Veterans of the disabled after the war. Like after the war, the invalids of the Great Vitchiznyan war were impoverished

Stalin's "samovars"

(open link under text)

1949, before the holy day of the 70th anniversary of the Great Stalin, in the Soviet Socialist Republic, front-line soldiers, disabled veterans of the Other Light War were shot.
Some of them were shot, some were taken to the distant islands of Pivnochi and near the wilderness of Siberia for further disposal. Valaam is a concentration tabir for the disabled of the Other World War on the island of Valaam (a part of the Ladozskoe Lake), where after the Other World War in 1950 - 1984 they brought the disabled war. The foundations behind the vkazіvkoy of radian ceramics in 1950 were rotated. Having changed at the old monastic booths. Closing in 1984 roci. The rest of the surviving of the disabled diet in the SRSR was carried out in one night by the forces of special corrals of the radyansk people's militia. One night, the organs conducted a round-up, took the homeless disabled people and centrally transported them to the railway station, hoarded a ZK-type heating unit near the carriage and sent them by echelons to Solovki. No blame on the court. So that the stench, with an unacceptable look of their front-line stumps, did not benevolent the citizens and gave an idyllic picture of the wild socialist prosperity of the Ryansk cities. I have a thought that without a back seat the disabled VVV, of which there were tens of thousands after the war, we would cry out aggression from the quiet, who really sat at the headquarters. There were a few people who organized Zhukov's action. Invalid people, for example, were taken not only from Kiev, they were taken from all the great places of the USSR.
"Cleaned up" the country in one night. The whole operation was unprecedented for its scale. They told that the disabled tried to repair the opir, they threw themselves on the rails, but they lifted them up and carried them all the same. “Vivezli” is called so called “samovars” - people without hands and that nig. On Solovki, some of them brought down fresh spirits and hung them on hanks of trees. Sometimes they forgot and the stench froze. Tse buli sang the 20-year-old lads, wounded by the war and written off by the Batkivshchyna as a practice and no longer bring the burden of the Batkivshchyna human material.
Many of them were attacked by the hour of the storming of Berlin in the birch-day of 1945, if Marshal Zhukov, with the help of economy of tanks, sent soldiers into the attack on the minefields - in such a rite advancing on the mines and pushing - the soldiers created the corridors with their bodies, created the fields with their own bodies, for viysk, tsim approaching the Great Peremoga. - Comrade Zhukov proudly boasted about this fact to Eisenhower, which was recorded in the special student of the American military leader, who simply fell into a stupor in the presence of such bloodlines of a Radyansky colleague.
At that time, thousands of disabled people were brought from the city of Kiev. Disabled people, they lived with their families, they didn’t eat. "Sweeping up the disabled" was repeated like the 1940s. Aletodі іnvalіdіv vіdplavili іnternatіv, yakі tezh nagadіv v'yaznitі, thаt bіlі ііnternati іn the department of the NKVS. From that hour, there were no more disabled people at the parades of veterans. They just cleaned it up like an unacceptable riddle. In this way, the Batkivshchyna no longer thought about the unacceptable problem of the disabled, and the Radian people could continue to enjoy the radiant grace-filled action without the need to be able to see thousands of disabled people, please cut them off. Nebuttya was sent to call their names. Already richly pіznіshe those invalids, who lost their lives, began to take away the benefits and other blessings. And those self-made legless and armless lads were simply live bait buried in Solovki, and today no one knows their names and their suffering. Thus, the rest of the disabled diet was destroyed in the SRSR.

I'm a battalion rozvіdnik,

And the fault of the staff clerk.

I bov for Russia vіdpovіdach,

And vin spav from my retinue.

With a miserly front-line tear

Guards Ridav Battalion,

If I am a heroic star

The appearance of the marshal was rewarded.

Then they gave me prostheses

I was quickly corrected to the body.

From the children's minds, I remembered one episode. Your poker service was about 5-6 years old, no more. In one of the grocery stores in Bobruisk, people with a frail age often get their legs covered with a prosthesis. The edge of the militia stepped out of the pants. Irrespective of the number, this person collapsed in awe and stared at the dosit respectfully. And then, on one day of the 9th of May, I slew this person in a different role. On his breasts there was a spear of the "Order of Glory", the Order of the "Chervonoy Zirka" and the "Fighting Red Ensign". Only then I understand what a right hero is. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything more about this person. Vin died a long time ago, but even then, in the 1980s, I was too small, so I could tell you about life and feats, for the likes of wines, I was honored with the highest ranks of the cities.

