Literary liknep. Find the creative work of Leo Tolstoy

Like Pushkin in poetry, so Tolstoy in prose is our everything! I don’t care about those that Lev Mikolayovich has all five full-length novels, only a few dozen stories, that one trilogy - “Childhood. Childhood. Youth". Opovіdannya, fairy tales, tales, verses, translate, create dramatic - few people know what they do, they do not merit. Possibly, thinking about them more often, a lot of people would know their own new Tolstoy.

Self-confidence of a prose writer, yoga literary style

What inspires the creativity of Leo Tolstoy is a reflection in the new identity of the author himself: the creation of a “spontaneous artist” and a “reasonable thinker” in a single whole. The very same ones who are trying to lay out on the atom the legacy of the writer's work richly rokiv. Create L. N. Tolstoy - krinitsa for their vishukuvan. Artistic and philosophical cob, outwardly zanurennya in qi, two polar styles call out to the reader when reading, from writers, critics, hromadas diyachiv - unbagged zhagu doslіdzhennya, mirkuvan and superechok.

Acts from them allow the author's background to be in two roles, as if they are radically different and fight among themselves. Already in the first yogo's work - "Childhood and youth" - the philosophy of images in the shortest її showed to the readers the marvelous beauty of the prose of such a brilliant writer, like Leo Tolstoy. The author's acknowledgment of that yog іnshі create creations in a unique style, which gave him the glory of the greatest Russian writer.

Top 5 works of Leo Tolstoy

Our success with you comes out of the designation of "The best book" (in our opinion "The best book of the writer"), replacing yoga with Top-10, Top-100. Let's try to create the Top 10 works of Lev Mikolayovich.

Two novels deservedly claim the first place - "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace". In the skin of us, bring one of them to the point of mischief, whom we would call to the top row. Point їх - on the right zayva, that th superechka can drag on. For our Top parade, it’s the first time for both of us, and we move on to another.

The novel “Nedilya”, the trilogy “Childhood. Childhood. Youth”, based on “The Kreutzer Sonata”, “Notes of the Divine”, “The Helper's Early” - all the stench of reading, liking and dosі demanded by cinematographers and theater directors of the world. If it is more reasonable to place the novel and the trilogy on the third, and the novel and the trilogy are left on the other, then the prize trio is already available to these best works of Tolstoy. For three months in our Top 10, the cycle “Sevastopol Confessions”, the story “Hadji Murat” and dramatic TV"Vlada darken, otherwise the Claw will wilt, all the birds of the abyss."

Zvichayno, our ten, in a way we guessed the best works of L. N. Tolstoy - just think about the topic, but as a whole it’s imovirno and zbіg її with the thought of rich readers.

"War and Peace" - about whom and about what

A good reader didn’t ask, but what the heck is a novel about? About the heroism of the Russian army, about the stoic courage and valor of our soldiers, about the honor and dignity of the nobility, what about the people’s faces, like they turn on aphids that are not easy for the state?

Brilliant TV, as the author of the non-repetitive Leo Tolstoy - "War and Peace"! The author does not suggest to the skin reader himself to know the evidence for the question: to whom the war is over - to avenge the main battles in a practical way with a completely reliable historical accuracy, whoever you want to learn from the beautiful description of the feelings experienced by the heroes - obov'yazkovo know from the novels who are joking.

In a work unique in its scale, style, my work, like the novel "War and Peace", a row of skins of inspiration for the main ones - the happiness of a wonderful life, in mountains, in joy. At the new one and those, and else go in parallel, crock at crochet, plych-o-plych krіz usі testing that membrane. Good, zvichayno, overcome, and we will knock down evil in the world.

Chi sympathizing with Hanna Karenina її creator

Like in “War and Light”, in “Anna Karenina”, two polar loves are explored: subsistence, pure, sinless, and its opposite - lowly vicious, mayzhe brudne. Tolstoy provokes the reader to interpret the words of Annie and Vronsky at the mouth of the “light”, giving him the most virishite steps of the higher and lower of their senses. The author tries not to vibudovuvati between the designated concrete walls, moving from one place to another unremembered: on the same row, we will be sure of the truth of this kohanny, on the other - yogo condemned. І nemov hitki, but part of the place between them in rows - the torment of the main heroes, їх sumnivta residual vibration, no matter what.

Also, how does the author himself give an assessment to his character? Vipravdovuє її, spіvchuvaє, shkoduє, pіdtremuє? Tolstoy here plays the role of an irreconcilable moralist - in all his works, the wickedness of the kohanna is doomed to a tragic end. The author, having created his heroine, in order to showcase and drive others into science. The image, which calls out sympathy, does not flinch so richly tormented.

"Childhood" as one of the main works of Tolstoy

The story takes up more space for the creative writer. Chi is not the first tvir, de declaring to himself like a great author Leo Tolstoy - "Childhood". Not to the one who, in front of the reader, reveals the inaccessible comprehension of grown-up problems of a little man, how to grow light in a grown-up way, who is alive, who does not veil good and evil, breadth and falseness. The reader after Nikolenka goes through the school of yoga grown up, analyzes yoga and other people's vchinki, learns to accept the world in such a way as to succumb to you.

