The most famous classics. Great classical composers: list of the best

Anna Karenina. Lev Tolstoy

The greatest history of hunting of all hours of that people. The story, which did not leave the stage bridges, was screened impersonally once - and did not lose the boundless enchantment of passion - the passion of the malignant, ruinous, blind - but then more bewitched by its greatness.

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Meister and Margarita. Mikhailo Bulgakov

Tse - the most mysterious of novels in the history of domestic literature of the 20th century. This novel, which may be officially called “The Gospel of Satan”. Tse - "Maister and Margarita". A book that can be read and re-read dozens, hundreds of times, but a smut, in which it is impossible to comprehend everything. Ozhe, what are the sides of “Maistra and Margaret” dictated by the Forces of Light?

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Thunder Pass. Emily Bronte

A mystery novel that has won up to a dozen of the best novels of all times and peoples! A history of turbulent, truly demonic addictions, as if rozburhuu reveals the reader's axis for over a hundred years already. Keti gave her heart to her cousin brother, but ambition and the heat of wealth are shoved in abundance. The barrage of pulls turns into a curse for the secret cochants, and once.

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Eugene Onegin. Oleksandr Pushkin

Have you read "Onegin"? What can you say about Onegin? Axis of nourishment, repeating without interruption among the number of writers and Russian readers, ”signifying the next chapter of the novel, the writer, accepting the writer, before the speech, the hero of Pushkin’s epigram Thaddeus Bul-garin. For a long time ONEGIN has not been accepted to evaluate. Speaking in the words of Bulgarin, in “writing with Pushkin's verses. Which is enough.”

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Cathedral Our Lady of Paris. Victor Hugo

History, which survived a century, became a canon and gave its heroes the glory of nominal images. The history of the catastrophe and the tragedy. Kokhannya is quiet, to whom love was not given and not allowed - by a religious dignity, by a physical illness, or by someone else's evil will. The gypsy Esmeralda and the deaf hunchback Quasimodo, the priest Frollo and the captain of the royal archers Phoebus de Chateauper, the beautiful Fleur-de-Lis and Gringoire sings.

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Seen in the wind. Margaret Mitchell

The great saga about the Gromadyansky war in the USA and about the share of stubbornness and ready to go over the heads of Scarlett O'Hara was first published over 70 years ago and not old dossi. The only novel by Margaret Mitchell, for which she won the Pulitzer Prize. The story about a woman.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

Tse is a real tragedy about a mess, like a building creation of a human genius. Tragedy, how they screened and screened. Tragedy, how not to leave the theatrical bridges dosi - and dosi sound like it was written before. Go rocky that century. But one thing is left behind and forever is left behind with the inevitable: “There is no more confusion in the world, a lower story about Romeo and Juliet ...”

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Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

“The Great Gatsby” is the pinnacle of Fitzgerald's work, and one of the greatest achievements of the worldly prose of the 20th century. Wanting to see the novel in the "boom" of the twenty years of the last century, if the statues fought literally for nothing and in the meantime the evil-doers became millionaires, the book is alive in an hour, more, talking about the evil fate of the generation of "the century of jazz".

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Three Musketeers. Alexandre Dumas

The most famous historical adventurous novel by Oleksandr Dumas tells about the usefulness of the Gascon d'Artagnan and his friend-musketeers at the court of King Louis XIII.

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Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas

The book has one of the most insipid ideas suitable novels classics of French literature of the 19th century by Oleksandr Dumas.

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Triumphal arch. Erikh Remarque

One of the most beautiful and most tragic novels about kohanny in the history of European literature. The history of the journey from the Nazi Nazi era of Dr. Ravik and the beautiful Joan Madou, who got lost in the "unbearable lightness of the butt", is seen in the pre-war Paris. І a disturbing hour, if you happen to know and die, one by one, two by one become one of the leading heroes of the "Arc of Triumph".

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What a laugh. Victor Hugo

Gwynplaine is a lord for the people, at the childishness of sales to the gangsters-compraccos, like they made from the children of the fair blasphemy, putting on the mask of “eternal laughter” (at the courts of the European nobility at that time there was a fashion for kalik and indulgence, like they added rulers). Trample all the tests, Gwynplaine saved the best human traits and his kohannya.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

Forgive the sailors, in which it is easy to recognize the author himself, to go through the old, new path to literary immortality ... By the will of the quick, who leaned against the svіtskomu suspіlstvі, Martin Iden is virtuously happy and zdivatovaniya ... Morse, so unlike all people, who knew their wines before... Now, two hundred and forty stand in front of him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

Seeing the first novel by Theodore Dreiser was associated with such folds that brought his creator to a major depression. And a little further away, the share of the novel “Sister Kerry” seemed to be happy: a lot of foreign language was translated, revisited in millions of copies. New and new generations of readers are happy with the ups and downs of the Caroline Miber.