The Radyansk Union had its own status before the Great Great Vitchiznyan war. After a few years, after the end of the battlefields, the battlefields from the “viysk Kaliks” were simply taken from the city and the places were given and they were deprived of death at the “special boarding schools” and “sanatoriums”. This history is meritorious for our respect.

Operation "Invalid"

... In one of the summer days of 1948, the fate of the bazaars, squares, streets of the Radyansky towns and the crossroads did not wave the front-line militia and vises, on which the legless front-line soldiers passed. Literally in one night, the government “cleaned up” hundreds of people with disabilities from the settlements of the Great Veteran War and vivezla they filed “in the sight of human eyes”. For the coming days, the militia scoured all the little ones and fell, de-rolled the stones. On all who are there, the hanger was also minted.

Fighters of the RSCA

Really, it’s impossible, but all the same, let’s try to analyze why it happened? In the first place, the Radyansky Union is economically not able to not only secure the life of hundreds of thousands of its soldiers, who were taking away calcium, but also to secure their own, war-torn people. In another way, the disabled promoted the image of the country, as fascism overcame it. The Radyansky soldier is a strong, young, full of strength man, and not a stump, on the kshtalt of "samovars" - fighters and commanders of the RSCHA, as they took away the most severe injuries and spent the upper and lower kіntsіvoks. I come, thirdly, important was political nutrition. The soldiers spent on the war, the lands of the slaves became “free”. The stinks were no longer afraid of the NKVS and the militia. Until then, there are many who were awarded orders and medals. Among the disabled, Heroes of the Radyansky Union were counted. These people were in the heat of the war, and living there, the stench was not afraid of anything.

Keep an eye on the guys who are turning

Radyansk special organs began to follow the military disabled during the Great Hour of the Great Vitchiznyan war. During the years 1943-1944, the NKDB of the SRSR sent a piece of directives to the state security body, yakі vymagayut through the agents of the process, yakі among the middle of the disabled in the war.

Disabled person of the Great Vitchiznyanoy. Malyunok Gennady Dobrov

"Chekisti" organized undercover services for the consecration of robotic hospitals, medical councils and social security bodies, medical care, medical care for the disabled, and the establishment of a pension payment. The problems of the mutuals of this category of the radyansky hromadas did not cause the checks on themselves. In the Uzbek RSR, for example, 554 handicapped people were taken to the operational form, most of them were previously known in the German army. At the same time in 1944, 103 disabled people were revealed to the UNKDB of the Krasnodar Territory, yakі "turned into a Radyansky Til for not yasovanyh obstavin". The administration of the Molotivsk region also arrested 13 war veterans with disabilities “for anti-radian work”.

Most often, those who turned to the front accused of anti-kolgospnі speeches and anti-radian propaganda, as it was expressed in the "glorified Kurkul state and capitalistic order in the countryside." And by the way, the NKDB at the Komi ARSR “rozkrived” the “Union of Invalids of War”, a kind of amazing major of the Radian army. At the thought of people “at the hairy pockets”, this organization was engaged in “disorganization of collective farming”.

Hero of the defense of Stalingrad Ivan Zabar. Malyunok Gennady Dobrov

Why, the government was clearly angry about the threats of terrorist attacks from the side of Viysk's Kaliks to any of the representatives. A lot of soldiers and officers of the Red Army without hands and never shook their heads and inspectors, they didn’t put heads and kerm’s houses in sin. At the front, the stench marveled at death at the vich, they were in the German full, they burned in tanks, they went to the ram of the fortune tellers and survived. These people were not afraid of anything anymore. One of those who were arrested and called at the vibivstviya of the secretary of the army for a drink, stating: “I’m all the same now, be at the mercy of the vyaznitsa.”

Deported for Stalin, exported for Khrushchev

After the end of the Great Veteran War, respect for disabled veterans from the side of the government did not decrease. As it was already planned, the first wave of the deportation of military invalids passed in 1948 and bumped into us in front of the private and sergeant's warehouse. Until then, they hung unimportantly quiet, who were not rewarded by the greater ranks of the ranks. Another hvila slithered through Radyansky Union 1953 rock. One Muscovite wondered what he knew, yak lingered on Gorky Avenue, a man was an officer of the Radian army and put his feet on the war. Vіn peresuvavsya, sitting in a wooden box and vіdshtovhuvavsya in the ground with special tsіpki. Not without reason, the front-line soldier chose for himself the whole company of such military invalids. Voni wore military jackets and tunics, and on their chests “the geography of Europe hung”. The woman was ahead of her, so that she would not let the man out. From the result, on the cob of the 1950s, yoga was “taken” by the police and taken to one of the “sanatoriums” for the disabled, rationed here under Omsk near Siberia. For a year, not having seen the minds of the morning at the "special sanatorium", the front-line soldier hung up.

