That swindle is true. Biography of Jules Virna

Jules Verne, a biography of someone who speaks to children and adults, is a French writer, who is respected as a classic of literature. Create yoga took the form of science fiction, and navit became an incentive for practical space exploration. What is the life of having lived Jules Verne? The biography of yoga is marked by richness and difficulties.

The journey of a writer

Rocky life of our hero - 1828-1905. Vin was born on the birch of the Loire, near the city of Nantes, which is located nearby її girl. Below is a picture - an image of that place, which can be seen until about the hour of the writer's life, which is to call us.

1828 r. Jules Verne appeared in the world. The biography of Yogo Bula would be inaccurate, but they didn’t tell me about Yogo Batkiv. Jules was born to this lawyer P'er Verne. Tsej cholovik mav vlasnu office and hotiv, schob yogo senior son pishov yogo feet, sho ozumilo. The mother of the future writer, the daughter of Allotte de la Fuye, was from an old family of Nantes shipbuilders and shipbuilders.


From the earliest years, the name of such a writer, yak Jules Verne, is given a short biography. For children in 6 years there were few options organized training. So Jules Verne went to school for lessons. That was the widow of a captain of a distant voyage. If the boy turned 8 years old, he entered the Seminary of Saint Stanislav. After that, Jules Verne continued teaching at the Lyceum, de zdobuv classical lighting. I learned Latin and Greek language, geography, rhetoric, learned to speak.

About those who have lived jurisprudence Jules Verne (short biography)

4th grade of school - an hour, if we know in the past from the work of this writer. For this hour, the novel "The Fifteenth Captain" is recommended. However, the biography of Jules Verne can be passed at school, sometimes on top of it. To that we wrote reports about the new, zokrem, like a future writer, having developed jurisprudence.

Having taken a bachelor's degree from 1846 p. Jules Vern. The biography of yogo young rokiv is marked by him, that he had to constantly resist the attempts of the father to grow a lawyer. Under the strong grip of Jules Verne, the embarrassment of buv vyvchati jurisprudence in his own to a native place. At the apartment, 1847 our hero won the crime to Paris. Here I clave the necessary sleep for the 1st river of education, after which I turned back to Nantes.

First p'єsi, continuation of training

Jules Verne already took over the theater, for which wines he wrote 2 p'esi - "Powder blast" and "Olexander VI". The stench was presented to a narrow number of acquaintances. Vern was kindly aware that the theater is right in front of Paris. Youmu goes, though not without zusil, to get the permission of his father to go to the capital to continue the education. Tsya radiance for Vern pod_ya vіdbuvaєtsya at the fall of 1848 rock.

Important hours for Jules Verne

However, the main difficulties faced such a writer as Jules Verne. A short biography of Yogo is marked by a great zazyatistyu, revealed during the zіtknennі from it. Batko, having allowed his son to continue enlightenment, is less in the sphere of law. After graduating from the School of Law in Paris and having finished his diploma, Jules Verne did not turn to the father's law office. The prospect of activity in the field of theater and literature was full of calmness. Vіn vyrіshiv will be lost in Paris, and with great enthusiasm, taking up the mastery of the stitches he has chosen. Napoleglivistvo navit navіvіvіvіvannya іsnuvannya, like it happened to be the news, the shards of the father moved to help you. Jules Verne began to create vaudeville, comedies, libretto of various classical operas, dramas, although they did not go into trouble.

At this hour, wine is alive at once with a friend at the attic. Having offended the stench, they were even worse. The writing-book of madness from the life of the rokiv is interrupted by vipadkovy earnings. Chi did not develop yogo service in the notary's office, to the fact that it took a little more than an hour for literary work. Not trembling and in the clerk's seat at the bank Jules Verne. A short biography of yogo at this difficult hour is marked by tutoring, which will take care of even if it’s necessary. Jules Verne became a student at the Faculty of Law.

Library supervision

Our hero was called to the opening of the National Library. Here you can hear scientific disputes and lectures. Vіn zvіv znayomstvo z mandrivniki and vcheni. Jules Verne is familiar with geography, navigation, astronomy, scientific knowledge. Vіn vypisuvav z books vіdomosti, scho zatsіkavili yogo, spochatka not fully revealing why the stink yoma may need.

Work at the lyric theater, create new things

A few hours later, and at the same time in 1851, our hero was in power at the Lyric Theater, which turned out well. Jules Verne became the pratsyuvati secretary of the newcomer. Biography, creativity cіkavі facts about the new coming fates may be filed a report.

Jules Verne began to write in a magazine called "Musee de Families". In 1851, in 1851, in this journal, the first publications of Jules Verne were published. Tse "The First Ships of the Mexican Navy", renamed to "Drama in Mexico"; and also "Come on the road to the backyard" (the other name of the work - "Drama in the air").

Acquaintance with A. Dumas and V. Hugo, friendship

Jules Verne, being yet a Pochatkіvtsy, having become acquainted with some reason to intercede for you; as well as Victor Hugo. It is not excluded that Dumas urged his friend to get angry at those more expensive ones. Vern lit up the bajans to describe the whole world - growth, creatures, nature, called that people. Vіn vyrіshiv unite the science and science, and also populate with unfamiliar dosi characters of your novel.

Vern near Sichni 1857 having made friends with the widow on the name of Honorin de Vian ( girl's ghost Moreli). At the time of the demise of the girl, there were 26 years.