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American disaster. Theodore Dreiser

The novel "American Tragedy" is the pinnacle of creativity of the prominent American writer Theodore Dreiser. Vin saying: “No one creates tragedies - I create lives. Writers are less able to portray them.” Dreiser was able to depict the tragedy of Clive Griffiths so talentedly that his story does not flood the everyday reader.

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Worthy. Victor Hugo

Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes in the novel have long become nominal, the number of readers for the second century from the moment the book is published in the world does not become smaller, the novel does not lose popularity. The kaleidoscope is based on the current versions of the French culture of the first half of the 19th century, the narration that forgets the characters, sentimentality and realism, stress, a groggy plot.

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Use good soldier Schweik. Yaroslav Gashek

Great, original and hooligan novel. A book that can be adopted as a "soldier's tale", and as classic TV without intermediary pov'yazane with the traditions of the Renaissance. This is a frank text, over which one laughs to tears, and an agonizing cry "fold the streak", and one of the most important historical evidence in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The peculiarity of Homer's poems is not only in the fact that their author introduces us to the world, dozens of centuries of water-remembrances in the present, and yet it is still supernaturally real to the poet's genius, which he saved from his poems of the battle of modern life. Homer's immortality lies in the fact that in his genius creations there are inexhaustible reserves of human values ​​- wisdom, goodness and beauty.

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Zvirobij. James Cooper

Cooper zoomed in to describe in his books that self-sufficiency and insipidity of the recently opened continent, as if to bewitch all of today's Europe. The skin of a new novel was checked for a writer with impatience. The hoarding fit of the fearless, that noble thoughtfulness, that the follower of Natty Bampo, sang like a young, and grown-up reader.

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Likar Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

The novel “Doctor Zhivago” is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature, as if for a long time it was closed for a wide range of readers in our country, as they knew about the new scandalous and unscrupulous party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes

What do the names of Amadis of Gaul, Palmerin of England, Don Belianis of Gretsky, Tyrant of the White seem to us today? Aje same as a parody of the novels about these faces created by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedri's Cunning and Far Don Quixote of Lamanch. The first parody of wiki has outlived the genre that parodies. "Don Quixote" was recognized as the best novel in the entire history of world literature.

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Ivanhoe. Walter Scott

"Ivanhoe" is the key text in the cycle of novels by W. Scott, which takes us to middle English. The young face Ivanhoe, who secretly turned from the Khrestovy campaign to the fatherland and by the will of the father of the eased recession, deserves his honor and the love of the beautiful lady Roven ... King Richard Levin Heart and the legendary robber Robin Hood will come to help him.

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Headless head. Reed Mine

The plot of the novel prompts the laying of the maisterno, which takes the pressure to the rest of the side. The story of the noble mustanger Maurice Gerald and the yogo kochano, the beautiful Louise Poindexter, not vapidly groaning, as if they are investigating the evil mystery of the leader without a head, whose appearance, when he appears, induces fright on the bagmen’s savani, superbly vouchsafed to the readers of Russia.

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Dear friend. Guy de Maupassant

The novel "Dear friend" became one of the symbols of the era. The most powerful novel by Maupassant. Through the story of Georges Duroy, who makes his own "path to the mountain", the right sounds of the great French suspіlstva, the spirit of venality, which panuє in all yoga spheres, are revealed, to that which is intersecting and immoral specialness, which is the success of Maupassant's hero, it is easy to succeed.

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Dead souls. Mikola Gogol

The first volume of “Dead Souls” by M. Gogol in 1842 called out to the rocky controversy of the moderns, having split the suspense on the shanuvalniks and sing the opponents. "...Kazhuchi about" Dead souls”- you can talk a lot about Russia ...” - P. Vyazemsky’s judgment explained the main reason for the super-cheeks. As before, the author's message is relevant: "Rus, where to rush to, give me a break?"

We offer a list of 10 composers who are known to you. About the skin of them, it can be said with confidence that he is the greatest composer, which be-if it is, if it is really impossible, that one cannot, equal the music, written in a stretch for a hundred years. However, all composers are seen among their peers as composers, as if they played music. the greatest equal she jumped rozsunuti between classical music to new between. The list does not avenge any order, on the basis of significance or special advantages. Just 10 great composers who are known to you.

