Correction and development of the psychologist's work at the beginning of the school. Topic: Correction of the psychologist's robot at school

Correction of the robot zdіysnyuєtsya in special classes. The most popular was taken away by:

correction class


compensatory training

correctional development

The rest came to replace all the listings.

The system of correctional and developmental education was promoted in the middle of the 90s of the XX century by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the RAV. Fundamentally new to whom, the possibility of transferring a child to the singing stage of training from a correctional-developmental class to a superior one is directly important. The system of correctional and developmental classes conveys a complex approach and variability of illumination. At the school, which may have been assigned a class, there may be a brigade of fahivtsiv, which consists of a defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist, social teacher and doctor, so that they can work together on a par with the psychological-medical-pedagogical council. Completion of these classes is established on the basis of diagnostics for the development of children, which is carried out by faculty nursery, and the main results of the training at the school: for the first class students and for the students for the first class students before moving to the middle school.

Directly to the correctional and developmental classes, I give a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Correction-developing class practice for special programs, broken defectologists. Behind the camp, such classes can have 12 osib.

Competent work with children in correctional and developmental classes is a perfect plus for the development of differentiated education. It's a pity that today there are more and more old class corrections, which allow children to be forced to do so for even fuzzy criteria. Moreover, on the normative level, the class does not know more, but in real life, it’s still enough to finish it. Classes, like before, are created like at the beginning of the school, so in the middle. Saving class corrections, regardless of their inefficiency, imovirno, you can explain dekilkom reasons. First, far from everywhere there are fahivtsі, necessary for the creation of corrective and developmental classes, leading to normative documents. On the other hand, not all schools, which require such classes, will receive sufficient funding to pay for the appointment of fahivtsiv.

Developing robot With children who are not ready for school, there may be an ear of systematic school education. Such a robot can successfully pass special groups development, in some of them the program is implemented not initially, but developing the psyche of a child.

The group does not have special tasks to teach children to read, write, write. Then, as a task, the mental development of a child is equal to readiness for school.

Groups develop principally in the form of training groups, in which children can train their mental functions.

In order for the development group to bring a positive result, it is necessary to scrupulously apply the methodological principles that lay the foundation for it:

1) the development of other mental processes through the development of the motivational sphere of the child;

2) the subject is not set to the child;

3) the work that is being developed is to be blamed on the basis of an individual approach, which is the child’s “closest development zone”;

4) the occupation of the duty to pass in the form of a game and the call to the participants of the group of lively interest;

5) stosunki s dіtmi guilty buti good-natured and good-natured, unacceptable mentoring position and condemnation for failure;

6) the child is guilty of the mother's right to pardon;

7) success can be experienced by the lads as a joy. To whom is a positive emotional assessment of whether it is the reach of a student from the side of a leading group;

8) great respect in employment can be added to the development of children in the building to self-assessment of their work. The score is not a mark, it is expressed by a tim chi and another ball ("one", "two", "five"), and the verbal analysis of the speech is overwhelmed by the shortness of the quality of the vikonan work.

Especially slid zupinitis on the behavior of the one who leads the group. We are a psychologist or a teacher, who is busy, is guilty of infecting children with his own emotions. Vinny pours his energy into the lads, trying to destroy them and inflame their interest until they are called to task. It can be figuratively said that the guiding group is an emotional donor for the participants. Emotional decay, on which to pass busy, even more important to the one who has learned the information, who is going to be grown up. How different is the behavior of the rest (mimicry, gestures, intonation of the language, etc.), it is easier and faster to acquire information that is transmitted to them, shards of the background, on which a deaky sympathy is given, constantly calling out to the auditory response.

The main task of the development group is the formation of cognitive motivation and the basic development of children in general. The result of the child is initially motivated.

games that expand the horizons and vocabulary of a child;

logical games;

games with rules;

games to develop phonemic hearing;

play to develop respect and memory;

games to develop children's fine motor skills;

play for orientation in space.

Ale krіm sіljakіh іgor istotne mіstse progrіmі groups razvitku maє buti podіleno Literature, children learn good children's books

The world has a cognitive interest in children and an improvement in their mental development as a whole, since, as a stench from satisfaction, you can start hearing books, cope with games on phonemic hearing and logical games, you can start start reading that rahunka. Ale azi reading and rahunka can also be given in a playful form, and not in the form of lessons.

