Illustrations from the images of war and the world. Illustrations before Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Oleksiya Nikolaeva

Nezabar de Balmain, a person of viysk, having taken the rank of staff captain and first directions as adjutant to general of the infantry A.M. von Leaders to the Caucasus, de 26 lime 1845 bowing his head at the hour of the Dargin expedition. After the death of de Balmain, an album of little ones from images of different episodes of the war was revealed to the yogi pokhіdnіy bag. Later, two more albums were found at the papers of the late Bulo, one of which was dedicated to the everyday life of the Bilgorod Uhlan Regiment. In 1909, this album was seen in Moscow by K.A. Fischer under the name "Gogol's hour".

Recently, it’s already our hour, it’s become a ban for readers literary creativity Ya.P. Belmen. In 1988, the Kharkiv branch of the press “Prapor” published a book of tales that characterizes the author as a non-transverse representative of Russian romanticism of the 30s and 40s of the 19th century.

The manuscript "Wirszy T. Szewczenka" was taken from Zakrevsky for some time, after which in the autumn of 1845 it was handed over to Taras Shevchenko. It can be said that the poet's acquaintance with the little brothers became a drive to the creation of the song "Kavkaz", dedicated to the memory of "unforgettable friend and brother" Jacob Balmain. Shevchenko passing Wirszy T. Szewczenka through Mikhail Yuzefovich N.I. Kostomarova, who did help in preparation for another yoga literary works. In 1847, Kostomarov was arrested at the right of the secret Cyril-Methodius brotherhood. Before the hour of arrest, the new one had a copy of the manuscript, illustrated by Bashilov and de Balmain. Nezabar buv zaareshtovaniya і Zakrevsky, at some gendarme they found a sheet of J. de Balmain, quotes more.

Bashilov has been alive for a long time and served in Little Russia, without special prospects for high ranks, and, for example, in the 1850s, he moved to Moscow. If the gendarmes, as if they were engaged in the investigation at the right of the Cyril-Methodian brotherhood, it became known about their fate at the preparation of the Shevchenkivska sbirka, Bashilov, having survived the arrest of great incompetence, was a marvel. At the same time, it’s easy to say, who, having illustrated a handwritten book of his creations, and chi did not fit the illustrator to “evil words of yanistiv”, arrests for Cyril and Methodius’ right of Shevchenko, proving that Count Yakiv de Balmain was illustrating what he was doing. in the Caucasus in 1845 roci, as well as dehto from Bashilov. From the first wine I tried more than once, but I don’t know the other.

The share of the "Wirszy T. Szewczenka" collection turned out to be tragic, like the share of one of the authors. Winning sights from Poland, as the illustrators allowed, not from Russia. Ilustrations 78 small little manuscripts became in the name of the summative III Significance of his own Imperial Majesty Chancellery, which was a political rally in the Russian Empire.

During the period of the collapse of the tsarist regime, the manuscript was found in the archives of the Kiev Okhrana, after which it was left without a trace from the sovereign collection. In the spring of 1924, the rock "Wirszy T. Szewczenka" was vividly shown at the Kiev market and the pridbani by one of the Shevchenko scholars. In addition, a part of the illustrations from the comments was published by the writer Oleksandr Ger (V.M. Weisblat) in the Shevchenkiv Collection, which was published by the Kiev publishing house Sorabkop. Trivaly hour rarity was saved from the Department of Manuscript Funds and Textology Institute of Literature. T.G. Shevchenko of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and known only to a small number of scholars. Not long ago, they guessed about the manuscripts, and in 2009 they saw it at the facsimile of the conciliator at the kіlkosti 700 gifted conciliators near Dnipropetrovsk, at a cost to the fund of the ex-president of Ukraine L. Kuchma.

It is impossible not to remember that the little ones of J. de Balmain for their pobudovoyu are seen as perfect, below illustrations by M. Bashilov. The introduction of images of Shevchenko-Kobzar into the composition was given to Bashilov more briefly, lower to his partner. The portrait likeness of the poet showed itself more distinctly.

About those how the life of Bashilov developed in the 1850s, reports were not known far away. Vіdomo, scho yogo іnіtsіativi for the Imperial Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr was in the evening drawing classes, and he himself was actively engaged in painting, sculpture and graphics. Bashilov created such canvases as “Landscape with Mlyn” (“Vechir”) (1850), “Otrimannya leaf vіd sine” (1854), “Naimichka” (1857), “Three generations” (1858).

The robots of Bashilova won the respect of the painter and art critic Lev Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov (1828-1912), who sang in “Landscapes with Mlyn” “quietly and love to nature”, and in the canvas “Otrimannya leaf vіd sina” - tragedy and lifelessness of people , which otrimav vіd sina sumnu zvіstku. On the recommendation of Zhemchuzhnikov, the painting was sent in 1854 for exhibition at the Academy of Mythology, and was awarded a silver medal. Tse pointed out the share of the author.

Perlin having filled in the verbal portrait of Bashilov. “This is the type of Litvin: rude, ugly, with a height of three arshins and an apex, so trying to change the grandeur of its growth and stooping. Vіn buv talanovitiy to the whole and illumination miraculously; maw rich scientific vіdomosti; knowing the language of language, painting, sculpture, architecture, carving on wood; engraving on the piano, be it, reading notes, like a book; sleeping miraculously; and to what extent was a delicate, kind and honest person.

Bashilov's golovinnyh zahoplennyam protyazhala life was stripped of graphics. Tse especially showed up on his journey to Moscow. In 1860, the fate of the Moscow woodcut mortgage K.I. Rihau was seen drawing by the writer A.P. Golitsinsky "Vulichni Tipi", who told about the characteristic types of patrons in the capital's streets and squares: zhebrakiv, visiting peasants, servants, representatives of the market. 20 illustrations before the book were vikonan Bashilov, who prihovat his name under the pseudonym M. Piccolo.

Having cooked in the journal "Russian Word" (1861 No. 2) the author drew for empty and artificiality, a young literary critic and publicist D.I. Pisarev highly appreciated how polygraphic vykonannya seen, so the little ones of Bashilova-Pikkolo, yaki "guess with themselves the manner of Gavarna and vykonan with the help of that master's hand." Rivalry with the French maister was especially welcome for Bashilov and, obviously, that he was in awe of new creations.