First novel

In a deaky hour, Jules Verne broke away from the theater. His first novel under the title "Five days on a povіtryanіy kuli" was completed in 1862. Dumas, having pleased to turn around with this work to Etzel, having seen the "Journal of Waving That Rose," hoped for by the young generation. Yogo's novel about developments in the countryside of geographic research was evaluated and published on the cob of offensive rock. Etzel having laid down a new contract with a successful debutant, Jules Verne is guilty of compiling 2 volumes per river.

Romani Jules Verne

At the beginning of the hour, the writer begins to create impersonal creations, skins from such a right masterpiece. In 1864, "Move to the center of the Earth" appeared, across the river - "From the Earth to the Moon" and "Come on the road of Captain Hatteras", and in 1870 - "Towards the Moon". In these works of Jules Verne, there were 4 main problems that occupied the world at that time: the conquest of the pole, the discovery of sailing, the weeding of the inter-gravity of the earth, and the mysteries of the underground world.

Children of Captain Grant - Verne's fifth novel, which appeared in 1868. A letter after the first publication, having combined all the books written earlier and conceived the book into one series, calling it "Unexpectedly expensive". And Verne's novel "Children of Captain Grant" is the author of a complete trilogy. Before her, they have gone, Crimea, so do it: 1870 "Twenty thousand leagues under the water" and creations in 1875 "The Secret Island". The pathos of the heroes will follow the whole trilogy. The stench is not just mandriving, but also fighters different types injustice, colonialism, racism, the slave trade. The appearance of these creations brought him the world's popularity. Jules Verne's biography has become rich. Russian, German, and other languages, in one hour, the first book began to appear.

Living in Am'ene

Jules Verne in 1872 leaving Paris and not turning back. Vin moved to Am'en, a small provincial town. The entire biography of Jules Verne can be reduced to the word "robot" at some point.

Written in 1872 by another author's novel "Navkolo svіtu vіsіmdyat dnіv" vyklikav nadzvychaynyy uspіh. In 1878 p. Vіn having seen the book "The Fifteenth Captain", de hanging a protest against racial discrimination. Tsej tvir gained great popularity on all continents. At the onset of his own novel, which tells about the mass war in America in the 60s, he continues this theme. The book is called "Pivnich against Pivdnya". Vaughn was seen in 1887 roci.

Jules Verne has created 66 novels, including unfinished ones, that looked like the 20th century. In addition, there are more than 20 opi-dans and stories, more than 30 ps, ​​as well as a piece of scientific and documentary work.

Remain the fates of life

Jules Verne Birth 9, 1886 the brush was wounded by Gaston Verne, his nephew. Vіn vistrіliv at the new s revolver. We see that Gaston Verne is mentally ill. After this incident, the writer happened to forget about the road for good.

At 1892 p. our hero took off the well-deserved honor of the city - the Order of the Legion of Honor. Zhul, not long before his death, became blind, having continued to create, create, dictating them. March 24, 1905 Jules Verne died of diabetes. A biography for children and grown-ups, presented in this article, we believe, called out your interest in your creativity.

Jules Verne is a writer and geographer, a classic of useful literature, a founder of the science fiction genre. Alive and working in the 19th century. Zgіdno zі statistics of UNESCO, create Vern sit another place in the world for the number of translations. The life and creativity of this marvelous people can be seen by me.

Jules Verne: biography. childishness

The writer was born in the small French town of Nantes on the 8th of fierce 1828. Batko Yogo Volodya legal control and buv vіdomy among the city dwellers. Mother, a Scotswoman for adventures, loved the arts and spent every hour writing literature at the mystic school. It is important that she pinched her son's love to books and sent Yogo to the writing path. If you want your father to be bachelor at the new one, he will do his job.

From the childhood of Jules Verne, whose biography is presented here, having crossed between two fires, that the floors are swayed by dissimilar people. It's not surprising that I doubted, what a way to choose. At school, the roki read a lot, the mother got books for youmu. Ale has grown up, having become a lawyer, now he has gone to Paris.

Already being mature, write a small autobiographical sketch, in which you will tell about your childishness, the father will learn the basics of legal science, and try the mother of virosity of yoga human art. Unfortunately, the manuscript was not saved; they read it only as close as possible.


Later, after gaining full access, Verne went to Paris to learn. At the same time, the pressure from the side is strong, so that the future writer literally sticks into the house. Ale and at the capital of wines do not know the peace of mind. Batko swears and sends his son away, he is secretly urged to help him enter the Faculty of Law. Vern learns about it, especially fails to sleep and tries to enter another university. So three doti, while in Paris there is only one faculty of jurisprudence left, where you have not yet tried to enter.

Vern bliskuche proyshov _spit and proved the first pіvroku, if you know about those that one of the vikladachіv has long known his father and his friend. For the winter, there was a great family welding, since for a long time the young man did not talk to his father. Prote in 1849 became a graduate of the Jules Verne Faculty of Law. Qualification after completion of training - licentiate of law. However, wine is not in a hurry to turn home and lose it at Paris. At that time, Verne was already beginning to practice with the theater and get to know such masters as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas. Father of wines is directly reminded that you will not become a prodovzhuvachy yogo.

Theatrical activities

The coming splendor of the fates is terrible to need Jules Verne. Biography to tell about those who wrote their lives on the streets, because they didn’t pay for the room. Ale tse did not hesitate to turn around on the path, call on the father, and become a lawyer. The first tvir of Vern was born in the qi frigidity and was born.

One of my friends at the university, bachachi in a difficult camp, victorious comrade zustrіch from the head of the Historical Parisian theater. The potential roboticist is turning the manuscript into the mind that before him is a uniquely talented writer. So, in 1850, a production of P'esi Verne's "Breaking Straws" was first staged on the stage. Won to bring to the writer pershu popularity and z'yavlyayutsya good-natured, ready to finance yoga robot.

