O.M. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm": description, heroes, analysis of creation

Boris Grigorovich - Diky's nephew. Vin is one of the most weak-willed heroes of p'yesi. B. himself says to himself: “Adzhe already calls for the murders of Khoja ... Exiles, beatings ...”
Boris is a kind, well-lit person. You can clearly see the anatomy of the merchant's middle. Ale vin is a weak person for his nature. B. embarrassment to humble yourself before your uncle, Wild, for the sake of hope for the fall, as to deprive you of it. If the hero himself knows that he will never be, wine, prote, succumb to the tyrant, tolerate yoga windings. B. untimely protect yourself, nor Katerina, who is in love with him. In misfortune, only people throw themselves and cry: “Ah, yakbi knew tsі people, how can I say goodbye to you! My God! God forbid, if it were so licorice itself, it would be like me now ... You are evil! Inhumans! Oh, yakby strength! But there is no strength in B., that the guilt cannot be alleviated by the suffering of Katerina and take care of the vibes, taking it with you.

Varvara Kabanova- Daughter of Kabanikh, sister of Tikhon. It can be said that life in the boudinka of the Kabanikhi morally rocked the girl. You don’t want to live behind the patriarchal laws, like preaching to your mother. Ale, regardless of a strong character, St does not hesitate to protest against them. Її principle - "Robi, what you want, abi shito ta krito bulo."

This heroine easily adheres to the laws of the "dark kingdom", easily deceives all those who are alienated. Tse became familiar to her. V. insists that it is impossible to live any other way; “I didn’t bullshit, she twisted, if it became necessary.”
V. was cunning, the docks were possible. If її began to zamikati on the castle, it flowed in from the house, giving the Boar a beggarly blow.

Wild Savel Prokofich- a wealthy merchant, one of the most famous people of Kalinov town.

D. is a typical tyrant. Vіn vіdchuvaє their power over people, that is completely bezkarnіst, and to him to do what he wants. “There are no elders over you, the axis of you is swaggering,” - explains Kabaniha’s behavior D.
Yogo squad of the shoranka with tears of happiness: “Fathers, do not make me angry! Doves, don't get angry!" Ale D. it’s important not to make me angry. I don’t know myself, in what kind of mood can come offensive whilini.
Tsey "zhorstoy husky" and "sharp man" do not quarrel at the vislovlyuvannya. Yogo mova is filled with words like “darmoid”, “ezuїt”, “aspіd”.
Ale "attacks" D. less people, weaker than himself, quiet, who can give advice. Then D. is afraid of his clerk Kudryash, who has a reputation as a rude man, not seeming about Kabanikh. Її D. respect, more, there is only one, who knows yoga. Aje is a hero, and sometimes he himself is not radiant with his tyranny, but he can’t influence anything. To that Kabanikh vvazhє D. is a weak person. Kabanihu and D. unite and belong to the patriarchal way, dotrimony yogo laws, and worry about changing the name.

Boar -Not knowing the changes, the development and development of the diversity of the manifestations of action, Kabaniha is intolerant and dogmatic. She “legitimizes” the primary forms of life as an eternal norm and respects with her greatest right to punish quietly, who crossed the great and small laws. Being a reinstall of the Harse, the non -immaculate way of the living, the “vits” of the sub -such -ritual behavior of the skin of the people, the borrowing of the ritual of the people, the right -winged people Everyone who thinks about the life of other cities in the wake of Kalinov’s place, speaks about “infidelity”: people who live differently, like Kalinivtsy, blame their mother’s head. The center of all the world is the pious place of Kaliniv, the center of this place is the Kabanovy's houses, - this is how Feklusha's mandriving woman characterizes the world for the master of the lord. Won, remembering the changes that are found in the world, hardening, that the stinks threaten the “applications” of the very hour. Be-yaka zmina є Kabanikhe the cob of sin. Vaughn is a defender of a closed one, which includes the interplay of people's lives. To marvel at the vikna, on the її perekonannya, from the filthy, sinful sponukany, in the other place is fraught with calmness and insecurity, to that you read the inexorable words to Tikhon, yak їde, and zmushuє yogo vimagati in the squadron, so you won’t marvel at the vila. Kabanova zі spіvchuttyam raspovіdі about "bіsove" innovations - "chavuntsі" and stverdzhuє, scho would not go by train. Having used a non-dominant attribute of life - zdatnіst vіdznіuvati і vіdmirati, all zvichaї ta rituals that harden Kabanikhoy, turned into "eternal", inanimate, thoroughly in their genus, ale bezmіstovnu form

