The history of the creation of “Notes of the Mind. Viewing of the "Notes of the Mislivtsya" in the Radyansk Union

Dopovіd 7 class.

In 1847, the fate of the cultural life of Russia and the creative life of Turgenev became significant. At the updated magazine "Suchasnik", a kind of transition to the hands of N.A. Nekrasova and I.I. Panaeva, drawing of publications "Chorus and Kapinich". Having succeeded in reversing all that was done, Turgenev was born before the creation of a whole book under the title "Notes of a Thought". On the reason for the popularity of Turgenev, I drew Belinsky in the first place: “It’s not surprising that the little girl is so successful: the author has zaishov to the people from such a side, for which no one else has gone before.”

The publication of "Khorya i Kalinich" by Turgenev caused a revolution in the minds of the artistic people. In two rural characters, they showed the fundamental strength of the nation, which signifies life, prospects for a distant growth and development. Before the guise of the practical Khorya and the poetic Kalinich, the image of their pan, Polutika's assistant, was darkened. The villagers themselves knew Turgeniev “Grunt, who saves life juices, be it a development”, and the meaning of the specialty of the “sovereign people”, Peter I, put the direct fallowness in direct contact with her. "From our roses with Khorem, I blame one reconciliation, which, perhaps, no reader can check, - a reconciliation, that Peter the Great was more important than a Russian person, Russian herself in her transformations." From such a side to the peasantry, like the 40s, without going to visit Nekrasov. Mentally seeming, tse buv new pіdkhіd to the peasant: Turgenev knew that significance in the life of the people, that primordial national sensation, which Tolstoy put with luck into the basis of the artistic world epic novel"War and peace".

Watching over the characters of Khorya and Kapinich in Turgenev is not an end in itself: “the thought of the people” vibrates here life or the worthlessness of the “upper”. From Khorya and Kapinich, this thought is straight to the Russian people, to Russian sovereignty. “The Russian people are so impressed with their strength and fortification that they don’t mind thinking about themselves: they don’t take care of their past a little and boldly marvel at the future. What is good - then it behooves you, what is reasonable - give that to you ... ”And they gave Turgenev to lead their heroes to nature: from Khorya and Kalinich - to Lysu and Stepa. A chorus of zanureniya at the front of the forest vіdokremlenosti: yogo sadiba rose up in the middle of the forest on the cleansing of the galyavin. And Kapinich, with his homelessness and spiritual breadth, is similar to the expanse of the steppe, the soft outlines of the gently sloping hillocks, the lagoon and the clear evening sky.

At the Notes of Myslivtsya, one of two Russias collide and compete: official, krіposnitska, to kill life, from one side, and folk-peasant, lively and poetic - from the other side. And all the heroes who inhabit this book, so how else do they weigh up to these two poles - the “dead” chi “living”. The character of Polutikin's helper of images at "Hori i Kapinich" with light strokes: guessing about the yogo French cuisine, about the office, how it is for him.

imagining folk heroes, Turgenev can go beyond the boundaries of "private" individualities to the primordial national forces and the elements of life. The characters of Khorya and Kapinich, like two poles of a magnet, begin to attract to themselves all the upcoming heroes in the “Notes of Myslivets” collection. Some of them gravitate towards the poetic, soulfully soft Kalinich, others - to the businesslike and practical Khoryu.

A living, wholesome image of the people of Russia is crowned by the Book of Turgenev's nature. Best Heroes The “Notes of the Thought” are not just depicted “against the background” of nature, but act as a continuation of the elements: from the gloom of light and darkness in the birch forest, the poetic Akulina in “Pobachenny” is born, from the thunderous scoundrels, who are torn apart by the phosphorescent light figure. Turgenev depicts in the Notes of Myslivtsya attachments like riches of the mutual connection of everything in nature: people of the river, people of the fox, people of the steppe. Russia is alive at the "Notes of Myslivtsya" collapsing, running wild, growing up. About the proximity of Kalinich to nature, there is not much to say. The Turgeniv choice poetizes readiness to self-sacrifice, without help people that she ate in the bin. The Russian character reaches its climax in the description of “Death”: Russian people “die completely”, more in the year of the last taste of the stink, think not about yourself, but about others, about your neighbors. Tse dopomogaє їm steadfastly that husband accept death.