Uminnya lad to sharply consider cunning, slyness, yogo experience because of the fact that you are unacceptable as a bone of guilt and in your own way, to frighten the reader, look around at childishness and rethink your vchinki. With Nikolenka, you can learn to love people, not less quiet, with whom you live, but quiet, whoever is friendly with him, hitting your child’s heart. And also tell a story, how not to ruine tse kokhannya. Clever to read between rows richly give to those who learn to understand this TV, like small prose, like writing Leo Tolstoy - an explanation.

The subject of Lev Mikolayovich's defense

About the living nature of those lifeless creatures, about tying children and wise grown-ups. Not so rich in the new description, in this list there are only dozens of creations, most of them, as already mentioned, are unknown to a wide range of readers. Something more spared such species little prose from Tolstoy's fall, like "After the Ball", "Stribok", "False Coupon", "The Power of Childhood", "Rozmov with Passing", and, of course, the cycle "Sevastopol's Advice".

Note the intensity of the written evidence of posterity from 1905 to 1909, the remains of the life of Lev Mikolayovich, he died, apparently, in 1910. The majestic period of his life was not devoted to other genres of literature, for which there was simply no evidence. Rozpovіdі for children, let's talk about how varto is, to that world of tsikh voraє vrazhaє with their depths, subtle transfer of the child's hostility about the problems of life, explaining the formation of її specialness. This topic was known in such a genre as the tales of Leo Tolstoy.

Rozpovidi about children and for children

More space for the creativity of a writer is occupied by prose for children and about themselves. Trilogy "Childhood. Childhood. Youth” Tolstoy did not enclose the knowledge, such paths form the specialty of a person in the form of a people and before entering the age of life. Rozpovidi “Three Vedmedi”, “Like Uncle Semyon having told about those who had a fox with him” and “Cow”, which comes in before the collection of “Nova ABC”, rekindling love for children and sleeping with them to their little problems. Create L. N. Tolstoy rich in thoughts about children.

Rozpovid "Philipok" was born after a respectful guardian of the writer for the village children and a simple intercourse with them. Lev Mikolayovich always knew the hour for the villagers, at his school to build a school for their children. And one of the first warnings, which can be carried to the children, you can name a small story about the dog Bulk, and I will tell you the only close truth - to your master. Until his death, Leo Tolstoy, having guessed his childishness, as if he wanted to know the “green stick”, as if he helped him to make all the lands happy.

Misce tales and fairy tales in Tolstoy's work

Just like the prose of Ivan Andriyovich Krilov, we remember children and lessons from native language, so do the tales of Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy, which seep into subtle morality.

  • "Vovk and old".
  • "The lion is the dog."
  • "Crane that leleka."
  • "The head is the tail of the snake."
  • "Torik".
  • "The dog is that її tin".
  • "Mavpa and peas."
  • "Bilka ta vovk".
  • "Lion, donkey and fox".
  • "Lion and Bear".

Only a small part of the famous tales that replicate the great works of L. N. Tolstoy, which we love. Through the tales of vin vismіyuvav those that are important to explain in people, and that for the new one himself were unacceptable: deceit and cunning, anger and hatred, foulness and zrada. Proliferating figures were shown in yoga prose for an hour undefeated, open to attacks, and, apparently, more lovely. Tolstoy didn’t care what works for children, and wrote his own tales of wines more for them, there is no room for correcting low-grade works, it is necessary to easily and simply explain what is “good” and what is “bad”. And even more important, that children should be wiser and wiser finer morals closer to the truth, less grown up.

Protiborstvo kokhannya and obov'yazku - vіdmіnna rice characterіv Tolstoy's characters

Those ingenious things that Leo Tolstoy created in his life - "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", yoga stories, tales, fairy tales and explanations, instilled morality in front of him. Vin transferring to papyrus his religious dogmas, his spiritual thoughts and sumnivs, his perekonannya and imbuing them with characters, somehow sympathetic. In some yoga creations, there is a slight humor in the daytime, and the skin phrase was suvoro vivirena, universally thought out. Vіn often rewriting those that have already been published in magazines, turning out the ideal character, in your opinion.

The image of Kostyantin Levin in "Anna Karenina" is placed before us with great special love for Kitty and a sense of obedience to his perekonan. The unique and majestic Pier Bezukhov from “War on the World”, Mikola Rostov, who took on the Borg father and did not take a penny for redemption from the support of his squad - Prince Bolkonskaya. A lot of yoga characters go through the torments of bazhan and real twists. The author passes them through psychological testing and induces stronger and more powerful characters. Such a letter and light of a writer, having left L.N. Tolstoy for us. Create explanations for children, fairy tales, tales, grown-ups - novels, short stories, dramaturgy. They are so near and dear to us.