Promoted groups development is best carried out with lads at the age of 5.5 to 7 years to the cob of education at the 1st class of the school. The development group, which functions in parallel with the first class teachers, gives the effect only to that one, as the psychologist and the teacher are happy.

Groups develop a more diagnostic function. Through rivers to take stench, it is precisely possible to see children, who need to be trained at a special school for a correctional-developing class. Tse will be rozumovo vydstali children and children with important forms of zatrimka psychic development, for which purposes the development of the robot is not giving a clear effect.

For lecture materials:

Corrective-developmental work with learning classes is one of the important points of the robotic psychologist of the cob school. Dekilka slіv about zmіst and organіzatsіyu psikhologicheskiy korektsії pri pochatkovіy shkoly. The psychologist is putting together a program of corrections to take up the stretch of the initial fate. Busy activities are taken once a day. After a skin occupation, the learners take care of homework, as they did not catch up with the visconat at the hour of the lesson. On the cob of fate at the first hour of the first batkivsky gatherings, batkiv about the future of a group or individual work of a psychologist with children. The fathers write their zgoda to the correctional work in letters. Sound the learners from the satisfaction of seeing the busyness, tk. "It's good, fun and we play in different times, and we win the citadel of the day."

Distinguish individual and group correction. Individual correction may be on the basis of individual employment of a psychologist with children. Indicated to individual correction due to special features of children and adults: fathers or readers. In case of whom it is not necessary to ask, on the cob of correction, a diagnosis of the child is carried out. After that, correction paths are coming. In the first classes, the correction of the robot is carried out according to the results of psychodiagnostic screening. Screening is carried out on both sides: on the cob and on the ear of the initial rock. These studies, as for sub-bags, are taken into account in the third and fourth groups (the risk group and the extra risk group), and children, with whom an individual psychological correction is carried out.

The work is carried out according to the layout and schedules of individual and group work. In the first classes, 10 cases were stunned by an individual psychological robot. In a different way, the third and fourth grades of individual work are carried out in 20 classes.

Under the group form of correction, it is possible to remove the psychologist's robot from a group of children aged 9-10. In our opinion, group correction appears to be more effective, less individual. It is especially relevant and relevant to this group of children, as they recognize difficulties in interfacing and contacts with one-liners, as they may have an imaginative character, closed, neurotic, scurrilous, rubbish or aggressive, as they may have problems in society.

On group correctional activities, we develop different methods and techniques to help children relax, as well as take a load of lessons. In psychological activities, such a technique is developed, like group relaxation and the natomist calm instrumental music.

Music therapy is the same method, like victorious music, like a splendid zasib. Foreign psychologists have long been playing music as part of anti-stress programs. Correction of busyness, start sounding for relaxation. Learn to listen create music, and then we discuss their experiences, guess what thoughts they blame for the hour of listening. One hour go that razvitok movi uchnіv. After the discussion, the lads paint on the great sheet all those who stink thoughts slacked off for an hour of relaxation. Here at the same time with music therapy vicorist and art therapy.

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on figurative artі creative activities learning. The child is quite happy with his inner feelings and is not caught by the artistic achievements of his work.

Sometimes before the relaxed lads are given tasks:

For example, to help the best place on earth, the child would feel free and intoxicated, resting on the top of bliss, that joy of peace.

Abo, please, and then depict on the paper a gift of the dearest and most beloved people. This gift does not have a price, wine is practically priceless and it is impossible to buy it for a penny every day.

Behind the topic is Correction and development of the psychologist's robot at the beginning of the school:

  1. The head of the psychologist's activity at the pochatkovy school. Form a robotic psychologist at the school of the pochatkovy.
  2. 38. Principles of correctional and developmental work in mass schools.
  3. 27. School as a light and pedagogical system that develops. Scientific and methodical is that experimental work in schools that is being developed.

Psychological correction of training students before testing
Importance of the process psychological support testing helps to relieve anxiety. The most effective cost is in the training process. Below is a description of the training session for students of grades 11-12 during the pre-test preparation hour.

Training activities for students of grades 11-12

Target: nadannya psychological training for students of 11-12 classes under the hour of preparation before the test.

- adopt the development of psychoregulation skills;
- acceptance of the development of the internal potential and resources of the special education;
- Vivchiti emotional state, mood and self-esteem learning.
Hid busy
Enter the word of the leader, explaining the goals of that group leader.