Partisan from Belarus Serafima Komisarova. Malyunok Gennady Dobrov

The advancing ruler of the Kremlin, Mikita Khrushchev, also did not particularly stand on ceremony with wounded veterans. During the first hours of government, the disabled people of Ukraine were treated with a "criminal element". In the fierce fate of 1954, Minister of Internal Affairs of the SRSR S. Kruglov added to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union that “regardless of what you come in, you are accepted, in the great places and industrial centers of the country, you still continue to mother place such an intolerant phenomenon, like a curse.

Valaam and other tabori-sanatoriums

In 1948, following the Decree of the Verkhovna Rada of the Karelian-Finnish RSR (in the meantime, svidshe for everything, behind the introduction “from Moscow”), there were approving “Houses of the disabled in war and work”. The cripples here were trimmed by non-human minds. The old monastic life was practically not an accessory for living. For some days, there were daily days, and the electricity was carried out here for less than a few years.

The Book of the Appearance of the "Guests" of Valaam

There was no need to call on paramedics and young medical staff there. Many of the front-line soldiers died already in the last month of rebuking on the islands. In 1959, there were 1500 invalids there. Similar lay the boules in Siberia and other parts of the SRSR. Let's guess what special sanatoriums are in Belarus.

After being placed at the front-line soldiers’ ranks, passports and all other documents, including those from the city, were allowed. Eating there was meager. The orderlies guessed that “patients without kinks were taken to the door, so that they would die of fresh air. Sometimes they planted their cats by special cats and, for help, they lifted them up on trees. They came out like nests. Sometimes the invalids “forgotten” their sons, and the stench died from hypothermia, spending the night in the frosty, fresh weather. Partially boules vipadki self-destruction.

Who saw these people? From the beginning of the 1950s, the front-line soldiers were allowed to chat with their loved ones, and even if they didn’t want to tell about themselves, vvazhayuchi, that the stink would make life worse for their family.

Member of the three military Mikhailo Kozatenkov. Malyunok Gennady Dobrov

Those who died on Valaam were buried in a special flower. On the graves they put unfamiliar wooden reminders, as if they were scattered throughout the year. Zagal, for various tributes, up to two thousand people were buried in the tsvintar.

In 1984, the Valaamsky boarding school was liquidated, and the guests who were left behind were moved to the village of Vidlitsa, Olonetsky district of Karelia. Later, ethnographers unearthed archives of special certificates of Valaam guests. True, the information in these documents is rather scanty: PIB, date of birth, category of disability and cause of death. Where there were special documents of these people, and most of all, the hedges of the present day, no one can tell.

The memory of the disabled front-line soldiers is rich in why the wounds were saved for the enthusiastic volunteers, who were inspired to work in the center of the special sanatorium. One of them, Gennady Dobrov, managed to visit Valaam during the hours of "Khrushchev's league". Photographing on the "regime facility" was fenced, and the orderly was also trying to paint. Yogo robots became superfluous of bulkiness less in the middle of the 80s of the XX century. In 1988, Yogo Malyunkiv's album "Autographs of the War" was released. On his creation, the artist saw close to 20 internships for veterans in various parts of the SRSR.

Monument to veterans who died on Valaam

For the tribute to the Military Medical Museum in St. Petersburg, during the hour of the Great Veteran War, 46 million 250 thousand people were injured. About 10 million people turned to the front with various forms of disability. On the third day, 775 thousand were injured in the head area, 155 thousand with one eye, 54 thousand blind, 3 million one-armed, 1.1 million without both arms.

In 2011, a memorial to the riddle about disabled veterans who died here was opened on Valami. But the inhabitants of the greater post-traditional republics do not know anything about this terrible side of the history of the "power of the workers and the peasants." The upheavals that in the middle of Valaam’s battles and other “sanatoriums” were counted by front-line soldiers-Belarusians, as if they were protecting the Fatherland, they gave everything to me, but they took away the blessings of that brand of non-people. It is impossible to forget about tse, like and about other evil things of the Radian system.

The Krajina Rada punished its disabled migrants for their calisthenics, for the waste of their families, a dream over their heads, native nests, roaring vines. She punished me with evil, self-esteem, bezvihіddu. I actually die. The biggest number of deaths.