Katerina-but it’s not right to take the ritual pose of yoga with a zmіstom. Religion, hometowns, to walk along the banks of the Volga - a mustache that among Kalinovtsy, and especially at the house of Kabanovs, turned into a call to complete the collection of rituals, for Katerina, it’s either sensu, or unbearable. From religion, the wonna took away the poetic ecstasy and sharpened almost morally viable, but the form of churchness and baiduzha. She will pray in the garden in the middle of the night, and in the church she will not dream of the priest and the parathians, but of the angels at the change of light that fall from the dome. From the art, ancient books, icon painting, wall painting, she took over the image, scribbled on miniatures and icons: “temples of gold, plant as if imaginary ... and burn that tree, not like it’s amazing, but like writing on images” - all Tse live at її svіdomosti, transform into dreams, and now you’ll not be able to paint and book, but the world, which has moved, you can smell the sounds of this world, smell its smells. Katerina carries with her a creative, ever-living cob, generations of inexhaustible needs of the hour, there is a decadent creative spirit tієї ancient culture, yak pragne to transform Kabanikh Katerina into a bezmistovna form by stretching us sієї dії suprovodzhuє motif polota, shvidkoї їzdi. Vaughn wants to fly, like a bird, and їy dream about watering, she tried to split the Volga, and in dreams to rush herself to triytsі. І to Tikhon, and to Boris, she’s going to go to hell, take її with you, take

TikhinKabaniv- Cholovik Katerini, son of Kabanikhi.

This image points to the end of the patriarchal way of life. T. already does not care for the needs of the old ways. Ale, by virtue of his character, can’t repair wines, as he respects his needs, and go against his mother. Yogo vibіr - tse zhittєvі compromise: “Who її hear! Well, you need to speak! Well, and hi there, it seems, but you skip the whistle!”
T. is not evil, but a weak person, she throws herself between the fear of the mother, and she speaks to the squad. The hero is to love Katerina, but not so, as if Kabanikha means so - suvoro, "in a human way." You don’t want to bring your retinue to power, you need the warmth of that caress: “Are you afraid now? To get me to do it, that she won’t love me.” I don’t take ale that into the booth of Kabanikhi Tikhin. At home, play the role of a hearing-sink: “That’s me, Mom, and I don’t want to live by my own will! Let me live by my own will! Yogo єdina vіddushina - tse trips on the right, de vin forget all your humiliation, drowning them in guilt. Ignorant of those who love T. Katerina, they don’t know what to do with this squad, like mental anguish out there. The softness of T. is one of the negative qualities. Through her own faults, she cannot help the squad in the struggle against addicted to Boris; Wanting to win himself, standing up to the sake of the squad gently, without being angry at her: And I її love me, її zachepit me with your finger. Just over the body of the dead squad of T., he dares to rebel against his mother, publicly ringing її in the death of Katerina. The very revolt in front of people is the cause of Kabanis the worst blow.

Kuligin- “a townsman, a self-taught year-old, a kind of perpetuum mobile” (that is an eternal dvigun).
- nature is poetic and mrіyliva (to choke on the beauty of the Volzky landscape, for example). The first time of the year was marked by the literary song “In the middle of the river valley…”
But at the same time, the technical ideas of K. (installation of a sleepy year in the city, a thunderbolt toshcho) were clearly outdated. Tsya "old age" blatantly speaks of the clay link of K. s Kalinov. Vin, obviously, is a “new person”, but he was called the wine of the middle of Kalinov, who could not but be recognized for his light and life philosophy. Golovna on the right of K.'s life - a dream about the wines of an eternal dvigun and a reward for a new million from the English. Tsei million "antique, chemist" Kalinov want to visit next place: “The work needs to be given to philistinism” In the meantime, K. is satisfied with other wineries for the benefit of Kalinov. There, vin zmusheny postyno beg for pennies in the rich people of the place. Ale stinks do not understand the crusty wines of K.; Therefore, the kulіgіvska passion for creativity is overwhelmed by Kalinov's unrealized walls. K. shkoduє their fellow countrymen, bachachi in their vices is the result of non-government and vigilance, but in what you cannot help them. So, it’s a pleasure to swear at Katerina and don’t think anymore about the unfortunate sin at the Kabanikh’s house. This pleasure is good, out of the humane mirkuvan, but not the vrakhovu's character of the Kabanovs' reconciliation. In this rank, for all the positive traits of K., nature is contemplative and idle. Yogo beautiful thoughts can never outgrow with miracles. so I will be deprived of Kalinov's divak, his own reminder.