The theme of the musical talent of the Russian people is growing in the book. A lot of Turgeniv heroes: Kapinich, Yakiv Turka and others - not just sing, but play music, song. The axis yak sings Yakiv s of the “Spivaky” opi- nion : “Vin spiving, and in the skin sound of your voice, it blew like a familiar and neozoro wide, firstly the familiar steppe roared in front of you, going into endless distances.”

In the "Notes of Myslivtsya" Turgenev for the first time saw Russia as a unity as a living artist. This book reflects 60 years of the history of Russian literature, broadcasting them. Straight roads from the Notes of Myslivtsya can go as far as Dostoevsky’s Notes from the House of the Dead, Saltikov-Shchedrin’s “Provincial Drawings,” and Tolstoy’s epic “War and Peace” by Tolstoy.

In 1852 I.S. Turgenev became famous for seeing and immediately brought respect to themselves. The value and validity of the "Notes of the Thought" are in front of the others, who Turgenev "zoomed in the era of prosperity to see the village life and see it poetically," to the others, who knew the wines of the Russian good, "greater" people. Thus, Turgeniev stole the beauty of a man's soul, and beauty itself became the writer's main argument against the dissimilarity of the krіpatstva.

It can be boldly said that the “Notes of Myslivtsya” brought a new world to the Russian reader - the world of the peasants. Ivan Sergiyovich describes the villagers with great warmth, adhering to his main principle - the credibility of the image. Vin often painted from nature, yogo image mali real prototypes. And this encouragement of naturalism to rob Turgenev's roses is especially valuable for us.

Nutritional supplements:

2) Yaki two types folk character viviv I.S. Turgenev at his opisanni "Chorus and Kalinich"?

3) For what kind of “Notes of a Mislivtsya” roci did they look like a smartass?

4) What kind of light is being read by I.S. Turgenev from the collection of "Notes of the Mislivets"?

5) Why is the collection of I.S. Turgenev's "Notes of a Mislivtsya" was it even more popular among readers?

"Notes of a Thought" - the whole cycle of 25 small excuses, in such a bright and majestic way the life of the noble nobility and the common people of the middle of the 19th century is presented. The rozpochatkovaya on the hostility, otrimanih by the writer himself, that opisaniya people, zstrіnutih him under the hour of thoughtful misunderstandings.

Let's take a look at the article's most popular descriptions, which are often called drawings, and most clearly characterize the entire cycle of "Notes of a Thought".

Porovnyuyuchi two provinces, Kaluzka and Orlovsk, the author of the national vysnovka, which stinks like the beauty of nature and the diversity of the animal, which you can admire, and people, their virtuous look, character, and intentions. Acquaintance with the helper Polutikin, who asked for the help of his volunteers for sleeping water, led the author to the house of the muzhik Khor. Itself there and zustrich from two such different people, like Khor and Kalinich.

The choir is a reserved, suvorian, stooping person. I live at the militant wasp booth in the swamps. Too richly fateful to that the booths of the yogo father burned down and that having asked the helper the possibility of living far away, in the swamps. When tsiomu housed about the payment of dues. From that hour, the birthplace of Khorya is great and mіtsna there and live.

Kalinich is a cheerful, high, smiling, easy-going, unambitious person. At the weekend, that saint is engaged in trade. Without anything, a little marvelous, but a biased gentleman, Polutikin's assistant never once went to a shower. For all his life, Kalinich did not wake up his own life, did not curl his own.

Being different, Khor and Kalinich are inseparable friends. The author with marvelous accuracy, to the point, promalovuє all the peculiarities of their characters. The stench of satisfaction spends an hour at once. In the three days spent beating Khorya, myslivets could call to them and deprive them reluctantly.

One day, the author went to the watering of Yermolaєm - krіpak susіda, which he constantly drank at the bells, wanting to wriggle out of them tsіlim and neushkodzhenim, and not buv adjoining to the work. Oskіlki's main obov'yazkom man was the delivery of wild game to the pomіshchitsky table, miraculously knowing the outskirts.

Having spent the day at the birch tree, the heroes decided to spend the night on the Mlyn. The gentlemen were allowed to hang out on sinuvals, under a canopy on the streets. In the middle of the night, the author prokinuvsya in a quiet whisper. Having listened, having understood, that Arina the miller told Yermolai about her life. Bula was at peace with Countess Zverkovoi, as she had a zhorstoy character that was especially powerful to the point that her servants were independent. Having served 10 years, Arina began to ask that they let her in for Peter, the lackey. The girls were encouraged. And in the course of time it became clear that Arina was pregnant. For what they cut the girl's hair, sent her to the village, she was seen as a mistress. Child її perished. Peter was sent to the army.