Leo Mikolayovich Tolstoy was three years old more than twenty years old, when he started learning the literacy of village children in his mother. Work in the Yasnaya Polyana school of wines continued with breaks until the end of life, over folding primary books pratsyuvav long and buried. In 1872, the "ABC" was published - a set of books that mastered the alphabet, texts for Russian and Church Slavonic readings, arithmetic and kerivnitstvo for the reader. Three years later, Tolstoy published New Abetka. It’s an hour to learn victorious victors by sending messages, orders, riddles. Vin wrote a lot of "adverbs of admonishment": at the skin's epistles, she spluttered into a short plot from a moral. “Nova ABC” was supplemented by “Russian Books for Reading” - a copy of hundreds of creations: explanations and retellings folk tales those classic tales, natural descriptions and mirroring.

Tolstoy jumped to the limit of simple and precise language. Ale, a modern child, it is important to understand the simplest texts about the old peasant pobut.

So what? Create Leo Tolstoy for children become a literary reminder and deprive the Russian child of reading, the basis of which stench was the whole century?

There are no shortages in today's sights. Those who see them try to make books for them and educate children of theirs.

1. Tolstoy, L. N. History for children / Leo Tolstoy; [adv. V. Tolstoy; comp. Yu. Kublanovskiy]; baby Natalia Paren-Chelpanova. - [Yasna Polyana]: Leo Tolstoy's Sadiba Museum "Yasna Polyana", 2012. - 47 p. : il.

Illustrated by the Russian artist in exile Natalia Paren-Chelpanova, the children of Leo Tolstoy's interpretation in the translation of my French were seen in Paris by the spectator "Gallimard" in 1936. The Yasnaya Polyana book stench, of course, is Russian. Here it’s like a confirmation, like sounding included in current selections and without translation in a child’s reading (“Fire dogs”, “Koshenya”, “Filipok”), so and rіdkіsnі, navit marvelous. For example, the tale “Owl and Hare” - like a self-singing young owl, wanted to spite the majestic hare, stuck one paw in the back of you, the other at the tree, and that one "rushing and tearing the owl". Reading away?

What is right, they are right: literary credits for Tolstoy are strong; after the reading, the enemy becomes blind.

Illustrated by Natalia Paren, the texts were brought closer to the little readers in the її hour: the heroes denounced the daubing, but the stench was the artist's co-workers. French inscriptions are trawled: for example, “Pinson” on the grave of a humpbacked man (before rozpovіdі “Yak tіtonka told about those, like she had a handy gorobet - Zhivchik”).

2. Tolstoy, L. N. Three Vedmedi/Leo Tolstoy; artist Yury Vasnetsov. - Moscow: Melik-Pashayev, 2013. - 17 p. : il.

In the same 1936 year, Yuri Vasnetsov illustrated the Russian way of Leo Tolstoy's English fairy tale. On the back, the illustrations were black and white, but here a new barve variant was created. Kazkovi Vedmedi Y. Vasnetsova, wanting Mikhailo Ivanovich and Mishko in waistcoats, and Nastasya Petrivna with a parasol, - to do it terrible. The child understood why “one girl” was so snarky; ale go in and away!

For a new vision, the color correction of illustrations has been improved. You can check before you see it, and also see it again, which are reviewed one by one, you can at the National Electronic Child Library (copyrighted books, registration is required for review).

3. Tolstoy, L. N. Lipunyushka: proof of that fairy tale / Leo Tolstoy; illustrations by A. F. Pakhomov. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2011. - 47 p. : il.- (Library of a young schoolboy).

A lot of grown-ups were preserved in the memory of Leo Tolstoy's "Abetka" with illustrations by Oleksiy Fedorovich Pakhomov. The artist is well aware of the rural way of life (he himself was born in a pre-revolutionary village). Peasants painted from the great speeches, children - sentimentally, protest with a firm, sung hand.

Petersburg "Amphora" more than once saw in small selections the description of "Abetka" by L. N. Tolstoy with illustrations by A. F. Pakhomov. At this book there is a spiel of advice, how the village children learned to read. Potim kazki - “Yak a man of geese diliv” (about a cunning man) and “Lipunyushka” (about a wine-drowsy tit, who "I've seen the bauvivnik").

4. Tolstoy, L. N. About creatures and birds / L. N. Tolstoy; artist Andriy Brey. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Mova, 2015. - 19 p. : il. - (Mom's book is in love).

Rozpovidi "Eagle", "Gorobets and lastivki", "How to give birth to your children", "What do you need a bear", "Elephant", "Ostrich", "Swans". Tolstoy is not a sentimental antrohi. Animals in yoga are described as huts and victims. Ale, zvichayno, in the alphabetical explanation, morality can be read; over skin history is straightforward.

The axis of "Swans" is the right verse in prose.

About the artist, it is necessary to say that the creatures are virulently painted; middle yoga vchitelіv buv V. A. Vatagin. “Rozpovidi about the creature” with illustrations by Andriy Andriyovich Brey, seen by Detgiz in 1945, digitized and available from the National Electronic Child Library (registration is also required for review).

5. Tolstoy, L. N. Bone: advice for children / Leo Tolstoy; baby Volodymyr Galdyaev. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Mova, 2015. - 79 p. : il.