Teklusha- Storinka. Mandrivniki, holy fools, blessed - a non-standard example of merchant budins - Ostrovsky often asks to finish, but always, like off-stage characters. A number of mandruichimi on religious occasions (went to the shrines, took pennies for everyday life and matrimony of the temples) there were few and simply empty people, as if they lived for the rahunka of the bounty of the population, which always helped the mantras. There were people, for whom the faith was more than a drive, and the miraculous, that rose about the saints, those miracles were the subject of trade, their own goods, like a stench, they paid for the mercy of that porch. Ostrovsky, who does not like zabobonіv and sanctimonious manifestations of religiousness, always talks about mandrivniki and blessed in ironic tones, sound to characterize the middle, or be someone from the characters (divinely, especially “To every wise man to endure simplicity”, stage in Turusina's booth). On the stage, Ostrovskiy played such a typical mandrake once - in "Thunderstorm", and the role of F., which is small for the text, became one of the most famous in the Russian comedy repertoire, and F.'s deacons replicas went up to the usual movie.
F. does not take part in the diї, is not connected directly with the plot, but the meaning of the image in the p'єсі arc of the story. First (and traditionally for Ostrovsky), won - most important character to characterize the medium with a zagalom and Kabanikhi zokrema, in the zagalі creation of the image of Kalinov. In a different way, її the dialogue from the Kabanikhoi is even more important for the understanding of the Kabanikhi to the world, for the explanation of the powerful tragic feeling collapse of the world.
For the first time, appearing on the stage in the wake of the roar of Kuligin about the “zhorstokі zvichaї” of Kalinov’s place and without a middle before the exit of the Ka-banikhi, as if mercilessly sawing the accompanying children, with the words “Bla-a-lepia, mila, bla-a-le-pіya ! ”, F. is especially praised for the generosity of Kabanov’s houses. In such a rank, we take a subdued characteristic, given to Kabanikha Kuliginim (“Honge, sir, zhebrakiv saw, and homemade zaїl zovsіm”).
For the offensive, Bachimo F. ​​is already at the Kabanovih's booth. At the rozmovі with the maiden Glasha won out for the sake of keeping an eye on the wretched, “I wouldn’t have pulled off something”, and I can hear a replica from the guardian: “Whoever sorts you out, everyone is one on one riveter.” Glasha, who repeatedly speaks clearly and understands the goodness of the people around that situation, ingenuously believe F.'s statements about the lands, de people with pisniy heads "for infidelity." Tse podkrіlyuє vrazhennya, scho Kalinov is a closed world, who does not know anything about other lands. The hostility becomes even more intense if F. starts telling Kabanova about Moscow and that bay. Rozmova starts from F.'s assertion that the "remaining hours" are insisting. Prikmet tsgogo - povna metushnya, hurry up, persecution for shvidkistyu. F.’s steam locomotive is called a “fire serpent,” which they began to harness for swedeness: “if you don’t blow anything, it’s like a car, it’s like a car, you stink like a car and call it, and I blew it like a win with my paws like this (opening my fingers) to rob. Well, stogіn, like people of a good life, they smell like that. Nareshti, she will remind you that “it’s become an hour to come again” and for our sins “it’s getting shorter and shorter.” The apocalyptic murmur of the mandriving speaker sensitively hears Kabanov, from the final scene of the remark, it becomes clear that she sees the death of her world, which is nasuvaetsya.
Name F. has become nominal for the signification of a dark hypocrite, who, under the gaze of the pious mirkuvan, all sorts of stupid tales.

The song "Thunderstorm" by the famous Russian writer of the 19th century Oleksandr Ostrovsky, was written in 1859 on the basis of a suspense ahead of social reforms. Vaughn became one of the best creations the author, who showed the eyes of the whole world on the sound of the moral values ​​of the current merchant's life. Previously, it was published in the journal "Library for Reading" in 1860. The popularity of the novelty of its subject matter (a description of the fight against new progressive ideas and the fight against old, conservative ambushes) immediately after the publication called for a wide suspіlny resonance. Vaughn became a topic for writing great number critical articles for that hour (“Pray for the Light of the Dark Kingdom” by Dobrolyubov, “Motives for Russian Drama” by Pisarev, criticism by Apollon Grigor'ev).