On a beautiful sickly day, watering took place not far from the river Isti. The languor and torment of myslivets vyrishiv vіdpochiti in the shade of trees near the dzherel s garnoy called Raspberry water. Opovіdannya go about the share of three muzhiks.

Stepushka, as if an unknown sign appeared, a man appeared, as though he didn’t care about anyone, but he himself was guilty of the mother’s prevail. Lives with Mitrofan, the gardener, having helped him by the dominion, obsessing natomist less zhu.

Mikhailo Savelyevich, on a par with the Fog, was free to let go and for a long time served as a butler to the count, who had gone bankrupt, in the backyard; yaskravo that barvisto describing the Fog of Benketi, like a roaming count.

the villager Vlas, who appeared in a discord, rose, who went to Moscow to the pan, asking him to reduce the amount of dues; earlier, having paid the son of Vlas, who died not long ago, at which the pan got angry and vygnav bіdolakha.

And now, the villager does not know how to work, because there was nothing to take from the new one. Having prayed for the gods, the companions rose up.

Rozpovіd folded zі vіv vіtovogo dіkarа, yakі rіzpoіv about thаt, yоu richly rіkіv yоgo wіth sickness, yаk lived in s_m'ї bіdnoї widow, dosit far іd mіsta. The doctor swayed, no matter what the ailment, the maiden is more like a harn. At night, I couldn’t fall asleep and for the most part an hour I saw the sick person.

Seeing the prettiness to this maiden, the members of which, even if they were not rich, quarreled with erudition and illumination, the doctor became deaf. Mothers and sisters of ailments took it for granted, for they succumbed that Oleksandr should believe the doctor and vikonu all yogo vkazivki. And with the maiden's skin day, the Daedalus grew hotter, and along the roads that had been beaten by wickedness, the faces did not come at once.

Before her death, Oleksandra spoke to the doctor, met you in a kohanna, and denounced her mother about the handcuffs. The stench spent three remaining nights at once, after which the girl died. Later, the doctor made friends with the daughter of a foreign merchant, but she showed herself lazy and evil.

My Susid Radilov

As if, polyuyuchi in one of the zanedbany gardens of the Oryol province, the author of Yermolai got to know his assistant Radilov, who asked them for an obid. There were people present at the table: the helper's mother, a little baggy old woman, having gone bankrupt, lived Fedir Mikheich and the sister of the late squad Radilov, Olga. For an hour, an impassioned conversation was carried on, but it was remembered that the assistant of that yoga sister-in-law was guarding one by one.

Seeing Radilov through tyzhden, thoughtfully recognizing that the assistant had left Olga at once, leaving the old mother alone in that turmoil.

One-room Ovsyannikov

With the summer nobleman Ovsyannikov, the author got to know his assistant Radilov. In his 70 years, Ovsyannikov earned a reputation as a sensible, enlightened and wise person. Conversations with him shook with a deep zmist. Especially before, like the author, the mirkuvannya odnokalatsu shkodo porivnyannya of modern sounds and ambush of Katherine's hours. With tsomu to an unambiguous visnovka, the sides of the rozmov did not come. In the past, there were more lack of rights for the weak before the strong and powerful, however, life was quieter and calmer.

Such are the ideas of humanism and equality, which are put forward by "advanced people", such as Ovsyannikov's nephew Mitya, lap and bless the old nobleman, the shards of empty roses are rich, but specific ones cannot be broken.

As if the author was asked to take a shower on a jock, on a lake, beating the great village of Lgov. Poluvannya on the overgrown lake was bulo rich, but it became important to have a look at the species. That was praised for the decision to take the chauvin. Under the hour of watering, the author gets to know from two different people:

Vіlnovіdpusheny, on im'ya Volodymyr, vіdіznyavsya literacy, erudition, earlier serving as a valet and learning to learn music;

The summer villager Bitch, who remembered for his long life the impersonal masters and robs.

Under the hour of robotic chovna Bitch begins to sink. Just over the evening, we wake up to the minds of the lake.

Bizhin meadow

Under the hour of polyuvannya on a black grouse in the Tulsk province, the author of the troch got lost. On the following nights, we will go to the meadow, which among the people is called Bezhin. Here myslivets graze a group of village cottons, like they grazed horses. Vlastuvavsya white of the fire, the ditlahi start talking about all the evil spirits that were in the neighborhood.