The skin composer is accompanied by a good citation of the fact of his life, if you remember that you will be like an expert. And having crossed over for permission to be called, you know yoga again biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the famous creations of the skin master.

The most important post of light classical music. One of the biggest victorious composers in the world. Created in all genres, which were created at the beginning of the day, including opera, ballet, music to dramatic performances, choral creations. The most important in yoga are instrumental works: pianoforte, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for pianoforte, for violin, quartet, overture, symphony. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Cicavia fact.

Beethoven wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) on the cob to Napoleon, the composer of the suffocations of the specialty of the people, who, giving up richly on the cob of his rightful heroes. But if Napoleon voted himself emperor, Beethoven re-christened his dedication to the title arch and wrote only one word - "Heroic".

"Monthly Sonata" by L. Beethoven, listen:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One s the greatest composers history of music. During his life, Bach wrote over 1000 works. Yoga creativity presents all significant genres for that hour, the Crimean opera; Vіn uzgalniv reaching the musical art of the baroque period. The ancestor of the most famous musical dynasty.

Cicavia fact.

For the life of Bach, there were many underestimations, that less than a dozen of his works were instructed.

Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by J.S. Bach, listen:

3. (1756-1791)

The great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, a representative of the Vidensk classical school, a virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, a phenomenal ear for music, memory and building to improvisation. Like a composer, what a reach for success in any genre, he is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Cicavia fact.

While still a child, Mozart remembered and wrote down Miserere (cat. sing to the text of the 50th psalm of David) Italian Grigorio Allegri, having listened to yoga only once.

"Little Night Serenade" by W.O. Mozart, listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. Having plunged into European culture at the turn of the XIX-XX century, especially modernism. Wagner's operas strike with their grandiose scale and eternal human values.

Cicavia fact.

Wagner took the fate of the recent revolution of 1848-1849 near the city of Nimechchina and was embarrassed about being arrested by Franz Liszt.

"The Polit of the Valkyries" from R. Wagner's opera "The Valkyrie", listen to

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school. Verdі mav almost scenes, temperament and bezdogannu mesternist. Vіn revisiting operatic traditions (on Wagner's vision), but developing them at the same time (traditions of Italian opera), transforming іtaliysk opera, imbuing it with realism, putting on the unity of the whole.

Cicavia fact.

Verdi became an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian parliament in 1860, after voting for the independence of Italy from Austria.

Overture to D.Verdi's opera "La traviata", listen:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after the emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most important composers of the XX century. The creativity of Stravinsky was one of the most popular kar'ieri, although in different periods the style of his creations was different, but having lost the haircut and the Russian roots, as it was seen in all his robots, yoga was carried to the last innovators of the twentieth century. Yogo іnnovatsіyne vikoristannya rhythm and harmony suffocated and sighed rich musicians, and not less so in classical music.

Cicavia fact.

Before the hour of the First Light War, the Roman miters confiscated the portrait of Stravinsky, the works of Pablo Picasso, if the composer had left Italy. A portrait of letters of writing in a futuristic manner and the mittens took qі mugs and lines for like encrypted secret materials.

Suite from I.F. Stravinsky's ballet "The Firebird", listen:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian composer of light music, conductor and violinist. "King of Waltzes", he created in the genre of dance music and opera. This musical recession has over 500 waltzes, lekіv, quadrilles and other types of dance music, as well as a sprig of operettas and ballets. Zavdyaki youmu waltz became extremely popular in the 19th century.

Cicavia fact.

Father of Johann Strauss - also Johann and also Vіdomy musician That "king of waltzes" is called a young abo son, his brothers Josef and Eduard were also famous composers.

Waltz by I.Strauss "On the Beautiful Danube", listen:

9. Sergiy Vasilovich Rakhmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of the prominent representatives of the Vienna classical music music school she is one of the founders of romanticism in music. For my short life Schubert made a significant contribution to the orchestra, chamber piano music, which has plunged into the whole generation of composers. Proteas the most beautiful yogo brought a letter to the development of German romances, having created over 600 such wines.

Cicavia fact.

Schubert's friends and fellow musicians got together and sang Schubert's music. Tsі zustrіchі took away the name "Schubertiadi" (Schubertiads). Be the first fan club!

"Ave Maria" by F.P. Schubert, listen:

Continuing the theme of the great composers, such as you are guilty of nobility, new material.