History of writing

Infused with the beauty of the Volzky region and boundless expanses under an hour of travel from the same time to Kostroma in 1848, Ostrovskiy began writing letters near the linden of 1859, and already in three months in її zakіnchuє i vіdpravlyaєko censorship.

Having worked for a long time at the office of the Moscow Soviet Court, knowing well what a merchant is in Zamoskvorichchi (historical district of the capital, on the right birch of the Moscow River), more than once sticking with the obligatory service of the merchants in chorus, And at the same time with zhorstokіst, tyranny, non-government and rіznomanіtnymi zabobons, illegal favors and scams, tears and suffering suffering. The tragic share of the bride in the merchant's dependent family of the Klikovs became the basis for the plot of the story, as it turned out to be true: the young woman rushed to the Volga and drowned, not having seen the clutches from the side of the mother-in-law, languishing in the lack of character of the man of that military service. Having deeply respected someone, the very history of the life of the Kostroma merchants became the prototype for the plot written by Ostrovskiy P'esoy.

At the fall of the leaves in 1859, the fate of the bula was zigran on the scaffolding of the Maly academic theater near Moscow, at the same fate in the Oleksandrinsky Drama Theater near St. Petersburg.

Analysis of creativity


At the centi podia, which are described in p'єсі, there can be a merchant named Kabanovykh, as if they lived in the foreseeable Volzky town of Kalinov, which is a kind of own and closed scroll, which symbolizes the solemn device of all patriarchal Russian power. The family of the Kabanovs is made up of a sovereign and a zhorstokoy woman-tyrant, and in fact the head of the family, rich merchant's wife and widow Martha Іgnativny, її son, Tikhon Ivanovich, weak-willed and characterless on aphrodisiac vdacha yogo mother, daughter Varvari was deceived and also the bride of Katerina A young woman, who grew up in sim'ї, de її loved and misbehaved, suffered in the house of an unloved person due to lack of will and the pretensions of the mother-in-law, in fact, having lost her will and became a victim of zhorstokost and tyranny of the tyranny of the Boar, she was deprived of her will -person.

In the absence of a break, Katerina jokes about love for Boris the Wild, who you can love, but be afraid not to listen to your uncle, the wealthy merchant Savel Prokof'ich the Wild, even if you want to lie in the material camp of that sister. Sweat wine chatting with Katerina, but at the last moment, zrajuє її i vtikaє, then we’ll follow the uncle’s head to Siberia.

Katerina, being smitten at the hearing of that order of people, tormented by the sin of God, confesses to all people at the presence of his mother. And to rob the life of a bride is absolutely unbearable, and Katerina, suffering from an unhappy kohannya, enduring the conscience and cruel persecutions of a tyrant and a despot Kabanikhi, virishu to end his torment, in the only way, in a way, you won’t be able to swear, that’s self-destruction. She throws herself out of the urvishcha near the Volga and tragically dies.

Wild animals

All the characters are divided into two opposite camps, one (Kabanikha, her son and daughter, the merchant Dikoi and her nephew Boris, the servants of Feklusha and Glasha) are representatives of the old, patriarchal way of life, and others (Katerina, a self-taught mechanic Kuligin) - new, progressive

The young woman Katerina, the squad of Tikhon Kabanov, is the central hero of the p'isi. Vaughn is vihovana under strict patriarchal rules, apparently up to the laws of the old Russian Domostroy: the squad is guilty of supporting everyone, respect yoga, win all yoga vimogi. On the back of her head, Katerina tried with all her strength to love her person, to become a pokirny and good squad for him, to overcome his spinelessness and weakness of character, you can only feel pity.

The bells of the yonder look weak and mournful, but in the depths of її souls are saved enough willpower and arrogance, so as to resist the tyranny of the mother-in-law, yak be afraid that the bride can change the son of Tikhon, mother of that cease. Katherine is tight and stuffy in the dark kingdom of life in Kalinov, she literally suffocates there and in the dreams she sees it, like birds get out of that stingy place for her.