Children of roses were told about Budinkovo, who somehow settled in a factory; the mysterious mermaid, yak, the teslyar Gavrilo called to herself; about a talking white ram, who lives on the grave of a drowned man, like a bachelor kennel Yermila and a rich other. Kozhen namagavsya rozpo_sti schos unseen that riddle. Rozmov about the evil spirits tried to maizha to the sweater.

Kasyan with a beautiful sword

Turning around from the water, the coachman, the author, is sounding the funeral procession. Rozumiyuchi, scho tse filthy sign, the coachman hurried to overtake the procession, the whole cart was angry. At the search for a new axis, the author went straight to Yuda’s temple, and spoke to the dwarf Kasyan, a migrant from the Beautiful Sword, whom the people venerated the holy fool, often turned to the new for the jubilation of herbs. He lives in the house of the foster girl Olenka, loving nature.

Everything was replaced, watering was continued, the prote was unsuccessful. Yak explaining Kasyan, tse vin creatures vіdvіv vіd myslivtsya.


The vranci at once vyrishil їhati to Shipilivka, as Ryabova, the author of the polyuvati, was not far away. There, the helper proudly showed the lamps, the houses of the outskirts. Burmister Safron has not yet arrived, as if he had squandered on more requisitions, a small amount of land.


The main thought of the entire collection of the “Notes of the Thought” is to show the life of different versions of society, its culture, pragnennia, morality, and high humanism. Opovіdannya to give a complete picture of the life of the helpers and those of the villagers, who rob Turgenev's works as literary and historical masterpieces.

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Russian literature is rich in beautiful images of social and psychological creations, which make it difficult for the reader to think about the sense of life, but spur to action, struggle, heroism.

One of such artistic works is Turgenev’s “Notes of a Thought”, short analysis we can see some of them in these articles.

The childishness of a writer

An analysis of the cycle "Notes of a Thought" is impossible to understand without knowing the author. Indeed, having only learned from the light-gazer and myslenni writer, you can evaluate the truth.

Ivan Sergiyovich was born in the autumn of 1818 to a family of rich noblemen. Shlyub Yogo Batkіv not be happy. Father Nevdovzі pіshov іz sіm'ї she died, and mothers took care of the children. The childishness of a possible writer cannot be called shameless.

Mati yogo, through vihovannia that life, furnish it, was a folding woman, but at once she was well-read and illuminated. Vaughn often beat the blues, flirted well with the kripaks, but at the same time she read richly, rose in price, valued modern Russian literature.

Varvara Petrivna herself awakened love in little Ivan to the Russian word and Russian literature. She herself learned yoga with the priceless glimpses of the wise men of the world – the works of Zhukovsky, Karamzin, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov…

Creep food

Chimaliy vpliv mav on young Ivan and yogo strong valet. Vzagali, the food of the villagers was already deep in the throat of Turgenev. Vіn even more richly bachiv i, what is more important, even more richly about what mirkuvav.

The life of the krіpakіv zavzhdi bulo before the eyes of the child. May all the children are found in the countryside, de moment bachiti, how the simple people are forced to, how they know about the new, how important it is to live by them, who are the support of that foundation of the state - the great workers, villagers, earth-growers.

Having become independent, Turgenev has already greatly increased the price of his fatherland. Vіn posterіgav for the villagers, for їhnіm pobut that robot. The very thought of the foldable life of krіpakiv and spontaneously Ivan Sergiyovich create his famous tvir-"Notes of a Thought", an analysis of which we can look at once.

Why such a name?

On the right, in the fact that Turgenev already loved polyuvannya, as if I had a right addiction. In a moment of winter, as if not for months, do not let go of the towels from your hands, reaching hundreds of kilometers at the hunts of game. Among his acquaintances, Ivan Sergiyovich was respected by the most famous and most fortunate thinker.

For all his life, an indefinite number of times passed through Tulsk, Orlovsk, Tambov, Kaluska and Kursk provinces. Zavdyaki to their value, the writer, knowing simple people, yak accompanied yogo in myslivsky amusements, served as guides or guardians.