After reading. It just got scary. Learn how to tell the truth. Be quiet, hto vіddav... All vіddav, shorter. Not long ago, at night, bachiv rushed like a bad one. the film, which was transported from the steppe by echelons of the disabled and fired. Rebіlshennya? What a little piece of terrible truth? Do you think fascists are beasts? I don't think they killed their heroes...

Having entered the Ukrainian forum and spoke about the topic “Where millions of disabled people perished in Another world war”, in the wake of the hawkite of such-viblyadkiv of the Kremlin wall of genetic potion, and so it happened.

Long way to the island of Valaam

They sent not all the armless and legless without exception, but quietly, who, after rejecting, asking for mercy, did not live. They were hundreds of thousands, they spent their lives, they didn’t need anyone, without pennies, but hung with hedges.

They were picked up for one night from the last place by special outfits of the militia and security guards, they were transported to the railway stations, they were taken to the ZK-type heating trucks and sent to the “boudinkiv-internativ” themselves. Their passports and soldier's books were taken from them - in fact, they were transferred to the status of ZK. That same boarding school was at the department of the menturi.

The essence of these internativs is to quietly call the disabled in that world yaknaishvidshe. Navіt that miserable zmіst, which was seen by the disabled, stealing practically completely.

We have on the cob of the 60s buv susid, legless war veteran. I remember how I was driving on this carriage on bearings. Ale vin always afraid of being out of the yard without an escort. Druzhina chi htos іz rіdnih mali go instruct. I remember, like a father worrying about the new one, like we were afraid that they would rake in a disabled person, even if I had an apartment. Tsiogorich at 65-66 my father beat for him (through the military committee, social security and regional committee) a wheelchair-wheelchair, and we all around the yard celebrated Christmas, and we, children, ran after him and asked for a ride.

The number of the population of the SRSR before the war is estimated at 220 million with the settlement of the population of the adjoining territories of Poland, Ugorshchina, Romania and the Baltic states. The global demographic spending of the SRSR in the period 41-45 years is estimated at 52-57 million. Ale to tsієї figures enter "not born". The real cost of the population can be estimated at close to 42-44 million. 32-34 millions to become military soldiers, aviation and fleet + 2 millions of Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust + 2 millions of deaths in the aftermath of the fighting for the civilian population. If you know millions, try to explain yourself.

Valaam Island, 200 kilometers on the pivnich from Svіtlan in 1952-1984 - the place of one of the most human experiments in the molding of the largest human "factory". Citizens from Leningrad and the Leningrad region, so as not to miss the Russian landscape, sent people with disabilities - the most addictive, legless and armless, mentally retarded and tubercular. It was important that people with disabilities looked at the Radyansk places.

On Valaam, they were praised over the heads of “their disabled”. The stench “died” by the hundreds, but on the Valaamsky tsvintary we knew only 2 rotten stovpchiki with ... numbers. Nothing was left behind - all the stench went into the ground, not leaving the monument to the scrawny experiment of the human zoo of Radyansky Island.

So the headings of the little ones of the big breeder Viktor Popkov from the series “We stood in hell!”. – portraits of veterans with disabilities by the artist Gennady Dobrov. Malyuvav Dobrov on Valaam. Let's use robots to illustrate this material.

Like a Soviet pathos in the form of official legends under the little ones. In the sight of the best representatives of the people, who unceasingly hoard foreign lands and supplies good to all terrorists in the world. The axis is only a veteran, mav zhalugidne іsnuvannya in a squinting hole on the island of Valaam. With one pair of evil militia and in a single Kurguz jacket.


After the war, the Radyansk places were full of people, who were lucky to live at the front, but they lost their arms and legs in the battles for the Batkivshchyna. Self-made vіzki, on which the human stumps briskly scurried between the legs of the people, the militia and the prostheses of the heroes of the war espoused the good looks of a bright socialist day. І axis one time, the radyansk hulks threw themselves in and did not feel the sonorous gurkota of the vizkіv and the creak of the prostheses. The disabled were removed from the city. One of the places of their mischief and becoming the island of Valaam. Vlasne kazhuchi, tsі podії vіdomі, recorded in the annals of history, which means, "what happened - those passed." At the same time, the disabled people settled on the island, took on the reign, did their own thing, peopled children, as they already grew up and themselves gave birth to children - the right native islanders.

Unpromising people from the island of Valaam


On the back, let's troch porahemo. Yakshcho vikladki pardon - correct.