Having fallen in love with the newlywed young man Boris, the nephew of a wealthy merchant and dilka, I create in my head the image of an ideal kohan and right person, which does not show action, breaks my heart and leads to a tragic finale.

In p'єsi, the character of Katerina is not opposed to a specific person, her father-in-law, but to the entire patriarchal way of life at that time.


Marfa Ignativna Kabanova (Kabanikha), like a merchant-tyrant Dikoy, who tortures and imitates his relatives, does not pay wages, and deceives his workers, who are the representatives of the old, philistine way of life. The stench resounds with foolishness and ignorance, unrealistic zhorstokistyu, rudeness and rudeness, the same hostility to any progressive changes in the ossified patriarchal way of life.


(Tikhin, illustrated by Kabanikhi - Marfi Ignati)

Tikhin Kabanov is characterized as a quiet and weak-willed person by the protyag of his p'єsi, as if he is resting under the full infusion of a despotic mother. Invigorating the softness of character, to try the daily trials, to defend your squad against the attacks of the mother.

Naprikintsі p'єsi vіn zreshtoyu not vitrimuі and the author shows his rebellion against tyranny and despotism;

Features of compositional inspiration

(Fragment from a dramatic production)

Tvir is based on the description of the place on the Volz Kalinov, the image of which chosen rank all Russian places for that hour. The images of the landscape of the Volzky expanses contrast with the musty, gloomy and gloomy atmosphere of life in this place, as if reinforcing the dead closure of life, її sacks, their indestructibility, siristyu and wild lack of illumination. The author characterizes the wild life of the mishkogo life as if it were before a thunderstorm, if the old, old way of life is stolen, and the new progressive vіyanny, like having broken the said thunderstorm wind, will come to respect people to live a normal life, they have made the rules of that zaboboni. Descriptions of the life of the meshkants in the town of Kalinov are often described at the camp, if the call all look calm, but it’s less calm before the future storm.

The p'esi genre can be interpreted as a socially-button drama, and as a tragedy. For the first, it is more characteristic to use a retal description of the minds of but, the maximum transfer of this “strongness”, and to bring out the manifestation of characters. Respect for the readers may share among the participants of the production. Interpretation of p'єsi as a tragedy conveying the greatest zmіst and gruntovnіst. As if in the death of Katerina, after the conflict with her mother-in-law, she looked like a victim of a family conflict, and everything itself bursts into flames in the p's for the right tragedy, it is trivial and insignificant. Ale yakscho look at the death main heroine like a conflict of a new, progressive hour in the fading, old era, then the most obvious interpretation is in a heroic key, characteristic of a tragic explanation.

Talented playwright Oleksandr Ostrovskiy from socially-button dramas about the life of a merchant, I step by step create a tragedy, in order to help the love-butt conflict of wines, showing the time of the epochal turning point that is experienced by the people. It's easy for people to notice a little bit of the wetness that they are falling over, to repair in a new way, to put themselves in a new light, to want to do their own thing and fearlessly show their will. Tse bajannya, which is born, enters into an irreconcilable super-chnist with a real patriarchal way of life. Katerina's share is gaining momentous historical sensation, which reflects the camp of the people's witness to the turning point of two epochs.

Oleksandr Ostrovskiy, who at the hour remembered the prejudice of patriarchal ambushes that would rot, having written the phrase “Thunderstorm” and looking up at those who were watching the entire Russian community. Vіn having depicted the ruin of the sonorous, old way of life, for the help of the richly meaningful and figurative understanding of the threat, like step by step, you will sweep all of your path and open the way for a new, better life.