Right #1. Test "Emotional spheres" Tsіl : I will become emotionally aware of people who are more important in my life behavioral tendencies
Materials Instruction : let's see that we know about the skin of us as if it's a husk We call it an energy field, we call it an aura, we call it a sphere. Some of us represent this sphere in our own way. How do you manifest your sphere? Depict її on arkush, vicorist-colored olives, simple olive and gumka, where it is necessary. The size of the sphere, її roztashuvannya, the color of the din, which is chosen, is sufficient and individual. (I wonder at the interpretation: “School psychologist. - No. 24. - 23-20 chervnya 2004 - p. 9-24).

Right #2 "Imitation" Tsіl : to activate the participants, create a positive attitude towards the work
Instruction : stand, be kind, near the colo. For the cob, we break it down on the first one or the other. The first numbers are the bavovna at the valley, two stomp with your feet. Other rooms - two bays, one inflow. Rukhs are repeated according to one's wish: first-other, first-other, first-other, etc. on the call: imituemo knock on the number of the train. Started.
Let's speed up the pace. More swish.
Note : Somebody's got to be violating and leading the initiation of splashes of all the participants

Right #3 "Two Sides of the Medal" Tsіl : training of students before testing; learned by the “-” and “+” sides of the test
Materials Instruction : The first step is to cut individually: divide the sheet into two parts: left "-", right "+". In the left part of the arch, it is necessary, having thought it over, to write all the nasty things, tied up with tests, but in the right part - everything is fine. Take advantage of the situation.
Another stage: group robot. Unite in "troikas" and, having equalized the vіdpovіdі, there's no more zbіgi.
Vіdpovіdі will be read by the representatives of the groups. There is a discussion: what is the enemy's view of vikonannya? What new things have you learned for yourself? What did you learn?

Right #4 "Image" Tsіl : emotional support of students before testing; development of resources and potential of special education.
Materials : standard arch paper (A4 format), simple olive, colorful olive, gumka, tablets.
Instruction :
1) in your skin you have an emotional state before the possible test. Think, be a caress, what kind of a dream is it? Write down the qi a little bit in arkush. Try to come up with an image, which is the most beautiful and clearly sounding like it, an image that can feel like it. Tse mozhe be everything that is worthy: istota, object, alive, not alive then;
2) unite in “twos” and tell one to one about the truth: how it sounds; de vain live; live with kim; with whom to speak; chi є in a new friend; what to eat; how to support your reason; what is there to work; what do you want; scho to rob for his master chi vlasnik (the one who painted the little ones). Discuss what the truth can be made for you, and how you can make it worthwhile;
3) at the heart of the moment, share your feelings, emotions, tim, what happened to you.

Right #5 "Pose of the coachman" Tsіl : teaching methods for relaxation in stressful situations
Instruction : now the hour has come to know you with some techniques of relaxation and concentration
Try to take this posture: the center of gravity falls on the pelvis or on the side of the hand. Across at the same time of straightening, and the upper part of the tunic is slightly bent and the back of the intestine is bent. The head is relaxed and lowered perpendicularly to the pelvis, and not to the pelvis. Otherwise, there will be pressure alive. The legs are spread out on equal shoulders, the hands lie without emphasis on the knees, and the wrists freely hang between the quilts, like a coachman, which is relaxed, loosening the reins, and the horses wander by themselves. Yakshcho zap'yastya razslablenі, tse virniy signs those that the position of the body is taken correctly.
Participants take the "coachman's pose". The leader is responsible for controlling the correctness of the vikonnannya tsієї right.

Right #6 "Out of breath" Tsіl : teaching methods for relaxation in stressful situations
Instruction Breathe through the nis so that the lower part of the leg is filled up on the back. What can be reached by inflating the heart of the wall (as you draw in, you live for an hour in the air, then only the upper part of the leg will be restored). Gubi vіdkritі.
Then, fill in the middle part of the leg, expanding the lower part of the rib region and the thoracic cavity.
Then we will repeat the upper part of the leg, lightly lifting the shoulders and pulling in the life. Hold down for a few seconds. Let's see clearly, step by step, drawing in life. I see through my mouth.

Right #7 "Motto" Tsіl : awareness of the state of mind of life in a stressful situation
Materials Cabin: arch paper, bag handles, tablets.
Instruction : stretching 2 minutes, think about your motto, which reflects your life credo, setting up a stressful situation. Then, according to your will, read out your mottos to the other participants of the group and give an explanation to them.