Spivpratsya with the theater continued until 1854. This period of Vern's biography is called the posthumous period by the writer's career. The same is formed of the main stylistic features of yoga texts. For the fates of the theatrical work, the writer publishes a piece of comedy, proof of that libreto. A lot of yoga creations continued to be staged more old fates.

Literary success

There are a lot of brown newbies vinіs іz spіvpratsi іz theater Jules Verne. Books of the coming period are already resurrecting with their own themes. Now the writer has been suffocated by the fever to the point of use, he wants to describe those that the author could not possibly want. This is how the light of the first cycle appears, which has taken away the name “Incredibly expensive”.

In 1863, the first tvir of the cycle "Five days on a fresh cool" was rotated. Readers highly appreciated yoga. The reason for the success was those that Vern, having added to the romantic line with suitable and fantastic details, at that time was not suitable for innovations. Knowing your success, continuing to write in the same style Jules Verne. The books come out one by one.

"Over the road" brought popularity and fame to the writer in the fatherland, and then in the world. Yogo romani were richly faceted, which the skin could know for himself in a cicave. Literary criticism was in Jules Verne not just the founder of the fantastic genre, but also a person who believes in scientific and technological progress and the power of reason.

On the road

Take Jules Verne on the road more than on paper. The greatest writer is fond of sea mandri. The new one had three yachts that bore the same name - "Saint-Michel". In 1859, Verne visited Scotland and England, and in 1861 - in Scandinavia. After 6 years of the next year, I went to the transatlantic cruise on the steamboat “Great Eastern” that was visible at the same time from the USA, having flown the Niagara Falls, seeing New York.

In 1878, a writer on his own yacht will rise in price by the Mediterranean Sea. I visited Lisbon, Gibraltar, Tangier and Algeria at my travels. Pіznіshe vin also independently sailed again to England and Scotland.

Take Jules Verne on the road, becoming more and more of a large-scale character. І in 1881 the rotation of the wines was established at the great swimming to Nimechchin, Denmark and the Netherlands. The plans also had a vision of St. Petersburg, a little thought, setting up a storm. The last expedition of the writer was in 1884. I have also visited Malta, Algeria and Italy, as well as the lower lands of the Mediterranean. More expensive prices formed the basis of Verne's rich novels.

The reason for pripinennya more expensive becoming an unfortunate drop. At the birch tree of 1886, the fate of Verne attacked and seriously injured his mentally ill nephew Gaston Verne.

Life Specialist

In youth, the writer of the kilka once died. But all the girls, not respecting the signs of respect from Vern's side, went outside. Tse yogo was embarrassed that, having fallen asleep, a group under the name “Abide eleven bachelors”, which included musicians, writers and artists.

Honorina de Vian became Verne's retinue, who looked like a possible family. The writer got to know her at the small town of Am'ene. Sudy Verne arrived at the celebration of the wedding of her cousin. For pivroku, the writer asked for the hand of a kohanoi.

Sim'ya Jules Verne lived happily ever after. Friends loved one alone and did not demand anything. The slave gave birth to a son, who was called Michel. Under the canopies, the father of the family is not present, to that at the right time he is near Scandinavia. Grown up, Verne's son seriously took up cinematography.


Jules Verne's creations were no less than bestsellers of their time, the stench is filled with requests for that love of riches and today. The author wrote over 30 p.s., 20 short stories and 66 novels, in the middle of which there were omissions and less than in the 20th century. The reason for the lack of interest in Vern's creativity is that the writing storylines and describe the wondrous things, but also depict the characters and living characters. Yogo heroes are no less addictive, like they are familiar with them.

Let's get over ourselves create at home Jules Verne:

  • "Move to the center of the Earth."
  • "From Earth to Moon".
  • "Volodar to the world".
  • "Navkolo Mіsyatsya".
  • "To know the world in 80 days".
  • "Michael Strogoff".
  • "Ensign of the Fatherland".
  • "15th captain".
  • "20,000 leagues under the water" and in.

But in his novels, Vern does not only talk about the greatness of science, but he guards: knowledge can be won for malicious purposes. Such a setting to the progress of the power of the written robots of the writer.

"Children of Captain Grant"

The novel was published in parts from 1865 to 1867. Vin, having become the first part of the trilogy, they continued “20,000 leagues under the water” and “The Secret Island”. Tvіr has a three-part form and is distributed in fallow land depending on who is the main hero of the opovіd. The main meta mandriving is to know Captain Grant. For the sake of this, they have to visit Pivdenny America, Australia and New Zealand.

"Children of Captain Grant" was recognized as one of Verne's best novels. This is a wonderful example of not only suitable, but also youthful literature, which is easy to read for a schoolboy.

"Hidden Island"

This is a robinsonade novel, a kind of vision in 1874 roci. The final part of the trilogy. The children of creation are roaring on the vigadan island, de virishiv captain Nemo is in power, like a rush of water on the underwater canal of Nautilus created by him. Vipadkovo on the island itself, five heroes are taken, who flowed from the full on the winding cool. The stinks begin to develop deserted lands, from which science knowledge is helped. However, it is not uncommon to say that the island is not so deserted anymore.


Jules Verne (the biography does not confirm that he was seriously engaged in science) having chimed in his novels, there were a lot of criticisms and wines. Let's recap the names of them:

  • TV broadcast
  • Cosmic health, protection and interplanetary. Also, the writer passed the low moment in space exploration, for example, using aluminum during the life of the projectile car.
  • scuba diving
  • Electric style.
  • So, in that number with an inverted thrust vector, and a helicopter.
  • Life of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian highways.