"Thunderstorm", as you know, presents us with an idyllic "dark kingdom", as Ostrovsky gradually reveals to us with his talent. People who live here live near blessed places: the place stands on the birch of the Volga, everything is green; from the steep banks one can see far expanses, covered with settlements and fields; a blessed summer day so beckon to the shore, on the shore, open the sky, under this wind, which refreshes the air from the Volga ... And the inhabitants, for sure, walk along the boulevard above the river, even though they marveled at the beauty of the volzsky views; in the evenings to sit on the prizbah of the gate and engage in pious roses; but rather spend an hour at home, take care of the state, eat, sleep - it’s too early to go to bed, so it’s important for an innocent person to wake up to such a dream, like a stench to ask yourself. But why should I work, how can I not sleep, if the stench is here? Your life is flowing smoothly and peacefully, everyday interests of the world do not turbulent, that which does not reach them; kingdoms can collapse, new lands emerge, the face of the earth can change as you wish, light can start a new life in new ambushes, - the inhabitants of the little town of Kalinov will be together, as before, in a deadly dark place. Zrіdka to get to them it is not clear a little bit, that Napoleon from two to ten words rises again, because the Antichrist has been born; ale y tse stinks take on more like a curiosity thing, it’s better to tell about those countries, where all the people are with crazy heads; to steal their heads, to hang their heads up to the wonders of nature and to have a bite of their own... From a young age they will show their deacons to drink, but then take the stars: the bridges go up to them, don’t go to the old Russia of Danila the Pilgrim, only in the middle of the mandrivnits, that one is already quiet troch of spravzhnіh; to be satisfied with such people, like “themselves, due to their weakness, did not go far, but rather chuli”, like Feklusha in “Thunderstorm”. Among them, only the bagmen of Kalinovoy know about those who work in the world; Otherwise, they would think that the whole world is such itself, like Kaliniv, and that it is impossible to live any other way, lower the stench. Ale and vіdomosti, yakі podomlyayut Feklushі, so that not zdatnі navіyati great bazhannya to forget your life for another.

Feklush to belong to the patriotic party and the world's most conservative; її good among the pious and naїvnih Kalinovtsіv: її and shun, and often, and do what is necessary; you can seriously remember that the sins themselves look like what she is more for other mortals: “ ordinary people, - It seems, - one enemy of the skin can be bent, and before us, wondrous people, to whom there are six, to whom twelve are assigned, from the need to overcome them. І їй to believe. I realized that the simple instinct of self-preservation is to blame for zmusit її to say a good word to those who work in other lands. And really, listen to the roses of the merchants, the petty bourgeoisie, the small bureaucracy in the rural wilderness, - some amazing reports about the infidels and the filth of the kingdom, some of the stories about those hours, when people were burned and tortured, when the robbers plundered the place, then. , and there are few reports about the European life, about the best attachments! To be in such a dedicated suspended suspension, in the people, they are over, at the nonsense of Entuziasty, they got into the new Parisic vulitsey mobil, you do not know the Mayzha taku Solidny Solid, Yaki, healing his own, there is no order in the whole of Europe and it is impossible to know how to manage it! .. Everything is up to the point that Feklusha speaks so positively: “blah-ale-pіє, sweetheart, blah-alepiya, marvelous beauty! So say, you live in the inhabited land! Vono, without a doubt, go out like that, as if you were sacked, like in other lands to fight. Listen to Feklusha:

“It seems that these are the lands, dear girl, there are no Orthodox kings, and saltans rule the earth. In one land, a Turkish saltan will sit on the throne, and in another land, a Persian saltan will wave; And to judge the stench, dear girl, over a lot of people, if not to judge the stench, everything is wrong. And you can’t stink, dear girl, just judge righteously, such a boundary has been laid for him. We have a righteous law, but in them, my dear, is unrighteous; scho according to our law to go like this, but in their own way everything is navpak. And all judges in them, in their lands, are also unrighteous; so, lyuba girl, and write in prohanny: Judge me, judging the unrighteous! And tobto is the earth, de all people with p'yanimi heads.

“Why are they writing like that?” - feed Glasha. "For innocence," Feklusha said briefly, while giving further explanations. Ale Glasha is glad for that; in the heavy single-manship life of that thought, it is acceptable to feel a little something new and original. In my soul, the thought is vaguely awakening, that the axis, however, people live and not like that, like mi; out, obviously, it’s better with us, but vtim, who knows! Adzhe th we are unwell; but we don’t know well about those lands; You can feel the sight of good people "... And the nobles' nobles more and more deeply creep into the soul. Tse is clear to us from the words of the gladiator at the entrance of the mandrivnitsa: Yakihos, yakihos, there are no miracles in the world! And we sit, we don’t know anything. More good, sho Garni peopleє; nі-nі, she will feel that in the white world to fight; otherwise they would die like fools.” Like a bachite, unrighteousness and infidelity of foreign lands do not wake up in Glashi zhahu that cloudiness; її occupy only new vіdomosti, which seem to be mysterious, - "miracles", as if they were hanging out. You see, she is not satisfied with the explanations of Feklusha, as it will make her more sorry for her non-government. Vaughn, obviously, is on the verge of skepticism. Ale de y, save your mistrust, if you are unfailingly indulging in roses, go up to Feklushin? How can I go to the right ones to understand, just lead to reasonable meals, if my drinking is closed in such a time, how was it christened for her in the city of Kalinov? And what’s more, it’s like a bivona has ventured not to believe in it, if the older and the best people so positively calm down in reconciliation, that they will understand that way of life - the best of the world and that it’s all new to look like an evil spirit? It is terrible and important for a skin novice to try to go against the grain of the might and the perturbations of the dark mass, stingy in its boldness and breadth. Damn you curse us, Bigatim, as if plagued, - not for malice, not for rozrakhunki, but for deep persecution of the one who is similar to the Antichrist; it’s better, if only you are sensible and understand ... You’re joking with knowledge, love the world, but only in the vіdomih boundaries, punished by the main concepts, in which the mind wanders.