In the book, in the main, the readings of the children of L. N. Tolstoy were seen most often: “Fire”, “Fire dogs”, “Filipok”, “Koshenya” ...

"Kistochka" - tezh opovіdannya widely known, but few who are ready to come in handy for showing a new radical method.

The layout of the book and the layout are the same as in the collection “Rozpovidi ta buli”, seen in 1977. More texts and small prints by Volodymyr Galdyaev were published in L. N. Tolstoy’s “Books for Children”, which were published by the Moscow Robotnik publisher in 1977 (the publication, obviously, was prepared up to the 150th century of the writer). The grace of the little one and the characteristic of the characters are good for Tolstoy's literary style.

6. Tolstoy, L. N. Children: information / L. Tolstoy; baby P. Repkin. - Moscow: Nigma, 2015. - 16 p. : il.

Chotiri of explanation: “Lion and dog”, “Elephant”, “Eagle”, “Koshenia”. Look at the illustrations by Petr Repkin, graphic artist and cartoonist. Cicavo, which is depicted by the artist as a lion, an eagle, an elephant, and yogo the little master is obviously telling the heroes of the cartoon "Mowgli", the production designer is a buv Repkin (together with A. Vinokurov). Neither Kipling, nor Tolstoy can harm you, but then you can think about the similarities and similarities by looking at the talents of two great writers.

7. Tolstoy, L. N. Lev and dog: extra / L. N. Tolstoy; little G.A.V. Traugot. - St. Petersburg: Mova, 2014. - 23 p. : il.

On the flyleaf there are small little ones depicting Count Leo Mikolayovich Tolstoy in London in 1861. The very description is given at the sight of the signatures before the illustrations.

First row: “Wild animals were shown near London…” Old-fashioned richly colored, mayzhe kazkovo zahіdnoevropeyske place, townspeople and townswomen, curly-haired children - all in a manner, long-standing power to the artists “G. A. V. Traugot. M'yaso, throw it in the left cage, do not look naturalistically (like Ripkin's). Leo, what do you think for a dead dog (Tolstoy honestly write that you are “breathing”), the inscriptions are even more expressive.

Report about the book "Bibliogid" rozpovidav.

8. Tolstoy, L. N. Filipok / L. N. Tolstoy; artist Gennady Spirin. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2012. - : il. - (Masterpieces of book illustrations).

“Philipok” from “New alphabet” is one of the most famous defenses of Leo Tolstoy and all Russian child literature. The transference of the meaning of the word "reader" here zbіgaєtsya out of direct.

The publishing house "RIPOL Classic" has already seen the book with illustrations by Gennady Spirin a few times and included її up to the gift-giving "New Collection". Such a "Filipok" had previously been seen on English language(Div. on the artist's website: The little ones of Gennadii Kostyantinovich have a rich description of old peasant clothes and winter Russian nature.

It is noteworthy that in the "New alphabet" for the price of roses (for example, Filipok “starting to say the Mother of God; but every word is not so spoken ”) followed “Slovyanskі letters”, “Slovakyanskі words under titles” and prayers.

9. Tolstoy, L. N. My first Russian book for reading / Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy. - Moscow: Bile Misto,. – 79 p. : il. - (Russian books for reading).

"Bile Misto" churned up the sight of "Russian Books for Reading". So the friend saw it, the third and fourth of the book. There is no sooner. Descriptions, fairy tales, boules, tales, descriptions and mirkuvannya are given in the order in which they were roztashuvav Lev Mikolayovich. There are no comments to the texts. Instead of verbal explanations, illustrations are drawn. Zdebіlshoy, tse reproductions of paintings, v_domih and less vіdomih. For example, before the description "The Sea" - "The Nine Wave" by Ivan Aivazovsky. Before mirkuvannya "Why is the wind blowing?" - “Children who live in the presence of a storm” by Kostyantyn Makovsky. Before rozpovidi "Pozhezha" - "Pozhezha in the countryside" by Mikoli Dmitriev-Orenburzky. Until the story " caucasian polonenium» - landscapes by Leva Lagorio and Mikhail Lermontov.

The range of the reader's interests and interests of the book can be even wider.

10. Tolstoy, L. N. More: description / Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy; artist Mikhailo Bichkov. - St. Petersburg: ABC, 2014. - p. : il. - (Good and eternal).

From the listing of books, it seems that the most lie down to our hour. Artist Mikhailo Bichkov seems to: “The sprats of L. N. Tolstoy gave me the miraculous ability to paint the sea”. On large-format spreads, the artist has depicted the sea of ​​pivden and pivnichne, quiet and boisterous, day and night. To the short text of Tolstoy, having added some small additions about the mighty sea vessels.

Mykhayla Bichkov started the work, and illustrating three descriptions of Tolstoy's "Abetka", having made them more expensive on a windowed Viysk ship. In the opinion of "Stribok" it is more expensive to guess. Rozpovid "Shark" starts from the words: "Our ship anchored on the coast of Africa." The celebration of the "Fire Dogs" is being celebrated in London - and the artist painted a Russian corvette under the Andriyevsky ensign against the backdrop of the everyday life of the Tower Bridge (from 1886 to 1894; "Abetka" was built earlier, but in the same era, especially now) .