In another svіtovіy SRSR, having spent 20 to 60 million perished for different chicks. The axis is such an axis rozkid. The statistics of that military science prove that during the hour of the battle, a sprat of the wounded falls on one dead man. Among them are skalicheni (іnvalidi). What a vіdsotok - I do not presume to judge. Ale, admittedly, small, equal to the number of those killed. It means that the number of kіlkіst kіlіk after the war is not enough to be counted in DOZENS OF MILJONIV.

My svidome childishness began to rock like this on the 73rd. You can say they died from their wounds. Possibly. My did died in the wounds of the 54th. Ale, isn't it? Dozens of millions? My mother was born before the hour of war. A long time ago, she missed the phrase, which I didn’t put down the meaning. Vaughn said that after the war on the streets there were more than a lot of calic. Deyakі pіdroblyali, deyakі asked for mercy chi wandered. And then they seemed to be gone at once. In my opinion, she said that they were wicked. But I can’t vouch for that phrase myself. I want to clarify that my mother is a person without notice. To that, as she said - rich, then, it was better for everything so it was.

Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: after the war, tens of millions of disabled people lost their lives. We call a lot of young people. Rokiv twenty-thirty. Live that live. Navіt z urahuvannyam іnvalіdnostі... But for thirty years after the war, I have not been able to practically live. And, as the deacons stverdzhuyut, the kalіk did not become after a small interval at the hour after the end of the war. Where did they go? Your thoughts, gentlemen - comrades ...


The rest of us, like me, were taken to Valaam. Dekilka rokіv that us, іnvalidіv, it was rich here: someone without hands, someone without a leg, and someone was blind before that. Mustache - many front-line soldiers.

"Theme Navali" on Valaami

Volodymyr Zak


Have 1950 r. on Valaam, the Budynoks of the disabled were in power. At the monastic and skete budinkas lived kalіki, yakі suffered during the hour of the Great Vіtchiznânoї war.

History of the Valaam Monastery

Valaam was one, and yet we found a place of help from the dozens of invalids of war. Tse duzhe vіdoma іstorіya. It is a pity that the deacons "patriots" win their eyes.

The communes were stronger for the Swedes. Tse important parts of the history of Valaam. Those that the first commissars did not plunder in the 40s, defiled it and destroyed it later. Terrible speeches were made on the island: in 1952, the poor and the crippled were taken from the Ukrainian lands and left to die. The deyak nonconformist artists built their own car, painting human stumps in the cells. Budinok-internat for the disabled and people of a frail age, having become a sign of the social leper colony - there, like in the Solovki hours of the GULAG, the conviction "leave the suspenstia" was avenged.

IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to wear the Georgiyvskiy cross on a charge from the ridge, on which image your people have fallen. The share of which should not be vybachit.


And in 1950, following the decree of the Verkhovna Rada of the Karelian-Finnish RSR, they set up on Valaam and in the monastic life Budynoks of disabled soldiers and workers were placed. Otse bov bet!

Not empty, maybe, food: why is it here, on the island, and not here on the mainland? Aje and safer is simpler and cheaper. Formal explanation: there are a lot of dwellings, subsistence houses, gospodarsky (one farm of which Varty), orny lands for subsistence government, fruit orchards, yagіdnі rozpіdniki, and informally, the right reason: they already slandered the eyes of the Radyansk people - the survivors of hundreds of thousands of handicapped, legless, restless, who traded as a fraternization at the stations, by the trains, on the streets, but it’s not much better. Well, judge for yourself: breasts in the o-r-d-e-n-a-x, and you asked for bakery alms. Doesn't fit anywhere! Pozbutisya їh, be-scho pozbutisya. Ale where do you go? And at many monasteries, on the islands!

From eyes to get away from hearts to get away. For many months, the country-peremozhnitsa cleared its streets from the "shame"! The axis was called the bogadilny in Kirilo-Bilozersk, Goritsky, Oleksandr-Svirsky, Valaam and other monasteries. To be more precise, on the ruins of the monasteries, on the stoups of Pravoslavia, broken by the radiant power. The Krajina Rada punished its disabled migrants for their calisthenics, for the waste of their families, a dream over their heads, native nests, roaring vines. She punished me with evil, self-esteem, bezvihіddu. Kozhen, who, having fallen on Valaam, mittevoly usvіdomlyuvav: "Otse everything!" Dali - deaf kut. “Give silence” at an unknown grave on an abandoned monastery tsvintary.