You can help the residents of Kaliningrad to know about geographic knowledge; but don’t worry about the fact that the earth stands on three whales and that the navel of the earth is in Jerusalem, which stink you don’t give up, if you want to understand the navel of the earth as clearly as about Lithuania, in Thunderstorm. “Tse, my brother, what is it?” - Ask one peaceful hulk in another, pointing to the picture. “And the entire Lithuanian ruin,” she says. - Battle! bachish! Like ours fought for Lithuania. - What is Lithuania like? - "So there Lithuania and є", - vіdpovіdaє explanatory. “And it seems, my brother, that she fell on us from the sky,” the first one continues; ale svіvrozmovnik yogo consume little: “well, h. the sky is so out of the sky, ”- vіdpovіdaє vіn ... Here the woman turns into a rozmova: “Shine now! Must know what is from the sky; And de bov I was beating with her, there for the memory of mounds piled up. “What, my brother! Aje tse so right! - vigukuє zapituvach, a whole lot of satisfaction. First of all, tell me what you think about Lithuania! A similar result can be obtained from nutrition, which is given here to people by natural nutrition. And I don’t call it that people are stupid and dumb for the rich others, which are miraculously in the academies and higher institutions. No, everything is right in the fact that they stink with their camp, with their lives under the gnat, svaville all the accustomed to already succumb to insincerity and stupidity and to that they know to be unhanded and to inspire us to slyly doshukuvatisya sensible ideas, who wouldn’t be there. Ask food - at the whole camp; but if it’s like this, that “the garmata is by itself, and the mortar by itself,” then the stench can’t roll further and humbly are pleased with these explanations. The secret of such a baiduzhnosti to the logician is poking us in front of the reality, be it logical in life. The key to the mystery is given to us, for example, the replica of the Wild at the "Thunderstorm" is coming. Kuligin, at the same time rudeness, it seems: “why, Mr. Savel Prokofich, do you honestly tell falsehood about a person?” Wild vіdpovidaє axis scho:

Zvit, chi scho, I will give you! I don’t give a call to anyone important for you. I want to think about you like that, then I think! For others, this is a fair person, but I think that you are a robber, and that's all. Would you like to see me a little? Oh, listen up! I say that the robber and the killer. What are you, sue, what, will you be me? So I know that you are a hrobak. If I want - I'll have mercy, if I want - I'll crush.

As a theoretical mirror, you can stand there. de life is based on such ambushes! The existence of any law, whether or not logic is the axis of the law and the logic of your life.

Mimovoli here you will stop resonating, if for every reason the fist replies, and for good reason the fist is left to rule.

Dobrolyubov N.A. "Promin light in the dark kingdom"

Ostrovsky not for nothing gave the name of his creation "Thunderstorm", even earlier people were afraid of the elements, associated with the punishment of heaven. Grim and bliskavka instilled zabobonny fear and primal zhah. A letter written by one’s friend about the bagmen of a provincial town, as if mentally divided into two groups: “ dark kingdom"- wealthy merchants who exploit the poor, and "victims" - those who tolerate the svaville tyrants. Report about the life of people, the description of the characters. The storm breaks the right hand of the characters a little bit.