Right #8 "Engine" Tsіl : emotional discharge of the participants of the group
Instruction : stand up and wake up one by one, hands on shoulders, to stand in front. The one standing in front plays the role of a locomotive driver. Win s vodkriti ochima, and reshta іz flattened eyes.
Warehouse machinist.
On command, we start ruh spochatka povilno, and then hurry up. The victorious role of the machinist is to carry out the warehouse in such a way that the wagons, the reshta of the participants, do not open the zchіpku.
You can rightly repeat two, three, change the driver.

Right #9 Test "Emotional spheres"
(Div. right No. I)
Porіvnyayte, your sphere has changed, parіvnya z tiєyu, like you painted on the cob of our occupation.
(Babies of the group members are taken in the kintsy of employment. You can win for the development of specific recommendations for the skin s of the group members; a simple change in the emotional state after the end of the work of the group.)
The final word of the guide group, pidbitya pidsumkiv busy

Teach a person to be happy - it’s not possible, but you can twist it so that it’s happy, you can.

Anton Makarenko

This site is in the first line of addressing for those who are interested in the harmonious, universal development of their children and for those who want to know more about children, their development, problems and their vision. And also to teachers, practicing or future teachers-psychologists, the same team, to whom the psychology of psychology is needed.

Age children - the greatest joy for loving fathers yak conveys a high step of vіdpovidalnostі. Everything is wonderfully conceivable that the skin of a little child is individual. At the singing stage of your life, you are faced with various difficulties. For some of them, they manage on their own, for others, they can be quickened by the advice and suggestions of grown-ups.

If the fathers themselves understand that they can’t get into this complicated situation, this child and stink themselves have appeared, the hour has come for turning to fakhivtsya - a child psychologist.

A child psychologist is the first to know and deeply understand the child of a person, as it is known not only on the fundamental laws and in the age-old features of the mental development of children, but also in the individual variations of these features and take care of my head as a teacher - a psychologist at the garden improvement of psychological health of children.

About me

pedagogue-psychologist of the municipal state special (correctional) lighting mortgage for students, graduates with limited possibilities healthy Biloomutskoy zagalnoosvetny boarding school of the VIII type.

Holy shit.

Hot experience: 5 years.

Experience pedagogical work: 5 years.

The work experience in this settlement is 5 years.

The current psychological education of the pedagogical team within the framework of the work of pedrads, ShMO educators and teachers. For schoolchildren, I conduct conversations on topics: the right choice professions”, “Conflicts and their underlings”, “Know thyself”, “Struggle against stress” and others. Tse pіdvishchuє rіven zatsіkavlenosti uchnіv іz psikhologicheskiy sluzhby school. I also speak at the class batkivsky gatherings from the introduction to the topics: “Peculiarities of the young school (old school, senior school) age”, “How to help a child to do good”, “Readiness to study at a middle school” and іn. I am establishing constant control over the camp and teaching children for help curing classes, talking with children, teachers of those class teachers. With this method, the lessons of that come in after class, control of success and initial activity is established, which helps to reveal and develop problems of learning, development and development of learning, the quality of international specialties, own development of strategy and tactics psychological assistance like children, and teachers. The work is carried out on the adaptation of children to school, guarding their camp, analysis of medical and other documentation, setting children into a risk group. We hope to have a psychological support in important situations, preventive measures of nerve damage and nerve damage are needed.

For a long time, psychodiagnostics is regularly carried out with the method of developing strategies for individual and group correctional and developmental work with children, depending on their particularities. It is also carried out diagnostics of difficulties at the primary duty. With the method of diagnosing the individual style of the teacher's activity and the development of the individual strategy of the teacher's activity, it is carried out in the form of an analysis of the lessons of the teachers of the school.

By the end of the year, I will conduct individual and group corrections and development activities with students of different classes of the school. For students of the 9th grade, professional guidance work is carried out, it is not necessary to conduct interviews, questionnaires, excursions to vocational schools. I support contact with fathers, conduct individual interviews and questionnaires with the method of diagnostics, regulation and correction of the initial-virginal activity. Shhorіchno pass the day of psychology of middle school students.

