Biographies of child writers. Most famous child writers: list, biographies and facts

Childish scribes do it.

On the shelves of the bookstores of today, one can read a great number of propositions, but not everything that is in the garniy and the bright obkladinci will be read to the children in a scribbled way. Your creations will be the best, as they seem not only to have a groggily plot, but also to carry in their own songs the spiritual ideas: to promote goodness, justice, honesty.

Same in preschool age erudition begins to take shape: a child comes to school with great and rich in what unique literary baggage. A preschool child should be widely acquainted with Russian and worldly folklore, with a wide variety of genres, with Russian and foreign classics, with the works of child writers - with these first ones. classic creations Until such a person often does not turn around anymore.

Art, created for children - that great part is ceremonial modern culture. Literature is present in our life from the very childhood, it itself helps to lay the understanding of good and evil, forms a light-gazer, ideals. To learn from the preschool and the young schoolchildren, little readers can already appreciate the dynamics of the verses of fairy tales, and from the older one, they begin to read thoughtfully, and the books need to be picked up again. Let's talk about Russian and foreign child writers, do them.

Child writers of the 19th-20th centuries and the development of child literature.

In the past, books specially for children in Russia began to be written in the 17th century, in the 18th century, the formation of child literature began: at that time, people like M.Lomonosov, N.Karamzin, A.Sumarokov and others lived and worked. The 19th century is the birth of children's literature, the "Siberian age", and there are a lot of books of writers at that time we read to the Don.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

The author of "Alice in the Land of Wonders", "Alice in the Looking-Glass", "Waving on the Snark" appeared in the light of a small village in the county of Cheshire Cheshire Kit). The writer's reference is Charles Dodgson, born in the great motherland: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He started at the college, became a professor of mathematics, and took the rank of deacon. Vin even wanted to become an artist, richly painted, loving to take pictures. As a lad, he folded roses, comedy stories, and loved the theatre. Some friends did not encourage Charles to rewrite his essay on paper, "Alice in the Land of Wonders" could not have made light, but still the book was seen in 1865. Carroll's books are written on the original and juicy mats, which are easy to pick up the appropriate translation: I have more than 10 versions of the translation of my work in Russia, and even the readers themselves choose, yakіy vіddati perevagu.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (from the wife of Lindgren) grew up in the family of a farmer, her childishness took place in games, and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid got her diplomas, she began to write different histories and first verses.

Astrid wrote the poem "Peppa Dovga Panchokha" for her daughter, if she was ill. Recently, the novels “Myo, my Mio”, “Ron, the daughter of a robber”, a trilogy about the detective Kalli Blomkvist, a trilogy about the detective Kalli Blomkvist, are loved by the rich triology, in which it is told about the cheerful and restless Carlson.

Astrid's works are staged in rich children's theaters of the world, and people of different age love books. In 2002, a literary prize was approved in honor of Astrid Lindgren - її handed over for a contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

Tse Swedish writing, first woman, yak otrimala Nobel Prize from literature. Selma was reluctant to think about her childishness: at the 3rd birthday, the girl was paralyzed, she didn’t get up from her bed that single moment for her became fairy tales and stories told to her grandmother. At 9 rokіv after jubilation, the building collapsed in Selma turned, there began to dream about the career of a writer. Vaughn diligently started, got her PhD, became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, a book about little Niels on the back of the gander Martin was published, then a writer published a selection of “Trolls and people”, before it included fantastic legends, fairy tales, and novels, she wrote and rich novels for adults.

Russian child writers

Korniy Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

Reference to the name - Mykola Korniychukov with childish fairy tales and explanations in verses and prose. Born in St. Petersburg, living for a long time in Mykolaiv, Odesa, from the childhood of the wines firmly vyrishiv become a writer, ale, having arrived to St. Petersburg, stuck with the editors of the journals. Vіn becoming a member of the literary group, a critic, writing essays and reviews. For the courage to speak, yoga was arrested. On the eve of the war Chukovsky was a Viysk correspondent, editor of almanacs, journals. Vіn volodіv іnozemnym movа аnd translating the works of foreign authors. Biggest create at home Chukovsky - ce "Cockroach", "Fly Tsokotuha", "Barmaley", "Aybolit", "Wonderful Tree", "Moydodir" and others.