The popularity of Bashilov among the reading public was brought by miracle illustrations to comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Likho z razumu" (1862), vikonanі on zamovlennya seen N.L. Tiblen. On 25 illustrative arches, Bashilov zooms to convey the yaskraial coloring of the immortal work of the great master of poetic satire. Being realistic, and navіt not relieving deakoї subtlety, Bashilov's little ones were poignantly vilified. family suspense". Griboyedov's Moscow was revealed in a new and different light, and the artist earned a reputation as a master of social satire. The only weak hand of the robot over the illustrations of "Likho z rozumu" and the image of Chatsky was condoned for individuality. Ale, few people have given respect.

Bashilov was also the author of numerous satirical small prints in popular Moscow and St. Petersburg magazines, such as "Glyadach", "Alarm Clock" and others. The ideal is the beauty of life, the artist-humanist, having overcome the list of incompatibilities of the present-day activity.

Tsіkavі іlustratsії Bashilov to bajok І.A. Krylova, vikonan in the middle of the 1860s.

Acquaintance L.M. Tolstoy from M.S. Bashilov became at the peak of his popularity as a graphic artist and administrator of one of the leading mystetsky primary mortgages in the country. In the 1860s, the School of Painting, the creation of architecture, is going through a long period, becoming a real phenomenon of art suspіlnogo life Russia. In 1865, at the meeting with the Kremlin palace architectural school in the school on Myasnitsky, an architecture department was created. On May 22, 1866, the School of Rock received a new statute;

The new statute gave the school the right to award great and small silver medals, the title of classy and unclassy artists, as well as the reader's painting. Zavdyaki specializes in Bashilov’s efforts, as if he were in charge of the initial part and the main part, here a work is carried out to promote the development of the most significant disciplines, the engraving of the master is being created, as if serving the illustrative vision and sprung the growth of the mystic vіtestva

Tolstoy and Bashilov, imaginatively, are first written on the cob of 1866 for the hour of a six-year-long exchange of a writer at once from his family near Moscow. But it’s possible to get to know each other earlier through the Bersiv family. The head of the family is Tolstoy's father-in-law Andriy Evstafovich Bers, who was entrusted with a special writer in financial operations, related to the foraging activity in Moscow.

Having had time to illustrate Tolstoy's work, Bashilov became one of the first readers and listeners of the novel 1805 Rick published in the Russian Newspaper and the second edition of War. The stench thought Tolstoy not as self-reliant, but as a part of the future monumental artistic canvas, which is called “War and Peace” in history. Before his work, the artist rozpochav negayno, svyazshi s vydpovidny agreement with the writer. Bashilov maw robit the little olive, the engraver K. N. Rihau (with the same name of the agreement) carved them on wood. The illustration took place at the remaining stage of the creation of the first completed edition of the novel on the cob in 1866 until the remaining months of 1867.

The first batch of 7 illustrations before the novel was ready before midday and leaned against the writer's desk without a hitch. Tolstoy wanted the illustrations to infect the reader with those very feelings, like he is alive himself, like you will make your literary child. Vіn reportedly looking at the skins from the inscriptions of Bashilov's little ones, commenting on them and giving the artist great tact and hatred for the sake of it. Chop Hannah Mikhailovna, like to ask for a son, Anatole, Prince Vasil, Princess Bolkonskaya, ask to restore the plastic beauty of Helen’s forms, P’ru recommends giving drawings “smartness to philosophizing”, and Anatole to grow “bigger” and “buster”: “Vin in the future, the role of a garny, sensitive and rude stallion is important. The pismennik commends the characters chosen by the artist for the scene.

"In spite of this, I am not satisfied with our undertaking," Tolstoy states. Vіn maє namir finish until autumn “12 rіk i tsіliy vіddіl roman” and ask Bashilov to save 30 little ones: “I would have seen a great novel in 30 ovens. leaves of 30 little ones in Zhovtnі and 30 fig. to the new fate ". About this namir wine, write from the grass A.A. Feta to ask him to say yoga and about the pictures, and about the name of the novel: "Everything is good, sho ends well".

Bashilov and Tolstoy exchange sheets on the cob of wormwood, write private illustrations to the novel and renew the writer with fearful hope to swear at his correspondent: “I look at your little ones and that foolish feeling to [about] how stink they call from me ...”. On the cob of the sickle, Bashilov forced Tolstoy to depict P'er at the recumbent position for reading a book, about which the writer asked him to take the first batch of little ones. It’s not right to bring Tolstoy into capture: artistic TV, then. you can't get better than that."

Bashilov is small enough, the engraver Rihau "features even more with the robot". The situation starts the turbulence of the writer. Yogo schos bentezhit Bashilovі. In the middle of leaf fall in 1866, Tolstoy, having seen an art exhibition, de boulo presented Bashilov's painting "The Peasant at the Bidi" ("Kin fell"). On view of the canvas by V.V. Pukirev "At the master's room of the artist" Bashilov's painting did not do well. “Such a marriage to Bashilov like in life, and in science, - like a life nerve, - write the wine of the squad. - That, that is not the same.

And at Bashilov, at that hour, as you can let it go, there was a disease of tuberculosis, progressed to the body. The ailment vysnazhuvala strength, did not give the ability to get angry at the head. How and in such torments the artist worked, only people close to him knew.

Chergov's party of little ones came from Bashilov on the cob of winter. December 8, 1866 Tolstoy asks the artist for his assistance in skin illustrations. Let's drink yoga, ask the little ones to work and engrave them, as it were, so that, after finishing work on them, it would be possible to “strengthen the text for the attackers”. Tolstoy's prayer for the little ones was minimum 65. “What can you do? - Ask Tolstoy. - Write me. "I ask you more, if Natasha Rostova's name is similar to Tanya Bers.

From the sheet to Bashilov on September 8, 1867, we know the fate that on the cob of the season Tolstoy wrote 21 arkush druks, which should be followed by both of the 1868–1869 fates of the other and the first part of the third volume of his novel, without yet taking away the residual name, and sent for wine census of the manuscript at Moscow.