Reader! My favorite reader! To make us understand from you today, the world of the serene, I see the grief of the inexhaustible, as if slandering these people at that place, if the stench stepped on the ground qiu. At the vyaznitsa, at the terrible Gulag’s camp, let the vyaznya glimmer hope to come out, to know freedom, more, less life. Well, there was no result. Zvіdsi only to the grave, as if condemned to death. Well, and show yourself what for life has flowed in these walls.

Bachiv, I’ll still be near a lot of rokiv sleep. And the axis is important to describe. Especially, if before my thought there are their appearances, eyes, hands, their invisible laughter, laughter of those who have sinned in the past, do not ask for forgiveness. No, it's impossible to describe. It’s impossible, maybe, even to the one who, when he’s talking about everything, his heart just rattles, he’s slumped down and blamed in his thoughts, it’s impossible to swindle, like a pot of pain! Vibachte...

"Vaalam zoshit"

Evgen Kuznetsov

Invalids hung not from all places, but only from the main great places of the European part of the SRSR. A legless veteran, who begged for mercy from the bakery, did not praise Muhosransk, but was unacceptable in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Odessa, Rizi, Tallinn, Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkov, Tomsk, Novosibirsk (where Stalin planned to transfer the capital of the SRSR).

Pawn like this at once. For example, near Kharkiv near the village of Vysoky. I in the Strilechny... You wonder, why do you think they are already waking up in the Valaam?

Well, what can I say about everything? S..u..u..uuuuki! (3 forum).

Introduction of the Russian Chekist (current guardian) in the Ukrainian forum:

As if in the country there appeared some money against those who wanted to rule over people in the "mission of sending the disabled in war" to call the regime a villain?

S..u..u..uuuuki! - Don't you, then. S..u..u..uuuuki! - tse axis qi, today ... (from the forum)

It’s too bad for me to live like this kind of freaks, like they can say impudence that there was no such thing. And then we stink to make ourselves fighters against fascism and talk about "no one forgets, no one forgets."

taken from ng_cherkashin

This is not a caricature - this is a portrait of a real disabled person, a resident of the island of Valaam
That's why I visited Valaam. Between two walks of excursions - "to marvel at the lion-hander, marvel at the right-hander" - I stared at the mischievous sacks that bask in the exchanges of the meager beer sun. We looked at one another, - clearly divided, but not less than a real lattice - as if looking around at exotic zoo exhibits, with wonder and frequent prudishness. There were no signs explaining the signs, the mystery for us, tourists, remained undiscovered until an hour. On the face of it, the stench was not disabled, and it didn’t come out for an hour, that mustache was in the field. Ale to the soul, for another misery, for the sonorous, congenital hopelessness - the stench of the most disabled people of the earth - tobto. such disabled people, like not those who got drunk, but simply did not know in any way that people with disabilities would die like disabled people. And these children, if they are people like that, they will also be disabled.
Seeing for everything, there were grafts for the disabled in war, already laid to rest in a sleepy, unmarked Valaam grave. Naschadki, conceived without love, people without joy, like they grew up without childishness, maybe they wonder themselves: the stink is here now. We don’t call people anymore, we don’t call animals yet. Our brothers and sisters.
Communists of all lands, for one Valaam, what is prepared for you at eternity! Ale, our drama lies in the fact that the komunyaks cursed - also our fathers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
In this sensei, we have recognized again the defeats, for which I am deprived of the privilege of one alone.
**************************************** ****************************************
And in 1950, following the decree of the Verkhovna Rada of the Karelian-Finnish RSR, they set up on Valaam and in the wake of the monastics, the Budinok of the Disabled War and Pratsi were placed. Axis tse bet!
Not empty, maybe, food: why is it here, on the island, and not here on the mainland? Aje and safer is simpler and cheaper. Formal explanation: there are a lot of dwellings, subsistence houses, gospodarsky (one farm of which Varty), orny lands for subsistence government, fruit orchards, yagіdnі rozpіdniki, and informally, the right reason: they already slandered the eyes of the Radyansk people - the survivors of hundreds of thousands of handicapped, legless, restless, who traded as a fraternization at the stations, by the trains, on the streets, but it’s not much better. Well, judge for yourself: breasts in the o-r-d-e-n-a-x, and you asked for bakery alms. Doesn't fit anywhere! Pozbutisya їh, be-scho pozbutisya. Ale where do you go? And at many monasteries, on the islands! From eyes to get away from hearts to get away. For many months, the country-peremozhnitsa cleared its streets from the "shame"! The axis was called the bogadilny in Kirilo-Bilozersk, Goritsky, Oleksandr-Svirsky, Valaam and other monasteries. To be more precise, on the ruins of the monasteries, on the stomp of Pravoslavia, broken by the radian power. The Krajina Rada punished its disabled migrants for their calisthenics, for the waste of their families, a dream over their heads, native nests, roaring vines. She punished me with evil, self-esteem, bezvihіddu. Kozhen, who, having fallen on Valaam, mittevoly usvіdomlyuvav: "Otse everything!" Dali - deaf kut. “Give silence” at an unknown grave on an abandoned monastery tsvintary.