Samuil Yakovich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, sings, translator, literary critic, talented author. Itself in the yoga translation is rich someone who has read the sonnets of Shakespeare, the verses of Burns, the tales of different peoples of the world. Samuil's talent began to show up in his early childhood: the lad wrote verses, mav zdіbnosti to foreign languages. Marshak's books, having moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, were once a great success, and moreover, they are especially diverse in genres: sing, balady, sonnets, riddles, chicks, orders - everything was powerful for you. In his creations, Samuil Marshak is to know the children of a different age with a new light, spoofing a child in full and cicava poetry. The top writers help children expand their horizons, whirl gusto and love to the literary Russian movie, and help the little ones see the richness of the movie. Samuil Yakovich was awarded rich prizes, and the text was translated by dozens of mov. Nayvidomishi create - "Twelve Months", "Luggage", "Tale about a bad target", "From what kind of radiance", "Vusaty-smoothness" and others.

Agniya Lvivna Barto (1906-1981)

Agniya Barto was a bright student, even at school she began to write verses and epigrams. At once, on її verses, rich children sway, її lungs, rhythmic verses are translated by the rich language of the world. All her life Agnia was an active literary playboy, a member of the jury of the Andersen competition. 1976 won the prize named after G.Kh. Andersen. Nayvidomishі vіrshi - tse "Bichok", "Snigur", "My z Tamara", "Koshenya", "Vedmedic", "People", "I grow up" and others. Barto had such a dialogue all the time, because she miraculously knew the one to whom she had turned and respected the spy, even if it was a small vin buv.

The skin toy in the image of Agnes Barto gains individuality. The toy is an important part of the material, speech honing, closest to the child, actively mastered by him.

Vіrshi help to survive the unimportant staging to the game as a friend's anger. Barto's little character is portrayed as an unpretentious and zhorstok "master" of the ganchir hare, who, after having put his paw in his paw, continues to play with him "because he is good." So the child sings sweetness to the old game, having melted down the miraculous power of the soul: fidelity to close friends, for a friend that love. The peculiarity of the words about toys: as a rule, the stench is written in the name of the first individual, so you can go about some good things for children (“I’ll pull the boat along the Swedish river ...”, “No, it’s not for nothing that we blew a cat in the car ...”, “Let’s think about it ourselves ... ”) and in the form of a third individual, if there are no active children, or a child’s filthy children (“The bunny threw the gentleman ...”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly ...”).

Such a butt helps to establish a positive character in small readers. A. Barto - child writer not to the one she wrote for children, but to the one that the best verses have become childish folklore. Won to go with your reader through all gatherings of childishness and with whom it’s not less than pragmatic to make light of toys, speeches, nature, people, and to put in a child’s soul the cob of moral standing up to light. Barto reveals the peculiarity of a child from early childhood, if a child begins to walk only (“Mashenka” - 1948). Malyuk in this period is the light of the world, he is less likely to take away the worst damage. At the verses of the poet, the growing self-reliance of the child is growing.

Agniya Barto laughs with children merrily, not evil, you don’t want to create and forever sue a child, that children grow and change, and that stench is not hopeless in filthy vchinka. Barto's taunts don't hurt and don't drive in, but you can taunt and marvel at yourself. Barto is profoundly perekonana, that the foundation of a human being is laid in a child, and as a result, negative traits appeared in the formative character, which threaten the future with great moral costs.

Sergiy Volodimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

Yogo can be considered a classic of the country's childish literature: writer, head of the RRFSR Writers' Companion, talented singer, writer, baikar, playwright. Same wine as the author of two hymns: SRSR and Russian Federation. Vіn a lot of time pridіlyav hromadskіy diyalnostі, wanting to become a writer vіn not mav a little bit: yunatstvі vіn buv i raznorobom, i participant geologicheskie ekspeditsії. All of us remember to do so like “And what about you”, “Pisenka druziv”, “Three pigs”, “Pid new river"," Uncle Styopa - a policeman. Why such a close reading image of Uncle Stepa, why do you comrade with millions of lads? Nasampered, vin may even be more familiar to the character, yak, unfortunately, even more often depicts the images of heroes in child literature: kindness, chuynist. Uncle Styopa did not only save the train accident - vin and ryatuvav pigeons from the burning house, and "the one who is small in sight, on the parade," and "knowing the snake from the telegraph wires to the lads."

Children don’t just need everything that Uncle Styopa can make for them, but close by, those who make wine for themselves are close at hand. Shoot with a parachute, go to the parade, shoot at the firing range, come to the stadium, ride a camel and go to the fleet.

Mikhalkov, with miraculous accuracy, illustrating the number of children (with the head rank of cotton) of interest and zoom, use the uncle to beat the Steppe in such a way that with the skin episode everything is more advanced and the image of the hero becomes more important.