Setting the pace of your work with the pace of preparation of illustrations, with the problems of engraving, the writer of the Daedalus is more likely to change over to others, so it’s impossible to let the first sight of the novel with illustrations, but it’s impossible to turn off the possibility that illustrations can become different, without hesitation) guilty without special calls to drink for the first. At the sheet on the 30th day of the day, Bashilov is not in a hurry to prepare illustrations, focusing not on the first, but on the other sight of the novel. Bashilov continues nadsilati in Yasna Polyana little ones, but sooner the process of work and already drafts, as if uttering Tolstoy. The pismennik їх rassbiraє ta komentuє, as earlier, pragnuchchi primogtisya in the name of the author of greater artistic versatility and historical truth.

In the spring, on the right, with illustrations, it becomes even more complicated. The engraver Rihau has to pay a low fee and is forced to make an appointment, as if we were going to fold it. Engravers B. Browns and E. Conden work on Bashilov's little ones. A.Є. Bers, who knows all the approaches, recommends that the writer "study the pictures". Visiting I.S. Turgenev is guilty of narrating the problems of seeing Tolstoy's novel and feeling the thought of A.F. Pisemsky, like, "to the skies" waving Tolstoy's novel, declares in the doorway, "that the pictures of the antrohi do not add to its dignity, but, on the contrary, they can let it in more".

] to the comet that hung over quiet Moscow in 1812 - silence stretches over the sides of another volume of Tolstoy's great epic. Six fates of the world, resurrected by two wars.

The artist Andriy Nikolaev conveys the vision of light from the first portrait. Before us is kind, dovirlive, good-natured guise of Mikoli Rostov. Compositional solution - vrіvnovazhenіst that completeness; compositions of another series under the order of one cardinal theme, one virishal thought: the light of awakenings, the light of equalizations, the light of completions. Round and youthful appearance of Mikoli at the center of the picture - near the center of the rectangle - stability and isolation ... Peace.

The world is generous, pagan beautiful, bring harmony to the world. Axis of a nobleman's mansion near Moscow. The composition is chosen near the center: the windows of the mansion shine, there, behind the slope, more light is guessed.

What a calm in nature! At the frosty haze, the sun rises, the rosy snow at Sokilniki. And you don’t notice the crooked color of the cuff on Dolokhov’s uniform, which fell into the snow: the duel scene is virishena in the same vein: the world of thoroughness and veneration to inspire in these conflicts of honor, if you present the breasts and pistol of the false worker. The scene is given to the eyes of P'єra, and behind the contrast to the tsієї vrіvnovazhennyї beauty, the words of the hero rise in your memory: "It is unreasonable ... stupidly! Death ... Nonsense ..."

Did you remember? Mayzhe get out of the illustrations of Mykolayev in another series of sky. Those same bottomless and angry sky, as if completing the first volume: Andriy on Pratsensky heights. At the end of the war, the sky was gone, the sign was wide: the light was filled with speeches, storms, turbots. Now, if the "philosophers" P'єr and Andriy turn to the center of the artist's respect, if the historical influences reappear in the private life of the heroes, - now the theme is raised again. The sky is roiling. Andriy and P'єr on the poromі: Russian philosophical superchka without cob and kіntsa. Well-designed silhouettes of heroes, a stroller, landscape and sky, majestic, bottomless, empty. Krykhka harmony under the empty dome.

People and the sky is the compositional leitmotif of the whole group of illustrations. It is stable among people: along the lines of viviren battalions in Tilzit, shouting "Hurrah" to two emperors - the kingdom of horizontals, the kingdom of self-satisfied strength, but look more, more and into the depths - the sky is irreconcilable swirling there.

The final illustration of the series - "Natasha after the illness". The finale of the loss of the soul. Geometrically clean, complete composition. There was a heap of speeches, color. At a calm rhythm, we caught the glints on the parquet. Greenhouse, greenhouse. І in the greenhouse there is a figurine of the heroine, instead the stalk is broken. I renew: compositional completions, closures, "mutual beats" of the near world, and behind the borders of the near world - there, behind the windows, behind the mirrors - a serene wild tragedy ...

The world is like "the day of the war" - only the first and elementary sensational word for the author of the great epic. Vіdomo, yakiy"Peace" wins mav on uvazi, naming his book "War and peace" - the world of people, the all-world, the order of the world. This wide plan and pragne to convey the artist Andriy Mykolaiv, depicting peaceful life Heroes of Tolstoy before the great trials of the people's war.

L. Anninsky

An artist who illustrates the whole world vіdomy tvіr Literature is guilty but ready to die as a writer. If you reach the greatest truth, you stop celebrating the springiness of your little one, the thoughtfulness of the composition, the beauty of the color - everything is known; having taken the illustration to your hands, you simply vigukuet internally: “Lord, Natalia!” “Ah, Prince Andrey was under Austerlitz!..” “Well, obviously, old Bolkonsky! How not to be an illustration of a deeply independent creation figurative art, You just can't її marvel, everything is important to you in it: skin-coloured flame, skin figure. It’s necessary to die at the writer’s… or rather, apparently, to die at the writer’s, the artist, who illustrates a book, is guilty of being born as a person as a whole self-sufficient person.

Andriy Nikolaev is one of the best contemporary illustrators of Leo Tolstoy. Vin is the author of a series of graphic small prints before "War and the World", scribbled in virtuoso and suvory manners, close to Benois and Russian graphics for a hundred years. Practicing over color illustrations to the great novel, Mykolayev tried the path of bright color expression. Having tried it - try it out.

Before us is a new series of yoga robots - “War and Peace” by color. First Volume. The little one is simple and realistic, the compositions are natural and logical, the color scheme is strict. That same style, if you are not guilty of painting, you are not guilty of hovering on the surface of the picture, looking, you immediately go into the depths of the great book: in the alley of Vyshny, in Syria the snow of Shengraben. Prote tim tskavіshe prostezhit, like a purely pictorial logic of the artist allows you to give yourself an independent reading of the book.

I will tell you a little more expensive for this opening day at the leaflets. Let's take just one kut zor - color. Chi is not small, not the composition, not the accuracy of the detail, but the most important component of the color illustration, which could be called the color logic.

The series is shown by the robot "Salon of Hanni Pavlivny Scherer". What a cold! Perlin-siri tone cloth, wall, dzerkal - light dead, overtaken. The glamor of the armchairs, the greenery of the shadows - everything seems to be like a marsh coldness: before us is a ball of glimmers, ghosts of ghosts. I in the depths of this newly-arranged kingdom - behind the contrast - like a sleeping energy of life, like a blow of blood - the red comir of Prince Andriy, in a white uniform, - a drop of fire in this swamp.