Ale traplelissya at the writer's and unrestricted admissions. For example, so it was not revealed to the underground channel, roztashovanu under the Suez Canal. Thus, becoming impossible to water the harmonic shell on the Moon. I want to myself, through this pardon, Tsiolkovsky virishiv, take up the science of space benefits.

For his time, Jules Verne was a marvelous person, as she was not afraid to look into the future and dream about science, as the scientists could not allow.

Jules Gabriel Verne (fr. Jules Gabriel Verne). Born February 8, 1828 in Nantes, France - died February 24, 1905 in Am'ene, France. French geographer and writer, classic of suitable literature, one of the founders of science fiction.

Member of the French Geographic partnership. For UNESCO statistics, the books of Jules Verne serve another place of translation in the world, doing less than the works of Agati Christ.

Batko is a lawyer P'єr Vern (1798-1871), who led his journey from these Provencal lawyers. Mother - Sophia-Nanina-Henrietta Allot de la Fuy (1801-1887), a small Scottish root. Jules Verne was the first child in five. After a new birth: brother Paul (1829) those three sisters: Anna (1836), Matilda (1839) and Marie (1842).

Jules Verne's retinue was named Honorina de Vian (at the Morel dyvostve). Honorina was a widow and had two children in her first child. On May 20, 1856, the fate of Jules Verne came to Am'en for the pleasure of his friend, de first and bestowed on Honorine. On September 10, 1857, the fate of the stench took off and settled in Paris, de Verne has been alive for a few years. Through chotiri roki, on 3 sick days, 1861, Honorina gave birth to a son, Michel (born in 1925), her single child. Jules Verne was not present at the time of the people, oskolki mandruvav Scandinavia. Sin took up cinematography and screened a lot of his father’s works - “Twenty thousand leagues under the water” (1916), “Jean Morin’s Share” (1916), “Black India” (1917), “Pivdenna Zirka” (1918), “P'yatsot millions of bigums "" (1919).

Onuk - Jean-Jules Verne (1892-1980), the author of a monograph about the life and work of his grandfather, having worked on some wines for about 40 years (published in France in 1973, the Russian translation was made in 1978 by the publisher of "Progress"). Great-grandson - Jean Verne (b. 1962), an operatic tenor, who knew the manuscript of the novel "Paris at the XX century", which old fates were inspired by the family myth.

The son of a lawyer, Verne, having developed jurisprudence in Paris, ale love to literature inspired him to take a different path. In 1850 Verne's play "Breaking Straws" was successfully staged at the "Historical Theater" by A. Dumas. In 1852-1854, Vern worked as secretary to the director of the Lyric Theatre, then became a stockbroker, not sticking to writing comedy, libreto, and explanation.

In 1863, he published the first novel in the cycle “Incredible Roads” in the journal of J. Etzel, “The Journal for Enlightenment and Recovery,” the first novel in the cycle “Incredible Roads”: “Five days on a repeated cool” (Russian translation of 1864 by M. A. Golovachov, 306 p., under the title : "Povitryana more expensive through Africa. Stored behind the notes of Professor Fergusson Julijem Vern").

Good luck with the novel after suffocating Vern; Vіrishiv and nadalі pracsyuvati in tsimu "keys", accompanying romantically fit your heroes with more and more master descriptions of names, protesting diligently thought out scientific miracles, narodzhenih yogo in the wake.

The cycle was continued by Romani:

"Move to the center of the Earth" (1864),
"More expensive is the use of Captain Hatteras" (1865),
"From Earth to Moon" (1865),
"Children of Captain Grant" (1867),
"Navkolo Mіsyatsya" (1869),
"Twenty thousand leagues under the water" (1870),
"Learn the world in 80 days" (1872),
"Hidden Island" (1874),
"Mihailo Strogoff" (1876),
"The Fifteenth Captain" (1878),
"Robur the Conqueror" (1886)
and many others.

Zagalom Jules Verne wrote 66 novels, including unfinished, published for example of the XX century, as well as over 20 short stories, over 30 p.s., documentaries and scientific works.

The creativity of Jules Verne was adopted by the romanticism of science, faith for the benefit of progress, shirking before the power of thought. I sensibly describe the struggle of national freedom.

In the novels of Jules Verne, the readers knew not only the intricacies of the description of the technique, the more expensive, but also bright and vivid images of noble heroes (Captain Hatteras, Captain Grant, Captain Nemo), sympathetic divakuvatyh vchenih (Professor Lidenbrok, Dr. Kloubonn,.

Some of his creative works have a fear of victories of science in evil purposes: “The Flag of the Fatherland” (1896), “Volodar to the Light”, (1904), “The Unknown Use of the Barsak’s Expedition” (1919) (the novel was completed by the son of the writer, Michel Verne).

The faith in the post-progress has changed to the alarming windfalls of incompetence. Prote tsi books have never been so majestic success, like doing yoga in the future.

After the death of the writer lost large number unpublished manuscripts, which continue to appear in the light and dos. So, the novel "Paris at the XX century" 1863 was published only in 1994.

Jules Verne was not a “cabinet” writer, he increased the price of light a lot, including on his yachts “Saint-Michel I”, “Saint-Michel II” and “Saint-Michel III”. In 1859, the roci of wines went up in price to England and Scotland. In 1861 having visited Scandinavia.

In 1867, Verne made a transatlantic cruise on the Great Eastern steamboat in the Happy State, having visited New York, on the Niagara Falls.