Modern child writers

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster

A childish writer, from the works of such a richly clinking one, can learn and grow up. Born in Odessa, serving in the fleet, his life and at once more active: he is a leading talented author, screenwriter of cartoons. "Mavpochki", "Koshenya on im'ya Gav", "38 parrots", "Caught, biting" - all these cartoons were filmed for this script, and "Shkidlivy rada" - the whole book, which gained majestic popularity. Before the speech, Canada has seen an anthology of childish literature: the books of most writers may have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Auster's "Shkidlivі oradi" was sold with a circulation of 12 million copies!

Eduard Mikolayovich Uspensky

From childhood, Eduard Uspensky was the ringleader, taking a part in KVN, organizing capes, having also tried his hand at writing writing, later writing letters for children's radio programs, children's theaters, dreams about the creation of a children's magazine for children. The popularity of the writer was brought by the cartoon “Crocodile Gena and Yogo Friends”, from that hour the symbol of Cheburashka, settled almost in a skin booth. I also love the book and the cartoon "Troy z Prostokvashino", "Sledstvo to lead koloboks", "Plasticine crow", "Baba Yaga against!" and others.

Joan K. Rowling

Speaking of today's child writers, it is simply impossible not to guess about the author of the cycle of books about Harry Potter, the charm boy and his friend. This is the most popular series of books in history, and the films made behind them have taken the great houses. Rowling had a chance to go through the path from obscurity and vigilance to all-world glory. Lately, the editors did not have the time to accept and publish a book about the enchantment, knowing that such a genre would not be available to readers. Only a little Bloomsbury's visit was a success - and it didn't fail. At the same time, Rowling continues to write, engages in charity public action, won realizations the author and a happy mother and squad.

Such children read little, do not chirp with mysticism, do not manage to organize a vacation, spend most of the hour at the computer, because of which they cannot mingle with peers and grown-ups.

Mimovolis thought, where did such a miraculous tradition come from us, like family reading or reading before going to bed? It's no secret that sim's have a child's special features. The task of grown-ups is to get children to read, to pinch love to a book. If one loves and reads a lot in one's own way, then the little one inherits a way of living one's own family.

The texts are recognized for reading lessons in the 2nd grade, for self-learning of the biography of K.I. Chukovsky, Vvedensky A.I., Bunin I.A., A.L. Barto, A.S. Pushkin, Blaginina


Front view:

Korniy Ivanovich Chukovsky (Mikola Ivanovich Korniychukov)Russian writer, critic, childish sings, literary scholar, translator.

Born in St. Petersburg in 1882, the fate of the poor family. Childish fates passed near Odessa. Vіv zmalku labor life, engaged in self-illumination, vyvchav English mova.

In 1901 p. starting to make friends in the newspaper "Odeski news"; buv directions as a correspondent to London, devouring English literature. After the turn, I moved to St. Petersburg.

The fairy tale “Crocodile” was the first to finish yoga, as it started a yoga robot in children's literature. Turning around at the train to St. Petersburg, we are ill with the son, we will knock the wheels, telling you a fairy tale about a crocodile. Ditina listened respectfully. A few days passed, Korniy Ivanovich had already forgotten about that episode, and the son remembered everything, as the father said, to remind him. This is how the fairy tale "Crocodile" was born, published in 1917.

Afterwards, “Crocodile” tales appeared at the verses “Moydodir”, “Cockroach”, “Fly-sokotuha”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit” and others.

From that hour, Chukovsky became beloved by a childish writer.

1. Where did he sing when he was born? And where are the childish fates?

2. Tell me, how did the fairy tale "Crocodile" appear?

3. Find the words in the text and try to explain them.

5. Name the tales of Chukovsky, do you know?

Front view:

Vvedensky Oleksandr Ivanovich (1904 - 1941)

Born on the 23rd of the fall of the leaves near Petersburg near the homeland of the economist. Having studied at the gymnasium, then at the school, as if graduating in 1921, without knowing the Russian literature. Ale already at school began to write verses. At the rocky, we will fall in love with the poet buv A. Blok.

After finishing school, I entered the Faculty of Law of the University of Petrograd, then in Chinese I graduated from the Faculty of Science, but without fail I learned yoga. Pratsyuvav leaf grower. Prote all the interests of Vvedensky - in literature. At the rocky, the number of poetic, literary links of the poet, and his contacts with the world of art are expanding. Win to know Kharms, who becomes a close friend of Yogo. Vvedensky since 1928 acted like a childish writer, writing at the journal "Jzhak" and "Chizh".