3 comments: My father, a veteran, by the will of his share, he fought and survived that war. Turning old for tsi kіlka days on the rocks. For a long time after movchav I didn’t have a moment to talk about anything. Let's wait, if we talk about those who spent time on Valaam, they had a heart attack. So I saw the father, I found out about the Valaam Hell. It was hellish!... And the memory of the victims of the Radyansky Holocaust was light!

Long way to the island of Valaam
They sent not all the armless and legless without exception, but quietly, who, after rejecting, asking for mercy, did not live. They were hundreds of thousands, they spent their lives, they didn’t need anyone, without pennies, but hung with hedges.
They were picked up for one night from the last place by special outfits of the militia and security guards, they were transported to the railway stations, they were taken to the ZK-type heating trucks and sent to the “boudinkiv-internativ” themselves. Their passports and soldier's books were taken from them - in fact, they were transferred to the status of ZK. That same boarding school was at the department of the menturi.
The essence of these internativs is to quietly call the disabled in that world yaknaishvidshe. Navіt that miserable zmіst, which was seen by the disabled, stealing practically completely.
We have on the cob of the 60s buv susid, legless war veteran. I remember how I was driving on this carriage on bearings. Ale vin always afraid of being out of the yard without an escort. Druzhina chi htos іz rіdnih mali go instruct. I remember, like a father worrying about the new one, like we were afraid that they would rake in a disabled person, even if I had an apartment. Tsiogorіch at 65-66 my father beat for him (through the military committee, social security and regional committee) a wheelchair-invalid and we all around the yard celebrated Christmas, and we, children, ran after him and asked for a ride.
The number of the population of the SRSR before the war is estimated at 220 million with the settlement of the population of the adjoining territories of Poland, Ugorshchina, Romania and the Baltic states. The global demographic spending of the SRSR in the period 41-45 years is estimated at 52-57 million. Ale to tsієї figures enter "not born". The real cost of the population can be estimated at close to 42-44 million. 32-34 millions to become military soldiers, aviation and fleet + 2 millions of Jews in the aftermath of the Holocaust + 2 millions of deaths in the aftermath of the fighting for the civilian population. If you know millions, try to explain yourself.
Valaam Island, 200 kilometers on the pivnich from Svіtlan in 1952-1984 - the place of one of the most human experiments in the molding of the largest human "factory". Citizens from Leningrad and the Leningrad region, so as not to miss the Russian landscape, sent people with disabilities - the most addictive, legless and armless, mentally retarded and tubercular. It was important that people with disabilities looked at the Radyansk places.
On Valaam, they were praised over the heads of “their disabled”. The stench “died” by the hundreds, but on the Valaamsky tsvintary we knew only 2 rotten stovpchiki with ... numbers. Nothing was left behind - all the stench went into the ground, not leaving the monument to the scrawny experiment of the human zoo of Radyansky Island.

"I don't want a new war!" So the headings of the little ones of the big breeder Viktor Popkov from the series “We stood in hell!”. – portraits of veterans with disabilities by the artist Gennady Dobrov. Malyuvav Dobrov on Valaam. Let's use robots to illustrate this material.
Like a Soviet pathos in the form of official legends under the little ones. In the sight of the best representatives of the people, who unceasingly hoard foreign lands and supplies good to all terrorists in the world. The axis is only a veteran, mav zhalugidne іsnuvannya in a squinting hole on the island of Valaam. With one pair of evil militia and in a single Kurguz jacket.

Quote: " After the war, the Radyansk places were full of people, who were lucky to live at the front, but they lost their arms and legs in the battles for the Batkivshchyna. Self-made vіzki, on which the human stumps briskly scurried between the legs of the people, the militia and the prostheses of the heroes of the war espoused the good looks of a bright socialist day. І axis one time, the radyansk hulks threw themselves in and did not feel the sonorous gurkota of the vizkіv and the creak of the prostheses. The disabled were removed from the city. One of the places of their mischief and becoming the island of Valaam. Vlasne kazhuchi, tsі podії vіdomі, recorded in the annals of history, which means, "what happened - those passed." At the same time, the disabled people settled on the island, took on the reign, did their own thing, peopled children, as they already grew up and themselves gave birth to children - the right native islanders.