Based on the results of diagnostics and questionnaires, which were taken for a long time, consultations are carried out for all patients, both individually and in groups. By the end of the year, we hope to provide advisory assistance to the best artisans, tutors, and teachers working with important children. Individual consultations on various topics are held every day for all patients. Also, I expand that thorough program of carrying out corrections and developments to take “Communication and social adaptation”, “Knowledge activity 1-4 grades” and іn. The results are analyzed, elaborated, practical recommendations are made for a thorough initial and secondary process at school. robotic boarding school.

Books that shaped my inner world

A. Maslow "Motivation and specialty"

W. Frankl "Say life" So!

Erik Bern "Play, people play like yak"

Qi books sigh, awaken the bazhannya of life, create, bachiti.

My look at the world

"If you don't spit the science of goodness, be it another science to bring more harm" (French philosopher M. Montaigne)

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "You see thousands of trojans in your garden, but don't know what you're whispering ... And good luck ... Axis is out: in one single trojan, in a gourd of water ... Shukat requires heart" ( The little Prince)


My reach

An honorable diploma from the head of the department of education of the MV, Lukhovitsky district. (2014).

Diploma of the MKSKOU Biloomutskaya zagalnoosvitny boarding school of the VIII type (2013, 2014).

My portfolio

“I love the right, which I do. I love robiti that right, I love yaku! The profession of a teacher-psychologist for me:

Way of self-expression;

Busy, like bringing a little bit of vlasnoy significance and contentment in the form of a wicked work;

Professiya, through yaku I zdіysnuyu my misiyu that recognition;

Professiya as a form of self-knowledge;

Professiya, yaka allowed me to change my look at the richness of my wet life;

Professiya, yaka give me the strength to live that important part of the trial;

Professiya, yaka allow me to be entrusted with those whom I love;

Professiya, yak allowed me my nedolіk, as I thought earlier, to transform into goodness and significant professional quality (empathy, chuynnist and kindness); perfectionism.

What else do I love? A lot of things: I love to spend time in nature, I love it, if all the family gather at once, I love pekti, cook, read, dance, I love humor, car, sports, tourism, travel up, I love licorice, peace, I love verse, science, school, dzvinky smіh children of children, psychology, I just love to know in life small miracles and wide їm radіti. I try not to hesitate, I believe that everything is better in front!

I am trying to read the good, I’m doing one to one, honesty ... I love children, I’m trying to heal the skin - PECULIARITY.

We are trusted with childish souls! We help ourselves to know our place in this majestic mature world! The children are still recovering! This is why my smut psychological credo is: don't be naughty!

I'm good for s vyslovlyuvannyam: "Start only with the quiet, whom you love, Love the quiet, who can be successful!"

The skin of a person starts early to put their own questions: “Kim buti?” and “Yakim buti?”. You don’t just give responses to them, cry out a lot of experience, to that life is important. For me, everything was much simpler.

To the head achievements in my activity, I respect the recognition of that poshanu uchnivov, which is not so easy to achieve today.

It seems that the enthusiast F.I. Yanovich may have seen curiosity for the readers two and a half centuries ago, de categorically defended the “be it as a shame” of the students, and “dementia, bad memory and natural lack of knowledge” were not punished.

Rousseau wrote that “vihovannia is the whole of life, and chi is not preparation for it,” but life is more beautiful and everyday, such as it is, it’s possible, more aesthetic. І mi іz uchnyami took patronage over self-made veteran, vykonal collective previous project, dedications to the Day of Great Peremoga.

The skin of a person is more important, if only once in life, to experience a little success.
I kindly understand the term "professional fire". I do not call to live only as a robot! School, not only eternal youth, but also eternal development, move forward. Our profession of psychologist, teacher can be congratulated. Vaughn let me develop creatively, spiritually. Be-yaky way buvaє, not simple. At the psychological stage, there are many difficulties and transitions. Science, prosperity, optimism help the psychologist reach success. Peregortayuchy sides of his high school romance, I want to signify that I’ve been reading for a while, and I should have been more like it!

“Vchennya is the axis of what a young person needs from a small century. You need to read it. Until the end of life, they did not lose their education, but they began to learn the most. If you stop reading - you can’t read it ”(D. S. Likhachov). It’s wonderful a little, if a person seems to say: “I know everything” or “I don’t like to read.”
Professional courses and seminars, lessons from colleagues, master-classes of teachers and teachers for the sake of the foundation of my success. I respect, re-read, love and learn from Vigotsky L.S., Dubrovina I.V., Bityanova M.R., Semago M.M. Ta Semago N.V., Savenkova A., Vachkova I.V., I am a teacher-psychologist, my high school novel continues ...