In 1878, Jules Verne made a great trip on the yacht "Saint-Michel III" by the Mediterranean Sea, seeing Lisbon, Tangier, Gibraltar and Algiers. In 1879, on the yacht "Saint-Michel III" Jules Verne again visited England and Scotland. In 1881 Jules Verne on his yacht visited the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. They also planned to fly to St. Petersburg, having started a strong storm.

In 1884, Jules Verne, the roci, made his last great price more expensive. I visited Algeria, Malta, Italy and other lands of the Mediterranean on "Saint-Michel III" wines. Rich yoga trips formed the basis of "Incredible Roads" - "Floating Place" (1870), "Black India" (1877), "Green Promin" (1882), " Lottery ticket No. 9672" (1886) and others.

9 bereznya 1886 Jules Verne was seriously wounded in a tassel by a shot from a revolver mentally ill by his nephew Gaston Verne, Paul's son, and I happened to forget about the road for good.

In 1892, the writer became a holder of the Order of Honorary Legion.

Not long before his death, Vern went blind, but just continued dictating books on his own. Pismennik died on February 24, 1905 due to cerebrodiabetes. After his death, the card index of the writer was lost, which includes over 20 thousand letters from the records of the ancient galleries of human knowledge.

Prophecies of Jules Verne:

1. Changes:

In their creations, they transferred science knowledge and wines in various areas, including scuba gear, television and space services.
Electric style.
Litak("Volodar svіtu").
Gvintokril("Robur the Conqueror").
Pour into space, including for a month("From the Earth for the Moon"), interplanetary more expensive(Hector Servadac).
In the novels "From the Earth to the Month on a straight road for 97 years 20 years" and "Navkolo Month" Jules Verne conveyed some moments of the future space exploration: Vikoristannya aluminum as the main metal for the life of a projectile car. Regardless of the high quality of aluminum in the 19th century, it was transferred to the future for the needs of the aerospace industry.
As the start of the monthly expedition, the city of Stones Hill near Florida was selected. This place is close to the opening of the current spaceport on the Canaveral Missile.
The first flight on the Month and Jules Verne, and it was true that the quarter, the crew included three astronauts and two space vehicles were brought to the same and the same region of the Atlantic.
Video conferencing and TV broadcasting(“Paris in the XX century”).
Life of the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Mongolian highways(“Clodius Bombarnak. Reporter's note-book about the Great Trans-Asian Highway (From Russia to Beijing)”).
Flying with a change in thrust vector(“Nezvichayny come in handy for the expedition of Barsak”).
Principal passability of Pivnichny sea way for one navigation(“You know from the dead “Cynthia””).
Innodі Vernu pomilkovo ascribed the forecast of the underwater chovn. In truth, for hours Vern's water lines were already founded. However, according to the described characteristics, "Nautilus" reverses the waters of the 21st century. So it’s not entirely correct to attribute to Vern the prophecy of cinematography in the novel "The Castle near the Carpathians" - at the book of the castle of sleeping, it was a static hologram, crushed for the help of an enchanting lighter. At one time, the information about the possibility of prioritizing the description of invisibility is overshadowed by the second one - the novel "The Secret of Wilhelm Storitz" was written after the testimony of Fitz James O'Brien and Edward Mitchell Page, and published only in 1910.

1. Unspecified:

Land at the Pivnichny Pole(Help Captain Hatteras) and ocean on Pivdenny(“Twenty thousand leagues under the water”): everything appeared out of the blue.
Underground channel under the Suez Canal(“Twenty thousand leagues under the water”).
Pilot flight for the month at the harmonic shell. Varto signify that this “pardon” spurred K. E. Tsiolkovsky to the development of the theory of space benefits.
The Earth's core is colder.
The series "Robur the Conqueror", "Volodar Svitu" describes 3 types of airborne devices that are important for repetition: a helicopter, an ornithopter and a paraglider. But the widest paraglider of our time did not deserve its own history. Natomist boules "Albatross" and "Terrible".

French literature

Jules Verne


French writer-humanist, one of the founders of the genre of science fiction. Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828 in the rich port city of Nantes (France), with his lawyer. In 20 years, fathers led administrations to the Parisian college with the method of improving legal education. Literary activity was discovered in 1849, having written a sprat p'єs (vaudevilles and comic operas). “My first creation was a small comedy at the top, written with the participation of Oleksandr Dumasin, who was left with one of my best friends until his very death. The bula was called "The Breaking Straws" and was staged on the stage of the Historical Theatre, the head of the father Dumas. P'isa is small singing success and for the joy of Dumas Sr. "Don't worry, - pissed me off. - I give you an absolute guarantee that there is one buyer. I will be the buyer!’ […] It suddenly became clear to me that create dramatic do not give me neither glory, nor the benefits of life. At the tі roka I huddled in the attic and was even more vigilant. (From an interview with Jules Verne to journalists) As a secretary at the Lyric Theater, Jules Verne wrote in one of the popular magazines, writing notes on historical and popular science topics. The work on the first novel, "Five Days on the Windy Cool," began in the autumn of 1862, and for example, the novel had already been supervised by the Parisian seer P'er-Jules Etzel, who worked with him for about 25 years. Jules Verne is guilty of a contract with Etzel, buv shorіchno vіddavati vidavtsevі two new novels or one two-volume (P'єr Jules Etzel died in 1886 roci and agreed to continue with yogo sin). Nezabar the novel was translated by all European movies and brought popularity by the authors. The greatest financial success was in the part of the novel "Towards the world in 80 days", instructed in 1872.