Travelers Digest magazine chose 10 places in the world where the most beautiful women live

On the eve of the season, the magazine for mandrivniks Travelers Digest rated the places that inhabit the most beautiful girls. For a long time, experts of the past have tested representatives of strong status, which will rise in price all over the world. Moscow has occupied an honorable place in the tenth, however, as if to credit the tsemu dolzhennyu, є msya, de krasun more.

Ten places from the top women in Stockholm. Here, in the opinion of experts, the skin woman is beautiful.

“You go to the store, you go to the store and look at the counter of the fashion model. And not in one store, everywhere. In addition, women are known at parties and in how to take and give a gift to a partner at once. The stench of light, comrades, friendliness, she does not make the fences of the year,” Travelers Digest says.

The trio of leaders from the women's beauty are the girls of Buenos Aires. There are no more beautiful women here, who cannot be seen more in the same city of Argentina. The women are always beautiful and natural.

Farther away is Bulgaria, or rather, Varna. Here all the human dreams themselves can transform into reality. There is no drug law here, the gas is cheap, the beaches are beautiful, the sea is a place that marvels with its natural beauty.

The girls of Varna looked out, they watched her. Beauty and charm - characteristic of rice all Bulgarians.

“You can talk about the women of Los Angeles flawlessly, but if you sing chih beauty, better for everything, spend the gift of money,” means seeing. Many women look like American women from other places, like the stench they look, and then, how many of them are here for one square kilometer. Itself z tsієї reasons to California to pragmatically move the mustache of the Americans.

Among Russian women, not just a lot of tall black-eyed blondes, most of them will be respected to the thought of a person and will be encouraged to grow up so that they feel good and comfortable. This unique day is the main reason why a lot of people can go to the right place.

Venezuela, as it seems, has the most winners for the contest "Mis Vsesvit", it's not enough to talk about those who have enough beautiful women here. Women from Venezuela are not just beautiful - they are also easy to talk to, and they stink about how fun it is to spend an hour.

Montreal is far from France, but in the new it has a lot of French charm. Montreal has a lot of universities and colleges, the place is full of young fresh faces, fashionably dressed girls, a lot of people to speak French, which is more powerful than the union of my love.

If you want to cheer up the Montreal lady, you are recommended not only to talk about your style, but also to play a couple of French serenades.

Some of the most beautiful women in the world, according to the thought of the ancients, live in Israel. Residents of Tel Aviv especially add to their great eyes not only brown, but green color, which is intriguing.

“It seems that Israeli girls have been serving in the army for 18 years. And it means that if you change it, be prepared to run into unacceptability. Rizikovano, then yak hvilyuyuche! - ahead of the experts.

Stay (ale it’s all the same) place in the rating of the Dutch capital. On the streets of Amsterdam, women give priority to bicycles. In addition, the Dutch girls are more athletic, stink fashionably dressed and dressed up.

"Everything should be done to make them more beautiful and scary people to give beautiful people more than an hour," writes Travelers Digest.

Top 10 places from themselves garnimy girls
1. Stockholm, Sweden
2. Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
4. Varna, Bulgaria
5. Los Angeles, California
6. Moscow, Russia
7. Caracas, Venezuela
8. Montreal, Canada
9. Tel Aviv, Israel
10. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Music ... Maybe, the very word already calls out to a mass of accepting associations: smoothness, melody, lowness ... Itself is such classical music. Over the years, you can hear online and robititse absolutely cost-free!

Before turns

Classical music was vowed in the back, created for the doby of Classicism. This "classic" period gave the present even more rich. At that hour, great composers worked, and they created, as they passed through the river, they beat the test for an hour, they survived, they deserved recognition from a few generations, they took away the name "classic".

Classic today

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The head office is a representation of pop music, as it is invested in a wide community. The classics of this place do not reach a wide audience. Vaughn realized that the receptionist would not be fooled. Would you like to perekonatisya yourself in the fact that you lie down to the next group of potential victims? Then you can listen to the cost-free track without intermediary on our website. Who knows, tse vodkrittya, maybe, become a good expert for you, or just a brown tip!

If you enter only the first symbol and name it, be it a joker, You will take over three millions of messages for this famous composition. I understood everything. Tsey tvir, also known as "Bagatelle in la Minor", on this day, є, ymovіrno, one of the most popular melodies, like the one who hears you, does not know the name, or the name of the composer. Tvіr buv spellings in 1810, if Beethoven was already practically deaf. The name "Before Eliza" adds a riddle. So it is not clear at all who the composition itself is dedicated to. Something you care about, which is really only indistinctly written in the blacks of the composer named “Teresa”, and Teresa Malfatty herself, a woman, wants to make friends with Beethoven, but having taken her breath away. With other dzherel, it could have been Elizabeth Rekel, the operatic partner of that close friend of Beethoven. So what else, the composition “Before Eliza” praises the hearts of riches regardless of the one to whom the composer dedicated it.