This coloristic contrast of divisions, divisions, enlargements in the "Portrait of Prince Andriy". Krizhans, in gray tones, painted a disguise, a thin silhouette on a lead aphid of a mirror - prince kutiy at the light of the world, his thin lips are squeezed, nothing can be read on the disguise, ale ... what a belligerent vibukh of a bright red on white! Yaskravy komir and in the gates of the white cavalry uniform of the prince - the color of life, passion, riziku, outside the swamp deadness. And in this color contrast, you already take on evil brows, majesty, instead of straightening your eyes in the middle. What passions are driven into the middle! Like a tragedy has come.

The first axis of the hot red dot blooms with all the colors of life in the painting “Children of Rostov”: the swirl of sleep, the joyfulness of the sun, the warm erysipelas color, and the black uniforms of Mikoli and Boris far away prophesy war and death in this easy whirlwind of life.

"Ball at the Rostovs" - a new contrast to the "Salon Sherer". There is an evening by candles, and here is an evening by candles, but we will see more later: warmth, pagan life, laughter, naturalness. There - marsh sirіst, here - dense sap farb. Ale and there and here - the illusory nature of life: the war has not yet penetrated its strength, the signet on the chi will lie on people who have not yet been awakened by fate in 1812. It is strikingly reminiscent of a lethargic dream in the portrait of “Old Prince Bolkonsky”: a bright riot of leaves in front of us with a cold gleaming slope, cold blackness of the walls, a cold gray-blaky color of a fur coat, in the guise of robes in the presence of a shoved aristocrat. like a collapse of the aquarium: cold, empty, silence. No, Russia hasn't thrown its way yet.

Ale viprobuvannya is coming closer. The hot din of the painting “Farewell to Prince Andriy and his sister”: the red comir is burning, candles are thrown in front of the icons, the white sultan is shaking on the capelus - awakenings, colorings, - Andriy go there, de everything burn and viruє, tudi, de and de the drama begins Russia.

Now guess the lining of the series: on the "wide screen" - the face of Kutuzov, and there, behind him, in the back, in the gray and gray Austrian breast day, - the Russian soldiers beat weak pits. The stench is torn apart from the fatherland, the stench is drawn in by the war, as if it has become Vitchiznyanoy ...

І axis, Voni, Marsh: Vibiavyt Bіlі Zubi in Posmіshtsі, Vibious Bіlі Bagneti, І Nomov Sticky Zzovnі Soldati one Bіlim Beluti, I chewed in Vzhzh Vzhzhavav, Vziya Noviy Kolіr - Dimniy Kolіr Vіini, i in Tsіy Colorsisti Gamіznіzhnі STI s) , chervone, inflamed, green, zhovte - krіz tsey intriguing, tearing, shapeless dim. Vіyna takes on like an important worker, like a robot. At this key, the theme "Tushin's battery", "Attack under Austerlitz", and "Entrance under Shengraben" is written.

And yet again, peace stories are blamed for this color accompaniment: now the din has changed a little. The axis is soft, non-singing, roaring coloring near the scene "Natasha and Sonya". And the axis is enticing by the seductiveness of the bright, yellow-coloured nonsense in the scene "P'er and Helen". Zhittradisnі and naїvnі have spent in singing, in themselves have insinuated support, Dim viyni nemov having taken the praise of the farb from these plots... , De krіz gray veil show through the white crosses of soldier's sword belts, de people suffer and die and start fighting in the dima of battles to stand up to the full extent of Russia.

The first axis of the thick, ragged kaleidoscope of broken and entangled, intertwined with dim, colorful flames, life, blood, death, death, roaring - is seen, like the sound of a trumpet, a "monoline" of color: penetrating and pure, cold blue to crush. "Wounded Prince Andriy on Pratsenskiye heights". Marvel at how the purity of the yet undeveloped dim is growing up: it was signified in this whirlwind, it became clear. Break the illusions, and the person turns to himself and saturates the sky above him. Vsuperech bagatorіchnіy traditsії іlyustratorіv "Vіyni i world" Nikolaev vіdmovlyaєtsya maljuvaty tse Austerlitske sky - vіn not Hoca, dwellers zakіnchenіst malyunka walling qiu neskіnchennіst, i vіn obrіzaє malyunok zverhu, dayuchi us mozhlivіst by prodovzhiti qiu Shinyo-Xin, scho vіdkrilasya, qiu road Tsey way. ; the path of the heroes of Tolstoy - to the Battle of Borodino ... to the truth ... to the Batkivshchyna.

Salon of Annie Pavlivny Scherer

Evening of Anni Pavlivny's launches. The spindles from the various sides rіvnomіrno and not locking rustled.

Ball near Rostov

... Raptom from the dry climate, I felt a lot of people and women, the gurkit of a chained and fallen style, and a thirteen-year-old girl came into the room, smelling her short bed, and ruffled in the middle of the room.

Spiritual service

Above the armchair stood spiritual disguise at their great glittering robe, with old hair standing on them, with lit candles in their hands, and served properly.

Old Prince Bolkonsky

General-in-Chief Prince Mykola Andriyovich, for the nickname of the Suspіlstva le roi de Prusse *, from that hour, as if for Paul, he sent messages to the village, he lives without a trace at his Fox Mountains with his daughter, Princess Mary, and with her companion, m- lle Bourienne**.

* King of Prussia
** Mamzel Bur'en

Farewell to Prince Andriy from his sister

Vona crossed herself, kissed and gave yoga to Andriy.
- Be a caress, Andre, for me.
From the great eyes її shone the promise of a good and fearful light. The eyes of the eyes illuminated everything more painfully, worse appearances and robbed him miraculously.

Song of a soldier

The drummer began to sing ... having drawn out a long soldier’s song, which began: “Why not dawn, the sun was busy ...” and ended with the words: “That’s it, brothers, be glory to us with Kamensky - father ...” in Austria, only with a tye snake, which on the plate “with Kamensky-father” inserted the words: “Kutuzov-father”.

Denisov on horseback

Denisov, hovering back and shouting, having passed the levitation.