In 1933 - 34 written verses of Vvedensky - "I'm sorry, I'm not zvіr", "Request me to think", "Chotiri inventory" and іn. Pratsyuє in childish literature, earning the creation of clown reprises, couplets, miniatures. Not long before the war, writing p'esu for Lyalkovo theater. Rocky has little voice in his verses.

In 1941, the troops of the Germans approached Kharkiv, and the family evacuated a little. Potyag buv perepovneniya, to that it was wrought to be deprived of the offensive check, like a mav іti for a few days. There was no prote evacuation. Two days later, Vvedensky Bulo was arrested. The exact date of death is unknown. The date on the rehabilitation document was December 20, 1941.

Read the text 2 times and answer the question:

  1. De born singing?
  2. Where should the singer sing after finishing school?
  3. Which magazines have Vvedensky?
  4. Find a word that you don't understand.

Front view:

Bunin Ivan Oleksiyovich (1870 - 1953) - Russian writer. Born on July 10 near Voronezh near the noble homeland. The children went through their lives at the ancestral mother on the Butirka farm in the Oryol province. Postiyne splintering on the farm with yard people, with a lot of villagers-krіpaks, enriched the writer. Here, I felt more strongly about the summation of roses about the past, folk poetic sayings. The villagers and the yard people of Bunin goiter with their first acquaintance with the most rich Russian mine.

Pratsiuvav proofreader, librarian, spivpratsyuvav newspaper. Often moved - he lives either in Orly, then near Kharkov, then near Poltava, then near Moscow. Getting to know L. Tolstoy, getting to know Anton Chekhov. Published a poem "To the End of the World". Nathnenny success, Bunin povnistyu go to literary creativity. Among the works of Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin are novels, novels, epistles, verses, translations of works of classic light poetry.

Foretelling the Zhovtnev revolution, the writer in 1920 left Russia for good. Having emigrated to France, she ruled in Paris. Everything written by him in emigration was a tribute to Russia, Russian people, Russian nature.

Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin died near Paris. Pokhovaniy Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin at the Russian cavern Saint-Genev'ev-des-Bois, near Paris.

Read the text 2 times and answer the question:

1. Find in the text the words you didn’t understand and try to explain them.

2. Where was the writer born?

3. To whom does Bunin tell, with his first acquaintance from my richest Russian mine?

4. De pratsyuvav Ivan Oleksiyovich?

5. Where did I emigrate the writer and why?

Front view:

Agnia Lvivna Barto ( help call Volova) in the house of a child writer, whose verses in our country know a skin child. She was born on February 17, 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. Zdobula garne home vihovannya, like a cherubav father. Vіrshi started writing in the pochatkovy classes of the gymnasium. Dreamed of becoming a ballerina, graduated from a choreographic school. Її books were sold in millions of copies. She devoted all her life to children, their worries and problems. Under the Great Hour Vytchiznyanoi war Barto richly speaks on the radio, travels to the front as a correspondent for newspapers. Sob to write a poem about pidlitkiv, which the war had grown older earlier, pracyuvat and yearn for family, out of them at the same time to turn on the turner, picking up the rank of handicraft.

At the war fate, Agniya Lvivna became the organizer of the chaos in the SRSR because of the reason for the separation of the family during the war. Vaughn chanted rozshukuvati batkіv, scho infiltrated, for childish tricks. Through the program "Know the People" on the radio "Mayak" 927 separated families were sent away. The first book of prose writing is called "Know the People".

The writer died in 1981, having lived a long time and the same life is necessary for people.

Read the text 2 times and answer the question:

1. About whom is the text about?

2. When did she start writing verses? Name be-what a virsh.

3. What did the writer of the rocky viyni do?

4. How did Agniya Lvivna live?

5. Find unknown words in the text and try to explain them.

Front view:

Alexander Sergiyovich Pushkin was born on May 26 (6 chern for the new style) 1799 near Moscow. Yoga childishness has passed here.

The pushkin of Pushkin was taken to Zakhar'in, the village of Babus near Moscow. The lad loves the month: and the birch grove, which started right out of the door of the Zahar'їnsky booth - they drank tea at the spicy days, - the grand linden was beaten, and the dark yawn forest on the other birch. Win engraved here, showing yourself a hero, to fight against evil forces. And in the evenings, listening to the merry and summous Russian songs, marveling at the round dance, as if the village girls were leading.