Jules Verne was a sticky mandrill: on his yacht "Saint-Michel" in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, seeing Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Holland, Scandinavia, going to African waters. In 1867, Jules Verne, having visited Pivnіchnіy Ameritsі: “One French company brought an ocean-going steamboat “Great-Istern”, to transport Americans to the Paris exhibition ... We saw with my brother New York that kilka of other places, we took Niagara to pay, at the menu ... celebrated the unforgetable defeat of the tracts of the calm giant waterfall. (From the interview of Jules Verne to journalists)

Those who transfer scientific reports and wines that are avenged in the novels of Jules Verne step by step, the science fiction writer explains as follows: If I'm talking about some kind of scientific phenomenon, then I'll continue to follow all the available me dzherel and work on the whiskey, relying on impersonal facts. Well, to the accuracy of the descriptions, then in the future, I write to all the excerpts from books, newspapers, magazines, various abstracts and comments, which I have prepared in reserve and step by step. All these notes are relativly classified as material for my short stories and novels. Everyday my book is not written without the help of a file cabinet. I respectfully look over twenty newspapers, diligently read all the available science reports, and, believe me, I’m constantly stunned a little bit, if I know about some new information ... ”(from Jules Verne’s interview to journalists) One of the templates in the great biblical Jules Verne's orders for the impersonal oak screens. In order, there were laid out unidentified notes, notes, verses from newspapers and magazines, pasted on cards of the same format. The cards were picked up on those and put into paper wrappers. There were nezshiti zoshiti of various comrades. Zagal, following the words of Jules Verne, he had accumulated close to twenty thousand such zoshitiv, like avenging the cicadas of the windows of knowledge. Rich readers were given that novels were written by Jules Verne at random easily. In one of the interviews, the writer commented as follows similar statements: “Nothing comes easily to me Chomus richly someone thinks that my work is the purest improvisation. Yaka fool! I can’t get down to work, because I don’t know the cob, the middle of that end of my future novel. Dosi I’m going to get happy with that sensi, that for the skin creation in my head there was not one, but a few dozen ready-made schemes. Great significance I give rozvyaztsi. If the reader is able to guess what must be folded, then such a book would not be possible to write. In order for the novel to be worthy, it is necessary to find a good, unpredictable and at the same time optimistic rozvyazka. If there is a kіstjak to the plot at the head, if the best one is chosen from the number of possible options, then only the offensive stage of work begins - at the writing table. […] I’m starting to call those that I’m choosing from the card index all the transcripts, as if they’re talking about those; I sort them out, I twist them, and I complete a hundred percent of a future novel. Then I'll work on the front lines and put together a plan of divisions. Then I write in black olive, filling wide margins - pivstorinki - for corrections and additions. But still not a novel, but only a framework for a novel. With such a look, the manuscript should be in the hands of a doctor. In the first proofreading, I correct my skin proposition and often write the number of divisions. The rest of the text comes out after the fifth, somoy or, trapleyaetsya, ninth proofreading. I’m clearer than anything else, I’m not working on the manuscripts, but the other bits. Luckily, I have seen a better mind and do not put the usual borders in front of me ... But if I take it into account that I am a rich writer, then everything is easy for you. Nothing like that!.. […] Zavdyaks zvichtsі to shchennoї work at the table from the fifth early morning until noon me already richly rokіv had a chance to write two books a day. The truth is, such an order of life has been greedy for deaky victims. So that nothing seemed to sound right, I moved from galaslivy Paris to calm, quiet Am'en and I have been living here for many years - since 1871. You ask why I chose Am'en? This place is especially dear to me, because here my squad was born and here I got to know her. To the ranks of the municipal council of Am'en, I write annitroch no less than literary popularity. (From the interview of Jules Verne to journalists)

“I try to protect the ability of young readers, for whom all my books are written. Practicing over my novels, I always think about those - don’t let it go to mischief in mysticism - so that my pen didn’t come up with the same side, the same phrase, as children could not read and understand. […] My life was spovnene diysnymi and vyavnymi podiya. I have a lot of wonderful speeches, and even more marvelous things were created by my imagination. Yakby only knew how sorry I was for those who so early had to complete my earthly path and say goodbye to life at the end of the era, which promises many miracles! rіk)

In 1903, in one of the sheets, Jules Verne wrote: “I am running harder and harder, my dear sister. There was no cataract operation yet ... Moreover, I was deaf in one ear. Father, I’m now a little less than half the foolishness and malice, to walk in the light, but I didn’t think much of it!” Jules Verne died at the age of 8 on the 24th of February 1905 in the small town of Am'ien (France). Funeral of his house in Am'enі. Two years after the death of Jules Verne, a monument was erected on his grave, which depicted a science fiction writer raised from the dust, with a hand stretched out to the stars. Until the end of 1910, the fate of the skin was povrichchya, as if it was shaking forty-two years, Jules Verne continued to give readers a new volume of "Incredibly expensive".

Jules Verne is the author of about a hundred books, in the middle of some verses, p'єsi, descriptions, about 70 novels and novels: "Five tizhnіv on a povіtryanіy kuli" (1862; novel; ”), “Come up to the center of the Earth” (1864; novel), “From the Earth for a Month” (1865; novel; Jules Verne chose Florida as a start and placed his “cosmodrome” not far from the Canaveral Missis, the novel is so correctly indicated on the cob swidk , necessary for the wind on the Earth), “Children of Captain Grant” (1867-1868; novel), “Navko Mіsyatsya” (1869; novel; descriptions of the effect of negligence, the descent of a spaceship, The Pacific Ocean is three miles from that month, which was launched in 1969 by Apollo 11, which turned around for the month), “20,000 leagues under the water” (1869-1870; novel), “Towards the world in 80 days” (1872; novel ), "The Secret Island" (1875; novel), "The Fifteenth Captain" (1878; novel), "500 million in Bigumi" (1879), "At the XXIX century. One Day of an American Journalist in 2889 Rots" (1889; publication), "The Floating Island" (1895; novel), "Rivnyanya for Ensign" (1896), "Volodar Svitu" (1904; novel), works on geography and history of geographical records .