Nobleman Turgeniev did not hesitate to quarrel closely with the poor kripaks. It was fitting for Yomu to hear them, to feed them, to watch over their behavior. Ivan Sergiyovich bacheled his brothers, his spivgromads, and even wanted to, so that other rich and pleasurable people were so self-ranked as midday villagers.

Having seen the cycle of explanations of the "Notes of the Thought", an analysis of some of them will be carried out at once. I have imagined those who are bachiv and chuv. For example, the prototype of the protagonist of the "Notes" was chosen by his frequent companion of love - the villager Athanasius, who loved to listen to him.

Briefly about the creation itself

First, proceed to the analysis of Turgenev's Notes of Mystery, then get to know the creator himself better. As an independent artistic tvir, it was released in 1852. "Notes" are made up of 25 reports or drawings, skins of some - the price of new history, new playful characters. Prote, rozmirkovuchi over the analysis of the description of Turgenev's "Notes of Myslivtsya", you can say that these are not great to draw together on one theme - the theme of love for Russian nature and the Russian people.

Trochs about the author's language

It opposes the author's self-destructive style. Vіn describe podії simply and succinctly, rarely giving an assessment of what you see, without unnecessarily dramatic i lyrical openings. Ale, the tragedy of krіpakіv with a red thread to pass through the arrangements of creation, streaked at the kshtalt of true realism.

In skin speech, in skin dialosis, the bіl i zіthannya of the common people, covered with an unbearable draft, is seen. Without embellishment, the scribe is allowed to depict before the reader, portray the quiet, who has been cherished by his memory as a rightful hero and representatives of the Russian soul. They have ordinary people, tezh є their moral principles, tezh є their nobility, as if by an hour you can inspire greater and better, lower among noble nobles.

Below we will analyze in detail the sketch of the great writer. In order to see all the depths and importance of creation, it is not enough to look at the analysis of one explanation from the Notes of Thought. Otzhe, in front of you check the reports intriguing excursus by the sides of the Turgenev cycle.

"Chorus and Kalinich"

The analysis of the “Notes of the Thought” is peaceful to the very creation. For him, the writer creates two different images, as if they exactly reflect the main mindsets of ordinary people.

And it all started from the fact that he got to know the old helper, Pan Polutikin, and came to the new one to sip. At the Lord's mother head hero and getting to know two kripaks.

It is noteworthy that Turgenev’s drawings, like those of the wealthy, have little to do with the nobles. All yogo respect is focused on the behavior and psychology of the villagers.

Axis i in given advice read more richly tsіkavіshe posterіgati for the lives of the kripakіv, lower for the butts of their ruler.

The choir performs at the work as a practical peasant. I live well, I can look at the houses and I can pay the dues, but I don’t want to buy my freedom. The axis is the whole primitiveness of the peasant. Dіlok vin is a master of all trades, she does not run into her life the most important. Vіn obmezheny, not illuminating, vuzkodum, and at the same hour to marvel at the beast at the pan and smile at him with a niche.

Kalinich is an inseparable friend of Khorya and at the same time there is a lot of space. This person is romantic and thoughtful, impractical and soft. Vіn not maє sіm'ї i duzhe will require. Ale, at the same time, Kalinich may have the majestic knowledge of nature, for which yoga is highly valued in the environment. Vіn subtly vіdchuvaє more beautiful, building rozіrkovuvati and analizuvati.

Thinking about the characters of Khorya and Kalinich, you can talk about what the peasantry of the hours of Turgenev was.


Tsim I draw my analysis of Turgenev's description of "Notes of the Mislivtsya". At the center of the plot is the magic between two strong couples, zatiyane in one peasant tavern. The main characters are described swiftly and instantly. Yakiv is the 23rd synonym of the full Turks. Pratsyuє at the factory, ale vіdomy zavdyaks to their creative zdіbnosti.

Yogo supernik hawker - thirty-fourth man, zhvaviy i spritny philistine - having acted first. I sang a cheerful song, I sang good, hostile. Ale shchos yomu rejected, wanting yogo vminnya was properly assessed.

If, after Yakiv began to sleep, tremblingly and often, everyone died. Yogo's voice is deep, whimpering, sensitive, shrugging off present-day weeping. It was marvelous how grown up people were, spritnі, penetrating and gripping, under the spluttering song of the worker, wept in a right way.

It can be seen that Yakiv spoke from his feelings, that he deeply praises the sensibility of the rows.

Zvisno, present one-family dyshnovka, which won Yakiv. Ale didn’t end up drawing on what.