"The only happiness in life - tse postyne pragnennya forward," - saying Emil Zola. These words of a French writer, in my opinion, characterize me as a psychologist of the present.

Tomorrow will be a new school day, and already tomorrow at school the eyes of my students will again be amazed at me.

Psychological consultation and psychological correction in the activities of a psychologist to educate irrespective of mutual relations. It is mindful that the psychologist has discovered that the child is developing for a long period of time and is rebuying in the lighting mortgage, and at the same time reveals all the shortcomings and difficulties. The correction of the work starts from the beginning of the individual consultations - the father of the child or the child itself (fallow in the її century). Psychological practice has a basic consultation model:

1. establishment of contact - structure, access to mutual understanding;

2. selection of client information - revealing the essence of the problem;

3. appointed by those - vyhіd bazhany result, svіdomlennya result;

4. accepting a decision - making a decision, discussing different options;

5. Psychologist's summary - a summary of the results, transition to the beginning of the study.

At the consultation with the fathers, a plan for the correctional work of the psychologist with the child is being developed. Psychological correction is one of the main directions of the practical activity of a psychologist. Under the psychological correction, the psychologist's activity is improved to correct the features of the mental development, as they show the optimal model. Correction of the work is carried out by a psychologist with a group of children or individually with a child for the active companionship of fathers, learners, and readers. The work of a psychologist will teach correction and succession of psychological and pedagogical effusions, directing them to correct or prevent shortcomings and rehabilitation in the development of a child. The main tasks of the correction of the mental development are: 1) correction of the child's development with the improvement of the creation of optimal minds and the development of the child's special potential; 2) prevention of non-negative negative tendencies of special and intellectual development.

Depending on the nature of the correction, two forms are distinguished: symptomatic - directed to the symptoms of relief in the development, that etiological correction, directed to the cause of the relief in the development. Another form of correction may have absolute priority over the symptomatic form. The insufficiency of symptomatic correction is explained by the fact that some of the same symptoms of resuscitation in development can have a different nature, causing a psychological structure and other ways of treating negative symptoms. The most effective is the relationship between two forms of corrective work - symptomatic and etiological.

The psychologist zdіysnyuє korektsіyu razvitku razviti yogo timchasovoї zatrimki, socially-pedagogical zanedbanosі and іnshih devіatsіy, caused by social-psychological and pedagogical reasons. The psychologist, who is engaged in correction, works on the scheme: what can you do, what needs to be done, what needs to be done better. The psychologist is guilty of determining the norm of mental development, vrahovoyuchi three equal analysis of the category: neuropsychological, spiritual psychological and century-psychological. On the neuropsychological level of analysis, the psychologist will work on visnovok about the cerebral organization of the pre-existing phenomenon (functional organization of the brain, mental functions, local damage to the brain). The global psychological analysis of changing the norms of psychic development conveys data about the main laws and mechanisms of the functioning of the psyche. Vіkovo-psikhologicheskiy analіz allows concretizing from the data of the hundredth century and individualіzuvati їх from zastosuvanni to a specific individual.

The correction of the robot is determined by the following basic principles:

1) the principle of uniformity of diagnostics and correction of development: the task of corrective work can only be correctly set on the basis of new diagnostics and the closest improvement to the forecast of development;

2) the principle of normative development: the basis of a certain “perennial norm” of development, a kind of development in the form of an influence on the development of the main laws of mental development and the significance of the last stages of development on the formation of the specialty of a child;

3) the principle of correction "burn to the bottom": the main objective of the correctional work is the creation of the zone of the closest development of specialty; correction can be viperedzhalny, which conveys character;

4) the principle of correction "from the bottom of the hill": training the already obvious psychological traits of a person;

5) the principle of systemic development of mental development: the need to improve the folding systemic nature of mental development in ontogeny;

6) activity principle of correction: organization of active activities of the client, formation of specific methods of orientation in various areas of subject activity and inter-specialty interactions.

Among the most typical difficulties, one can see the following: the inconsistency of the development of the child of the age norm; unpreparedness for school training; low rіven dovіlnogo regulation; negative trends of special development; communicative problems, behavioral problems, emotional distress; maladjustment in a child nursery, school; failure; Sims have mutual problems. The skin age is accompanied by many psychological problems and problems (Table 10).