The book "Buli" was published by the publisher "Mova" in 2015. In spring 2016, the Sovereign Museum of Leo Tolstoy on Prechistenca hosted an exhibition of illustrations by Mikhail Bichkov, up to two children's books.

“The sea is wide and deep; the end of the sea is not visible. The sun rises by the sea and sits in the sea. The bottom of the sea is not accessible to anyone and does not know. If there is no wind, the sea is bluer and smoother; if the wind blows, the sea will sway and become nervous ... "

"Sea. Description"

“…Water from the sea rises with fog; the fog rises higher, and from the fog the gloom is shattered. Darkness to the wife in the wind and spread over the earth. Hmar water falls to the ground. From the earth flowing into swamps and streams. From the stream to the river; from the river by the sea. From the sea again the water rises in the gloom, and the gloom is dispersed by the earth ... "

“Where does the water from the sea go? Mirkuvannya»

The descriptions of Leo Tolstoy from "Abetka" and "Russian Books for Reading" are concise, succinct. Rich in what is archaic, at the current glance. Ale, it’s true that the axis is in them: it’s not playful now, it’s serious to the word, it’s simple, it’s not simple, it’s to everything, it’s otochuє.

Svitlana Mala

Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy - Russian writer and thinker, Count. Yogo batkivshchina - maternal garden of Yasna Polyana near the Tulsk province.

The letter was the fourth child of a noble family. Yogo mother perished, if youmu had one rіk. Batko Lev Mikolayovich, having forgotten his good-natured character, graciousness to read those books, he also died too early. A distant relative of Yergolsk took up the care of the children of the Tolstoy family, as a small great influx on Tolstoy. As the writer said, she taught yoga spiritually to the great taste - kohannya. Tell the famous writer about childishness for sure radiance. And the first attacks in the life of the nobility knew their own in the novel-autobiography "Childhood".

At 1844 p. Leo Tolstoy took up his apprenticeship at the Kazan University: first - at the Faculty of Philosophy of similar languages, then - at the Faculty of Law. Vіn provchivsya 2 fates on the skin z tsikh directly and having filed an application about zvіlnennya z zvіlnennya z zdorovym zdrav'yam and family conditions, Tolstoy was not worthy of such a training, yogo mri buli about the career of painting and music. Then the writer turned to his right mother.

The summer spent in the village disappointed Tolstoy with failures at the master's house on renovations, more than on kripaks. After that, on the basis of this report, the story "The Helper's Wound" was written. In 1847 p. in the autumn, the writer went to St. Petersburg to collect the candidate's tests. At that moment, my way of life was even more changed: in a moment I got ready to drink, and in a moment I would like to give myself only music, my ascetic religious moods were swung with sprees and cards. The very period of Tolstoy understood his own confession: in the new vinyl there is no need to write.

Z 1855 p. the writer, having changed at the head of the "Suchasnik", which included Nekrasov, Turgenev, Goncharov, Ostrovsky and other species. Vіn having taken part in insults and readings, having been caught up to conflicts of writers, but having felt himself a stranger here, having left the whole court, about which he spoke of yoga "Spovid".

Tolstoy has risen in price a lot, wines from France, Nimechi, Italy, Switzerland. Fighting about the road to the rest of the country became the basis for writing the warning "Lucerne". Then the writer turned back to Moscow, and then - to Yasna Polyana. Zavdyaki new on the outskirts of the city of the city was blessed with over 20 schools and opened one school for village children.

Most creative - all the novels "War and Peace", "Resurrection", "Anna Karenina", trilogy-autobiography "Childhood" - "Adolescence" - "Youth", dramas "Vlada pіtmi" and "The Living Corpse", the story "Cossacks" and "Hadji Murad" and many others.

The writer died at the age of 82 years in 1910. Yogo funeral, becoming a subdivision of the global Russian scale.

  1. "Love and be so happy"
  2. “Be satisfied with the little ones and do good for others”

Leo Tolstoy is one of the leading writers that philosopher in the world. Just look, that perekonannya formed the basis of a whole religious-philosophical current, which is called Tolstoyism. Literary recession the writer composed 90 volumes of artistic and journalistic works, scholarly notes and sheets, and yoga itself was nominated more than once for Nobel Prize for literature and the Nobel Peace Prize.

"Vikonu all those who have vyznachiv buti vykonanu"

Genealogical tree of Leo Tolstoy. Image:

Silhouette of Mary Tolstoy (at Volkonskaya's daughter), mother of Leo Tolstoy. 1810s. Image:

Leo Tolstoy was born on 9 spring 1828 in the garden of Yasna Polyana, Tulsk province. Vin was the fourth child of the great noble family. Tolstoy was orphaned early. Mother died, if youmu didn’t succumb for two more years, and in nine years she brought in the father. Aunt Oleksandra Osten-Saken became the guardian of the five children of Tolstykh. Two older children moved until the titka to Moscow, and the young ones were left in Yasniya Polyana. The most important and dearest of Leo Tolstoy's early childhood was associated with the family sadiboy.