1. Where was the writer born?

2.Where did they bring Pushkin to summer?

3. What is the love of little Sashko?

The fathers took little care of the child. Sergiy Lvovich, the poet's father, thinking little about the houses, about the waving of children. Nadia Yosipivna, the mother of the poet, the garna of the worldly woman, was busy with herself. The grandmother of the poet, Mariya Oleksiivna Gannibal, was a sensible, obedient, sensible, obedient woman. Vaughn really loved onuka. And the child, as if she did not know the father's affection, attached herself to her with all her heart. Vin loves to hear and її quiet roses. Loving fairy tales of nanny Arina Rodionivna. With her sleepy voice, she led the child into such a blind world of folk fantasy, she sang such marvelous songs that the boy forgot about the nasty world. Father maw miraculous library, most importantly my French. The child greedily reached for the book. Secretly, in the midst of grown-up wines, at night they make their way to the bookcases, reading by the light of candles. Reading turned into passion.

Read 2 times and answer the question in the text:

1. Chi engaged in the writing of the father's writer?

2. Who is the heart of Pushkin's attachments?

3. Who sings loving fairy tales?

4. Chim zahopluvavsya Sashko?

The hour has come to take up the education, but the tutors and governesses do not settle down in the booth. Pushkin did not love his teachers, the stench did not care for yoga. However, the child's memory was dull, and it helped him to learn the lesson by repeating yoga after his sister Olga.

On the eighth turn of life, you start writing. Z-pіd yogo pen come out tales, fry sing, comedy. His comedy "Vikradach" wins one "play" in front of his sister. You write small verses in the albums of Susid pannochkas. The grown-ups do not give the meaning of the poetic rights of the boy.

Up to twelve rokіv Pushkin zagal rozvitku richly ahead of his one-liners. Vіn, following the words of his brother, "because of the gift of memory of the naming and on the eleventh roci already knowing the memory of all French literature." However, it didn’t matter to you to be big and shoot through the steel, it’s right to throw a ball, so that you’ll be left with a twelve-point hollow boy. Vіn loving native nature, folk tales and songs, loving grandmother, nanny, loving Yusupov garden and Zakhar'ino, loving books.

Read 2 times and answer the question in the text:

1. What could the readers of Pushkin say?

2. On what roci vin began to write?

3.Chim buv gifts sings?

4. What do you love?

Front view:

Olena Oleksandrivna Blagininawas born on May 27, 1903. in the village of Yakovlev, Oryol province. She grew up, let's say, a strong girl, she couldn't think how, if she became a child's wife. At the 8th anniversary, she composed a song for the home theater, and from the same hour she composed the verses and fairy tales. The main heroes of її creations are a girl.

Batko was a cashier, a priest, and Olena herself was chosen to become a teacher. Pragnennya to read the children was great on the floor, that she was ready to walk this day from her house in the village to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute.

Olenya Blaginina had many brothers and sisters. The stench lived with the fathers and the grandmother, as if she told a rich fairy tale. I read as a reminder the lines of A.S. Pushkin.

Olena Blaginina lived to finish her long life, and there was not a day when she didn’t work. Vaughn dedicated her life to giving joy to children with her creations. Її verses were different: funny and catchy, childish teasers and teasing.

Read the text 2 times and answer the question:

1. Where was writing born?

3. What did you recognize from the life of the Blaginino Deer?

4. Find the words that you did not understand. Try on them vіdpovіsti.

Vіdminniy alternative list of children's literature, until you want to turn around more than once.

Valentina Osєєva What to read: “Dinka”, “Dinka says goodbye to childhood”, “Vasek Trubachov and yogo comrades”, “Charming word

If we are talking about children's radian books, Marshak, Chukovsky, Olesha will immediately wonder. Approximately the same set of authors, which should be read to children. And then there are other miracle writers, books like that, the truth, they know a little less, but they can be worthy of children to inspire more “Aibolit” and “Three Tovstuniv” (and you at once from them).
Valentina Osєєva, for over 16 years she worked with bezpritulyami in children in the right settings, like no other understanding of the psychology of important children. її the dilogy about the whirlwind of getting into Dinka (“Dinka” and “Dinka says goodbye to childishness”) appeared maybe 50 years ago. Their basis is rich in why the autobiographical history of the growing up of a girl-shibenik with a family of intellectuals. Krym tsієї a textbook story about a child's friendship, Osєєva wrote a dozen of these short notices, yakі reached the collection of "Charivne slovo", that series of books about the schoolboy Vaska Trubachov. The texts are full of propaganda (in the third book about Vaska, the heroes start a school, obviously, they specialize in the light of the future), but everything is in the context of serious rhymes about goodness and justice, smart enough to accept others. Shkіlnі weekdays z usіma їkhnіmi drіbnimi chvarami and buttєvimi conflicts Osєєva describes easily and warmly, without the pioneer's annoyance and povchan. In addition, as in the case of "Dinka", it is honestly told about sim's, as most of the heroes have innocence, richness, they are simply unbashed. Ale, with whom, everything is one in its own way, and friendly.