Table 10

Psychological problems


Psychological problems


dovira - nedovira

Fear of darkness, unknown individual; sleep problems, eating

Autonomy - fallow

Negativism, trashiness, anger, fear of abandonment

Preschool age

Initiative -

feel sorry

Aggression, hyperactivity, current difficulties, enuresis, fears

Young school age

Vevnenіst - nevvnenіst

School maladaptation, social fears, low self-esteem

Pіdlіtkovy vіk



Problems of intercourse, deviant behavior, almost selfishness


Anxiety, anxiety, humiliation

Depending on the nature of the difficulties, such paths of psycho-correction are promoted:

1. Correction of the rosum development - the development of sensory vitality, thought, respect, memory, promotion; development of cognitive motivation.

2. Correction of the child's readiness to start - correction of the internal position of the child; formation of positive motivation, adequate self-esteem; development of fine motor skills, space orientation, identification of the number, size of that in.

3. Correction of behavior - 1) a motivational block: a clear vision of the mark, acceptance and notification of a child; seeing step by step subgoals; secure access to mete that glory to success; transferring success to independent behavior; transferring a fair amount of regulation to a frustrating situation; 2) operational-regulatory block: splne s mature planning change and sequence of operations s reach meti; object that symbolic modeling of the way diї; volodinnya in different ways of planning; rozpodіl funktsіy at іyalnostі; molding motivational readiness to action; forming diy self-assessment and control that іn.

4. Correction of the special development - change of the fathers' attitudes; Batkiv training; training of pedagogical skills; games of a psychologist with a child (development of equal partnerships); children's games with fathers (test for sleep activity); collective games (roles and regulation of roles); game correction of behavior, art therapy, psycho-gymnastics and others.

Psycho-corrective work can be both complex and symptomatic, directing on the sings of the galus and development, behavior and mentality of the child. The headline is the implementation of an individual approach, the creation of minds, the development of quiet and other psychological traits of a child of grown up. "Unplanned" special growth, recognition of the inconsistency and lack of fencing of the process is one of the main features of psycho-correction. The task of a psychologist is to create a mind for a higher special growth, but in any case, do not push a person to reach the first, far behind the regulation of results. Psihokorektsiyni priyomi blame ґruntuvatisya on the natural rushing forces of mental and special development. Such forces are the activity of the child and the system of її vіdnosin.

In psycho-correction, there are signs of victoriousness of the kind of activity of the system of visualizations, which are significant for the participants in the correction, may be more individualistic, and more acutely emotionally intense. Special meaning May psycho-correction contact with the participants of psycho-correction. The specificity of the contact is due to the knowledge of the subject-subjective, dialogue inputs. Fahivets becomes an active subject of the psychological influx and reaches the aknaipovnіshkogo priynyattya іndivіdualі vіglyadі і sposobistostі patsієnt vsmu collapsible intertwining strong and weak sides of the human soul.

In the process of psycho-correction, the distinction between objects of correction and fakhivtsy will be based on the principle of partnership, if the right of the skin is recognized for visualization, curiosity, poshuk, special growth, psychological independence. This position of the psychologist creates the best mind for the implementation of all important psycho-corrective activities. The head of psycho-correction is emotional processes, experiences, and emotions are rather shaky and dynamic psychological enlightenment. The experience of being emotionally disturbed creates the possibility of a new tangle of old problems, a new look at the life situation, at close people, the system of one’s connections, at one’s activity. The coup in svidomosti, perebudova elements svidomosti and svodomostі - tse result of hospitable emotional experiences that reach the psycho-corrective process.

The psychologist is guilty of vikoristovuvaty available, razumil movu, reconciliation, what yelling, what yelling emotional outburst. It is necessary to be marginally wide in our emotional experiences, so that verbal and non-verbal moves were the only one. Psychocorrection has everything specific real dії, all situations may be both sensible and accessible to participants, and emotionally significant. The creation of greater forms of humane care for people is the main specificity of the psycho-corrective process.

Forms of organization of correctional work with children and adults can be the most highly manipulative: individual and group correctional employment, trainings, counseling lessons, sessions of psychological development and other. According to the nature of that straightening of the injection, the methods of correction are divided into developing, sedative, activating, mobilizing. For the number of participants - for groups and individuals. Following the principle of injection - on heterogeneous (directed on others) and autogenous (on oneself). For victorious works of art, such methods are seen as isotherapy, bibliotherapy, music therapy, dance therapy.