Rostov at the battlefield

- Give me the rice! - the team seemed to be, and Rostov looked up, as if kicking backwards, interrupting Yogo Grachik into a gallop. Vіn ahead of guessing yoga ruhi, and you became more and more cheerful and fun ... "Oh, how I chop yoga," thinking Rostov, squeezing the ephesus in his hands.

Battery Tushin

In Dima, stunning with unlucky pliers, scho sophisticately sophisticated, tushin, not vipusyuchi his nosobrokilki, bigav іd one-ї ї zbroi, then Rakhuychi, then Rakhtychi Droatsyi, then Rye Zmіniy і's breathtaking in an unsettled voice.

Entrance near Shengraben

Junker buv Rostov. Vіn trimav with one hand іnsh, bv bіdіy, i Lower slot tremtyla is a kind of hot tremtyn.

P'er ta Elen

“Per an hour, after seeing off the guests for a long time, having left one of Helens at a small vital, they sat there. Vіn often and earlier, in the rest of the second month, having left one with Helen, but not at all talking about the kohanny. Now, having considered what was necessary, but still, I could not call on the rest of the rock.

Natalia and Sonya

- Do you remember yoga? - Following the hvilinny movchannya, Natalka was fed with rapt. Sonya smiled.
- Do you remember Nicolas?
“Hi, Sonya, do you remember yoga so, so that you remember well, so that you remember everything,” Natasha said with a diligent gesture, perhaps trying to give her words the most serious meaning. - I remember Nikolenka, I remember, - she said. - I don't remember Boris. I don't remember.
- Yak? Do you remember Boris? - Sonya slept with a wife.

Attack near Austerlitz

Prince Andriy with a battalion is already twenty short distances from the garmat. He felt a pulse above him, that the whistle did not stop, and the right-handed and left-handed soldiers incessantly groaned and fell.

Wounded prince Andriy on the Pratsensky heights

On Pratsensky Gori, on the very same place, de vin, having fallen with the holder of an ensign in his hands, Prince Andriy Bolkonsky, lying, dripping blood, and, without knowing it, stole with a quiet, pitying and childish moan... we live and suffer. like a burning and roaring pain in the head.
De vono, tse high sky, what I did not know dosi and pochiv nі? - It was the first yoga thought. - I don’t know the suffering of which I didn’t know, - thinking wine. - So, I didn’t know anything, I didn’t know anything. Ale de me?

Portrait of Prince Andriy

Prince Andriy Bolkonsky buv of small stature, even a garniy youngak with singing and dry rice. Everything in yoga position, starting from a languid, tedious look to a quiet peaceful crucible, represented the greatest extent of yoga with a small chewy retinue. Youmu, maybe, everyone who was in the vitals, not only knew, but even so youmu thought that it was too tedious for youmu to marvel at them and hear them.


“Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily tasted the snow, lifted his head again, stroked it, lifted his legs and siv, raising the center of gravity. Vіn forged cold snow and smoktav yoga; destroy yoga tremtili, but everyone laughed; the eyes shone with the zusillis and the malice of the remaining chosen forces. Vіn pіdnyav pіstolet i becoming cіlity.
“Sideways, close yourself with a pistol,” Nesvitsky said after prodding.
- Shut up! - without showing off, shouting to Denisov to his opponent.
P'er with a sly grin, I regret and repent, shamelessly spreading his legs and arms, standing straight with his broad chest in front of Dolokhov and marveling at the new one. Denisov, Rostov and Nesvitsky got married. At once the stench was felt and the angry cry of Dolokhov was heard.
- Past! - shouting Dolokhov and helplessly lay on the snow to the bottom. P'єr huddled behind his head and, turning back, pishov at the foxes, croaking with a lot of snow and in a voice calling out unreasonable words.
- Silly ... stupid! Death ... nonsense ... - repeating wine, frown.

“... I love you, I think, the most.
- I'm old, - Sonia said, having fallen.
- No, a thousand times I zakohuvavsya and zakohuvatimus, wanting such a sense of friendship, trust me, I can’t reach anyone, like you. Let's keep me young. Maman don't want anything. Well, I just don't blame anything. And I ask you to think about Dolokhov's proposition, - having said wine, forcibly forcing the call of his friend.
- Don't say me. I don't want anything. I love you like a brother and forever beloved, and nothing more is required of me.
- Vee angel, I'm not worth you, but I'm less afraid of fooling you. - Mikola once again kissed your hand.
"What's bad? What's good? What do you need to love, what do you hate? Navіscho to live, and what am I?
“Prince Andriy, standing, leaning on the railing of the porom, and, listening to P’era, not staring, marveling at the red glare of the sun over the blue pouring. P'er lock. It was so quiet. At times, they had been bailiffs for a long time, and only weak leaks with a weak sound hit the bottom of the porom. It seemed to Prince Andriy that the rinsing of the wind to the slive of P'yera would say: "It's true, I believe it."
Prince Andriy sighed and changed, with a childish, lower glance, looking at the reddened mound, but all the fear in front of his first friend, the denunciation of P'yera.
- So, yakbi tse so bool! - saying wine. “However, let’s sit down.”
- No, you wonder, what a month! .. Oh, what charm! You come here. Dear, dear, come here. Well, do you want to? So the axis was strong, the axis was like that, I would pidhopil myself under the knee - tighter, as it is possible tighter, straining the need - and I would fly. Ax so!"
“So, here at this fox there is an oak tree, with which we were fit,” Prince Andriy thought. - Ta de vin? - Thinking anew, Prince Andriy, marveling at the left side of the road, and not knowing it himself, not knowing it, being adored by this oak tree, which vin shukav. An old oak tree, all transfigured, spreading out like a tent of sap, dark green, mlіv, ice hovering at the exchanges of the evening sun. No clumsy fingers, no sores, no old grief and distrust - nothing could be seen. The crisis of historical hard bark broke through without knots of juice, young leaves, it was also impossible to believe that this old one had grown them. “That is the same oak tree,” thought Prince Andriy, and on the new rapt he knew, for no reason, spring joy that renewal. (…)
“Ni, life has not been cut off thirty-one times, - prince Andriy madly vibrated with a rapt remnant. - Not only that, I know all those who are in me, I need, so that everyone knew it: and P'er and that girl, I wanted to fly into the sky, I needed, so that everyone knew me, so that it was not for me alone my life so that the stench did not live like this, like a girl, independently from my life, so that all the stench lived with me at once!
“In Natasha’s eyes, all the numbers at the ball were nevertheless kind, sweet, beautiful people who love one alone: ​​no one could make one alone, and for this all were to blame for being happy.”
“De, yak, if she got wet from that Russian fashion, as if she were out of breath, - the countess, was wielded by a French emigrant, - what spirit, did she take the stars (...)? Ale spirit and accept ci buli yourself, unrepeated, unvivified, Russians, like chekav in her uncle. As if she had just become, she smiled urochist, proudly and cunningly cheerfully, the first fear, which suffocated Mikola and all those present, the fear that the wrong ones would be crushed, passing by, and the stench already had mercy on her.
Vaughn thrashed the same and so exactly, so completely thrashed that Anissa Fyodorivna, as if she once gave her the necessary for її to do a chore, broke into tears, marveling at that thin, graceful, such a stranger . , Yaka brought to mind all those who were in Aniss, and in the father of Anish, and in the titts, and in the mother, and in the skin of the Russian people.