In the evening after the competition was held, the mandriva re-sounded the “golden voice” of the village. Why is Yakiv robb? Win beer, beer self-sung, to the point of unconsciousness, having spent all the human guise. And at the same time with him at the rozguli they took the fate of those who, for a while, were pleased with it with a marvelous penetrating voice.

It was important for Mandrivnikov to marvel at such an indulgent spree, if a mustache is ruined in people, what is good is talent, almost, soul. The analysis of “Spivtsiv” (from the “Notes of the Thought”) shows how much vigilance and vice can inspire subtle and sensitive souls.


Diya draws only one dialogue, which becomes between the proud and heartless gentleman's valet and the villager Akulina innocently abandoned by him. Myslivets-mandrivnik, who, having dozed off by the shade of dense trees, becomes a vicious witness to the separation of these young people.

Why would the author, after omitting the qiu, imagine such a lyrical and banal story of an undivided kokhanny in his “Notes of a Thought”? The analysis of “Bad luck” shows that for whom the creators have a deep life of food. And on the right, not only in the fact that the valet of a wealthy nobleman, having robbed an unfinished maiden on the part of his wife, squirming with innocence and love, and now throwing baiduzhe її. Ni. I'll draw a richly glibsha theme.

For example, Turgenev in showing, people can get bogged down, having a penchant for worldly tinsel, and respecting their own roots, their brothers, respecting themselves as greater and more significant for those, with Kim wines equal.

On the butt of the pansky valet, it also becomes clear how quickly people catch the negative vibes of their feelings and how easy it is to forget who is true.

Analysis of "Raspberry Water" from "Notes of the Mind"

Thinking about the creation zmushyu zaslititsya over it, like krіpaki put up to their yoke. Not all, appear, exercise your will, do not choose your independence.

At the center of the opposition - the rise of one old krіpak, the butler's bankrupt pan, who, with nostalgia, forgot how many hours, if the krіpak without rights were given to the soldiers, or they were without peace.

Prote injustice panuvala no less earlier. Dahl Turgenev describes pansky zhorstokіst and heartlessness, as if flatly vikrivayutsya by him prolonging the cycle.

Vlas is an old villager, who recently buried his son, who died after a severe ailment. The old one went to the lord, asking you to change the dues, but that only got angry and vygnav unfortunate. Like a bachimo, the life of poor kripakiv and their furnishing no matter how badly their wealthy masters were. You don’t have to think about yourself anymore, about the income that you get from the younger people. And what is the price of that quitrent? Behind him is the life of that healthy unfortunate, condemned to eternal captivity.


It is noteworthy that this tvir shouted not only the involuntarily krіpakіv helpers, but also the arrogance of the wealthy villagers over their sworn brothers. For example, the central character of the creation, the chief pansky clerk in the name of Mykola Yeremeich, do not hesitate to take wine to the city of your fellow villagers for deeds of indulgence and indulgence.

Vіn koristuєtsya its power with greed and shamelessness. With a sinister camp, Yeremeich tries to punish the indigent youmu people, but it is quiet, with kim wines, if you have made a fuss. Tsikavoi and behavior of the pan, as if she could bring justice to her mother, but do not want to care about the lives of her villagers and look into their special affairs.

For example, the helper unfairly and heartlessly blamed the innocent maiden Tetyana for what, through the yak, Mykola Yeremeich and the medical assistant Pavlo were brewed. The deputy is great to judge and know the guilty ones, Panya Vіdsilaє Tetyanu, ruynuyuchi її life and the life of Paul, who died in her.

Like Bachimo, moreover, the villagers endured and suffered from the blasphemy of the wealthy rulers, they were shamelessly squeezed by their brothers, like they took away the settlement at the pansky court. Such a strangulation of the human will broke the shares and had a negative effect on people's moods.


This will be the final verse, depending on which we will conduct an analysis of the “Notes of the Thought”. At the center of the plot - a short rozpovid-tell the author about how Russian people die, more importantly the villagers. The stinks die easily and simply, instead of shying with nothing, an incomprehensible rite. There is no fear of death in them, and there is no need to fight for life, but it is inconsistent baiduzhist to one's share, to one's life, to one's health.

You can see it on the butt of a peasant, who, having burned himself in a barn, died to the fullest extent at home. Yogo rodnі, ta y vіn himself, led everyday life, antrohi not worrying about the dying and navit not trying to save death, not seeming already about those who would ease suffering.