Turkish Rondo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

More like the "Turkish March", this tvir is an invisible part of Mozart's unfinished repertoire.

It was written in 1783, and in truth, not a creative work, but only the third remaining part of Sonata No. 11. The reason, through the yak to the robot, was named itself so, according to the soundness of the Turkish Janicara orchestra. Like and be-like military marching music, the Turkish Rondo is characterized by the strained sound of drums. It was more popular not only among the 17th century, but also among modern Turkey.

Hail Mary, Franz Schubert

Indeed, the 28th century Schubert could not put together such a profoundly reverent religious composition for the commemoration of the Church. Usіm vіdoma Latin prayer "Have Mary" suffocated an unknown musician to put his text on the music of Schubert through many rocks after the appearance of the music itself. Franz Schubert, on the other hand, wrote music up to the verse of Walter Scott's poem "The Lady of the Lake". Vaughn was called "The Third Song of Ellen" and depicted the heroine of the sing, as if she blessed the Virgin Mary for help. The success of the musical urivka was great, so that the composer himself could not change his mind in the face of a miracle and re-imagined his emotions. It's a pity that only three years were lost in success - Schubert died at the age of 31 years.

Monthly Sonata, Ludwig van Beethoven

In the sunny Ugric summer of 1801, another Beethoven's tvir was born, which became famous all over the world. Today, the name "Monthly Sonata", perhaps, may be known to everyone from small to great. On the back, the composition is called “Mayzhe Fantasy” or simply “Piano Sonata No.14 in C-sharp Minor” and was dedicated to the young student of the composer, Countess Juliette Guacardi, in the same way, the wines sighed strongly at that hour. It’s a pity that the Countess’s father didn’t get through the bad weather. Prote does not explain the name of the composition, but it is not so. Ludwig Relshtab sings the moon, which appears in the name, once swayed over the Swiss lake Lucerne. For a year, the name stuck behind the melody and in such a look has continued to this day. As a matter of fact, by the composers of that hour, the sonata was published only after Beethoven's death.

"The Sun of the Moon" from "Bergamas Suite", Claude Debussy

Pozіnovuvachі poezії nasampered dіznayutsya at the name of the creation of the same verse of Paul Verlaine. So і є, аdzhe tsey tvіr - a legacy of the inspiration of a brilliant composer in rows of a verse of a French poet. The literal translation from French - moonlight - to talk about supernatural softness and vociferous melody. This is an ideal example of how music is guilty of pouring into the soul, and not into the mind, which is the essence of the avant-garde idea that poured into Debussy's style at that hour. Twir, dobutok" Monthly day"(It is also called "Sentimental Walk") has become quite popular, as the number of films in which it sounds has reached 120, among them the films "Ocean's Eleven Friends" and "Days".

Impromptu Fantasy, Frederic Chopin

Yak Vee, maybe, remembered, practically leather great tvir bov komus or a bunch of dedications. Tsya "fantasy" - no blame. The genius of romantic music Frederic Chopin dedicates his composition to his close friend Julian Fontan. And the share of creativity passed to the hands of Fontan after the death of Chopin. Julian, having published the work in 1855, without listening to his friend's suggestions, was categorically opposed to any publications of Fantasia. There was a special reason for such unsatisfactory Chopin's voice of his robots. A few hours later, following the creation of Fantasia, Chopin analyzed it and realized that the melody was already guessing like Impromptu Moscheles, so Beethoven's Monthly Sonata. And if we call for plagiarism, it would be one of the biggest kar'ernih nasledkіv for a 24-year-old composer of this kind.

"Spring March", Felix Mendelssohn

Zhodin, from the time of writing spring marches, did not spend 150 years sleeping, in fact, at the skin spring ceremony, including the royal ones. Without a doubt, Mendelssohn with such a rank has closed his ticket in history. I was the first named, as the sounds of that march came until tomorrow, but no one else, like the daughter of Queen Victoria - Princess Victoria Adelaida Maria Luiza. In 1858, she said “so” to Frederick William IV, King of Prussia. Prote young Mendelssohn did not set himself such a metaphor when creating - he simply groaned in Shakespeare's song "A dream at summer night" and chose to write music for 17 more years. The cream of “spring popularity”, this TV channel is also considered a masterpiece of classical music.

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