Bezkoshtovny addendum to the journal "North" for 1893.

The editors of Pivnochi, for the butt of the past fate, and in the last year of 1893 give their overpayers at a seemingly costless premium an album to the works of the great Russian writers, and to themselves - to the novel of Count L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pictures to the album are painted by our prominent artists, and the artistic creation of them in one of the first-class ateliers with a cordon whole conveys all the most important illustrations to the ingenious work of the great Russian writer.

Captain Tushin's battery at Shengraben
Watercolor N.M. Karazina

Tushin’s battery was forgotten, and just a little bit, just continuing the cannonade in the center, Prince Bagration sent a black staff officer there and then Prince Andriy, to punish the batteries in the wake of the yaknaishvidshe. Prekrittya, who was standing by Tushin’s garmat, pishlo, for an order, at the middle of the right; but the battery continued to shoot and was not taken by the French, only to the one who could not allow the enemy to boast of the shooter chotiroh, who did not steal harmat. Navpaki, for the energy charge of the battery, letting the veins go, here, at the center, the main forces of the Russians were in the center, and the girls were trying to attack the point, and offended by the blows of the card shoots of the chotyrokh garmat, which were self-supportingly standing on it.

Not long after the arrival of Prince Bagration, Tushin set fire to the Shengraben.

Well, matvіїvno, matіnko, do not see!” - saying wine, entering the air, as if a strange, unknown voice had pierced over his head: - Captain Tushina!

Tushin looked around wickedly. That was the headquarters officer, a kind of vygnav yogo z gruntu. Vіn zahekani voice shouting youma:

Wow, did you god? You two are punished to step in, and you...

Well, why stink me? ... - Tushin thought to himself, fearfully marveling at the boss.

I... nothing... - rinsing the wines, placing two fingers to the visor. - I...

Ale, the colonel did not finish what he wanted. The core, which flew nearby, shook him up, kicking him, bending on his horse. Vіn zamovk, and choyno hoіv to say, as if the core sounded yogo. Vіn turning the horse and galloping away.

Come on! Let's all go! - shouting vin from afar.

The soldiers laughed. For the whilina, the adjutant came by the same order.

That was Prince Andriy. First, having swayed the wine, looking out on that expanse, which Tushin's armies occupied, he was releasing a horse with a broken leg, which neighed the harnessed horses. From the feet of її, like from the key, blood was shed. Alongside the limbers lay a sprat of the dead. One cannonball after another flew over them at that hour, like a wink pіd'їzhdzhav, and a wink vіdchuv, like a nerve trembling on your back. But one thought, what are you afraid of, lifted yoga again. "I can't be afraid," - having thought about it, I'm sure I'm angry with the horse between the Garmats.

Napoleon and Emperor Oleksandr I on the sidelines near Tilzit

Boris is in the middle of not rich buv on Nimani at the day of the emperors’ christening; venerable flesh with monograms, Napoleon’s passage along that birch led the French guard, brooding thoughtfully the guise of Emperor Oleksandr, likewise venerable miochka sitting by the tavern on the birch of the Neman, looking at Napoleon’s arrival; bachiv, as if insulting the emperors, they were in the tuns, and like Napoleon, having stuck to the raft, with quick croques, he was in front of him, and Oleksandr was chirping, giving him his hand, and like insults arose in the pavillion. From the hour of my entry into the holy world, Boris, having made his own sound, respectfully watch out for those that seemed to be about new and write down. At the end of the afternoon in Tilzit, having drunk wines about the names of those who came with Napoleon, about the uniforms, as if they were clothed on them, and respectfully listening to the words spoken by important persons. At that very hour, as the emperors went to the pavilion, they marveled at the anniversary and did not forget to marvel again, if Oleksandr viyshov from the pavilion. I spent three years and fifty-three hvilini: I wrote down that evening among other facts, thinking that I had little historical significance.

Natalya Rostova at the first ball.
Watercolor L.O. Pasternak

P'єr pіdіyshov to Prince Andriy and shopping yoga by the hand.

- You must dance. Here is my protegee, Rostova is young, request її, - saying wine.

- De? - sleeping Bolkonsky. - Vinen, - having said wine, turning to the baron, - I can bring my rozmov in another place to the end, and at the ball I need to dance. - Vіn viyshov ahead, in a straight line, as if you were telling P'єr. Vіdchaydushne, zavmirayuche guise of Natasha fell at the vіchі prince Andriy. Vіn vpіznav її, having guessed її sensibly, zrozumіv, that she was a pochatkіvtsy, having guessed її rozmovu on the vіknі and with a cheerful viraz of the guise of pіdіyshov to Countess Rostova.

"Allow me to introduce you to my daughter," said the countess, red-faced.

- I may be pleased with you, as the countess remembers me, - saying Prince Andriy with a poshtiv and a low bow, that we would like to superstitrate Peronskaya's respect for yogo rudeness, approaching Natasha and raising his hand, sob dance request. Vіn zaproponuvav їy round waltz. That ever-changing viraz of Natasha's disguise, ready for rozpach and burying, raptly illuminated by a happy, childish, childish laughter.