Improvement of mental health, ensuring the harmonious formation of the specialty of the growing generation and the most important social tasks civilized society. At the stage of development of the welfare, there was a real trend in the deterioration of the health of children and children, the number of children increased in the number of children with rehabilitation in the development. The trend is socially educated and deposited due to such factors as dovkilla, economical camp in the household, recession and healthy fathers, wash life and vihovannia in this, in the light mortgage.

In practice, the work of a large number of fakhivtsiv has appeared and is widely used such terms as "children with limited health abilities", "children with special lighting needs”, “Children of a group of risks”, “children who suffered from violence” and others. Such children will require psychological assistance. Virishnia of the problems that are inherent in our own viyannas of the village of Riznimi Vidhileni at the outlet, the pre -military at Vikhovanni, the consultant of the problems of Shkіynosti Ta Orniyannya, and such a pre -navigation of the naughty, the soumas of the naughty, will take the pedestal of the tedium in the court of the tsim.

Children with such diagnoses as: Rozum's disability, damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus, hearing loss and hearing loss, children with important mental pathology, children with mental development are affected to special (correction) scales. Zvіdsi howling low zavdan.


Early manifestation of children, as they may have problems with development, development and learning;
- Comprehensive diagnostic equipment;
- Appointment to the type of damage to the development;
- psychological and pedagogical and medical and social support of children;
- developing that correction work with children;
- Carrying out sub-bag diagnostics after completion of training in the lighting deposit;
- informational and educational work with fathers and teachers;
- participation in psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations.

The work of a teacher-psychologist in special (correctional) schools is based on a complex approach, which is based on the mutual modality of all teachers and fahivtsiv, like practicing with children (psychologists, speech therapists, doctors and others). The specificity of the work of a psychologist is manifested in the process of implementation of skin directives.

The main directions of the psychologist's activity:

- Correction-rozvivalna diyalnist;
- psychoprophylactic activity;
- Conducted consultations with teachers and fathers;
- methodically ensuring the correction and development of the lighting process.

More importantly than a psychologist with fathers. Blame for reason, that the psychologist himself is not enough to achieve the maximum effect in the harmonious development of a child. Even if the family environment is friendly, that special connection is established from the family as nothing else to help the development of the child. It was necessary to achieve that, so that the fathers realized that this support was necessary for the child. To this end, we carry out consultations with the fathers, which are necessary for the development of a child in the sun (for example: group consultations), that skin child is fine (individual consultations).

To take care of children before the event, they need an atmosphere of good-naturedness, insane acceptance, which will mold the child into a positive self-concept. The child, overwhelmed by the fact that everything is in her power, is not able to use her potential abilities and willingly takes her share in employment.

The method of corrective work, zreshtoyu, will be the social adaptation of children, їhnє pratsevlashtuvannya that is far away attached to life, including in the minds, if the stench is not excluded from the socially important social environment. For whom it is necessary, vicorist, all the knowledge of children's ability, to develop in them the life of the necessary skills, so that, having become mature, they could serve themselves on their own, vikonuvat at the special picking workshops for a simple robot, live according to the ability to work in the household .

It is necessary for a psychologist to know the peculiarities of manifestation of various defects in development, the stages of their development, and to focus more on the methods of their compensation and correction. І for whom a psychologist needs a mother of special features and special features:

1. Respect, exercise to understand the position of others.
2. Kindness.
3. Building to become a leader.
4. Vvіchlivіst, comradeship.
5. Lifestyle.
6. Tolerance, commitment.
7. Great sense of vіdpovіdalnostі.
8. Zdatnіst vikonuvat robot, povnu raznomanіtnostі.
9. Interest in labor activities.
10. Neatness and consistency in robots.
11. Building before the future planning.
12. Building up to the last days.
13. Garna memory.
14. The building of the nauchty of others.
15. Think about outsiders.

Well, and, obviously, it is necessary for a psychologist to have “baggage” of singing knowledge from various areas of psychology:

Psychology of the sick;
- Psychology of jubilant interaction;
- norm and pathology of mental activity;
- Pathopsychology;
- Psychology of individual powers;
- Vikova clinical psychology;
- Family clinical psychology;
- Psychology of deviant (disappearing) behavior;
- psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy;
- neurosology;
- psychosomatic medicine.

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