In 1841, Oleksandra Osten-Saken's father died, and Tovsti moved to Kazan, before the aunt of Pelageya Yushkov. Three years after the move, Leo Tolstoy entered the prestigious Imperial Kazan University. It was not befitting for you to read the prote, having taken wine for formality, and university professors - incompetent. Tolstoy was trying to gain a scientific step, at Kazan yoga she was more fond of secular robes.

In April 1847, Leo Tolstoy's life as a student came to an end. Vіn having subdued his part of the Volodya, including the beloved Yasna Polyana, and having negligently broken at home, without taking away the greater illumination. At the ancestral mother Tolstoy, having tried to get good, they tried to start writing. Vіn svіy plan osvіti: vivchati movi, іstorіyu, medicine, mathematics, geography, jurisprudence, the state of agriculture, natural sciences. Prote nevdovzі dіyshov visnovka, scho it's easier to plan, lower zdіyshnyuvati.

Tolstoy's asceticism was often replaced by revelry and card games. Bazhayuchi rozpochati more correctly, on yoga thought, life, wine, becoming the order of the day. Ale didn’t finish yoga, but in a student’s day I recognized my dissatisfaction with myself. All these failures prompted Leo Tolstoy to change his way of life. Vipadok introduced himself at the end of 1851: the elder brother Mikola arrived before Yasnskaya Polyana. While serving in the Caucasus, where was the war. Leo Tolstoy having come to his brother and violating at once with him - to the village on the birch of the river Terek.

On the outskirts of the empire, Leo Tolstoy served Mayzha for two and a half years. Whilst away the hour, crying, roaming in the cart and hour at hour, taking the fate of the raids on the fortune-telling of the territory. Tolstoy befitted such self-sufficiency and monotony of life. The story "Childhood" was born in the Caucasus itself. Pratsyyuchi over her, the writer of the know-it-alls dzherelo nathnennya, as if it was left important for the new to the end of life: win the victorious vlasni, tell that dosvіd.

In late 1852, Tolstoy corrected the manuscript to the journal "Suchasnik" and the report of the sheet: “…I'm looking forward to your virok. Vіn either wants me to keep my loved ones busy, otherwise I’m afraid to burn everything more rozpochat». The editor Mikola Nekrasov was honored with the news of a new author, and without a hitch "Childhood" was abused by the magazine. The writer, inspired by the first success, started without delay before the continuation of "Childhood". In 1854, roci wines published in the journal "Suchasnik" a story to a friend, "Fatherhood".

"Head - Literary Practices"

Leo Tolstoy in his youth. 1851. Image:

Lev Tolstoy. 1848. Image:

Lev Tolstoy. Image:

Naprikintsі 1854 to the fate of Leo Tolstoy arrived Sevastopol - the epicenter of Viysk's activities. Perebuvayuchy at the very thick of the bottoms, having created the opportunism "Sevastopol at the chest". Hotch Tolstoy and silently described the battle scenes, before Sevastopol, the description was deeply patriotic and glorified the good manners of the Russian soldiers. Nezabar Tolstoy began to practice over another explanation - "Sevastopol near the herb". At that time, nothing was left of pride in the Russian army. Zhah that shock, like Tolstoy, having survived on the front line that sub-hour, the deposition of the place, strongly injected into his creativity. Now I'm writing about the stupidity of death and the inhumanity of war.

In 1855 Tolstoy destroyed the ruins of Sevastopol near the Vishukans Petersburg. The success of the first Sevastopol announcement, giving you a thoughtful mark: “My career is literature, write and write! Tomorrow I practice all my life and throw everything, rules, religion, decency - everything ". Near the capital, Leo Tolstoy finished "Sevastopol at the grass" and wrote "Sevastopol at the sickle of 1855" - these drawings completed the trilogy. On the fall of 1856, the writer left the military service for the remainder.

Zavdyaks of truthful revelations about the Krymsky war Tolstoy won the title of the St. Petersburg literary group to the magazine "Suchasnik". During this period of wine, he wrote the description “Zaviryukha”, the story “Two Hussars”, finishing the trilogy of the story “Youth”. However, after a deaky hour, the stosunki with the writers of the zі gurtka were written: “People who have stopped me, and I have stopped myself”. To grow up, on the cob in 1857, Leo Tolstoy broke through the cordon. Having visited Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dresden: getting to know with creations art, learning from artists, figuring out how people live near European places. More expensively, Tolstoy did not sigh: having created the eponymous "Lucerne", in which she described her own passion.