“For a long time I have been checking on you,” the nibi said to the evil and happy girl with her smile, which shone through ready tears, raising her hand on the shoulder of Prince Andriy. The stench was another pair, which went up to the stake. Prince Andriy was one of the best dancers of his time. Natalya danced wonderfully. The stilettos in ballroom satin lace-ups swayed, easily and freely, they fought their right, and її in their guise shone with happiness.

Rostov on canine watering in Vtishny.
Watercolor by Professor A.D. Kivshenko

Mykola, yogo strim'yany, uncle and yogo myslivets were spinning over the world, hooting, shouting, shuffling, getting angry, if they were sitting on their backs, and quickly jumping ahead, if they were rushing and poking their asses, it was not enough to yog.

Even on the cob of this cob Danilo, feeling the hooting, jumped onto the knotted fox. Vіn bachiv, yak Karai took a vovka, and zupiniv a horse, vvazhuchi, which was skinned on the right. But if the thoughts weren’t angry, for the time being, he got scared and re-started, Danilo let go of his brown not to the point, but in a straight line, to the zasіk, just like Karay, - for sure, go wild. Zavdyaks to whom they jumped straight ahead to the fork, if suddenly his uncle's dogs sounded him.

Danilo, galloping his hand, twitching the dagger at his left hand, moving in a chimp, milking with his harp from the brown upturned sides.

Mykola didn’t feel and didn’t feel Danila doti, until he shoved his way through, airily, stormy, and didn’t feel the sound of the body falling and didn’t shake, Danilo was already lying in the middle of the dogs, on the back, trying to slander yoga by the ear. Obviously, it was for myslivtsiv, for dogs, and for wolfs, which is now all over. Zvir, squeezing his mouth in a snarky way, trying to get up, but the dogs licked him. Danilo, moving up, crushing the falling rock and all the vaga, nibi kicking, falling on the wedge, grabbing yoga by the ear. Mykola wanted to stab, but Danilo whispered: “It’s not necessary, it’s not necessary,” and, changing the camp, stepping on her neck with his foot. They slaughtered a chick at the pasture, tied it up, tied it up, tied the legs, and Danilo folded from one side to the other, having crossed the wovka.

Rostov's Christmas trip to Melyukov
Watercolor N.M. Karazina

Swinging on the torn, the great road, oiled with runners and all covered with traces of thorns, visible at the bright moon, the horses began to pull on the bridles and add to the move. Liva is attached, bowing her head, grinning at her vices with haircuts. Korinny roared, waggling with his wahs, nibi feeding: “Will you start early yet?” - In front, already far away, cremated and rattling with a thick ring, as far away, Zakhar's black trio was clearly visible on the white snow. A little buli from yoga sleigh shouting and regіt and voices vbranih.

Chi nu vie, love, - shouting Mikola, from one side he smiled at the wreath and raised his hand with the batog. And only a little in the wind, that you have grown strong, nibi on the zestrich, and on the sip of the pulling ones, and everything is added to the haircut of the attractive ones, it was commemorative, how strong the troika flew. Mikola looked back. With a cry and heather, waving batogs and roaring gallops of the natives, other troikas swept up. Korinny stіyko kolivavsya under the arc, not thinking about beating and obіtsyayuchi sche y to give, if you need it.

Mikola overtook the first three. The stench z'їhali z kakoїs burning, swayed on a wide rose'zhzhenu road through the meadows of a white river.

De tse mi їdemo? Mykola thought. - “On a slanting hole, you can booty. Ale nі, it's new, which I'm not bachelor in any way. This is not a slanting meadow and not Demkina Mountain, but God knows what it is! Tse schos new that charіvne. Well, no matter what! І vin, shouting at the horses, beginning to ob'їzhdzhati the first three.

Napoleon and Lavrushka at the crossing from Vyazma to Tsaryovo-Zaimishch.
Watercolor L.O. Pasternak

After Smolensk, Napoleon saw the battle for Dorogobuzh at Vyazma, then at Tsaryov-Zaimishch; Prote it seemed that, for unknown reasons, to Borodin, 60 miles from Moscow, the Russians could not accept the battle. Vіd Vyazmi was broken up by Napoleon's order to move on Moscow.

Moscow, the Asian capital of the great apostate empire, the sacred place of the people of Oleksandr, Moscow - with its inimitable churches in the form of Chinese pagodas! Tsya Moscow did not give peace to the sight of Napoleon. At the crossing from Vyazma to Tsaryovo-Zaimishch, Napoleon led the way with his english escort, adjutant guards, varti, pages and adjutants. Bertje v_dstav, schob to feed the Russian cavalry taken by the cavalry. Vіn having overtaken Napoleon and with merriment in the guise of a horse.

Well, what? Napoleon said.

Tse Plativsky Cossack, it seems that Platov’s corps will join the great army, that Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief. More reasonable and basic.

Napoleon smiled and ordered to give the Cossacks a horse and bring him here, he himself wanted to talk to him. A sprig of adjutants galloped, and in a year, a krіpak at the orderly jacket, on the French cavalry saddle, with Shakhrai and p'yanim, cheerful disguises, pid'їhav before Napoleon. Napoleon ordered you to leave and instructed him to leave and start feeding.

Are you a cossack?

Kozak, your honor.

"The Cossack, not knowing that suspіlstva, in what wine he knew, to that the simplicity of Napoleon is not small of anything that could reveal the presence of the sovereign for the siding, talking with supernatural familiarity about the furnishing of the war," - say Tier, rozpovidaya tsepіzoda. True, Lavrushka, Denisov's lackey, who crossed to Rostov, having drunk before the day before, drunk and left the pan without offense, and sent to the village for looting, de and the French. Lavrushka was one of the quiet, rude, impudent lackeys, who looked at all sorts of things, how they respect the obligatory language of work and everything with servility and cunning, as if ready to serve, whether as a service to your master and as cunningly guess pansky filthy thoughts, especially Marnoslavism and drib' viscosity.