Characteristics of the Wild

Savel Prokofich Dikoi is a typical tyrant. Tse rich merchant, who cannot manage. Having tormented his relatives, as a result, the image of home is spreading through the hills and commissaries. Before the servants, the merchant is placed rudely, it is impossible to reach you, it is obligatory to know what to come to. You don’t ask for a salary from the Wild One, the shards of wine are more greedy. Savel Prokofich is an unillumined person, a lover of the patriarchal way, does not know modern world. About the foolishness of the merchant to speak with Yogo Rozmov and Kuliginim, it becomes clear that Dika does not know, thunderstorm. The characterization of the heroes of the "dark kingdom", unfortunately, does not end.

Description of Kabanikhi

Marfa Ignativna Kabanova to the patriarchal way of life. A rich merchant's wife, a widow, she is constantly imposing on all the pre-Trimani traditional ancestors and she herself follows them unsatisfactorily. The boar brought everyone to the point of seeing - it shows the characteristics of the heroes. "Thunderstorm" - tse p'єsa, scho reveals the sound of patriarchal supremacy. A woman gives alms to her marriages, goes to church, but does not give life to her children, and to her brides. The heroine wanted to save a lot of way of life, so she kept the house at home in fear, she gave birth to her son, daughter, bride.

Characteristics of Katerini

In the patriarchal world, you can save the people, the faith in goodness can be seen and the characteristics of the heroes. "Thunderstorm" - p'єsa, in a way that stands between the new and the old world, only from the characters create their own thoughts in a different way. Katerina joyfully forges her childishness, even if she grew up with the cohanna and mutually sensible. Won lean up patriarchal world And until the singing moment, everything was in power to inspire those who, the fathers themselves, took their share and gave the zamіzh. But the role of the belittled bride Katerina is not appropriate, she won’t understand how one can live in fear and captivity.

The head heroine is constantly changing, she is slipping strong specialty, building up your vibir, which manifests itself in kohanni before Boris. Katerina was plagued by її otochenya, the daytime nadії shoved into self-destruction, even if she could not live in the house of Kabanikhi.

The appointment of the children of the Kabanikh to the patriarchal world

Barbara - if you want to live according to the laws of the patriarchal world, and you will choose to oppose the will of your mother. Її pokalichiv boudinok Kabanikhi, oskolka herself here the girl learned to lie, cunning, timidity, which is good for the soul, but diligently take care of her faults. To show in my mind how much I can stick to different minds by writing my essay Ostrovskiy. A thunderstorm (characteristics of the heroes in showing what kind of blow Varvara gave to her mother, having flown out of the house) led everyone to clean water, at the hour the villains of the town showed their right images.

Tikhin is a weak person, incorporating the completion of the patriarchal structure. You must love your squad, but you can’t know in yourself the strength to defend yourself against the tyranny of your mother. Kabanikha herself puffed yoga up to a piazza, blasted with her chests. Tikhin does not support the old ways, but do not feel the sense to go against the mother, skipping the words of the call. Just after the death of the squad, the hero turns to rebellion against the Kabanikhs, ringing at the death of Katerina. The characterization of the heroes allows you to understand the light-gazer of the skin character that yogo setting to the patriarchal light. "Thunderstorm" - tse p'єsa with a tragic end, albeit in a better future.

Storinka Feklusha is another character, but with whom, even a characteristic representative of the dark kingdom. Mandrіvniki that blessed for all hours were permanent guests of merchant houses. For example, Feklusha roams the representatives of the Kabanovs' bungalow with various tales about overseas lands, robbing about people with witty heads and rulers, like "don't judge the stench, everything is wrong." And the axis of the city of Kaliniv Feklusha, now, swaying, which is more acceptable to the bagmen. Tiles of Feklushі hіba scho want the dark non-government of the townspeople. All the unreasonable critics are being criticized, but about the provincial world of Kalinov there are only a few in the miraculous stage.

In fact, for his sutta Feklusha is only a zhalyugidny parody of old-fashioned mandrivniks, for the help of which the novelties of this story were heard from a long time ago. Rozpovid Feklushi for Kabanova and Glashi, yak, of course, I don’t know any books, and newspapers are necessary just to satisfy the clique, moreover, the stench helps to brighten up the gloomy provincial weekdays. So for Kabanova, yak є baked okhoronka patriarchal way of life, all tsі "kazka" є proof of the correctness of її life.

The image of Feklusha is a farce, and it is often played for the recognition of the unlit hypocrisy, as if to love to widen the gaps of the stupid tiles.

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