Oleksandr Vvedensky What to read: vіrshі, "Zalіznitsya", "Come on the way to Krim"

The children of Oleksandr Vvedensky, one of the greatest authors of the first half of the 20th century, today read significantly less, lower, for example, create his close friend Danil Kharms. Until then, light hand The avant-garde of Mykoli Khardzhiev was given the idea that Vvedensky “had hacked at children’s literature, writing greedy books, there are few good ones.” Prote for life u nyomu bachili the most popular child author. Vvedensky vstig published dozens of children's books, in the middle of which there are verses, interpreting the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm. True, they began to see them less after the rehabilitation of the poet in 1964. Vvedensky spіvpratsyuvav іz childish magazines "Chizh" and "Їzhak". Yogo vіrshi, as if they were going through the naїvno-idilіchnym setting to the world, Lydia Chukovsky and Sergiy Mikhalkov were highly regarded. Not long ago, the sight of Ad Marginem has seen "Zalіznitsya" - a story, in the words of a passenger of a steam locomotive, they tell about those who see them outside. Change one day and night, factories, foxes and backwaters add up to a panorama of a small place, then the edge, and then the whole world. Varto return respect and to the book “Come to the Crimea”, over which Vvedensky pratsyuvav at once from Olena Safonova. Tse badyor vіrshovana the story of two brothers from the cold Leningrad, yakі vrushayut at the road for pіvden. The motive of getting to know people with light and incomprehensibility to everything that comes to mind is one of the main ones in Vvedensky's work, which is not visible to him.

Boris Zhitkov What to read: “What am I a bachelor”, “What was it”, “Marine stories”, “Information about creatures”

Boris Zhitkov wrote in the world tedious pedagogical essays about various professions (“On the water”, “Above the water”, “Under the water”), and cited roses, like wines, calling them “encyclopedias for the chotyriric communities” (“What am I a bachiv” and "What happened"). Krym tsgogo, vin having written a marvelous novel about the revolution of 1905 "Viktor Vavich". For a long time, I didn’t make friends and practically understood, but turned to readers like the 1990s. Zhitkov himself became a navigator and a captain on a ship, an ichthyologist and a worker at a machine factory. I sailed on ships and submarines, flew on airplanes, and sailed in India, Japan and Africa. It’s rich in why the very story added to you, it’s clearly revealed in the collections of “Morskі istoriї” and “Information about the creature” - short, ale єmnі rozpovіdі about the sight of people with creatures and nature. The stench of Zhitkov rose, like animals become sensible, cіkavim and vіdvazhny, like they protect people alone.

Mikhailo Ilyin How to read: “How a person became a freewheeler”, “The root of nature”, “One hundred thousand why”

Illya Marshak, the younger brother of Samuil Marshak, who was a friend under the pseudonym M.Ilyin, was one of the pioneers of Radyansk populace for children. Vin regularly in the magazine columns "Chemistry side" and "Laboratory" New Robinson "", drukuvayas in "Chizhi" and writing advice for children, as if accumulated in the entire history of vineyards (selection "One Hundred Thousand Why"). The book “How a Man Became Veletny” became one of the first aids to the history of philosophy for podlitkiv, that її opus magnum - “Nature's root”. Tse tsіkava scientific rozpovid about nature, the yakіy had the main ambush of a writer-popularizer. Vin struggled like a marvelous rozvazhalnymi podrobkami under a scientific book, and s rude compilations, like a kind of pіznavalnuyu literature. The texts of M. Ilyin dossi are respected as a clear scientific literature for children - it’s a good idea to reduce the world about the pernicious nature of capitalism.