Vasil Dmitrovich is another mistress of the profession, a kind of baiduzhe put up to his life. I got drunk on an important robot, having taken off my hernia, but I didn’t want to go to the clinic and work for my clothes, I’ll become easier. A person is breaking home, to break the financial blues with his lane, and die for a couple of days.

There were other fluctuations. For example, an old acquaintance of the main character of the university. Illness in the dryness, living in strangers with mercy, not thinking about your share of grief, not being afraid of death, but living with your thoughts, inspired by your comrade, and hearing your rozpovіdі from suffocation. Ten days later, you die in agony.

Why did Turgenev describe the furnishings in the “Notes of the Mind”? An analysis of "Death" shows that the writer himself marvels, the stars come out such a bait. Seeing for everything, the price of the legacy of rich richness, taken by unfortunate people with mother's milk, as it became another (as not the first and only) of its essence. This is a fast paced work, their folding minds of life dull their minds and feelings.

Criticism and censorship

How did Turgenev's co-workers react to this collection of evidence? A lot of literary critics at that time meant that you could create everything, like entering the cycle, shaping subtle psychology and realism, exclaiming the right soul of a Russian peasant in front of the readers.

On the other hand, deyakі critics respected that the history of Turgenev was written in an idealistic style, that the stench was contrived and banal, and that one cannot have any value.

How did censorship react? Prince Lviv, having allowed the collection of drawings to another, was punished by the emperor especially for such a decision. Farther away, the viewing of The Notes of Myslivtsya was fenced off.

Why did the authorities react to TV so much? At the province of Turgenev, those were placed who poetized the kripakiv, churning them out as the main heroes of their defense, breaking my soul and that thought. So the writer deserved the unpraise of the king through those who vindicated the humiliation of the common people and did it, so that the kripaks would live better in the wild.

Yak Bachimo, a writer of great courage and love for the common people, who were not afraid to call out the disgrace of the emperor. About tse note the analysis of Turgenev's "Notes of the Thought", indications in these articles.

The history of the creation of the "Notes of the Mind"

At 1852 p. Let's stop seeing the “Notes of the Mind” by I.S. Turgenev. Started in the middle of the 40s, the stench went through ten years creative activities writer. From the publication of the first drawing "Khor i Kalinich" (1847), the stench has always been regarded as a non-Abian manifestation of Russian literature, but in the past, the writer's innovation has been shown to be especially controversial and striking.

Created more importantly, if the most important nourishment for Russian activity was strong right, "Notes of a Thought" was accepted by the co-workers in front of us in terms of the social aspect. The stench became a witness to the Zakhist of the rotten people.

Turgenev not only introduced the literature of a new hero, Russian krіpatstvo, - he built it up so that it became a kind of ethical tuning fork, after which the literature was attacked by its own animal until the life of the people. The role of this creation and of the suspense-political struggle is beyond reproach. The “Notes of the Thought” are not made until a direct protest against the corruption: they give a broad picture of Russian life with these positive ambushes, the guardian and bearer of these people.

The villagers in the "Notes of the Thought" are the quintessence of the rice of the singing camp, and the people are alive with all kinds of different personalities. The practical mind of Khorya and the poetic nature of Kalinich, the devastatingly harmless girl in the "Back" and gloominess, the spawning of elemental nobility Biryuk, the talented spivak of Yakiv and the quiet, all spiritual whispers of Kasyan with the Beautiful Sword - all the stench of leather in its own way carry its own rice. character Rozum to the people, yogo pochuttya, type yogo people - the bail of the future land, an indication that how many forces among the people were crushed and gin without a trace.

The very reception of “walking” by the native land gives the writer the opportunity to visit the village, the pansky sadibi, the forester’s hut, and the tavern, to get along with the zhenk, an illiterate peasant, and people who are illuminated by Europeans. Satirical images, similar to the self-satisfied and zhorstoy helper Pinochkin, to judge from the heroes of "Hamlet of the Shchigrivka district", who tragically witnesses his own victoriousness in the course of a day's life.

Turgenev shows the life of the Russian people and death, love and suffering. First of all, in all situations that are recorded in the Notes of the Mind, the most important function is attached to the landscape. The 1st compositional book ends with a landscape painting "The Forest and the Step" - the apotheosis of Russian nature. .