Leo Tolstoy at work. Image:

Leo Tolstoy at Yasniy Galyavin. Image:

Leo Tolstoy rozpovidaє kazku onukam Іllusha ta Sonia. 1909. Krykshino. Photo: Volodymyra Chortkova /

In 1857 Tolstoy's fate turned to Yasnaya Polyana. At a native sadibi wine, having worked on the novel “Cossacks”, as well as writing the description “Three Deaths” and the novel “Happy Family”. Tolstoy's student gave his own confession at that time in this way: “To the head - literary practice, then - family shoes, then - the state ... And so live for yourself - in good order for the day and finish it".

In 1899 Tolstoy wrote the novel Resurrection. Whose creator has a writer criticizing the judicial system, the army, the ranks. Znevaga, describing the institution of the church in the novel "Resurrection" like Tolstoy, called out the reaction of the witness. At the fierce fate of 1901 in the journal "Church Vydomost" the Holy Synod published a praise about the opening of the church to Count Leo Tolstoy. This decision only overpowered Tolstoy's popularity and turned the respect of the public to the ideals of the writer.

Literary suspіlna diyalnіst Tolstoy became visible beyond the cordon. The writer was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1901, 1902 and 1909 and for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1902–1906. Tolstoy himself did not want to take away the city and bring in the name of the Finnish writer Arvid Yarnefelt, so that he tried to win the award, more, “Yakbi didn’t trapilos ... it would have been unacceptable to be moved” the rest of the years, on yaki yogo kicking yogo the bad evil genius ".

Tolstoy himself was pulled over by the helper of that Sim'yanina. Vіn pragnuv to lead his life from the vіdpovіdnіst to perekonanі and on the cob of leaf fall in 1910 rock secretly leaving the Yasnaya Polyana sadiba. The road turned out to be unbearable for the summer people: the dear wines were seriously ill, and the noise of the noises zupinitsya at the house of the watchman of the Astapovo railway station. Here the writer spent the rest of his life. Leo Tolstoy died on the 20th leaf fall of 1910. The writer was buried at Yasniya Polyana.

Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy; Russian Empire, Tulsk province; 08/28/1828 - 11/07/1910
Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy needs no introduction. All-world leading figure of Russian and worldly realism. Tolstoy's works have been seen many times over in the world, their screens have been re-imported in all lands, and Tolstoy's writings are now crowned with great popularity. We will simply obov'yazkovim everything to rob Leo Tolstoy to our rating. Aje yoga create the actual contagion, the zavdyaki to whom Tolstoy's bazhayuts to read do not change with the fates.

Biography of Tolstoy L.M.


  1. History of yesterday
  2. Gain
  3. Marker notes
  4. Forest felling
  5. Zaviryuha
  6. Complaints
  7. Lucerne
  8. Albert
  9. Three deaths
  10. Two horses
  11. Stribok
  12. Rospovid Aeronaut
  13. What people live
  14. De kokhannya, there is God
  15. Two old
  16. Let the fire in - do not put out
  17. Vorozhe is lipno, and God is mіtsne
  18. Two brothers and gold
  19. Ilyas
  20. cross
  21. Chi rich people of the earth are needed
  22. Candle
  23. Three elders
  24. Polotnomir
  25. Three blue
  26. Who's right?
  27. Francoise
  28. Suratska kava
  29. Karma
  30. Three parables
  31. Expensive cost
  32. Assyrian king Esarhadon
  33. Ruinuvannya baked that yoga inspiration
  34. A fairy tale about Ivan the Fool and his two brothers: Semyon-warrior and Taras the belly, and his sister Malanya, and about the old devil and three devils.
  35. God is that human
  36. For what?
  37. Korniv Vasiliev
  38. Berries Vovk
  39. Vdyachny soil
  40. Songs in the countryside
  41. Rozmova with a passerby
  42. Three days near the village
  43. Alyosha Gorshchik
  44. Inadvertently
  45. Batko Vasil
  46. What am I bachiv?
  47. Idyllia
  48. Notes of divine
  49. Posthumous notes of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich ...
  50. Two different versions of the history of a voulik with a lubok cover
  51. The power of childishness
  52. Dream of a young king
  53. Khodinka
  54. Prozhdzhiy and peasant
  55. History of yesterday
  56. How Russian soldiers die
  57. Svyatkov nich
  58. Uncle Zhdanov and Chevalier Chernov
  59. Urivki opivdan іz silskogo zhittya

Fairy tales and tales:

  1. Shark
  2. Astronomy
  3. Baba is that trigger
  4. Bilka ta vovk
  5. God bachet the truth, she won’t tell soon
  6. Velyka pichka
  7. Bulka
  8. Vizir Abdul
  9. Vodyany that pearl
  10. Volga and Vazuza
  11. Vovk and crane
  12. Vovk that kobila
  13. Vovk that goat
  14. Vovk ta goat (2)
  15. Vovk that cibulya
  16. Vovk and myslivtsi
  17. wow that dog
  18. Vovk is old
  19. Vovk that lamb
  20. Sheep and pig
  21. Gorobets and lastivka
  22. Raven and crows
  23. Raven and fox
  24. Shkіdlive povіtrya
  25. Jackdaw and pigeons
  26. Jackdaw and Glitter
  27. Galchenya
  28. Bad man (Stupid man)
  29. The head and the tail of the snake
  30. Geese ta pavic
  31. Two brothers
  32. Two merchants
  33. Two comrades
  34. Two horses
  35. Girl and mushrooms
  36. The girl and the robbers
  37. Podil recession
  38. Wild and tame donkey
  39. New wind?
  40. smart ram
  41. Diyna cow
  42. Oak and wood
  43. Fool and lower (Like a fool kisil rizav)
  44. zhak that hare
  45. Vest
  46. Hares
  47. Hares and toads
  48. Hare and hound dog
  49. Khatinka ta palace (Tsar that khatinka)
  50. Indian and English
  51. caucasian polonenium
  52. Yak near the city of Paris half a year of budinok
  53. How to start your children
  54. Like a villain who saw himself
  55. Yak geese vryatuvali Rome (old Roman legend)
  56. Yak lad told about those, yak vin didusyu know bjolinih queens
  57. Like a boy, having told about those, like a wine, ceasing to be afraid of blind zhebrakiv
  58. Like a boy rozpovіd about those, like a yogo fox caught a thunderstorm
  59. Like a boy, having told about those, like yoga was not taken to the place
  60. Yak a man of geese diliv
  61. Like a man tidying up a stone
  62. How did Bukharians learn to grow shovkovich chrobakiv
  63. Like a titonka told about those, like she learned to sew
  64. How I learned to ride the tops
  65. Kamin
  66. Ocheret and olive
  67. Chinese Queen Silinchi
  68. Mosquito and lion
  69. Cow
  70. cow and goat
  71. Tassel
  72. Whale and mouse
  73. whale with bubo
  74. Koshenya
  75. Kіshka that fox
  76. Crystals
  77. Who's right?
  78. Where does the water from the sea go?
  79. Chicken and golden eggs
  80. Kurka and lastivka
  81. lion and fox
  82. Lion and bear
  83. lion and dog
  84. Lion, wow, that fox
  85. Lion, witch and fox
  86. Lion, donkey and fox
  87. Liniva's daughter
  88. Kazan
  89. Lipunyushka
  90. Fox and crane
  91. fox
  92. Fox and grapes
  93. Fox and goat
  94. Fox and Mavpa
  95. Throw that groom
  96. Kіn ta gospodarі
  97. Toad and lion
  98. Toad, bear and hawk
  99. magnet
  100. Vedmіd vіzku
  101. Wise old
  102. Cholovik and water
  103. Cholovik i kіn
  104. Man and ogirki
  105. Murakha that dove
  106. Misha under komoroy
  107. Misha, a piven and a whale
  108. kvochka and kurchata
  109. Mavpa
  110. Mavpa ta peas
  111. Mavpa ta fox
  112. Deer
  113. Deer ta vineyard
  114. Deer and Lunch
  115. Donkey at the left skin
  116. Donkey and kin
  117. Dotik i zir
  118. Type of speed
  119. Father is blue
  120. Stars took fire, if people did not know fire?
  121. Why is the wind blowing?
  122. Why crack trees in the frost?
  123. Why is dark visible?
  124. Poluvannya forest captivity
  125. Myslyvets and respіv
  126. Pavic
  127. Pavich and crane
  128. First flight
  129. Perepilka
  130. Petro I is that man
  131. Pidkidyok
  132. Pozhezha
  133. Fire dogs
  134. The truth is more precious
  135. righteous judge
  136. Stribok
  137. Birds and cities
  138. Bird
  139. Bjoli and drones
  140. Pratsіvnik Omelyan and empty drum
  141. Pratsіvnitsy ta piven
  142. Rivna spadshina
  143. Hare
  144. Fishing that fish
  145. The best pears
  146. San Gotthard dog
  147. Svyatohir-bogatyr
  148. How many people?
  149. Sleepy and milk
  150. Oleg's death
  151. Dog that wow
  152. That dog is evil
  153. dog ta yoga tin
  154. Jacob's dog
  155. Dog, piven and fox
  156. Dogs and cooks
  157. Owl that hare
  158. Sokil ta piven
  159. Soldier
  160. Sun and wind
  161. Spreadsheets
  162. old kіn
  163. Old and death
  164. Old did and onuchok
  165. Terrible beast (Who is the scariest)
  166. Grandma and ants
  167. Suvore early warning
  168. Vogkist
  169. Calf on ice
  170. Thin threads
  171. Sokira and saw
  172. Three villains
  173. Three rolls and one bagel
  174. Success
  175. Pitoma vaga
  176. Vzhe i zhak
  177. Stubborn kіn (Yak man kіn perevporiv)
  178. Rocking that month
  179. Vchennya of Christ, vikladene for children
  180. Vcheniy shin
  181. Fedotko
  182. Filipok
  183. Lord that piven
  184. lord that dog
  185. Chaplya, riba and cancer
  186. Royal brothers
  187. The king's shirt
  188. The elephant king
  189. Tsar and Sokil
  190. turtle and eagle
  191. Chuttya
  192. Jackals and elephant
  193. Shat ta Don

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