Unpromising people from the island of Valaam

On the back, let's troch porahemo. Yakshcho vikladki pardon - correct.
In another svіtovіy SRSR, having spent 20 to 60 million perished for different chicks. The axis is such an axis rozkid. The statistics of that military science prove that during the hour of the battle, a sprat of the wounded falls on one dead man. Among them are skalicheni (іnvalidi). What a vіdsotok - I do not presume to judge. Ale, admittedly, small, equal to the number of those killed. It means that the number of kіlkіst kіlіk after the war is not enough to be counted in DOZENS OF MILJONIV.
My svidome childishness began to rock like this on the 73rd. You can say they died from their wounds. Possibly. My did died in the wounds of the 54th. Ale, isn't it? Dozens of millions? My mother was born before the hour of war. A long time ago, she missed the phrase, which I didn’t put down the meaning. Vaughn said that after the war on the streets there were more than a lot of calic. Deyakі pіdroblyali, deyakі asked for mercy chi wandered. And then they seemed to be gone at once. In my opinion, she said that they were wicked. But I can’t vouch for that phrase myself. I want to clarify that my mother is a person without notice. To that, as she said - rich, then, it was better for everything so it was.
Pіdіb'єmo pіdbags: after the war, tens of millions of disabled people lost their lives. We call a lot of young people. Rokiv twenty-thirty. Live that live. Navіt z urahuvannyam іnvalіdnostі... But for thirty years after the war, I have not been able to practically live. And, as the deacons stverdzhuyut, the kalіk did not become after a small interval at the hour after the end of the war. Where did they go? Your thoughts, gentlemen - comrades ...

PS I can tell myself that everything written is true. If I had spent a long time on Valaam, the deacons of that church already gave the monastery, it began to be more refreshing. I have been alive at the monastery for close to a month, like a worker (this is the practice in monasteries - you can live there and improve the current hour).

Once I looked up to one of the master's buds of the monastery. A dark, narrow corridor lined with buckets, basins, like barrels, ganchirkas, and a sprat of small cages on the side of the corridor. In the middle of the little huts, old people sat on their stools - blind and mournful. There was little light, from the cells there was the smell of long-standing unventilated homes.

On the back of my mind, I thought, what a mess, and here the messengers are lingering. However, three times worse, if I’ve poked around at the chance, what people stay at the monastery for old wives, wines without pressure, what if they’re invalids, sent here without help after Stalin’s order.

After this history, if I smell about the "great Stalin", I will send tsikh sent to Mayzha, the deserted island of Valaam, mayzhe old people, such a great Stalin in such a rank, for the help and for the waste of health in this terrible war. Well, in the past, I recognized that approximately the same thing happened at all the great places of the Soviet Union, and one fine day, thousands of marriages and marriages of s-help of the disabled were in the order of Stalin, directed by the Chekists in such an axis, they did not respect the deaf, communists will be socialism and tell the people, how beautiful the country the stench was, and how freely the people are running wild. Adzhe at the bagatioh іz tsikh zaslanih іnvalidіv moustache chests in the orders were hung. "For the health of the Russian people!" - to love zgaduvat tsey nіbito vіmovlenii once Stalin toast radyanskі stalіnіsti as a proof of the greatness of the Leader and yogo thanks to the Russian people for the help and all the guilt of the hardships of the war.

In addition, I understand that in 20 years the problem of squatted security guards on the choli with Dzerzhinsky was solved just like that, and that most of the squatted cottons were simply shoveled at the shack of that camp, and some of them, perhaps, simply disappeared.

Axis so. Glory to the Radiansky Batkivshchyna! Glory to Lenin and Stalin! Glory to the CPRS! Let Putin, Medvedev and Abramovich live long, with your Cheka and all your Russian cunt. Adzhe all ts vyrodki - people of Radiansk, and chi can be called radian people human being - even more so great food. Even all the radian-post-tradyansk people are, in fact, the same disabled people, like those who created communism, that radian propaganda machine, that repressive machine. Well, and about virodkіv іz Cheka and say nothing - tsya wicked organization from the very first day of bіlshovizm was the leading sign of the unhuman political policy of the radyansk government.

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