Jules Verne, French writer-humanist, pioneer of the genre of science fiction, was born on the 8th of February 1828 at the city of Nantes, at his lawyer. In 1848, the young man was sent to the Parisian college, following in the footsteps of his father and becoming a lawyer.

Jules Verne's first literary accomplishment was the small comedy Breaking Straws, written at the suggestion of his best friend Oleksandr Dumasin. Assuring that dramaturgy will not give you any creative satisfaction or finances, in 1862 Jules Verne began to work on the novel "Five Days on a Winding Cooler". Vіdomy French seer Pierre-Jules Etzel, having seen the novel at that fate, having done with Jules for the sake of it, for which the rest he can carefully create two novels per river for seeing. The novel "Towards the World in 80 Days", which is the achievement of the greatest financial success for more than 150 years, today is the vision of science fiction.

The phenomenon of the transfer of scientific wines, crushed on the robots of Jules Verne, the writer himself explained in a simple way. Behind the words of Vern, doslіdzhuyuchi like a scientific phenomenon, vіvchav vіvchav all nayavnu іnformatsiyu z th food - books, magazines, calls. The new information was classified in filing cabinets and served as material for fantastic scientific wineries, as they really did. It seemed to the readers that Jules Verne’s intoxicating novels were easy for them, prote after yoga words, the work on the skin novel started from the notes from the author’s card index (which, before the speech, had about 20 thousand letters), on the basis of these notes, sketches of the plan of the novel were made, then black was written in new. As if by guessing a science fiction writer, the residual version of the manuscript appeared only after the last, or after the ninth correction of the proofreader. To become a good writer, Jules Verne viviv his formula for success - work on the manuscript from the fifth mark before noon in a calm, quiet environment. For whom, in 1871, the rozі moved to the place of Am’en, where they got to know their future squad.

In 1903, Jules Verne practically put his mind and ear into practice, and continued to dictate the texts of his novels to his assistant. Jules Verne died on the 24th of February 1905 due to diabetes.

Jules Verne- an extremely popular French writer, the founder of science fiction at once from Herbert George Wells. Create Verna, written as for young people, so for grown-ups, imagined the accepting spirit of the 19th century, yoga charm, scientific progress and winemaking. Some of the novels of this world were written in the form of travel notes, like taking readers for the month from “From the Earth to the Moon” or in a different way – from “Road to the Center of the Earth”. A wealth of Verne's ideas turned out to be prophetic. Among the most popular yoga books handy novel"To know the world in 80 days" (1873).

“Ah - the yak is more expensive - the yak is miracle that is incredibly expensive! We entered the Earth through one volcano, and we entered through another. And the other one knew more than twelve thousand leagues from Sneffels, from the dreary edge of Iceland ... We left the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eternal snows and left behind the Syrian fog of the blue expanses to turn to the black sky of Sicily! (From "Move to the center of the Earth", 1864)

Jules Verne was born and died at Nantes.

Yogo dad was a successful lawyer. In order to continue the family tradition, Vern moved to Paris and developed jurisprudence. Yogo uncle presented yoga in literary kolakhs, and started publishing p'esi under the influx of such writers, like Victor Hugo and Oleksandr Dumas (sin), whom Verne knew especially. Irrespective of those that most of the time, Vern, having devoted the writing of books, having taken off his lawyer's diploma. For the whole hour, Vern was suffering from problems from etching, yakі periodically turbulent yoga stretching his whole life.

In 1854 Charles Baudelaire translated the works of Edgar in French. Verne became one of the most famous American writers and wrote his "Hurry Up on the Cooling Cool" (1851) under Po's infusion. Pіznіshe Jules Verne write a continuation of the unfinished novel "The Investigation of Gordon Pіm", titles to him "The Sphinx of the Criss-Rivnin" (1897). If yogo kar'єra became a writer, Vern reverted to brokerage, right, what kind of wine was he occupied with the publication of the novel "Five days on a povіtryany kulі" (1863), which went up to the series "Non-principled roads". In 1862, Verne got to know Pierre Jules Etzel, a seer and writer for children, who published Verne's "Invisible Roads". The stench spivpratsyuvali until the end of the creative path of Jules Verne. Etzel is also the father of Balzac and George Sand. Vіn respectfully read Vern's manuscripts and did not hesitate to pronounce the correction. Verne's early work, "Paris of the 20th century" was not worthy of seeing, and it did not appear in the press until 1997 in the English language.

Romany Verna has gained popularity among the world without a hitch. Without consecration of the vchennogo that dosvіdu mandrivnik Vern spent most of his time at the dues for his creations. On the basis of fantasy literature, for example, "Alice in the Land of Wonders" (1865) by Lewis Carroll, Verne tried to be realistic and to look at facts in detail. If Wells had “The First Man on the Moon” guilty of “cavorite”, substance, incapable of gravitation, Verne was dissatisfied: “I set my heroes on the Moon out of gunpowder, so it can be true. Does Mr. Wells know his "Cavorite"? Let me show you yoga! Prote, if the logic of the novel superimposed modern scientific knowledge, Vern did not finish the facts. "Towards the World in 80 Days" - a novel about the realism and cost of Phileas Fogg - the foundations on the real cost of the American George Francis Train (1829-1904). “Come on the road to the center of the Earth” infuriating criticism from a glance of geology. The story tells about the expedition, as it penetrates the very heart of the Earth. In "Hector Servadaku" (1877), Hector and his servant fly around the entire Sonyachnu system on the comet.