Jan Larri What to read: "Incredibly come to Karika ta Vali"

The science fiction writer Jan Larry truly has a Dickensian biography. Vіn orphans at nine rokіv, dovgo vagabond, pіdroblyav uchennik year and waiter at the tavern. And under the hour of the First Svitovoi, callings to the tsar's army, and all of a sudden, they switched to the bek of chervonih. On the cob of the 1930s, I made my debut with the not the most successful novel “Vikno in the future”, and later, through the river, rehabilitated, releasing the utopian novel “The Land of the Happy”. This is an idyllic picture of the world, in which communism has passed, people have mastered space, and yet they have succumbed to the energy crisis, as if they have stolen the frame of utopia. The most famous book of yoga was the story “Incredibly come to Karika ta Vali”, like Larry writing on the prayer of Samuil Marshak. Behind the plot, brother and sister Karik and Valya change and break at the road near the lights. Larry's naturalistic descriptions of the world of nature follow a rather twisted plot, which formed the basis of the 1987 film of the same name.

The art, the creation of children, is a valuable and great part of modern culture. Literature is present in our life from the very childhood, it itself helps to lay the understanding of good and evil, forms a light-gazer, ideals. To learn from the preschool and the young schoolchildren, little readers can already appreciate the dynamics of the verses of fairy tales, and from the older one, they begin to read thoughtfully, and the books need to be picked up again. Let's talk about Russian and foreign childish writers and create them.

Child writers of the 19-20th century and the development of child literature

In the past, books specially for children in Russia began to be written in the 17th century, in the 18th century, the formation of child literature began: at that time, people like M.Lomonosov, N.Karamzin, A.Sumarokov and others lived and worked. The 19th century is the birth of children's literature, the "Siberian age", and there are a lot of books of writers at that time we read to the Don.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

The author of "Alice in the Land of Wonders", "Alice in the Looking-Glass", "Waving on the Snark" appeared in the world near a small village in Cheshire (the star and name of his character is the Cheshire whale). The writer's reference is Charles Dodgson, born in the great motherland: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He started at the college, became a professor of mathematics, and took the rank of deacon. Vin even wanted to become an artist, richly painted, loving to take pictures. As a lad, he folded roses, comedy stories, and loved the theatre. Some friends did not encourage Charles to rewrite his essay on paper, "Alice in the Land of Wonders" could not have made light, but still the book was seen in 1865. Carroll's books are written on the original and juicy mats, which are easy to pick up the appropriate translation: I have more than 10 versions of the translation of my work in Russia, and even the readers themselves choose, yakіy vіddati perevagu.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (from the wife of Lindgren) grew up in the family of a farmer, her childishness took place in games, and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid got her diplomas, she began to write different histories and first verses.

Astrid wrote the poem "Peppa Dovga Panchokha" for her daughter, if she was ill. Recently, the novels “Myo, my Mio”, “Ron, the daughter of a robber”, a trilogy about the detective Kalli Blomkvist, a trilogy about the detective Kalli Blomkvist, are loved by the rich triology, in which it is told about the cheerful and restless Carlson.

Astrid's works are staged in rich children's theaters of the world, and people of different age love books. In 2002, a literary prize was approved in honor of Astrid Lindgren - її handed over for a contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

This Swedish writer, the first woman, won the Nobel Prize for literature. Selma was reluctant to think about her childishness: at the 3rd birthday, the girl was paralyzed, she didn’t get up from her bed that single moment for her became fairy tales and stories told to her grandmother. At 9 rokіv after jubilation, the building collapsed in Selma turned, there began to dream about the career of a writer. Vaughn diligently started, got her PhD, became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, a book about little Niels on the back of the gander Martin was published, then a writer published a selection of “Trolls and people”, before it included fantastic legends, fairy tales, and novels, she wrote and rich novels for adults.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

Whose English writer cannot be called exclusively childish; The author of the trilogy "Volodar's village", "The Hobbit: get back there and back", the creator of the marvelous world of the Middle Earth, as they know the names of films, having been born in Africa. If youmu was three years old, the mother, widowed early, transported two children to England. The lad choked on painting, he was easily given to foreign language, he was choking on the “dead” language: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others. Under the hour of the war, Tolkien, who, having broken there as a volunteer, fell on visceral typhus: in marennia wine she saw the "elven language", which became the calling card of rich yoga heroes. Do it immortally, stench may be majestic popularity in our hour.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and teachings. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, Lewis himself was one of the first to feel about the world of the Middle Earth, and Tolkien about the beautiful Narnia. Clive was born in Ireland, and lived most of his life in England. First create wines under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. In 1950-1955, the Chronicle of Narnia was first published, which tells about the usefulness of two brothers and two sisters in the mysterious and enchanting country. Clive Lewis, having risen in price a lot, writing verses, loving to discuss on various occasions with those who were universally blamed people. Do this for your loved ones who have grown up, that children and dosi.