"Notes of a Mislivtsya" - tvir stage. The accuracy and subtlety of the image, the poetic expression of folk characters, the richness of genre forms became one of the roots of the remote development of that Russian literature, that creativity of Turgenev himself.

They were friends in 1847-1851 in the journal "Suchasnik" and published in 1852 in 1852. Three explanations written and received by the author before the collection are significantly later.

List of warnings

The rest of the collection was taken away from what was seen in 1874: the author, having included up to the new three new opinions, written on the basis of early ideas, as if in their time they were left unrealized.

Below, name the roses that appear at the temples of the first publication.

  • Chorus and Kalinich (Suchasnik, 1847, No 1, edited by Sumish, pp. 55-64)
  • Yermolai and the miller's woman (Suchasnik, 1847, No 5, op. I, p. 130-141)
  • Raspberry water (Suchasnik, 1848, No2, vid. I, pp. 148-157)
  • Povitovy likar (Suchasnik, 1848, No 2, op. I, p. 157-165)
  • Miy Susid Radilov (Suchasnik, 1847, No 5, op. I, pp. 141-148)
  • One-house Ovsyannikov (Suchasnik, 1847, No 5, op. I, pp. 148-165)
  • Lgov (Suchasnik, 1847, No 5, entry R, ​​pp. 165-176)
  • Bezhin meadow (Suchasnik, 1851, No. 2, entry I, p. 319-338)
  • Kasyan with the Beautiful Sword (Suchasnik, 1851, No 3, item I, pp. 121-140)
  • Burmist (Suchasnik, 1846, No 10, issue I, p. 197-209)
  • Office (Suchasnik, 1847, No 10, issue I, pp. 210-226)
  • Biryuk (Suchasnik, 1848, No 2, issue I, pp. 166-173)
  • Two helpers.
  • Lebedyan (Suchasnik, 1848, No 2, type I, pp. 173-185)
  • Tetyana Borisivna and her nephew (Suchasnik, 1848, No 2, issue I, pp. 186-197)
  • Death (Suchasnik, 1848, No 2. Vіd. I, p. 197-298)
  • Spivaky (Suchasnik, 1850, No 11, op. I, p. 97-114)
  • Petro Petrovich Karataev (Suchasnik, 1847, No. 2, issue I, p. 197-212)
  • Pobachennya (Suchasnik, 1850, No 11, op. I, p. 114-122)
  • Hamlet of the Shchigrivsky district (Suchasnik, 1849, No 2, op. I, p. 275-292)
  • Chertophanov and Nedopyuskin (Suchasnik, 1849, No 2, op. I, p. 292-309)
  • Kіnets Chertopkhanova (Bulletin of Europe, 1872, No 11, p. 5-46)
  • Live the power (Skladchina. Literary collection, Warehouses from the practice of Russian writers on the melancholy victims of hunger in the Samara province of St. Petersburg, 1874. - S. 65-79)
  • Knock! (Create I. S. Turgenev (1844-1874). M .: species of brothers Salaevikh, 1874. Part I. - S. 509-531)
  • Forest and step (Suchasnik, 1849, No 2, entry I, p. 309-314)

Vіdomo sche 17 Turgenev's thoughts, which should lie before the cycle "Notes of a Thought", but they were left out of various reasons for the unknown. The development of one of them by Turgenev was opened in 1847-1848, two fragments were saved: “The Reformer and the Russian German” (6 sides of the text in current collections of works) and “The Russian German” (1.5 sides of the text).

In the period of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the "children" collections were expanded, which included only a few explanations (less than half of the canonical warehouse). The textual analysis of the text has not been carried out in any way. In their own warehouse, the “Notes of Myslivtsya” were only greeted by the collections of Turgenev’s works (they were seen, in fact, in colossal circulations).

The most reference textual references are two radian academic publications of the "Mislivtsya Notes":

  • Turgenev I. WITH. Refill creating that list in twenty-eight volumes (thirty books): Create in fifteen volumes. T. 4. Notes of a thought. 1847-1874. - M: Nauka, 1963. 616 p. 212,000 approx.
  • Turgenev I. WITH. More than a selection of works that sheet in thirty volumes: Create in twelve volumes. Seen by a friend, corrected that additionally. T. 3. Notes of a thought. 1847-1874. - M: Nauka, 1979.


  • 1935 - Bezhin meadow - a film by S. Eizenstein, insertions
  • 1971 - Life and death of nobleman Chertopkhanov
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