1.5 x 6432 x 9 = 86832 rubles, de 9 is the number of months, and the sum of the sum is the sum of the cost of the borg. The amount of billing = (1.5 x 6432.00 rubles) X non-payment period (9 months) = 9648.00 rubles. x 9 min. = RUB 86,832.00

Now it is necessary to take a look at the specifics of the alimony allowance, de calculation of the average salary wages, established by the Rada of Russia. This technique is actively victorious even if the payer has a penny help, recognized for the morning child, as it has not reached full, there is no evidence about income. To go out, that the alimentary cannot confirm for additional documents the monthly salary or other winegrowers. Tsej sposіb zastosovuєtsya and for іndivіdualnykh pіdpryєmtsіv, yakі goiter yazanі nadavat material podtrimku kolishnіy sіm'ї, but not nadavaet court financial documentation about their activity.

Alimentary payments in part of wages - an option that determines the order. The calculation of the rozmіru vіdrahuvan is similar to the butt, let's look more closely. With the improvement of the average income, a rozrahunok is carried out (taken into account the period by which the vinyl is drawn up). Rosemary of a penny sum, as it may be necessary to have the morning of an incompetent child, zdiisnyuetsya z pokaznik, established by the Rada of the Russian Federation. The result, which is viishov, must be multiplied by the number of months in the analyzed period.

Another method of rozrahunka is suitable for such situations, if the payer of alimony can officially confirm income, but for the singing hour of wine you do not have to pay.

Dzherela dohodiv alimentnik, yakі є for narahuvannya viplats, vynachayut court bailiffs. Fahіvtsі pratsyyut vidpovіdno until the act under the name "Change of seeing earnings and income, from which to carry out alimony for children, if they did not reach full age." Having shown the income of the borzhnik, put the goiter on the bottom of the rozrahunkov’s sum of money and the amount of the tax on the recovery of the PDFO (a tax from the income of physical osib, which should become 13%). The result, which is viishov, must be multiplied by the number of months in the solar period.

As the size of the subsistence minimum is changing as the average wage increases, the courts will charge the court to carry out the correction. Most often, such a work is carried out once a quarter. If the Uryad zatrimuє accept the decision, fakhіvtsі spend reparation later. Another option, in case of which there is a bribe, is to win the money for the morning of the child through the presence of payments from the side of the payer. The judges, the judges, sent them to see a special decree, as it is passed on to the judges. To find out about the details of the parties at some point, you can contact them for advice.

Call for payment for alimony

Legislation transfers exemptions, if the payer can be paid more or more frequently in payment of alimony. All the information that can lie up to such possibilities is assigned to article 114 of the RF IC. In order to change or even take a goiter from yourself, tie up with a penny child of incompetent children, it is necessary to go to court with a clear statement. Causes, through yakі it is possible to know the borg's vanity: an important sickness, an important material chi family camp. Thus, you should respect the payer at the same time, and you must pay alimony in full.

Judging by the lack of documentary evidence, and their base can be taken in full agreement, reconciled, then the decision will be taken at the expense of the payer. With a positive result, the vikonavcha service will be responsible for the collection of goiters and how to pay alimony in part or in part. Styaguvach koshtіv may offend the decision, but if the reason is just serious, it will be out of power.

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