Russian child writers

Korniy Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

Reference to the name - Mykola Korniychukov with childish fairy tales and explanations in verses and prose. Born in St. Petersburg, living for a long time in Mykolaiv, Odesa, from the childhood of the wines firmly vyrishiv become a writer, ale, having arrived to St. Petersburg, stuck with the editors of the journals. Vіn becoming a member of the literary group, a critic, writing essays and reviews. For the courage to speak, yoga was arrested. On the eve of the war Chukovsky was a Viysk correspondent, editor of almanacs, journals. Vіn volodіv іnozemnym movа аnd translating the works of foreign authors. The most famous creations of Chukovsky are “Cockroach”, “Tsokotuha Fly”, “Barmaley”, “Aybolit”, “Wonderful Tree”, “Moydodir” and others.

Samuil Yakovich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, sings, translator, literary critic, talented author. Itself in the yoga translation is rich someone who has read the sonnets of Shakespeare, the verses of Burns, the tales of different peoples of the world. Samuil's talent began to show up in his early childhood: the lad wrote verses, mav zdіbnosti to foreign languages. Marshak's books, having moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, were once a great success, and moreover, they are especially diverse in genres: sing, balady, sonnets, riddles, chicks, orders - everything was powerful for you. Vіn buv awards rich prizes, and yоgo vіrshi translated by tens of mov. Nayvidomishi create - "Twelve Months", "Luggage", "Tale about a bad target", "From what kind of radiance", "Vusaty-smoothness" and others.

Agniya Lvivna Barto (1906-1981)

Agniya Barto was a bright student, even at school she began to write verses and epigrams. At once, on її verses, rich children sway, її lungs, rhythmic verses are translated by the rich language of the world. All her life Agnia was an active literary playboy, a member of the jury of the Andersen competition. 1976 won the prize named after G.Kh. Andersen. Nayvidomishі vіrshi - tse "Bichok", "Snigur", "My z Tamara", "Koshenya", "Vedmedic", "People", "I grow up" and others.

Sergiy Volodimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

Yogo can be considered a classic of the country's childish literature: writer, head of the RRFSR Writers' Companion, talented singer, writer, baikar, playwright. Same wine as the author of two hymns: SRSR and the Russian Federation. Vіn a lot of time pridіlyav hromadskіy diyalnostі, wanting to become a writer vіn not mav a little bit: yunatstvі vіn buv i raznorobom, i participant geologicheskie ekspeditsії. All of us remember to do this like “Uncle Styopa - a policeman”, “And what about you”, “Pisenka friends”, “Three piglets”, “Friday new river” and others.

Modern child writers

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster

A childish writer, from the works of such a richly clinking one, can learn and grow up. Born in Odessa, serving in the fleet, his life and at once more active: he is a leading talented author, screenwriter of cartoons. "Mavpochki", "Koshenya on im'ya Gav", "38 parrots", "Caught, biting" - all these cartoons were filmed for this script, and "Shkidlivy rada" - the whole book, which gained majestic popularity. Before the speech, Canada has seen an anthology of childish literature: the books of most writers may have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Auster's "Shkidlivі oradi" was sold with a circulation of 12 million copies!

Eduard Mikolayovich Uspensky

From childhood, Eduard Uspensky was the ringleader, taking a part in KVN, organizing capes, having also tried his hand at writing writing, later writing letters for children's radio programs, children's theaters, dreams about the creation of a children's magazine for children. The popularity of the writer was brought by the cartoon “Crocodile Gena and Yogo Friends”, from that hour the symbol of Cheburashka, settled almost in a skin booth. I also love the book and the cartoon "Troy z Prostokvashino", "Sledstvo to lead koloboks", "Plasticine crow", "Baba Yaga against!" and others.

Joan K. Rowling

Speaking about today's childish writers, it's simply impossible not to guess about the author of the cycle of books about Harry Potter, the charm boy and his friends. This is the most popular series of books in history, and the films made behind them have taken the great houses. Rowling had a chance to go through the path from obscurity and vigilance to all-world glory. Lately, the editors did not have the time to accept and publish a book about the enchantment, knowing that such a genre would not be available to readers. Only a little Bloomsbury's visit was a success - and it didn't fail. At the same time, Rowling continues to write, engages in charitable work and community activity, the author of that happy mother and squad is out of realization.

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