Kutuzov on Poklonniy Gori in front of the Viysk Rada at Filiakh.
Watercolor by Professor A.D. Kivshenko

Kutuzov on Poklonniy Gori, six versts from the Dorogomilivska gate, vyyshov from the carriage and siv to the bench on the edge of the road. The majestic natovp generalіv zigravsya on a new level. Count Rostopchin, having arrived from Moscow, arrived before them. All the bliskuche sspіlstvo, having broken up into sprats of gurtkіv, spoke among themselves about the advantages and disadvantages of positions, about the camp of the military, about the plan, about the camp of Moscow, about the nourishment of the military. Everyone noticed that even if they didn’t call on those who didn’t even have that name, they were still happy. Razmovy all trimalis at the sphere of sleeping meals. Even though it was necessary and reminding or recognizing special news, then whispers were said about it, and immediately they went over again to hot meals: no hotness, no laughter, no smiles to inspire was not a memory among us people All, maybe, from zusilly, tried to tremble on the height of the camp. And all the groups, roaming among themselves, tried to hang around near the commander-in-chief (whose cloakroom folded the center at their coats) and spoke like this, so that they could win in a moment. The commander-in-chief, hearing and sometimes repeating what they said in a different way, but he himself did not join the rozmov and did not exclaim any thoughts.

Count Rostopchin and the merchant's son Vereshchagin in the courtyard of the governor's house near Moscow.
Watercolor by Professor A.D. Kivshenko

- Boys! - saying Rastopchin in a metallic-dzvinky voice, - this man, Vereshchagin - that same vile person, for whom Moscow perished. A young man with a fox skin, standing in a pokirnіy pose, clasping his hands at once in front of his stomach and bending down. Worse, with a hopeless viraz, with a shaved head, the young guise of yoga was lowered down. For the first words of the count vin, having properly lifted his head and marveled at the count from below, I would not hesitate to tell you, or he would like to see him. Ale Rostopchin did not marvel at the new one. On the long, swampy neck of a young woman, like a hankerchief, she strained and turned blue in her veins, and her face turned black with a rapt. All eyes were directed to the new one. Vіn glancing at natovp, i, nіbi reassured by this viraz, what vin he read on the guise of people, vіn vaguely and timidly smiled, lowering his head again, stroking, with his feet on the convergence.

Natasha Rostova and Prince Andriy Bolkonsky at Mitishchi.
Watercolor L.O. Pasternak

Oh, how important is this inexhaustible beacon! - Prince Andriy thought, trying to name the person of his own. Ale's appearance stood before him with the power of action, and the whole appearance was approaching. Prince Andriy wanted to turn to the greatest light of a pure thought, but he didn’t have a moment, and the lighthouse drew him into his region. A quiet, whispering voice continued its peaceful belkit, it pressed, weighed heavily, and a wondrous appearance stood before him. Prince Andriy gathered his strength to make himself look funny; Vіn vіrohnuvsya, and raptomy vukhakh yogo splattered, dimmed in the eyes, and vіn, like a person, who threw herself at the water, became tired. If you come to you, Natalya, she herself is alive Natalya, like all the people in the world, you most wanted to love that new, pure God's love, like a bula now vіdkrita youma, stood before him on her knees. Vin realized that she was alive, right Natasha, and not zdivuvavsya, but quietly healthy. Natalya, standing on her knees, glaringly, scarletly tucked up (she couldn’t ruin it), marveled at the new one, pacifying her rush. Appearance її blode and unruhome. Only in the lower part of the yoga tremtilo.

Rozstrіlyuvannya by the French palіїv near Moscow.
Watercolor L.O. Parsnip

Maybe, the team seemed to be, maybe, after the teams lulled, they shot eight towels. Ale P'er, we tried to guess later, not feeling the least sound from the shootings. Vіn bachiv tіlki, as if with a raptom sank down on the factory hanks, like a shelter was given to two women and like the hanks themselves, in view of the heaviness of the body, which hung, the factory worker unfolded, unnaturally lowering his head and bending his leg, sіv. P'єr pіdbіg to stovp. Nobody cares about yoga. The greenery, the white people were hurting around the factory floor. In one old Frenchman with a big mustache, the bottom slit tremtila, if the veins vydv'yazuvav hanks. The body went down. The soldiers unhandedly and quarrelly sipped the yogo by the stovp and began to stick to the pit.

Everyone, obviously, knew that the stench was evil, as it was necessary to pick up more of your evil.

P'er, looking up at the pit and swaying, that the factory worker, lying there with his knees, burnt out, close to the head, one shoulder higher than the other. I tse shoulder convulsively, step by step lowered and lifted. Ale, the shovels of the earth were hoarding all over the body. One of the soldiers angrily, angrily and painfully shouted at P'er, turning around. Ale P'єr did not understand yoga and stood white stovp, and did not think of anything.

Death of Petya Rostov
Watercolor N.M. Karazina

Pochekati? .. Uraaaa! .. - shouting Petya I, not calling out the whims of the living, galloping before that month, the stars looked like they shot and dewed the gunpowder smoke. Feeling a volley, they squealed the empty ones at the shchos shloplі kuli. The Cossacks and Dolokhov huddled behind Petya at the booth gate. The French in the thick dime, sho kolivayutsya, some threw zbroi and vibіgali from the bushes nazustrich Cossacks, and others went up the mountain to the rate. Petya, having galloped on his horse to the lord's court, and, instead, to trim the reins, marvelously and swiftly waving both hands, and all the distance and distance, beating from the saddle for one beak. Kіn, nabіgshi on the fire, which smoldered in the ranking light, rested, and Petya importantly fell on the wet ground. The Cossacks danced, and Yogo's arms and legs twitched like a shvidko, without respect for those that Yogo's head did not break. Kulya pierced the youma's head.

Having spoken with a senior French officer, like a viyshov to the new s-behind the booth with a sharp on the spaz and voiced that the stench is coming, Dolokhov angry from the horse and pidijshov unruly, with outstretched arms, that Petya was lying.

Ready, - having said wine, frowning, and pishov at the gate to zustrіch, їhav to the new Denisov.

Driven?! - Denisov shouted, babbling from afar, you know you, undoubtedly inanimate camp, in which the body of Petya lay.

Ready, - repeating Dolokhov, nibbling the word brought you satisfaction, and a quick pishov to polonony, which the Cossacks honed, which they hung out. - Let's not take it! shouting to Denisov.

Denisov did not answer; vіn pіd'їhav to Petya, evil from the horse and with three-handed hands turning to himself cloddy with blood and brood, already fading the disguise of Petya.

In the midst of the death of Denisov and Dolokhov of the Russian polonenikh buv P'єr Bezukhiv.

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