In "Twenty Thousand Limes Under the Water", Verne described one of the ancestors of today's superheroes, the misanthropic Captain Nemo and the marvelous underwater chauvin Nautilus, named after Robert Fulton's steam submarine. "Hidden Island" - a novel about the exploits of people who stumbled on a deserted island. In these creations, for which films have been repeatedly filmed, Vern, having learned the science and wines, has come with benefits that have been brutalized to the past. Some of your creations have become a reality: your spaceship has blown the right rocket to the wine-going way for a lifetime. The first electric underwater choven, prompted by 1886. two Englishmen, names Nautilus in honor of the Vernovsky ship. The first nuclear submarine, launched in 1955, was also named Nautilus.

Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Water (1954) (directed by Richard Fleischer), winning an Oscar for special features that included a mechanical giant squid carved by Bob Mettle. Interiors of Nautilus were created after the book of Jules Verne. James Mason is the engraving of Captain Nemo, and Kirk Douglas is Ned Land, a hefty sailor. Mike Todd's film "Towards the World in 80 Days" (1957) having won the Academy Award for the Beautiful Picture, but failed to win the Academy Award for 44 other roles. 8552 creatures were filmed in the film, and among them there are Skelyastih gir, biks and veslyuks. 4 ostriches also appeared on the screen.

In the first period of his career, Vern expressed optimism about the central role of Europe in the social and technical development of the world. What is the cost of winemaking at the gallery of technology, Verna often superchilled the facts. At the Earth on the Moon, a giant garmata is shooting the head hero into orbit. Be it a modern teaching, having said to the bi you at once, that the hero of the murders is the cob of cobs. Proteidea of ​​cosmic harmony first appeared in the press in the 18th century. And earlier, Cyrano de Bergerac, having written “Road on the Sun and Moon” (1655) and describing in one of his explanations a rocket for space travel.

“It’s hard to say that, having seriously accepted Vern’s idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthієї majestic harmony, it’s written richly in the description to douse with my hot-tempered ... It’s possible to believe that such a harmata would be incited, it could be suitable for putting shells on Mіsya. But it’s unlikely that I’m right in thinking that some of the passengers could survive this next time” (Arthur Clark, 1999).

The main part of the work of Vern Bula was written before 1880. In Verne's novels one can see the pessimism of some future human civilization. At his post "Eternal Adam" the upcoming 20th century was overwhelmed by geological cataclysms. In "Robur the Conqueror" (1886), Vern passed the people of the ship more importantly, lower again, and in the continuation of the novel, "Volodar the Light" (1904), the winemaker Robur suffers from mania of greatness and gray in the guts and bears with power.

The life of Verna after 1860 was not rich in podia, but bourgeois. Vіn went up in price with his brother Paul from the USA in 1867, seeing the Niagara Falls. Under the hour of a trip on the ships of the Mediterranean, yoga soared in Gibraltar, Pivnichniy Africa, and in Rome, Pope Leo XII blessed yoga and yoga books. In 1871 p. after settling in Am'enі and being recruited as a radnik in 1888. In 1886, Vern had a slow swing. Yogo's paranoid nephew, Gaston, stabbed you in the leg, and a writer of delirium until the end of his life. Gaston did not wince at his illness.

At the 28th century, Verne made friends with Honorina de Viana, a young widow with two children. Vin is alive from his family at the great zamіskom house and sometimes sailing on yachts. On the fringes of one’s own family, having begun to splurge on Prince Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921), who devoted himself to revolutionary activity, and whose specialty, perhaps, vplyvali on the gentry anarchist from “The Shipwreck of the Jonathan” (1909). Interest Virna to socialist theories already commemorated in "Matias Shandor" (1885).

For over 40 years, Vern published only one book per river. Irrespective of those that Vern wrote about exotic destinations, having risen in price, it was not rich enough - the only yoga flight on the balloon was three times 24 hours. At the leaf of Etzel, the wine is known: “Yes, I am the will of God. I have ruined the midst of the names of my heroes. I’m only sorry about one thing: I can’t escort them pedibus cum jambis.” Verne's creations include 65 novels, about 20 descriptions and es, 30 p'es, a sprinkling of geographic works, as well as an opera libretto.

Vern died in Aménі on the 24th of Birch, 1905. Pratsі Verne suffocated the impersonal directors: from Georges Melier (“From the Earth to the Moon”, 1902) and Walt Disney (“20000 leagues under the water”, 1954) to Henry Levin (“at”, 1959) and Irvine Alyon (“P'yat tizhnіv on povіtryanіy kuli”, 1962). The Italian artist Giorgio de Chiroco was also inspired by the works of Verne and wrote an etude “From a Metaphysical Mystery” based on them: ; the haziness of a week-long London afternoon, the melancholy of a human being, a walking phantom, as Phileas Fogg appears to us in How Much Light in 80 Days? Tvіr Jules Verne napovnenie tsimi radio and vtіshnimi moments; I remember the description of the steamboat management from Liverpool in his novel The Floating Island.

On the 27th of spring 2015, the first monument to a writer in Russia was unveiled on the embankment of Fedorovsky near Nizhny Novgorod.

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